Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1886, p. 1

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VOL. 12. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1886. g; PBBLteKBD)EVBBr WBDSBSDIT BT V A N 8 L ; Y K J B ^ - BAITOK ASJDJ PBOPttlBTOR. Office in Bishop's Block,| --OMOBITB PBUT 4 TEBMH OF SUBSCRIPTION. 3n«t Year (In Aumcej .$1.50 IfNot Paid within Three Months &00 ^uDScriptlnns received for three or tlx •tnths in the same proportion. ; * BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL BROWN, TTOKNBT AT T,AV, * LaSal'e Street L CHICAGO, ILL. k. r. EL 1-8WORTH, ' TTORNET at Law, and Solicitor !B Ohaul L eery, Nunda, 111. AfJAfiW. SMITH, TTORHBY AT LAW and Solicitor] lb L Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. f Bates of Advertising. announce liberal rates for advertising ."'• ,'S*.the PLAINOBALBB, and endeavor to state them M plainly that the? will be* readily an. lerstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year I Inches one year S Inches one year - V Oolnmn one year M Ooinran one year. Column one year . . IN • 10 00 • • 15 0® . . . . w n o moo - - - 10000 ae inch means the meamreraent of one Ml down the column, single column width. Nearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they •boose, without extra chargc. Regular advertisers (meaning those having •tending cards) will be entitled to Insertion if local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line aaoh week. All others will be charged 10 Mnts per !ino the first week, and 5 cents per tine for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged St the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil • type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and • cents per line for subsequent Issues. Thus, M inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three ttoki, and so on. The PLATKDMAI'BR will be liberal in giving •dltorial notioes, but, as a business rule, it •rill require a suitable fee from everybody •Mfclng the use of Its columns for pecuniary BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M. D. AN A N D SURGE! Residence, McHenry, 111. pHVSlOIAN AND SURGEON. 0«oe Bt O. H. FEGER9, M, D- iSTtlOiAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, Hit, Office at Residence. O.J.HOWARD, M, D. flBTOIOIAN AND STJRGEON, McHenry, I 111. Office at Residence, one door West •f H. 1. Church. BARBIAN BROS. GI6AR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or-ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenrv, IB Kelter Block, third door west of Riverside Livery 8table. - HE. WIOHTMAN, Pro prtetor. First , class rigs, with or without drivers tarnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot •II kinds done on short notice. ftOBT SCH1E8SLE Having purchased the old stand • Of Joseph Wiedemann, I > NEAR THE DEPOT, ^|£oIIENRY. ILLINOIS, ' Keepi open for the accommodation {of the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant) Where he will all times keep the|best v , WMMIS ef Wines, Liquors and Cigars IpV " " 'te be found in the market. V' _ Alse Agent For FRANZ PALE'S IILWADKEI LAGER BEER. Beer In Large or Small Kegs er Bottles al. ways en hand, cheaper than any other, <iuaU. ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended t*. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ,11 and soe.ns. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHT»I0IAN AND SURGEON. Also United Sl States Examining Surgeon. Tllisola. Richmond, MA** O. BARBIAN. H^{® WORKER. All kii<ds of Hair Work done in first clasa style and at reasonable prices. Rooms a t rcsidenoe, north, east corner of Public Square, McHenry, I1L DR. O. K. WILLIAMS. rvKNTIST. Residence Dundee. Will heat 1/ McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 9Sth and 96th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday,and the first day of such visit occurs oa Friday, I will stay but one day. E. B. BENNETT, M. Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital RICHMOND, ILI HOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical cases. DEUT&CH GESPKOCHEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. United States far Claii Apcy OF WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States for ex-SoMivrs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. „ WM, IL COWLIN. Office at Restdenoe, Madison St., Woods toe K, Illinois. