- but to truttl, 16 Liberty ind Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." BVOL. 12. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1886. K- ,•> / l" '?; LS'C ' ^ v Fik T. ̂ t s 1 PtB(.tMKl|Br(RT' VlDMttfir gr . V;AN EDITOR A\D, PROPRIETOR. Office In Bishop's Blo«k»| OPPOSITE FIUT tk Owen's i i TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. )ne Tear (la A«tva*ce) $1.80 Cf Not Paid within Three Months 100 Subscriptions received for three or six •onthi in the urns proportion. Bates oi Advertising, We anaetince liberal rates for advertising in the PLAIKDKALKR, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be «w4Aly un. ierstood. They areas follows:' ; 1 Inch one year - . . * • * * 5 00 3 Inches one year . - a" 10 00 S Inches one year • * - 4» 15 00 H Oolnmn one year; . •%. - '•«'* 3°00 H Oolnmn one yearf 4 . » .'<« 60 oo Column one year „*> ^ "• v" 10000 One inch means the measurement of one ach dtwn the column, single column width. Toarly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they ihoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion »f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week.. All others will be charged 10 sents per Mne the first week, and 5 cents per llae for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged ftt the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil kype, same as this is set In) the first issue, and Foents per line for subsequent issues. Tims, ka inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 fer two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAiNDRAum will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a bnsiness rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. 0- i-ff H. T. BROWN. M. D. AND SURGEON. PHYSICIAN . Residence, McHenry, III. Ollce £*»t at O. H. FEGER9, H, D- PSniOlAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, lllg. office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, III. Office at Residence, one door West ef M. E. Church. > BARBIAN BROS. DIOAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. 6 den eolicited. Shop, la Old McHenr in Keiter Bloek, third door west of Riversl< House. Livery Stable. First HE. WIOHTMAN, Proprietor. class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates, ittlctnda done on short notice. Teaming ot v: ROBT SOHIESSLE Haying purchased the old stand , of Joseph Wiedemann, T N E A R T H E D E P O T , MoHENRY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation Jof the Public a First-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL BROWN, A TTORNEV AT T,AW. A. CHICAGO, M LaSiPe Street I Uj. M. F. ELLSWORTH, ^^TTORNET at Law, and Solicitor la Chan" eery, Nnnda, III. ijfnjl ASAT W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW aad solicitor] ta Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United 1 States Examining ̂ Surgeon. Blehmoad, Illinois. MARY G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. ah kind* of Hair Work done in flrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry. at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 2fith of each month. When dates occur Saturday or 8nnday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay butoneday. E. R. BENNETT, M. D., . Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital RICHMOND, III NOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical cases. DEVT&CH GE8PROCHEN, Office at Residence of Dr. 8. F. Bennett. UiM State far Claim Apcj ;v.J^Or «. GOWLIN, Woodstock, * - Illinois. Prosecutes all cla*s39 and kinds of claims against the United States tor exSoldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or'Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLIN, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstocs, Illinois. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, SALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old J stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ALBERT B. BOURNE. ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR AND OOUN J\. BE LOR. WOOD3TOCK, ILL. Bankets attended to promptly. With care, skill and iategri ty. J. r. CASEY*. ATTORNEY and Connselor at Law. Office over Zitnpleman's Store. CAN business entrusted to my care will receive prompt at tention. Woodstock, III. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 88 FIFTH AVE., (Briggs House), Chicago, 111. Special attention given to re pairing Pine watches aad Cbroaomcters. WA Pall Assortment of Goods ia his llae SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the United States for three months oa receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmaster*, agents and cinbs. Sample copies mailed froe Address all orders to , ;l. RICHARD X- FOX, FKAWKLIM SQUARE, New York. in i J1»i>iiuniiinfiii mi JOHN J. WINKLES. CARPENTER AND JOINER, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar antee satisfaction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as good work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Publ ic School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de- fiai ron JOHN J. WINKLES. MeHENRY, ILL., Match SWA, 1888. P REPAIRING, ENTINC, ETC. Where he will ** all times keep the|beat brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars / • .«• tie found la the market. On short notice and warrant satisfaction, short w|ll do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pomp Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. *y " t • S&vV'"' : •lee Ageat For * IFHANZ FALK'S MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or BotU«" al ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali ty Mn side red. Orders by mail promptly attended to. , GOOD STABLING FOR HOR8X& < >iS*Call and sse.as. Robert Sohiessle. MeHenry, lib. May Mth, 1MB. - . SAL00H and BXSTAtTSAVT • ,/v ;:v; " 'Buck'sJOld Stand, > MoHBNRV, ILLINOIS ' Fins Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, ; -jMeSsnry L&ger Bs^, • Valka* UhmkM Bsst, ly -AND- I ScUitz Milviilee Bottle Beer. By the Bottle or Case. f rife buy none but the best and* ^ Mil at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will use ycta well. ANTONY ENGEIiN. McHenry. 111., 1886* . Wanted! ton THB OBBAT WW BOOK, •The W rld'a Wndera By J' W.Bael. The most saccesssal subscription book ever published. Over hat/ a milium copies uteremrta hitpcut eight month*, and it is selling three times as fast now as ever befora. Regular eanvaesers clear from |li to 929, t40 and Kir day. Nothing like it was ever known in e history of book publishing. Prooft tent Cmenappffoatfon. No experience needed to sarasnceess. We help persons without deans to do a large business; no capital need- t4. Write fsripartieulars. Salaries euarcm- ISMI 10 mrnrnt who do mat with to oemtus* on eom- •MM We meaa business, aad want live agents in every township. It will cost yon •othiac *• Write for terms and full descrip-MMIMW oar plans of Jolng business. We also tkmdard book*fo persons wnosena •Mseiof book aesnts, Write for our list AM Standard books.. HISTORICAL PUBUSHWO Oo. rntt 4U N. Third street, st Louis,Mo. The undersigned Is prepared to do all lobe la the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put in Pumps Ia WOrriers by mail promptly Post Office, Johns burgh, 111. attended to. ' L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, 111., May 29th, 1885. .JRS- ANDREWS^ GENERAL f SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended •to on the most SEASONABLE RB2I8, AND---- Satisfaction Guaranteed. ijlall on or Address C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, Uh Spriaf jirove, SepL.aoth, 1885, 11-11-Sm FOB BABQAINS For Coal and Wood --CALL OK- E. M. HOWE, Opposite Blahop'a Who has a complete line of the best stoves'ia the market, as well as a large stock of Harflfare, Heclaiic's Tools, fiN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, Aad, nnMsct, everythiagjbi, the hardware ttore and tin line. HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to my Stable of Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. , They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep lor sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, et£. No business done on Sunday* N. S. COLBY. 10-7-tf i MOHKNRY. ILL FATENT8 Obtained, and all other business ie the tT. 8. Patent Office attended to for MODERATE FEES. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can fcbtatn patents In less time than those I emote from WASHING TOjf. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentaWlitj free or charge; and we make no Charge unless we Obtain Patent, We refer here, to the .Postmaster, the Sunt, ol Money Order Div.. an«l to officials of the u. S. Patent Office, For circular, advice, worms, and references to actual clients la your own state or Ooaaty, write to C. A. SNOW A CO. Opposite Patent Office. Washington. D. 0. -AND Lunoh. Room, JOS. PEKOVSKY. Having opened a Restaurant and Lunch Koom. in his block, two doors South of the Post Office, is now prepared to serve a good Lunch, with Hot Coffee or Tea ftt all hours ot the day or evening, and on short notice. FRESH OYSTERS, By the Can, always on hancl. <!