Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1887, p. 1

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ir .*•.*tfs' ,..?& virw ^ *r.p j * ^ ^ s "* 't # "<*<- *• -#4^. 4-**,i,. - w, «**», ^*se^ , 4^ ^'t^, sip Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and Law| No Favors Win 'us and no roar Shall A wo." VOL. 12. M'HENBY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1887. .- "m ' • £ 'p • " * lsH|SfKfc U- i/t<- >: >4&~ " ' |(e](eirj plaii3e«lu. PBBIIIHID Bmr VIDHESDAT »r i*i. YAN S L Y IC Blli j EDITOR AXD PROPRIETOR. ,\> , , , Office In Bishop's Block.) IH ^ $ Si •*&««*•, PBMf^J&WWr*; yJv •'*>-' ^ & > A " ' * - -* ' <i * ||$p§ •^•SV-;. •' "• 'y'f- »• *>£ /$p*i v' v^y^-r:;> J,/ 4 .. > 1' TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Jne Tear (In Aframsej .$1.60 If Sfbt Paid within Three Months...... .. St.00 Subacription* received for three or tlx Booths in the same proportion. < Bates of Advertising. : Ws announce liberal rates for advertising Hi THE PLAINKBALEK, and eu<leavar to state them so plainly that they will be readily un- ierstood. They are as follows: ' %»>? - * V3*i soe io oe 15 00 30 00 60 00 100 00 I Inoh one year - -S Inohe* one year - . * , - * • S Inches one year ', *. -%v J « • V Column one yeai?" v •'«*'. * • * H Column one veaw ' '.*> "V Oelumn one year . • - One inch means the measurement of one •oh down the column,single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as thoy Shooee, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion sf local notices at the rate of (5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 sents per !ine the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and • oenta per line for subsequent issues. Tims, an inoh advertisement will cost fl.00forone week, 11.50 for two weeks, 92.00 for three wetks, And so on. The PLATNDRALBR will be liberal in giving •ri.torial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. B. T. BROWN,M.D. 5 , DHY810IAN AND SURGKOS". Oik* It IT Residence, McHenry, 111. . • O. H. F KGKIIS, M, D- PHY8IG1AX iND 9URUBON, McHenry, Ills. Ofllce at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. nHTSlOlAN AND 9TJRGEOW, Mcflonry, I 111. Office at Residence, on* •f M. E. Church. one door West k0f< fX'- ?*K BAKBIAN BROS. CISAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or-<iers solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, t« Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. ,r,4 Livery Stable. HE. WiGHTMAN, Proprietor. Flrat class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. *11 kinds done on short notice. Teaming ot ROBT SCHIESSLE jiving purchiised the old sta^; of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, IKoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a First-Glass Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will r* all t imes keep thejbest brands of, l.iquors and Cigars Cto be found in the market. Also Agent For FBANZ FALK'8 LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or B,V mys tn han4t obeftper ttoo any ofcta6rt$|MII* ty sonsidered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. , , GOOD 8TABL1NV FOR HOR8E& and sse us. Robert Sch legale. McMenry, 111., May 15th, 18%. SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's^Old^Stand, ^ MoHENIIV, ILLINOIS. line Kentucky Li^uois, Trench Bitters, ' McHenry Lager Beer, Vklfa* XUw&skM B#m, '* " v --Art*: •" By the Bottle or Case. BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL BROWH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LaSal'e Street ^ • - ,•»!$.' CHlCA,GOt • J M. F. ELLSWORTH* • A TIHSTIHRT at Law, and Solieiioirfin Chasf /V 6ery, Munda, III. ASA W. SMITH. A TTORNEY AT LAW and 8oUolto*f In 1\ Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. 3. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AKD SURGEON. Also United I States Examining Surgeon. Riohmond, TlUndte. MART O. BARBIANI HATO WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work ilone in flrst class style and at reasonable prirpg. Rooms at residence, north eaot corner of Public Square, McHenry, III. .JBKIY, 8ELOR. ALBERT X. BOURNE. 