•mam ||e$(ew| j?Wiietlw. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2, 1887, Railroad Time Table. "On and after Monday, June tl,| Train* will fail McHenry Station as below: • OOINO SOUTH. Lake Gsneva Passenger........... ..7:88 A. * f^ake Geneva Express .' 8:45 " Lake Geneva Freight 2:00 p. H Lake Geneva Passenger...... 3:* •• Qf)is» icoam. Lake Geneva Freight 9-11 a. V Lake 3eneva Passenger...;. M^O «• Lake Geneva Express 4:S8p. m Lake Genova Passenaer 6:57 " * Stops only to leave Passengers. B. BUBS, Agent. / McHenrv, 111 MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, Ka 158 A. F, an'I A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. STOBT, W. M. warn\ t, of Chicagovlsit- *vW i th^twT^lster Mrs. Do not fall to hear the Lecture on Mormanism at the Riverside Hall, on Saturday evening. READ tbe neve advertisement of Altbofi Bros, to be found in another column, " • READ the eard of Chas, Andrews, Auctioneer, to be found on the first pafe of this paper. SEE the Dissolution NOTICE of Fitz- simmins & Evanson, to be foond In another column. t THE moon never gets so full that it doesn't retain sufficient good sense to sink to rest sometime during the night. If this fits you, cut it out and paste it Somewhere Insight. REMEMBER the Ring wood Dramatic Club will bring - out, at that place, on Friday and Saturday of next week, tbe beautiful four act Drama of "The Octoroon.'* See notice elsewhere. BOB BURDETTE says the Lord wasted mud when he made a man who will take a newspaper from two to six years, never pay a cent, and then order the postmaster to send it back refused, PERSON %L. MISS GRACE OWEN IS visiting with friends in Woodstock this week. MRS. C. B. duHTis, of Elgin, LE visit Itg with friends in this village. FRED I^ACE, who has been quite sic! the past week, Is reported better. PAUL BROWN, of Chicago, spent Sur. day with his parents in this village. MRS. C. TAYLOR, of Springfield, Wis., was visiting with Mrs. P. J. Clifton last week. MRS. DR. • BROWN returned from quite an extended visit In Chicago last week. THE little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Andrus is quite low at this writ- lD* ^ AHXER, injfln this'v' J. Pekovsky. MKS. J. FEKOVSKY liis^een quite Ick the past few daysjbut ifrxnow re- ported better. 4^ THOS. HALPIN and family moved to Elgin on Mondty, where they propose t > make their home in tne future. Miss HATTIE STORY was quite sick the first part of the week, but is now reported better. , Miss CORA MCOMBER, who haa been sick the past two or three weeks, is re* ported as not quite as well this week, S. C. MADOLE, of Yankton, Dakota, Is visiting with the family of H. E. Wightman in this village. HON. GEO. WAIT passed through this village on his way to Sprjngffeld or Monday, and made our sanctum pleasant call. JOHN D. NISH, mall agent betwee Lake Geneva and Elgin, was a calle at this office on Friday, Sorry we were out. MR, AND MRS. S. T. JOHNSON, of Clinton Junction, Wis., were the quests of Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Walsh la this village lost week. MISS DELIA BRENNEN and Mis* Sarah Kinnear, of St. Charles, HI., have been visiting In this village the past week. OUR January thaw caught a severe Id en Saturday night, and the ther- mometer showed twelve to twenty de- grees below aero on Sunday and Mon* day. Several inches of snow fell on Monday morning, and the sleighing Is now the best this winter. THE young ladies from Lake Geneva, whe came down here with the Cantata of the Flower Queen, bad a very en joyable time at the Toboggan Slide Saturday forenoon. The managers did all in their power to make It pleasant for them, and from appearances they succeeded to the fullest extant. CHAS. ANDREWS, of Spring Grove, has one of the finest three year old colts in this section. He is from a Morgan mare and sired by the trot* ting stallion, "Bay Henry," and is a model of beauty and aetlen. Re la for sale, and any one wishing a line young driving horse should not tall to see him. ,, L,r 4,^ HE Board of Supervisors at their special meetinr last week. voteJ $20,000 to build a new jail and sheriff's residence and repair the court hiuse, build new vaults, etc. A badding com* mittee was appointed with full power to purchase suitable grounds for tbe building, contract and go on at once with the work. A ANY one having about #1,500 that they wish to luvest iu a property that will bring them from 8 to 10 per cent JOHN THURLWELL, whoMives on the monay invested, can learn of a, one and a half East of thi* fm. chance by inquiring at this office. I age> had a 8hock 0j paraly8j9 0n9 day IF you want information seek It atllast week, and Is reported very low at the fountain head. Therefore do net\^8 writing, fail to hear the Lecture on Morman- ^-Miss NELLIE NEVILLE and Perry manism, at Riverside Hall, on Satur* day evening next, the 5th. tEViVAL meetings are being held at toe M. E. Church every evening this week. