it £: • • • [ • " f Wtat ar* S»#p«Blfres . (ron Nsw London. Ssnd as two boxes of ip% Plls Suppositories by Ow druggist Is out. They are fxtoad. I triad everything with- Ijp. but tli« Suppositories cured tnitnent Is new and6 within of all, «ad would advise the ted to give them a trial. For KlpSlet* on Piles address Box 295 Roy, N. Y. For sale in McHeury, Goo. W. Besley's at 50c per box, ASonsibo Main. Would use IKetrip's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. It is curing more oases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron chitis, Croup and ail Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W Besley to refund your money If after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief Is not obtained. Price 50u and *1 } Trial size free. Bealey's Famous Wankegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. Bu tton's and John Helmer's. * 8om«^oolUh People. Allow a oou^h to run unci ltgetsl be yond the reach of medicine. They of ten say Oh! it will wear away, but in most cases it wears theim away. Could they be Induced to try the successful medicine oalled Kemp's Baisam, which will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immedi- atelysee the excellent eflect after tak. Ing the first dose. Price 50c and 91.0® Trial slse free, at Geo. W. Beatey's McHenry. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will lake in your orders and furnish goods St the lowest Chicago prices. ths Population of'MeHenlf Is about 1000, and we would say at least one-halt are troubled with some aflection of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are. according to sta tistics, more numerous than others We would advise all not to neglect the* opportunity to call and get a bottle of Kemp's Balaam for the Throat and Lungs. Price 8#c and tlOO. Trial size free. Respectfully, GBO. W. BSSLKT. It la So. That we are dally guaranteeing Kemp's Sarsaparilla to the people in this way* that after taking three-fourths of a bottle without relief, w/b will refund' the money. It is the greatest and best remedy on the market for clean sing the blood and giving you a new lease of life, A well-known business nan informs .us he has gained 8 pounds on two bottles of this Sarsapa rilla. Price $1.00. For sale by Gea W. Bettoy, McHenry. CARPET WEAVING . Ths undersigned Is prepared to Weave Bag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of the North-west corner of the Public square. Orders, respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed GEO. SCHUSTER. MoHenry, Aug. 16th, 1888. i--3m if'P y' jSSff.:*' TAILOR 'K • r-' > ̂oi large Caps and Underwear, At Wholesale Prices. This means Below Cost some degrees, ax Payera and others Take Notice of the bargains in O V B R O O A T * ! And don't you forget it, his Goods are the best. M&dh&nts aifid' others know I do not buy of Jew Houses, only of the best firms in Chicago. 1 . "m-- - <5* " „, WE TO i .. . * V%' f; ** " "• 4»* ~ - *' ' '<* 4« **' . . * • ; - IvOCK Of '• »: 1 .. . '•# V* • '> l'*A , i* •% v % < 1' ES# 1 . A . . . As he is going to carry ^.Tailoring on,a k»r£er seal®* E. LAWLU* .OF- ^.;.S$&kLzk\ i McHenry and Vicinity.. We would like to inform you that we will guarantee that our Goods are the Best and our prices as low as the lowest. We have no Goods on Consignment, and all our Goods are as Fresh and Clean as the driven snow. * If there is anything you want in the way ot largauxs w i t Are receiving an unusual stock ef new Spring Goods the opening of Spring Trade* ~ ' NEW *•" V : Hjd: Ladies', Misses' and Childrens* Garments, Wraps* Jackets, Shawls, at cost. . ' We will make you very inter esting pricet ^balance of CLOTHING,' f'yM NEW BOOTS & SHOES. ̂ Kei llrsa Goot: aii Triniip, COFFEE IS HIGH, • ' "WM But we bought a Large Stock i; before the rise and can give vol 7 pounds Good Coffee for $1.00. ^ \ W**" at© «rnin? Totk Women* " and Misses Rubbers at 29 cenl Mens at 49 cents. Usually at 40 and 65 cents,/ fi-H a T; •1 Mens1 all sizes, no good wear. THS CMLBBMAim Bo/ob zî rtA badger state overalls* CLOTBUra, QB0CXBI1S, BOOTS, SHOES, 2T8„ Iks: BREEDERS any LBS. CtoOD fficB $1.90. CLOTHING New Spring Suits, perfect rell mar * Best made, at 65 and 80 cents. Usual price 90 cents to $1. War* ranted not to rip. Everybody knows thenfli^ ; . ff Re ': - MORGAN Short m Folltd And Jersey Cattle. ̂ Hillside Farm, I ; West McHenry, III. p Our Morgan Stock is all prrfl bied, *and originated from the best Morgan stock in the United. States. Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head of our stock,; is one of the best bred Morgan horses in the country, and can] show mere and better all purpose! colts than any other horse in thel West. We invite the Inspection of our stock br 1 horsemen and all lovors ot lino animals. Call and see us and we know Goods received every week. - time that you may call. We take Batter and Eggs for which we pay the highest prices. we can save you money, Jfejr ALTHOFF BROS McHenry, 111., Feb. 1st, 1887. fitting, we low price, seuted. made, latest cut, Warranted as repre- '•'v w: SHOES,: >ars „ i L». ' CHEAPER THAN EVER. -A JOB LOT< JOHN, Two Doors North >erry & Owen* A few full blood Morgan Colts and young horses for sale, .Also one matched team, fan bloods. In Cattle we hare the full blood Short Horn which we are crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing off the I horns we are breeding them off a&d with i good success. A few Heifers and Bulla, both pure bred Short Horns and the cross above mentioned f»r sale. «!