WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9, 1887, EtiV, , Railroad Time Table. EOn and aftor Monday, Jnne flj Trains will '.-pass McHenry station as below: * • .?• QOINQ SOUTH.. Lake Geneva Passenger.......A -.T:88 A. v f<ake Genera Express .8:25 " intake Genera Freight S:M» r. * Lake Genera Passenger . ..3:98 " 00t*0 ROBtn. Lake Genera Freight ..^i.ii.-.S'll A. u Lake Senera Passenger - »«..10:n0 Lake Genera Express .4:58F. M LakeGeneva Passenrer ..8:67 ' ; :i * Stops only to leare Passengers. B. Br88, Agent. McHenry, Ill OUR readers ia Ringwood and vicini ty should bear In mind the Drama of tbe "Octoroon," by the' Ringwood Dra matic Club, at their Hall la tjj**t vil lage. on Friday and Saturday evenings of thle w*ek. MASONIC. MCUBNRV LODGE, VA 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. Sromr, W. M. W. P. MORSE, of Nunda, made > 3ltDetum a pleasant call to-day." of our JOHN PALMER, Supervisor of the |town of Nunda, was 9a our streets 00 Tuesday. ^ LET those who prophesied that we would have an open winter r< ad what became ot the false prophets. yj V DO not fall to see 'Our Country Cousin,' at Riverside Hall on the 24th And 25th, NEW advertisements can be found Ibis week tor Henry Colby and Perry • £ Owen. Do not fail to read them. DR. C. H. FBGERS, of this village, hi been appointed Surgeon for th< Northwestern Railroad tn this section] MCHEMRT sidewalks were ver jonslcal on Monday morning, and werwj «et either on the Koy of C. sharp or B flat. MRS. LEE ANDRUS has been quite tick the past week* with diphtheria, but at this writing Is repbrtod as im proving. ^ 'THE Loan of a Lover,1 at Riverside flail, on Thursday and Friday even tags, Feb. 24th and 25th, for the bene- llt of the McHenry Military Band. THE party who ha9 been sending the 'LAINPEALER to A. Chistiolm, Ripon, Fig., will do us a favor by calling at this office when convenient. STATE AUDITOR, Chas. I'.Swigert. will accept thank* for a copy of the Jifetinlal Report of the Auditor of rublic Accounts. • THE McHenry Military Band *111 ^glvs a concert and variety entertain ment at Maiman's Hall. Wauconda, 00 Saturday evening, Feb. 26th* Fnll particulars.hereafter. /-c. THE Ladies1 Church Aid Society, of ingwood, will hold their next socia ble at the residence ot R. H. Carr, on Thursday afternoon next, Feb. 10. A •ordial Invitation is extended to all. Miss JESSIE WIGHTMAN, Miss Carrie Wait, Miss Clara Wightman, Miss May Wightman-, Miss Kate Hill, A1 Hill, Frank Colby and Nat Kimball, visited Miss Etta Alexander, ft Lake Zurich, last. I. N.„MEAI> has sold his Hardware biisluess on the West Side, to W. P. Stevens, who has taken possession of ^thejiamelmd will immediately fill bis store with a full stock of Goods In his line, ^consisting of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, and in short everything usually kept in a first class Hardware store. Look out for his new advertise ment next week. You will miss a rare treat IT you do , sot attend the Drama of the '*Octo- *4 roon," at Ringwood, on Friday and | Saturday evenings of this week.' See ff |beir programmes. , TICKETS will be Issued this week for • • Washington's Birthday fparty, at Grand Hall, Parker House. Tuesday H evening, Feb. 22d. Music, Slocura's t- Full Orchestra. All can rest assured of « good old-fashioned time. ^ FARMERS If you are contemplating having an Auction Sale remember that I* Our prices are as low as the lowest and ire are prepared te print on short notice, and a bill that you will not be •shamed to hang up anywhere. ' A REGULAR Communicatitotf of llcHenry Lodge Ntf. 158, A. F. and A. Masons, will he. held on Monday even ing next. Feb. 14tfi. All members are earnestly requested to be present as there will be business of importance. WHO says the population of the kown of McHenry Is not on the in- rcrea;eF During the past week plump and healthy boys have arrived at the homes of Jos. E. Cristy, Ringwood, and Geo. Rothermel and Thomas ^Wright, in this village. To have plenty of the comforts of life makes some men very "hoglsh," to say the least, and causes them even to forget friends who lent assistance |n time of adversity. Such a class are entitled to but little respect from JthoM more generously inclined. ^ THE postal nete Is now made paya ble at any Money Order Office and it Is proposed to make many of the iiballer post offices issuing offices for "fbe notes. They have proved a great Convenience for people wishing to •end small sums. *"-*'• THE 2d instant was Ground Hog day. If the festive dweller In the earth saw his shadow It taust have been faintly traced. Now let us took for an early spring for as a weather prophet this little