Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Feb 1887, p. 5

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' - \ : • • WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16, 1887, Railroad Time Table. ijOn and after Monday, June 51,1 Trains will ypkM McHenry Station as bek>ir; * OOIHO SO0TH. " . • Lake Usneva Passenger. :S8 A. M Lake Genera Express -.>8:25 •<fiake Genera Freight 2:00 r. V Lake Genera Passenger .13:M " ONIYO VDKTII. '! * Lake Geneva Freight.................9"11 A. H Lake 3enera Passenger .........10:00 «• Lake ienera Express .4:6Sp. u Lake Geneva Puaenier.. .......6:57 " * Stops only to leave Passengers. . B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry. Ill |g • - THE Toboggan Slide is again In first ass order and will be open to the fun ing public each evening. /: REMEMBER the Stewart Concert Company, at the Universallst Cburcb, in this village, on Monday evening ipext, Feb. 21st. '• THK dancing puolic should bear in oniud the Washington's Birthday Party, at Graud Hall, Parker House, on Tuesday evening next, the 22d. Do not fail to read the new adver­ tisement of W. P. Stevens, of the West Side Hardware Store. to be uad elsewhere in this paper. ^ ,; IN getting out tho dirt to repair the Mill Race Dynamite was used to loosen the frozen dirt, and with good success. THE young folks had a surprise par- t^on Miss Dora Besley. on Thursday evenihgJLast, and on Lewis and Amy Qwen, on Tuesday evening.' WE learn that"Gcls Brick, who for­ merly lived at JoTilisburgh, died in Chicago last week. Heimd boen sick for the past year and his^^toath was not unexpected. "" -You wii miss the richest mustfeiil tfest of the season, if you fail to bear the Stewart Concert Company, at the Universallst Church, on Monday even­ ing next, Feb, 21st. ^ READ the Auction Notices in anothe COlumn. Sale bills printed at thi office o:i short notice and on an colored paper male. Prices low an A*.;'§5®od work guaranteed. A LECTURE sermon to PERSONAL. GEO. Surrn.of Lake Forrest,spent a tew days here last week. J. C. DARRELL and E. A. Stone, ef Woodstock, was on oar streets on Sunday. A. WENDELL, of Chicago, has been calling on friends here the past few days. % Miss ELLA SEARL, of Barrlngton, has been visiting with friends here the past week. MKS. WHITING and children, of Lake Geneva, was the guest ofMrs. L. A. Clark ls3t week. GEO. GRIMOLBY, of Dakota, was "islting^ with his parents In this vil­ lage a few days last week. Miss KATE GILLES, who has been In Chicago, for the past few months, Is at home this week. MRS. DODGE, of Maplewood. was at her fathers. J, Munson's, In tbia village a (ew hours on Monday. MRS. A. D. LINN, of Chicago, spent Surday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McOmber, in this(village. THOS. WALSH has been under the Doctor* care since Saturday, but Is now reported on the improve. H. H. NICHOLS started on Tuesday morning for Indianapolis, Ind„ te visit among friends for a few weeks. W. H. Ford had the misfortune to drop a stone on his foot, at the Mill Rice, on Saturday. He still walks a little lame. JOHN HELM and wife, of Algonquin, were the guests of A. G. Locke and family, in tbi6 village, last week Thursday. MRS. ELDER WBERLER visits Cbica go for a week, by Invitation fof Hon. Leonard Swett. Mr. Swett Is a cousin of Mrs. Wheeler. MARK^, HICKOX, and wife, and E. E, Thornas and wife, ef Woodstock, are visiting with E. M. and O. W. Owen, -da v. ' V\' ^ "ORK on the repairs at Bishop's Mill is progressing favorably, and should the .weather prove favorable Mr. Bishop informs us he will be to running order again Inside of two weeks. He has a large fort* of men at work and is pushing things as fas! posslble-^v- rj- young net)<|^g railways on the Pacific coast might' D next Sunday evening at the Uni versa- taken as an indication that operators list Ciiurch, by the pastor. Subject: | that quarter are making such a hole Tjhe importance of young men in the * their timber resources as to require World and why they ought to know it.^1??1 Alau*8 an? improved facilities 'inch these make essential, in order to / FOUND, in this village, a gentleman'? eep their mills supplied with stock, ©love. The owner can have the same ?,is' however, is not a necessary con- jie jusion. In hauling the large, heavy uber which abounds in the country, RRFT ia T*P°*" "NRIF"" **•*' THE county by calling at this office. And if 4bes not do this we hope he will send juts the mate, as we have no use for one •lone. THE Annual Reception of the Wood- Hock Guards will take place at the Opera House, In that city, on Friday evening of thin week, the 18th. All Who attend are sure of. having a good time, . BE sure and hear the Stewart Con- oert .Company at the Universalis! Church, on Monday evening next. Their Plantation melodies are the produced by any company ON Tuesday next is Washington* Birthday, which will be celebrated at Grand Hall, Parker House, by a grand Social Party. Slocum's Full Orchestra will furnish the musicj and a grand yofl ttlfiinmay be expected. /IN discussing the probability of the Arar between England iltd the Unltedi / States one of our prominent citizen t I ventured to offer bis services to pr< I tect the widows and orphans while tl V rest battled at the front. •, WE have received anew advertis Blent for Bonslett A Stoffel, but t< late for this week, but which will a <=>- pear next. Look out for It as It wi! contain Information of Importance to^ ^tbe buying public. I SALVATION OIL is an Infallible cure » for headache, backache, pain in the side and limbs, and all rheumatic and neuralgic affections. It relieves pain and extirpates the disease that causes It, Price, twenty-five cents a bottle. gag;!'