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Baxter, will be assisted by the Rev. Jos. Crum- men, of Cortland, III. THE Toboggan Slido is In all its rglory this week,°^The boys and girls •ay tbe more you "let her go" the more you want to. There seems to be a fascination about the slide that Is hard to resist after the first trial. TPE Store building occupied by Fi.tzsimmons A Evansons, and the -Storage building {attached there to, are now offered for sale at a jargalnJ This is a rare chance for some one. '"MAN wants but little here below, nor wants that little long/ This sen timent. as all may know. Is culled from an old song. But wintry days of cold and snow, bring us instead the thought --man may need little bere below, but wants that little hot." MONDAY last, Jan. 31st. was the 71st birthday of our townsman, F. A He bard. He is an old resident of this town, having resided here over thirty years. That he may live to enjoy many more birthdays Is the wish of his many friends. " "I have thee on-the hip," cried rheu metism seizing his victim and tossing him on a su fit ring bed. "Net so," he cried not so! Walt, my ancint foe just five minutes, until the boy brings a bottle of Salvation Oil, then we'll see who wins the day." ON the door of a little shanty in Buffalo county, Dikota, is pasted the following; "60 miles to the postofflce. 75 miles to the county seat, 100 miles to tbe railroad, and 250 feet to water. God bless our home. Gone to spend the winter with wife's folks." Johnson, and Miss Dell Morse and Tyler Hoffman, of Nunda. attended th<n entertainment of tbe Flower Queen at Riverside Hal] on Friday eving last. DIED.--In this village on Sunday 'morning, January 30tb, 1887, ANSON HALL, aged 90 years. Mr. Halt was the father of Mrs. M. H. Colyer, with whom he has roslded for the past two years or over. He was almost blind, and haa been confined to his room most of the time for the past six or eight mouths. His funeral was held from the residence of Mrs. Colyer on Tuesday, and his remains deposited ^in Woodland Cemetery. THE Ringwoed Dramatic Club are now rehearsing the four Act Drama of "The Octoroon," which IJ expected to eclipse auything this company has ever played. They expeet to bring it out at^Ringwood on Friday aad Satur day evenings, Feb. 11th and 13th. Miss Minnie Mudgett will fggtpear *8 the Octoroon, Walter Crlsty, as Scudder, Carl Fay. as Geo. Peyton, Jule Smith, as McClosky, and Eddie Dodge as Paul. Etch are stars in their parts,^and the people of Ring- wood and vicinity are assured of a rich treat. Their rehearsals are pro grossing finely and as we said before this play will be the best ever brought eut by this Company. More particu lars next week. « Jrf f B;n?rAKD:,b0rn "nd,ra,Md ;/MARRiED.-At the Church, Io Johns- ln Utah, will deliver his masterly and _ . _ _ popular Lecture. "Mormanlsm Americanism,' at Riverside Hall this village' on Saturday evening thie week. You will mi«s a rich treat nd i ^fjurg, on Thursday, Jan. 27th, 1887, by TS| Rev Father Mehrlng, Stephen Keizer, 1. ini°';v ,lof t « of < . if you fail to hear him. THE Ladies Willing Workers Socie ty, connected with the Universallst Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs. Richard Bijhop, on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 3d, at 1:30 sharp. A general attendance is earnestly re quested. Mas. JOHN I. STORT, President. MISS GRACE OWBN, Secretary. assistant »Vrite or 3 AN effect existing without a cause is an impossibility; tickling in the throat husklness of the voice, violent cough ing, etc., are the effects of a severe cold. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures the cold at once and removes its serious effets. DURING the past two weeks many have renewed their subscription, and numerous new subscribers )have been added t<*our list. The PLAINDUALER starts the new year with a larger sub scription list than ever before, and the many complimentary words spoken of It are indeed pleasing to us. A SMALL boy surprised his teacher at one of the grammar schools recent ly, bv asking her how far a procession ef the Presidents of the United States would reach If they were placed in a row. On ber expressing her ignorance be oalmly said, "From Washington to Cleveland." IN these prosperous days, of brighter rays, msnd your ways, straighten your stays, and through misty haze, fix your gaze, on tbe man that pays,--the printer. If him you owe, or can patron age bestow,'twill please blm hugely if you will do just so. For 'twould be unpleasantly" sad. if one would say "the printer is mad." "CAN you tell me what