Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1887, 5 000 5.pdf

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WEDTTE8DAY. JAN. 96, atiit Railroad Time Table. fiOl Md alter Moadif, June S14 Trains will ;$aaa McHenry Station aa balm I ; M1M SOUTH. Lake Geneva Paseenf er .. ...7» A. * Lake Geneva Kxpress -f :* _ Cake Geneva freiikt i^ake Geneva Fawmet............ ..»» DOIFO WORTH. 811 A. at »:» •• ......... .4:SSr. M J:I7 99 • »U>pVonly t* Ieave Pasaenrar*." ' B. BUM, Agent. McHenry. Ill ike Geneva Frel*tat Geneva Passenger... > Geneva Kxpreu i Geneva Paaeeneer.. MASONIC. McHBKBT LODGE, XA 188 A. P, and A. M.-- Regular Communication* the seconrt and foartfc Mondays In eaeta month. I1 JOHW I. STOBT, W. X. Bis section was treated to an old hloned January thaw last weak. OH. E. M. DENNIS will accept thanks for flies of St. Paul, If Innssota, papers. SlCKiras among tlte children seema ( io be prevalent in this Tillage. Beware : "tolds is the principal cause. RIMKMBBB the Cantata «rf the flower Queen, at Riverside Hall, on rldaj evening of this week. Do not fall to not lee the new adver- /1 tpsomeat of John 7, Story, to be found flse where la this paper. THE traveling puJMls should aote the Sjhange In the Time Table of the Iferthwestern Railroad, which can be found in this paper. READ the advertisement of W. A. i^rlsty, headed "Cash Prices on Feed/' fee has Bran, Shorts and Shelled Corn, iltber by the Ton or Car load. R THI Toboggan Slide continues to J draw erowds every pleasant evening, I and by the shouting we hear they. I must be having dead loads of fun. BT a Postal Card received we learn :4hat the 35th Annual Fair ot the Mc BearyCbunty Agricultural Board will te held at Woodstock, September 30th, 1st, Md and 23d, 1887. I MARRIED, at the Congregational 1 parsonage, in Harvard, Jan. 20th, 1887, I by Rer. M. N. Clark, Frank B. Martin, I of Harvard, and Miss Abble L. JWhitltjg, of McHenry. DEMOKBST'S for February, Is on our fable, and Is one of the inest numbers ' [et issued. No family should be with |u( it. Il ls the leading magazine oi p* day, , ^ THiC»rr.'. vi ti.e Flower Queen, Jrhichlstou- produced at Riverside flail, on Friday evening of this week, frotnlses to be the finest thing of the ind ever brought out In this county. t>o not fall to see It. WK learn that Miss firasee, sister of Edson Brasee, had the misfortune t6 fall upon the loe oa Monday morning, breaking her hip and splitting the bone of the leg in a dreadful ; manner. She Is finder the csre of Dr. Chllds. THE last of the series of four Sunday fveulng sermons, will be delivered next Sunday night, at the Universal 1st Church, on the Intensely interesting subject of "Hosr are mutderers saved." f'ext, 1 John HI, 16. i THE druggist who hesitates now is i for the winter. He should sling ither seme sweet oil and liquors id bring out his oongh syrup at once. »r. Bull's Cough Syrup does not pay fefrjilBi enough profit. »j *- ' WHEN we see a goose with a lame f )«g trying In vain to keep up with the & 'lest of the flock, It always reminds us ife Of it non-advertising so calle d buslnsse '* ^"fsan, endeavoring to hold his own p fgainst his neighbors who adyertlse. SALVATION Oil is the greatest pain* troyer of any age or clime For he cure of neuralgia, rheumatism, and wounds occasioned by aocldent, such fs cuts, braises, sprain*. burns, and frostbites It has no equal. Pripe only J^5 cents a bottle. T* ---asseamtaiWrn WIFE PERSONAL. JORM ATLESWORTU. of Nuoda, was on our streets on Moaday.' REV. B. SHUNNING IS visiting with friends at Lombard, III., this week. WILL H. MEAD, of Hoxie, Kansas, Is spending a sho rt vacation with friends here. JOHN BREWER, foreman of the Rich­ mond Gazette, was a caller on Satur­ day. TOMMY O'NEIL, of Chicago. Is visit- log with his uncle, Rev. O'Neil, In this village. • ' MRS. S. K. BALL, of Vhiton, [ visiting with her sister, Vm EG. Mead, in this village. MRS. W. R. Fox, nee Hattie Tilton, of Bel] Plane, Iowa, Is visiting with friends in this village. Miss CORA MCOMBER, who has been quite sick for the p<>st three weeks, is now slowly recovering. MRS. S. B. HAKLY, of Chicago, Is spending a few days with friends in this village. " Miss KATE TYRRELL, of Chlesgo. is visiting with friends in this village andviciaity. '"M RUMORS have been circulated that fharges would be made for supper, '{•tc^ at the wedding dance, which will Slake place at Helmer's Hall on Thurs- day evening. We are requested to ftate that It Is not true, but that it Irlll be the same as all similar dances, ftnd that the young people are all eer- . iaially Invited. MIs there any money In the country at all?'