chap staying all winter under ground with ampJe time for contem plation is about as reliable a readier ^prophet as Hlggins or Foster. THE McHeory Military Band have decided to give a Concert and Variety entertainment, at Riverside Hail, in this village, oti Thursday and Friday •vealngs, Feb. 24tb, and 25th. The entertainment will consist of choice selections of music by the Band, singing, and the two Roaring Farces 4"Our Country Cousin," and "The Loan j. Lover.Full programme next nexTw^ekT As WE announced last week the Ringwood Dramatic Club will, no Fri day and Saturday evenings of this week, at their hall in Ringwood, bring out the beautiful drama of the 'Octo roon.1 and the'roaring farce Of 'Some body's Nobody.1 The former reputa tion of this club and the cast of char acters which they present for this en tertainment is the best guarantee that we can give that all who attend will be well repaid therefor. They have no superiors as amateurs In the North west. Remember the date, Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. DIED.--At her home near this vil lage, on Wednesday, Feb. 2, 1887, Mrs. John Thurlwell, aged 44 years. Mrs. Thurlwell had been sick for some time, but nothing serious was anticipated until Sundaj*, Jan. 30th, when she had a stroke of paralysis and from that time sank rapidly, breathing ^her last on Wednesday evening} Her lu'nera! WHS llllil IY0111 III# UlllV£rsalist Church 011 Friday afternoon, Rev. B. Brunning officiating, and bar remains were followed to Woodland Cemetery by a large concourse of relatives aod sympathizing friends. "fii CHAST. HUBBARD , has tafceff "t1fe Agency of tills countv for the Rentier Manufacturing Companies Patent Burglar Alarm Djor Bell, one of the finest things of the kind ever Invented It is a door bell with a burglar alarm attachment, which makes it impossible for any one to turn the door knob without alarming the Inmates, and at the same time the alarm can be de tached so that it can be used as a common bell. We have used one for several years and take pleasure In reeommending it as perfect in every particular. No house should be with out oue. " Mr. Hubbard Is also Ageut for the Fairbanks Platform Scales. GRAND ARMT boys to the front! 5,The Wauoonda G. A. R. Post will give a festival and masquerade carnival and ball, Monday evenlog, Feb. 14 1887, on the evening or St. Valentine's d*y« Tb® f«»Uval snd supper will be - held at ths G. A. R. Hall, and the V masquerade ball will be hdd In ; Hainan's ball. Tldmarsh's band, Allen Ames, prompter, will furnish music for the occasion. Tickets for supper, 75 |v danoe 75 osots* • . .fTTHr " ' AN exchange says: Several of onr young ladies have formed a bugging society for the amusement or the young men during the long winter evenings in general, proceeds to go to the poor. For Increasing the society^ fund, the prices for a straight up and down hug are, under sixteen years, 20 cents each hug of two minute's dura tion; fr >m 17 to 25 years, 75 cents; school martns 40 cents; another man's wife 91, widows according to looks, 10. cents to 82; old mai<!s three cents or two for a nickle and no limit on time. Ministers are not charged and fditors pay in advertising. SATS Sam Jones; "If I wanted to get a good square judgment on some thing that I had done, I had rather go to a newspaper office for it than any court of justice. I know the justice of true journalism, their integrity, and the purity of their motives. I know that they probe into men's characters. No man that is pure need fear all the presses in America, The way to be sate from so-called uewspaper attacks is to be a Christian. The reporters are the best detective force in the country. They havo brought more criminals to justice and punctured more sh ims than all other agencies combined. To My Customers. Owing to the destruction of my Mill RACO by the late high water*. I shall be unable to run my Mill Tor the next two or thr%% weeks. The repairs will be made as soon as possible, when I will be ready to wai^ on all as usual. N BISHOP. MfHcnry, Feb. 9th. 1987. /^DIKD.