.-, . •; -- . A SPECIAL Communication of Mc­ Henry Lodge No. 168 A. F. and A. Masons, will be held on Saturday even- ; ing ne?t, Feb. 19th, at 7} o'clock. Work oh the Entered Apprentice De­ gree. Members are urgently request­ ed to be present. Per order W. M. WE understand that the old Brick )hurcb property, in this village, has been sold, by its late owner, Paul Brown, to WM. Stoftel, who we believe contemplates tearing down the old church and building a residence on the lot. kWTEM as a class, especially in earlier times, were by many people regarded as untruthful. But the im­ putation is probably without founda­ tion, as they perhaps are as truthful as other professional men. With this 'distinction, that lawyers sometimes tell such "whopping big truths" that ft is very difficult for people to beiieve tbem. /- yW $p-<. §... OUR readers should not fall to notice the change In the advertisement of the most enterprising and popular Boot and Shoe dealer in McHenry . • "County, W. H. Dwight. Woodstock, Which can be found In another place in this paper. For the next thirty days 'tie will offer rare Inducements In his ^ Hue. Read his advertisement and call Andne him. \ THREE young men assembled the J. other night and entered into a friendly game of ' draw" with other men not ' to friendly nor so young. Three young oaen withdrew from the game shortly afterwards "dead broke." Iris said that the set of resolutions which they drew up and signed, makes a violation •f their iron-clad rules punishment by <®atb. RINGWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDKALER :--Believers In a cloudy Candlemas can hold up their heads end take eourage, tor not a ray of sunlight penetrated the gloom of that day. The traditional befcr Is somewhere out or his den looking for an early spring. We sincerely hope he may find it. His chance of success as a weather prophet Is quite as good as that of w Igglns or the oldest in­ habitant. Progressive Euchre has struck our village at last. The Initiated pro­ nounce It "lots of fun." It .divides the honors with the ooaating at Walker's pond. Our young people teem to be, doing very well without a toboggan chute; for they can slide down nill without any elaborate preparation. The secret of happiness is te have a good time with the material at hand, and not sigh for what you can't get. Coasting Is like the ups and downa of life,--you go down with i rush, but it is a hard scrabble to get up again. The mild weather and heavy rains of the early part of the week, caused the most serious freshet this section has experience! for several years. Bridg­ es were carr led away, lowlands over­ flowed and traveling made ditfleult In many directions. , It was with deep sorrow we learned ot the death of little Vivian, cM)ly child of Lee and Edith Andriiss, who died at McHenry, February 2d. Mr. and Mrs. Andruss are well known and much re­ spected here, and In their great afflic­ tion have the sympathy of all. va na vuo uttica ui pv#vc*©>. i.uV e a straight, simple effort for eub- tince. It presses lvard at times, but is without complications, and when i day's work is ended the toil of effort itself insures slumber. We are re- ring, of course, to the toil of the >orer who has work aud is free from re. In our land honest labor is almost vays secure of subsistence; the ut- >st privation that is needed is in the ,f-denial of more or less of the luxu- 8 of life. As the laborer sees men reling in their luxuries be is apt to line as to what fortune has denied nself. He forgets the compensation Rsessed in sound health and clear iscience. Here is the most substan- 1 basis of all for happiness, and next it comes the cultivation of a spirit it asks only for such luxuries as are tsonably within reach. The German church,'"aTJ8fibrDxni^ deserves the thinks of thta community for the music of its bells. Gratitude is but poor payment for a pleasure that ia beyond price to a lover of sveet sounds. It was the good fortune of the wriWr to hear the*e inspiring chimes, daring a snow storm not long ago; hence the following lines: THE MESSAGE OF THE BELLS. chimes KB* LODGE DIRECTORY'. . MASONIC.--A. F. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and iki Wednesday even- ings of each month. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMEKICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every id and 4th Monday even- ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. SONS OF TEMPERANCE.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Miss Carrie Hodge la on the sick list. ^ Drew Stewart, from Elgin, ls> vlsl» ting bis cousin, L. Z. Puree. Johnnie White had lits hand badly cut In a buzz saw, one'day last week. Miss Nellie Andrews 18 spending a week with her uncle's people, at Lawrence. George Minor moied from Genoa this week into a pa^tof Mr. Street's bouse. | G. B. Stone and John Wlckhain started Tuesday of^ last week for California. . <; Grant Phillips ca^ie home from Burlington Friday ijght, fer a short visit. Wray says, we ara^liy off. Re did net go to Wood«trw|tt %ut only over to Alden to have a ktbrin«r" time. The funeral se^11* of Chas, High, an old and respecj|'*jji'*|lizen of Bloom- fleld, Wis., was Ivp&m y his resldeace on Thursday aftfen(* Distemper in hortllrew orm is preya- this vicinity, y and swellings Nelson Gates', J.thn Stewarts, 1>y the recent PTirnA of Lawrence, In this state, pays each of its three papers for printing the Supervisors' proceedings ten cents a line which amounts to about $150 a year each. The popula­ tion of the county is about 17,000 and its county scat is a town of 400 iababi- tants, That Is paying as mueh, too much, for their pHntlng as McHenry county pays too little. . ; ^ IN consequence of sickness In the bouse and other unavoidable circum­ stances I have been unable to make collections for the Universallst Pastors salary. I ask therefore as a favor that subscribers hand, to Jas. B. Perry, Treasurer, the first quarters Instalment of their subscriptiou Immediately, as it is over due. MRS. M. NEWELL, Collector. OUR new Marshal, C. A. Lincoln, Is attending to his duties in first class shape, and no fear or favor is shown to any. One of his particular duties Is to see that the Saloons are all closed at the proper hour every night. This has not been done in some iastances of late, and those who have violated this Ordinance will do well to bear/tin mind that If the offence is repeated prosecutiou will certainly follow. A word to the wise, etc. To the Dancing Public The people of Waucouda and Ring* wood have been contemplating anoth­ er dance at the Riverside House, similar to the one of a few weeks ago, at which all, both old and young, en­ joyed themselves so hugely, and as Mr. Ford has decided not to give a party on the 22d Inst., they, the people of* Waucondaand Ringwood, have decid­ ed to hold theirs on that evening. Mudgett's full orchestra of six pieces has been secured for the occasion, and arrangements have been made with Mr. Ford to furnish the supper, cheek baggage and sare for teams iu his usutd prompt and efficient mauner. No tickets will be Issued, but all who would like to join them are cordially invited. A most social time is guaran­ teed. You will misi the best dance of the season If you fail to attend this. PER OBDEB or COMMITTEE. Ring on, ring on, O bells! Thysilv'rvc Borne on the frosty air afar o'er hill And date, come to my ravished ear sweet as The voice of love or songs of homo heard By the wanderer on a distant shore. Softly the snow flakes fall on trozon stream And forest dim, while the wintry winds sigh Refrains like dirges for departed joys. But yet Thy m&gio tones ring out, now loud, noWj soft,-- A melody so pnre, •• clear. I fctand Entranced on holy groitnd, unheeding that The storm goes on,--that Pain and Urief stand mute Be>ide me, companions of my weary way. While Memory lent among The horse suffers t B. break all about tl_1)iV Mr. Manor, froo. a v «, was In town Saturday with a £ lot of fresh flih, caught at the lakt*1"®)* »f course many >tc " a race J nj, bad a feast, ,t fas so Our school teac.2{|u[', Lisa Ella Rowe, lo° from Woodstock,^™* Laura Mason. ^ from Harvard, staler, jinn tf. Young. git., from 3enoa, weh^S home Saturday is; .and Sunday. M 'wl Carpenters bavH Sjfbusy repairing bridges for severaU QV»- One in the west part of town.=Kl! " and another over i thl were badljr damage u"! flood. The Hebron PubllJ3chool will have a Washington Birthd|y entertainment at Rowe's Hall, on 'lkiesday evening, Feb. *J2d. The programme will be something new and .unusually enter­ taining, consisting moitly of sketches, and reinlnisceuces bt Washington, in costume, tableaux.'shadow pictures, etc. Admission twenty-five and fifteen cents. Proceeds to be expeuded towards the purchase or rent of an organ tor the Intermediate room. Oue of George Young's horses had *ts leg broken Saturday, by being kicked by another hofso. Mr. Young gave the animil to Seymour St oheall, who will have the leg set and try to save It. he pi THE Stewart Concert Company, (for merly the Stewart-Wilberforce Com­ pany.) are billed for one entertaiument in thl« village, which will be given at the Universallst