Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1886, p. 8

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' V ' ' . m&mmrn /TT;_ New LMIOB, Ivifti two koxea of ftto Merles by " 11« oat. Tk«f are •vsrjrtbtag with tlM Suppoeftorlea eared ' aY*** •at hem. Tfc« trtftttMBt It new and within |MMi|Of ftSl, and would a<lvl«e the IpiMtil to give then a trial. For ii rilrn adirees Box 295 to Ror. K. Y, For sate in McHenry, ly Oto. W. B--ley's at iOe per box, For Salt* la tlM TiliaM of llcHenry, a houae lots. The owner wiabing to IliMNMil*Ml owned bv him outside •Tiki oorporation will sell very low. VlwJttiM feM been newly painted _J»I, oontains faur rooms ridielMa sad pantry below, and good largo rooms and closeta In iisiosoad story. There la a good barn, Sdaum, and other outhouses on ionlsos. Also an abundance of : (role of all kinds. Is well located IM oonvooleot to the Public School. Will bo sold cheap tf applle il for soon. For farther particulars inquire at this •flkis. - Alto twenty acres of good land near tfc» aorporatlon. Will be sold cheap Quinsy Can be Cured. South'* Quinsy Specific Is an abso­ lutely rare cure for tbia painful and dangerous disease. The undersigned saff md from quinsy for years, but finally discovered a remedy which oared him and all who used it. It has neTOr yet foiled. • purely vegetable remedy, safe and pleasant to take. Prise 50 c, Single trial packages sent tor 35c. Circulars and testimonials for •tamp. Get It now and be prepared to ooatrol the next attack. Address: Geo. W. therm. 'Solo Prop'r and MauTr,Phelps|N. Y. > fhtM mention this paper ASonaibo Marik. * Would mo IK&aap's Balsamfor the Throat and Lungs. It is curing more oases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron­ chitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than asy other medicine. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W Botify to refund your money if after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief Is not obtained. Price 60o and $1 Trial slse free. New Tea of finest quality piuksd last May only 10 seats pec pouad at Pltsalmnaens A E Vinson's. .* f i; la So. That we an daily guaranteeing Kemp1* taraaparllla to the people ia this way* that after taking three-fourths of bottlo without relief, we will refund the money. It is the greatest and host remedy on the market for clean •logtho blood and giving you a new ioassofllfe, A well-known business Sfta Informs us he has gained 8 pounds on two bottles of this Sarsapa rtlla. Prioe 91.00. For sale by Geo. M e O m r j . fror Sale. v ¥feianddralgned oilers for sale his rastdooco, and two acres of land! situa lei In tbe village orRiugwood. Is wstt located, In good repair and on the promises are all kinds of small fruit •11 In a healthy aad bearing condition ItIs, with all, a very desirable piece of property. ,Good barn and outbuildings For, termsand other particulars oall on feeundersigned on tbe premises. WM. LANOHAM, Riugwood, March 9tb, 1886. Pure Poland China Swine. Single Pigs or Pairs, the very finest, now on hand and for sale at very Low Prices. All stock perfectly»healthy and waaranted as represented. Farmers and Breeders will do well to call and exam* iue their stock and learn prices. is#1 Wo loaf have a Barrel Armour's Corn for sale at Ton dollars 900 FITZSIMMONS A EvANSON. Y D E R F U L SUCCESS. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. "I All tbe PATTERNS yon wish to nee during the l*2L£*UnC MTins of from $3.00 to $4i») by PLAINDEALER emorest's Magazine WlOi Twelve Oriin f.r Gut Peper Pillim of *ear swa MIMUM and of any size. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE TEAR, $3.00 (THREE DOLLARS), rXEMORESTS m * THE BESl ['.2. ^ the Magaolnes. ; yWAmaftSTOBW, PoEHB, iKD OTHSB LlTElliSt iWiionoMi, OOUNWE AKTMTIC, SCIIK- V *®B, in HOUSEHOLD MATTSBa. «** Original Steel Engrar- ?**> Oil PieUtret onr" Saw tke M o d e l * « 9 « IMltieBrine cootfdiu a coupon order entitling yaSrfeil?- - •iBcte^on ot,,liy pattern illustrated ?? ®ep«toent in that number,and in manufactured, making patterna Y**ue of over three dollars. "ONTilLY is justly entitled the yT* *<«?l Masaudne. The Largest in Form, the *•»* to Circulation, and the beat TWO Dollar gg"'/M*g»*lne iaraed. 