WEDNESDAY,! JAN. 5. 1887. Railroad Time Table. 2Dn and after Monday. Juee SUTralaa will paas McHenry Station aa bClow! ooivo IOVTH. Uke tiinen Pasaenger Uke Genera ExpreM Lake Geneva Freight. Lake Geneva f ,.7.« A. X .H:TF P. • ..*:* •« OOtflff irOBTR. Lake Qe>m Frel*M Lake Geneva Passenger..,.. KxpreM.. ...S-II a. a ...1S:S0 " Lake geneva Bxpreea i*]£r..u Lake Geneva 9:17 n •.»».«.,«i«« n-fsa,.A^M. McHenry. Ill IICHBMBT has a. Toboggan Slide, says vc'rt not up with the as? - . : rand Hall, Parker House, there were one bandred and sixty-one couples New Year's eve, and all report a good time. READ the uew advertisements of C. V. Stevens, John B. Blake, George W. ^ Beslej and Lockes Home Bakery, tl be found in this paper. JKTHBBE was a small bat pleasant party at the Riverside House on New Year's eve. Between forty and fifty 1 numbers were out. DIED.--Near Rldgefield, on Monday morning, Jaiffe 3d, of paralysis of the . braio, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, aged 64 years. • AH!ha! Another faster! A man In Ohio has gone twenty-eight days withoat eating anything. The name of the paper he Is editing is not known. • • . •' . , AAJOS. GILLES showed us two large /Jack Rabbits, last week, sent to him ,*/ from'Allnuesota. They weighed over I six pounds each and were as white as i snow. ! -» i HAVE you been to the Klckapoo Indian entertainment at Riverside Hall? If you have not you have missed a rich treat, and should not fail to go at once, as this is their last week & SALTATION Oil, the greatest cure on earth for pain, may be relied on to effect a cure wherever an external ap* plication can be used. Price only twenty-five cents a bottle. TOBOGGAN has struck McHenry. Bros, are putting up a Slide will be reaiy for use on Satur- this week, when everybody will chance to try this popular O. W. OWEN, ot this village, fur nlshed a new Estey Piano for the use of the Schubert Quartette at Wood stock, on Monday evening last, audit was pronounced by their Pianist to be one of the best instruments he , bad ever touched. r w. - I THE components of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup are dally prescribed by the ablest physicians, whose success is due to the specific influence of these com- ftohents. Dr. Buirs Cough Syrup skill- fully prepared for immediate use, is for sale by all druggists. THE Ladies Willing Workers Socie ty. connected with the Universallst Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs. Albert Colby, on Thursday after noon, the 6th, at 1:30 sharp. A general attendance is earnestly requested. MBS. J. B. PERKY, President, Hiss GRACE Owair, Secretary. MARRIED.--At Johnson, TT Deo. 26th. 1886, FreiC. Whiting, to Miss Freonla Buck, of Johnson, Vt, Mr. Whiting has for the past two years been engaged In the Factory of W. A. Crlsty, In this village, and has host of friends here who will wish him mneh Joy In his "new departure." AN exchange says: "Robert Burns Wilson, the poet, gets his inspiration by sitting beside a Kentucky rill.** The last word is evidently a typo graphical error. A Kentucky still Is what is meant, and it la now under stood what makes Bob slog so long and so lugubriously. IN the Breeder* Oaeette, of Dec, 86, we find Registered under the bead of 2:S0 horses, the name of "George O," owned by George W. Owen, in this village. This horse will be put in first class hands next spring and we predict that before the season is over he will show a record that his owner will have to feel proud of, body of William Snow, who was killed In Chicago, a notioe of which we gave last week, was brought here on Tuesday evening and the funer al was held at the residence of Jos. Fltzsimmons on Thursday morning, aad his remains taken to Wauconda for iutermvuk. He was killed by be ing run over by a train in the Railroad yards, at Chicago. THIS IS the aggravating kind of eon-, solation that a subscriber writes to an editor : Well, many happy returns of the season; and if the egg that was going to hatch your ChriBtmas turkey got kicked out of the nest, and a sweet young life perished in the "bomin," don't look moody and go on a hard cider drunk, but brace up en a ten cent, soup bone, and make yourself believe that when next Christmas oomes yon' will feed on the fat of the land. Marengo Republican says: "Fred A. Patrick bas just closed a trade with the Metropolitan