£" Ciye Us a Call. J. PEKOVSKY. McHenry, Oct. 13. 1886. > J . P . S M I T H , V1TCHIAKKK § JEWELER, McHenry, - HHnoii. STANDARD STALLION o« No 6730-1 ••George O." Is #G6lden Chesnut with star white spots on left shoulder, also little black spots on lMXty, denoting a back strain of Arabian Blood, fltaled June 5th 1830. l'fmititRBC:--«fieorge O" was sired by (S6I) own brother to Hi old, the sire of urn S:08»ii Noontide, liana ermes 9 ttonian, 2:2G^; Uecixna, X; Good Morning, 2; hers: i h bv Rysdykes Hamble iO 1:30 list or better) he by Mno, by imp. Messenger; . Mitre, by Imp. lteiltound> La Iceland Abdal •ah (S6I) own brother to Har a 8, (Qneen of the turf) •X; Mutlie Graham, 2:2IX Mccurdy's «:«^;Hern Temple 3:3U; and i Lakeland Abdal ton tan (with 37 Isi Abdallah, by Hw Dam the Ohs.i. Ke kr. «tc. Lakeland AlyialiKh's Dam was Enchantress, bv Abdallah, bv Mambrino, etc, as above, "George O s" Osim was the fast Pacing Mare "Jannle B"?Xwno |>aced the Chicago Track at Seventeeajrears »f »ge In S;27, with out any pre par Up*)), sired by Autocrat .by Geo. M. PaSchon.'irecor l 2:23^;, by Cassius M. Clav, by Andrew Jackson, by Bashaw, etc. Dam ef Fannie B. by Young Rowliri, by Gen. Gilford, her ^am t-y a eon of Imported Messenger. •!, •George O." Is-pr very promising youn* he has attaineil is no as he has trotted prt- >ch i»clow that, and can horse aad the measure of his •; vate trials very do the same In His colts are vei never bred a Staj hie Celts are briaf ears old. He can ee at any opportunity, ist considering ho has ard Bred Mare yet, and tg from fJ'IO up, at two Ifelp but be a last one. as y« . he combines the WfJKls ofoltl H.vsdvke Ham bletonian, the f>na4|erof our Trotting family of to-day, MambHiro, Messenger, Bclltoundcr .Pal" Gee. M. Diige tctiea, the Clay i. Bashaws, .etc. Terms, $25 Cash, AT TIME OF SERVICE.. Mares uot proving in Foal are entitled to a return season Free, Accidents and Escapes at owners risk. Mares cared fef, locluding pasture, trying, etc., at f2 00 per month, in Summer. ITor farther particulars add ress, Geo. W. Owen, MeBemv Oa. McHENR Y, ILL, Th« number ofpaDelon oertlflcates Issued during tbe week ending Dec. 4, 1886, was as follows: Original. 1.018; Increase, 617; re-Issue, 128; restoration 40; duplicate, 0; accrued, 51; Act of March 3,1883, 1; Order of April 3,1884, 6; Act of March 3, 1885,3; Act of Aug. 4.1886,12; supplemental act of Aug. 4. 1886,366; total, 2,334. POULTRY GEO. f. WACCONDA, ILL, PRATf, Has for sale ol.l and young stock, of the following breeds, of thorough bred Po <ltry, which I will sell tor oce half the usual price. Black B. R. Games, Blue Games, Black Tarter Games, Black Cochins, Langshans, Wy- av*dotts, Gold Lace Sebright Bantams, Light Brahams, 11. (J. B. Leghorns, vl Wild .Turkey Gobbler, 5C Pekin Ducks, GEO. W. PRATT, Wauconda. Ae riae a 8took *V Walches, Clocks and Jewelry As eaa be found In the County, whleh I offer at prices that can not be beat* A Fine Stock el CHOICE CIGARS ?ancy tobaqqq STATIONERY, BOX PAPER nail at his store before buying elsewhere, fobbing and repairing promptly attended to 49TRemember, extra good Mrgataa QU al- mn be obtaiaed at Howe's. batraetioo Books, ote. Oall aad ezamlae goods aad learn prices. j. P. 8MITH. , M (hsss *bs mlts to Hand, Milne,will TtcsWa I fns, llao stent work which I ̂ gMOMiid Hvsst homc,tbat *JII pay ' tbsss (Iran (5 to $2S p«r d»y. Some hnv* •WstinrWtetftT. Ktlhor yoan* or olii Capital aslM«£sd. Toasrsstartsd fra* ThoMwho.t.rt at ones mSMriilitynntfi--f AllUMt. BEANS f*fVM Blllemaees: SkkHeadaelie In Feer hears. (Q One iese teUem Neenlgla. They ear* aa* pretmt CMIts > Fever, Soar Stomach Bu Breath. Clear the Skin, Teae the Werm.aM My LHs#» W«or«e the syetem.JSoeet BMH. fn them eaee and yea Will never be wHhoirt them. rriee.SS emits per bottle. Sold bv Dran«te UM( Medlelae Dealers (ensralhr. tern on reoet#t m pftoe la stamps, peeipaM, to any address, J. F. SMITH A OOm •iwlnhrsn aad Sole Prate.. ST.iOMaMi JohfiHelm, Jgonquin MCAK.SB NI fiardwtii, Stores, tHwan In short, we keep everything In the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. JiPBNG PBOMMLTATTENDBD TO. .JOtllV HET.M. Algonquin* Feb. 18.1886, UONT YOU PORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, -or-- Woodstock. - - Illinois. Barked by Millions ot money olli yon INDEMNITY against damage by Plre, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit yon; ball on me and 1 will write you a policy, anc wnen either or any of these destructive ele ments devastates your property, happy will you be if you hold One of my policies, for I will surety visit you, and minister unto;you. will not fomkejroiu ASA W. SMITH, Om'l At $IOO A WEEK. or Gentlemen desiring pleasant, profitable employment write at once. We %gnt yon to handle an article of domestic use that neeaaends itself to everyone at sight. Stftnle as Flour- ^ells like hot cakes. FroroM per cent, ("amities wishing to •raatiee ecoaemy should for their own bene- St write for parncalare. Used every day the yea* roand ia every hdaeehold. Price within reach of all. Circulars free. Agents receive •aaple Tree. Address Dpmestiq Man MfiaSturlngCo^ Marlon, om«, Soldiers' Department. OORTRtBDTBD BT WM. H. COW LIN. County CU A. R. Directory. KICHXOHD POST HO 388. Meets the second Friaat evenlag of eaoh month. m Da. S. r, BainraTT, Com. WOOOSTOOK POST, Mo MS. Meets drat aad third Monday evealngs of eaoh month. Gaoaoi BcKaar, Com. KtTKDA POST, Meets the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. W*. BVTun, Oom. BABTABD POBTt WO 265. _ Meets the second ana tourta Monday even lajtadf each month. DR. H. T. WOODBUFF, OoaL. MABBMQO POST, NO. IM, Meets every Seooad aad Fourth rrlday eveaiags of each moath. A. j. BOTinoToir,lOom. Daniel Reeder, formerly Corporal of Co, H, 47th !*a., Is a candidate for Doorkeeper of the 60th Congress. Comrade Reeder lost an arm ID the service. He was a candidate for Door- keeper of the present Congress, but the Solid Sou th was too many for him, and a man who had commanded a reb el regiment was preferred to him. As the years go by, removing as, by success steps, further from the scenes of the war, public interest increase In the sarvivors of the mon strous struggle. Soldier** Re-Unions are more largely attended, and demand increased attention from the public press, Politicians And it to their ad vantage to attend and manifest an in terest in the'.proceedings, The veter ans by whose valor and constancy the country was saved from disgraceful surrender to Southern tyranny will"do well to make a note of these facts and pull together in the advancement of all objects which tend to the good of themselves or comrades. Nunda Post G. A. R. lietd tMfr Annual electloa of oficers on last Wednesday evening. There were twenty-two Comrades present. Wen, Butler was electcd Commander, War Huffman S. V., Henry Paddock J. V. Wm. StClare. Quarter 'Master, John Church, Surgeon, J. R. Severns, Chap lain, M, F. Ellsworth, QOlBoer of the Day and representatlve to the Depart- ment Encampment. Webb Morse, alternate. Tbe Post will give a public instalation on the evening of January 12. The officers of the W. iC C. will be Installed at the suae time. On Wednesday evening, Dec, 22, the Post will give another open meeting 'at which all their friends will be made welcome.--Nunda Correspondent to Woodstock Sentiml. Hlohnsond Post, •t the regular meeting of Richmond Post G.* A. R. last Friday evening, the following were elected officers for tbe ensuing year: Post Commander--Dr S. F. Bennett. Sr. Vice Commander--John Sanborn. *;lJr. Vice C--Robert Hunter. 'Quartermaster--L. B. Rice. ^Officer of the Day--Henry Christian. Officer of the Guard--Abel Noyea. > Chaplain--Wm. Pa acock. The installation ceremonies will be public, and conducted by Col. William Smailes. of Elgin, Department Inspec tor. The date of this important and interesting ceremonial will be on the evening of the second Friday In January. Due notice of place will be given in this department. It is re quested of every member ot tbe Post to be present on that occasion--Sol diers Department Richmond Ocuette. "fooling General Sherman.' * About six miles out of Savannah, 1 came across a farmer who accepted a plug ot tobacco, and was ready to sit down en a log and aaswer all questions When 1 asked him about Sherman's approach, he burst into a loud laugh and slapped his leg, and was so tickled that he did not ealm down for two minutes. "Excuse me, stranger,n he Anally said, "but whenever I think of how I fooled Gineral Sherman It tickles me all over." "Did yoo fool hint* ••Wall, I rather reckon.