, . 1 woiram AY. DSC. it, UBS, ' » * k 'S; eoiao wen. > <rt»n guiwiw «ieoeye Iqmu < OeaevafietStlt... 8«MT> PmiBitr Mt«« VOKTI. Lake 8Mm Fril*ht ...9*11 A. V UkimmPUMlftr 10:00 » uta^AnmlxpiMi 4:48r. k Lake Qnm hmuir «:87 N : * Step* OBLY to l«*ra Ptuesnn. &BVM.Agnt McHenry, Ill A. V .14:45 p. v - £Si$' »# WANTED, At thia offlse, a Compos* Iter and • good boy to learn tbe trade. Apply at once. W* wish our mdm, on* tad A MERRY CHRISTMAS. all COMB and see the landing of the Christmas Boat at tbe M. E. Church. BBFOBE completing your Ohrlst raaa Tract ba aura and go to Locka's Homa Bakery. See hi* advertisement. FOB a choice Hue of Goods suitable for Holiday Pfesents to to Altboff ' Bros* ' W. E. COLBT shipped to Chicago last weak, seven bogs that weighed 3680 unds. Who can beat It? "•1 , - «' -• fa. tfgi it :l<- rf REMEMBEB the Turkey, Glass Ball and Clay Pigeon Shoot, on the River, In this tillage, on Friday of this week. See notice tn another place. Wi are Informed by the Directors that the McHenry Public Sohool will cloteon Frldnyof this weak tor a two : weeks vacations* POTATOES bare eyes yet they see not, corn has ears yet tbey hear not( rivers have Mouths yet tlmy speak not. clocks have hands yet feel not. Dudes have brains yet think not. Tfii School Exhibition, on aocount of the atormy weather, was not as well attended as wa« expected, but those who did attend report a fine entertain ment. The receipts were about #23. OH Sunday there will be regular aer- vlces In the morning, and a Christmas sermon in tbe evening, and the Choir will be prepared with choice music of their own selection. Tbey sing In the Gallery. 'HOPB for the season bids the world farewell,' when a man finds himself In ,the relentless grasp of neuralgia, but he takes heart and oourage whan his wife brings a bottle of Salvation Oil, the greatest cure on earth for pal n. ; It you wish to make four absent ^friends a present that will be a con stant reminder of the giver, and be the Wrt appreciated of any you can get for the money, send the PLAINDEALEB for one year. * COAL OH or_ Petroleum may bo very nloe for Illuminating or lubricating r purposes, hut surely la Is not the prop or thing to core a cough with. Dr.j Bull's Cough Sjrup is looked upon as the standard Cough remedy. THE Klckapoo Indian Medicine Com- iny, who are now holding forth at LBiverside Hall, in this village, are wing crowded houses each evening. Ir entertainments are free and are of the most interesting character. csoro to go and see them. RBKEMBBB we are not ottering any premium with our paper to Increase our circulation, because the paper it self is a premium at #1.10 per year. However, all new subscribers, and those paying one year In advance get the Western Plowman free, TBBBE will be lots of smuggling during the next few days. But It will bo of a perfectly legitimate character, and will bo merely attempts to get strange-looking parcels Into a man's own house without the rest of the family being aware of tbe fact. C. T. EIIDREDOE IS now paying an average Of #100 per day for Poultry. He toekSn on Tuesday eight dressed ^Gnnso that weighed 96 pounds, tbe D^WrSarket^flce^for ltfy take It to Eldredge. POUCB MAOISTS ATE HOLMES, had the misfortune to slip and rail on the sidewalk a few days since, and the nralt was a broken shoulder. He Is getting along as well aa oould be ex- Yet his shoulder has been extremely painful slnoe the aooldent It was attended to by Dr. Brown. LBUJIU, the Advance Agent of • Hewette'S Minstrels, has worked inde- fatlgably with respect tobiU potting i In thts town and the troop deserves, as tfcey will so doubt receive, a orowded house. Remember the date, at Parker Bouse Hall, on Thursday evening, Dec. SM. • , . HABBISOX BBOS., of Blngwood, have weighed their 4|llk tor tbo month of November and find tbey are getting:, by Oooley System, 4.16 pounds of bottnr to one hundred pounds of milk, whtati at 98 cents a pound and skim milk at 30 cents a owl, nets them a trifle ever #1.26 for the same. Who can tea* It? THE Univerarfist Cbrlstonw*Sunday entertainment promlaea to be d and unique, on Friday even- QotoriLjfte the "Fairies" and goedJlia«er Santa Klaus baa a oome, and will be there, talldtag something at tbe what ia It, _ Free en* use of their of maklngf y«*r presents, rinnwrty. Vermont Home Made Maple Syrup a k Althoff Bros. ' • FEED RAGE, of Indianapolis, lndn Is visiting herewith his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Nichols. LORISCO BISHOP, or Wankegan. la visiting in lb la vitiate with hla node, the Hon. Richard Bishop. HOB, C. H. TBYON, and Pater Burger, of Hebron, were callers at this office to-day. WE learn that a fourteen pound girl arrived at tbe home ot C. Fred Tryon, Hebron, oof Monday last. /REY. B. Brunei ng, Pastor of the Uni- ^ersallst Church, commenced his second year as Paator of this church on Sun- l*«t, ^. REMEMBEB the Annual New Year's Party, at the Riverside House, In this village, .which takes place on Friday evening. D*c, 31st. Anderson's cele brated Janesvl lie Orcheatra will fur nish the music, and mine host Ford will leave nothing undone for the comfort and pleasure of his guests. Ws would again remind our readers and particularly »he dancing publlo. of the New Year's Party, to be held at Grand Hall, Parker House, on Friday evening of next week. December 31st. Slocum's Full Orchestra will furnish the music, and nothing will be left un done to make It pleasant for all who attend, CHORAL Service at the Unlversal'st Church Sunday evening, Dec. 26.1886. Carol, Angel hosts In bright array, Rev. G. P. Grantham. Response, Unison In G, E. J. Hopkins Anthem, Let us now go even uuto Bethlehem, E.J. Hopkins. Offertory, Holy offerings rich and rare, R. Redhead. Carol, O dark was the night, B. W. J. Trevaldwyn. A WARKAMT waa sworn out before Ksquire Perry on Tuesday and put in to tbe hands of officer Leickem who arrested Frank Sexton, who was charged with theft of a lot of Carpen ter Tools from the shop of Mat Weber, Jr., In this village. Sexton took a change to Justice Gilbert, where he plead guilty, and was bound over to the Circuit Court under #200 bonds, failing to obtain which he was taken to Woodstock to-day and put In the care af Sheriff Eckert. fig Bargains 1B Goat Robes. Clll -* I 'I- P , - MR. FRANK HKWETT'S Minstrel* will visit this town on the 23d Inst., and witl appear at Parker House Hall. Mr. Hewett In organizing this superior troupe of leading artists lias spared no expense whatever and combined with* his superior ksowledge as a musician* warrants this organization to be un surpassed. Mr. Hewett wlllglve six solos on different Instruments, as he has performed in masterly style in Europe, Asia, Africa and India. All the artists are exceedingly clever In ^thelr various specialities. CHRISTMAS exercises will be ob served at tbe M. E. Church.on Friday, evening. A boat will appear well laden with presents, under a Captain of six years experience, and a full crew of sailors In costume, to take full charge of the boat. A short and in teresting programme is being pre pared to preceed tbe appearance of tthe craft, f The vucal numbess will bo Mgh&^-ppr^iillCffa ""by "airTOVurs-of TBI selections are eery The church Is to be tastefully deeoratfed. and nothing undone to make It pleasant and Interesting to Every one welcome to come and oy the oooaslon, (No admission.) The Church will be open to receive presents at two o'clock on Friday afternoon. Packages may be left at the Parsonage any time previous. Exercises to begin at 7:30. RBPOBT of tbe Principal Depart ment of the Rlngwood School for the month ending Dec. 17, 1886. Whole number enrolled 41; Average daily at tendance 86; Num ber of outside 12. Pupils who were present every day during the month: Ellen Spauldiug, Louis Chase, Laura Stevenson, Mary Coates. Mary Churchill, Agnes Forth, Lueia Carr, Minnie Mudgett, John Harrison, Herbert Harrison, Walter Cristy, Frank Bratt, Amos Smith, Eddie Harrison, Henry