* was the startling conundrum propounded to us by one of our friends Who has been vainly eudeavorlog to IjDolleet a few bills the past two weeks. /We can only say that if his collecting experience Is anything like ours, there may possibly be 18 or 20 cents some- iwhere In the country, but for all that :\-we are uuable to locate it without a «earch|warrant. ^ ~A LARGE party from Wauconda vis­ ited the Riverside House, on Friday evenieg last, bringing along music, and landlord Ford Invited In a number from this village, and the result was regular old folks danoe, aad to say that all had a good time does not half ex press It. Mr. and Mrs. Ford got up one of their regular good suppers, and done jail in tbelr power to make It iritfiTanr for all, and no one knows bet tor how to do this than Mr. and Mrs, JEP**- , EITHER ran a town with rim or sell rOnt and leave it. One oi" two things jd»«st be done; run your town for all Its worth or quit the whole thing; slide astasd let nature take Its oourse. Do you want business to come to your it Enoourage that which does, Do you want a prosperous com­ ity where people will be disposed tr "•*" a home? Then bury from sight all spite-work; no more for a law Individuals or for selfish ends, but . pull together for the common #«al | Mt|l|l htnfil THE banquet, by tbe Modern Wood- ifaen, on Taesdsy evening, at the Par- 1 er House, was attended by about six- ly-flve couples, and was one of the i lost enjoyable affairs of tbe season, 'he supper was superb, snd was highly poken of by ail. while every arrange- i aent was perfect lor the pleasure and < omfort of those present. It was a fathering that will long be remem­ bered with pleasure the pwtici- pants. • ^ AMES B. STODDAFTU, who w*l %t»rn In Utah, and consequently knows all the secrets, mysteries, and abomina­ tions of polygamy, will deliver a lec­ ture at Riverside Hall, in this villsge. on Saturday evbnlng, Feb. 5th. Sub­ ject, "Mormonism vs. Americanism.'* Mr. Stoddard comes highly recom­ mended by both tbe public and the press, is a polished orator, and Jiis ex perience Is told from a heart, that has felt the angaish of the oppression of Mormonism. All should bear bim. Admission, 15 cents. Children, 10 cents. Reserved seats, 25 cents, THE grand Cantata of the Flower Queenvwtil be produced at Riverside Hall, McHenry. Friday evening, Jan. 28th, 1887, by young ladies of the Lake Geneva High School under the direct­ ion of Will J. Cutteridgg, The Caata- een" is one of the most brilliant eflorts of the celebrated composer, Geo. F. Root, and consists of a collection of beautiful Salt)*. Duets, Trios, Quartetts and Choruses. The entertainment will be given in the interest and for the benefit of the Lake Geneva High School, and should be liberally patronized by all., ARGUMENT.--Tbe Flowers meet in a secluded dell in the forest to choose s "Queen. A person discontented with the world, seeks, In the same place, re­ tirement, from^-ite cares and disap­ pointments. The Flowers tell Of love and duty, and the Recluse--learning that, to fill well the station alloted by Providence, Is to be happy--resolves to return again to usefulness and con­ tentment among bis fellow creatures. Two Tableaux representing "The Sleeping Flowers" and "The Flowers' Prayer." Prices of Admission. Children, under 12 years, 15 cents, adults. 25 cents, re­ served seats, 35 cents. Doors open at 7:00. Opening march and chorus at 8:00 sharp. This is to certify that to-day, Jan. 21,1887, the Phoenix Ins. Co., through their agent, J. Hendricks, paid me in full for the loss I sustained by the late fire. Any one wishing io Insure, I would advise to Insure in this company with the above agent, WALTER CARET, , English Prairie, III, RIKGWOOD, Jan. 21,1387. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--In there- port of our school last week, there was one mistake and one omission. The standing of Walter Cristy should be 95 and that of Mir nie Mudget 85. WM. NICKLE. He Cheerful About It. Taxes are now due ami grumbling is always In order or Is supposed to be when taxes are to be paid. But in re­ ality taxes ought to be the most cheerful account paid except that for newspapers. Tax-payers should re­ member that tbelr taxes go to tbe support of a free government anl that tbe money Is expended by the officers they themselves have helped to elect. To appreciate the benefits derived from the payment of taxes one has but to read tbe history of the old countries and see how tbe property of tbe people under the old gov­ ernment used to be taken away without even going through the forms of taxatiou. It is worth something to have a secure government and to have property protected and peace main­ tained. Pay your taxes c'aeerfully after settling with the printer.