Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1886, p. 1

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T;Y '.'(.-"•-IK-'IOJ V * 3 * - « r „ ,Y,:, - ' v r ^ .• ;" *• ^»T * **< 5 - i|T * ""It? ^ •» % * | ' • ..• * r't. • ¥ j > * K ; - . < - » • t; /, J V * • >f - .. ... .U&AftfttL , , r ^ - * ; £ ^.xissi »*.*%.. I" ' • ' " «« Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Lawi No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awo." VOL. 12. i'# ̂ * \ if*. 5 ;P»»UIHD Imr VIDIIIDIT »T H-UI. van S;LYKX.- "i ^S S»ITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Office in Bishop's Block, --Oproerra Paaar' A Owa**?'*, *5 .TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. »» Tear (In Aavanee) $1.60 Not Paid within Threa Months S.00 SuMorlptionn reoeived for (three or tlx Months In the itm proportion. Bates of Advertising* x " fjTe announce liberal rates for advertising IB the PLA.nruBAE.BB, and endeavor to state Ihem so plainly that they will be readily un- terstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one rear • Inches one year S laches ene year . V Column one year H Colamn one year. Column one year - . S 00 - 10 00 V . IS 00 r " > s o o o *m •>• oooo ' ""'V ,!'i" . 10000 One ineh means the measurement of one •eh down the-column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they •boose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having •tending cards) will be entitled to Insertion sflocal notices at the rate of S cents per line sach week. All others will be charged 10 sents per Hne the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and i cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, on Inch advertisement will cost I LOO for one week, SI.SO for two weeks, 92.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLaiWDBALBB will be liberal in giving •(l'.torlal notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody ••eking the use of Us eolumns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. a. T. BROWN, M. D. ITSIOIAW AND SURGEON. OflOO at Besldence, McHenry, III. a H. FBGER3, M, D- prslOlAN AND SURGEON. McHenry, Jlls. Office at Residence. - a J. HOWARD, M. D. fWYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, I 111. Olllce at Residence, one door West Of M. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or-dors solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, isKeiter Block, third door west of Riverside Bouse. Livery Stable. K. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers .srnished at reasonable rate*. Teaming ot •11 kinds done on short notice. & ROBT SCHIESSLE Jiftving purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemani^j;; NEAR THE DEPOT, HoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation {of the Public a First-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will brands of te be 111 r*. all times keep the|best Wines, Liquors and Cigars i found In the market. Also Agent For FBANZ TALK'S LAGER BEER. M Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al. ways en hand, cheaper than any other, quail, ty eensldered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. •-^roall and Robert SohleMle. ItaHenrr, III., May Wth, 1886. gJUiOON and SESTATTB4JTT Buck's Old Stand, $ , ' • . MoHKNItY, ILLINOIS* l"iw Kentucky Liqps, Fmch Bitters, falka1 lfllwaiikH 8M, -AND- I By the Bottle or Case. k) •: We buy none bat the best and Jill at Reasonable Prices. Gkll and see me and I will use •|OQ well. ANTONY ENGEfcll, . McHenry, 111., 1886. Agests Wanted 1 MB M OSCAT MW BOOK, (Th« W rid*! Wndors-' ByJ. W.Baol. The most snocesssul subscription beok ever published. Owr Haifa million oopU* were sold 0m pa* eight month*, and It is selling three ttMsas fast new AS ever before. Regular •anvassers clear from ftt to 9M, HO and fM per dav. Nothing like it was ever known in (be history of book pebllshlng. Proof* tent Ctem appUeatiem. So experience needed to sure snoeess, We help persons without aMans to do a large business; no capital need rtloalars. amarte* gytarm- *ei*htoocm»am oneom- • We mean business, and want live Write for nartlc IHMdOl •gents la every township. It will cost you Iiething to write for terns and full deserip. HOM or oat plus of doing business. We also Stnnv beete to pei aaaei of book agents, W wiliidint boo! rsons who send rite for our list IHw. a POBUSBtVO Oo. Ifltr--t. ft I^MIU^MO, M,HENBY< ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1886. The above group are from the Herd ot C. Street A Son, Hebron III., breeders of the celebrated Poland China Swine. They have single Pigs or pairs for sale at the most Reasonable Prices. Pigs all perfect in every particular, healthy, and right in every way. They now nave the best lot of Pisrs ever offered for sale by them. Breeders and Farmers will do well to call and see their stock.