Stephenson. Eddie French, Joho Bobbins, John Kittle. Pupils absent one day only during the month, Emily Chase, Elon Harri son, Clayton. Harrison, Charles Carr, Fred Frenoh, Scott Harrlsoo, Ora Harrison. Pupils who did not miss one word In the spelling lessons during the months Mary Churchill, Mlnale Mudgett. Walter Cristy, City too Harrison. Herbert HarrUon, John Bobbins, Lois Chase, Ella Spalding, Luella Carr, Stella Lumley, Lizzie Lumley. Standing of A; class In Arithmetic 100 signifies perfect, 93 very good, and 80 quite good. Ella 8paulding, 100; Louis Chase 100; John Bobbins 95; Walter Cristy 95; Amos Smith 90; John Harrison, 9); Frank Fay 90; Clayton HarrlsoQ 90; John Kittle 90; Fred French 90. Standing ef tbe B. class in Arithme tic. Emily Chase 90: Laura Hnrrlson 80; Mary Coates 85; Herbert Harrison 9S'; Eddie Harrison 96: Eddie Dodge 70; Henry Stephenson 90; Charles Carr 80; Frank Bratt 95; George Carr 90; Agnea Forth 95; Minnie Mudgett 90; Mary Churchill 90. C. olass in Arlthmehlc.- Eddie French 90; Scott Harrison 90; Thomas Carr80; Ora Harrison 90: Lucy Dodge 95; Lewis Lumley 75j Elon Harrison, 90; Walace Lumley 90: Charles Dates 90; Luella Carr 95; Stella Lumley 90; Lizzie Lumley 90; Joaeph Frisby 90. W*. NICK LB, Toaehar- F ; ', JISTRAY NOTICE. Came Into the eaclosure of tbe an- derslgned about Dec, 6th, 1886, one two year old Heifer. The owner is hereby notified tn prove property, pay charges and take her away. JOHN BRAriKLO. JTEWAJG L$$PPR>" V- - • Hltiotato Farm. On Friday test ire made a visit to Hillside Farm, J. R. Baylor A Sons, •Ituated three miles West of this vil lage, and there had tbe pleasure of seeing the finest lot of blooded stock that ever came tinder our observation. The head of this stock and what tbey most pride themselves upon Is their Morgan Horses, and they certainly have reason to feel pHrad of their show In that Hue, We wooldllke to men tion each one we saw separately, and may do so st some future time, but time and space will not permit us do ing so now. They have twenty full blood Morgan Horses, Brood Mares and Colts, ami we do not believe a fiber lot of horses can be Been together anywhere. At the head of this stable atanda old Giflord Morgan, one of the finest horses we ever laid eyes upon. Bnt no descrip tion we can give of him will half do blm justice, His colts, ranging from ft>ur years to suckers, are all perfect models of tbe Morgan horse, and we believe what Is claimed Is true, that for all purpose horses the Morgans stand at the head. Tbey also have two colts, a cross of the Morgan and Blue Bull stock, from CombC trotting stallion. George C, which are very fine and will bear the closest inspection, both as to style and action. In the cattle line they have former ly bred full blood Short Horns, but are nbw crossing with the Red Polled An gus, and Mr. Saylor says that instead of sawing off the horns he Is now breed ing them off, and with good success. He has about one hundred thorough bred and crosses, all as fine as one could wish to see. Hillside Farm, beatdes having some of the finest blooded stock In this part or the State, is also a model of con venience. Everything in and around the barns Is put there for use and to save labor. Their stables are all a6 warm as a dwelling house, and water will not freeze there In the coldest days. The water for bis stock Is brought by pipes from a spring right into tbe stablea and no pumping by hand or windmill is required. Every thing in and about the farm is put for laboring saving and convenience. Alter partaking of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Saylor, In the shape of a good dinner, we came home well re paid by what we saw and learned by our visit to Hillside Farm. , Read their advertisement In another column. WE learn that Mrs. Wm. Salisbury, of Elgin, met with a severe and palnl ful accident, at her residence in that fity last week. As we understand It she had stepped to the back door when she slipped ond fell