--Au­ rora Herald. Money to Loan. Money loaned on McHenry County terms on time and in amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply to j. w. RANSTBAD, Rooms 1 and 2, Botxlcu Block, Elgin III, «|0M. . FOR SALE. I ofler for sale my store building, situated in the village of McHenry, They are of brick, two stories high, and suitable for any kind of business, with good residence rooms in second story. Also j;eod barn and out-houses Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill, and next door to the post office. Also ofler for sale my Cigar and To bacco business. Will sell building either with or without business to suit purchaser. J. FKKOVSK.1". The finest line of Bird Csgei I I tawiw avJobn i. - To Our Soldior Friends, We egain, as we have done in the past, advise all readers of the PLAIN- DEALER who was soldiers, or their widows, in fact any and all who have, or are ever likely to have, any claim against tbe government on account of military service rendered for tbe U. 8y It matters not in what war, te consult or write to Wm. H. Cowlln, ot Wood­ stock, before making or presenting any claim. Mr. Cowlin was a soldier who serve! long and faithfully during the late war, about a year of hi) service being spent In that rebel hell, Andersonville, and other southern prison pens. He knows what hard service is aad hh sympathl >s are ever with tbe old veterans and their de pendent ones. He is honest, capable, aaJ reliable, as an adviser and ad­ vocate, and has for six years past been prosecuting claims that had been rejected from once to three times. Soldiers go to him after becoming almost discouraged, and in most cases by hard and indefatigable labor, per­ severance and skill, he has won claims that other attorneys had abandoned as impossible to get allowed. Mr. Cowlln makes a speciality of old and rejected cases and we shall soon give a list ef claims that he has prosecuted success­ fully after other and more pretentious attorneys had failed, and who had bled their clients all, and in many case, for more titan the law allows. Take your business or this nature to one who can be depended upon and will tell you or net whether you have a case, and let foreign attorneys alone This Is our advice to our soldier rrlends and their relatives. See his 'card as it appears elsewhere In the PLAINDEALER. ftichmond Department, HEBROK ETWROR PLAINDEALER:--Johnnie Pierce is at home from Aurora. Literary exercises at the public school Friday afternoon of this week. George Ryan <vi]| work C. L. Mead's farm this coming seasoti. The next club dance will bo Friday evening Feb. 11th. Music bjr Smith's Orchestra from JanesviluC There Is several cases of scarlet fever In town. All seem to have it in a light form. "Flossie" made tbe club dance more enjoyable to her Hebron friends by ber presence Friday evening. Tbe receipts of the donation Thurs­ day night, for Rev. G. H. Wells amounted to about thirty dollars. Remember the dance on Friday evening of this week for the benefit of the Hebron Cornet Band. Tickets fifty cents. We made a slight mistake last week In an announcement. The lecture by Rev. Andrews on the Battle of Get­ tysburg will be delivered at the Presbyterian chuich on Weduesdiy evening of this week, Do not fail to bear it. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction, on the old Jack Flusky farm, 2 miles south of McHenry on the Nunda road, on Thursday, February 3,1887. commencing at 11 o'clock A. M., the following property: 3 good cows, all coming In soon, 1 yearling heifer, 1 •pan bay mares, one 5 and one (i ye are 3 sows with pig, 1 set double harness, nearly new, 1 lumber wagon, 1 plat, lorin spring buggy, one set bob sleighs, 1 hay rack, 1 Acme pulverizer, 1 sulky corn plow, I five tootii cultivator. 1 eod and stubble plow, i drag, 1 potato plow, 1 McCormick mower, run 1 sea­ son, 1 bay rake, run 1 season, 1 set dump boards,about 300 bushels of corn, about 250 bushels oats, about 25 tons tame hay, in barn, about 15 tons upland and slough bay, 20 bushels potatoes, 1 water vat, and other articles. TERMS.