-- Oill on or address, ̂ Hi STREET & soli, HfBRON ILL. BUSINESS CARDS. M. F. ELLSWORTH, A TTORNEY at Law, and Solloltor la Ohan A eery, Nunda, III. * ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND BoUeitorf la Chancery.--Woodstock, I1L S. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond. Illinois. MART G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kmds of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms s t residence, north, east corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111. DB. O. K. WILLIAMS. ^ T\ENTI9T. Residence Dnndee. Will be at 1/ McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th SSth and 86th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit ocears on Friday, X will stay but one day. E. R. BENNETT, M. Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital, RICHMON D, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical eases. DEVT&CH GE8PROCHEN. Office at Residence of Or. S. F. Bennett. United States far Claim Apcj -OF- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstocky Illinois. Prosecutes all class as and kinds of claims •gainst the United States tor ex-Sold9«rs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enolosed for reply. WM, H. CO WLIN, Office at Resuleace, Madison St., Woodstoe*, Illinois. C. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL PAUL SHOWN, A TTORNEY AT LAW. SO LaSal>e Street A OHICAOO. ILL. -- 1 •» 11 ----»mmrnmmm. •1 for 13 Weekai The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the United Stales for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to poet masters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to KICHA1D E. VOX, Flimn SQUABS, New York. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler XfO. 08 FIFTH AVE., (Briggs House), Chi- Iv cago. 111. Speelal attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Ohronomctera. 4^A Full Assortment of Goods In his line AT THE OLD STAND* JACOB BONSL1TT, ^ ̂ i SALOON AND RESTAURANT* at the old J stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found la the county. Warn or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Oase, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ALBERT E. BOURNE. ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR AND OOUN SKLOR. WOODSTOCK, ILL. Business attended to promptly! Wttk care, skill and Integrity. STANDARD STALLION Record 9:30. No- S730. "George O." Is a Golden Chesnut with star white spots pn left shoulder, also little black spots on body, denoting a back strain of Arabian Blood. Foaled June 5th 1830. PauioaaB:--"George O." was sired by Lakeland Abdaliah 001) own brother to Har­ old, the sire of MaadS, (Queen of the turf) S.-08X; Noontide,S:SS,Vi Mattie Graham, S:2Uf MeCurdv's Hamblatoaian, 2:26)*; Dec Una S:S7Ar; H« ~ ermes S:SW, Good Moinlng, t:S0; and others: eland Abdallah by Rysdykes Ramble Temple 2:9u; and others: Lakeland Abdallah by tonian (with 3T In ih« >:Wlis't or better) he by -AND--- Lunob. Room. JOS. PEKOVSKY. Having opened a Restaurant and Luncn Room, in his block, two doors South of the Post Office, is now prepared to serve a goou Lunch, with Hot Coffee or Tea. at all hours ot the day or evening, and on short notice. SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended always on hand, to on the most BIAS02TABL! RBMS, AND Satisfaction Qnaraniffi Call on or Address : • C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove; III4 Spring drove, Sept. 80th, 1880. 