heavily, putting her ankle out of joint and breaking one of the bones. Mrs. Salisbury la a sister of Mrs. E. J. Qanly, of this vil lage, . --Qc& readecs should not overlook, the advertisement of Mrs. Frank Leslie which appears In this paper, Tbe pro prietor of this well known and enter prising publishing bouse offers a splen did statuette of Bartholdi's Liberty, free of charge, to every subscriber to the Illuatraied Newtpaper or the Pop ular Monthly, or for two subscriptions to the Sunday Magazine, Each of these publications have of old readers and friends in all parts of the country, who do not need to be told that they are among the very bast issued. The statuette is an exact fao-timile of the colossal figure In New York Harbor, of the same material, and Is an exceed ingly pretty and effective parlor or mantle ornament--not tor a day, but for all time. Mrs. L{g|te with her usual enterprise, has secured absolute control, for premium purposes, of tbe statuette, and it will be offered by no osber publisher. The Frank Leslie Publications are all of a high order of excellence, and enjoy well-deserved popularity. The Way to stop a Paper, Every newspaper publisher has an occasional subscrlbsr whose soul seems to have been made out of the fag end of the material. We are always thank ful when such are lifted from our Hat. The sooner the better. They generally refuse to take the paper after receiv ing it a year or two without paying for it--a plain steal with an insult added. Or else they move away without pay ing a nlckle. Or they all at once dis cover that tbey never ordered It, or that they received It Irregularly--not half the time--won't pay for It. In either case it ia a cowardly snap, such as an honest man would not be guilty of. The proper way to stop a paper Is to psy up first and then atop It after wards. If you are a gentlemen and don't owe a cent, walk into the office and candidly Kay you don't wish the paper, or cannot afford to subscribe. If you are on tbe hog plan, chuck It back into the post-ofllce and mark it "refused."--J9c. L4k i j iSl FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. I oiler for Sal e or Rent, my farm of W0 Acres, situated on Rlngwood Prairie, one mile from Rtagwood cheese factory. There are 40 acres of timber and pasture and 120 acres under cultivation. Well watered and buildings all In good repair. For further particulars inquire of me at my residence in McHenry village. O. GRIMOLBT. TURKEY SHOOT. There will be a Turkey, Glass Ball and Clay Plgaon 8hoot,on the River, In tbe village of McHenry. on Friday, Deo. 24th 1886. Plenty of Turkeya will he furnished toshootlst, and Glass Balls and Clay Pigeons to those who desire. Come out and have some sport. JOJEPH BOOK. ' Fence Poets for 8ale« About 200 good Oak Potts for sale. Inquire of W7H. Ford,at the Riverside * ' \ i >T f ' S', - Yti#^ij|piaiw, Tbe Indian MedtnSn* Company have arrived and wlB glvs a series of free entertainments at Riverside Hall, every evening for two* weeks, com mencing Monday, Dfce mber 20th. Tbe enterulnmettt #lM||>n8lsi: of Lectures. Indian songs. Wards noes. Tableaux, Etheopian sketches, etc. The company have just arrived from WoodstodtjL. where tbey have tnf t with gr&aHrtic-' 1 cam tor, the past thrta-~wfeks, the|r celebrated Indian remedies selling in great quantities and giving universal satitfactlon. To substantiate tbe truth of what tbey say, they will stay long enough in this town to give all a chance to try the remedies. m OOHTBIBOTBO ft* *HPLOSSIE. THE Woodatock Democrat tu speak ing of the Klokapoo InJi«n Medicine Company, now tn this village say: The entertainment given by the Kickapoo InJian Medicine Co, last Wednesday evening was as fine a» any ever given In this ©Hyrby so small a troupe. Mrs. Frye, the wife of the manager, carried her part with the ease of a skilled actress, and auch shs appear* to be. Her performing won merited admiration, while the per forming of Mess re Rlpie and Read was up to the standard. Again