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, £»ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the Old J stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Winew, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. Robert SohieMle. geHenry, I1L, May 15th, 1885. ENGLEN'S SALOON and RESTATTCUMfT Buck's jOld Stand, MoHINItY, IUINOW. EpKentucky Lil|gg§, .Trench Bittersj ~ McHenry Lager Beer, Yalta1 Mllw&okM Ban, -AND- I Mlitz Milwaukee Bottle Beer. By the Bottle or Case., ; Ife buy none but the best and ; |ril at Reasonable Prices. Gall and see me and I will use f ou well. ANTONY ENGBJUt, McHenry, III., 1886. W ' f ' Agents Wanted I rot THB SUIT »1W BOOK, 'The W rtd'sWndere By J. W. Bnel, The most saccesssnl subscription book ever Kb I is bed. Over Katf a million capiat were told > put tight mcmUu, and it is selling three HMM as fait new AS ever be for*. Regular eaavascers clear from 915 to 9X, HO and (N _ _ -M -- <f it>» lib* wa* awaw WnAwM • Bh v ivuvv UWUVH w jpvurv vswvw, tt v help persons withont aieaas to do a large business; no capital need- ad. Write far (particulars. Soloriei gvarm- tH&tepmrtotu «wo do not u/Uh to eanoam <m oom- deing ook* to persons who send __ •• of beok agents, Write for oar list jpfcee stasdara books. ItnTOnOiL PUBLISHING Co. m *«U M. TWr< Street, St. LouU.Mo. •4*' V-."*'£ 1 mBnt, ^ PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs in the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in Now Pumps Ob short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, cither wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump lie paired or a new Pump, give me a calL 4VOrders by mail promptly Post office, Jonnsburgn, 111. BttBBdBd tO. L. BANTE*. Johnsburgh, 111., May 2Sth, MB. G. G. ANDREWS* GENERAL SPRING GROVE ILL. Bales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BIASO&ABU TWS, --AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove, lllj Spring Stove, Sepu.30th, 1885. U-ll-Sm fOB BABBA2VS U For Coal and Wood tALBKRT K. BOURNE. ATSBLOET' SOLIOLTOR 4KO OOUN- WOODSTOCK. ILL. Business attended to promptly, Witt (!&¥•, s k i l l a n d i n t e g r i t y . * ' » ' * • - » A. M. CHURCH, Wa.tol*Jna.l£er, and Jeweler NO . OS rirTH AVK., (Briggs House), Chi­cago. 111. Special attention given to re. pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Fail Assortment of Goods IB his line SI for 13 Weeks* The POLICE OAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and otabe. Sample copies mailed free Addree* all orders to BI0EABD X. FOX, FKAVKUX SQUABS, New York. JOHN J. WINKLES. CARPENTER AID JOINER, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guai> en tee satisfaction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as good work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Publ ic School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de­ sired* JOHN J. WINKLKS. MeHENRY, ILL., March 90th, 1M& Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to my Stable of Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans', one 3-4Percherou, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep tor Sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. 10-7-tf MoHKNRY, ILL •P-OALL OH- E. M. HOWE, Opposite Bishop's Mill, Whe has a complete line of the best stores[ia the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, riN, COPPER & SHEET IBOK WARE, Aad/yuffcet, ererythlBgfli: tfc* ftsidWMS steve and tin line. HM WILL NOT MM UHDMR90LD, Gall at his store before baying elsewhere. lObbing and repairing premntly attended to S^Remember, extra good ea icmber, extra _ w»ys he obtained at Howe's. trgains can al> PATENT8 Obtained, and all ether basinets In the V. S. Patent Office attended to for MODERATE FEES. Our office la opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and w« OBB*MM«jMtent» In less time than those 1 emote from WASHINGTON. send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentabilitj free of charge; and we make no Charge unless we Obtain Patent, We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Dir . and to officials of the y. S. Patent Office, For circular, advice, terms, and references te actual clients in your own state or County, write to C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington. IX C. mw?" •wnAND- JOS. PEKOVSKY. Having opened a Restaurant and Lundi Room, in his block, two doors South of the Post Office, is now prepared to serve a good Lunch, with Hot Coffee or Tea »t all hours ot the day or evening, and on short notice. FRESH OYSTERS, By the Can, Quart or Dish, always on hand. Give Us a J. PEKOVSKT. McHenry, Oct. 13. 