11-11-Sm FRESH OYSTERS, By the Can, Quart or Dish, rat BABCtAQTS or For Coal and Wood • . WOALI. o«r--- E. M. Opposite Blahop'a Mill, iVbe has a complete line of the best stoves'ia the market, as weU as a large stock ef - Hardware, leeiaiic'i Tub, RID, COPPER A SHEET IRON WARE, And, !b4fiHSt, everythiadte the hanlirare stove and tin line. MS WILL ROT BM UNDMBaOUK Gall at his store before buying elsewhere. Jobbing and repairing promptly attended to OVBemember, extra good Bargains oaa al- Give Us a Call. PEKOYSKT. McHenry, Oct. 13.1886, SIWTH, WATCHMAKER 3 JIWELEB, AO Fta* a Stoek of Watches, Clocks and Iswelry i oan be found in the Oountv, whieh I efkr at prices that can not M beat. A Fine Stoek ef CHOICE CIGARS FANG? TOBACCO, • STATIONERY, BOX PAPER Note, Iisical bKnieiti, I&ftnctloQ SCQL OaUaadeaamlaa goods aadleaim yrlooin J.P.8IWITH. Mia Abdallah, by Mambrtao, :by imp. Messenger Dam the Ohss. Kent Hue, by Imp. Bellfound kr. etc. .» . UksiMd Abdallab'vVNunwas Kachaatress, by Abdallah, by Mambrino, etc, as above, "George Os" Dam was the fast Pacing Mare "Fannie B" (who paced the Chicago Track at Seventeen years of age in 2;17, with- out an/ preparation), sired by Autocrat by Geo. M. Patohen, (reodivl S:8S^), by Oassius M. Clay, by Andrew Jackson, by Bashaw, etc. Dam ef Fannie B. by Toung Rowlin, by Sen. (.iifford, her Dam ry a son of Imported Messenger. "George o." Is a very premising young horse and the record he has attained is no measure of his Speed as be has trotted pri vate trials very much below that, and can do the same in a race at any opportunity His celts are very fast considering he has never bred a Standard Bred Mare yet, and his Colts are bringing from fMO up, at two rears old. He can't help but be a fast one, as he combines the bloods of old Rysdyke Ham bletonian, the faunder of our Trottln St to-day, Mambrino, Messenger, Bellfouader loa, M. Patches, the Clay*. Bashaws, etc. Terms, $25 Cash, AT TIME OF SERVICE. Ifares uot proving in Foal are entitled to a return ssason Free, Accidents and Eaeapes at owners risk. Mares cared for, Including pasture, trying, etc., at t&00 per month, in Summer. For farther particulars address, Geo, W. Owen, McHenry Oo. McHENRT, ILL. POULTRY ©EO. W. PRATT, WAUCONDA, ILL, Has for sale old and young stoek, of the following breeds, of thorough bred Poultry, which I will sell tor one half the .usual pries. Black B. Games, Blue Games, Black Tarter Garnet, Black Cochins, Langshans, Wv- andotts, Gold Lace Sebright Bantams,, Light Brahams, R. C. B. Leghorns, 1 Wild Turkey Gobbler, 5C Pekin Ducks, GEO. W. PRATT, Wauconda. ntalSa «• KSM, feet fbsss vhe mtta t» 1 Stlu--n * Co., Partlu*, Maiae.willraeai** [fro, (till InformkUoB sboot work «Mch llheeuMud livaat komc,tb«* wilt pay ' &«• tna $5 lo par (U7. 0MM HAVS SSNMSOWSAAKSOSY. T--nmmfi ftsa fh--*whoytyt umm miSSUBimnetmm!""»«•«••• AUtonm siimrs BEANS Breath. Clear ti» Skte, ISM to Nen^«g ago Uts> Vlfsrto the system J Po-- 1OWWO. J.V.8IDTHAOO., Bsarthetwws sad Sets Praos.. ST. UMI.Mi PATENTS Obtained, and all ether business in the IT. 8. Patent Office attended to for MODERATE FEES Our office is opposite the 17. S. Patent Office, and we can ebtaln patents in less time than those 1 emote from WA&UINQ 1K)N, Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make no Charge unless we Obtain Patent, We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. ot Money Order Div.. and to officials of the IT. B. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to actual olieats In your own afttoor County, write to C, A. SNOW 4 CO. Ofriortto Patoat CMtoo^ Washington Soldiers' Department. OOHTKIBDTBD BT WM. H. COWLIH. County C. A' R. Directory. aiCHHOXD KMT WO SSS. Iftets the second Friday evening of each month. Da. 8. F, BamraTT, Com. wooneTOOK POST, m m, Meets first and third Moaday evaalags of each month. Oaoaaa Eccaar, Oom. . . wmrDA roar, wo--, Meete the seoond and fourth Wednesday ovaalngsof eaeh Month. ' Ww. B0TUO, Ooou itlTASD KNIT, WO SOS. . Maoto the second and tourta Moaday even lags of each month. DB. H. T. WoODiwr, Com. MABBWOO POST, HO. MO, Meets every Seoond aad Fourth Friday evenings of eaeh moath. A. J. BOTIWOTOW, Com. THR oopy for this Doportmoot ap- pearlnc this week, should have appaarad )M( weak, but by a mistake WM mislaid. This will explain to eur readers the noa-appearaooo of this departaMDt lsst week, aad also the datos of some of the artleles this week. The aanval report of Seoond Aadlter Wm. A. Day, ^pwo that daring the lut fiscal year $17" pay and bonnty olalmt wen allowed and S84 disallowed. While