they say In their last weeks Issue: This Is the last week of the Kl oka- poo Indian Medicine Co. In this elty. During their stay here their actions have been uniformity civil and appro priate. and they gomwty after having done much good with their medicine. They are billed -for McHenry for two weeks, and we recommend them to the people of our sister village as a oompany worthy of patronage. Dr. Frye, the manager, is a man who pays his bills promptly and pleasantly, and never acts as though he dislikes to pay a man his dues. He would ratber add to than detract from. They also come here highly recom mended by Hon. Geo. K. Bunker, the Mayor of Woodstock, as In every way worthy of tbe patronage of the public* their medicine having proved to be just as represented. Their free enter tainments each evening are the most entertaining over given In this village. v NORTHERN NUNDA. , ; EDITOR PLAINDEALCR:--It has *ome time since the many readers|of the PLAINDEALER have heard anything from Northern Nunda, consequently, we have concluded to giv* them a treat In the form of some news con cerning our people and surroundings. Miss Eilsn Giacy Is visiting with friends in Pontiao. Ills, Mr. "John Rellhan has rented the Doran farm and has moved onto the same. ^ The subject of matrimony evidently, has been uppermost In the minds of our young men, as we have already lost three of our most popular young ladles. Aud judging frem the way cigar boxes sre being laviabed upon some ot our young ladtes we are likely to lose at least one more. John Gracey has erected a new barn on his place. Peter Deherty done the Wbirk. - • Mrs. Thomas Phalln and Miss B, Conway spent a part of laat week with Mrs. John Carey, of Ringwoed, Thomas Pbalin has erected n new windmill and has made a great many other Improvements around his place of late. Thomas Knox has rented hi# father's farm and will move onto it the lit of March. -• Gene Erwln nod sister Mollle, re turned from Chicago last week. We learn that P. Scanion will, tbe coming spring, erect a residence on his place opposite P. Murray's. T. T. Thompson and Gene Mathews ship their milk to Chicago at present. We are to have a spelling school and entertainment at our school after the Holidays. Further particulars the next time we write. Joho Bolger has returned from St. Paul, Minn., where he has been in tbe employ of R. C. Jefferson the past sea- aou. He aays It would tske fourteen overcoats to keep warm in that region. Hnmf A pleasant party of our yonng peo ple gave Mr. and Mrs. John RoIIban a surprise on Friday evening. But, bow was It that the promulgators failed to put In an appearance F Quite a number of our young folks expect to attend tbe party New Years. NEW YEAR'S PARTY.; Yourself and lady are oordlally In-i vtted fo attend a New Year's party, at Adam's Hall, Johasburgh, III., Thurs day evening, Dec. 30th, 1886. Musirf Rlngwood.Band. Tickets, Including sapper, #1. Everybody come out and have a good social time. PBTXR ADAMS, Proprietor. • NEW YEAR'S PARTY.' Yourself and Lady are oordlally In* vlted to attend a New Year's Party, an Thaien's Hall, Johnsburgh, III., Monday evening, Jan. 3d. Music, Rlngwood Band. Ticketa, ^including aupper, #1. Everybody come oat and have a goo 1 social time. HUBERT NBUMAWW, Proprieta*. Taxes! Taxes! The undersigned, Colleotor of tbe Town of McHenry, will commence re ceiving Taxes, January lOtb, and caj be found at the following places on the days named: n- Mondays,. at the store ft Lay A Adams. Johnsburgh, Tuesdays, at tbe store of Perry A Owen, In the village of McHenry. Wednesdays, at the store of J. W. Cristy & Son, Rlngwood. Thursdays, at tbe atore of C. V. Stevens, in West McHenry. Call and pay your Taxes at aa early a day aa possible. MAT Harass, OoMeetor. WOOD FOR SALE, We have a quantity of good wood for sale, which will be delivered to any part or tbe village at a reaaonable Srioe. Orders can oe left at the Brick [Ills or at tbe West McHenry post of- The gay new