Church on Monday evening next, Feb. 2lst. They are all colored people, and give an entertain* ment similar to the Tennesseans, and render some of the flnest and most difficult music in the world. Below we give one of the many flattering no­ tices wliicii they have received from the press where they have sung: One pleasant thing that has cheerod and kept everybody feeling good-nat­ ured during this wvek of howling winds and drifting snow, has been the two entertainments given by Stewart's company of sweet sing«r«, who were caught in ihe blockade at this point. They sang Saturday night and again on Tuesday evening. Their entertain­ ment is exceedingly fine and our most cultivated people braved the worst kiai of weatiier to hear them. They are all colored people, but unlike the Tennesseans, they render, besides tho melodies, some of the finest and most difficult music in the world, and all ia done with consumm tte grace. These who did not attend missed a rare treat indeed.--Jewell City Republican. Ring on, O bells, ring on! brings "The scenes of other daya again to view, With tie lit s and woods, where breezes mur­ mured low, And wild birds chant their lays. Fair forma I loved Again I see, and list to voices hashed Forevermore; while through the summer air, sweet With the breath of flowers, the Sabbath belts Peal forth across the hills and gleaming lake,-- SWeet belle, whose voices I shall hear no more. Ring on, ring on, O bells! A message meet For angels' hands thy music brings. A call To prayer--a song of praise in notes dirine Flung on the air that all, the weary, sick. And sad,--the veung and gay alike forget The cankering care, the laugh and jest, as, Te their waiting hearts, thy chearing tones come Like a rich blessinf from an unseen hand. FROM ANOTHER CORRESPONDENT. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Progressive euchre parties are ail the rage, now that the protracted religious meetings are over. One extreme generally fol­ lows the other, but the largest and most refined numbers attend the eu­ chre parties. Mrs. C. Harrison has returned from the West. Carl Fay has joined the string band of Jerry Smith & Co., which is now one of the best bands In the county. All intending to give dancing partios will do well to engage their services. David Hall was agaio made happy. It is a boy. Mother and child are do­ ing well. Mr. C. Harrison lost a floe cow )a& week. Mr. Blake Is building a new shop. Bob says be will give It np. That newspvper man is too much for him. Mrs. S. H. Walker has given up going to California till another winter. Mrs. Wm. Langham has a fine show* ing of flowers. Her Califosnia Tree As cojyaing into full bloom. The farm ;r is talking about spring, and will soon be looking for the lonely robin, because the old bear could not see his shadow on Candlemas day. The eld Indian prov*rb was sever tiown to lie. - > ter seven weeks of hard woflk and a few cords of wood, the church-going people tired out. The protracted meeting has closed. The result Is two converts and six warmed over. The play was all thatCcould be asked for, which is to say it was elegant and did credit to the performers. Ring- wood is second to none throughout the sounty for home talent. Mrs. Nanoy Coats is Improving fast under the sklltull treatment of Dr Chiids. Mr. A. Francisco's two children, who have been sick, are oo the gain slowly. Mr. P. Harrison, who has been on the sick list is better. Ask Tony hew about thai toboggan slide In the old fashioned boot and where he found himself when he struck bottom. The Ladles* Aid Society at Mr. B. Carr's was well attended. It is a good cause and deserves support. Wedding Bells BOW Gaily Ohlrae." ; MARRIED.-- A.t the residence of the bride's parent, at Spring drove, HI., on Wednesday eveuintf. feu. !>tu, 1867, by the Rev. E. M. Bax­ ter, of McHenry, Mr. J. Miltoa liusaou, and "iss Emma Uraine. The occasion was pleasant and one long to be remembered by th66e who were presont.^ As faoth parties ar» well known in this vicinity it is not necessary to mention their virtues. To these who knew them they are highly respected and their oircle or friends Is of no small dimensions. At 8 o'clock, p. M , were heard the strains of the wedding inarch, announcing the ceremony as the bridal party entered. The rite was performed in a very im­ pressive maoner by the Rev. Baxter, pastor of the M. E. Church, McHenry. The bride was attired in a beautiful __ costume of a bronze green silk, with by those afflicted with scrofulous bu _«_ .