1886. 4, w* gyftwm WATCHMAKER s STANDARl STALLION QSOioB O. Reoord 2:3Q. No- 8730- "Geerge O."le a Golden Chesnut with star white spots on left ahoulder, also little black spots on body, denoting a back strain of Arabian Blooa. Foal*d June 6th 1880. Aa Fine a Stoek of -' Walchet, Clocks and Jewelry i can be found in the Countv, which I Bt prices that can not oe best. A Fine Stofek ef CHOICE CIGARS FANCY TOBACCO, STATIONERY, BOX PAPER Note, luical Iixiroieits, Xnitroction Books, oti, OAU BBdexamiao goods Bad IBBTB priosS. 4 J. R SMITH.. • PBDIOBBS Lakeland AbdalMk old. the sire of MBI *:08X; Noontide.S McOurdy's Han hies *:W)C, Hermes S*Wf Temple t:tt; and otbe Lakeland Abdailak toman (with 37 in ihsl Abdallah, by Mambrln Dam the Ch?s. Kent T kr. etc. Lakeland Abdallah*! by Abdallah, by Mamf "George o • Dam Mare "rannle B" (i Track at Seventeen y« ont any prepar«tloh},j Geo. M. Patchen, (r "" O." was sired by I) ewn brother to Har- . (Queen of the turf) Mattie (iraham, 2:2L¥ i 4:aO,V, Deciana, <t Morning, 4:2S.V$; Rysdykes HAmble • lUt or better) he by .by Imp. Messenger; s, by Imp. Beilteund" km was Enchantress, |no, etc, as above, as the fast Pacing paced the Chicago I ef tffe ill 2;27, with- red by Autocrat by M 2:43KJ, by Cassius M. Clay, by Andrew Jackson, by Bashaw, etc. Dam ef Fannie 6en. Clifford, her Measenger. "George O." is a horse and the record measure of hie speed 1 vate trials very ma do the same in in His colts are very : never bred a Stand his Celts are bringing . rears old. He canH hej he combines the blood* bletonian, the founder i of to-day, Mambrino, I tiee. M. Patches, the Oi Toung Rowlin, by son of Imported premising young has attained is ne She has trotted pri- Hlow that, and can any opportunity. |eonai<lering he has "id Mare yet, and fWO up, at two [but be a fast one, as Told llysdvke Kara, •or Trotting family lenger, Bellfounder Bashaws, etc. Terms, $25 Cash, AT TIME OF SERVICE. Marcs not proving in Foal are entitled to a return ssason Free, Accident* and Escapes at owners risk. Mares cared for, including pasture, trying, •to., Bt f&OO per mouth, ip Suminer. For further particular# Address, Geo. pr. Owen, McHenry Cb. McHKXRY, ILL. POULTRY CEO. W. #RATT, WACCOND§, ILL. Has for sale eld and following breeds, ot tng stoek. of the iigh bred Poultry, which I will sell tor one kalf the usual pries. Black B. R. Games, Blue Games, Black Tarter Games, Black Cochins, Langshans, Wy- aadotta, Gold Lace Sebright Bantams, Light Bra hams, R. 0. B. Leghorns, 1 Wild Turkey Gobbler, 5C Pekin Ducks, GEO. W. PRATT, Waaconda. *C&, r«u • - ftese whs write is Maine, will receira work which r day. GOBI UN •eeedererSWIeeday. EMbaritx,jounforold. Capital Mt raqslrad. Ta« srsstsitsd Am Thoaawhortart al onea tsfSMf mtlsfsrtaMB. All ia saw. BEANS rtvm miiiiMHj sick I» ROW INS. \g> One Seee reitevee NeeraMa. They can and pmMtClillls «»Fever, Sear ttosiach / Sad ^•em Sifto#4tit Try MMBI est* and yea wlU never Price,M cents pt ~ '* •edIelM DMSMB perkeWe. I MMfllnfs poetpaM, to any aMmt, J. F. SMITH St CO., Maaaiacturort and Sele Prop*., ST. LOUIS. Mb i' . . i an Unj ilrif . i ' n i" n «tn Algonquin, III., IMAMS nr Budwuo, Sterol, Vlniran In short, ire keep everything In the above mentioned lines, which we are offe' iug to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. JOBBNG ft BEFAIEING, U ; PSOMPTLT ATTENDED #0. JOHNHELM. A1gonquiD« Feb. 18.1886, DONT YOU FORGET IT! |SA tw. SMITH, -OF- Wpodcitoolc. »' • llli*toi». Backed by MillioBa at money offea yon tNDEMNITT against damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit yea: eail on me and I will write you a policy, ana wnen either or any of these destructive ele stents devastates your property, happy will yon be if you hold one of my policies, for I will sureiy visit you, and minister untojyou. will not forsake.yeu. t ASA W. SMUH, Ms'i JtWWdNM A§ • ' $100 A WEEK. Ladies or Gentlemen desiring pleasant, profitable employment write at once. We want you to handle an article of domestic use that recommends itself to everyone at sight. f(an|0 || rlour- Hells like hat cakes. roKs m per cent. Families wishing to •raetlee eeonomv should t write for particulars. year round in every household reach of all. Circulars flree. VIM. Address should for their own bene- J Prlee within Used every day the Agents receive ie Man Soldiers' Department. OOHTBtBUTRD BT WM. H. COWLIN. County CU A. R. Directory. RSTCHXOXD roar MO 286. Meets the second Frini evealng of each month. DB. S. F, BBMMBTT, Com. WOODSTOCK roat. MO M. Meets flrst and third Monday evenings of each month. GEOROK BCKRBT, Com. MVMDA ro»T, NO--, Meets the eecond and fourth Wednesday evealnga of each month. WM. BCTLMM, Com. BABTABD PORT, MO MS. Meets the second ana xoartn Monday even ings of each month. DB, H. T. WOODMUFV, Com. MABKMOO POST, NO. M». Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. A. J. BOTIMOTOM, Com. ' . £ i . J t, Ji/J. a 'A; u:; .1 it . i '. Geo. W. T. Sherman will tpend the Winter In New York, having taken quarter* for that purpose at the Fifth- avenue Hotel. He does this to be near his BOB, who Is In college at Yale. HU health la good, and his gptrlts and temper appetr to be very much better lu consequence. The numbor of pension oertlfioates Issue J during the week ending Nov. 38,1886, was as follows: Original, 497; Increase 492; reissue, 74; restoration. 36; duplicate, 7; aocrued^l7; Act of March 3. 1883, 18; Order of April 18 1884,10; Aot of March 3,1385,3; Act or, Aug. 4,1886, 12: supplemental certifi­ cates, Aot of Aug. 4,1886,158; total, 1,308. Congress convened Monday Dec. 6th. We hope now to be able to report from week to week some measures en­ acted that will be beneflclal to those ex-soldlen who find It Impossible to secure evidence that ought not be r«> quired of them, to pension the prison* era of war, to give widows a pension no matter of what disease their husbands who were pensioners died of, and other measures endorsed by the National Q. A. R. committee. Little Phil Departed. General Sheridan, when dinlng'at the Letter* one day, and while en­ gaged In an animated conversation with hie via-a*vl8. Inadvertently atuck a three-pronged fork Into hla Ofsters. The hostess immediately cried out: "Ob, General, use the smaller fork." From the grim look which settled upon the features of that warrior, It might be fancied that he was prepar­ ing for a battle-charge, but he ne'er said a word, and be did not tarry long after dinner.--Boston Budget*, Mr. Cleveland seems to be as tactless In his appointments as Mr. Bayard Is unfortunate with his Mexican repre­ sentatives. An exchange notes that one of the wont breaks the president has made was tbe oppolntmont o! Dr. Dabney to be a member of the medical board at tbe pension office. Dt Dabney was formerly a confederate soldier, and served as one of the guard at Anderaonvllle prison, where tbe moat revolting cruelties were practiced upon union prisoners. No doubt the survlvora of that infamoua place .will remember Dabuey. Win, who had oharge of the priaon and con­ trived tbe atrocities of which union soldiers were the viotima, waa tried, condemned, and executed. One ef tbe Instruments employed In carrying into Effect hla dlbolic ordera la given a position of honor and emolument by tbe democratic administration, and a voice In pasalng upon penaiona applied for, perhaps, by some of the very men whom he helped to make physical wrecks! Tbe appointment of Dabney la an Inanlt to every veteran union aoldler. Gen.JameaB. Colt, of Connecticut, who assumed the position of Chief of Division in the Pension Offioe last week, has a remarkable recerd. He was the first man who enlisted In his native town, Norwich. At the flrst battle of Bull Bun he was promoted for gallantry. He afterward raised a company for the 14th Conn., and was made First Lieutenant, For gallantry on the field of Antietam he waa made a Captain, and for gallantry at the battle of Gettysburg)! waa made a Major. He commanded the regiment during tbe greater portion of its term of service. He led gallant charges at tbe battles of Norton Ford, Deep Bottom and Ream'a Station. During bis service be received eight different wounds, alx from bullets and two by pieces of shell. At the close of tbe war he waa made Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel and Brevet Brigadier-General for gallant and meritorloua aervlce on the fielda of Artletara aad Gettysburg and the battles of the Wilderness. He engaged In tbe practice of law and was several times eleeted Circuit and Criminal Court Judge by the Con­ necticut Leglalature. He waa appoint­ ed on tbe staff of Governor Ingersoll as Assistant and Acting Adjutant General, and on the staff of Governor Waller aa Paymaster General.