the clerical foroe has been re­ duced fron 191 to 181 the amount of money audited was increased from 120,077,330 to 1885 to >29,383,108 la 1888. The number of pension certificates Issued during the week ending Nov. IS, 1888, was as follows: Original 863; ln> crease, 441; reissue, 195 • restoration, SB; duplicate, 4; aocrued, 67; Act of March 3,1888, >; Order of April 3,1884, 17; Act of Aug, 4,1888,7; supplemental certificates, Aetof Aug. 4,1880, 181; total, 1,838. John W. Martina, 16th W. T. Cav„ and severely wounded during the war, was aa attache of the Hew York post* office, and made a good record. This did not save nlm. during one of the re* cent sbaklngs up In the oflloe, from be­ ing displaced and assigned to one of the most difficult and dlssagreeablo of the carrier routes, when he had to walk many miles every day through aU mjmoer of weather. He speedily broke down and died last week, the doctors certifying that his death was directly due to hard work and expos­ ure. Hf leaves a wife ani four chil­ dren. , ' :;>;|tfca» Mooted Bias. < Dlok Townsend, of this State, who is a deoent Democrat and an able man, was the only Democratic candidate for Congress In this State who held bis ewn In the recent election. He goes back by an Increased majority. Mr. Townsend recognises the fact that ir pays to be deoent in politics.--Chicago Mail. * Hon. B. W, Towns bend Is one of the very best friends the soldiers have In either House of Congress. He Is one of the men who acts and votes in Wash­ ington In aooerdanoe with whst he says on the stump. The soldiers know this? and tbsy supported blm at tbe reoent election without regard to party. 'That Is the reason for his Increased majority.--National Tribune. Beoognlalng tbe duty of opening tbe campaign promptly the National Pen­ sion Committee of the O. A. R. now contemplates coming to Washington very early next month and camping down for a somewhat prolonged effort with Congress. This is the thing above all tbat should be done. The members of Congress now have a re­ spect for the Grand Army of the Re­ public which they never before bad, for they recogalze In It a strength In It a strength hitherto unmanlfested. Consequently they are In better humor lo listen to arguments from the com­ mittee which represents It on the pen* slon question than at any previous time, and we oan rest assured that the oommlttee's work will be Oaore fruitful of good results even than It ever has been In the past. So mots It be.--ifa- ti*nal Tribune. The Hon. Wm. R, Morrison, ef Illi­ nois. will be conspicuous In the Fif­ tieth Congress by his absenoo from that distinguished body. It Is not at all surprising tbat Mr. Morrison should attribute bis overwhelming defeat to the efforts of the Protectionists, as well to the treachery ef his own party; fset, to anything but the right cause; and we doubt very much whether Mr. Morrison Is not as thor­ oughly aware of the true cause as any­ one else In tbe secret. And yet It has been no seoret at any time that the soldier vote of Mr. Morrison's district was to be thrown against him. His boorish treatment of the Pension Com­ mittee of the Grand Army was not on* ly widely published at the time, but was made the subject of special men­ tion In the report of that committee to the general encampment at San Francisco. Tbe opposition to Mr. Morrison was at no time concealed, and a leading St. Louis Journal lost no occasion during the campaign to assure him that tbe soldier vote of bis dis­ trict would be drawn from bin In its entirety and would oertainly defeat him. Whatever induenoe attached to the press moat patronised by the sol­ dier Selement, was persistently thrown iKataH bin,tad BOOM kaows Oil better than Mr. Morrison himself. Hence It Is, that his silly accusation! against the Protectionists, or against '•treachery" In his own party, deoelvee no one, and will gain him no sympa­ thy. It may suit his purpose to attrib- nte^his defeat to tbe enemies of free- trade, but the undeniable fact still mains tbat he will not have the oppor­ tunity to repeat his discourtesy to the Pension Committee who may repre­ sent the soldiers of the country before the Fiftieth Congress. Comrade Fred Domlre, whom spoke eflast week, as having died. November 6th, 1886, was bora In tbe city of Brayman, Germany, In 18S4. and came to tbe United States in 1857, He enlisted In the spring of 1881, and served throe years In Co. H" 1st, Reg! ment Illinois Lt. Artillery, participa­ ting in all the campaigns, aad battles the army of the Tennessee were en gaged In, from the seige of Vicksburg, ending with "Sherman's March to the Sea.