kind of weather we may expect next monthf wrote a farmer to the editor of hi» country paper. Tbe editor replied: MIt is my belief that the weather will be very much like your subscription bill." Tbe farmer wondered for an bear what tbe editor was driving at whp>n he happened to think of the "unsettled." He sent a postal HERE IS what the third postmaster general says: ' print yoas name or address on the up per left hand corner of all mail matter .i This will assure its Immediate return to you for correction If Improperly ad dressed or insufficiently paid, and If It is not called for at its destination it can be returned without goiag to the dead letter office. If the patrons of the mail would do this. It would ena ble tbe ra til department to restore at least 90 per cen$ of all undelivered mail matter. The letters would be re turned free, and pircals upon payment of postage." THE bridle bit In winter has been' the subject of almost innumerable mentions but it is one of those matters that can hardly be brought too often before many owners. Forcing frosty bits intu a horse's mouth in the winter is certainly a cruel habit, and one who has not given it much thought eannot comprehend what damage it does. It not only takes the skin off a horse's mouth, but gives him a dislike for all harness. If you will not take the trouble to warm the bit by simply breathing upon it, wrapping It firmly with a piece of thin leather off an old boot wiii answer the purpose. IN another column can be feund a new advertisement of E. Lawlus, Merchant Tailor, which no one should fail to read. Owing to the large de mand tor custom work, which is brought about by the excellent litis always made at his store, he has decided to close out his Ready-Made stock and hereafter run his custom de partment on a large scale, thus being able to acoommodate those who prefer good fits and good goods, rather than such as is found In Ready-Made stocks, For the next thirty days he proposes to offer great bargains In all kinds of Ready Made Goods, to close. Read his advertisement elsewhere* THE McHenry County Circuit Court adjourned "without day" Friday after noon last. Although there were a large number of cases disposed of, still there were many more that the liti gants on both sides were anxious to have a hearing but Judge Kcilum eould not be prevailed upon to remain lon ger this terra. It appears from what has been brought to our uotlce that tbe members of the Bar, as well as their clients, are not perfectly satis fied with the way the Circuit Court has run la the past two years and claim that It is Impossible to keep a Judge here a suficient length of time to try tbe docket in a proper manner. There are three Judges In the district aad it seems as though they ought to be able to do the buslnesa without difficulty.-- Sentinel* The finest 60 cent tea la the market at Altboff Bree* of Woodstock, to Mlss'Mary Stegemann, ' this village. A reception was held during the day at tbe residence of the bride'* parents, where a large number of friends, both old and young, called to offer their congratulations and remembrances in the shape of many beautiful and val uable presents. Ye editor acknowl edges the receipt of a bountiful supply of cake, and wishes the happy couple a long and prosperous life. THE Cantata of the ' Flower Queen," at Riverside HalC on Friday evening last, drew out a good house, but not as large as it deserved, as it was decided ly the best entertainment that has The tic, and Under directions of Prof. Cutteridge the acting and arrangements were per fection itself. The Tablaux alone were well worth the price of admission. The Recitations by MlssShlbley and Miss Browne, were as fine as anything we ever heard and were greeted with rounds of applause by the audience. Taken all in all th$ Cantata was highly appreciated and enjoyed by all who heard it. ttfjdaced to 91.00 per Year. The weekly Illinois Stole Journal* published at Springfield, the oldest paper in the state, has recently chang ed hands, and is now one of the very best weekly papers published in the wast. In addition to many columns of general news and Interesting mis- cellaneou8 reading, the Journal pub lishes a larger amount of capital news that should interest every family In the state. The new management has reduced the price to #1 a year, thus putting it within the reach of all. Subscriptions may be left at this office or by writing direct to the company. Subscribe at once if you want a large and valuable newspaper for a small anionot of money. Pen Picture of an Kdltor. An editor is a human being of the steruer sex, usually, whe occupies a pe- cult ar position in the world. We use term world advisedly, for that Includes the church, society and politics. It Is his duty to pick