Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1887, p. 8

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"V- 'i.J 'jr-j 1 *««>•* -r?, .:r^H *v ** f * ,** ^ ^ *•*"* t*1 "f *" ^ '/ 1 * 1 5 l ^Stf^FV -p.. ,.,.,v-;> .. . - -MTC-sv VI"-' * • '"' ' 1 ' tl̂ '1-S ,$ I . , Wv«8S B;,;: London, i M iiro boxes of ftltorie* by Jfl«* U Wt. Thw are irUd«v«rytt>tafwith- but the Suppoaitorlea oared treatment it new and within mil, and would advise the ;tb give them a trial. For >!• ea Piles address Box 295 r, N. Y. For sale in McUeury. fey Geo. W. Besley's at 60o per box, A Sonsibe Man. Would use (Kemp's Balsam for the threat and Lungs. It is curing more •tines of Uoogba. Colds, Astb m a. Bron­ chi tis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W Besley to refund your money If after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief Is not obtalued. Price 50u and 91 Trial size free. Besley's Famonv Waukegan Ale and Porter , On draught at J. BonelettV An- gtan'c and John Heimer's. I*ne Foolish People. Allow aoou*h to run untt ItgeMl be­ yond the reach of medicibe. They of­ ten aay Oh! It will wear away, but ia most cases ft wears them away. Uould they be Induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Ba.sam, which will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immedi­ ately see tbe excellent eflect after tak. tug the first dose. Price 60c and #1.0© Trial staa free, at Geo. W. Besley's | McSenry. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will take to your orders and furnish good* •t tfee lowest Chicago prices. Tho Population of McHenry Is about 1000, and we would say at least one-hall are troubled with soma affection of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are, according to sta­ tistics, more numerous than others We would advise &U not to neglect the opportunity to call and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Price 5#e and #100. Trial size ' free. Respectfully, Gio. W. Buur. it u So. That we are daily guaranteeing Kemp's Sarsaparilla to the people in this way* that after taking three-fourths of a bottle without relief, we will refund the money. It is the greatest and best remedy on the market for clean­ sing the blood and giving you a new lease of life, A well-known business man informs us he has gained 8 pounds on two bottles of this Saraapa* rllla. Price #1.00. For sale by Geo, W.BeBley, McHenry. CARPET WEAVING . . Tfca undersigned 1a prepared to weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of the North-west corner of the Public square. Orders respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed GEO. SCHUSTER. McHenry, Auj. nth, 1888. K--3m -BREEDERS OF- lORGAN HORSES, going to sell out bit largo stock a t Wholesale Prices. This means Below Tax Payers and others Take Notice of the bargains in -4'^ And don't you forget it, his Goods are the best. Mci chants and others know I do not buy of Jew Houses, only of the best firms in Bid Polled Aligns, And Jersey Cattle. w , , ' hr • m i, &• - * y*\ West McHenryv III, Our Morgan dtock is all pure hied, and originated from the beet Morgan stock in the United States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the head of our stock, is one of the best bred Morgan horses in the country, and cau show mere and better all purpose colts than any other horse in the West. We invite the inspection of our stock br horsemen antl all lovors ot fine animals. A few full blood Morgan Colts an'i voting horses for sale. .Also one matched team, full bloods. In Cattle we have the fnll blood Short Uoro which we are crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing off the horns we are breeding them off and with good success. A few Heifers end Balls, both pare bred Short Mora* and the cross above mentioned-* for sale. «!