BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. SPECIAL*SESSION. , TM. Honorable Board of Supervisors met in Special Session at the Court House Iti Wood stock, Mr Henry County, Illinois, on Thursday, January 27.1887. The meeting called to order by the Chair man H S Williams. The followt c members answered to their names at roll call: Amory Barber, R M Patrick, A J Shurtllff, H S Williams. M w Lake, Samuel Cutter, D H Flav!n, U B Rich ards, W H lawyer, E M Lamb, Geo H Garri son, H W Mead, A It Alexander. Fred Hatch, F K Gransrer, John H Palmer, C F Dike. sundry bill* were presented to the Board aDd referred to the Committee on Claims. The following resoluMon was read to the Board, to-wlt* WHEREAS--It is represented tnat no ade quate provision has been made in the State <>f Illinois for the support, education or industrial training for the homeless, depend ent or erring female children and WHEREAS-It APNEA's titre is very great ; need for a state School and State Home for { the education and training in the useful industries, such dependant girls as well for • the reformation of young female criminals, and wHKRKAS--An attempt is being made to STATE OF ILLINOIS,» _ McHenry County, t Mr Chairman aud Gentleman of the Board of Supervisors. Your Committee on Poor Farm and Insane Asylum would respectfully submit the follow ing: That whereas the present barn on said farm is inconviently located, and capacity for shelter of stock, s'orage of hay, and other products of the farm. Your Com mittee would recommend that the btru be en iarged. or another one erected in suci place as may be beat suited to the requireineutsof farm. " All of *hl jh Is respectfully submitted. C. F. DIKE, JOHN H. PALMB*, DANIEL. H. FLAVIN, GEO. H. GARRISON, Committee. Slip Beck moved t<> recommit the resolution back to the Committee to report at the next annex 26xiu to be used as a jail. All of said buildings to be placed on a stone foundation •even feet, In highih, the earth to be wholly excavated within said foundation*, makintr a basement under the entire building The superstructure to be of brick, the walls to be twenty-four feet in highth, with cut stoue comer*, and door and window-sills aud caps. The cornice to be zinc, and the roof to be of corrugated iron. The annex to contain two tier* of cells, five in each tier, the said cells to be of steel, aud one additional cell for use lr case of female prisoners. For a fuller de scription of s«,ld proposed Jail, reference is made to accompanying plaus and specifica tions. AS to probable or approximate cost of said buildings and fixtures. Your Co mnlttee report that the building evi be put up and fully completed in everv particular, In first Class order, Including the jail and its fixtures, at a cost to the County not exceeding twelve thousand Ave hundred dollars, This esti mate not including any heating apparatus, 1 nf ,h„ Rm.,4 which will cost from two to five hundred dol- I " m ,v„rf that the resolution be [f,̂ rr"dePeUd,UtC a" What U US0d 10f lhe lafd^rLbTe^^^ ̂ W .»• «r »>» nninl»n that ! the board. Motion carried. sucr^uil?L™G T^en compiltedf will be*- I The Committee OQ Claims made the follow- much better and more desirable building, than one a sifter county erected a few years since at a C'St exceedingf-Hooo. As to location your Committee can only say. Ing leport to-wlt: STAT EOF ILLINOIS,, Mc <1 en ry County, » Board of Supervisors, Special Sestlott* Jan practicable. RKSOLVKD That the ^oard of Supervisors of McHenry County hereby approve of the movement and request the members of the present General Assembly to give the matter due consideration and make such provisions an may be bert calculated to accomplish the desired object. RESOLVED--That the Clerk be directed to transmit conies of this endorsed Preamble and Resolutions to Governor Oglepby and to Mrs G B Marsh. Chairman of Committee on Bill, 1821 Prairie Avenue. Chicago. Ills. On motion of Sup Grander the resolution was referred to the Committee on Education. Sup Patrick, one of the Committee to pur chase safe for the County Treasurer's office made a verbal report of their acts, reporting that they visited Chicago and made a thorough examination among the different safe makers and after mature deliberation, the Committee selected a Dlebold Sate $l,7oo; aud the Bunker lot south ol the public square, price #3.000 Either of said lots would oe fairly su'table to build the proposed buildings on, Kv:h of them affording a south or ea^t frontage, a requisite demanded for satd buildings. The main objection to the mo-« of the lots being valuation placed on them by their owners. Your Committee had expected to seethe citizens of Woodstock sh w a decree of In terest In the location finally to be selected