- -All sums of #10 and under cash. Gver that sum a credit of 1 year will be given on approved notes at 7 per cent Interest. 2 per cent off for cash. No property removed until settled for. Free lunch at noon. B. WHITE. F. K, GBAMOKB, Auctioneer. THE Genuine Novelty aad Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prloes at John I Story's. Beware or Imitations. New Milch Cows For Sale. The undersigned ofiers for sale five or six milch cows. One with calf by aide now and balance coming in soon. All choice. PHILNR GIEIBUB, 4 miles west of McHenry. Tli* Verdict Unanimous* W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies: "I can recommeni Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has'given relief In every case. One man took six bottles, and was cored of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist. Bellvllle, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled In my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitter*." Thousands of others bave added their testimony, 60 that the verdict is unanimous that EiectHc Bitters do cure all diseases of tbe Liver, Kidneys er Blood. Only bslf a dollar a bottle at Heary Colby's Drug Store. It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The " Garland Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that is jbest in that line. They have the reputation of being the best made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. For sale in McHoury by John I. Story. CONTRIBUTED BT "FLOSSIE. Miss Sara CrotMn has returned to Des Moines.\ ^ , Aiphonso Thomas has received the lumber for bis new bouse. Kate was from Mlsi Kate Greeley Chicago over Sunday. Hebron has several cases fever. it> . . Redfern's train Is not due at this station now until 5:15. of scarlet County Supt. Barber visited scbool a couple of days last week. will attend banquet at Some people suffer from sick head­ ache "all their lives, dragging out a miserable existence. If fliey would only try one does of SMITH S BILE BEANS (one Bean) they would never say that nothing would afford them releif. This wonderful remedy is Eleasant, harmless and always effec-ive. The price, 25 cents per bottle, makes it very popular. For sale by all druggists, and dealers in medicines, or seat py mail. ^citement in Texas.' Gfeat excitement he* been caused Id the vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the re­ markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his head 5 everybody said he was dying of consumption. A trial bottle of King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, be bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the lime he had taken two boxes ef pills an! two bottles of the Discovery, be was well and had gained in flesh thlrty-slx pounds. Trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Hear j Colby's. A few from Richmond the Modern Woodmens' McHenry. The Congregational Church fair is to be held next mbn<lp|L We do not krow the dates. 1 We haye been snow bound out of town and consequently not to blame for a poor news column. There has been a general break up In tbe weather the pa*t few days, and tls evident that 'the back bone of win* ter Is broken.' Two engines from tbe K. D. were ditched . over by John Alexander's. Cause: brokeu rail. No one was hurt but one engine was badly wrecked by turning over. The freight train has changed lime. It passes this station at the same time going up but at 1:13 going down. Objejg^j.^piyfj|p^raen more time to A f«w M our dancers att^ttded tbe Hebron party Friday night, and not­ withstanding the bad roads and the poof music, had a very enjoyable time. But then, who ever went to a Hebron gathering and came home dissatisfied? Mr. Weber, a brother of Dr. Waters' wife, died here, Sunday, at his sister's home, where he had been for a,couple of weeks. The young man had con­ sumption and lived in Chicago, whither the remains were taken Mon­ day afternoon. Frequently we hear tbe young people complaining of our town's dullness and wantof amusement. Yet it seems that the fault realty lies with them­ selves, for no matter how excellent a plan may be su -gested, opposition is surely met with from some source, and discouragement offered. How much better It would be if each endeavored to be more united and a trifle less sel­ fish. It would not be at all dldljult to have an abundance of social pleasures, even If only a majority of our many young folks lent a willing h^#* ; ALGONQUIN- EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Sherwood attended a