up all items of general news, and to ferret out these which may naturally Jbe of an obscure nature, or which may be concealed for a pur pose. If he fails to do this, be lays himself liable to severe criticism. He must publish births, marriages, funer als, sociables, dances, theatres, parties, cards of thanks, programmes, reports of various kinds,.announcements of de scription, action or deliberative bod ies, caucuses, conventions, hors* races, foot races, conflagrations, floods, winds all accidents and all incidents. In pre paring these for his columns; It be hooves him to couch them In the finest language and beware of vain repeti tious, lest he be accused of a lack or culture. He must be perfectly con versant with the principles of gram mar, the rules of rhetoric and the laws of versification so that he can regener ate and doctor the periodical effusions of the perennial poets and poetesses, whose productions are an \affront to those who are masters of tbe language of tbe soul. In short, he mutt be all things to all men.- Fn Tbe frees finest stiff Hat in tbe Marlnl* ALCONOUIN. EDITOR PLAINDBALER:--Mrs. Wm. Morton visited with iter brother, L. Church, at Turner Junction, on Tues day of ilast week. Mrs. Peter gave an afternoon Tea Party and a Progressive Euchre in the event eg, on Thursday of last week. Algonquin was treatod to a grand evening entertainment by the Elgin Salvation Army on Friday evening, last. It was a picnic for the boys. A. G. Locke, of McHenry, was a caller in 3onquia on Saturday last. C. E. Cbapell came in on Saturday last with a carload of milch cows, and he Is billed for an auction sale for Wednesday, Feb. Sod. Henry Albright. Jr.. had the mis fortune to break his leg below tbe knee while working on the railroad, on Saturday last, Mrs. Wakefield, of Ridgefield, was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Jenks a part of last week. ( We understand that our Bran Merchants are going to bave a lawsuit on Friday of this week. Our January thaw took a very sudden cold on Saturday night last. County Superintendent Barber tls- Ited our Public School on Friday of last week. .0;; V • - HEBROK- EDITOR PLAINDEALER Lyman J. Pierce cut one ot his feet quite badly with an ax.on Friday last. A1 Holmes boarded the train one morning last week to spend a few days In Kenosha. About sixty of our young people "surprised" Mies Bertha Dyke at her home, Friday evening. G. B. Stone went .to Chicago last week. He Is making preparations for a trip to California. The Band dance was postponed from tot week until Friday evening of this week. Remember the time and be present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millls, from Honey Creek, Wis., have been making their frleuds here a pleasant visit. Wedding congratulations were out of order with many last week. 'Tis not always safe to judge from appear ances. Mllo Munger's factory paid tbe milk dividend of tl.17 per one hundred pounds for the month of November. The Hebron Public Library Associa tion will hold; a meeting in C. A. Stones Hardware store, on Friday evening of this week. Every share- holdeFsbouid be present as business of importance is to be tran«acted. The Modern Woodmen of America meet at the Masonic Hall, en the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month. WK THOUGHT M. Senator Evans publishes a card oyer the signatures of Senators Farwell and Abner Taylor which should put to flight all the silly tales published by newspapers, and mere particularly so by the Aurora Beacon. We hope the several papers will have as good grace In publishing CoL Evans' statement as they did In censuring them. The undersigned desire to say, in order to correct certain erroneouo newspaper statements made regarding the attitude of Senator H. H. Evans during the recent canvass for the United States Senatorshlp. that the actions of the said Senator Evans, so far as our knowledge extends were consistent, honorable, and above board throughout, and any assertions or inti mations to the contrary are utterly without foundation. The undersigned would further say, we were fully cog nizant, from the beginning of the can vass. that his first senatorial shoice was Hon. John M. Hamilton, and his second choice Mr. Farwell, and our re lations at all times were friendly and cordial. Kichmoiid Department* ttfA certain divine, who had wan dered in the course of his travels, be yond tbe conveniences of the railroad, was obliged to take to a horse. Being unaccustomed to riding he said to his bost: "I hooe you are not so unregsn- erate in these parts that you would give me a horse who would throw a good Presbyterian minister?1' 'Wall. I dun no.' was the reply. 'We believe In apreadin tbe gospel.'