Bank of Chicago, whereby he becomes the pur chaser of their entire interests in their factories in this vicinity. This gives him the ownership of seven, and the controlling i a teres t in four others of the leading factories. This arrange ment will, we think, prove very satie- factory to the patrons, as the system of prompt payments and large bonds, giving absolute security, will be con tinued, although other changes In the form of management will probably be Jnade which wilt undoubtedly greatly please the farmers, of which more W. J. CUTTEMDO*, of Lake Geneva, was on our itraats on Saturday last. CHAS. H. GBAMQBR, of Antloch, spent New Year's at his home*in this village. Miss LULA COLBT, ofNunda, was calling on friends here last week. MRS. FRANK SMITH, ofNunda, was visiting with friends here last week. CHAS. W. FAT came out from Chica go and spent New Year*s with friefeds in this village. Miss MABEL THAYER, of Oak Park. 111., was the guest of Miss May Wight- man, last week. WILL 8IEBS, of the Elgin Watch Factory, spent New Year's with friends in this village. ROBT. MCILROY, of Chicago, waa the guest of J. A. Going, in this village, Saturday last. CHAS, GOING, who IS engaged In a wholesale Stove House, In Chicago, spent New Year's at his home here. C. E. CHAPELL and wife, of Algon quin, were calling on friends here on Thursday last. MATT MOOBE, of Elgin, took In the Party at the Pasker House, New Year's Eve. MRS. J. MUNSON, of this village, Is visiting with her daughter Mrs Dodge, at Mapiewood, III. Miss, BRIDGET BBAHAN, of Elgin, visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. COMB and try the TOBOGGAN at MeHenry's Slide, Will be ready on Saturday of this wfeek. SOUTH Carolina is the only state In the Union that has no dlvoroe law. Nothing short ef an earthquake can shake man and wife apart in that state, which probably account* for the fre quency with which shakes occur there. Nature is evidently disposed to give discontented couples a chance In spite of the law. WE learn that Woodstock narrowly escaped a serious conflagration on Monday evening last. Smoke was dis covered coming through the floor of the Park Hete1, and Investigation being made fire was discovered in the store below, which was extinguished with slight damage. Had It not been Jlscovered just as it waa the whole South side of the Square would have been destroyed. We did not learn the cause of the fire. PATENTS granted to citizens of Illi nois during the past week, and report ed expressly for the PLAINDEALER by C. A. Snow ft Co., Patent Lawyers, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Washing ton. D.C. v R. Cheater, Lake View, water eooler and Alter. T. F, Feeney, Huntley, handle Mr milk cans, G. D. Ferris, Springfield, bicycle. G. W. Hart, Quincy, boiler cleaner, A. E. Hlx, Sycamore, adding machine. K. A> Klose, Des Plainea, water gage boiler. 0. 8. Long, Hinckley, machine for pressing plastic material. J. W. HcGill, Peoria, mold for easting wheels. HON. DAVID DAVIS tells the frdzea truth when he aays: "Each year every loeal paper gives from 9100 to 96,000 In free lines for the benefit of the community in which it Is located. No other igency can or will do this. The local editor. In proportion to his means, does more for his town than any other ten men, and In all fairness, man with man. he ought to be support ed, not becanse you happen to like him or admire his writings, but because a local paper Is the best Investment a oommunlty can make. It may not be brilliant or crowded with great thoughts, but financially It Is fiiore of a benefit to a community than a preacher or teacher. Understand us now, we do not mlan morally or In tellectually but financially, and yet on the moral question you will find the majority of the local papers are on the right side of the question. To day the editors of local papers do the most work for the least money of any men on earth. Subscribe for your local paper, not as a oharlty, but as an investment. School Repoi% The following Is the average stand ing of the pupils of the Nunda and Crystal Lake Union School, the month ending Dec. 24th, 1 A GLASS, 5 Lwreiizo Lowell.. .93 r m. 1 Beanie Ferd 98 2 Flora Jackman... 90 3 Mae Dike 91 4 Mary Williams 94 B. CLASS. 1 Christine Oberg... 99 5 Mamie Munroe....98 S Charlie Mead ....93 4 John Howe.. 95 5 Frank •Miepard....!t5 6 Bert Ford 93 7 Lizzie Dike 9-2 S Caddie Morley .. 