1887 will be the Twenty-"jjwjjeer of Ita publication. It is continually im-Wenrively as to place it at the bead OWNEQ'BV.Q ST^EET^30H/J| 5193 -A-P-C-? •e 1 'r ' ' . / • > * 1 > , " ' a . ' ' " ' * , '«•> vK'^; '•?' > L -, <-.4-': a v* •» *"' - - {<r $*£ * & SONt Hebron, »oa --BREEDERS OF-- ASA W, SMIMH, ATTOBWET. Chancery STATE Of ILLINOIS, * • X BSVBT COUNTY, > Circuit Court of McHenry Oounty, January term, A. D. 1887 Mary Goodrich va. Joseph E. Goodrich In Chancery. Affidavit of the non-residence pf Joseph E. Goodrich, the defendont above named, hav. ing been flled ia tbe office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is hereby .given to the said n»n-resi(ient aefend? ant, that the complainant filed her bill of complaint in said Court on the Chancery side thereof on the 2Sth day of November A- D. 1886, and that a summons thereupon issued out of said Court against said defendant, re. turnable on the 10th day of January A. D. 18S7, aa is by law required* Now, therefore, unless you the ssid Joseph E. Goodrich shall personally be and appear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry County onthetfirct day of the next Term there«f, to be halden at the Court House in the City of Woodstock in said County, on the 10th day of January, A. D. 1887. and plead answer or demur to the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and the mattera and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. lu testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock, (this 26th day of November a. D, 1386, E. E. RICHARDS, Clerk. AT W SMITH, Complainant's Solicitor. November 26th, A. D. 188$. 9S-4W ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNBTj, Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Mary E. Koen deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Ex­ ecutor of the last WM and Testament ol Mary^E. Koon, deceased, lato of the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice ttiat he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstook, at the February term, on the third jnonday in February next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified |ind requested to attend tor the purpose of having the same adjusted, All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 12th day *f November, A. 1>. 1886. «Mw asa W. SMITH, Executor, Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of John Karges, deceased, The undersigned bavin* been appointed ad­ministrator of the estate of John lvarges. de­ ceased, late ol tho county of McHenry and state of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the county court of Mc­ Henry County at the court house in Wood­ stock, at the December term on the third Monday In December next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate, are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under, signed. Dated, 4th day nf October, A. D. 1886. Jomr HUBMAH, Administrate*. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of John Claxton, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Ad­ ministrators of tbe Estate of John Claxton, Deceased, late of the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, hereby give notice that they will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court 'House, in Woodstock, at tbe January term on the third Monday in January next, at which Mine all persona having claims against sa^d Estate, are notiied and requeseed to attend for the purpose ot having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are request­ ed to make immediate payment to the OBdev«> signed. Dated the 5th day »f Nor. A. D. 18fla JOHN F. OLAXTOV, - EMMA L. MUDGKTT, 17-tw Administrator Is a** FALL Afil WINTER -OF- #1 WAT DOWN umf : ^.v COMMNEO -r WITH .Tto FbiUealer at $3.00 Per Tear. E. LAWLUS. SIBLEY'S AeTESTEDi uEED QKHl, Plants, Bulbs Implem'ta < PQ 90 Dy .oall m application, r V% E K Don't neglect writing for it. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. Comer Maine Street and PoWie Square. W. H. DWIGHT Woodstook, Illinois. ROCHESTER, N. Y. ttt-SttlKtlsK. Warrants a Fit or makes Suite to order of the tpst Cloths, Foreign or Domes- <4Muk ' - LOWEST PRICES That good Qooda can be sold HI A.L&Q and Repair* Ctotties ;tly and on sh«rt notice. Me a Cajl E. LAWLUS. Mclfoirj, Jan. 19tli» 1889. CHICAGO. ILL OMiir.CUikft. A % TO CURE RHEUMATISM. T%ia remedy haa a specific action npon the fluids or we body, supplying moisture to the tissues and tabrteating the Joints affected by the disease. No •V" •* Distorted Llnaba remain after a cure by JntB specific. A trial of a single bottle will convince UM most sceptical that we have not told half its vir.' ifi?', 'rice 11.6# per bottle. For sale by