„ . - luiot he understood by others,and their White kid gloves, orange blossoms at on finding a remedy that cures them, the throat and in tho hair, The groom fcs a well person. The wonderful power ot Vflood's Sarsaparilla -Richmond Department, CONTRIBUTED BT "FLOSSIE.' Was your Valentine real pretty ? Miss Minnie Dermont Is on the sick list. Everybody, good and bad, are slip­ ping on the same ground to-day. EarLBI dredge to attend school. has gone to Chicago P. J. O'Connell, of Elgin, spent Sun­ day with Richmond Triends. Clark White, of Vail, Iowa, Is visit­ ing friends in this vicinity. Chase Cole's party was quite well attended and he, will Bgive another Friday evening. Misses Mollie Erwin, of McHenry, and Mame Powers, of the Elgin Watch Factory, ware the guests of. Maggie tValsb, the past few days. Richmond had her share of the flood last week, but only slight damage was done. The water was said to have been higher than for a number of y«ars and presented a wild appearance to say the least.' That wretch, Hard Cold, and myself are having an awful battle. If I come out ahead you'll forget that my news is pretty^netr a failure this time; if I (<Joii't. I know Vi<n will devote this col­ umn to me just the same next week. More than one of my readers will, on opening their paper to-night, Qglance down my column to see what I will of­ fer in reply to John Bell's (?) letter of last week. I have uotbing to say, abso­ lutely nothing. I refuse to discuss the subject. It is a matter ef total Indiff­ erence to me, as those who claim the social insult know what the facts of^the case were, and I am quite certain that no amount of persuasion on the part of Mr. Bell or his friend who helped him out with his communication last week, will enable me to believe that he was in the least justified in taking the course he did. And he but mad* mat­ ters worse by an attempt M»n expla­ nation. If! ever get to be oue of those Indi­ viduals who dares net express an hon­ est opinion for fear of making an en­ emy, I hope the g>od Lord will lay|me In my little grave, and that some sym­ pathetic friend will decorate the mound with blossoms that are em­ blematic of insincerity. If there is any thing 1 abhor, it's a "softsoaper." and •tie who reasons faults Into virtuss, for how often he has some object hidden beueath the mask, which he feels confi­ dent will benefit himself. A friend Of miue once asked me If I oyer lost any friends by ray frequently unguarded, outspoken manner of writing my com­ munications. 1 answered emphatically "Yes," but the person who becomes my enemy from such cause is one who suivers to be told of a fault and un­ worthy to be called a friend. They leave no fold. Friendship's list seems purer, fairer, with such names erased. I wonder who has lived and had not one enemy. Few, I believe aside from those who have no true frionds. School Kepert. Report of the McHenry public school for the month ending Feb. 4,1887; per cent of scholarship averages belifg given: • CLASS, 1. Delia Gage.. 4. Elsie Qage.. »... .961 a Marry Blaokmao .95 95 | 4. M try Went worth. 90 was neatly dressed iu a suit- of black cloth, with white kid gloves and white silk tie. Shortly after the cere­ mony the guests were led to a boun­ teous supper, most of which we will give the bride ths credit of preparing No pains were spared to make it very' tempting. Supper was well conducted nnder the guidance of Mrs. John Craine and Mrs. Albert Gibbs, sisters of the groom. If tbq night has any­ thing to do with the future happiness oftheyoung will be heaven upon earth. The^loads were bad which prevented u ; w from coming. But the heavens -j.V can we find words to express t.Bepauty which fair Luna brightened i Ith her silvery light, seeming )ow us earthly ....91 ....91 ... .91 .. 88 mortals where tr.. ippfness can be found. Again we' AfIf the night has tradicating every form of Scrofula has been so arly and fully demonstrated that It leaves no bt that It Is the greatest medical dUcovery of C Class. I, Nina Wells.. 9U i 12. Jay Gilbert. -2. Nellie Hill 95 l.'t. Joseph Buss 3. Florence Searls..M5 | U. Maud Colhy 4. John Fay ...93 | 15. Delia Welch 5. Hety Wentwort9h4 | 10. Dell Ford... <>. Frank smiili... .94 17. Lonnie Bishop...85 7. I.ouis Walsh 93 18. James Knox 84 8. Kftie Kennedy.. .93 | 19. ttuy Clemens--83 9. Unas- Nordtjuist.93 j 20. Maggie Welch...82 10. Frank Mead... ..92 | 2L. Dwight KennedySO 11. Josie Wheeler.. 92 I *22. Uhas. Lamphere.76 23. Peter Bishop 70 J, J. VA9EY, Principal. WEST M'HBNRY SCHOOL. Number scholars enrolled, 54. Ow­ ing to severe weather the attendance the past month was very irregular, but averaged 45 daily. 8ahool Is in healthy condition and all are doing well* Come and see for yourselves. E.' W. WHKILCB, Teacher. anything to do w? tLe bridal pair, all Just received a Car load of the old Reliable Lyman Barb Wirt, at Jeba i* Story *s. • ji'he happiness of ^Pcan say is, vivat. Jviily Bible, bride's Mock and hanging Glbbs; marble top Mr and Mrs John •s Win Wire, Mr Moncar; 1 dozen 1 May Monear; % "rank W Rus«ell; handle, Mr John i spoons, Mr and Mo.; 1 dozen silver il Mrs Dave Kirk, a spoons, Mrs Rob- f set silver table nlson; crumb pan use Richardson; si I mpson, Mr and Mrs cloth, Mr and Mrs Neb; silver pickle Following is th<f ft0' Presents: •30gold piece, groou, | bride; rattan a$n rocker, bride to gro<^ 41inen table cloth, groom's parents; lar;«f