9-2 6 Maggie MoUarry. 92 7 Hammond Dike.. 92 8 Louise -Pomeroy..90 iriey .. 17 Delia iiale. O. CLASS. 1 May Hamilton ..99 2 Trum'n Flsndets 98 3 Mary Dohiity--97 4 Delia Branch... 97 5 Flora Barback.. .98 6 Geo, Collen 98 7 Wallace Morey..% 8 Katie Flemmin£.9d 9 Nora Parsley ...95 10 Julia Powers--95 U John Palmer.... 94 IS Louie Smith 94 9 Wallace Pease,..SI 10 LUzie 3parawk..Sl 11 Lyra Dilte....... SO 12 Mary Morris 90 13 Edgar Geer.......«w 14 Ohai lie Jackman .87 15 Flora Ghuroh ...82 16 Tyler Huffman... 80 * 79, 13 Clifton Vviliard..94 14 Alva Hale 93 15 Maud Van Slyke.92 IS Nellie Neville... 92 17 Mittle Muffin an.. 90 18 Mary St. OKir 88 19 Kate Howe.......87 20 Susie Bryant SB 21 Etta Ryder.......85 22 Charlie Nash.....84 23 Bussel Hubbard.84 24 Willie Jayne 83 Harry wilber....74. o. NORTH, Principal. For Sale.. I offer for Sale my a tore buildings, situated in the village of McHenry. They are of brick, two stories high and suitable for any kind of business, with good residence rooms IH second, story. Also good barn and out-houses. Also offer' for sale my Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with or without business to suit purchaser. , r J. PEKOVSKY. Tha Population of RfioHonry Is about 1060, and we would say at least one-bait are troubled with some affection of the Throat aad Langs, aa those complaints are. aeoerding to sta tistics, more numerous than other* We would advise all not to negleot the opportunity to call and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Prlea He and 9109. Trial sla* tsm B0||e«^I^G|^^Bai|^ Klckapoo Indian medicine Com* pany, who are now on their third week, In this village, are giving free entertainmenta at Itlverelde Hail eaoh evening and the longer they stay the more Interested the people am getting, both In their entertainments and their Medielnei. Those who have tried the Medicine are emphatic la their praise and they have disponed of a large amount since they have been here. This is their last week In this village, and we take pleasure In recommending them to the people of any other town where they may atop. The troupe are quiet, orderly people, gentleman in every particular, while Dr. Frye, the manager. Is a gentleman whose word is good as gold, and while be works to advertise his medicine, he also takes pains to please all with whom he comes In contact, and ho suc ceeds. Be sure to attend this enter tainment the balance of this week. Straw DootrlMl aad SpsHal •ekjeets, Itr Fear SswUy Uveal aga. EDITOR PLAINDEALBR I wonld like to call the attention of the thinking and inquiring minds in this vicinity to the following strong and Important subjects on the evenings of the follow ing dates: Jan. 9th. Why sin and evtl were per mitted. Text, Romans v, II. Jan. 16th, The wicked tnraad Into hell. Text, Psalms Ix, 17. Jan. 33, Parable of the 90 and 9. Text, Luke xv, 4,5,6. Jan. 30tb, How are murderers saved t Text, 1 John Ili, 15. These subjects embody profound questions In Theology and In practical Christianity, I have bee a asked to preseut some of them, so I have con eluded to put them In the form ot four successive Sunday evening services, and 1 cordially invtte a candid hearing at the Universallst Church. B, BRumcmG, Pastor. THB awarding of Premium* offered by C. V Stevens for the heaviest five ears of Corn was made on Saturday last, and resulted as follows: First Premium--One silk dre«s, worth 920, Peter Row#, Weight of Corn 4 pounds, 8f ounces. When shell ed 3 pounds, 191 ounces. Second Premium--One pair wool Bed Blankets, worth 96, B. F. Peek, Weight 4 pounds 6 ounces. Shelled 3 pounds 8} ounces. Third Premium--Bolt of Cotton Cloth, worth 99, J. 8. Watrous. Weight, 4 pounds 5} ounces. Shelled 3 pounds 12 ounces. There were quite a number of other ssmples that wen nearly as heavy and altogether was a fine lot of corn. Mr. Stevens Is deserving of great praise for drawing this competition and for the fair and Impartial manner In which he distributes his Premiums, » tfoaae after Bulsm Bsar*. " •HHI road along whtoh the man of business travels Is not a macadamised one, nor does It ordinarily lead through pleasant soeaes and by a well springs of delight. On the eontrary, it is a rough and rugged path, beset with Mwait-a<bit" thorns, and full of pitfalls, which can only be avoided by the watenful