** The deoeased wss a good and fhlthful soldier andslnoe the war has been afflloted more or less with a chronic dlsesse, which no doubt was contracted while doing service for his adopted oountry. The following we clip from last weeks Democrat ex­ pressing sentiments la which we most heartily concur. A number of years ago Mr. Domlre came to this city, where he wss em­ ployed by K. H. Richmond, iu the harness business, and later became a member of the harness Arm ot Domlre A Sprlggs. He had net been here long ere a dlsesse sat In which gradually undermined his physical ana nervous system, and floally forced him to quit work aad drove blm Into Insanity The ballance of his residence here was too sad to bear repetition, but suffioe It to say, be became so bad that It was necessary to take him to the assylum, where he died as stated. Fred Domlre was a man of model characteristics, i Industrious, hoaest and persevering, and bears a worthy place in the mem­ ories of our people. War Keltee. 8iaee the esrtbquake, war tales seem to be at a discount; but ss the different tales of the earthquake have become familiar, the war tales seme la aa a medium. Mr. Ab Wilklns, of Ogle­ thorpe County, was in the city recent­ ly and showed us a needle-case captur­ ed at the battle ef Murfreesboro from a Yankee cavalryman. v We made >171' charge,H said Mr, Wllklos, uaad you 9 oan bet It was hot times. My horse was shot, and I could feel that he wes weakening and would soon fall. About this time I saw a Yankee officer riding a magnificent horse, with his saber drawn and making for me. I thought It was getting time to cash la my checks, but I concluded to give him the best I had, an0, as he came thundering down, with his saber glistening In the sunlight, I struck lt with my pistol and turned the point down, so that 1( went through the fleshy part of my thlgn. I turned and fired three shots, and left my horse and tbe Yankee officer on the ground, and rode bis horse oil the field." Tbe needle-case has the name of U. Huber, Seooud Indiana, worked In lt. "This Is another relic,** said Mr. Wilklns, as he pulled out a little round pin-cushion. "This was given to me by a little school-mate when I went to tbe war, and there Is one of the pins la It now that she put there twenty-live years ago." Mr, Wilklns was a gallant soldier, and loves to talk over the days that tried mens' souls.--.41 Aens (Ga.) Banner. A aonthem Story. Here is a good war story, and tt Isn't a chestnut, either, I got It from Captain Tip Harrison, and the bloom hasn't been rubbed off yet. During the war about twenty Con­ federate prisoners were at Fort Mo- Henry, stored away In a fodder lott under guard. One mornl*g Capt. Ned Bridges was playing an innooont game of cards when the sick call was sounded --the signal for ailing soldiers to re- peri at the surgeons office and be ex­ amined. "Lieutenant,* said Captain Bridges, turning to a young soldier, "answer sick call for me and let us finish this game. Go down there and personate me aad tell tbe doctor you want an­ other box of bis liver pills." The obliging Lieutenant marched out and proceded with the other sol­ diers, under the esoort ot the guards, to the Surgeon's office. When the name of Captain Bridges was called* the Lieutenant's face appeared at the little offioe window. "Doctor," he began, "them pills you give me helped me up considerably, but I want another box. I think aa- box will fix me up all right." "Didn't them pi Us cure youfN asked the doctor abruptly, looking over his spectacles at tbe bogus Bridges. "No, but another box will fix me, I think." "Well, wen," said the doctor half to himself, "I'll have to change the treat­ ment op you." Thereupon he picked up a graduat­ ing glass, aad from various bottles mixed tbe most Infernal ssees thai mortal ever saw. The Lieutenant shuddered. When the villlanous oom pound was made up the doctor stirred It vigorous* iyaad viciously, aad holding lt o«t said: MDrlak that.