Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1887, p. 8

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, - ' • . ' Jl • --I V i I li >111 nyn nrr iir rrron^,i^iwri iTiTii^,* ̂ n,r V><!-V \ / • * ' • ./ki \ <• jr* ^ f#* #*., |«,W • * ^**v. ^ Tri"ii'v*&?'*&•*'. " ^ :'fv r < -r^r . *\v;' $r; Offer their entire stock qf j ̂ 7 v - ? t1! V General ,r~ <':> .a.. •. REDUC r 7 $ fr> 3IcHENRY. LL Bargains • • •?•piip' And shall offer I» now receiving fait FALL AND WINTER STOCK Ladies', Misses' and Children a Garments, Wraps, Jackets, Shawls, at cost. We will make you very inter­ esting prices on balance of WTllOOATS ¥Ss? •*• Sapposltores. <$* ftoM, from New London. jrrilM; Seud me two koxei of ipfil Suppositories by Oar drwgtit It out. They are IffHwii. I tried everything with- • Mip. bal the Suppositories cured treatment Is new and within Of all, and would advice the to give them a trial. For bleU on Piles address Box 296 >jr, tT. Y. For sale in McHeury, Geo. W. Besley's at 50c per box. For Sale- I In the village of McHenry, a house iVe lots. The owner wishing to Valid on land owned bv him outside :£f the corporation will sell very low. Th* house has been newly painted Ikrougbout, contains four rooms fc«»ldea kitchen and pantry below, and two good large rooms and closets in the second story. There is a good barn, well, cistern, and other outhouses on the premises. Also an abundance of •mall Iruit of all kinds. Is well located and convenient to the Public School. Will be sold cbeap if applied for soon. For further particulars Inquire at this •fflce. •too twenty acres of good land near the corporation. Will be aold cbeap For Sale. Tbe undersigned offers for sale bis residence, and two acres of landj| sltua ted In the village of Riagwood. Is well located, in good repair and on the premises are all kinds of small fruit, all In a healthy and bearing condition It Is, with all, a very desirable piece of property. (Good barn and outbuildings For terms at^d other particulars call on the undersigned on the premises. WM. Langham, . Ring wood, March 9th, 1886. See our elegant prism. Dome Shade, Library Lamps, from 92.50 to 98 50. BONSLETT & STOFFEL, W. H. Dwight will receive this week an extra large assortment of Holiday Slippers for Ladies. Gents and Boys. Quinsy Can be Cured. Smith's Quinsy Specific is an abso­ lutely sure cure for this painful and dangerous disease. The undersigned sufl red from quinsy for years, but finally discovered a remedy which cured him and all who used it. It has never yet failed. A purely vegetable remedy, safe and pleasant to take, l'rice GO e. Single trial packages sent tor 35c. Circulars and testimonials for stamp. Get it now and be prepared to control the next attack. Address: Geo. W. Smith. 'Sole Prop'r and ManTr, Phelps, N. Y. Please mention this paper f « ASensibe Man. Would use (Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. It is curing more cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron­ chitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine The proprietor has authorized Geo. W Besley to refund your money if after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief is not obtained. Price 50u and 91 Trial size free. Besley's Famous Waukegan Ale and Ported On draught at J. Bonslett'l, A, En- glen's and John Heimer's. Russian Liniment is a sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Diphtheria ; Chilblains, Frost Bites, Lameness, Burns and Bruises. It Is also the beu Liniment in the world for the horse. : Cures Spavin. Ringbone, Splints, and - Lameness caused by sprains, etc. One trial bottle will convince you that the above does not overestimate the va'ue ; of this wonderful medicine. For sale ' by all druggists. Mrs. Schumacher* •felts Chicago every week and will take In your orders and furnish goods •t the lowest Chicago prices. 