80LI01T0R Ana WOODSTOCK, tit. Bum^cs attended t» prematly. skill and Integrity. AND OOUN ears, J, F. CASEY, A TTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, Ofllce /V over Zfmpleman's star*. All hnsiness entrusted «« mv care will receive prsapt at* lection. Woodstock. 111. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmalraraiid Jeweler NO. 55 FIFTH AVE,, (Briggs House), Chi­cago, ill. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watchesMd Chronometers. 49TA Full Assortmsnt of Goods in his lias T>ENTTST. Residence Dundee. I / McHenry, at Parker House, tl Da C. K. WILLIAMS. Will he at the 10th 11th 25th and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or 8unday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the flrst day of such visit occurs Friday, I will stay but one day. R. R. BENNETT, M. »., Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital RICHMOND, ULL HOIS* Special attention sriven to difficult Surgical cases. DBUTSCH OBSPROCHElf. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. Unite! Slates far Claia km -or- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock* Illinois. Prosecutes all class as and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialtv is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered if Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. wm, n cowLm, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstoec, Illinois. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, SALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the Old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to He found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. M, DI PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all iobs in the line of Digging Wells, Repairing ^; pumps. Cementing Wells, or • will put m SI for 13 Weeks. The POT.ICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address la the Ualted Sta' es for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample oopies mailed free Affneesall orders to K1CHARB X. 1WX, SQI AXB, New York. JOHN J. WINKLES. CARPENTER AND JOINER, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar- entee sati 5 faction • Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as pood work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will receive prompt attention. Bcsjt of References given if de­ sired, JOHN 4. WINKLKft. McHK&RY, ILL., Monk 90th, KM. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion ot the public to my Stable of Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep tnr sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. K. S. COLBY. l<w-tf M0HK5RY, ILL On Short notice and \rarrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. WOrders by mail promptly attended to. Post office, Jonnsburgn, HI. L. BANTES, Johnsourgh, III., May 28th, 1MB. e buy none but the best and at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me an4 I will we you well. ANTONY ENGELN. r 4 McHenry, 111., J886. Agents Wanted 1 FOB THB SKAT VIW BOOK, 'The W rld'i Wndtra ' ByJ. W.Busl. fhe most saecesssul subscription bool: eri-r published. Over half a million copie» were gold As patt eight months, and it is selling three times as &st now is ever before. Regular sanvassers clear from $15 to #25, $40 and fdl Kir dav. Nothing like it was ever known in e history oi book publishing. Pro*.ft sent frte on application. No experience needed to insure HiicreMH, We help persons without eisans to do a lar^e business; no capital need- Sd. Write for 'particulars. Salaries guarai*- |ted to persons who do no? wish to canvas* on oom- We mean tousine98, and want lire •gents in every township. It will cost you ••thing to write for terms and full descrip- Mens of our plans of doing business. We uUo •totaway sUauivu'd books (« iMii toos who s«nd lsnam«* of book aitciits, write far our list «f flree stan«lara ix>oks. HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO. ^.All It SPaifil jitPttflt a* I rtiila Ifn |MW« • ( % , ,-t • * «" » » , 1,1 C, G- ANDREWS. CENERAL AUCTIONEER, SPRING OROVE ILL. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BIASOHABU THUIS. -AND- Satisfaction (haranteed. Call on or Address C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, 111. spring 3rove, SepU.SOth, 1886. ll-U-Sm FOB Mmns n 'arlor Stora, For Ooal and Wood <£L : . . r V r - -- - -f PATENTS Obtained, and all ether business in the U. S. Patent Olftce attended to for MODBRATM FSB8. Our office is opposite the IT. 9. Patent Office, and we can *btain_patents In less tl>ne than those iemote from WASHINGTON, send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentahillt 7 free of charge; and we make no Charge unless we Obtain Patent, We refer here, to the Postmaster, the ftupt. ot Money Order Div.. and to officials of the IT. 8. Patent Office, For circular, advice, terms, and references to actual clients In your own state or County, write to C. A. SNOW A CO. Opposite. Patent Office, Washington, D. O. AND Iniaioh Room. JOS. PEKOVSKY. Having opened a Restaurant and Lunch Room, in his block, two doors South of the Post Office, is now prepared to serve a goou Lunch, with Hot Coffee or Tea tt all hours ot the day or evening, and on short notice. FRESH OYSTERS, By the Can, Quart or Dish, always on hand. Dili Us a Call. J. PEKOTSK Y. McHenry,Oct. 13.1886. --oall ow- E. M. Opposite Btahop'a Mill* Vho has a complete tine of the best stovss i the market, as well as a large stock ef % Mare, Mechanic's Tools, * And, "in|fact, everything It the hardware stove and tin line. JSS WILL NOT BM UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere. Jobbing and repni- iiie promptlv attended to KSr(tt-raem u«r. extra good bargains ran al. waya >>e o'i_Hined gt_.Mo^e'a» |w»Ifl •••• ** IPHk J. P. SMITH, WATCIIAKER § JKWILIB, KOHAHITS *i, IUiiUAA* , • i As Fine a Stock of Walches, Clocks and Itweiry As can be found tn the Oountr, whieh I effinr at prices that can not he beat. A Vine Stoek el CHOICE CIGABS FANC? TOBACCO, STATIONER^, BOX PAPER NotiiB, Hasical Iutnuits, bstroetioB Books, ote, Gall and exasdae goods aad lsan prieei. -TTJ.R SMITH. •- '&%?,:*' ^ lMB»aif,lll«MMaiat. m STM^ARD STALLION I B"Qeerge ft1 white spots « SSSLSTbC PmouA: Lakeland at old. MM sire No. B730.V 7 a Golden Chesnut with star lelt shoulder, also little Mack r* denoting a back strain of | Foaled Juno 6th 1880. -"George O " was sired h* -iJfh (351} awn brother to Har- «»no,8, (Queen of the turf) i,t:9SXi Mattie Graham, 3:Slj{ 'Wetoaian, % w, Deciana, '•HXl Good Morning, S:9S^; 'others: llah by Rysdykes Hamble the 1:10 list or better) he by Aooaiwn, sy nMsbrlno, ;i.y imp. Messenger; Dam the chat.Kent Mare, by Imp. Belltaund* kr. sto, , » I^akeland AinMtah's Dam was Enchantress, Mambriao, etc, u above. Dam was the fast Pacing (who paced the Chicago in years «f age in 9;27, with- .jen), sired by Autocrat by i, (record «:23*;, by Cassius rew Jackson, by Bashaw, '*• Temple t:lo, Lakeland i toniaa (with Abdallah,by by Abdalla^ "Geem O Mare "Knar Track at Ser eat anj prej Ueo.M. Pato M. day. ttj etc. Dam of -- •ea.GiffiMd. Maseengob "Own o.l horse aad the. i msasure of his vate trials »e do the same Mis eolte are •ever hred a his 0*lU are . Kara eld. He combines tl_ bletonian, the f of to>day, Mam' Geek M. Patche B. hy Toung Rewliu, hy Dam by a son of imported a very premising youna ord he has attains Is no aed as he has trotted nri- tuch below that, and caa lrace at any opportunity. fast considering he has sdard Bred Mare yet, and {tag froin g3U0 up, at two rt help but be a fast one, as ds of old Rysdvke Ham. jr of eur Trotting Family D, Messenger, Belltounder i Clayc, Bashaws, etc. Terma$25 Cash. AT TIM Mares net return season Accident* and i Marcs cared : eto,, at 1^00 per t For farther] MteSemry Co. OF SERVICE. \ in Foal are entitled to a tpes at owners risk, icludlng pastu re, trying, |th, in Summer. liars address, W. Owftti, McHENRT, ILL. LTRtf QEO. t. PRATT, WAUOOJfDA, ILL* Mas for sale ekl jjpkl young (took, of the following breeds, at thorough hred Po <ltry, which I will sell twisce half the asaal price. Black B. It. Games, Blue Games, Black Tarter Gaines, Black Cochins, Langshans, Wy- andotts, Gold Lace Sebright Bantams, Light Brahams, R. (;. B. Leghorns, 1 Wild Turkey Gk>bbler, 5C lt*«4cin Ducks, GEO. W. PRATT, Wauconda. Soldiers* Department. OOHTKIBCTBD BT WM. H. OOWLINi Oounty C. A. R. Directory. mtcaxovD XO«T ITOIM. Meets the seoend Friday tveriu at each month. Dm. s. F, BcnraTT, Ooak WOODS TOOK fOIT. M MA Meets trst and third Monday evealags af eaoh month. WM. Aramr, Ooau mDA roeT, wo--, •eeend aad ~ each month. WM. Bvrua^OsM. •ABTAJtD lOST, TO M. Meets the secoad ana toartn Moaday evea Ings of each month. Dm, H. T. VOOMnn,<Ota. MAmBirao POST, VO. W, Meets eveT Seoond and Foarth «Frlday evenings of each month. A. J. BOTDTOTOV, Oem. ^ Meets^the seoond ayl' fourth" Wedhesday BEANS Did Tea Raaf •D Iriihain belonging to the Flnt MwBAoboMtta eavalry, retortMld ta bis home In Ghtoopee, Miuubimtti, at tba CIOM of the war. At b« had baas gone over thraa yaart his friaods got up a party w a aort of reception for bin. At tha party, after tha negaa had paaaad around thraa or four tints and everybody's tongue got looaeaad, tba Irish wit bagan to sparkle. 'Mlka,' askad ona old mu, with tha nap of Ireland stamped on hls |faca, did yet sea annyrtbbals while yet wax there T 'Indade, hut I did,'said Mike. 'Did tha bloody nagars Ira at yas?' Mid tha old nan. 'Iadade, but they did that tana,' said Mike. 'And did yas run?' queried the old nan. 'Did I mar exclaimed Mike,'be jahera then as didn't run Is thera yet.* Who Bit aimf Editor National Tribune: Please In­ form na who It wa« that struck Wil­ liam Patterson f (that was a slip of tha pen) i naan William R. Merrlson. Tours, Inquiringly, B. K. BAIKD. Savannah, Tann., Nor. II, 1886. There ware several of 'an that hit hln--all at onoa, We can't glva their nanes, but wa know than by sight. The last tine wa saw than thay were dressed In blue clothes, loaded down with an assortnent of family grooerles. 80 rounds ef cartridges, a Bprtnffleld rlfla and a *pup*tea|»' sad were gently patting down the Carolina nud> with No 10 Government shoes as they push- ad on to keep an appointment with the shy and retiring Joa Johnston. When It cencs to hitting tnay are bad-*aw- tul bad. We might describe tha sflair as Bret Harto did the row on tha Itan- Islaus: Bill Morrison soured upoa the soldier, whes A chunk o* suthin' solid took him in the abdo­ men. Be smiled a sickly smile as he sank upoa the floor, And the subsequent proceedings Interested VMM WW M9 WW (Mtosla J. V. SMITH A CO., UsaslsslwIIi sad teleFieee.. ST.UMS.Mi -Algonquin, III., DBAKBB IB Sudwan, Stovw, Tbtnrn In short, wa keej) everything In the above mentioned lines, which we are offe' ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap m wiy other house in this section; J0BBNG ft REPAIRING, if tOKrXtT ATTXNDBD JOON HBLM. Algonquin, Feb. l«,188i. ; DONT TOU FORGET IT! A8A*. 8WTH, Woodalook. • lUinola. Backed by Millions or money oiu yon (KDKMNITT against damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, CTCLONXS AND TOBNADOM& Drop me a postal card and I will visit you: sail on me and I will write yon a policy, and ween either or any of these destructivs ele menu devastates your property, happy will you be if yon hold one or my policies, for I will surely visit yon, and minister will not forsake yen. W. 8M11B, Gen'I Jnamcmee Ag JSIOO A WEEK. Ladles or Gentlemen desiring pleasant, profitable employment write at ones. We Want yon to handle an article of domestic use that reeommemAs itself to everyone at sight, ttsple SS Flour- Mis like bet cakes. Frotts III per eenl Families wishing to liaetiee ssaissil should 0sr their own bene- lt write for partlealars. Used every day the ' i every heasehold. Price within Circulars free. Agents receive year round in every heasehold reach of alt. Circulars flrse. _ htm no more. •lad The Jake an The 0»U>asA« : Editor National 7W6tme: Whtts ©t! a rebel flag-of-truce boat going down tha Janes River, about the 14th of May, 1863. as we were passing the Jamestown flats ona of the prisoners discovered quite & number of cranes standing In the water, walttog for flsb I suppose. Coming bear tba officer wbo bad us In charge, he said: ' ! ̂ • There's some rebel picket*? 