care of circumspec tion, After every day's journey over this worse than rough turnpike road the wayfarer needs something more than rest; he requires solace and he deserve* It. He Is weary of the dnll prose of life .and atblrst for the poetry. Happy Is the husband who can find that solac* and that poetry at home. Warm greetings from loving hearts, fond glances from bright eyes, the wolcome shouts of children, the many thousand little arrangements for our eomfort and enjoyment that silently tell of thenghful and expect ant love, the gentle ministration that disencumber us into an old and easy seat before we are aware of It; these and like token* of affection and sym pathy eonslftute the poetry which reconsiles us to the prose of life. Think of this, ye wives and daugh ters of business men! Think of the tolls, the anxieties, the mortifications and wear that fathers undergo to •*• cure comfortable homes, aod then compensate them for their trials by making them happy by their own firesides.-- Sagwa. Indian Oil. and all the Klcka poo Indian Remedies can be #||IK94 at Henry Colby's Drug Store. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell st Publio Auction, at the West end of the Iron Bridge, in the village of MoHenry, on Saturday, Jan. 8th. commencing at o'clock, the following property: Lumber Wagon, 1 Gieeeiey Sulky Plow, I large Corn Drag. 1 two .section Drag, 1 Cultivator, 1 Buckeye Mower, 9 new Fair bank's Scales will weigh 1000'pounds, 9 Union Family Scales, weigh 349 pouods, 4 Milk Cans, and other articles. TERMS.--Sums of 910 and under Cash Over that sum T year's time on ap proved notee at 7 per coat Interest. CHAS. HOBBILD, W. K. OBAKOBB, Auctioneer. .; r: -sH Wtm Mm jfnte Voaslleet Mam la jfeaeu?. ' Aa well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to call on Geo, W Besley and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling en tirely upon Its merits and la gnaiv aatoed to cure and relieve all Cbronte and Aoute Ceugha, Asthma, Bronchit is and Consumption. Price 69 MBit mm EDITOR PLAiXBBALUt:--AS every thing pertaining to milk, butter, cheese aid beef, la of more than common in? to mat In a dairy country, I trust the %ms which I abarf give below and Mm thoafthtt sipnwid may not be un- worthy ot aetioe. The figuree are thooe of rfoord from Smith, Powell & Lamb. Syracuse, NT. Y., thoroughbred breeders. I am well aware that there la too much one sided feeling and ad vocacy oa the part of blooded stock breeder*, extblllng one breed and un dervaluing all others, Certainly this ought not ^ be, for there Is a place for each breed that no other can fill so well. And while parties may favor One breed more than another from per sonal preference, aad evea mooted Intereet, there le no real high minded manliness In casting slurs, or of under valuing the real merits of any and all other breed*. The short-herns have done wonders In this country, but their day of great things Is past as the leadhHf fttot' profitable breed; hence their cash values are reoedlng In prions obtained In slses; which range from 930 to 9100; while other breeds are bringing from 975 to 9600, the latter for a Polled Asgus. And yet the short-horns will remain a val uable breed and cannot be thrown oil the market, for they have real merit in some points that are requisite. They have enriched the country by their admirable grading up the "old native breeds." They now. In turn will be Improved by being graded up by Hereford aad Angus sires in the beef direction; while in milking quali ties they will be graded up by Hol- steln Freslaa sires. As "beefs" the present opinion tends to the Hereford and Angus as the fnture leaders; the quality being finer and the build smoother, with less percentage of shrinkage at the slaughter houses. In the beef and *<ce market the Jerseys stand nowhere, bat In butter qualities they staad unexcelled, and for richness le quality of milk for household uses they are the pride of the family. But I did not Intend to discuss at length the entire ground, and have new only barely touched upon a few points. Being personally Interested, from preference, aa I financially, In the Hol- steln-Frelstan breed, I herewith give the recorded *figures from Smith, Powell 9 Lamb, for 1886, now In mi possession, I make the following ex- tracts--vis: S4 two-year-olds averaged 12,484 fts. 7oa. In the year 1888. 