• R< Saylor A Sons. West McHenry, 111,, Dec, 20th, 1886. SIBLEY'S eTESTED* votcnx new Flo ret. lei Bulbs Im nail m application. 9 stock of Furniture is complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold %s cheap as any otber in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying pub lic to call upon me when in want of anything in that line. 1 In this depaitmentl keep a first class* ass ortment of Caskets and < Coffins and shrouds of all binds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. BOOTS & SHOBi IMEMBER THIS. JOHN B. BLAKE. We sell only the celebrated C. H. Fargo custom made Soots and Shoes, and warrant every pair, Faroe's role leather, box tip Shoe, for Children, take ttie lead, Poutiac Knit wool boots, Red Jacket, Eskinn wool boots and wool boot protectors in stock. GAim BVBBB MODS, Every pair warranted. GROCERIES, Always No* 1. Japan Tea, un- colored, Coffee, Spices, Canned Goods, all strictly pure. 20 pounds good Rice only $1.00 Good Tea only ' .30 Good Fine Cut only .30 Good Raisens 7 cts. per pound Full pound good Plug » *$5 Hatchet B, Powder .25 TRY OXJR ROCKFORD fLOUtt, At $1,05 per Sack. Good Sheeting $ cents f»er yard, by the yard or piece, Dreet Cambric 5 cents. ' .. .-fc-ll' We have a new and el line of Black and Colored DreSS in-ood.a^ Just received. Also a fine lint ot Trimming, Velvets, Buttons etc. Be sure an<| see them. *• ' * S_ '«'*3 mem>*R8oir'B **Movta :'m Are more popular than ever. Our new Spring Stock of them has arrived with our large stock of Mens, Womens and Misbes We have maij^SpecialUes fn GROCERIES Dont neglect writing lor tt. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. V. CHICAGO. ILL MMMa.KilsM. U-li «. Cluk A. For th« Grand New Book Heroes of the Flak I After Forty •xperieno* in th« prepsrstion of mora Iban One Hundred Thraud •ppllcstlona for patents in the united Btafan and Foreign coun tries, the publia'bers of the Bcientifle American to act aa eolioitors for patent*, cave; its, trade-matin, oopy- I rifSta, etc., for t he United States, and i patents in Canada, England. France, .,and all other oo an trie#. experi- i nneqnaled and their facilities are unatir- B^e^A£££ BY J. W. BUEL- This splendid new uook is a complete bis. tory of the lives and wonderful adventures of Wild Bill. Buffalo Bill, Capt. Jack, T«xsi» Jack, California Joe, Kit Carson, -'White Beaver," Gen. Custer, and other great West- » •rn Heroes, Scouts and Indian lighters, It iaf endorsed by letters from Gens. Sheridan. V Hancock, Merritt, and other distinguished persons. Copies of the letters will be tent* free on puplication. Agents who are now' pushing the canvans are meeting w ith grand success. The l>ook is splendidly illustrated Ith oyer 180 tine engravings, including IS tull-p .ge colored plates, is low in price, and popular with the people. It Is the greatest book of Western adventure ever issued, and its splrndid endorsements secure the best class of trade. A grand opportunity is offered to earnest workers. iVb money required till the book* are sold. Wri te for oar extra terms and special plans, Address, DAN. L1NAUAN A CO., PUBLISHERS. 4th St. * Wash ins ton Ave. ST. Louis, J£ Remember the fact* (bat I?wight's old reliable cash store, at Woodstock, It Headquarter* for Felt Boors, Rub- r Boots, Gum Boots, and Meat, Womens. Misses. Bovs and Cblldrens Buckle Arties, Alaskas and Self Acting Alaskas. Remember tti« fact that W. H. Dwight will not be undersold by any house 1 (^Woodstock or McHenry Co. A TO CURE RHEUMATISM. a spocillc action upon the fluids ing moisture to the tissues and its affected by the disease. No I*lttba remain after a cure by of a single bottle will convince ,t wo have not told half its vir- per bottle. For sale by all irod only by NKY MEDICINE CO., CHUIOA. ILLINOIS. CARPKTS, all kinds, at Chicago Pricet. from now until January lit. Call and see aamplaa at JUSMB Bros. Watt «D BELOW. NO HUMBUG. Donot buy the old, lazy, easy way, but make your purchases where you can make fhe dollar buy the most. Jum jad Pans. iT - - - Which cheap. we are felling very ONLY 82.75. Handkerchiefs, all styles and piicwt, " Bros. WW • "W ' f, • >a; ]y lu*.- Middlings $14.00 per ton Bran $13 00 per ton. Salt $130 per barrel. Oil Meal $1.75 per cwt. . tSBY TSULr TOVM^; BONSLETT 4k STOFFBL. 20 pounds C Su/^tr fer....$1.()0 20 pounds best George Bank Codfish for only 1.00 Good Fresh Crackers.. ..6 cents 8 bars fickle Soap* •• *25 cents I east Cakes. • • • • • • • • • • e 5 cents Iw WaU P^MKfcStrdMf Paints and Oil% "T . V" . • ... 4 AMD 8MB fERBY & OWEN. te!.