Progressive Euchre Party at D. B. Sherwood's, In Elgin, on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Sherwood brought ->home one of the honors WUli fier. Mr. L. A. Dodd, formerly of this place, now a student of Beloit Collage, has been visiting here with relatives and friends for the past week. At C. E, Cbapell'8 Auction Sale of a car load of milch cows, on Saturday last, cows sold on nn average of 842.75 per head. F. K. Granger, of McHenry, done the talking. That waa tbe *best average ever received here tat this season of the year. But they were pronounced a very choice lot,, Mr. and Mrs. C. Curtis, of Elgin, spent Sunday here with friends. Mrs. B. A. Ford and Mrs. Henry Keys visited wicli Mrs. F. Anderson, at Oarpenterville, on Friday last. Mrs. John Gardner returned to her home at Garnet. Kansas, last week, She has been here with ber mother, Mrs. S. S. Chandler, tor the past few months. Msrrled, Friday evening, Jan. 21st, Mr. James Lynch to Miss Anna Miller. We wish them a long life and a happy one. ^ Mr. and Mrs Babbit, of Elgin, were tbe guests of C. E. Chapell over Sun­ day. Remember the Literary on Friday evening of this week. A very Inter­ esting programme is expected. The Ladies Sewing Soctety will meet on Weduesday of next week at Mrs. J. A. Sherwood's. There is plenty of sewing. Ladies please re­ member. Our Biackamlths are having a harvest. They could!nL even stop for Sunday. J. Van Slyke, of tbe PLAINDEALER, made Algonquin a short visit on Mon­ day morning of this week. J. A. Sherwood sold a small sale near Woodstock on Saturday last. D. W. Thomas is getting his barn up by fits and starts. Tbe women of Algonquin are happy now for the cisterns are full of water. NOTICE. Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County will meet in Spec­ ial Session at the Court House in Woodstock, on Thursday, the 27th day of Jan. 1887, for the transaction of sach business as may come before them. WM. AVERT, Clerk. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Tbe undersigned offers for sale bis house and } acre of land in the village of McHeary. Is centrally located and a desirable property. Must be sold within the uext two weeks. Will be sold* on terms to suit purchaser. PRICE 9900 Also haye for sale a quantity of lum­ ber, two cord of Stooe, 1 Heating Stove, ladder, and other articles. ALBANY FRETT. Building Paper and Moth Proof Car pat Paper, at John I. Story's, McHanry. A Reply to B« Brunnlng on Iresda of Cattle. EDITOR PLAINDEALER I have read an article in your paper of January 5th, 1887, beaded "Hoisteiu--Frieslan Cows for Milk and liutter." And sign­ ed B. Brunnlng. We are willing to admit all he claims for the Holsteins as milkers, and alio believe his figures from the record of the Smith. Powell & Lamb berd may be£correct, as those gentlemen have done their best to feed snd breed a great milking herd, but I cannot agree with mmy of his other state­ ments and conclusions. He either willfully misrepresents or Is decidedly unposted in* cattle matters, but like Mr. B. we think "there is no real blgb minded manliness in casting slurs or of undervaluing the real merits of any and all other breeds;" so unlike bim we will not do It. In speaking of Short Horns, after saying "they have done wonders in this country* he adds "but their day of great things is past aa the leading aud most profitable breed," and as if he meant to cap the climax with figures that do lie he says: "'Hence their cash values are roceedlng in prices obtained in sizes" (what does he mean by sizes?) "which range from $30 to 9100, while other breeds are aver aging from 975 to 9600, the latter for a I'olled Angus." We will come to this $800 farther on for right here we take exceptions to Mr. B'a, fair dealing (?) We have before us a summary of the salea ef pedigreed cattle for the years 1885-6, and we find n ithlng to warrant his statement In regard to the compara­ tive prices given. If you can tolerate statistical figures we will give you the three highest sales of each breed men­ tioned by Mr. B. for the years 1885-6, and also an average of the three high­ est in each, We take the highest sales uecause we believe It Is the nearest to justice for fancy cattle as it wilt give us an idea of what the top of «aeb breed Is doing. The Short Horns were with very few exceptions, home bred or bred in America, while many of the others, especially Herefor js, Angus and Hoi- stein, were imported and of course se­ lected as the best. Let us begin then with our