** "How?" "Wail, you see, that's my place up thar' on the rise. When the war broke out I was tbe most cantankerous rebel you ever saw. I swore I'd fight and fout and lit till we licked the Tanks, if it took a hundred yeacp,.. 1 f Qineral Sherman hetrd oflt.n f 4,ProbabJy he did.' ^ A "And after he took Atlanta be made up mind to gobblo me. He knew I'd sword to t'ie before I'd surrender, and he cam* along down from Atlanta wlth^over 70,000 men to surround me. Mighty cute old maa,\ that Gineral Sherman!" '•Yes." , "Wall, they got here one night about ten o'clock. I reckon that nigh onto 30,000oT them surrounded my home up thar' aad called for me to come oat and surrender and end the war." "And of course yea did?" "And of course I di<fnt! That's what* the fun comes In. I was'nt home at all,but was down in Vaglnny with Lee, They entered the house and sarched and sarched, and went to the barn and called and called, and when the old woman finally told 'em I was'nt home they was the maddest orowd yon ever sot eyes on. They had hoofed It all tbe way from Atlanta to git their pawaon me, and had had their long tnareli for nothing! I expect Sherman was ready to bust with madness, and I reckon he wou't never forgive ma. It tickles me, and you'd better come up to the house and hear her tell what them 70,000 Yankees said when they got here and found me goae." .Wanted to IM Posted. At the second battle of Ball Ran a recruit who had just joined a New York regiment turned around upon his captain as an order was given, and asked: "Say. Cap, what are we going tedo now ?' "Move by the flank to tbe left of the regiment," was the reply. "All right--just as soon move as not." After the company had held Its new position for a quarter of aa hoar there came another order, and the recruit asked: "Say, Cap, which way Bowl1* > "Going to advance." < { "All right, I am with you.'* The company moved forward with the line and was presently hotly en gaged with Jackson's men. They bad not been at it over five minutes when the recruit slid up to the captain aad shouted: "Say, Cap. holler as loud aa yoa can and let.s see if I can hear you." "What In do you mean? Bade into that line with youPv shouted the offioer. 'All right, Cap--all right! The rea son I wanted you to holler was to see If 1 could hear your voice when you ordered a retreat! It's all right, 1 guess I can hear It If them re be don't bring up any more gum.1* Vetoreas' fUcMe Tne Veterans' Bights Union and Employment Burfaii pepgortme§!..__ MaMachusettts, Grand irafwr'Si Republic, has opened an offioe In Boston at No. 4. Pemberton Square, room 1. and Is now ready for business. The office 1s In charge of Comrade E. C. Hapgood, of Post 148. of Brook- line, who hat been elected Superin tendent. Slnoe tbe office was opened, Nov. 1. up to Nov. IS there have been 98 ap plications from oomrades representing all branches of tbe service. While tbe greater part of the applications are ror employment, quite a number want assistance In obtaining pensions, bounties, certificates In lieu of dis charger, eta There have been three applications for admission to the Soldiers1 Home; a very few have ap plied for temporary assistance, which' has been supplied. An Interesting fact In connection with the working of the office is tbe age of the oomrades who apply for aid, which ranges from 38 to 63, forcing upon us the fact that the veterans are growing old, and that many In the near future will be en tirely unable to provide fer them-* selves, and that something mast be done In that direction by the General Government. The Treasurer Is happy to acknowledge the receipt of 950 from Col. Albert A. Pope, of tbe Pope Manufacturing Company, for the fund of tbe association, and it Is confidently expected that those who remember the veteran "for what he was and all he dared," will follow tbe Colonel's example. The Treasurer Is Comrade J. Edwin Hunt,. City Hall Boston. There can be no doubt that tbe estab lishment of this bureiu by the Depart ment of Massachusetts Is one of the most Important steps ever taken by the G« A. K., it it will ue able to supply a want which is now being felt and which will grow upon us a« thfl years roll on,--National Tribune. Who Labors A farmer, a merchant an editor ha|i|£f»»d i ago and thla ls Hie waJfH THB FABin~(| for two subecrlptiom)^ of the hardeatHMttttilj ever received. NolMNty for so small a profit ea Is ap before light* wfcfl pie are asleep; tie fi in storm, the wind, the toiling In the mad, mi and dust, and when around he hasn-t on his Inveatment. these merchants, mlnlstert i In ease and luxury, hat his oi are nowhere. MIBCHANT.