aU araggliits. Manufactured only by LENNEY MEDICINE CO., OHENOA. ILLINOIS. Arpnfo ) For thaCrand Hew Book fanteil Em of tbe Flak BY J. W. BUEL. This splendid new book Is a complete his. tory of the Uvea and wonderful adventures Of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Capt. Jack, Texas Jack, California Joe, Kit Carson, "'White Beaver," Gen. Custer, and other great West- era Heroes, Scouts and Indian lighters, It is endorsed by letters from Gens. Sheridan. Hancock, Merritt, and other distinguished persona. Copies of the lettera will oe aent tree on pupi icatien. Agents who are now pnahlng the canvass are meeting % ith grand aucceaa. The hook is splendidly Illustrated with oyer 1>0 fine engravings, incladlng 10 tiill-ptge colored plates, is low Sn price, and popular with the people. It i» the greatest book of Western adventure ever issued, and its splendid endorsements secure tbe beat class of trade. A grand opportunity ia offered t o e a r n e s t w o r k e r s - N o m o n e y r e q u i r e d t U l t h e book« are gold. Write for our extra terms and specialjilana, Address, OAS'. LIN AH AM *OO.T PUBLISHERS. C*H St, * WasUngten Ate* ST. LOUIS, ML fh a5«]IIIB??l<a idtp SODA Best intheWorll. 1 •' 5 > " j' £ We have bcrtlillrt % very- large and elegant line of the latest style Cloak% New­ markets and Wraps, ' % <4 i ^ "J • H T V " " - J # ,;*%•_- *<• 1 - , r' ** i/'-' Z"1 ~ ' * t * k • * * 4S M V / ' ' v' ' ^ J t " /'"-#• ' 1 ^ < • erchant X--'- BffoEL'E3NR',S'f ^^ ' f "NV mi inn i i» , * '"j.) r j ?sfs-s5< GROG ERIES. ETC:, ETC IALL AVB WnilR STOCK TOW COMPLHT Owing to the upward tendency of moat all kinds tff ©ttr purchases harq been unusually heavy, (/onseqently 6ur cdl^ tomers will have the advantage of one of the .argest and Most Varied fo «el^;t ^oin ever shown in McHenry. An inspection o^oedt and Prices respectfully solicited. . HENRY COLBY. HA KDWARE 'iisi.ujh; I. STORY, ^yOne Door West of the Riverside^ House. DIALER IN f o; UFNSCOM-UFUSCMTS-UPWIICMRI I^eads all other Ma^aaiaas •• In 'Ijiiles of Fiction A Msw Departure • poems of Interest 25 OU. -- Pleasing Short Stories " Interesting Miscellany "" )|otes of Progress "election MBAMLT " C^°'ce Selections 200 •" Or>8|nal Contributions PAGES IN BACK ISSUB -- Topics of the Times _ ™ Terse Geau A Complete New Novel -- ' Kuperlatirc Mailt Bj torn f»Torite author i n sseh So. •• Giving a library of 12 new and valuable works, WOfth from #15.00 to (18.00 annually, at the nominal suai of 25 cents per month. Subsoiption, S3.00 yearly. Stories by John HabbeMon, Frances Hodgson Bar- new, Julian Hawthorne, Lucy C. LUlie, etc., etc., will appear in early issues Circulars,giving details, etc., mailed on application J. B. L1PPINCOTT COMPANY 715 and 717 Market St., Philadelphia . .v F. K. CRANCER, AUCTIONEER. TOB Subscriber offers his services to those needing a Pmbllc Salesman. Farm Sales aSpeelaltr. A long experience In handling Livestock enables tbe subscriber to know the Taloe of what he sells. Goo* Work and Fair Pa? Is my motto. For Tenns aad In- gagement* write or telegraph me at my ex. pens* at Weak McHenry, III. F.K. QBAHGHU And can sell you the best fit, best makes find newest style gar­ ments of any house in the County, and guarantee the prices the lowest. We Have also a *JFull Line of An Prices to Your Advanta^K* Our $2 Goat and Sid Shoe Are immense and Are soiling very fast. It will pay yoti to toy a pair. B^member the plaoa. Also the Celebrate!. ' GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, And in short« everything in the ardwACH,' Stove and Tin Line. WS HAVTB A FULL 8TOCK O* OABS, OAB-LOCKS FISH FOLK, ATO fISHira TAC8LI 01 ALL BUSS. Which will be sold as low as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere. Call at my store before buying elsewhere* THE FINEST LINE O* BIRD CAGES IN TOW*, JOBBING D REPAIRING v ̂Promptly A tended To, fo Trouble to show Goods, JOHN I. 8TORYI Mcenry, 111., May 24th, 1886. GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHenry, Illinois. - D E A L E R I N - FBXUR.7 A OWBVT. . i Choice® Confectionery. The finest line of Fore Candies to be leand in the county. best brands ot Cigars aud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. I3?7L. W. Nichols, Jr., a Jeweler of large experience, has tak«|^ ® a Window in tihi Store, tad is prepared to do all work inhis line. ^ : •; a GEO. W. MSLKY. iM • J W. . '•>. < ,."v . '*•

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