--At McHenry, Feb. .id, of diphtheria, VIVIAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Andruss, aged 18 months and 5 days. OURS THE LOSS. Oars the loss, ami not our (larlin^% Ours the pain, ami hers the jort Ai "< Ours the ni'Miinins Hml the weeping, H ' evs the bliss without alloy; | Hers the City pure and sol ien, OirtM the earth-life *Uine<i with sin; llers the £reen liehls ;tnif the ; Where tne Angela euter in. 8feS Hers the little feet that patter, (Mukinir music as they vro,)-' Thro' the jjoUleni streets of heareij Ami where tiring waters flow. Hers the little hand that beckons^ Erer froo? the Radiant shore,-- Anftel if the Lord to lead us w|tere we'll nerer lose l»er tnora.,_ CARD OF THANKS'. yr,* desire to return our sincere thflfoks to those who so kiodly helped us during the sickness and deitb of our little one. MR. AND MRS. LEE ANDRUSS, McHenry County Teacher*' Association, The next regular session of the Mc Henry County Association will be held at Woodstock, Saturday, Feb. J2th, commencing at 11 o'clock, A. M. The following programme has b«en prepared for the day: FORENOON SESSION, I. Opening Exercises. Discussion. "Written Examinations,' II. I. IL III. IV. 1 "'•mm led by Miss Nellie Thompson, Llarvard AFTERNOON SESSION. Origin of names and places, ... . ludge <*. H. Gillmore, Woodstock The Teacher 111 scnool, --Co Supt. Barber The Teacher out of School, Miss Edith Ellsworth, Nunda State Uniformity ot Text Books, air. Albert Sheldon, Coral T. H. BURT. President. Marengo, I1L. Feb. 1st. 18S7. Far the next thirty days a discount of twenty per ceat will be made on all purchases of winter goods at our store. , A I.TNORP RHOI • f e r # ' . - • • . ' - i X ^ - y A Serioti* Time ifl McHenry. BISHOP yS MILL PROPERTY DAMAGED TO THE EXT EST OF (3,00Q AND UPWARDS. t On Saturday night last a heavy rain mmenced falling lit this section, which continued without abatement until Tueslay. This, with a warm southerly wind, and the heavy body of snow aud ice upon the ground, caused graye apprehensions on Monday amonr our mill owners^and others who were familiar with the sudden freaks of the water courses ID this section. On Tuesday morning their worat fears were realized. Toe water bad risen to such an extent that the dam at Bish op's mill was taxed to its utmost ca pacity, and it was only by superhuman efforts it was saved from total destruc tion. About noon on Tuesday the dam was ^practically considered safe, but the danger then turned In Another di rection, The large body of water that was passing through the mill race was more than it could aland and about four o'clock it gave way with a lei*d crash, and from thac moment the work of destruction began, The race broke near the southwest corner of the mill, and the rushing waters commenced eating away the banks 011 both sides. The south foundation of the pickle factory building was washed out, and the large pickle tubs crashed through the side of the building Into the race. The race, which was originally twenty four feet wide, is now fully twice that width, and the banks on eaoh side are washed under so that much more will faltaaaoon as tbe fbost comes ouU} (This Wednesday morning th£ water has subsided, but the locality presents a desolate appearance. Mr Bishop's loss is estimated at not ?ess thaa#3000. He will Immediately put on a large force of men and repair the damages at once, and expects to be in running order again inside of three weeks. His customers will please bear this in mind. Mr. Bishop has the sympathy of all in this misfortune, but this will net recompense him for tbe great loss of property and time, / At Hanify's Mill but little serious damage was done. The water backed up. submerging the lower story, but farther than this, and tbe loss of time, th$y did not seriously suffer .J (The flats in and around McHenry were one grand Lake, but such grand sights we care not to see^seon again. Verily, water is a good servant but a bard master. * WE have beard a suggestion this forenoon that strikes us as being not only practicable, easy of accomplish ment. but eminently ju<t. There is scarcely a farmer within a radius of five miles from this village but has at least one or two loads of stone lying around in tbe coroac his fences. Now &r. Biseop will, in the next few days, need a large amount of stone to repair the great damage dene by the recent flood, and now are not each of you sorry enough for his great loss to bring in one or two loads of these waste stone? Let your aotion be prompt, and one hundred loads of stone will be here in three days. Who will bring the first loadf ORANOE JUDD, editor of the Prairie Farmer, published ail article recently on '"Skunks.'1 mentioning their pecu> liar habits, mode of life, etc., and said: "There is an excellent lesson in this. Skunks are very numerous in all ranks of society and business, ready on the slightest provocation, often without any but from an "lnate cussedness," to fill the atmosphere with their offensive odors. Tbe more attention you give them, the greater and viler are their effusions, until they haye exhausted themselves, or become suffocated in their own noxious perfumes. As a rule, when a man lies about you, aod you Shew up the falsehood, be will forth with cencoct a bigger one, in trying to justify himself;--'You can not handle pitch without getting soiled fingers,1 11 MASONIC.