1) is So. That we are daily guaranteeing Kemp's Sarsaparllla to the people io this way* that after taking three-fourths of a bottle without relief, we will refund the money. It is the greatest and * best remedy on the market for clean- ?• ting the blood and giving you a new lease of life, A well-known business ; man informs us be has gained 8 pounds on two bottles of this Sarsapa* rtlla. Price 91.00. For sale by Geo, W.Btwley, McHenry. CARPET WEAVING. The undersigned Is prepared to Weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of tbe North-west corner of the Public square. Orders respectfully sollolted, and satisfaction guaranteed Ueo. Schuster. MoHanry, Auf. Wtta, 1888. i--2m SIBLEY'S tor oar Flo ret. field PlanU, Bulta[mpiem'ta. SEED ET D C P Dy -nail m application. Don't neglect writing for it HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. .MaiaSt. CHICAGO, ILL. U-l« S. Clark St IMTRISAT REDUCTIONS Onfall lines that arc now incomplete in a&ortment. Odd and ends in every department MUST BE SOLD Prior to our January Inventory. An opportunity is n<iw offered to obtain many goods at , - LESS THAS THEY COST THE MANUFACTURER. We also wish to reduce stock in all departments, and very liberal concessions will be maae to Cash Buyers, We have an elegant line of SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, MUFFLERS, And many other articles both useful and ornamental which y®u are invited to examine when in search ofyour Holiday Presents. n HENRY COLBY. mi Fin CHEAPER THAN EVER. JOHN B, BLAKE. Two Doors North of Perry & Owen* Aft«r Fortr rw# ip«rienc» in tb* preparation of mora UlM One Hundred I Ml application* for patents it ted Blatee and Foreign oonn- iee, tbe poblUher* of the Scientific American continue to act as solicitor* for patent*, caveats, trade-marks, eopy- I rifnta, etc., for the United States, and i patent* in Canada, England, France. .11 Other countries- Their expert* ed and their facilities are uuiut. "T5tawln*t and specific*! ions prepared and filed la tbe Patent Offlo* on sb ort notice. Term* very reasonable. No charge for examination of model* «jdrawings. Adric. by mail free. • ,obtained thron gh Mnnn AOo. are noticed lath* KIKrnriC AMERICAN, which hea Sh# largest circulation arid ie the most influential Mwapaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of sudi a notice erer^ patentee / tihie}sf*e and apjgpdldlr illustrated newipatxr ' ia poblished WEHEKlsi at «3.0Uarear, and adajtted te be the best paper devoted to science, aeeehaaioe. Inventions, engineering works, and ether department* of Industrial progress, pub­ lished in anr oonntrjr. It contains the names of all patentees and title ®f every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar, •old br all newsdeaJerB., If worn haft an invention to patent write to IfanniGo., pabli«h«r. of Seienti&e ^*lsl3Bst*®towsS pwbaiits *ails4 ftwa* FOR SALE OB BENT. inn of 71 acres, situated 3 miles Miiof Spring Grove, 111. Good House, and other outbuildings, Also a good well of water. For further particular* Inquire of David Smiley. Spring Groves 111 JC.90-W Mv stock of Furniture is com­ plete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as aiiy other in the county, and it will be to the interests ot the buying pub­ lic to call upon me when iu want of anything in that line. In this depaitment I keep afiist class ass ortment of Caskets and Coffins and shrouds of all hinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKE. For the Grand New Book WaiM) Heroes if the Plains, BY J. W BUEL. This splendid new book U it cumplcte his­ tory of the lives and wonderful !u!venture* of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Capt. Jack, T«xii8 f Jack, California Joe, Kit Carsosi, -'White • Heaver," Gen. Custer, and other great West- / urn Heroes, Scouta and Indian llgiitcrx. It ig unitorsed by letters from Gens. Sheridan. Hancock, Merri t t, and other dist inguished persons. Copies of the letters will be bent t r e e o n pnp l i ca t i on. A g e n t s w h o are now pushing the canvass are meeting u Uli giand s u c