Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1887, p. 5

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' V earj flaideikr. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 38, 1887. Railroad Time Table. ' SOn and after Monday, June SI,| Train* wMl pass MeHenry station as below: GOIJTO 0OUTB. Lake Geneva Passenger..... -.7:38 A. M Lake Geneva Express .,..,.8:25 " Lake Genera Freight........ 2:00p. H Lake Geneva Passenger............ ..3:5* GOIXO NOSTB. Lake Geneva Freight 9*11 a. m Lake 3enera Passenger ". .'J . 10:«0 «• Lake Geneva Express.. 4:63p. m Lake Genoya PacsenKer S:67 s * Stops only to leave Passenarers. 8 B. Buss, Agent. MeHenry,'111 MASONIC. MCHEHBV LODGE, XO. 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. STOMT, W. M, LKXT commences to day, |Wednes­ day. CABBAGES, Onions, Parsnip*, etc., at Locke's Home Bakery. THE 22d Party, at the Parker House, was attended by about thirty couples. I ABOUT seventy couple attended tbe / Party at Helmer's Hall on Monday ( t evening. / THE backbone ot winter sags a little, don't flatter yourself that ft Is Ibroken. /HANLT A SONS' Mill Is running night And day, and yet they cannot keep up f with their orders." § MARRIED. on Tuesday, February 22d /l887, by the Rev. Father O'Neli, Mr. I George Tager, of Waukegan, and Miss Jennie Searles. of MeHenry. I J JOHN says it he had beon driving his young horse, "Grover Cleveland,' It would have been 925 instead ef 95. Blood will tell. IF there is one thing more than anoth­ er th&t MeHenry needs,; it is a good National Bank. Who will make the lirst move in that direction? - WE learu that Jos. Draper Ifid the misfortune to loee a valuable horse one day last week, another horse kicking it and breaking a leg, necessitating It being shot. MARUIISD, at the residence of the bride's paronts. in Greenwood, Feb. I7fh, by Rev. E. M. Baxter, Emory Carr, of Rlngwood, and Miss Edna Mc- ,Cannon,bf Greenwood. NOT one of oiir readers sliould fail to fend the new advertisements oi Bonslstt.& Stoflel and Perry & Owen, lobe found in another place in this -paper. F WM.STOFFEL, who we reported last /week as having purchased the old / Brick;Church property, has let the job f of tearing down that accient edifice, f and the 'work will be commenced at » once. ONE hundred and thirty couple at­ tended the Old Folks Party, at the Riverside House, on Tuesday evening, and it was one of the happiest crowds wo ever saw. All went in for an old fashioned good time, and they had it. P- __ IN the marriage license department of the Chicago Inter Ocean of Sunday last we find the names of Frank R. Holly and Maud C. Germer. Frank if a son of R* Holly, of this village, and was formerly an employe or this office. * / JOHN HOGAN sold his young trotting /stallion, "Grover Cleveland," on Thurs- I day last to some parties in Fremont. I Lake county, for the handsome sum of I 91000. John says one ounce of blood is I worth more than fifty pounds of meat. WORK at Bishop's mill is progress- lag favorably, and is being pushed with that vim that will ensure its •peedy completion. If the weather provos favorable it is expected to have •verything in running order in about ten days. "HISTORIES make men wise, poets |*iarittir." But what la the world does a man want with either when he has Sprained his ankle. No, sir, not these, not these! Give him but one bottle of Salvation Oil. The greatest care on earth for pain. A NOVEL advertising scheme was re­ cently introduced by a merchant in Carthage, 111. A series of prodigious boot tracks were painted leading from each side of the public square to his establishment. The scheme, it is said, worked te perfection, for everybody teemed curious enough to follow the • tracks to their destination. IN another columa will be found the jbard of H. C. Mead, who aunounces himself as an Auctioneer, and ready to attend all sales on shert notice and Cat a reasonable rate, Mr Mead is a. -practicle rnau in the stock business and knows .their value, and being a goed talker there Is no reason why he .Should not make a good salesman. Read his card elsewhere,/ THE many friends of Channcy Beck with will be sorry to learu that he has been suffering severely the past few weeks' with his old com­ plaint rheumatism. He has been con- lined to the house nearly ail winter, but for a few weeks past his pains has been unusually severe. Wben spring weather arrives bis Physician, Dr. Ctailds, hopes to get him on his feet Hjaiu. THE Stewart Grand Concert Corn* pany gave one