--A. F. and A. It, meet at Maeonic Hall on erery 1st and 3d - Wednesday even* legs of each month. ' " * MODIBK WOODMBV or AMRKTCA --Meet at Masonic Hall erery 3d and 4th Monday even ings of eaoh month. Neighbors ̂ cordially in vited. SONS or TBMPMANC*.--Meet at Uniea Hall on Tuesday evening of eaoh week. W« are very much opposed to pub lishing aeythlng that smacks of gossip, and this fact alone is all that detars us telling how a certain man was made tbe victim of the wiles of "three little maids from school,*' who deliberately pu tup a job on blm, and lured him into a correspondence--he, poor, inno cent, unsuspecting man, supposing all the while that he was boldiog com munion with one wbo had become facir.ated with his gentle ways and winning manners, aad never taking a tutnbie until be had given himself dead awiy and arranged for a meeting. Before It took place, however, be caught on, or else his sand played out; at any rate the three little maids held tbe meeting all by themselves,and the would be masher bad a narrow escape from--there by thunder! we came near giving the whole thing away, but will make a lucky stop right there. DIED, at the residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. Mansfield, in Nunda village, Friday Feb. 4th, Mrs. Vllate Barnes, widow of the late Wm. Barnes, of Nunda Township. Mrs. Barnes had reached tbe age of 83 years, and was very highly regarded as was attested by the presence of a very large con gregation at the funeral services, which were conducted by Rev, B. Brunning, Unlversalist clergyman of this village, Mr*. Barnes having been a very firm believer of that faith. Mrs. B. came to McHenry Co.. in the year 1845 and has resided here ever sinee, in what is so well known as the Beckley "neighborhood. She with her husband ana family came through by team, from Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., when indemitabie courage and eaergy were the necessary element to aew oomers EDITOR PLAIMDEALER:--Anderson's Janesville Orchestra will play for the club dance Friday evening. John A. Retneur returned last week from Caliloraia. Skating parties are all the rage-these bright moonlight 3vealngs. Nick Mergener and Miss Susie 3taok> ens, were married at Johnsburgh on Tuesday of last week. Rumor says Johnni* Wlckham will accompany G. B Stone to California. Mr. Ed. Greely, of Richmond, and Miss Ella Street, of this place, went to Chicago Wednesday, where they were married. Vd aod Ella have a host of friends In Hebron who will with them every happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison SI vers, drove out f rom Lake oounty Friday, to spend a few days with friends here. Geo. Boughton spent Saturday and Sunday at home. His school will olose In another week unl- as the directors conclude to engage htm for an extra month. We are glad to learn that George Is very successful as a teacher. Slip, sllp-er, slipery. Did anyone see you fall? Wray Rowe went over to Woodstock Friday, to spend Saturday tnd Sunday -with his sister Ella. Mrs. Sarah Warner, from Iowa, with three children, is visiting her brother, George Goddard, Their father Is also here from Milw&ukee.r Frank Rowe aold 915 worth of Baking Powder in one day. A case came on the morning train and : before night was scattered near and far. Geo. Young has rented rooms at Br. Grations and will move there soon. Henry Fish had bis eyo badly cut and bruised with a bitliard cue In tbe bands of Fred Perry. An altercation arose over a game of billiards which came near ending IQ a general row. The meeting of the Library Associa tion resulted in the donation of tbe Library to the Hebron Public School. A librarian will ba appoint and share holders and all others may draw books by the payment of a semi-annual tax of fifty cents. The board of directors will hold a meeting this week to make all other necessary arrangements. Have you heard the Band play some of their choice new music? If you have you wli^know what Mr. Hinman is doing for them. They are making wondorful improvement. Thirty- three couple attended the dance given for their benefit Friday night." All re* port a pleasant time, and as "respec table11 a crewd as usually attend tbe club|dances. For this help the boys are very thankful yet tbelr gratitude would extend much farther if those who are In the balMt of attending eviYy tUribe gVven'Tiere,' wouldTTnttead of merely sending them the paltry prioe ot a ticket, give them tne much more needed encouragement by tbelr presence. If anyone wl«hes to start a band consisting of tin horns only it Is all right to go off In the weods, but would^t it be far better to keep up tbelr respectability and high standing by waiting until they were out of town before commencing their first practice? - Proceedings of the Board#!