father; large eight o • lamp, Mr. and Mrs. A i Miami and Bible stnV Or.'tine; china set, ami Mrs Bayrd, and tumblers, Ada, Willie ' dozen silver nut pi« glass cake dish with al wray; set of solid sii Mrs Wm Stewart, Ne< knives and forks, M'eb Neoslia, Mo; 1 set sir ert It ic hard son ; or spoons, Miss Etta 1 and brush, Mr aud Mr ver pickle casto^ Mr It K Litwraon; linen tabl Robert Tweed, Duveupi castor, Mr ana Mrs B F' Gibbs and Mr and Mrs O Gibbs; large lamp with shade, Mr and Mrs Henry Christian; one set silver table spoons. Mr and Mrs Loftus; hair brus*', Fred liobart; pair line shoes, Mr Thomas liewin, Maysville, Ky.; slop pail, pair shelf brackets. Miss Nellie Gibbs; walnut, bed spread, Mr and Mrs Frank Lawson, Mi* and Mrs A M Wray, Mr and Mrs Itutschke, Mis« Anna Lawson; chamber set, Mr and Mrs Edwin Monear, Miss Maria Brown, Mr and Mrs E S Jolionnott, f5 gold piece, Mr Corleit; one dozen napkins, Mr \Vm Wray.; ons-lialf dozen silver fruit knives, one half dozen fruit plates. Kirk Craine; carving knife and fork, Mr and Mrs H U lloutelle; bed spread, Mr Charles Deppe; pair vases, Miss Anna Law- son; hand-painted placque. Miss Anna Flem ming, Davenport, Neb. KKWAUCAWCAjj^mSAU., SOCIAL DANCE* At Reimer's Hall, McIIenrjr\Oi»"Mon­ day eveniag, Feb. 21st, 1887. Music. Mudgett's* Quardrille Band. Tickets JQ $$nts. All are cordially invited. " JOHBC HEIXER. Proprietor. Money to Loan. Menoy loaned on McHenry County farms on time and in amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply to J. W. RAN8TEAD, Booms 1 and ^ Borden Block, Elgin III, mm M Gold Watch Free to SiL In 1886 we gave away one million oi our beautiful cards and scrap pictures. We have the prettiest lot of Sunday School, Reward, Birthday, Fringed and Visiting Cards. Scrap Pictures and Fancy Tissue Papers of any house In the trade. To Introduce samples at once we make this liberal ofier: The person telling us the longest ven»e in the Bible before March 15tb, will re­ ceive a lady's watch worth 960; solid gold, hunting case, stem winding. If there be more than one correct answer the second will receive a gentlemen's gold watch worth 950, hunting case, stem winding; the third, a solid silver, watch worth *25; the fourth, a gold finished watch;, each of the next ten persons, au open-face nickle watch, Enclose 24 cants In stamps or silver with your answes, for which we shall send a pack of samples of our lovely cards and scrap pictures, price list agents' terms and a 32-page book of over 150 Illustrations, and a plain gold ring, made from heavy 18k, pure rplled gold plate. We warrant every one for five years. Name this paper and write at once, as this will not appear again . Address W. C> Griswold & Co., Boom 2, P. O. Building, Centerbroak, Conn. IN the bright autumnal days the temptation to omfortable exposure yields its fruit in a most pernicious cough and Irritation of the throat. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup stands unri­ valed as a remedy for throat and lung diseases. Twenty-five cents a bofcU* AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction in the village of Spring Grove, on Thursday, Feb. 17. '87. commencing at 12 o'clock, A. M., the following prop­ erty: 5 good cows, 4 two-year-old heifers, 3 yearling heifers, 6 sboats, 1 span good work horses, one a bay mare with toal, 7 years old. the other a black gelding nine years old, 2 two-year-old colts, and the following tools almost new. 1 lumber wagon, 1 single boggy, 1 mower, 1 hay rake, 1 sulky cultivator, hay rack, set of drags, plow, fanning mill, set of double harness, a quantity of oats, bay, end other things pertain­ ing to farm work. Also two bunting boats and decoy ducks. TERMS OF SALE.--Sums of 910 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year will be given on approved ootes at 7 per cent interest. No prop­ erty removed until settled for. DAVIO SMILKT. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. • AUCTION SALS. The undersigned will sell at public auction on the Wm. Huffman farm, 2 miles east of Crystal Lake Crossings and one mile south ef Barreville, on Monday, Feb. 2lst, '87, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M,. the following proper­ ty: 14 good cows, 4 good horses, 5 three year-old heifers, 4 two-year- old heifers, 2 two-year-year-old bulls, 7 yearlings, IS shoats, 2 brood sows, and the following farming tools, all nearly new: 1 Piano Binder, 1 corn Elanter with check row, 1 McCormick Cower, 1 sulky bay rake, 2 sulky culti­ vators, 1 new lumber wagon, 1 wide tire truck, 1 three spring milk wagon, 2 drag«, 2 plows, 1 hay rack, 2 set double harness. 1 hay fork, pulleys and rope, 1 pair bobs, 25 milk cans, 30 grain bags, 12 tons tame hay in barn, 300 bushels of oats, 400 bushels of ear corn, lot household goods and farming utensils too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE:--Sums of 910 and undetcash. Over that sura a credit of ten months will be given on ap­ proved notes at 7 per cent Interest. 