--Na­ tional Tribune, During tbe Administration of Presi­ dent Arthur, Ellas Monroe, who lost a leg while a member of Co. H. 59th III., was appointed Postmaster of Ashmore, III. \Thls with his pension furnished him and his family a support. When Cleveland came into power Comrade Monroe was dismissed, and in the dis­ cussions between tbe papers of the County on dismissal the .Charleston Herald, the leading Democratic paper of tbe County took occaalon in justify­ ing the dismissal to say: MThe soldier racket had played out." Wt»%n the Be publican Convention met la«t Sep­ tember Monroe was nonlnated by acclamation for the office of Treasurer of Coles County, and, notwithetandlor the County has been carried for aeveral yeara by the >Demoerata by from 150 to 200 majority, he was elect­ ed by a handsome majorltv. Tbe Mattoon Qcusetie, In speaking of the result aaya: "Wednesday after the election Mr. Monroe eame to Charles­ ton, the County seat, to learn the result. His friends and comrades took this opportunity of giving him an ovation. Placing him in a carriage decorated with flags, two of his old comrades went before carrying his crutches, then followed the Cornet Band, and Mr. Monroe was drawn several times around the Court Square with quite a procession follow­ ing, Mr. Monroe being so overcome, tears flowed freely as he grasped the hands of old comrades and received their congratulati one." m* a Month For s Soldier's OrpkHtif Juit think of it! Think for so much as * ainate of the "Munifioent provisions,** "Lavish generosity.** •'Fatherly care.'* Of this great, glorious, wealthy and prosperons Nation totrard the Bereaved orphans, Fatherless children $ Homeless little baHes ' Of the men who gave up thnlr lifts that the Nation might live. Its people become rloh. Enjoy peaoe by their own firesides, Their bonds be at par. and Their monel equal to gold. Two dollars each a month feritii ohildren of the men who. Fell on the bloody slopes of Mary*s Hlghts; Sauk down amid th» flaming thickets of ths Wilderness; Perished by the dark wat«Vt Of Chickamauga Creek; 'v.i: Bottfed and starved at Andefoonvlfte and Salisbury! Fifty oents a week to buy tbe little ones Bread and meat, Clothes, shoes and stockings, School-books and toys, Medicines and recreations! Seven oents a day for tbe child whose father gave people who now Squeese, Pinch, Screw over every Petty, Miserable. Insignificant v Red Cent •« that they dolMi lo thesSWtfS aid wards of the Nation! Is this tbe ^ „ Anglo-Saxolfe American, ^ , Nineteenth-century Idea Of generosity? Of gratitude ? Of "munifioent provision for tbe or­ phans of him who has born* the battle?1* Bah! National Tribute* Blsathlai Bona* dttton of tbe battle grow of Seven Pines and Fair Oaks is a dis­ grace to tbe citizens of Virginia and the nation at large. Bones of those who died in that bloody conflict are scattered thickly on the surface of the ground and, if tbe facts were told, many of the stones which stand in the National Cemetery at Seven Pines, within a quarter of a mile of where many men who wore the blue and the gray fell, mark almost empty graves. It would be bard for any one who had not gone over tbe ground of one of the hottest battles ever fought to believe that twenty-four years after­ ward the bones of the slain lie half bidden by leaves and brush by the score, aad yet such is the case, The threater of tbe great but undecisive struggle at Seven Pines baa been turned Into a plaoe where a few men can reap financial profit by guiding visitors to the spet where sculls pro­ trude from tbe ground, and where all that remains of many brave lads who are among the missing lie, It Is diffi- sult to escape the guides, but It pays tbe visitor to make his own way over the field of battle. He does not follow the bsatea path In which those who gain money by exhibiting the bones of the boys who died amid tbe roar of cannon and the rattle of musketry take their victims, and he gains for himself positive Information of the actual condition of tilings. A newspaper correspondent, in com­ pany with W, H. Bartlett and Michael Fbgarty, of Philadelphia, and M. C. Thornton, of Wisconsin, slipped away from these guides and were horrified at what tbey found. Under tbe leaves and twigs, and among the thick brush f oak and pines, wblcb bad sprung up during the last twenty years, this t^ones of manj brave men were^found Tbey had answered to th§ charge the batteries whidti the other aide of tbe plowed: laid down their lives ere th*< t re neb men t was taken. AM\ on the 90th of May, 1865, boys failed to answer the roll eai) aatf were placed among