* Trustees. MCHBNBT, lu*, reb. 7th, 1887. Board met puriuant ta adjournment. Plesent full Board. Minutes of last misting rsad and approved, The following bills were presented, audited and the Clerk ordered to draw orders on the Treasurer for the same: Wm. Bchreiner, street irork S12.25 O, A. Lincoln, lighting lamps 13.00 J. B. Perry. Police Magistrates Docket.. &.&0 Pe»ry ft Owen, Oil 23.4* Moved by Trustee Howard that C. A. Lincoln be Instructed to see tbat al: street Lamps needing tbe same be re> paired at once. Carried. Moved by Trustee Nichols that the Street Commissioner be Instructed, If tbe weather is favorable, to employ a sufficient nu.nber of men to clean tb* walks on the principal streets *t once, Carried. Moved b? Trustee Nichbts that the matter of repair! ig tbe approaches to tbe Iron Bridge be left to the Street Committee to examine as to liability of Corporation, and probable cost of said work, and report at the next regu • lar meeting with their recommenda tion how much should |£ donated for said work, if any. Carried. Moved oy Trustee Rothermal that y, A, Lincoln be discharged as Lamp Lighter for this Corporation. Oarrled •y the following vote: j. Ayes--Nichols, Rothertoel, Weber. .Nays--Cristf and Howard. Moved by Trustee Rothermel tbat James Walsh be appointed Village Constable and Lamp Lighter for one montb, at 935 per month. Amended by Trustee Cristy that C. A. Lincoln be appointed said Village Constable and Lamp Lighter, one month for 983 per month. Tbe amendment was earriod by tbe following vote: Ayes -Cristy, Howard and Niehols. Nays--Rothermel and Weber. On motion adjourned, B. GILBBBT, President. Attest, J. VA» SLYM, Clerk. To All Whom it May Con cern, This Is to certify that my boy. Al bert V. Parks, apprenticed to me. has left home without cause or provoca tion. I caution every one against har boring him or letting him have any thing on my account as I will pay no billa of bis contracting. I will hold anyone responsible for his work that employs him. 30 3w ADELBEBT SHEKMJLM. CONTBIBCTKD News gathering work of late. "FLOSSIE." has been slippery A crowd from Munster attended ths rink Saturday bight. The valentines havs begun to apr pear already. The juven lies had a daoos Friday evening. Lin Denlson returns to Minneapolis this week. Alphonso Thomas has drawn lumber for a new bouse. Mr. Heck will move to a town near Burlington, Wis., soon. Geqpa Junction young people have club dances In tbe hotel dining room. The Congregational ehurch fair is to be held tbe first week tn Marbh. Mr. and Mrs. John Dermont havs moved to McHenry. ••Jack" will work at ths Parker House. Mall Agt. Nish showed his good natured countsnanoe on our streets on Monday. Ell Manor is going to iolose oat his dry goods store here mod will have a cOst sale until the 1st of Maroh. We are told that tbe young folks on the prairie gave Miss Stslla Wiloox a pleasant surprise Friday svenlng. Chase Cole Is going te havs a danos tn what is known as Moad's red build ing, Wednesday evening. Feb. 9. Did som« ot my locals seem eld last week? Well they were written the week before and failed to be on time. Mr. aad Mrs. Ben Marten were at Crystal Lake over Sunday, being call ed thp re to attend 'the funeral of a friend. About tbe worst Ice •storm sleoe 1883 dressed up solemn Mother earth Sun day, and wise heads predict this will be th« great fruit year. - • M Miss Lute Turner has so far recover ed as to be able to go on ^n Eastern trip--to New York, to see her sister. She starts Wednesday. John E. Burton is now the owner of Coulman^ Opera HOUBC, Richmond's chief hall. We do not know whether there wtli be any m ire akatlng there or not. The Richmond people are patlsntly waiting for th«t Ringwood troups to come up with their latest, for they are decidedly the best 'home talent1 that ever visited us. Georgs Elfers and Miss Jennie Cropley, oUlest daughter of Elliot Cropley, will be married Wednesday as also will "Min" Imerson and Miss Emma Cralne, of Solon. We have no particulars. Edward Greeley, one of Richmond^ estimable young men, was married one day last week, to Miss Ella Street, of Hebron. A hosj of friends tsndsr kindest aod best of wishes and among thorn are ours. A large number of Richmond I tes "surprised1' Henry Christian and wife at their Solon home, Thursday svsn- ing, and enjoyed a truly pleasant tlms. The night was verycoldjbut the sleigh ing good, and who wonld not brave even more