Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1887, p. 1

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The? areas uhoM jrw aehaseeeyeer .;Sfe k«kMM«T«r • * utMTnr - e a e y e a r - . . . . « . « » twr«r 10000 ;S$ One inch meant MM mesmrement of one Hob dnri the celesta, slagle oolnmn width. 1 T«Klr«dTmllMri, kltlNfti»T« n(H, l«H '|li )rirt1«M «f etoMlM m often ee they fbeeie, ttdwt astnaMp. (alar advertisers (aseening those having llaf eards) will be entitled to insertion *1 aetlees it the rate of B cents per line 1ml. AU other* will be charged 10 tie per line the Srst week, end a cents per , s »r each snbeeqaent week. .v Transient advertisements will be charged - - Mite ef » oents pe line, (nonpars ii " is set In) the flrit lssae,and subsequent issaee. Thns, it will oostfLMfbr one weeks, 18.00 fw three TIM Puktabaiunt will be liberal In giving lltorlel settees, bat, Mt bnsiness rale, it •ill require i suitable fee from everybody "' * the use of its columns for pecuniary 8USIHBSS CARDS. SURGBOW. Ode* at , B. T.BBOWN.M.D. * -- DBniOIiR A WD SURGHB4 Basldence,MeHenry, UL W a H. riQKss, M. D. :'J ' 'flllTIIOl&N AND SUBtJBON, MeHenry, \ I III*. 0«ee at Residence, t O. J- HOWARD, M. D. TS10IAN AID 9TTRQBON, MeHenry, ill, otee at Residence, one door West *. Oh arch. BABBLAK BROS. iK.tUrSkShttlMlistWMt of amnM. Lively Stable. bed at reasons bis rates. lemiil ot I L' • MMMMIM em chert notice. - WOETT 80HIE88LE Having purchased the old stand of Jowph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHENBY, ILLINOIS, •iM Keep* open public i First for the aoeoeuaodetkm lot the rst-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, 'here he will »*• ell times keep the|best brands of Wines, Liquors and Oigars (to be found In the market. Alse Afent For LAGIS BES&. r Beer la Large er Small Kegs er Bottles el- r' il. .-Iwaye en hand, eheapet than any other, quail- <v:'.*itr MMdmi Orders by mail promptly attended to. . * ' V 7 OOOD OTABLim FOB MOBSm, mV SWO l̂l aad see.ns. *.» t ^ . Robert SohMt* * rf ; 'Kstmm lflti May Uth, US*. r\ESTI8T. Residence Dundee. Will be at LJ MeHenry, at Parker Honse, the 10th Uth tSth and Kth of each month. When dates occur Saturday er Saaday X make my visits on the following Monday, and the IIrat day of each visit occurs on Friday, I will stay bat one day. B. B. BBXHRTT, M. fe. Lata Hoase Surgeon Oook County Hospital RICHMOND, III N0I8, Special attention riven to diflnnlt Surgical cases. DKUTSCS QSSPROCHXN. Office at Residence ef Dr. S. f. Bennett, WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, • • Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States for ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heire. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications Postage Stamps an enc wm, a. cowzm. Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstooc, Illinois. , -vV; i f-iiU • I' r • I ,; \ j ' •/ hSALOOH and EB8TATOAMT ' f Book'«|01d|3Und, MIoHINRV, ILLINOIS. Pin# Esntucky Liquors, | Frnch Bitters, UdEb&zy Lager Beer, SiiW Ifilwauis Sssi, --AND-- J. Sefcliti Miliaitee Battle Beer ® Bfflh* Bottle or , ime but the best and Mil at ttttfMnable Prices. Call and see me and I will we |Oiiwell. AJrrONY ENGBLN. h HI.. 1886. ves vn VKBAT raw BOOB, •The W rld's Wndors IfJ.W.BaeL laabecrlptlon beok ever ever kaowa in Prmft mm neadad to WltlMMt tel need want live wldeeet yen deecrip- baslness. We also pereses whoeend Write for our list SSlk%££», States Var Claii Am -OP- promptly answered if closed for reply. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BOH8LETT, Old h* A LOOK AWD RESTAURANT, at t j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, Mcl 111. The choicest Wines, Xlqnors an<l Cigare to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on applteatioa. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Oase, always on hand. GUOB STABLING FOR HORSES. ILL DIGGING PUMP REPAffiiNO, CSMCNTING, The undersigned is prepared to do all Jobs la the line of Digging Wells, Repalriag Pomps, Oementing Welle, or f will put in 27evr Pumps In On short notice and warrant satisfaction, short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good reference* furnished if desired. If yoa want a Well Dug, a Pump, Repaired or a aew Pump, give me a call. 49"Orders by mall promptly attended to. Poet oiiee, JonnsburgE, 111. L. BANTE8. JohnsDurgh, 111,, May 30th, ltt. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL SPRING ABOVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most mSOIABLl _AND Satisfaction (haranteei Gail on or Address m O. C. Artreows, ' W Spring Crove, 111. Spring Srove, SepLlSOth, 1MB, ll>ll-Sm fOEBAEGAIIS II 13 Weeks. ^Tbe POLICE GAZETTB will be mailed ̂ securely wrapped, to any address In the United state* for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to poctmaetars, agents and olubs. Sample eoptoa mailed tree Addrese all orders to BXCBABSX. VOX, PBAIMNR SQV ABB, Kew York. JOHN J. WINKLES, CABPENTEB AND JQINIB, |s prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar* en tee satisfaction. Will work by the^b or day as desired, and do as $ood work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de­ sired, JOHN J. WINKUIS* McHENRY, ILL., Jtanh 8MA, IMS. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion ot the public to my Stable of Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They art all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep to r sale. The public ace cordially invited to call and examine stock, it prices, etc. No bnsiness done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY . ia.7-tr MOHKKRY, ILL PATENTS Obtained, and ail ether business in the U. S. Patent Office attended to for MODMRATM the U. 8. Patent Office, ite la lees time thaa INGTOJT, r. We advice as to patentability free of charge; and wa make no Ktarae unless we Obtain Patent, We refer here, to the Poetmaeter, the Snpt. of Money Order Div.. and to official* of the U. S. Patent Office, For circular, advice, .enus, and reforaaoee te actual clients la your owa state or County, write to c. A. i®®row * co. Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D, O. Our office is eppoelte the U. S sd we can ebtain nateate la lose iewu>te from WA&BIN& send Model or Dmwlng. We " ehafie; aad' itainPateat, bV Ryedykes Hamble 1:88 liat or better) he by *0, ;by Imp. Messenger; ( Mere, by Imp. BellteumU \ Damwaa Enchantress, isrinc, etc, as above, * was the fast Pacing |'|wbe paced the Chicago ^reare ef age in i;27, vith. sired by Autocrat by orvl by casalus Jackson, by Bashaw, Dam ef Fannie *. by Young Rowlln, by Dam ry a son ef Imported JOS| PEK0V8KY. opened a Restaurant Room, in his Havffr and Lunch Room, in his block, two doors South of the Post Office, is now prepared to serve a goou Lunch, with Hot Coffee or Tea »t ail hours ot the day or evening, and on short notioe. FRESH OYSTERS, By the Can, Quart or Dish, always on hand. , Give Us J. PEKOVS1 MeHenry, Oct. 13. 1886. j. p. smith, [Y. MSaii*. --CALL OW--» E. 11 HOWE, Opposite Bishop's Mill, Hartfare, lectiaiiic'i Tools, rtN, COPPER A SHEET IRON WARE, Aad. 9n|fact, everything! ̂ the hardwac* •teve and tin line. MB WILL SOT MM PUPWSOm Call at his store before buying rtjeewhere. beabtamed at Bejel* r. -jTT. . la. V WATCHIAIIR S JIW1LIH, HoHenry, ^pttnoia. As Pine a Stock ef Wsldies, Clock* and Jewslry Aseaa be found la the Ooaaty, whlek I effihr s- «at prleee that can not bis beat. ,. v T • A Fine Stock e« CfiOICE CIGARS FANCW: TOBACCO, STATIONERY, •BOX PAT*EH Nstiflu, luiul Intrun!! btbwltas Seela, its. *aBaeiy.Ill«] kr. ate. Lakeland At , by Abdallak, by' "Oeonre Or Mara "Fannie B Tuck at Seven oataey w Oaa. M. P M. Clay eta. ftea.OlSbrd, her M»|ssagw. erga O." is MM the i _ i»«Wa vate, trials vary the eelteewl* never heed a hisdaiuara ̂ bietanien, tta f: of ta^r, wual Gee. M7Patch very premising youn* he has attained Is no as be has trotted pri- below that, and can at any opportunity, faat considering he has ard Bred Mare yet, and kg tlrom gwo up, at two Imp bat be a fast one, as 's Of old Rvsdvke Ham. •of enr Trotting Family Messenger, Belitoundec