19 cows and heifers averaged each 17,007 fti. 15 8-19 OK. 12 cows and heifers averaged each 18.087 S>s. 10 S-13 oa. A cows aad heifers averaged each 90,035 fes. 1SK oz. TJ» following, mother and two daughters, lelde a the wonderful amountB in the year. le yei Jlothilde.6 yrs. old, milk record S6,SSl»s. " as,! „ Sot Clothilda M, 4 yrs. milk record 13,602 as, 10oc Olothilde 4th, t yrs milk record 14,021 as, 15 oz Thus the three, Whieh average 4 years old, gave an average of 2U315 as. and 3 oc. tor the year, being over a ton eaoh. The baiter reoord runs for the lowest 10 pounds 6 oc for the week, the highest SB pounds and H ounces. The lowest was a t year old. the highest 7 years. The majority run from IS to SI pouods per week. The low'- est number of pouads of milk to a pound of butter is 13 2S-1WL while the largest quantity to the pound toes-et.isa To those who have thought Holstelna el little or no aooonat, ponder well ever these recorded figures, B. Baumnxo, Collector's Notioe. I will be in MoHenry from 10 A. M. until 9 p. m. every Thursday. Barre- vllle, Tuesday. Nunda, Mouday's and Saturday's, eommencing Jan. 10th. '87. D. L. BASIIT. Ooileetor of Munda Township. 28--Im Aalatlo Cholera, What Is known as Asiatic cholera,trom the fact thlt It first appeared In Asia, I* probably the most sever and fatal of all diseases. Epidemice of It have occurred In Asia, particularly In India for several centuries. It was not, how ever, till 1817 that the attention of European physicians was specially di rected to the disease by the outbreak of a violent epidemic of oholera at Jessore In Bengal. Thla was followed by its rapid spread over a large por tlon of British India, where It* caused Immense destruction of life both among natives and European. In 1823 It had extended Into Asia Minor and Russia In Asia. From this period till 1830 no great extension took place, but In the latter year It appeared In Per sia and along the Cespln Sea, and thence entered Russia la Europe. Des pite the strictest sanitary percautions, the disease spread rapidly. It ravaged northern and central Europe, and spread onwards to England, appearing In Sunderland In October 1831 and in London January 1833, during which year it continued to prevail in most of the oities and large towns of Great Britain and Ireland. The disease sub sequently extendedlato France, Spain aod Italy, and crossing the Atlantic spread through North and Central America. It entered Europe again ia 1847, whenoe It cam® to America, and subsequently appeared in West India. A fourth epldemlo visited Europe In 1866-66, but was less extensive and destructive than iti predecessors. This year it again appeared in;Euiope, and is now raging to an alarming Coughs, Bronchitis Asthma aad sim ilar troubles. If suffered to progress, result in serious pulmonary afieotions. Piso's Cure for Consumption reaches directly the seat of alsease and gives relief, extent in France and Spain while one case has been reported in England. To-Nlghtand To-Morrow (tight. And eaoh day and night during this week, yon can find at Geo. W. Besley's drugstore Kemp's Suppositories, ac knowledged to be the moet successful treatment yet introduced for the cure of pi lee. Old sufferer* from this dis tressing complaint are at once re lieved aad In a abort time a permaae it cure established. Check the disease in time by using the "meet effective remedy. Price 80c. Send address for j^M^hlet on piles. Box 996, Le Boy F9H09 Port* for talo. About 900 good Oak Poete for sale Iaqnlre of W. H. Ford, at the Riverside Boa**. McHenry. AU At C. E. ChapelTs auctidn sale of a | carload of milch cow*, on Tuesday of last week' cows sold oa an average of 940.06, per head. Mrs. Howard Phillips gave an after noon Tea Paity on Wednesday after noon of last week, with a Progressive Euchre party in the evening, which was greatly enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. J, Peter gave a Pro gressive Euchre party on Thursday evening last In honpr of their 16th wedding anlversary. A very enjoya ble evening was spent, eaoh guest re turning home with a crystal present from the host and lady. Many happy returns are wished them by their many rriends. Tom Phllp Is quits sick. Wm. MeOIeece has been very etck for the past week with Pneumonia; but be is now on the gain, under the skillful treatmeut of Dr. Hasoa. Charlie