of their entertainments bere ou Monday evening te a small but appreciative audience, and those who did not attend missed one of the rich* est musical treats of the season. And we can truly say that it was the best concert we ever attended in this sec­ tion. No words we can say will half do it justice. We can truly say they are the fin sat Concert troupe now traveling, and wherever they go they deeerve to receive crowded houses. PKSOiML. W.A, SKINNER, Elgln.wa* on our Streets on Monday. HARRT BLACKMAN was repirtedqaite sick pn Sunday, but Is ttbw better. THE infant child of Henry Colby is reported quite sick. C. H. BEERS, of Hozie. Kansas, was on our streets Tuesday evening. A. M. CHURCH, of Chicago, attended the Old folks Party, ac the Riverside House, on the 22d. W. H. DWIGHT and W, H. Whitson. of Woodstock, were welcome oallers on Tuesday. MRS. NETTIE TAYLOR, of Belvldere, Is visiting with iter mother, Mrs. I.« Stoddarri, in this village. Miss EMMA GREGORY, of Chicago, visited with her parents in this village last week. W. M, YAGER and wife, of Wauke gan, was calling on friends here this week. DR. H. T. BROWN, of this village started on Saturday last tor quite an extended trip through Kansas. FRED CURTIS and wife, of Yankton, Dakota, are visiting with friends in this village. Mr. Curtis left MeHenry some eleven years ago.' HENRY KLEIFGEN, wife and two children, Miss Barbara Barzen, Nicli. Baryen and John Barzen, all of ^Jhlda- go, are the guests of Jphn Kleifgen and family in this village. A JACKSONVILLE, Fla., newspaper, has this advertisement: "Being warn­ ed of approaching death by my physi­ cians, I will sell my new 9450 piano for 9165. I will also sacrifice my organs and sewing machines, or rent them. Also American Encyclopedia, People's Encyclopedia, Gen. Grant's Memoirs and other books. J. P. Hetel news office." A DEAR girl, after consulting her mother, decided that she ought not to marry Henry when be was only get­ ting $6 a week. So she told him that as soon as he had saved np 91.000 she would marry him. At the eud of three months she asked him how much h- had saved, and he reported 98.90. •Well. Henry," she said, "I. guess that's near enough.'* IT Is claimed that a complete cure fer croup-is effected in from two to ten uinutes by the following* remedy : 'Roast an onion in the ashes, then spread it on muslin so as to form a poultice. Cover: the onion with an­ other cloth, then pour a teaspoon of ammonia on tho poultice. Apply hot tothe throat, and a cure Is certain." This is simple, cheap and easily ap­ plied, and it cannot do any harm if it does not possess all the efficacy that is claimed for it. WE notice by the Washington dls* patches, that Joel H. Johnson has re­ ceived the appointment of postmaster at Woodstoek, vice G. S. Soutbworth, whose time had expired. If fealty te party had anything to do with his ap pointment it certainly was a just one. Besides Mr. Johnson is an old and honored citlzen'of MeHenry county, and his many friends will be pleased to learn that he has received this slight recognition of bis long and faithful service. It is an honor worth­ ily bestowed, and Woodstock will have just cause to feel proud of her new postmaster. •> • m . THE team of Orlando Garrison, of Greenwood were frightened at an In­ coming train at the depot, in this vil­ lage, on Wednesday afternoon last, and ran away, wheu crossing the bridge over Bishop's mill race, the tongue dropped down, and in conse­ quence the off horse' was thrown in such a manner as to break one of her hind legs. -Mr. Garrison loaded her into a sleigh aud drew her home, but on examination found that it was so badly broken that he humanely put an end to her sufferings. She was a valua­ ble young mare and one of a matched pair of grays. PATENTS granted to citizens of Illi. nois during the past week, and report­ ed expressly for the PCAINDEALER by C. A. Snow & Co., patent lawyers, op­ posite United States patent office, Washington, D. C.: J. Q. Adams, Marseilles, Windmill and Puma head. G. Arnold, Raymond, Husking pin. W. F. Barnes, Reckford, Metal turning lathe. A. J. Bates, Joliet. Wire barbing machine, G. Brooks, Bloomington, Car chain. J. E. Johnson, Lafayette, Draft equalizer. F. U. Mi'Ullekauff. Forreston, Slieaf carrier. VV. II. Newton, Assumption, Grain drill. F. Plumb, Stieator, Wheel excavator. M. R. Ruble, (ioleonda. Water wheel. It, C. Rutherford. Quincz, Telegraph sound, er. J. Scheib, Rapid City, Drill. J. B. Spocner. Oreana. Capstan. M. G. Touslev, Englewood, Shovel. HAPPENING