figures and, see how we come out. For 1885 we have SHORT HORNS sold by Head Aver. Humsey & Lansing 33 *>77.oo W. A. Harris *) 308.00 Gibson Murray & Cobb 3(J :f07.00 Three Sales Average, 9330,66. HKRKFOKDS, „ _ Head Aver. & It . Oulbertson .to $505.00 Burleigh A Campbell <>l 373.52 Intl. Blooded Stonk Co % 361.90 Tli rco Sales Average, #(11.00. JERSEvs. Head Aver. Burnside Park Herd 21 $658,00 M. Gardner 33 33U.U5 ive Hoggs Combination 89 328.00 Throe sales Avenge, fMl.18, ^ HOLSTEINS. Head Aver, X. W. Hreo lers Ass'n 36 #302.00 81 niter Bros. 59 '£iS.25 J. W. stillwsll & Co. 79 '232.00 Three sales averaging $256.66. There were 180 Polled Angus sold durleg the year, averaging 1379.40. Thus, in '85, we see that tbe little Jersey stands the highest and the Hoi- stein the lowest. While the Short Horn and Hereford occupy a middle ground. Following this same process for '86 of three best sales and averaging we have:,,, ; SHORT HORNS. Head. - Aver. H.Y. " • 14 SS0I.50 " T O. Henderson 43 318 •a W, A, Harris 35 29*1,05 Three sale* averaging #17*. 17. HKBEFOKDS. Head, Aver. Shockey ft Gibbs 47 $310.00 M. H. Cochrane 24 30O.CO ^Miller 38 266.06 Three sales averaging $292,01. ANGUS. Head. Aver. M, II. Cochrane 30 $371.05 A. B. MathewS 2 325.00 Leonard Bros. 22 293.00 ThrBS sales averaging$M9.88 JBRSBTS. * Head Aver. Tsnnessee Breeders 51 $201.60 Muir A Chrissman 31 185.40 Kellogg'^ Comb'nat'n339 1S9.55 Three sales averaging $183.18 HOLSTBIKS. Head. Aver. J. W. Stiliwell A Co, 61 $230,50 T. B. Wales <£ K, If ui- dekoper 57 183.00 C. G. U. Blessln* 44 >67.05 Three sales averaging $1BS,5L You will see that in 1886 the Shorl- Horn stands at the bead of all breeds while the Hereford and Angus occupy the middle ground with tbe Jersey at the bottom and the Holsteln next. The Jerseys lost much of their pres- tege, we think, by tbe pieuro-pneu- monla- scare, as you are aware the disease was first discovered In the West among ths Jersey herds. Now for the |G00 Polled Angus. If Mr. B. meant that 86C0 was ac average for Angus cattle for the past year or tor several previous years, be was wrong by about 9300. If he meant the #600 for a Polled Angus to be tbe high* est price paid for a fancy beast last year he Is wrong by <2,650. H. Y. At- trill's Grand Duchess of Rldgewood, 3d (Short Horn) going for 93,250. Grand Duchess of Rldgewood, 2d, for •2,700 and several others much above $600. That Short Horns are selling lower than they did a few year& ago can not be denied, nor can the same fact be denied in regard to all the other breeds for the past year, notwltbstand ing the very few sold In comparison with the number of Short Horns. What does Mr. B- imagine that either 1 Polled Augus or a Holsteln would sell Tor, If, during so dull a time as tbe past year has been, between 6.000 aad 7,000 of tbem should be put up at pub­ lic auction for breeding purposes? I will give you tbe uumber of each breed sold in the United States during the psst two years. VOR '85, Short Horns.. ....7,057 i'olled Angus... ISO Herefords 480 Jerseys ..........I, Holsteins 854 v r FOR '86. Short Horns.......S;110 Polled Angae.... S3 Herefords 6S0 Jerseys ... ....1,343 Holsteins 731 9,228 bead of all breeds have brought •1,101,734, over half of which was con­ tributed by Short Horns alone. Truly "their day of great things la paw." Mr. B. evidently bas a very poor opin> ion of man's ability to build up a breed of cattle for general utility. If after tbe cosmopolitan life of the. Short Horn, tbe training, the testiiW, tbe adapting to various purposes and cir­ cumstances of every nation ,and clime, tbe Sbort Horn la to be at last im­ proved for beef, by a cross with the Polled Augus, and for milk by grading up with Holsteins. The very things that have been tried for tbe past one hundred years, and always after a f»w crosses to the detriment of the Short Horn. In England where the farmers watch the profit and loss accouet much closer than they do here, and where tbe milk and butter qualities of the Short Horns have been cultivated and where these, one purpose breeds bave been tested long before they were brought here; yet we are informed that to-day about three-fourths of all the cows In the English dairies are thorough bred or high grade Short Horns. They have competed with all the one purpose breeds at the fairs in that country for tbe last thirty years; they have taken more premiums for milk and butter than all the other bieeds combined; thi* certainly entitles them to be called superior