Chapell le taking la Uie sights of Chicago. We are informed that Henry Tople has rented J. W. Adamek's wagon shop. New Year*scame near being a warm day for Algonquin, we having three fire alarms ionnded on that day. No great damage done. They were all caused by chimneys burning out. There were 20 couple at the New Year's dance at the Algonquin Houee, on Friday evening last. Ed Morton, Jr. is on the Improve. Robert Nichol and James Craig, of Chicago, spent New Year's here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. Ed Hubbard and family, of Ottawa, Kansas, are visiting hero With rela» tlves and friends. Miss Nellie Wand rack, of Elgin, spent Sunday her* with relative* and friends. D. W. Thomas shipped a carload of stock to Chicago on Monday of this RING WOOD. EDITOR PLAINDIALEHNews is not very plentiful this week, as everybody has been having a holidav. Twenty-four below, one day last week, "in the shade." John Qreen, Jr. and a friend from Chicago, were at Mr, Green's, New Year's. Harrison Bros, spent New Year's with H. Durkee and family, otLake Geneva, Frank Thompson COrlsty & Sons clerk) and wife went to Lake Gsnsva, Saturday P. M. A few of the boys went to the party. They report a pleasant time. Thos. Richardson, who is teaching school south of Hebron, has bad a holi day with friends about this little town. Frank Carr also had a weeks vaca tion. George and Nats Stsvsns each havs a new cutter. The New Year and all ^resolu tions is here. If you see anyone with a stick, pok* ing around ths back yard, ask him to have a chew. ' Emory's team made it lively for our sleigh box and the sleigh box made it lively for the blacksmith, W* have a new box anyway. Emory paid the cigars. Tabor and Stevens havs just pur ebased a new tread power with whtoh to do th drouttlng and grinding, Meetings are sttll being held at the M. E. Church although with but partial sucoess. It Is thought best to keep them running for a short time longer. Everyone connected seems to be doing all In their power to help the good cause but it looks like a hopeless case. % HCBROK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Linn St. Young spent his vaoatlon in Michigan, George Goddard's father Is making him a visit. The sweet chimes of the new school bell were first heard Monday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Fred E. Gratton have been visiting friends in .Iowa. The next club daaoe will be Friday evening. Jan. 31st! The Sunday School entertainment at the church, Saturday eveaing, was greatly enjoyed by all present. Mr. P. Donaldson, from Chloago. once a Hebron boy, spent a few days of last week wttth his sistsr and othsr friends. Willie Glddlngs ha(d a fiftssn dollar robs stolen from his cutter, which he left under the chursh shed on Friday evening last. There will be a daaoe Rowe's Ball.;Frlday night, Jan. 14th, given for the benefit of the Hebron, Cornet Band. Tickets seventy-five oents, Let there be a large attendance, and give the boys a benefit. Remember the band is a credit to our little town. DOLLS of all W. Besley's. kinds, cheap, at Gso. The undersigned, CoDeotor of the Town of MeHeary, wfll commence re ceiving Taxes, January lOtlf, aad caa be found at the following plasos on the days aamsd: Mondays, at the slaws if Lay ft Adams. Johnsbnrgh, Tuesdara, at the store of Perry * Owen, In the village of McHenry. Wednesdays, at the stors of J, W. Crlsty ft Son, Rlogwood. Thursdays, at the store of C, Y• Stevens, In West McHenry. Call and pay your Taxes at an early i day as possible. MAT Hancaa, Collector. II yon waat a first class Cutter sheap go to B. M. Owsn ft Sons. They have the finest stock In the market. Boys two plese Suits at lass than half prlos at Henry Colby s. Great bargains In Holiday Slippers at Dwlght's, Woodstock, 111, Plenty of warm goods of all Uada at Dwlght's, Woodstock, It will pay pou to come from all over MoHenry County to trade at Dwlght's, Woodstock, See our cheap Albums, from 96c to 91 aod 99. BOMSLRTT ft STOFFBL. Cups and Saucers, In great variety from 6o to 91. at Bonslett ft StofiePe. Plush Seta, the finest In town, cheap, at Geo. W. Beslsy'e. California Oranges, vsry fine, at Parkin's Restaurant, Salter's Block. For a substantial Holiday Present go to Atthoff Bros. Five ounces of Plug Tobaoeo for tea oents, at Althoff Bros. Toys of all kinds, cheap at Parkins*, Salter's