pretty. cutters are all very Charlie Xldredgf day vacation. ; ~ la home for Holl- ~6ofa McConnel returned froiti ber Woodstock Visit Monday. Tbe revival meetings at the M. X. Church closed last week. The sleighing baa onlj fair. not beeo food-- School doses FrMay tor B weeks vacatlop. Russell Fuller Is recovering, friends will be glad to know. his Whatever become Ladies Brasa Band? of tne Young The boys have their dance at Culvers Dec. S3. There will be a good crowd. The aoclal at Downlngs, SaturJay evening, was well attended and enjoy ed, Fred Waltera ahlpped a turkey to his brother-in-law at Cheyenne, Satur day. Was It 14 pounds It weighed, or 41? I'*e forgotten. Mrs Grundy says there Is to be more than one wedding In this vicinity be fore 1886 has passed. You may believe it or not. I don't. I never believe what that llokle peraonage says. Tbe shortest day of all the year lias past and now the knowing ones ahake their heads and quote Mtbe cold begins to strengthen," yet winter seems hard ly to have oome, so pleasant baa been all her days and so few the storms. Mr. W. M. Clark, oace a teacher In our sohool, has, his Richmond friends will be glad to learn, been elected Judge of Breckenrldge county, Color ado, which office he had filled for sever al months previous, be be in appointed en aocount of the death of hla prede cessor, Charles K, Maynard, who was prin cipal of the Geooa Junction sohool thrfee years ago, died of typhoid fewr at Sioux olty, Iowa,laat Sunday. His home was at Salem, Wis., but he was a practicing p'lyslclan at Sioux City having graduated In Chicago last year. Charlie was a youog man ot fine attain ments and It Is with regret that we place thia name on deatha record. The funeral will be held at Salem Thursday. I haven't told you, have I, that tbe Richmond Cornet Band has beeo re-organlzed? Everybody Is glad of It, and William P. Sherman Is the leader. Between you and me, Will Is a splendid musician, and aa nearly all tbe members have played before, It will uot be very long ere they will be up on the top shelf, mastering all the difficult muslo-tbat Is It there Is no es trangements. In that respect It Is to be hoped It will differ from past exper- ienoea. We wish the band good luck, and all our citizens will be glad to see tbe boys sucoeed. They will have ex ercises at the school house Friday. As I have aald before, tbey skate dowa at ths rink every Saturday even- lug. Now and then we ge down and while away a pleasant hour watching tbe merry crowd and perhaps take a turn on the "little wagons," for who would envy the others a little extra sport? The other night while I was following a narrow toot-path, wishing that some miracle would transform all those sparkling snow-flakas Into dls- monds. wondering bow auyone could see nught but beauty In auch a night even tbo' 'twaa bitter cold; wondering too, where the path would lead to, and thinking bow much of this life Is made of wishes and wonderment, when tbe path ended abruptly and I was at tbe rink. No sooner bad the massive por- tala cloaed behind me than some one stepped to oiy side and said: "Will you tell me why it is that the Profes sor of this rink allows that boisterous crowd of boys to occupy the floor late ly, making It absolutely dangerous for the girls to venture on the surfaoe? It tbe manager Is so Indulgent whv does he not appoint a special night and let them be as rude as tbey please, but for goodneas sake I hope this will not occur again tor this town of yours baa little amusement enough surely." My dear sir, *sid I, you hsve a great head. By all means go to the offioe; tbe manager Is there, mention this to him. My new acquaintance smiled a superior sort of a smile as b« walked off In the direction of the offloe, and the next time there is skating down at Coulman's Opera House, I Imagine the skaters will be orderly asatfflo Of cars, and considerable quiets*1. DOLLS of aS W. Bealey's. kinds, ebeap, at Goo. GOOD SHOES CHEAP. One lot regulsr price #2.50 