• R- taylor & Sons. West McHenry, ill,, Dec, 20th, 1886k >" SIBLEY'S tor our new Flo /er. lei Btubs 1m nail m application. Dost neglect wilting tor it. HIRAM SIBLEY * CO. ROCHESTER, N. f. CHICAGO, ILL MM** Kile St. IMt V.CUASK After FotirfMif txpariuno* in th* preparation of mora tUmn Ot •xparitmo* tttofi i M_ , iitia om Hosdnd Sf1®??*!}* •PPlieatl°nt for pstsnto in I Sf United Bute* and Foreign mw> I'MNJUM publisher* of th« Seiwttl* J fmtncM eontinu* to set m solicitor* I •••••tSiitrsde-msriu, oopr- *^c--j°r th« United hVtktea, nd 1 j?. Ctntit, England. France, 1 ether jxrnntriea. Thnir expari-and their facilities an unsw- •peeificattonc prepared and filed on short notice. Terms vmar s for exMninMion ot modsla br {Mil free. JWghMnnn tdoMiotlMl 0 AMBEUCAN. whieh haa •ad to the mxwt InOneaMal published in tke wona. i • notiee er«nr prteatee hi the in the , rafeinee* IndoitrU: uT eontei r 1! pnb-. eontsins the names of of every Invention patented -- Months for one dollafc ... to patent write to of Beientifie Amtneafc »-j ' , * k «; p i A '» ^ - r If f ^ ^ sî . - S " " 1 t f i . < V"'; ̂\ j*- v f ', 4 f t f , j fi . r - aA-fc::, , ...... Offer their entire stock o£ ; . > ; : v , ?»•* _ *. < * ' " '*«•*- ' " . - J '• *, {,., -j ft' , - >5.* ' .W ̂ ? ^ <*•'>. $ ^ f # ± $ ,* -te ^ ' Chicago vi 1?*" ^ v , r "j, < T - ^ ? ^ , 1 ^ Y i • . „„ iu. - A. V . h.*' f.L... a* „ ' r -i ' J-£" '^ "•f* ' As he is going to carry on Tailoring ou a larger scale. A\,:; . " m - X-M.I, mm' We would like to inform you that we will guarantee that *ur Goods are the Best aud our prices as low as the lowest. We have no Goods on Consignment, and all our Goods are as Fresh »nd Clean as the driven snow. If there is anything you want in the way 'at CLoranre, QBOCXBXSS, BOOTS, SIOSS, ETC., f.-JS . We are ever ready and willing to %how you what we have at any time that you may call. We take Batter and Eggs for which we pay the highest prices. Call and see us and we know we can save you money. Goods received every week. . 5 ALTHOFF BROS v - - *i; t McHenry, 111., Feb. 1st, JOHN B. BLAKE. Two Doors North of Perry & Owen* My stock of Furniture is com­ plete with a larger stock than ever, and 'will be sold as cheap las any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying pub lie to call upon me when in want of anything in that line. [ And shall offer B .. v' ^ r 0 ~A- 'v trr*"'-*?.' jr;.f f " vl" Ill t|r;ii>Miiftii>tyiiililirliiiiitiii 1 Wm 20 Bars Babbitt'# Beit Soap $1.00 •A JOB LOT- i-v "i" ' •we v.,;, , T .. >• . ;.t -<•' i% ^ J - *. % \ ?>-" < • ,v< *7*. * " ' ' •> n-"'; "/ * ».!• ^ f jf.v ** , i ^ ^ ^ 1 £ now receiving his Ladies', Misses' and Childrens Garments, VV raps. Jackets, Shawls, at cost. We will make you very int* esting prices on balance of : Mens 1 sizes good wear. „ „ oy^* and Childrens', all sizes, no Job Lots, perfect fit, CLOTHING New Spring Suits, perfect fitting, well made, latest cut, low price. Warranted as repre- seuted. , 'F/ ' ^ BOOTS AND SHOES, We sell only the celebrated C. H. Fargo custom made Boots and Shoes, and warrant every pair. Fargo's role leather, box tip Shew, for Children, take tne 1 <?,{ - 5 V V ^ ^ V<- ^ 5S v AT WAT DOWN .lift' •iv 4.:l Corner J Iii this depaitmentl keep a first «^ass assortment of Caskets and •^offing and shrouds of all kinds and qnmlities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. REMEMBER THIS. JOHN B. BLAKE. ilTPntl ) For the°rancl Hew Book Wanted? Heroes of tite Flak BY J. W. BUEL. This splend Id new boot to a complete his­ tory of the lives and wonderful aiSventnres of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Capr,. Jack, Texas ? Jack, California Joe, Kit Oaraon, •'White ' Beaver," Cien. Ouster, and other great West. . em Heroes, Scouts and In<lian flgnters, It is • * ~ endorsed liv letters from Gens. Sheridan.' -<w Hancock,' Merritt, ana other (iiitinguished persons. Copies of the letters will be sent tree on pupliuatiou. Agents who are now pushing the canvass are meeting w itli grand vuccess. The book is splendidly illustrated with eyer 130 fine engravings, including 18 tuli p .ge colored plates, is low in price, and popular with the people. It U the greatest lx>ok of Western adventure everiesue<i, and its splendid endorsements secure the best \ class of trade. A grand opportunity is offered to earnest workers. No money required till the hooks are told. Write for our extra terms and. special j,lan«, Address, DAN. L.1NAUAN & CO., PUBLISH EES, Mb St, * Washington Ave, ST. Louis, K V v£N*lEy'« v** Remember tho facts that Dwight1® |only'by K<'r sal<i by d reliable cash store, at 'Woodstock, | is Headquarters for Felt Boots, Rub- { t>er Boots, Gum Boot*, and Meoa, TO CURE RHEUMATISM. This remedy has a specific action upon the fluids •of the hody, supplylnK molHture to the tlRHues and l^^BXIig^the^olntB iifTi f U; ! by the disease. No . i,laib» remain after a cure by this speeifle. A trial of u siiij/lo bottle will convince the most sceptical that we have not tolil hall iu vir- old reliable cash store, at 'Woodstock* J LENNEY MEDICINE CO CHBNOA. ILLINOIS. Womens. Misses. Boys and Children^ Buckle Arties, Alaska* aad Self Acting Alaskas. Remember the fact tliai W. H, Dwight will not be andersold^bj any bous* ia Woo4itock or McUenXj C%* CAKPETS, all kinds, at Chicago Prices, from now until January 1st. Call and «ee samples at Justen Bros. West Handkerchiefs, all style* and prtoM, »t AlthoD B^mu . :c> 'A Do not buy the old, easy way, but make your purchases where you can make the dollar buy the most. C. V. STEVENS, "wraifiinrc ••JHww « JUJ Poutiac Knit wool boots, Red Jacket, Eskinn wool boots ,and wool boot protectors in stools ^ Evwy pair warranted. GROCERIES, Always No. 1. Japan Tea, un- colorcd, Coff'ec, Spices, Canned Goods, all strictly pure. 20 pounds good Rice Slll.OO Good Tea only \ • .30 &ood Fine Cut oi)|y .30 Good Raisens 7 cts. per pound Full pound good Plug .25 HiitcUet ii, Powder .25 TltY OUR ROCKFORD FLOUK, At $1,05 per Sack. Chiuria^; Jars, 'Jugs and Pans, SO Gallon Jars 82.75* W. H. DWIGHT! Woodstock, Illinois. % LAWLUS, *' ill mini, Warrants' a Fit or > He makes Suits to order of the oest Clothe, Foreign or Domes­ t i c . • , • ' , v • - 4T THE LOWEST PRICES , I'h»t good Goods can be sold | , HE ALwO '• Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. CJ-ive M.e a Oall E. LAWLUS. McHenry, Jan . 19th, 1886. ¥M Middlings $14.00 per Bran $13 00 per ton. Salt $1.30 per barrel. . Oil Meal $1.7$ j»r cwt» - VERY TBULF YOURS BONSLETT & STOFFEL. SODA fiest in the World. LII'I'INCOTT'S • • LIPPIMflTrS" LIPPINCOm Jj<:ads nil other Magazinas •" In Tales of Fiction A New Departure -- I*oems of Interest ' "" Pleasing Short Stories ~ Interesting Miscellany 28 OtS. of Progress NKARLV "FJHOICE Selections iOtt " Or'gi"-"i! Contribution* - ?• PAC*s IN EACH ISSUE T°P'C« of the Times 1 ; . _ "• Terse Gems "'""'"Sfi A Complete New Novel -- ' Superlative M«ft Bj some fiTorit* antkor i a Mck Ho. •• Giving a library of 12 new and valuable works, wordl from $15.00 to $18.00 annually, at the nominal sun of 25 cents per month Subscription, #3.00 yearly. Stories by John Habberton, Frances Hodgson But* >A* if nett, Julian Hawthorne, Lucy C, Lillic, etc., etc., ik will upf>ear in early issue* Circulars, giving details, «tc., mailed on »pglicad5|B J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY W Mute •V.;i > • />?w V

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