c e s s. T h e 1k>oU i u s p l e n d i d l y i l l u s t r a t e d with erer 1JU line engravings,' including 18 tnll i»-ge colored plates, is low in \>rj<'e, and popular with the people. It is the greatest book of Western adventure over issued, and its splendid endorsements secure the best class of trade. A grand opportunity it offered to earnest workers. JXo money required till the book* act told. VV ri tc for our extra terms and special plans. Address, DAN. L1NAHAN A CO., PUBLISHERS, Uh St, & Washington Ave, gi. Louis, BC Remember tbe fact that W. 11 Dwigbt will not be undersold by any bouse io Woodstock or McBenry Co. Remember the facts that Dwlght's old reliable cash store, at Woodstock, is Headquarters for Felt Boots, Rub­ ber Boots, Gum Boots, and Mens, Womeos. Misses. Boys and Cbildrens Buckle Arties, Alaskas and Self Acting Alaska*. \/ "S/ TO CURE * RHEUMATISM. «fTth» ^"r1Lbaa,,\ Bl>eclfin action upon the fluids lili.. JY., . .,Hni»t'lymoirture to the tiKaues and l»#i<r V*iil'e I '."£ Jffe< teil by the dinease. No 5iiu ! , m>" remain after a cure by the moKt a "!"kIc' Lottie will convince Me mo»t sceptical that wi: have not tola half Its vir- w*1-.00 i'"1' bottle. For sale by all wU|{({lit8. Manufactured only by LENNEY MEDICINE CO., CHBNOA. ILLINOIS. Carpets, allkiods, at Chicago Prices, from no# uutil January 1st. Call and see samples at Justen Bros. West Side. Handkerchiefs, ail styles and prices, at Althofl Bros. GOOD GOODS AT iOWUNBS OF $U(MR| ̂ ood wear. FOR 81. 20 Lis. GOOD Bias $1.H« 20 Bars Babbitt's - Best Soap $1.00. •A JOB LOT- & 1101 REMEMBER THIS. at AND BELOW. NO HUMBUC. Do not buy the old, lazy, easy way, but make your purchases where you can make the dollar buy the most. v. wmw H'mimY) nx. CLOTHING New Spring Suits, perfect fitting, well made, latest cut, low price. Warranted as repre seuted. BOOTS AND SHOES, Wo sell only the celebrated C. H. Fargo custom made Boots and Shoes, and warrant every pair. Fargo's role leather, box tip Shoe, for Children, take tbe lead. Ponliac Knit wool boot*, Red jacket, Eskinn wool boots and wool boot protectors in stock. CASD2I BU3BIB MODS, Every pair warranted. GROCERIES, Always No. 1. Japan Tea, un- colored, Coffee/ Spices, Cannec} Goods, all strictly pure. 20 pounds good Rice only $1.00 Good Tea only .30 Good Fine Cut only .30 Good Raisens 7 cts. per pound Full pound good Plug .25 Hatchet B, Powder .25 ThY OUR ROCKFORD FLOUK, At $1,05 per Sack. "EL.AIN OIL" Churns, Jars, I* Jugs and Fans. SO Gallon. Jars Corner Maine Street and Public Sqttfcre. W. H. DWIGHT Woodstock, Illinois E. LAWLUS, Warrants a Fit or no s He makes Suits to order of the beet Cloths, Foreign or Domes­ tic, IT THE LOWEST PRICKS That good Goods can be sold at. HS ALSO Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. Ciive Me a. Call E. LAWLUS. McHenry, Jan. 19th» 1886. Pi ONLY $2.75. Middlings $14 00 per ton Bran $13 00 per ton, "r: Salt $1.30 per barrel. Oil Meal $1.75 per ewt. VXRY TRULY YOUM BONSLETT & STOFFEL. ^lerat ̂ SODA Best in the WorlcL .sH.i IIPPINCOTT'S • • LIPPINCGTT'S • • LIPPINCOTTI I^ds all othtr MagazinM ™ In 1 ales of Fiction • Poems of Interest mm - A New Departure Pleasing Short Stories , "" Interesting Miscellany 25 __ " Notes of Prog res. ~ * ; •wiarlv •(Jhoice Selections '-^06 » Original Contributions vagks IX BACH issub -- Xopics of the Times . _ •" Xeme Gems .A Complete New Novel -- » Superlative Merit Sjr tome favorite snUior ia uA Jo. •" Giving a library of 13 new and valuable works, Wortfc from $15.00 to (18.00 annually, at the nominal sun! ' ? »5 cents per month. Subscription, #3.00 yearly, stories by John Habberton, Franees Hodgson Bur* pett, Julian Hawthorne, Lucy C. Lillic, etc., etc< . Will appear in early issues * CircuUn, giving details, etc., mailed on applkatloa J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 715 and 717 Market St., Philadalyh^ "J &•}• [ I'.. _ - - k>. ' '•V.'/SW

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