than that for sucU- %fl(l#rrj evening. Boil The Metropolitan is tbe BoiS cirpet sweeper, and no housewife should buy one befor® seeing it. It is cheaper and better than all othsrs. For sals by John I. Story. C. H. Fargoe's Custom boots and Shoes, all warranted, at Bonslett A Stoflel.s. Twenty per cent discount on all winter goods for the next thirty days at Althofl Bros. The finest line of Bird Cages In town, at Jobn I. Story's. SOCIAL DANCE. At Hsimer's Hall, McHenry, on Mon> day evenisg. Feb. 21st, 1887. Music. Mudgstt's Quardrills Band. Tickets 60 cents. All are cordially Invited. JOHN HEIHBB, Proprietor. A Gift for All. In order to give all a chanss to tost It, and thus be convinced of Its won derful curative powers, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, will be, for a limited time given away. This offer is not only liberal, but shows unbounded faith In the merits or this great remedy. All who suffer from Coughs, Colds, Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, or auy affection of Throat, Chest, or Lungs, are especially requested to call at Henry Colby's Drug Store, and got a Trial Bottle Free, Large Bottles $ 1. SALVATION Oil Kills pain every time. For cuts, bruises, sprains, strains, burns, scalds and frost-bites It Is an infallible cure. Prfos only twenty-llvs cents a bottle. Ths finsst M osnt tsa in the market Another Art Craze. The latest art work among ladies Is known as as tbe 'French Craze,1 for decorating China, Glassware, etJ. It Is something entirely new, and is both profitable and fascinating. It Is very popular in New York, Boston,^^tnd Oth er eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn tbe art, we will send an elegant china piacqus, (size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated lor a model, together with box of ma terial, 100 colored designs assorted In flowers, animals, laiidscapes, etc., com plete. with full Instructions, upon re ceipt of only 91. The plasque alons Is worth more than the amount charged. To every lady ordering: this outfit wbo encloses the address of five other ladies Interested in art matters, to wbom we caa mail our new catalogue of art goods, we will enclose extra and with out charge, a beautiful 30 inch, gold tinted placque. Address, Ths Emplrs Nsws Co., Vyr- acifte, N, Y. FOR RENT. Aheossandfivs lots for Rent. In quire of Rev. Fatbor OtNsli. Building Paper and Moth Proof Gar> pet Paper, at John L Story's, MoBest? COWS •AL*. Feb *4, 1887. HORSES, ± MACHINERY. Tbe undersigned will sell at auction on the farm where bs resides, and long known as ths Sttekesy farm, two and one-ball piles north of Ridgsfleld, tbs following propsrty: 50 cows aifd bslf- ers, many of thsm new milch or com ing in soon--9 tbrse years old In the spring. 6 two ysars old, one bull half- blood Holstein two years eld. one span horses, will wsigh over 2.600 pounds, ons gray, tbs otbsr bay, will bs six in ths spring, ons mars coming four, ons gelding osming thrss, both bay and, will weigh 1,000 pounds, ons bay colt coming two, two farm wagons with broad tire, totbsr wagons, cultivators, plows, both riding and walking, gang plow,Cassiday riding plow and break er, pulvsrizsr, harrows, broadcast seed er, the new Champion mowsr, horss raks. horss fork and hay carilsr, Cll o- per grlndsr and tsn hors« Pittsdown pswsr to run it (four horses ars ampls to do it) a Ross Little Giant feed cut ter No. 14 A, and the Adams barn floor four horse power to run it, two horses do the work well, corn planter and Hawoith check rower, a large number milk cans, 600 bushels corn In ths sar, a quantity of hay both Timothy and prairie, and many other artlslss too numerous to mention. Tbe public may rest asiursd tbat no propsrty sftsrsd for sals will havs any previous bargain is relation to It, di rectly sr ludTrsctly. All sums of ten dollars or Under, cash. A boys ten, a credit of eight months, on reliable names, at seven percent interest; two per&csnt oft for cash. Sale to commenos at 10 o'clock A. M. Free Lunch at Noon. J. S. WATROUS. SHERWOOD Jb THROOP, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will ftell at public auction In the village of Spring Grove, on Thursday, Feb. 17. '87. commencing at 12 o'clock, A. M., ths following prop erty: 5 good cows, 4' two-ysar-old heifers, 3 yearling heifers, 6 sboats, 1 span good work horses, one a bay mars with toaL J ysars old. the other a black gelding nine years old, 2 two-year-old colts, and tbe following tools almost new. 1 lumber wagon, 1 single buggy, 1 mower, 1 hay rake, 1 sulky cultivator, bay rack, set of drags, plow, fanning mill, set of double harness, a quantity of oats, bay, and other things pertain- log to farm work. Also two hunting boats and decoy ducka. TERMS OP SALE --Sums of $10 and under caah. Over tbat sum a credit of one year will be given on approved aotea at 7 per cent interest. No prop erty removed until settled for. DAVID SMILfiY. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. Bargain in Musie*1 This Favorite Album of Songs and Ballads, containing thirty-two piece* of 1 hoice and popular music, full sheet music size, with complete words and music and piano accompaniment Is finely printed upon heavy paper with a very attractive cover. The follow ing ars the titles of the songs and bal- laaa contained In tbe Favorite Album : As I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear Old Sengs of Home; Mother. Watch the Ltttle Fsst; Oh, You Pretty Blue- Eyed Witch; Blue Eyes; Katy's Lat ter; The Passing Bell; I Saw Esau Kissing Kate: Won't You Tell Me Why, Robin; The Old Garden Gats; Down Bslow the Waving Lindens; Faded Leaves; All Among tbe Sum mer Roses; Touch tbe Harp Gently, My Pretty Louise; I Really Don't Think I Shall Marry; Dreaming of Homs; The Old Cottage Clock; Across the Sea; A Year Ago: Bachelor's Hall; Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year Ago; Jennie In the Orchard; The Ola Barn Gate; Jack's Farewell; Polly; Whisper in the Twilight. This is a very fine colleotion of real vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome style. Published In the usual way aad oought at a muslcstore, these 32 pieces would cost you 911.20. We bought a job lot of this music at a great sacrifice and as the holidays are past, we desire to close out our stock at once. Will send you tbe entire collection well wrapped and postpaid for Only 40 cents. Send Immediately. Address, Tbs Empirs Nsws <&*3?r- tuss, N.Y. Money to Loan. Msnsy loaned on McHenry County farms on tlms and in amounts to suit borrowsr. Writs or apply to j. w. RANSTBAD, Rooms 1 and S, Borden Block, Eight 111, )9«6fn. FOR MLI. I tier for sals my stors building, sltuatsd tn ths villags of McHcnry. They ars of brick, two stories high, and suitable for any kind of business, with gooJ residence rooms In second story. Also good barn and out-houses. Centrally located, nearly opposlts Bishop's Mill, and asxt doer to ths pest office. Also offer for sale my Cigar and To bacco business. Will sell building either with or without business to suit purchaser. J. PKKOVSKT. It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good artlels. Tbs "Garla nd Stovss and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that is 4best in that lias. They have the reputation of being the best made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. For sale,in McHenry by Jobn I. Story. New Milch Cows For Sale. The undersigned offers for sals llvs or six milch cows. Oas with calf by side now and balanoe coming in soon. All choice. PHILIP GIESBLBB, 4 miles west of McHenry. Look Out for Bargains, A good bat. 50c. " Llnsd glovss, 50a. A good stiff hat, 91 JB. A mole-skin shirt, ft. A wool suit, 95. A fur cap, fine, 91.90. K A $4.50 shoe for 93.00. Boys' IUIts at cost. , At E. Lawlus1 Chicago fliers io front Bivsrsids Hotel, Eaat McHenry, KLA, Lake Co., III., Jan. 10, 1887. C. DICKINSON A SON--Barrington, 11L QenUemen:--I bad two horses cut with barb wire fence very bad, and I applied Dickinson's Russian Liniment and it caused a speedy cure. 1 also use it in my family, and I can say that it is lbs best liniment I ever used. JOHN ROBBBTSOV. For sals by all druggists. Renews Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co., iowa. tolls tbe following remarka ble story, tbs truth of whieh is vouch ed for by the residents of the town: MI am 73 years old, havs been troubled with kidney eomplaint and lamsnsss for many ysars; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks te Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed com pletely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. a; Henry Colby's IhmcStoie. doiineai: CIty fesldsnCss for sale. AM W. Smith, WoodBtoek, IIL Everything in the Hardware nib *§v bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. 4-, •• • •••.-'jib Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever he % fere.'at G. W. Bealey's, West Side. Fine Scrap Books only $1J9 41G, W Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 sents, at G« W. Besley's, West Side. Wall pa[er, trunks, valises, haod bags stc^ at Bonslett A 3toller*. Ws offer big drives on balaacs of cloaks and wraps. ^ I BONSLETT A STOVFEL. 16 ounoes good plug tobaco, only 25 cants, at Bonslett A Stoflel's. '••^::..r Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lam1 Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Schumacher's, near the Depot. T».J DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture If®!