butter and milk cows; and for beef the highest prize offered In England for the past fifteen years bas been awarded at Smilhfield eleven times to Short Horns. On tbe records of our own show at Chicago, the Sbort (forns have a good standing. The Short Horn bas stood at tbe head ror nearly one hundred years, for beef, for milk, and for butter, and for all three combined. When any other breed can occupy that proud position for the same length of time, then It will be entitled to bo called equal to the Short Horu. The farmers cannot keep one breed for beef, another for milk and another (or butter; he waats these qualities In one, and for this purpose there Is no other breed that can compare with the Short Horn. There Is and always will be a demand for tbe different ono pur- pose breeds of cattle to a certain ex­ tent. and It will pay to breed them; but for every-day use on the farm they are not the breed of cattle that will be tbe most profitable to tbe farmer and dairyman. FRIED HATCH. SPRING GROVE, 111., 1887 • Taxes! Taxes ! The undersigned, Colleotor of the Town of McHenry, will commence re­ ceiving Taxes, January 10th, and caa be fouad at the following places on the days named: Mondays, at the store of Lay & Adams. Johnsburgh, Tuesdays, at the store of Perry & Owen, In the village of MoHenry. Wednesdays, at the store of J, W. Cristy & Son, Rlngwood. Thursdays, at the store of G. V*. Stevens, In West McHenry. Call and pay your Taxes at an early a day as possible. MAT HEIMRR, Collector. Collector's Notice* T will be at G ilbert's Store In West McHenry, IilM from 10 o'clock A. x. until 3 p. M. every Thursday. Barre- vllle, Tuesday. Nunda, Monday's and Saturday's, commencing Jan. 10th. '87 D. L. BARHRV. Collector of Nunda Towrnship. 25--lin Sagwa. Indian Oil. and ail the Klcka> poo Indian Remedies can be found at Henry Colby's Drug Store. Onlv chance to buy 20 Gallon new Jars for 92,75 at Benslett A Stoffel's Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate securi­ ty, time and amount to suit borrower. Low rates of Interest will be made on desirable notes,- £. A. MUKPHT, Woodstock, 11U Farm for Bent. ' The undeislgned offers for Rent ltls farm, situated 4 miles West of McHen­ ry, consisting or 246 acres, all under a good state of cultivation. Is well adapted for Dairy purposes. Will put on ten or twelve cows if desired, or will rent without. Terms Reasonable Apply at once, PHIU.IF G 1 KSH.BR, Bucklen's Am lea Salv*. The beat Salve in the world for cuta bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, aud pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give pe'rfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For .sale by Henry Colby. ____ Don't buy your new Cutter until you bave seen tbe nobby ones at X. M. Owen A Sons Warehouse. OATS! OATS! OATS' ^ 1000 to 1200 busbela of good black Oata for sale. To be sold in lots of from 50 to 1000 bushels. To be sold within three weeks. For sale by P.J, Clary, one mile south ef Blahop.s Mill, McHenry, Illinois. It you want a first class Cutter obsapt go to E. M. Owen & Sons. Tboy have the finest stock In the market. If you want the best Milk Can ever made, call on John I. Story. He keeps tbe only stock in town. New clothing for spring trade, latest styles at Bonalett At Stoflel'a. Look Out for Bargalns. A good hat, 50c. Lined gloves, 50c. A good stiff hat, •l^. A mole-skin shirt.9 >1. A wool suit, 95. A fur cap, flue, 91.20. A 94.50 shoe for 93.00. Boys' suits at coat. At E. Lswlus' Chicago Store In frout Riverside Hotel, East McHenry, Poutlac knit Wool Boots, best made, wear three seasons, at Bonslett & S toilers' Try our Leader smoking tobacoo only 20 eents per pound, at Bonniett A Stoflel's. Business City residences for sale, AW>1J Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Ml. Everything in the Hardware line ftlp bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever be fore, at G. W. Besley's. West Side. war- Fine Scrap Books only 91.25 at O, W Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 cents, at Q. W. Besley's, West Side. / Horse Blankets, 75 c*uts per Pair, at C. V. Stevens'. West McHenry, 111. Wall pafer, trunks, valises, hand bags etc., at Bonslett A Stoffel's. We offer big drives 00 balaaoo Of cloaks and wraps. BOXSLKTT A STOFFEL. 