--iV.. Y. Inde pendent. Brace Up. Tou are feeling depressed, your appetite Is poor, you are bothered with iieadache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which tiave for their basis verj cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate vou for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than be fore. What you want is an alternative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give re newed health and strength. Snch a med'ftine you will find In Electric Bitters, and only^ 50 cents a bottle at Henry C^jby's Drug Store. Malflria! The very mention of it is a nightmare! Whoever has suffered from this blighting disease knows what a dread scourge it is. and how it seems almost impossible to eradicate it from the system. SMITH'S BILE BEANS will most surely destroy the germs of Malaria, and afford permanent releif. Dose, one bean. 25 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists ana dealers in medicine, or sent postpaid on receipt of price, to any part of the country. Their Business Boominfc. Probably#no one thing has caused such a general revival of business at Henry Colby's drug store as their giv ing away to their customers of so many trial bottles of Dr, King's New Dis covery for consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valua ble article, frem the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, eolds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. Tou can test It before buying by get ting a trial bottle free, large size #1, Every bottle warranted. The finest line of Bird Cages In town, at John I. Story's. OATS1 OATS! OATS' 1000 to 1200 bushels of good black Oats for sale. To be cold in lota of from 50 to 1000 bushels. To be sold within three weeks. For sale hy P.J, Clarv, one mile south Bishop s Mill, CONTRIBUTED BT "fLOSSIE." February--Spring is coming, ian't It? There is a quietus on surprlte parties. They probably won't have reeess every hour up at school now. Mr. and Mrs. Jo® Osmond are down ftol Sharon on a risit. Fred Merrlok was over boa Woodstock last Friday. Waugh and Hastings snipped cattle Holi day. Mrs. Martha Evans haa returned from Bar. vard. Some of McHenry's young people attended the rink here Saturday evening. Miss Georgia Culver and Bartie have re turned froua several months' visit In Ohio. There was quite an enjoyable social at J. W. Haythorne's Friday night. There was a pleasant party down at MlSa Nellie Boothe's one night last week. Mrs, Homer Hastings is visiting at Btdge- field, Crystal Lake and vicinity, Mr. and Mrs Frank Whisten, of Wood, stock, are visiting at L. L. Martln'Si G. W. Eldredge has been up at Hurley, Wis. to see the Iron mines. He arrived bone Monday evening. It is said that quite a number of Bichmond- Ites are owners ot shares in the mines upon the Gogabic Range. The donation at the rink for Rev, Harboogh was well attended and about sixty dollars were donated. Dr. Ed. Bennett was called to Hebron to attend Dr. Herrick, who had a severe attaok of quinsy. If there was a run-way built at the top of the hill by the George Perdy place what a splendid toboggan tilde there would be clear across the pond. ' It wasn't the cold that people complained of last week, it was the ice. Pedesti ianism was anythiug but fun for the traveler, and all fun for the indoor looker-on. There Is a rumor flying about that H-10. Faber is about to sell the Gazette, but I do not believe that such will be the case, for Henry Clay fa doing well and his Richmond friends would regret to haye him leave. Alfred Wilcox has purchased' the Pettea- gill place for I120IK It is one of the neatest residences in town and we are glad to soon be able to welcome Mr. Wilcox and family In our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Pettenglll will move to Montpclier, Vermont, In the spring, where their daughter lives. Friday evening, Jan. 21st, a large party ef Richmond's respectable petple met with a de cide! "squelch." Our informant, one ot the indignant number, gave us a little sketch of the trip. It was Intended for a surprise par ty, but the surprise evidently turned upon the wiong >lde. They--about forty--gleeful- •J started out while the evening was yat young, to brave live or six miles of slushy roads, and soon reached their destination- John Bell's. But they found the house "alone and lonely." Yet one ef the good-na tured neighbors insisted on the crowd mak ing themselves at home, he being confident that the Mr. and Mrs. Bell would be so much more pleasod. In the meantime, some one had tramped through the deep snow and as certained the whereabouts of the mlasing ones and soon brought the Joyful news that they were coming. They did come. But lo, they recognised not one of their friends by either word or glance, and froze the very atmosphere with their frigidity as they