in at the store of O.W Owen a few days since we were shown a fine chronometer, which he had just brought out froitt4he city. These are rery tine and expensive time keepers, and are very seldom found outside of the city. Mr. Owen's principal reason for bringing this one out was to regu­ late the old English'elock, which he is the owner of. This clock is new ovqr one hundred years old, and is indeed a rare relic, and Mr. Owen informs us that it will keep as good time as any of the modern makes. It Is a great curiosity and ono that relic hunters would pay a large amount to possess. It will pay anyone to call at his store and see II. As Mr. Owen will keep this chronometer here but a short time, our citizens will do well to call at his store and get their watches regulated oy it. They never, will have a better oppor­ tunity. WS can, without hesitation, say"that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has given the best satisfactien. We have sold an immense amount of it during the past winter. WALLACE, HILTON A Co., Druggists, Lock Haven, Pa. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices than any other store In MeHenry. •Kan. M»8omnuannu# Old Settlers* Meeting? The Annual Meeting or the Old Set* tiers' Association of MeHenry and Lake Counties, will be held at the Riverside Huuse, In the village of Me­ Henry. ou Thursday, Mareh 17th. 1887, at the hour of one" o'clock, p. M. for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come be­ fore the meeting. All ^interested in this Association are earnestly request­ ed to be present. R. BISHOP, President. J. VAN SLYKE, Secretary. LADIES who are looking for a Maga­ zine to meet all their requirements should see Demorest's Monthly f£r March. It has just arrived, and, as usual, is full of information and amuso- ments. Nothing aeems to be left un­ done to make "Demorest's*' the most popular Family Magazine tn the world There is always something to interest ail, from the youngest child to the "head of the, house." This number contains a very striking water-color picture (The Two majesties). The serial, "Allan Quartennain," by H. Rider Haggard, author of "She,' etc., Is a wonderful story of adventure, as are all of this world-renowned author's productions. The other stories, articles and general information on all house­ hold matters are too numerous to mentior;. This Magazine has taken a firm stand on the Prohibition question, which makes it popular in rami lies where there are boys to Influence. Nor are the girls forgotten, for the "department of "Our Girls" con­ tains useful advice to them. Pub­ lished by O. Jennings Demorerst, 17 East 14th St., New York, at 92.00 per year. Usefal Information. We have just received from the pub­ lisher a copy of the 1887 Edition or Conklin'8 Handy Manual of Useful In­ formation, a neat book of 288 pages of closelr printed matter, absolutely teeming with information |on over 2,000 subjects. It contains a million facts, also many tables of practical value for every one in all sorts of bus­ iness, trades and professions. It is handsomely bound in Alligator with gold side stamp and sprinkled edge6. The wonder to us is how the book can be sold at the nominal price asked for it. Its statistics are brought down to date and will be found correct in every particular. Every oue should have a copy. It will be mailed to any address on receipt of 25 cents, by Geo. W. Ogilvle, publisher, 216 Lake St., Chicago,111. Agents can make money selling It. NORTHERN NUNOA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--After a long period of silence, we wish, once more, through the columns of the PLAIN DEALER, to let our friends know that we have survived all the hell, rain and snow storms of the past two months and that we still exist. Many of our people are suffering from severe colds. The sudden changes of the weather, during the past few weeks Is supposed to be the cause.