to #4.00 now #1.50 to #2. One lot regular price #1.50 to #2.25, now #1, One Tot regular prioe #1 to #1.50 now offered at 50 oenta One lot regular price #1 now reduced to 25 cents. Must be sold before Jan, 1st. HENRY COLBY. Plush Sets, tbe finest lo town, cheap, at Geo. W. Besley's. California Oranges, very fine, at Perkln'a Restaurant, Kelter*s Block. For a substantial go to Altboff Bros. Holiday Present Germantown Yarn former pries #140 to #1.75, all offered at 70 oenta a pound at Henry Colby^. Lamps complete, for 95 cents, at Geo. W, Besley's. Call and see them. Candles and Nuta,a large and oho lee stock, at Perklna' Restaurant, Kelter'a Block. Albums only 20 cents, at Goo. Bealey's, Weat 81de, QUANTITY AND QUALITY. m ^ half prioe sl B>»y oSby a Great bargalne ln HoHdn; at Dwights Woodstock, H Plenty of warm goods of all kiade at Dwigbt's, Woodstock, It will pay pou to oonra from all over McHeaty County to trade at Dwigbt's, Woodstock, See our cheap Atjfelma, from tttoto #1 aud #2. BONSLBTT FT STOHTEL. Cups and 8auoora, In grant virlety from 5e to #1, at Bonslett Si StoSePa. Fltzstmmons ft Evanaon are retiring from business. Five OUQOOB of Plug Tobaeoo for tea cents, at Althoff Bros. Toys of all kinds, cheap at Perklaa*, Kelter's Block. Haadkerchlefs, all styles and prteea, at Althoff Bros. Tete-a-Tete Seta, Seta and Tea Seta. StoffePs. at nod Milk Bonslett ft ?• have n tow good Cloaks left which we offer at hair price. FIT«etmsoaa a BvAXSon*a. Remember tbe fact that W. H. Dwight will not be undersold by any house !n Woodstock or McBeary Co. Remember the facts that Dwtght*a old reliable cash store, at Woodatock, Is Headquartera for Felt Boots, Bot her Boots, Gum Boots, and Mena, Womena. Misses. Boys and Chlldreas Buckle Artlos, Alaakaa and Self Anting Alaskan. 1 HAY FOR SALKT^^ Twenty Ton of good Timothy Hay for sale. Apply to Patrlok Finely, oa the Osmond Hale farm, 1} miles aouth east of Burton's Bridge. FOR SALE OR RENf. A farm of 71 acres, situated S miles east of Spring Grove. 111. Good House, and other outbuildings, Also a good well of water. Ehr further particulars inquire of ^ DAVID SMILET. „ Spring Grove, 111. iO-w.6, A pure bred Cotswold Ram tor ante. Bred by J. L. Connelly from Imported stock. GEO. H. HABBISOM. CARPBTS, all klnda, at Chicago Prices, from now until January 1st, Call and see samplea at Justen Bros. West Side. Overcoats aod clothing nt Perry Owen's. Bonn C. Y. Stevena'. TTost j Oyaters to Balk, by tM < at Perkins* Reetaorant. Madame McGen'S Coronet for sate by Altboff Broe, Elegant Dreaeand Jersey at Buinr ~ THE finest stock klods* In conaty, West Side, Slippers OiMMdBntt, fore, at G. W. Fine Scrap Wont Cnawn, only Sima y*e, West Side* , Boot* *nd Shoes* a» Ii of Furniture, all at Justen Bros, Fur, Plush and Sootch finest assortment In town. Bros. Caps, the At Althoff Look Out for Bargain* A good hat, 60s. Lined glovea, BOo. A goodstiff hat, #1.25. A mole-akin ahlrt. >1. A wool suit, #5. A fur cap, fine, #1.20. A #4.50 ahoe. for Boys' suits at oost. At E. Lawlus' Chicago Store In front Riverside Hotel. Eaat McHenry, AT MRS, tfCHUMACHEKS On the Weat Side, can be foand a toll line of Goods for the Holldaya, iwu lino VI vuuui lur IIW uuiiuaja, flhOMl/fSirtA consisting ofFanoy Goods, Silk in*. fine Linen Hindkunhtati. T.tea liowftl •Xtrome low prloes for 01 fine Linen Handkerchiefs, Lace Soarflf, etc. Also a watt selected stock of stylish Winter Millinery, all of which will be «o|d at the loweat living prloes. Call and see Goods and learn prteea, MBS. SCHUMACHBB. J. P- SMITH. The Jeweler, haa now a larger stock of goods than ever, conalatlng In part of Scrap Books, Maglo'Lanterns, tttor eoeoopeaand Stereoscopic views, Ba- gles. Waltzing Tops. Work Boxoa, Writing Desks, Music Rolls, Musto Fol ios, Piano and Ocgan Folios, with mn sic both vocal and Instrumental, In structloa Books, Muslcsl Instruments, Toy Enjrlnes, etc. Nice Box Paper, only, 16 cents. Alarm Clocks oheaper than ever. Also n full stock of