by the county on which to bu'ld. Inasmuch as the building of such structure as i« pro >osed. In case it Is built, will add materially to the good looks of the city of >Voi<dst,ock, con ditioned it Is properly located, *nd be a butld- Ing that the cltieens of Woodstock may well be proud of. Aud Inasmuch as the cliyot Woodstock, at the present time occupies and assumes to controll, ground now owned by the county but used by the city a« a publl rk, as^rell as •portion of theprese amounts allowed, as follows, to wit: H S Williams, 1 day Chicago pur sate and repairs -- - Geo H Garrison, same -- R M Patrick, P J I Brcanbrack, 13 meals Jurors. B H Richmond, 65 •* " •• 13 lodgtngs Jno W Norris Esq. 1 safe lor Co Treas 4°" 00 R R Co. freight on same 14 04 C Schrvver. getting up safe and put up.- 16 0" Bill ot per diem and ml>age of Special Com'tee on Jail and Sheriff's resilience. J H Palmer, fi days attendance at #2 50..... 15 00 so mile* travel K LMst 8 00 R J Beck, 6 days attendance at $2 50 16 no 8G miles travel % Dlst 8 60 Barber, Patrick, Shurtllff, Lake, Cutter. Flavin. Richards, Sawyer, Lamb. Mead, Dike, 1 11. Nayes--Beck, Garrison, Alexander, Hatch. Granger. Palmer, 6. Motion carried. Sup Barber moved that Sup Garrison be Chairman of e Committee of Three, two to be appointed by the Chair, that said Committee ...<u be empowered to have certain lands in the hia"7Iotl™he i vicinity of Pletauqua Lake surveyed, if in ; their opinion and judgment, the best lnter- I ests of the County require «t. | The Chair appointed Sups Barber and Saw yer on !»aid Committee. Motion carded. Sup Flavin moved that the Board adjourn until to* morrow at 10 o'clock. Motion carried. SATURDAY. JAW. 2». Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Members all present excep; Sup Z B Goodrich and Patrick. Sup Sawyer offered the following resolution to-wlt: RESOLVEI*--That there be a Committee con- < slstlng of three members to be appointed by ; the Chair, who shall have full charge of pur chasing a site for and erecting a jail and ; Sheriff's residence thereon. I RESOLVED--That, said Committee be in-- | structed LO. as soon as may be practicable, i conclude a purchase of a suitable site on Which to place said buildings | RBSOI wnj-That said Committee be In structed to contract for the erection and i completion of a Sheriff's residence and jsll i substantially In accordance to the plans aud i specifications contained in and accompanying * their report as adopted by this board, and ! make such Improvements and alterations in ' tne Court House building as trill afford need- ! ed vault room and render the Court House ; convenient for the county officer*. Said contracts to be made aud entered Into as early »» practicable. Said buildings to be completed as soon as good economy and practicability may allow RESOLVED--That there be appropriated fro.n the county treasury the sum of twenty thousand dollar* to defray the expenses to be incurred in the purchase of said site and the erection and completion of the lulidings anil necessary Improvements to the Court House to provide naeded vault room, and make sucn other changes and alterations as may be deemed ad vl sable by this Board ordered. And that the County Clerk and County Treas urer be authorized and directed to draw bonds of the County for said account. Said bonds to draw Interest at and not to 6 00 ! 5 oo ; 5 oo! 4 55 | 22 75 « 55 costing four hundred dollars, hsij^l^^|g^r^ea^» a couct roo« aud v IT fl«nffer "e'davs attendance at «2 #«- 1# oo ; exceed the rate ot five per cent peranum. FKGrang«r.b^ days ay enuanoe at to near da' e at the time of their Issue, Costs in case of People vs^seto. - 8 50 ! and to be due and. payable ten thousand " Weber and Haupris 4 4o raent »f the Committee that safe for the money that i hey could find On motlou the report was accepted and adopted. The leport of the special Committee ap pointed at the last December Meeting, to enquire fully Into the question as to the need for a new jail and residence for the HhflniL.k.^.. . M V QAiiOO usen. and If in their opinion such need exists, t& ° fiWi^Londen, at mov v,„ t.h« nf * lour Committee oeueviuK n<>..ihnun. ascertain as near as uiav be the cost ot a su'table lot, the cost of building, etc . made the following report, wnleh on motion was accepted, to-wit; STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry, f Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors Your committee to whom was referred that part of the report of the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings relating to a jail and residence for the Sheriff, beg leave to report: That under the Instructions accom- paning the relerence they have tf&tfylhnftfi they deemed requisite Inqiflred