- "J Ish, tbe finest thing in tbe market, aft' Besley's Drug Store. yî .% • : If you want to learn how to Paint rj our Buggy for One Dollar, call at « ey's Drug Store. West End. IF you want to make your Buggy ; Top look as good as new get the Nfrfai tlenal Patent Leather Enamel at- Besley's Drug Store. Jersey Waists, a full supply, whieh ^ will toe sold at lower prices than an gig; other store In McHenry. ^ Mas. M. SOHUKAOHBS. • Look at the choice Candles el Bm*} •' j ley's Drug Store, West End, 's Ladles and Gents line Shoes a spse-.- laity at Dwights. Great bargains in Holidhy Slippers | at Dwight's, Woodstock, 111, ^1 Plenty of warm goods of all kinds aA Dwigbt's, Wo idstock. It will pay pou to come from alt over McHenry County to trade at Dwight's, Woodstock. Plush Sets, the finest in town, cheap, at Geo. W. Besley's. 1 Limps complete, . W, Besley's. Geo, for 25 csfts, at Call and see tbem. Only chanee to buy 20 Gallon ne#'. Jars for 92,75 at Bonslett A S toff el's Don't buy your new Cutter until •»." you have seen tbe nobby ones at E. M. ••.-; Owen is Sons Warehouse.; •/'£$& Albums only 20 cents, at Geo. "W Besley's, West Slds, Buy tbs Can dee Rubber Goods* svsry pair warranted, at Bonslett Afc Stoffel's. K H. Rosenblatt Overalls, Shirts, JfteMi ets. and Pants, all warranted at* Bonslett A Stoffel's. Poutlac knit Wool Boots, bstf made, wear teres ssasons, at Bonslstt. A S toffs l's* * Try our Loader smoking tobacco* only 20 cents per pound, at Bonslett 4t< Stoffel?a. Rockford Flour, of all kinds, ranted, at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Oil MealH Salt. Bran and Middlings*. - at Bonslett A Stoffel's. . Sfep New clothing for spring trads, latest '•• styles at Bonslett A Stoflel's. S If you want a first class Cutter cheap 9 go to E. M. Owen A Sons, They have ̂ f| tbe fiaest stock In the market. If you want the best Milk Can ever ~ ^ made, call on John I. Story. He keeps' vv tbe only stock In town. ^ Call for the "Winning Stroke" a new M Brand of five cent Cigars, mannfaetur*:H^ ed by Barblan Bros. It beate them ; - all. & ^ ^ BESLEY'S Liver Wort Kidney Cure.vf; the best thing on the market, at ^ 1 Bsslsy's Drag Stors. Wsst Side. As good as new. A second hMttf " Coal Stove sound and In first class or* der tbat will be sold caeap. For fur* ther particulars Inquire it PLAINDEAL* V- KB office. • Bear la mind the tact that you eaa^H save lots of money fb buying yowt'^pi Boots and Shoes at Dwight's Cub Store, Woodstock. III. a /•5+ V'r- --I "4'.\ M'-<y\ •; " r 'tSCXa 3f. 'M Notice. To Shoes that want Tubs, Vats,Ba]N Racks,and anything in my tloe of bu8l*v"'" nsss. Work done on short notlos to order. Shop one door South of Law* •:>/ lus' Store, . • F. A. HIBAKD, MoHonry, Aug. 10.1M. Xl-S>ly ... ̂ Farm for Sale. /j The undersigned offers for sal* hi* «! Farm, consisting of 157 acres, situated 4 four miles West of McHenry, For terms and other particulars Icqulre of FRANK HOBAhT, . lB-2m Terra Gotta, III. THE highest price in Cash paid for V strictly fTesh Eggs, at Looted Home Bakery. ' . Buoklen's Am lea Salve. Ths best Salve in the world for cuts- bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, cbllblalaa, corns, and all skin eruptiaus, and poe->- ] lively cures piles, or no pay required^»s| It is guaranteed to give perfect satis-; **. faction, or money refunded. Prioe 2$ cents per box. For sale by Heorj|k t Colby, A', »* A' > 11 Farm for Rent. * j - \ ' Tbe undesigned offers for Real Via farm, situated 4 miles West of McHeo~ „?'-• ry, consisting of 246 acres, all uadsr % good state of cultivation, la wewp-s3 adapted for Dairy purposes. Will put * ^ on ten or twelve cows if desired, OF ; ' will rout without. Terms Reasonable Apply at once, PHimrGiasataa. Would Yuo Believe It? Tbat ws ars authorized by tbe pre* prietorof Kemp's Sarsaparila to re4» ^ fund the money to any ons who taken three-fourths of a bottls withe r ft out relief? We are positive that not other proprietor has the confidence int^ hi* medicine to do this, it Is for en# £ rlching, cleansing and purifying the- Blood and toning up the system. Price 91.00. Gall at our store. > Respectfully, GEO. W. BasutT. The Honalloat Maa la M«learjt As well as the handsomest, and others ars invited to call on Geo, W. Botley and get free a trial bottle of V",v Hemp's Balaam for ths Throat tad c Lungs, a remedy that la selling tlrefy upon its merits snd is gvM*:v #1 antsed to curs and relieve all Cbreale '£ aad Acute Coughs, Asthma, RroacfcKt*'•:";|jj la arid Consumption. Price 50 eeaMb 1 : - JL - - • V