Watches, Clocks, Jswelry, etc. Goods oheaper than ever, In spite of tne assertions of en vious competitors to the oontrary. Call and see for yourself. j. p. SMITB, _________ MoHeaiy, III. Farm for Sale. The utderslgoed offers for sate his Farm, oooalatlng of 157 acres, situated four miles West of McHenry, For terms and other particulars Inquire of IT BANK HOB ART, V4a Terra Gotta, IU. THE highest price In Caah paid for strlotly fresh Eggs, at Locke's Homo Bakery. _____ Boot and Shoe Sale at low cash prloes at Perry ft Owen's this week. 15 pounds standard Granulated Sngar for#! cash, at Perry ft Owen'a, Rockford Car pet War pa at Bonslett ft Stollels. ___ 16 pounds standard A. Sugar for #1 oaah at Perry ft Owen's. Trioota and Dress Flannels In all shades at Perry ft Owen'a. Call and see our Perry ft Owen's. flue new shoes at BULL FOB SALE. A grade Durham Bull oomtttfr two »¥«ri old for sale* Apply to Colby, one mile northwest of McHen ry. 18tf Fltsaimmons ft Evanaon are cloelng out. TURKEY RAFFLE. Clay Pigeon and Glass Ball Shoot--At Volo. On Tburaday. Thanksgiving, Cbrlat- mas and New Yeara days. I ask all that have patronised me for tbe last four years to oome again for we will bave a bigger time than ever. Big money for the beat shots, and lots of Turkeys for tbe lucky ones, for this year excells them sit. Fresh Oysters In any etyte at J, N. Barrua'. If you wish a good Cigar, a good plug of Tobacco, Candiee or Nnta of all kinds, call on J. N. Barraa. Amunition, sweet and hard Cider, Pops and Ginger Ale alwaya on hand at J. N. Barrus'. Tbe celebrated Watertowa Flannels at Perry ft Owen'a. % I had a cow taken down with milk fever Suudsy evening, Nov. 7th, I#86, and the lay two daye covered up with blanketa given up to die, when a neighbor recommended Dlcklnaon'a Cow Prescription. 1 got and gave her two bottlee, gave oae half both every three boon and warm water every hour aad It cured ber. I think It n the beat medicine in the world for the Bar- Bed Blankets aad Shawls a specialty i Before Ft re, Li ranee, of Henry, 111. Lace Curtains, Tidies, DOMESTIC Piano and Faralfenre i lah, tbe finest thing ia the Besley's Drug Store. If you waat to lean for One y*a~Drag 8to«o.Weni^ The largest line of shows In MoHenry, can nowl at * HEHBY ^ Ir you waat to make yoar ' Top lock an good as new get tlonjal Patent Leather Besley's Drag Store. UNDERWEAR. All Uses, gradea and prloes hi ft Owen's. YANKEE Brown Bread aad Beans every Wednesday aad Sat at LOCK'S Home Bakery, MoHeary. Jersey Walats, a fall will be sold at lower prteit7 other atore la MoHet See oar new Clonke, Newwatfcnm 4 and new style wraps before " PBBBT< Look nt the chotoe Candles ley's Drag Store, West End, Ladles and Gents ine 8hoes « tatty at Dwlghts. NEW CLOAKfe Best flits, best styles, and lowest oes at Perry ft Oweua. Call tor the MWlnnta||8tf#i| Brand of five oent ClghtSt ̂ ed by Barbian Bros. It all. BBSLBY*S Liver Wort the best thing on the Beslev's Drug Store. West KRG ttYRUP Warranted all pure sugar, at per keg at Perry ft Owen's. Get your Horse Blankets for 75 eeaf Str patt, at a V, Steven*, Vnst enry.UL LISTEN for the Bell of the BikerU Wagon. '. As good as new- A Goal Stove aonad aod lu flmt der that will be aold cheap, tber particulars Inquire at Pi BB offloe. THIS WEEK Great Bargains (a flae kid nut prloes tor cash at Perry ft We took advantage of a low and bough i our Overcoats Very for oaah, and can give yon hot 1. See them. PBBBT ft New Glovea and Mlttena jnat receiv ed at Perry & Owen'*. #3.50 for a Haadsoms 14 Inch Deeora> - tod Shade. Banging Lamp, at STMUM ft STOVPBU To those thsjjt waat Tabs, Tata, i Rooks, and anythlnar in my line o|,| noes. Work done on short m order. Shop one door Sooth 1 1 us' Store, F.A.: (feHearv. Aa|. 10, ISFLS. m* New Tear. mmmi* Order yoar Cakee aad Cni for Christmas and New " *«? Everything Home-Mada. in your Orders early . . . * »- -s$j A- HOVE ABSOLUTELY PUSB. Choioe fLOBlDA Ot tor ths Ckriatam TNM. LsoltaPia Home Aad wsssmmOui