Into tne questions involved and find: That the present jail accommodations of the county* are ample in capacity for the use of the countv: but so constructed as to render the jail Insecure, unheal-hy, ana in many respects an unfit place In which to attemot to secure persons charged with misdemeanors or crimes. One of the first investigations made by vour com mittee looked toward the practicability of remodeling the present jail so as to render It secure, and a suitable place to confine prls oners in. The result ot such Investigation was the conclusion, tnat inasmuch as the whole interior of the Court House structure rested on the present jail cells for support, It was nearly or quite Impracticable. If no) impossible to remoael the present jal( so as to make it answer the requirements nf the law and humanity. This conclusion of your committee, backed uo by the absolute demand nf the County Offices for additional vault room in which to safelv store the County records, together with the repeated findings of the various Grand Juries who have been convened in the County during the past year or two, which reports we beg leave to call your attention to, copies of which are here to annexed, have led vour committee to believe, that whenever any material alterna tions or improvements are made by the County in Its jail accommodations, it will be found advisable to build an entirely new buUding for a Sheriff's residence and jatl, disconnected and dlstiuct from the present Court House building. As to what would be a suitable and deslr able building for the use of the Couuty for a Sheriff's residence and jail, your Committee would beg leave to report: That they have Investigated the matter, have examined, buildfngsin other count*es. nave enquired into the probable wants of the couuty for the future. And believing that whenever a new building is made, It Is advisable to make one of sufficient capacity to answer all probable demands of the County for a long term of years In the fu ure, your Committee would recommend a building of the following size and dlsorlptlon. Upright32x36feet to be used as a Sheriff's residence and office, with an it seemed but na'ural that the citizens of i Woodstock might have a degree ol greater interest In the matter thau outside parties. | But in this your Committee has met with dis- | appointment. The main eagerness and j SOIICITNDA.IDI«TTMMC FA* AR»KO.V&IM«B<I.ERTD H 1st. to have a jatl: 2nd, get the largest po«slble : - Richard Overton, witness 3 days Wallace Moner, •• 3 W W Bogar', " # People vs Kugeue Morris, John Dement, A Gla^s nichae1 Lor i den. g >ing covers the material referred to theiu, ask permlssloiiyiQ«M£«t. S'A hoard is just at tne nnWoI l"s oTBWarlif*:, A new county board « ,|llJJsuLlieflji1 this board witbiu two and «>ue hWf uroirnid from tills date. Is a lair pffllilitl fu&t or buslne^ t r a n s a c t i o f c ^ ^ y y ' T r c ^ ' plratlon of^csfeiro. Ctrgo IwWfter it*--" portant matters, and lay out work to be sub stantially consuinated by Its successors in office. Accompanying tills you will find nlll for seryiueaiieuAered by the Committee, showing ^fwAWnrterwif davs spent by each aud number of miles traveled by each in the discbarge of the duties impoaed by you. Ail of which Is respectfully submitted this 27th day of January, A. D., 1887. F. K. GRANGER. JOHN H. PALMER, R J. BKCK, Sup Granger moved that further actios on the report of the Committee on new jail and residence for sheriff be postponed uutil to morrow morning at la o'clock. Motion carried. Sup Alexander moved that the board ad journ uutll to murrow morning at 10 o'clock. Motion carried. FRIDAY MORNING, JAN'T 28. Board met pursuant to adjournment. ' eet- Ing called to order by the Chairman. Mam bers all presant except Sup Goodrich. The committee ou Education made the following report upon the resolution relating to a home for the homeless, dependent and I*at'e Benihui John Demeni» A Glass, Wm Gates. Fred Tryon, Wm Gates. People v* Wlilting. Lafe Benthuseo, People vs Schuttz, Late Benthusen. witness S 3 5 4 I I I Witness i .. *•" 6 60 4 60 4 So 6 2.) 4 0<> % 20 1 »• 1 &) 2 20 « no 6 00 2 U0 Peonle vs Jose..h Behan, M M Hullent M M&teiBNOHd. Frank Cox J N Pavell W T Hamilton. . . B Jdaxhtm 11; People vs BogaO|'.tC' C R Colemaip^' James IIILH ' ' . Bdward Ureely W W Bogart S R Ward. Sep' 1.. '• •• Jan'yl A L Bogart Total.--, 1 •• 1 *» V " 2 •' 2 •' 2 •» 2 " 1 " i " 1 " 2 " 4 " F K GRANGKK,, J ,* DA NI.I KF. H FLAVIN, C F DIKE. Committee. As per motion of Sup Granger a. yesterdays meeting the report of tne Committee on new erring female children, whi«j|» was j jau and residence for the Sheriff was taken adopted to-wit: I up for consideration. STATE OF ILLINOIS, \ ! Sup Alexander moved that the report of the McHenrv County. I M Committee on new jail and residence for the Board of Supervisors, January Term. Jan- 18herlff be laid on the table ibdeflnttely. uary 2s, A. I». 