sought a vacant room. In blank amazement one and all felt a cold chili run down their necks, and were forcibly reminded that their room was better than their company. The consequence was that they silently and mournfully packed up their gallons of oys ters, the basketfuils of goodies, the organ, the cornet, the violin, and turned the horses« head homeward. That surprise was the most complete failure ot many years and I'll war rant the air was blue around tae country roads long into that night. We hare no com- ments to mako; 'tis unnecesiary. If there is any honor in being one of the school board I am not envious of it, for 1 don't wish to die before the Pale Boatman beckons to me. end crowd In ahead of some one who really wanted to "shuffle off this mortal coil." But how frequently they have been raked over the coals of late. If they were at all sensitive, they would be ronnd shouldered by this time--our Honorable 9chool Board. Last Summer there were sev eral applications for the upper room In our school, but each and ail, even those person ally known to our people as excellent teach ers, stood aside for L. J. Oorl, of Dundee, who shewed a pocket full of recommendations, but lam quite sure I would prefer something in a person's face for a recommend besides perpetual smile, than to read a whole trunk full of testimonials. So L. J. Corl. of Dundee, took the principal's chair, and the school in the Grammar department was a wretchel---a decided failure--that is but an expression of what everybody knows. As to who is really to blame, all have their own opinion, but It Is indisputable that there are few who can af ford to lose so many months of the schooj year. To-day, January 31, Mr. Corl stepped down and out; he ruled bis last day in Rich, mond's classic halla To-morrow, Myrtle McKee. who has successfully taught In the Ictermediate department for two years, will climb another flight of stairs, and gently, tho> decidedly impress on the minds of the gram mar scholars the £act that their long seige of holidays was ended when her predecessor closed the hall door tor the last time. Minnie Potter, who has so long kept a whole room full of youngsters under her thumb, will take the intermediate room, and Grace L. Cole will begin her first term at teaching, in tbe primary. If my good wishes which follow the girls to the school-room to-morrow, were but polished diamonds, there would be no need of tbe morning sunlight--especially in the primary, . Taxes! Taxes! The undersigned, Colieotor of the Town of McHenry, will oommenee re ceiving Taxes, January 10th, and cai be found at the following places on the days named: Mondays, at the store «f Lay & Adaoss. Jobnsbnrgb, Tuesdays, at the store of Perry A Owen, In tbe village of McHenry. Wednesdays, at the store of J, W. Crlsty A Son, Ring wood. Thursdays, at the ctore of C. V. Stevens, In West McHenry. CalLand pay your Taxes at an early a day as possible. > MAT Harass, Colieotor. Collector's liotioo* I will be at Gilbert's Store In West McHenry, 11U. from 10 o'clock A. M. until S p. M. every Thursday. Barre* ville, Tuesday. Nnnda, Mouday's and Saturday's, commencing Jan. 10th. *87 D. L. BAKU BY. Collector of Nunda Township. S8--1M Bargain in Music. TblsFtvorlte Album of Songs and Ballads, containing thiriy-two pieces of choice and popular music, full sheet musle size, with complete words and music and piano accompaniment Is finely printed upon heavy paper with a very attractive cover. The follow ing are the titles of the songs and bal lads contained In tbe Favorite Album : As I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear Old Songs of Home; Mother. Watch the Little Feet; On, You Pretty Blue- Kyed Witch; Blue Eyes; Katy's Let ter; The Passing Bel); I Saw Esau Kissing Kate; Won't You Tell Me Why, Robin; The Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving Lindens; Faded Leaves; All Among the Sum mer Roses; Touch the Harp Gently, My Pretty Louise; I Really Don't Think I Shall Marry; Dreaming of Home; The Old Cottage Clock; Across the Sea; A Year Ago: Bachelor's Hall; Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year Ago; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Barn Gate; Jack's Farewell; Polly; Whisper in the Twilight. This Is a very fine collection of real vocal gems, and gotten up In very handsome style. Published In the usual way aad nought at a music store, these 33 pieces would cost you 911.20. We bought a job lot of this music at a great sacrifice and as the. holidays are past, we desire to close out our stock at once. Will send you the entire collection well wrapped and postpaid for only 40 oents. Send Immediately. Address. The Empire News Co., Syr acuse, N. Y. , CAST STATION, lltif March U, I38& C. DICKINSON ft