Olayi, Bashaws, etc. Meau each month. Db. S. P, BamraTT, Com. woooaToox TOST, so NK. Meets flret aad third Monday evenlage ef each --nth. -% Wat. Ami, Oesa. .. . womua roar, wo--, Meeta.the second aad fourth Wednesday evenUf|*of eaoh month. Wx. Bonn, Oeau •tmnioiv.Bom Meats the second ana rourta Monday evaa Ingsof each month. Dm. IL T. Wocosimp. Oom. mrano POST, No. MO. Meets every Second aad Fourth PrMay eveaiags of eaah moath. A, J. BorareTow, Oem. Terms,; $25 Cash, AT Mavaeaot ate,,atfO For farther lfeJTeitry w. OF SERVICE. in Feal are entitled tea pee at owners risk, eluding pasture, trylag, h, tn Summer. tare address, W. Owen, McHENRY, ILL. LTRlT OEO. W- PRATT, WAUOONDA, ILL. Mas for sale eld and young stock, of the following breeds, ot thorough bred Po-iltry, which t will sell tor ooe half the usual pries. Black B. ft. Games, Blue Games, Black Tarter Games, Blade Cochins* Langshans, Wy- aadotts, Gold Lace Sebright Bantams, Light Brahams, R. (J. B. Leghorns, I Wild Turkey Gobbler, 5C pskin Ducks, GEO. W. PSATT, WaucMda. 60 •EJSTCAPLWL All the aoldlera want--all we Vtnt, to that tame even ban Jed justice and strict carrying oat ef coatracta which is accorded bj the Government to the holders of Its boads. We ask nothing mere, nor will those who saw) the Union from disruption be satisfied with toss. a!Tfc&k BEANS J. r. SMITH A OO^ hn Helm Algonquin, 111̂ m • Budwus, 8torss, Tiawsn In short, we keep everything In the above mentioned lines, which we are offe' ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. JOBBVG ft BEP AIRING. PBOXPTLY ATTXHDKD TO» j HBUH ' Alcraqata. Tot). 18.1888,- J PPT 70V FORGET IJ • ' \ ,ASA,#. SMITH, V j : ! -0*4 - " Woodartoolc. - - lUinota. Backed by Millions ot money oflai yoa UTDBMMITT against damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, OTCLOKTMS AJfD TOBMADOttB. Drop me a postal card aad X will visit yen; call on M and I will write you a policy, and waea either oraay of these destructive ele erantedevaetatea your property, happy will yon be if you hold one ef my policies for I will surety visit yoa, and auaister untojyoo. will not foraake .yeu. W. SMITH, Qm'l imwMM if SIM A WEEK. Gentlemen desiring pleasant, ployment write at once. We -- artittleef domestic use to everyone at sight. lleiU like hot cakes. Families wishing to • "*-* their own bene- jueate receive Ladies Staple An equalisation of bounties •H l>er menth to every ex-soldier for all the time actually served, previous payments to be deducted. Ftfr In­ stance, It John Smith served three years, and reoelved at the close ef the war S200 bounty, ha would, undsrr the proposed law. be entitled to 9100 iioro; or if Brown enlisted aad was dlseharg* ed by reason of disability resulting from disease, Instead of woundii IMH- fore two years' service, so that he got no bounty, or, having enlisted for leas than two years, reoelved none, In either of these cases he wevld become under an equalization act, entitled to •8} per month for the time served, whether the tame was one, two, three or more months. It Is an old aaytng that "yetf may lead a horse to water, but cannet foree him to drink." You may, however elect a maa to Congress, and then per* suade him to vote in the right direct* Ion even It hla incllnations are the other way. To do thla It Is only aeoeS' sary to work unitedly, giving candi­ dates for office to understand that they are but the servants of the people, and must obey the popular will or be re tired to drtvafee tfte. The *tt>!dter eto* meut* Is yet far toe powerful to be disregarded with impunity, exeept Is the South. The sooner our northern aad western statesman are made to understand this fact, the better It will |>e for themselves as well as for the pensioners and other just creditors of the Goverment whose Interests? It Is their duty tosnbservefe Pencil WASHINGTON, Deo. a5.--[Special.]