1887. j Motion logt. Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board , Sup Cutter moved that the report of Com of Supervisors: i mittee on new iail and residence be adopted. Your Committee to whom was referred the proposition for a law to provide a state house and state school for the support, education '~r industrial training for homeless, dependent or erring female children, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we believe the passage of the proposed law to be in the Interests ot humanity apd recommend to this Board that we, as citizens of the State of Illinois, aud not as a Board, recommend Its passage. AU M whtcb is respectfully submitted, A. R. ALEXANDER, W. G. SAWVBR. G. B. RICHARDS, GEO. H. GAKRUONI FKKD HATCH, The following resolution was offend by the Poor House Committee to-wlt: The ayes and nays being called for resulted as ftkllows, Ay«s: Berber, Patrick, Shurtllff Beck, Lake, futter. Flavin, Richard?, Stwyer, Garrison, .Head. Alexander. Grander, aimer. Dike, Lamb, < 10 i Nays: F.ed Hatch *1) Reso lution adopted. Sup Grauger offered the following resolu tion and moved its adootlon: RESOLVKD--That the fnrther consideration of the question of building a new jail and residence far Sheriff he indefinitely postnoned. Ayes and Nays were called for, as folio vs: \yes: Flavin. Sawyer, Garrison, Alexander, Hatch. Granger. Palmer. <"> Nays Barber, Patrick. Shurtllff, Beck, Lake. Cutter. Rich ards, Lamb, Mead, Dike. (10) Resolution lost Sup Cutter moved that the County build a new jail and residence for Sheriff, Ayes and nayes being called for, was as follows; Ayes-- due and dollars on the first day of April, A D, 1888. ; and the balancc of said bonds to be due amt C 20 1 payable ou the first day of April. 1889. Said 0 Mo • bonds to be Issued aud converted Into cat^. as fast as may be. required, but In no oaae to be sold for less than their face value 81gned, W. G. LAWYER. Sup Hatch moved to lay the reaolutlon on the table. Motion lost Sup Lake moved the adoption of the reso lution. Sup Flavin offered the following resolution as a subsMtute and moved Its adoption to-wit. Mr Chairman and Geutlemen of the Board of Supervisors. I would respectfully move the adoption of this resolution, RBSOLVKD- That the sum of twenty thousand dollars i (2tH'0no) be and Is hereby appropriat ed for the following purpose to-wit; FIOST--The S'ttn of forty-five hundred dollars t$4500,00) for the purchase of the Donnelly property adjoining the Court House. SECOND-The sum of thirteen thousand dollars 11130. o.oo > for the purpose of building a Sheriff's residence and jail and the beating apaiatus for the same. 'J'HIKD-- The sum of twenty-five hundred dollars <$2500,00) for the purpose of over hauling and building of suitable vaults in tha Court House for the preservation of tha County records and other County property stored In said building. Provided that any unexpended balance ct said appropriation shall oe covered into th« County treasury and applied to the general fund of said County to be expended undef the directions of the Board of Supervisor Said amount of money to oe raised by Issuing County bonds not to draw over five per cent Interest due in two Installments of one and two years from date of Issuing same, D. H. FLAVIN, 8up Alexander offered the following reso lution as a substitute: RESOLVED -That the County has not the power to issue bonds without consent of the voters of the County to whom the question must be first submitted. Substitute lost. The ayes an 1 nayes being called for on the original resolution, resulted as follows: Ayes--Baiber, Snurtllff, Beck. Lake, Cutter, Richards, Sawyer, Lamb. Garrison, Mead, Granger, Palmer, Dike, <13) Nayes--Flavin, Alexander aud Hatch, (3) Original resolution adonted. The Chairman appointed as said Committee, Sup F K Granger, Palmer and Beck. Sup Richards moved that G S Southwortn be allowed an additional compensation ot $25.00 for printing the proceedings of tbi Board of Sup for the year 1886. and special meeting of Jan'y 1887, considering It bui justice in consideration of the smatl amount allowed by the Board at Sep't last meeting, and the large amount of worn done. Motion carried. Sup Flavin moved that the Board, member* of the Committees and Clerk be allowed their usual per diem and mileage* Motion carried. MSup Granger moved that the Board adjourn^ otion earned. __ H S WII.T.IAMB, Chairman* Attest-Wm AVERT, Clerk. 1 ,.T-Tr 1 90 2 oo 2 10 ..... 2 80 2 80 ....... 2 80 ...... 1 81' ...-- « 20 a o.' S 80 5 60 2 6(, 2 60 4 6o ,..»..6«7 49