16 ounces good plug tobaco, only 25 cants, at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Madame McGeo's Coronet Corsets, for sale by AUbofi Bros, Lace Curtains. Tidies, LambeiiEtafitt;>T Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, Schumacher's, near the Depot. DOXSSTIC Piano and Furniture Pol­ ish, the finest thing in the market, at Besley's Drug Store. If you want to learn how to Palat 31 your Buggy for One Dollar, esll at Besley's Drug Store. West End. IF you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new get tbe Na­ tional Patent Leather Enamel at Besley's Drug Store. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices than any other store In McHenry. MRS. M. 8OHCW aenrea. Look at the choice Candles at Bee- ley's Drug Store, West End. Ladles and Gents fine Shoes a spec­ ialty at Dwights. Great bargains in Holiday Sllpi at Dwight's, Woodstock, ill, Plenty ef warm goods of all kinds at Dwight's, Wo »dstock. It will pay pott to come from all over McHenry County to trade at Dwight's, Woodstock, Plush Sets, the fiuest in town, cboap, at Geo. W. Besley's. For a substantial go to Althofl Bros. Holiday Presents Five ou ices of Plug Tobaceo for MA cents, at Althoff Bros. Limps complete, for 25 ceats, at Geo. W, Besley's. Call and sea tbem*. Albums only 20 cents, at Geo. W Besley's, West Side, QUANTITY AND QUALITY. Tbe finest Plug Tobacco In the mar­ ket at Althofi Bros. Buy the Candee Rubber Goods, every pair warranted, at Bonslett 4k Stofiel's. kiuds, cheap, at Geo. DOLLS of all W. Besley's. Big Bargains in Goat Robes, at Althoff Bios. Call and see them. II. Rosenblatt Overalls, Shirts, Jack­ ets. and Pants, all warranted at Bonslett & Stoflel's. Fur, Plush* and Scotch finest assortment in town. Bros. Caps, the At Althoff Call for the w Winning Stroke", a new Brand of five cent Cigars, manufactur­ ed by Barbian Bros. It beats them all. BKSLET'S Liver Wort Kidney Cure, the best thing on the market* a$ Beslev's Drag Store.- West Side. Get your Horse Blankets for 75 cents per pair, at C. V, Stevens', West Mc* Henry, 111. As good as new. A second hand Coal Stove sound and In first class or-i der that will be sold cheap. For iur* ther particulars inquire at PLAINDKAL- BB office. ' - . • t Rockford Flour, of all kinds, ranted, at Bonslett it Stoffel's. LISTKX for tbe Bell of the Baker's Wagon. OH Meal,, Salt, Bran and Middlings, at Bonslett A Staffers. Bear In mind the tact that you can save lots of money In buying your Boots and Shoes at Dwight's Cash Store, Woodstock. 111. ' < Notice, 'v- To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything in my line of busi­ ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law*, lus' Store, „ F. A. HKBARD. McHenry, Aug. 10,1888. AT MRS, SCHUMACHER'S,; ,f. On the West Side, can be found a full line of Goods ror tbe Holidays, consisting of Fancy Goods, Silk and fne Linen Handkerchiefs, Lace Scirffe, etc. Also a well selected stock of stylish Winter Millinery, all of whicli will ba sold at the lowest living prices. Call aud see Goods and learn prices. Mus* SCHUXACIXFIB.^ Farm for Sale. The uidersigtied oilers for sal« his Farm, consisting of 157 acres, situated four miles West of McHenry, For terms and otber particulars inquire of FRANK HOB ART, 19>2m Terra CotU, 111. THE hi {best price in Cash paid for strictly fresh Eggs,. at Locke's Home Bakery. I had a cow taken down with milk fever Suuday evening, Nov. 7rh, 1889, and she lay two days covered up with blankets given up to die. when a, neighbor recommended Dickin$pnV Cow Prescription. 1 got aud gave her two bottles gave one half both every three hour' and warm water every hour and sit cured her. I think it is the best medicine in the world for the ' ^ f cow. For sale by all Druggist. Bar- riogtoa 111. Nov, 16tb, 18S6, , ** tt. A. MAT** " - * - » * Would Yuo Beliavs it? That we are authorized by tbe pro-' prietor of Kemp's Sarsaparilla to re­ fund the mouey to any one who has taken thr^e-fourths of a bottle with­ out relief? We are positive that no" other proprietor has the confidence in bis medicine to do ibis, it Is for en­ riching, cleansing and purify lag the Blood and toning up the system*, Prloe 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, Geo. W. Basuir. Tlte Bomlleet Men la McHenry. As well as the handsomest, aadl others are invited to call on Geo, W|; Be?ley and get free a trial bottle oi Kemp's Balaam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling aa* tirely upon its merits aud is gonr* an teed to cure and relieve ali ChraaM aad Acute Coughs, Asthma, Broaokil* Is and Consumption. Price SO MRU and fl. » , ; Ilk A • 1 -a- f ' 3 • ic'i,1,';.'.:-!

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