2 o'er cent off for cash. Free lunch for everybody at noen, CARL OHLRICH. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. Tuesday, Feb. 22d, '87. the under­ signed, being about to move west, will sell at public auction, on the old King farm, one mile west of the Big Hollow school house, commencing at I o'clock, p. M., the following property: 2 good cows, I span mares one twelve and the other five years old, 1 heifer calf, I steer calf, 12 shoats, 2 brood sows. 1 lumber wagon, 1 top buggy with pole, 1 sulky cultivator. 1 diamond tooth cultivator, 1 drag, 1 hay rack. 1 plow, 1 Wood reaper, 1 pair bob sleighs, new, about o tons tame hay, 3 tons of slough hay, 30 bushels oats, 13 chickens, 1 coal stove, 1 cook stove, complete, and a lot household goods and farming utensils too numerous to montion. TERMS OF SALE:--Sums of 919 and under cash. Over that sam a credit of nine months will be given on approved notes (at 7 per cent interest. 2 per cent off for cash. No property re­ moved until settled for. Sale positive and without reserve. MAT III AS STOFFEL. V. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. Business Xotto**. City residences for sale. ADfit* H • Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Everything in the Hardware liae it bottom figures, at E. M. Howe*s. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever be* fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 30cents, at Ck W. Besley's, West Side. Wall paper, trunks, valises, band bags et&, at Bonslett & Staffers. 16 ounces good plug tobaeo, only 3S cants, at Bonslett & Stofiei's. The finest line of Bird Cages hi town, at John I. Story's. Loo£ at the choice Candle* at Bee* ley's Drug Store, West End, Plush Sets, the finest In town, cheap, at Geo. W. Besley's. Limps complete, for 25 cents, **fe Geo. W, Besley's. Call and see them. Only chanoe to buy 29 Gallon new , Jars for 92,75 at Bonslett A Stoffel's Building Paper and Moth Proof Car* pet Paper, at John I. Story' McHenry. Rockford Flour, of all kinds* war­ ranted, at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Oil Meal„ Salt, Bran and Mldd lings, at Bonslett & Stoffel's. New clothing for spring trade, latectv styles at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Buy the Candee Rubber* Goods, v every pair warranted, at Bonslett it > Stoffel's. H. Rosenblatt Overalls, Shirts, Jack­ ets. and Pants, all warranted at Bonslett A Stofiel'a. • Poutlac knit Wool Boots, best made, wear tnree seasons, at Bonslett A Stoffel's* i AUCTION SALE. The undersigned wl'l sell at public auctiou on the Grimolby farm, 1| miles south-west of Ringwood, and 3 miles west of McHenry, on Wednesday. Feb. 23d, '87, commencing at ten o'clock A. M„ the following property: 14 good cows, 5 two-year old heifers. 3 two- year old steers, 11 yearliogs, 3 calves, I bay horse, 6 years old, 1 bay mare, 1 three-year old mare colt, 7 brood cows, with pig, 25 tons tame hay 2< stacks straw, 2 staeks corn stalks, 600 bushels corn, 1 horse rake, 1 horse fork, 1 lumber wagon. 1 milk wagon, 1 set bob sleighs, 2 hand pljws 1 riding plow, 25 bushels potatoes, a quantity of seed corn, 1 Garland cook stove, lot household goods and farmiug utensils too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE:--Suras of 910 and under, cash. Over that sum a credit of nine months will be given on ap­ proved notes at 7 per ceut interest. 2 per cent off for cash. No property re moved until settled for. Free lunch a; noon. AUGUST LANDWEER, F, K. GRANGER. Auctioneer. M AUCTION 8ALI. /. Fob. 24, 1887. -.jfiilt COWS. HORSES, & MACHINERY, The undersigned will sell at auction on tjhlYarm where he resides, and long known as the Stickney farm, two and one-half miles north of Ridgefield, the following property: 50 cows and heif­ ers, many of them new milch or com­ ing in soon--9 three years old in the soring, 6 two years old, one bull half- blood Holstein two years elil, one span horses, will weigh over 2.600 pounds, one gray, the other bay, will be six in the spring, one mare coming four, one gelding coming three, both bay and will weigh 1,000 pounds, one bay colt coming two, two farm wagons with broad tire, tother wagons, cultivators, plows, both riding and walking, gang plow, Cassiday riding plow and break­ er, pulverizer, harrows, broadcast seed­ er. the new Champion mower, horse rake, horse fork and hay carrier, Cli p- per grinder and ten horse Pittsdown power to run it (four horses are ample to do it) a Ross Little Giant feed cut­ ter No. 14 A, and the Adams barn floor four horse power to run it, two horses do the work well, corn planter and Hawoith check rower, a large number milk cans, 500 bushels corn in the ear, a quantity of hay both Timothy and prairie, and many other articles too numerous to mention. The public may rest assured that no property eflered for sale will have any previous bargain In relation to it, di­ rectly or indirectly. Ail sums of ten dollars or under, cash. Above ten. a credit of eight months, on reliable names, at seven percent Interest; two pergcent oft for cash. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Free Lunch at Noon. J. S. WATROUS. SHERWOOD A THROOP, Auctioneers. Try our Leader smoking tobacco, only 20 cents per pound, at Bonslett * , I Stoffel's. 4 If you want" the best Milk Can ever 'i made, call on John I. Story. He keep* v ' the only stock in town. THE Genuine Novelty and Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prices at * John I Story's. Beware of Imitations. ?, • "'.'-51 Call for the "Winning Stroke", a new ^ Brand of five cent Cigars, manufacture ' ed by Barblan Bros. It beats tbem all. ? -- THE highest price in Cash paid for *>"'+ strictly fresh Eggs, at Locke's Homo r Bakery. C. H, Fargoe's Custom boots and , Shoes, all warranted, at Bonslett A Stofiel.s. . < Twenty per cent discount on all . 1 winter goods for the next thirty days at Althoff Bros, - We offer big drives oil balance cloaks and wraps. BONSLETT A SiorraU ' • f ' I • J' The Metropolitan is the Boss carpet, < sweeper, and no housewife should buy ' | one before seeing it. It is cheaper and better than all others. For sale by John I. Story. J It always gives us pleasure to ipealc well of a good article. The "Garland Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged ; to embody all that is .best in that. line. They have the reputation of being the ; beat made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. For ealo If McHeury by John I. Story. . ; October 13* _ geti M oth V Jer m mo K. T. HAXKLTUTB, WARRWU, Pa. SMrSir: I was taken with a' severe cold last Spring, And tried every cure we tiadin the store, and could get no help. I had our village doctor prescribe for me, but kept getting worse. I saw an­ other physician from Port Jervia, N. Y., and he told he used Piso's Cure Another Art Craze. The latest art work among ladies is known as as the 'French Craze,' for decorating China, Glassware, etJ. It Is something entirely new, and is both profitable and fascinating. It Is very popular in New York, Boston,and oth­ er eastern cities. To ladles desiring to leirn the art, we will send an elegant' china placque, (size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated for a model, together with box of ma­ terial, 100 colored designs assorted in flowers, animals, landscapes, etc., com­ plete. with full instructions, upon re­ ceipt of only 91. The placque alone Is worth more than the amount charged. To every lady ordering this outfit who encloses ihe address of five other ladies Interested in art matters, to whom we caa mail our new catalogue of art goods, we will enclose extra and with­ out charge, a beautiful 30 inch, gold tinted placque. Address, The Empire News Ce., Syr­ acuse, N, Y. , The fines*. 50 cent tea in tip market it Althoff Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything In my line of busi­ ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law* 'us' Store, F. A. HEBA&D. MoHeary, An* WMB. 11-4-ly Bucklon'o Arnica Salve. The bast Salve ia the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblaias, corns, and all skin eruptians, aud pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Colby, ______ Farm for Real* The undeiBlgned offers for Rent bis farm, situated 4 miles West of McHen­ ry, consisting or 246 acres, all under a good state of cultivation. Is well adapted for Dairy purposes. Will put on ten or twelve cpws if desired, or will rent without. Terms Reasonable Apply at once, "' PHTLUr G tESEbHfc To All Whom it May Con­ cern, This Is to certify that my boy. Al­ bert Y. Parker, apprenticed to me, hae left home without cause or provoca­ tion. I caution every one against hai* boring him or letting him have any­ thing on my account as I will pay no bills of his contracting. I will hold anyone responsible for his work that employs hull. ^ 30 3w ADELBERT 3HEKMA% •yi'.mifcjiiri iM Look Out for Bargains*, A good hat, 50c. Liued gloves, 50c. A good stiff hat, 91.261' A mole-skin shirt. )!• A wool suit, So, A fur cap, line, 91.20.-» • , , • . ; A $4.50 shoe for 93.0<li'^ ^ ; Boys' suits at cost. At E. Lawlus' Chicago Store la < | front Riverside Hotel. East McHenry , FOR RENT. , A house and five lots for Real. Jf* quire of Rev. Fathor 0(NeIl. -- Good Results in Every Casi^ V^ * D, A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga. Tenn- writes ^ that he was seriously afflicted with a severe cold that settled!,.ou his lungs: vf had tried many remedies without ben- - 4 efit. Being induced to try Dr. iv ing's New Discovery for Consumption* did ; g so and was entirely c ired by use of a ;-3 few bottles. Since which time he has used it In his family for all Coughs aud ^ Colas with best results. This Is the 1m experience of thousands wnose lives have been sived by this Woadertol Dhoovery. Trial Bottles froi aft Henry Colby's Drag Store. £ Mil' i.

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