'Pickets! Pickets!' said the Colonel. *1 was not aware that we had any pick ets ss far dowu the shore as this,' Af­ ter looking up and down the shore, he declared bo oould not sec then. The prisoner replied: •Why, they are right out there, standing In water up to their knees.* The Colonel stood a moment, as if trying to swallow a whole load of epi­ thets, and then burst forth with one of the greatest volumes ef profanity that I over heard. Thera ware about 400 prisoners on board the boat, and the joke was eojoyed by all who heard It. --H. C. Hackett, Co. G, let Mich. Cav Cass City, Mich. T«o Many Generate, A Detroit saloon-keeper who spent considerable money for decoration and worked his patriotlsn up to the round, was heard wosderlgg if any of the generals would bo around to see bim, and this gave one of his, acquaintances a due to work on. Ho went off and pot up a Job with a friend, and the other day walked bin iato the saloon and said: "Allow me to Introduce Oen. Alpaca Smith, the hero ef three wersand eighty four battles.1 'Sbeneral/ I vhas gladt to see you, said lb© saioonlst, and be set then up for three. In the course of twenty minutes the deceiver returned with another stranger on his arn and said: "Allow no to Introduce Oen. Coat* niMtury Jones, the man who fired the flrst gun In the war.* •Sbeneral, I vhas blessed to shake bands mlt you,* said the nan of beer, and be set 'em up again. Then the friend went out and re­ turned with Gen, Hard Tack, and after Gens. Debility and Bade Pay The last one received a rather oool greeting, and the beer glasses were not quite fall, and after be had do- parted the saioonlst torof^ te his friend and said: 'My frent, 1 *has mooch blessed to see all doee great sbenerals la nine saloon, bat you needn't brief any store to-day. From now until night wa1 U Ut J.T mth mmA --t f/W 111 fiti?TTI'JSh derflghtlng man. Dose always bay oash for heerP--free Pre**. Tha Osst of P*nsH>«t \ a .• It cannot be too often nor teemest- ly Impressed upon the attention of the thinking people of this ooantry that whatever a partisan prom nay assert to the contrary, the anoent paid out by the Government since the war, un­ der its eoatraot to "care for bin who has borne the battle, aed for bis widow and orphans,** is snail and trifling cam pared with the amount paid out nader its oen tract With the bondholder. As a matter of tact, of course, the element ef ooet should not cater Into the question at all since to reftose the payment of soldiers* claims on that ground would anount to practical repudiation by tha Govern- nent of Its debts, but Inasmuch as like Beck and newspapers like the Now York Skm have endeav­ ored to prejudice public sentlnent against our veterans by magnifying the extent of the aid which they have reoecved from the public Treasury, It Is important that the oorreot flgures should be given. The following state- nent, eon piled from oflolal sources, exhibits tbe state of the Govern­ ment's aeoount with both clsssesof Its debtors In Its true light: Paid to boadholders (on account of debt and interest to July 1. IRtt... S.9S4,<»I,6SM» Total assonnt paid for pensions since the^oeameaoement ot the wa. ISSl.'fe 587,497.634,43 Exoaes ot amount paid to bond­ holders «n account ef publto debt and interest over amount paid on account ot pensions 2,876,613,<U4 07 That Is to say for eyery dollar paid out on account of pensions live dollars have been paid out en aeoount of prin­ cipal and interest on tbe public debt. In comparison, therefore, with the treatment which the bondholders have received at the hands of the Govern­ ment, the consideration which our ex-soldiers have experienced bas been anything but generous. If the Gov­ ernment has been guilty of extrava­ gance at all It has been In devoting so large a portion of its revenues to the liquidation ef Its debt to the bond­ holders to tbe negleot of equally pressing claims preferred by Its ex- soldiers. Bnt the truth is that to pay an honest debt to never an extrava­ gance, and tbe papers which urge Congress to withhold any further appropriation! 