* The Lieutenant took hold of tbe raaap glaw. Gold chills his splae. "Doctor," bo'stammered. **1 heap rather take tbe pills." -Drink it," etonacd tbe< In the excitement down the Lieutenants threat. When the Lieutenant ret the fodder-loft he wis very When the game of eardi(pt«r| onoas. Captain Bridges tsked: "Lieutenant, git them pillsf" "Nawl" "Well" said the Captain, Mye«| n't be so snappish about It, tbe doctor say f" "He said he was golag to < treatment on you, and If ya well it ain't my fault, for Ft* tbe nastiest dose tor you that •*"V-Atlanta QmtiUmtion. Wlnfermatloa has been from a sou roe that that the various groups ef tiir andWehr vereln have meetings within the last that the same threats against 111 property which preeeded the throwing of May 4 are ladnigod their gatherings, the states. Emboldened by the weaft i tlmentailsm, that always ffadii sloa In pity for condemned < the deluded but ao less ds^fsiene j natlos who profess to believe In theories ef Parsons, Spies, Meat,! have met and discussed whereby tbe rescue of thelr < leaders can he effected by force, publicly they profess their #t| oa lawful methods, la secret they pudlate all law, deaouaoe its aad oeasplre to subvert Its dsoeese. j Is difficult for the ordinary tltttHNti apprehend the absolute some of the plots egalnst the * nlty which find advocates at i .. arohUt meetings. They seemhotn^ •pint of malevolence , hie to the weU-balansed mind. It to unquestionably at a meeting of one jpettf held on Clybourne aveane, tbe details of a plot to ds were dismissed with nil earnestness tbat Is born of i vie! blc dem ned anarchists and lei Inequalities of society ooald nevttrl entertained by eaaa mee, pose Is In tbe hearts aad tfcfc] la the brains ef the Qilcago i And It will not do for the or the cltlsens of Chicago to eliip minds to the terrible sequel tbat may ^ follow such ravings. The poltagr .*f T toleration bore fruit In tbe Beytfiiisif^ square massacre of May 4.--Cbwrter. The Panapkiae Steve Aa lsnlni. The snake story ssason Is ia tbe sera aad yellow leaf, aad tbe story season is at hand. Th«H starts out, too, with a greater! of success than has marked Its for maay years. Already three very respeetable pnsspkte whloh make a very good beytai^jfer^Y, A California pumpkin which has been utilised by a vagrant colony of bees as •* a honey storehouse, was the first to make Its appearance. The Inssmiftjhit;M§ found their way Into the vegetable through a creek la Its side, antf wbi* c*; the owner of the pumpkin made in In­ vestigation he found that the bees had , - accumulated eight pounds of hoaey, The clrcumstaace is being qnolndl .If.^I;| the California papers as another mil of the glorious climate of that state, "< 'J where pumpkins aad honey en* raised on tbe same vine. Of a dlfie*- r ent character was a pumpkin of Gen- V| nectlcut, which grew to eaormons pro- r I portions only to explode when plasnd - * j in a store window for exhibiting asl destroy a valuable pane of plate glass. ' v A New York pumpkin, though, rather oatdistaaced its competitors by at­ taining a weight of 150 pounds. Thl% Jumbo of pumpkiae was fed oa milk. One of Its roots was allowed to rest in a basin of milk, aad It drank a plat eaoh day. We do not think that New Yorkers generally raise tbelr pump­ kins oa milk In this manner, aa tb*, preoess Is rather too expensive troublesome for general adoMlMt iNMfc tbe story shows what a vevnelone] York correspondent can do tries. And it must be bourne In i that the pumpkin story season! just opening. MP*Gen. Alloa QL Fuller name down from Ashlaad, Wisconsin, a few days ago. He hes now large bosiooeelntn*. ests there. On inquiry as tebntr tbf iron excitement lei says It is red hotjfbtks all go digging Iron ore, or rather It out of the jilt as tbat la all accessary. Tbe ore Is mostly Cleveland, where it brings price, being peonUarly a * making Bessmer steel. SkimJSr*. •WTbe man who alwaye newspaper utteraaees, aad a his ability to coadaet ai than tile editor, is tbe ladli whee he goes to the office to notice of his soeletf er kkfare, "speehel meetlajf^ "aotls? bum It ma kanemna,* e*a, man who vwld effoed the i ulumfOr the mnlttftad^ tbeatralght aad Mite* multitude to trs*d la.--!

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