Block. Handkerchiefs, all styles aad prises, at Althoff Bros. Tete-a-Tete Sets, Bread and Milk Sete aad Tea Sets, at Bonalett ft StoHeTs. Remember the faot that W. H Dwight will not be undersold by any house In Woodstock or McHenry Co. CABPBTS, all kinds, at Chicago Prices, from now until January 1st. Call and see samplss at Justen Bros. Wsst Side, Remember the facts that Dwlght's old reliable cash store, at Woodstock, Is Headquarters for Felt Boots, Rub ber Boots, Gum Boots, and Mens, Womens/Mlsses. Boys and Childrens Beckle Arties, Alaskas and Self Aotlng Alaska*. SAY FOR 8ALB, Twenty Ton of good Timothy Hay for sale. Apply to Patrick Flusky, oa the Osmond Hale farm, 1} miles south east of Burton's Bridge, Fur, Plush and Sootoh finest assortment in town. Bros. Caps, tha At Althof Look Out for Bargains. A good hat, 60c. Lined gloves, 60o. A goodstlff hat, 91.91* A m6le-skin shirt. It, A wool suit, 95, A fur cap, fine, 9l.20t A 94.60 ehoe for 93.00. Boys' suits at cost. At E. Ltwlus' Chloago Btttre In front Riverside Hotel, East McHenry, AT MRS, rfCHUMACHElTS On the West Side, can be found a full Itae of Goods for the Holidaya. consisting of Fancy Goods. Silk and fine Linen Handkerchiefs, Laoa Scarfs, etc. Also a well selected stock of stylish Winter Millinery, all of which will be sold at the lowest living prions. Call and see Goods and learn prices, MRS. SCHUMACBOEB. • FARM FOR SALE OR REM t I ofler for Sal e or Rent, my farm of 160 Acres, situated on Rlngwood Prairie, one mile from Rlngwood cheese faotory. There are 40 aores of timber and pasture and acres under cultivation. Well watered and buildings all in good repair. For further particulars inquire of ma at my resldenoe in MoHeary village. O. ORIMQLBT. Would Yuo Bollovo It? Ttisft xve are authorized by the pro prietor of Kemp's Sarsaparilla to re fund the money to any one who has taken three-fourth* of a bottle with out relief? We are positive that no other proprlstor has the confidence'In hit medicine to do this, it Is for en riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up the system. Price 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GBO. W. BBSLBT. Big Bargains In Goat Robes, at Althoff Bios. Call aad see them. See the new- stock of black drass MPsrrif.O^^ . citjwsi Everything In the ] bottom flgmaa» at M.] Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ovar ii fora. at G. W. BeAp, West Side. Fine Scrap Books only 91J9 91G, W Beeley'a, Weat Sldeu Oglolold Combegonly99santa,at<*, Wo WtMft SUTE* Boots aad Shoes, an innncBSSStauk. at HBWBT OoiJBfS. Overcoats aad clothlng at Perry ft Owen's. Horse Blankets, 76 oents per Pair, at C. V. Stevens'. West McHenry, III. Oysters In Biilkf by at Perkins' Restaurant. or dlsfe ^s Block Corsets, Farm for Sale. The underslgoed offers for sale his Farm, consisting of 167 acres, situated four miles West of MoHenry, For terms aad other particulars Inquire of PRANK HOBART, 19.3m Terra Ootta, III. THE highest prion In Cash paid for strictly fresh Eggs, at Locke's Horn* Bakery. Boot and Shoe Sale at low cash prioes at Perry ft Owea's thla waak. 19 pounds standard Granuiatad Sugar for 91 cash, at Perry ft Owen's, Rockford Carpet Warps at Boaslatt ft Stoffsls. ______ 16 pounili standard A. Sogar lor 91 cash at Perry ft Owen's. Trioots and Dress Flannels la all shades at Perry ft Owen's.. Call and see our fine new 9hoi9 at Perry ft Owen's. , BULL FOB SALIftt . A grade Durham Bull coming two years old for sale. Apply to Wallace Colt^4Ptfj| mile northwest of •asr WOOD FOR SALE. We have a quantity of good wood for sale, which will be'delivered to any part of the village at a reasonable EHce. Orders can oe left at the Brick lills or at the West McHonry pv«t of- fice. HAKLT BROS, GOOD SHOEi CHEAP. One lot regular price 93.60 to 94.00 now 91.60 to f2. One lot regular price 91JH0 to 92.96, now 91. One Tot regular 8rioe 91 to 91-60 now offered at 60 cents no lot regular price 91 now reduced to 26 cents. Must be sold before Jan. 1st. HBNBY COLBY. Germantown Yarn former price 9140 to 91,76, all offered at 70 cants a pound at Henry Colby's. itmps >. W, Geo. W, Besley's. 99 cents, at Call and see them. Candies aod Nuts, a large and oho lee stock, at Perkins' Restaurant, Keller's Block. Albums only 90 oents. at Geo. W. Besley's, West Side, QUANTITY AND QUALITf, ^ The finest Plug Tobsoco in