0b aooouat of pensions really advocate what would practically anouot to repudiation. The Tribun* bas always taken strong ground in favor of the payssent of tbe bonded debt of tbe Governnent to the last peony, without regard to the amount of noney Involved, and It holds that the same eense of honor requires the discharge of Its just debts to the soldier, hot if enenles of our veterans chooee to take lower ground and base their opposition to the granting of pensions en the ooet which It will on- tall, It Is willing to neet then on their own level. TN figures which we liave given show conclusively that it Is tbe paynents to the bondholders and not to tbe poosi oner which constitute tbe real burden en the publto Treasury-- if. with a surplus revenue of nearly 1150,800,000 per annum, any burden can be said to exist. --National Tribune, In Momorlstm- The following resolutions were adopted by Nueda Post No, 338 G. A* & at a special neetlng on] Tuesday night: WBBBBAS. it has pleased Alnlghty God to call fren tbe battle of life Comrate John A. Logan, the true, tho bravo, the generous, therefore be It Aeeolped: That In tho death of this truly great man our -Nation has lost one of the brighest stars in tha galaxy, and Illinois her greatest son, whose greatness llres upon the brightest pages of our oountry's history; whose pages gleam with the jewels of his acts. That his death oomes with crushing force to tbe soldier. Grant and Sher­ man were admired and honored, Logan loved with all the strength of a soldier's heart. That IQ his deeth we loose tho S$p= resentatlve Volunteer Soldier of tbe age, and tbe peer of any age In soldierly qualities. As the obamplon of our rights in Congress ho was ever ready to espouse our cause, and his last public effort was In the Interest of tho soldier. That the Grand Arny of the Bcpub- fubllc bas lest one of Its nlgbtlest forces, In 1U Interest whoso heart over beat In synpatby with oura. That wbtle eur loved Logan Is gone from anong us, he Is not forgotten. Calnly and sweetly the Soldier sleeps; tbe adnired of tho world and the loved of his country. That our heartfelt synpatby be ex­ tended to his erlef stricken fanlly in their terrible affliction, and that a copy of these resolutions be published in the county papers and spread upon the Ncords of our Post, and that our Hall be draped In mourning for thirty days. -- Tho quiua. * ui.i'.' t :i i tx-i-ixl! ^eural- aia of tho v.-orst tvi>o, cural by one dose of SMITH'S UILE BEANS in from one la four hours, as many who nave tried i t can testify. It does Beem strange that sensible people will suffer with this terrible disease when speedy relief can surely be found in thtosimwe ttfe ami inexpensive rame^r. 25 cents. For sate by all druggists mid dealers in medi- cine, or scnuiaywhere on receipt of price From tael A Legend Of MaMMiMttlti. Timathy came and steed en ef Ft. Hill; and Timothy eyes, and tbo city (Hal--Wilis) 3 the besom of Bqnaw creek,1? And It came to pass In thsei i the people assembled get her-at HalnesvUie--to chSSSSi to sit In the connell of the S8ftfl%4 nako laws by which tbey a! governed. And there wore nel, the Major, tbe Captain, an#, lab, and Ade, and George, and sen lesser lights; and tbey began to i with one accord, "Bfethern, let as < the nan Elijah and make him to i the council as heretofore, for Bltjah l great In wisdom and hath often sat f councils, and written statutes township organizations; thorefofol ns take him." But others said, "I here Is the man Walt, of the Grant, wbo deelreth to be our law ker, and he Is a man of good repot therefore let us take him." 1 swered the friends of Elijth "Elijah Is great and wise, nod bat*! much Influenoe with tbe man who rules over this people, and hetfii|i give us post-offloe. and gold, and ellmef and promises. As for this man Wi he is a granger, a raiser of oora, an$ jf| feeder of swine, and was raised in brush, and Is an ignoramus.