themlsst^. H | was a partly cultivated Now pines twenty feet Itt belgfef-l (he bloody ground and even elMiil the breaatwoHca from behind wbleb the rebel cannons belched forth death, and where the marks of the tbe artillery are still vlsble. bones of many of the fallen stllf ftt there, although the flag whf(tr from the ataff In the Seven PIi etery la within sight. Whether Iboee bones were clothed in the blue «r the gray Is unknown, but many ready to testify that whoever WMfin* trusted with tbe duty of those bones has failed In his trust. The reason for the failure was maul* fest. The fact that the bones actli! there attract many people to tbe ofcarnagef and every one tlMt into the clutches of the guides mast pay his toll. A party of twenty-one. which included several aeo from Philadelphia and vicinity, bad to pay 15.25 for walking behind a guide for an hour. This same guide owns seven hundred acres of land upon wbldl tbe battle was fought. He began by pniN chasing ene aore, for whloh he paid 93, The same price was paid for the remainder of tbe ground whieh be has bought, and every cent of tbe aM>ney was extorted from Northern*visitors to tbe battlefield. Ko Favore To Vetera ne. it Is provided by Seetlon 1754of th* 'Ai Revised Statutes that honorably Cdls- eharged soldiers and sailors shall have the preference in appointment to civil service. One of CoUeeter gone's predeoessera under a Rei Administration held that this i applied to promotions as well as i nal appointments. It was cotaslt that the promotion to a new < in reality a new appointment aw|-J those who risked their lives ] of their country should Recently a clerk named plied to the Prealdent be< mar soWpr. VJU stood W^ in tbe examination for was promoted over his head. President refered the matter t» Mr, Magone, who said that flartla waa /If right and that ex-soldiers aad anUota^f! who subdued the Rebellion bad Ml < j right ot preference over any on afti*. I'M On November 15th tbe Collector re- ^ oelved a letter from the Civil Service Commission wblcb stated tkM decision was perfectly rigbfc veteraus of the war about tbe CoalOa* house, who see themselves day by day - ^ beooming of less Importance, were not pleaaed by tbe action of the OillNlar' and of tbe Civil Service Comalasloflt, ^'if One said recently, uAbI well;o«r day la pasaed. We are made to feel day that we are laterlopera aad paifr: sloners« It seems that the late war : was all a mistake aad we were on tea ;v ,« wrong side any wsy: It would ba l»> terestingto see a list of tbe e«Ntfdia«a <^|| who have been tnrned ontaf since Cleveland became President. 7 ̂ Those few who still remaiu w^i anubbed, Mt upon aad treated toft manner which almost makes us betlev* r that Robert E. Lee won the battle Gettysburg,--JVew York Tribune. , ¥ Belva A. Lock wood writes to a Buffalo paper that "boaalsui" is flMjl losing its grip on oational poIttica» aad adds: "I have carefully looked over the ground Congress is likely to eover In tho next two years and I am worn ready to risk my political reputation as a prophet that the tickets In 188ft will read: Republican, James G. Blaine and|John Sherman. Democrat, Grover Cleveland and Samuel J. Randall.-- Labor, Henry George and Tereaoe V. Powderly. Prohibition. Franei* Jb, WiUsrd aad Jobs P. Si. JO»D. - -- « MTA mother gave ber little boy* two bright, new pennies and asked him what he was going to do with them.-- After a moment's thought tbe child replied: "I am going to give ene to the missionaries and with the other I am going to buy a stick of candy.** After a while be returned from his; play and told his mother that he had I lost one of the peonies. "Which did you lose ?" she aaked. UI lost the mis­ sionary penny,*' he promptly replied. How many grown people are Ilk* that boy.--.£*. Mr Charles S. Wolfe, the Penasyl- vanla politician, says that as soon aa be gets bis personal business affafte la good shapo again, he will re-enter tbe public arena aa a leader of the third party movement. His frtends talk of him as a rival of St. John and Flsk la the race for the Prohibition Presides- tlal nomination. Mr senator Blackburn, of Ken**!*1 wantfe to have Representative W. G, F» Breckinridge saooeed Colonel Maul* son at the hind of the Ways and Means , Committee when ths new Congress opens aad the horlaontal radaeertt place kaowa bin ao more. SOLID Meat Oysters, la bulk, at I, Pekovsky*s, next door te tbe peat : floe.

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