-- The number of pension oertlAoafees of all classes Issued In the fiscal year 1885 was 74,701. The number In the fiscal year 1880 was 81,427. The number la the first six months oT thn current year lacking thirteen days, was 43.673, which is at the rate of very nearly 84,000 cer­ tificates a year, showing a marked In­ crease, year by year, In the certlScates issued. Of the forty-two thousand-odd certificates Issued since July 1, 16,838 were original pensions. 13.014 were Increases, 3,713 were relsiues, 831 rea- toratleufl, 368 duplicates, 1014 aorraed, 7,842 were under the supplemental aet of July 4,1886, and small numbers na- der varloos other special acta and or* ders, • And while we were at the front do­ ing the fighting those same Shylocks were at heme passing resolutions of undying affection for us, compliment­ ing our valor, and solemnly pledging themselves to ever remember oar sac­ rifices and sufferings, and to care for the disabled, and widows aad orphans of the dead. Like the Mississippi boatman who after aa explosion round himself floating down the river upon a dark night with nothing between him­ self and a watery grave but a single plaak, they were sost "l&fers&Uy good so long as the danger lasted*--in promises. The war was scarcely over, however, before they began to cry *Good*bye soldier I the country is safe f thus pattering after the boatman who, when his feet struck bottom, exclaim­ ed, 'Good-bye. Lord; I'm all right now* as he atraekeut forborne <##§# asw }ob.--National Tribune. f ^ V Ere these coinages appear thi mor­ tal remains of that brave old Com­ mander ef the If th Army Corpa, and later the Army of the Tennessee, will have bssa consigned to the tomb. Of all the great and grand galaxy of Generate the war of the Rebellen pro­ duced, there was not one mote loyal to the cause than he the soldiery des­ ignated the "Blaek Eagle." or more common among the reek and Me. he was calle d "Black Jack," His soldiers loved him for his patrlotietn. He appeared mors aa a eomrade than one in high command. It was the writers goo fortune to have belonged to the 16th Army Corps from its organise- ttoe te the cleee of the war and to have served under the deceased reaowaed soldier and Statesmaa In every battle he fooght from Vlcas- burg Atlanta Ga. and It was there, Stadief lalf 1804, that tassel Logaa'a dtasfc, cool aad unflinching bravery turned the tide of aa almost complete defeat aad route ot the army of the Tnuussses, In a few maeoents as it were tale acraad and glorious victory, aad aiver did any oommaader take efcarge ef so large aad Important e eopmand asder suoh exciting aad moBraftrijalrcemstSaces. for the brave aad gallaat MePbersea had but Jest fallea aad Ilea. Logan was almoet Instantly placed In oom mand, in fact as he wm' Informed of Geo. MoPherson's tragte Dale he was ordered to assume ItMaedlste com­ mand of the Army of the Teoaessee. We shall at seme future time Irf and tell ear comrades what we saw aad know personally of General Logaa and the 16th Army Corps, while he was Its oem mender. Comrades, of ail living sotdlen who participated la the late war aad who have become stateanMo or not, there la net one that can fill General Logaa plaoe aa the champion or your rights and eae and will fight your battles wbea aad where necee- •ary as he has deee. Ne private soldier ever wrote to Logaa that was not answered. He has been your steadfast friead slnoe he assaaied oltlseaship after the war doeed, your welfare aad what ho thought to be ustlee and equity tn yow behalf has ever been a duty that he seemed te enjoy, persleteatly te fight for aad push to a soeossful Issue, and la almost every Instance where yea have'bee a granted your dues or partly so It ls oa account of the part he took as yonr champion, and stood manfully and nobly for yoa till the end. It Is the reek and file ef the ex-Setdiers ef ear eoantry that will miss Geaeral Logan as much If not more thaa soy din of people. Other great soldiers aad beloved by their comrades In arose have lately fallen, but Logaa was more thaa that, He was yoar definder when treason advocates raised there voices In the Halls of Congress, against you or your Interest, year true aad sealoae sdvsssls at all times and la every