--NO! yoa are Two or three merchants In In the last forty yeare tu small fortu tea, from fMMNfrl , but not more than that; MMl| have made nothing. Oa hand, 9 eat ef 10 of the Northern DeKalb coanty !»a well-ofi. The large estat early settlers have beear now, but five years ago yoa to a farmer in every tow ooaaty who had made flOMI was Jerry Brown of OelMl|4 of Kingston, Clark of 8o«tfc1 Hall of Sycamore, and §#• Farmers work hard attdflMili| seem small, though I thou other morning when I drov||i through the mn<l to deliver of kerosene on one of the this winter, that I was w< for small profits, bat fi been the men who hate money, not the mercbaata; tlmea fancy we we gettlafc soon find our error, theagh W* ] IS to 19 hours a day of worryli Nobody works so hard for ] profits as the raerehaata. THB MINISTER.--NO! yoa are wrong. No one worit so! small a profits as the mil are too observent not brain work Is the hardeitl haustlng of all work. rather younelves go a day or sell goods thai work on a sermon. So fellowthe plow thealkmrwoi bare iffnfg, and ^ what has he but some stltatlon to go to wbBft' and merchant has enough support him. THB EDITOR.--NO! MMMH so hard for so little as tfcii,,,, minister oomes nearest m profits come in the next work up his treasures above, average editor's chances dubious. Then the mtali peaceful life, petted bf th*?; and flattered by the men. disputes his assertions or jawfl his sermoni, while tbe editor lire long wrangle. And white farmer Is almost compelled toi late property for be oan't ntft.ttlij without it, aad the awnAainir bat a comfortable life and a competence, who ever heard tor who had made either by bls ̂ aess. Every man thinks his profes*Lcuy hardest of all, and that he ml rot adopting some other, philosophy la to enjoy life aa we along, and try to enjoy our work. laid •V -L il A Patriarch, the following in an ex-We find change: "A rather uaasual case of obedlenoe to> divine command came under no tice of your correspondent, the other day. Eighty-six years ago Robert Ben nett was born in Covington, New York. When a young man be came west, and has lived in Lake county until lately he moved to Elgin to pass the remain der ef his honored life with his son, Dr. R. F. Bennett. He was metried when 21 years of sge, and U?ed' with bis late wife flrty-nlne years. Eleven cbildreoBwere born to then!, all of whom grew ap aad became beads of families. To day he baa eight children thirty-four grandchildren and forty- one great grandchildren living. One of his children, 8. F. Bennett, of Ricb- mord, Illinois. Is known wherever the English language Is spoken as the au thor of'Sweet By-and-Bye.' T&eoM gentleman Is In good health and e a joys every |day of his Ufo, having DO un pleasant (moments except when he thinks that some of his numerous de scendants are not Methodists^" See the new stock of blaok dreas goods at Perry ft Owea'a. Worse thsa the Kkeaaaatteaa, "Daniel," remarked the Pre§M as he sat In an easy chair domestic fire, with his rheui*||$i|ji resting across an ottoman. "Yes sire." responded the faithful and watchful private secretary. "This rheumatism la a d----d exeat* me, a dreadful ouiaanee. \Yes sire." "Do yoa tblak the opposition aewe- papers can make any capital o«t of ||p Daniel." ' "I don't see how tfety eaa §ir»»» "Of coarse not, Daniel; bat they always manage to gel there jast the same." • . "Bat this It different, aire.'4 "It looks to to yoa. Daniel, to guileless innecenoe and perfect : In your chief; but It lain my Daniel, and that will he their I "How sire?" • "How Daniel»" Why, the gheala will call it a case of Beatai|l%9iMa» matlca clvilservlcereformle, the inva riable symtoms being wealcneteli the. knees. Oh' Daniel, Daniel, the pain Is nothing; It la the appearand of things that tortures me.-- fFcuAuvTftm Qritic. •9* An observant Chloago paper of the opinion that the eoademaed i archists of that city will yet the noose. It says they have i won an important point le stay of proceedings, and it fx trial will result In a the jury. This wiU mean^l and" the probable aoqnHiaK if sooandrels. The slngatat] tlon on the part of the i tlvetothete prieoneta i the belief that they «nf«. jet jaat paaithmeat. Can it%* that tbaaoelallats are erfol to be reaehed by be a grave mlatake to lit ) ltdtl '