SON--Harrington, III. OetUienten:--I had a cow that did not clean for three days after oalvlng, and I procured a bottle of your cow Prescription and gave it according to the directions, and the cow was all right In less than thirty-six hours af ter giving, and has done first rate since. AUGUST ARPS. For sale by all drugglste. Money to Loan* Monoy loaned on McHenry County farms on time and In amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply to J. W, RAM ST RAD, Booms I and >, Borden Block, Klgin III, SS-Sa. Another Art Cr&ze. The latest art work among ladies is known as as tbe 'French Craze,' for decorating China, Glassware, etc. It Is something entirely new, and is both profitable and fascinating. It Is very popular in New York, Boston, and oth er eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn the art, we will send an elegant china placque, (size 18 inches.) handsomely decorated tor a model, together with box of ma terial, 100 colored designs assorted In flowers, animals, landscapes, etc., com plete. with full instructions, upon re ceipt of only $1. The placque alone is worth more than the amount charged. To every lady ordering this outfit who encloses tbe address of five other ladies Interested in art matters, to whom we caa mail our new catalogue of art goods, we will enclose extra and with out charge, a beautiful 30 Inch, gold tinted placque. Address, Tbe Empire News Cen Syr acuse, N, Y. FOR RENT. A house and five lots for Rent. In quire of Rev. Fathor 0<Nell. THE Genuine Novelty aad Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prices at John I Story's. Beware of Imitations. Building Paper and Moth Proof Car- FOR 8ALI. I offer for tale ray store building, situated In the villege of McHenry. They are of brick, two stories high. §nd suitable for any kind of business, with good residence rooms In second story. Als-j good barn and out-houses. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill, and next door to the post office. Alto offer for sale my Cigar and To bacco business. Will sell building either with or without business to suit purchaser. J. PEKOVSKT. It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The "Garland Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that is ibest in that line. They have the reputation of being tbe best made. Though Imitated by many they are equalled by none. For sale'in McHenry by John I. Story. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction, on the old Jack Flusky rarm, 3 miles south of McHenry on the Nunda road, on Thursday. February 3,1887. commencing at 11 o'clock A. M.. the following property: t good cows, all coming In soon, 1 yearling heifer, 1 apan bay mares, one 5 and one 6 years 3 sows with pig, 1 set double harness, nearly new, 1 lumber wagon, 1 plat, form spring buggy, one set bob sleighs, 1 hay rack, 1 Acme pulverizer, 1 sulky corn plow, I five tooth cultivator. 1 sod and stubble plow, 1 drag, 1 potato plow. 1 McCormick mower, run 1 sea son, 1 hay rake, rue 1 season, 1 set dump boards, about 300 bushels of corn, about 250 bushels eats, about 25 tons tame bay, to barn, about 15 tons upland and slough hay, 20 bushels potatoes, 1 wster vat, and ether articles. TERMS.--All sums of 910 and under cssli. Gver that sum a credit of 1 year will be given on approved notes at 7 per cent Interest. 2 per cent off for cash. No property removed until settled for. Free lunch at noon. B WHITE. F. K, GBANQBB, Auctioneer. Xew Milch Cows For Bale. The undersigned offers for ssle five or six teilcb cows. One with calf by side now and balance coming in soon. All choice. PHILIP GIESSLBS, 4 miles west of McHenry. ' * Look Out for Bargains. A good hat. 60c. Lined gloves, 50c. A good stiff hat, 91.35. A mole-skin shirt. 11. A wool suit, t5. A fur cap. fine, 91.20, A $4.50 shoe for 93.00. Boys' suits at cost. « At E. Lawlus' Chicago Store In front Riverside Hotel, East McHenry, ELA, Lake Co., III., Jan. 10.18S7. C. DICKINSON A SON-- Harrington, 111. Gentlemen:--I had two horses cut with barb wire fence very bad, and I applied Dickinson's Russian Liniment and it caused a speedy cure. 1 also use it la my family, and I can say that it Is the best liniment I ever used. JOHN HOBSBTSOV. For sale by all druggists. To-Hlght and To-IWorrow Night. And each day and night during this week, you can find at Geo. W. Besley's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac knowledged to be the most successful treatment yet introduced for the cure of piles. Old sufferers from this die- stressing complaint are at once re lieved and In a short time a permaeent cure established. Check the dleease In time by using the "most effective remedy. Price Mc. Send address for ^mj»hlot on piles. Box 295, Le Roy Business Notice!*. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. * Everything in the Hardware 11M i bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever I fore, at G. W. Besley's, Weet Site. Fine Scrap Books only 91.25 at €1, Becley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 cents, at1 W. Besley's, West Side. Wall pafer, trunks, valises, hi bags etcn at Bonslett A Stoffers. We offer big drives on balance cloaks and wraps. BONSLKTT A STOFFEL. 16 ounces good plug tobaco, only 25 cants, at Bonslett A 8 toff el's. Lace Curtains. Tidies, Lamberkti _ Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mfi^ Schumacher's, near the DepoU DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol ish, the finest thing in tbe market, at Besley's Drug Store. If you want to learn how Is Paint your Buggy for One Dollar, cell .at Besley's Drug Store. West Bod. Ir you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new get tbe Na tional Patent Leather Enamel at Besley's Drag Store. Jersey Waists, a full snpply, which will be sold at lower prices than any other store in McHenry. MUL M. SCHtmACHnB. Look at the choice Candiea at Bee- ley's Drug Store, West End, Ladlee and Gents fine Shoes a spec ialty at Dwights. Great bargains In Holiday Slippers at Dwlgbt's, Woodstock, 111, Plenty ef warm goods of all kinds at Dwlgbt's, Wo >d8tock. It will pay pou to come from all over McHenry County to trade at Dwlgbt's, Woodstock, Plush Sets, tbe finest In town, cheap, at Geo. W. Besley's. Limps oompiete, for 25 cents, at Geo. W, Besley's. , Call and see them. Only chance to buy 20 Gallon new Jars for 92,75 at Bonslett A Stoffel's Don't buy your new Cutter nntll you bave seen tbe nobby ones at XL M. Owen A Sons Warehouse.^ Albums only 20 cents, at Geo, W Besley's, West Side, Buy the Candee Rubber Goods, every pair warranted, at Bonslett A Stoffel's. •J H. Rosenblatt Overalls, Shirts, Jack-* ets. and Pants, all warranted at Bonslett A StofiePa. Poutiac knit Wool Boot*, bast made, wear three seasons, at Bonslett ft Stoffel's* Try our Leader smoking tobaooo only 20 cents per pound, at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Rookford Flour, or all kinds, war ranted, at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Oil Meal., Salt. Bran and Middling*, at Bonslett A Stoffel's. ^ New clothing for spring trade, latest styles at Bonslett A Stoffel's. , It yon want a first class Cutter cheap go to E. M. Owen A Sons. They have the fiaest stock In tbe market. If you want the best Milk Can ever ^ made, call on John 1. Story. He keepa »:• the only stock In town. Call for the u Winning Stroke*', a new Brand of five oent Cigars, manufactur ed by Barblan Bros. It beats them all. BESLEY'S Liver Wort Kidney Curs, the best thing on the market, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. As good as new. A second hand Coal Stove sound and in first class or* der that will be sold cheap. For fur ther particulars inquire at PLAINDEAL ER office. Bear In mind tbe tact that you can save lots of money in buying your Boots and Shoes at Dwight*S Cash Store, Woodstock. III. Notice, To those that want Tube, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything iu my line of busl- less. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law lus' Store, F. A. HEBARD. V HoHearr, Aag. lQtissB. 11-4-ij Farm for Sale. ^ The undersigned offers for sale his Farm, consisting of 157 acres, situated four miles West of McHenry, For terms and other particulars inquire ef FRANK HOBAKT, ^ 19-2m Terra Cotta, Ifl. THE highest prloe in Cash paid for strictly fresh Eggs, at Locke's Homa Bakery. _____ ^ Buoklsn's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblalas, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Colby, Farm for Rent. The undersigned offers for Rest UK farm, situated 4 miles Westtof McHen ry, consisting of 24t» acres, all under a good state of cultivation. Is well adapted for Dairy purposes. Will put on ten or twelve cows if desired, er will rent without. Terms Reasonable Apply At onee, ~ 9 PmwrGiHBa%, Would Yuo Believe It? That we are authorized by the pro* prietor of Kemp's Sarsaparitta to re fund the money to any one who hsa taken three-fourths of a bottle with out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the confidence In his medicine to do this, it Is for en riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up the systaMM, Price 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESJLET. Iks gaallsit Maa la EtEaaqv At well as the handsomest, and1 others are Invited to call ou Geo, W, Beiley and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling en tirely upon Its merits and la guar* an teed to core and relieve all Chroma sad Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit is and Consumption. Price 50 cents -'* I