** Tl stood up the man Jacob among people and said, "Harken to my wordi|| is it not written in the book ef th£| chronicles ot this nation, bow thtmtj' Walt pat on his armor, and biMdEls&iNfei his sword, and went out to war where valiant men were, and did smite the enemies or his country, while this spaa Elijah did stay at borne, and did make spread-eagle speeobes, and get to hftn- •elf houses, and lands, and much wealth P" Aadltcam* to pass when the people heard these words, ibey took a boxaod satin tbe mldS| of them, and made judges to have < of It, and soribes to record the of the people, and thoy began tot their (bal) lots into the box. Now there waa another exceeding great host ot unterrlfled assembled that day, <vho also came to chooi|||ea to stt In tbe council. And they began to say, "Behold, we are strong ^ nighty, and can choose our out doubt, aad have spare* , Now there Is a division U(tbe oamp ^f the enemy; themanitiiiah wishes to sit in council over them, now we know this nan £!ij th of old, bow bo did bolt our party; for he Is a mo­ nopolist, and a buldoaer, and a better of conventions, therefore let ns divide eur 'lots and give part to tbe nan Wait that tbe man Elijah may eome out at tbe little end of tbe born.** And % It was so. Nosr It esmo to pass, about tbe tenth hour of the day, while some craftsmen were plying their trade, at a place called Parker's (Landing) tbey being skilled workers In wood--there ap­ peared unto them a man, on whose brow sat the frosts of four-soors win­ ters, and his raiment was like that which men do wear when tbey go out to war. and ho said to one ef tbem, ' Knowest thou tbe place where the man Fuller pitcboth his tent?" Thea said the craftsman unto him, "Friend, all men are bretberen; tell me, I pray tbee, what burdeneth thy soal.** Then he answered aud said unto bim, "There is a division in tha ranks of the oet«t> rifled, and many of them are easting their 'lots for the man Walt sad many plump three straight for the man Far* tridge, and I go to send a message by lightning to tell tbe man Fuller that if he watcbeth not out for his own inter* est io the land of Boone, verily, be Is a gone goieling* Now when be bad do* parted, the craftsmen said one to an- > other, "Is oot this tbo Major, who Is t knight in the cause of Elijah t This Is | some ruse of Elijah's?* and they wagged their beads. Now when evening was come, and the 'lots were all cast, the judges open­ ed the box and tho scribes reoorded tho 'lots east, and it was found the man Wait had reoeived a hundred and four score and six, and the man Blljab but a hundred and two score aad four; and swift messengers were seat Hi| carry tbo tidings to Elijah. Now It came to pan tho next day a ® Elijah and Daniel weat up to the gates of the city, (Waukegan) that - Daniel lifted up his eyes and saw a horseman coming alone, aad he cried ueto Elijah and said, "Beheld, a horse- man coming; and in great haste,'* And Daniel lifted up hts eyes a seeoad time and he cried upto Elijah aad said 'Be­ hold, two horsemen oomiog together' Then said Elijah, 'Knewtst thou them?' then said Daniel, *Methfahsth tbe driving of the foremost fts like thai v ofAmarlab, and that ef the other Is • like that of the Major aad Captaia from the city on Squaw creek* which thou didst bulid aad call after thine owe name.' Then answered Bltiah and said, 'If it be Amarlah, and tbe Major, aud the Captain, they are feed nod valiant men, aad bring good tld- logs.* And they oame apace smi ifcew near* Then Elijah lifted up hlseeios aad said, *Oh Amarlah, how hss my cause gone la mine ewndtyf1 Thee said Amarlah,'Would torGod tbatthlno enemies' cause was as thf epa!* la. *' Thea was Elijah's « ed, aad he stasspode* the i [OoathHMd en test Ft V:

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