tha mar ket at Althoff Bros. CARPET WEAVING. Tha undersigned is prepared to Weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable rates. Rest d cade one Block West of tho North-west corner of the Public square. Orders respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed URO. SCHUSTBR. MeHeary. Aug. 16th. 1880. Hall and Stand Lamps, very sbaap, at Bonslett ft StoHel's. Madame MeGee's Coronet far sale by Althoff Bros, Elsgant Dress and Jersey Flannels at HBMBT COLBT* S. Bed Blankets aad heavy WlnCsr Shawls a specialty at "Perry ft OwaaHk Before yon Insure get terms for Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insc-> ranee, of Bonslett ft Stoffel, Wast Mo» Henry, 111. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lam berk! ns» Bedspreads aod Shams, cheap, at Mrs. Schumacher's, near the Depot. DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol ish, the finest thing In the market, at Besley's Drug Store. If you want to learn how to Palat your Buggy for One Dollar, e»U st Besley's Drug Store, West End. Tha largeet line of Clothing ever shown In MoHenry, can now ha fonnd at HBNRY COLBY'S . Ir you want to make your Boggy ha liar- .i Top look as good as new get the tlonal Patent Leather Enamel Besley's Drug Store. UNDERWEAR. All slsss. grades aad prices at Perry , ft Owen's. " YANKER Brown Bread and Baked Beans every Wednesday and Saturday, at Lock's Home Bakery, McHenry. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices than any other store In MoHenry. * Mas. M. aasOKAoaaob :• Ml See our new Cloaks, Newmarkets and new style wraps before buying. PEKRY a Owair. Look at the choice Candies a| Ba9»' ley's Drug Store, West End, Ladles and Gents fine Shots a spaa- laity at Dwights. r NEW CLOAKS. Best fits, best styles, and lowest ftri* oas at Perry ft Owens. Oall for the uWinning 8troke".anew Brand of five sent Cigars, manufactur ed by Barbian Bros. It beats them all. ' Look tor your fine Kid aad Goat Shoes at Perry ft Owen'a thla waak it extreme low prices for cash. BKSLEY'S Liver W« the best thing on Besley's Drug Store. 1 Warranted all pure sugar, at 90 seats per keg at Parry ft Owen's. Get your Horse Blankets for 76 eents per pair, at C. V, Stevens', Wast Mo> \v .: Henry. III. « . : LISTEN for tha Bell of the Baker's %•-% Wagon. As good as new. A second hand Coal Stove sound aad In first class or der that will be sold cheap. For far ther particulars Inquire at PLAINDBAL* BB office. THIS WEEK Vv Great Bar {atns in fine kid shOM cut prioes for cash at Perry ft Owen'a, New Gloves and Mittens just receiv ed at Perry ft Oweu's. 92.60 for a Handsoms 14 inch Deoora- ted Shade, Hanging Lamp, at Bohslbtt ft Siovrau « Bear in mind the fact that you can" save lots of money in bayliqi your Boots and Shoes at Dwlghta Cash Storey Woodstock. 111. ^ vy. Notice / \ f* To those tha,t want TutM, Yaia^ay Racks,and anything in my Una of boat- acts. Work done on short notion to order. Shop one door South of Law- lus' Store, F. A. HBBABD. MeHeary, Aug. 10,1888. 114-ly FOR SALE OR RENT. A farm of 71 acres, situated 9 m east of Spring Grove, ill. Good and other outbuildings, Also a, well of watp&'^.for further part inquire of David Smilbt* Spriog Grova, IB, 20-W.6, A pure bred Cotswold Ram for sale. Bred by J. L.Connelly from li stock. Geo. H. " Thb finest stock of Fumittssa, all kinds,, in county, at Justen Bros, West Side, TURKEYRAFFUL Clay Pigeon and Ulan Ball Shoot--At Volow On Thursday, Thanksgiving, Christ* mas and New Years days. I ask all that have patroniaed aM for the last four years to coma aga#B for we will have a bigger time tha* op Biff money for the best shots, and] of Turkeys for the lucky ones^ for i year exceils them all. Fresh Oysters in any style at J. Barrus'. If you wish a good Cigar, a good plug of Tobacco, Candles or Noa of all Kinds, call on J. N. Barras. Amunltlon, sweet and hard Cider« Pops and Ginger Ala always oa Haad'i at J. N. Barrus'. The celebrated Watertown at Perry ft Owen's. I had a cow taken down with - fever Sunday evening, Nov. ftpy aod aha lay two days covered ap 1 blankets given up to die, neighbor recommended Dick) Cow Prescription. I got aad/ two bottles, gave ona half ban three hours and warm want hour and It cored her. 1 the best medicine la tha cow. For sale by all ringtoa III. Nov, 19th," nu*ri$: «,. ixsii hii'h'L^'y. < 8 4 * , . . . v i-."