emergeacy, the friend of every eoldlere widow or orphan ehlldvea. The soldiers comrade te %or aad friead and brother la peas was him that has advanoeo with the skirmish line for the last time aa# hps bet gene a little le advenes ef hts oomradee In arms who will soon be called to aaswer their last roll eaB. Somebody told eae ef Llnoola's stories aad that started the Geaeral. "I had seaM doubts for a time abeot the authenticity of the stories attribu­ ted to Lincoln,1* Mid General Logan, "until an experience or my own with him. 1 wes ssat from the WSsthf Grant with SeaM dispatches WbH4> were to be delivered to IN Presldeat in person. .It was late Satarday night when I went Into Wsshjaglon. The next moralog I went to the Hoase and there was nobody a) made a nelse at thf>^dafir aa^l one came sad said that Mr. Llacela couldn't be seen oa floods?; It was ablest the rules, 'Go ap stairs,' I said and tell the Presidert that Logaa ts herewith sosseImportantdlspatclMS from Great,* Pretty soee the mesMO* ger came bade and told sse te walk up. When I cam* lato the room Mr. Lin- cola was sitting tn a chair with one leetooa table-end bis head throws back. A barber was (ettlog through shaving him. He told mete take a seat and ha weald be ready to talk te me la a few minutes. The herber fin­ ished the shaving and weat to work ea the hair. Mr. Llanelli saw sse glance at his foot. It was much swollen. Beth olid* feat, lo feet, were In bad oondi- tloa. I said aetbing. but he oommeao- ed talking about them. 'They remlad me,1 be said, 'of a maa in Sangamon county who made a pretty bad horse tradj^^Tbe aalmal was la awfoUcon- dUtMHltthe former got him home. AboeoSs weeks afterward one ef his nelgwwini met him aad asked him how hie new horse was earning ea. **011, first-rate,** said the farmer, Mhe*s putting on fleeb fast. H«'s fat new up so his knees." Tears mv nx.* Since then,** said Geaeral Logan, "I have ac- cepted|as sutheetle all Lloooln stories." -- WttthSngtm Latter. Doiisi:! Mayaari towa efi rayette es«Mi^': rbatla tbeeety tn wbicA thereli a i people, aad, of« strongly BepaMk there was aad Is la ef as despeiate and be fouad. Whoa It was kaowa that Mr. •wm.. •'wP** detenaHied te fcl speaking In tfcOi ta formed of termlns^l te make hie i Foar deeperatei ea todetkei vide theat wM they were fiUfil|P'ef < Oneof the loaders of eaas of Payetie ' a rebel ballet. plot, end with three 1 as himself, and an eoort*reom tod the taMce used' them were Isrmed ready to softer lead notice. The feureheesai after Mr. aad la a him a "4 iasult again the four stand. Jost 1 tag him, by the tWt yea May nard. If yea do we you dowa,** Tbe fellow turned A hurried #hlspwrM^ then the aad diss with Mayas J|g§-$m ." * J-±. 3? J: ...... 4•>,£/& J".. ?.*..t +% . i l u r h f a u t t i iMTTbe Kathlonal Executive Oom- mitteeef third aad fourth class post­ masters, appointed at their oeaveaMea at Chicago la February last, lattedec- ed a bill la tbe last Congress, the ob­ ject of which was to meet tbe demand of third aad fourth dais postmastifs In the matter of oompeneatloe. bills wore Introduced at the same tbe House bill was presented by Hotfe S. R. Peters of Kansaa, and the ate bill by Seaator Jamas P. Wllseo, of Iowa. The bills are tbe were Introdcced In each hoase Of grsm to save time. Both werf twloe, and then referred to the office committee for ooaslderatloa report, where they BOW Stand. To In poshing tblsblU through the oongress. John H. Fatteieea, ed of the U. S. Mall,a Jearaal da to poatal matters, aad aa ar+eat of the eaase of third aad pestsssslue, makes the eralofier: For every Ot.OO seal as a subeerlptloa te hle pel before Oeo.81et.he wllltara te the Hatleaal Oomailttee ttair ate ./ he vorkiiv tw III age rate of erdtaiNT toceme of J Hesavedupf] wages, la pinions to Jol mine. JUl good jndgttael 1 mine. Sosm aadafttt a heqght oaS ItfSi of the rirtssst Ihei Ms- ^ qnlsgetsl He worfecs] as he dMl^HlMil 30 cents a mine Is a acroes. It nothing w^1 In the a his sew Dem« tain, aadi Inate Xr.

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