^j Thomas Conway has moved to his farm, a mile and a lialfsouth of Wood* stock, P. Scanlan nod wife bnve gone to keeping house. P. H. Conway will move on to the Grimoiby farm March 1st. But al­ though be leaves Northern "Nuuda, he says he will not forget the road to Barreyiiie. Miss Katie Keepe has been visiting Mrs. E. Knox and Miss Ellen Doherty the past week. Mr?. Jno. Carey, of Ring wood, spent last week at the home of her parents. We learn that Mike Conway, who has been dangorously III for nearly a month past, is now rapidly Improving and will be around again in a few days. Miss Maggie Welch, of MeHenry, spent a few days of last week with Mrs. John Gracey. Wonder what J. C. C„ of Oswego, HI. was'doing up here last Thursday. There is a story going the rounds that one of our most popular young men Is very fond of mush and milk. Our young folks are all excitement over the exhibition to be given at th« school-house, Thursday evening, Feb. 24th. Our teacher and pupils have worked hard to make this entertain* ment a success, consequently, every­ body expects to have a grand good time. Admission, 10 cents. t At the meeting of the Illinois Department Grand Army of the Re­ public, at Rock Island, the action of President Cleveland In vetoing the Dapendent Pension bill was con­ demned, and members of Congress were asked to pass the measure over the veto. A tribute to the late General Logan was adopted. Captain A. C. Sweetser, of BloomingtOn, was electcd Department Commander, and Spring­ field was chosen as the next place of meeting. Tbe Woman's Relief Corps selected Mrs. Sue M. Saunders, of Del- evane, President for the ensuing year. 9&*Captaln A*. C. Sweetser, the newly elected Commander of the De­ partment of Illinois, Grand Army of the Republic, was born In Oxford coun­ ty, Maine," in 1839, and has lived in Bloomiagton for thirty years. He en­ listed and served three mojths In Oglesby's Eighth Illinois, and re-en­ listed in the Thirty-ninth Illinois, and served bravely until, at Petersburg, he lost a leg. It being cut off almost at the hip joint. Since the war be ha« held numerous offices of trust and hon­ or In Bloomington, 111. FOR SALE OR KENT, I offer for sale or rent my farm of 160 acres, near the vlllajge ef Solon. Also 40 acres 1} miles south of Solon. Liberal terms if applied for at onoe. QBO. W. TRUKSOBLL. HEBRON- LODGE DIRECTORY. MASONIC.--A. F. and k . M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even­ ings of each month. MODERN WOOI>M«K OF AMIRICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every %i and 4th Monday ev6n- ings of each rnenth. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. SONS OF TE*F«RANCB.--Meet at Union Hal) on Tuesday evening of each week.| « EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mr. George Bougbton closed his school^ {west of Aiden, Thursday. George Young will have an Auction Sale on Saturday of this week. Surprise parties are all tbe rage among the older people in the south part of town. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tryon, from Ne­ braska. are visiting friends in this vicinity. • Nellie Giddlngs was quite sick with Catarrhal fever, a few days of last week. Hebron Factory paid 91-27 for tbe month of December, for one hundred pounds of milk. Mrs. Nate Burgett luts been very sick with typhoid fever for a week or more. t I. W. Webster has purchased a tot of Mrs Slater and intends building a house this spring. Miss Hattio Reed spe with her slater. Mrs. Ly returning to her schoo Sunday. Emmet Covell was in t having recently returue iornla. Little Hugh Conn numbered among the si week. Mrs. Lydia Hewes fei i, spraining her wri»| "Chet" is very much el| ted and hap py over the possession of an other daughter. * The last club dance «f the season will be given on FrldaJ evening of this week. Music by llnderson, of JaneSville. i Most certainly MFlossii*>" will come out ahead in the battle, with such assistance as she has lately had at ber command. There is no need of a greater reinforcement, a^ our quiet Or. is a whole regiment In himself- Hols sure death on "Hard Cold." * Rey. G. H. Wells has been holding a series of revival meetings, assisted by Rev. Andrews, Rev. Fish, and Rev. BcTrch of Aiden. DIED.--on Thursday, Feb. 18, of cbolera-infautum, Bessiq II., daughter of Warren and Mary Wqntworth, aged one year and two months. Ihs funeral services were conducted by Rev. Wells, at tho church Saturday after­ noon. Little Bessie's twin sister Jessie is siek at this writing. Mr, and Mrs. Wentworth have the sympathy of all. a few days an Piercr, at Geneva rn Saturday from Cali- forrence, is k ones this a' few dafs 1 quite badly. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mr. Anson Sherwood, uf Detroit, Michigan, called on his brother-, J. A. Sberwoo4, on Tuesday of last week.' At I. P. Betz Auction Sale of a car load of milch cows, on Tuesday of last week, cows sold on an average of 939,22 per head. J.'Ju Oherwood done tbe talking. Born, Feb 18 tb, to the wife of WM. Wodrack, a son. The Fox River Sporting Club, had another failure In their dance on Thursday evening last. This is the second time they have secured the services of Siocumn's Band and It has rained all day and night. But never give up boys. Try, try again. Mr?. O. N. Owen, of , McHeury, visi­ ted with friends bere a part of last week. Miss Hattie Babbitt, of Oakland Cali­ fornia. spent a few days bere last week with relatives. Jamas Mattas has bought the A. Labahn town property, consisting of a house and 3 lots. Consideration 9825. John Wandrack left us^agaln on Sat­ urday last. He has gone to Chicago to peddle milk for Mooney Bros. Married, Feb 17th, 1887, at the German Luthern Church, by the Rev. Wm. Schenck, Mr. Job I Felz, of Aurora. Ill, to Miss Minnie Pregnets, of this place. The lappy couple left for Aurora on Satu rday last, their future home. Thqjt take the best wishes of their mitiiy friends with them. E. L. Bishop, of Eigio, was In town on Saturday last looking for Draft Horses. T D. W. Thomas carafe In on Saturday last with a oar load of milch cows, He intends selling 'them at private sale or trading them for dry stock. The Salvation Army left us on Sat­ urday last but they are expected to return again in the near future. The Free Methelists commenced a series of protracted meetings at 4hls place on Sunday evening last. J. A. Sherwood is billed for nine sales this week. That Is getting them In pretty thick. Jim. The Stewart Grand Concert Compa­ ny are billed tor an entertainment at the Congregational Church, for Wednesday evening of this week. " C' E. Chapull is expected iu on Wednesday of this week, and he is billed for an Aution Sale for Saturday. Feb 26th. Those in want of some choice cows remember tho date. . The LadiftS Aid Society will meet on Wednesday of next week, March 2nd, at Mrs. Julian's, Miss Birdie Morton has so far re- recovered from the measles that she was able to be brought home from Elgin on Saturday last. to CAKPKT WEAVING . The undersigned Is prepared JjJ^eave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of the North-west corner of the Public .square, prders respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed y UEO. SCHUSTER. MeHenry, Ang. 1Mb, IBM, Richmond Department, CONTRIBUTED nr "FLOSSIE." L. J. Corl has moved to Dundee. H. Heck will remain in Richmond, Dr. Ward is back from Hurley, Wis. Rob. Bennett's genial face was seen about Richmond over Sunday. Mrs. H. M. Hastings visited TA MO- Henry a part of last week. The church fair, which is ttt l# %eld at the rink March 1st and 2d, will prob« ably be very successful treat. Miss Myrtle Thomas has gone to Aurora to attend the Jennings Sem­ inary. " -- -- Chase Cole's dance mn not very largely attended, yet those iffee did go enjoyed theuitelves. Quite a number of our people attend­ ed tbe Stewart-Wiiberfo rce concert at Genoa Junction, Saturday evening. Spencer Cotting has rented his farm to a S:. Charles man, and will, with his family, go to -California In the Spring, Mrs. Charles H. Tryon returned from her long sojourn at Aurora, Saturday. Her many friends will be glad to know she is home again, and that she is much improved in health. There Is considerable sickness tbout town, chiefly colds, neuralgia, and etc* Mrs. Peter Sill has been quite seriously 111 and Mrs. Ed Turner is causing ber many triends much anxiety on account of blood-poisoning setting in from a wound in her finger. Mrs. Arp is also sick. I saw a yellow chrly head be^t In­ tently towird a patch of withered grass the other day, and I asked the child what she was looking for. She lifted a pair of wondering blue eyes to me and answered, MI'se 'ooking for soinefing g'een, but oo've tome so I'se don't have have to 'ook no mo'.'* Whether that young hopeful expected my assistance or whether she felt as­ sured that she need search no further for"someflng g'een" when she saw me, I did not wait to ask her. but if she lives to go te school I hope her teacher will shake her once for mo. They tell me that there is to be a double wedding over at Clark Tefft's Wednesday of this week; that mar­ riage bells will ring out their sweetest rounds above the heads of the merry partv. Will P. Sherman and Miss Georgia Culver will join hands and ail life's rugged, tempestuous path together, as also will Clark White and Miss Ada D. Tefft. All are Richmond young people excepting Mr. White, who lives at Vail. Iowa, but has been an occasional visitor iu these parts for a long time, and has many warm friends. We wish for them all, sin­ cerely, a happy, prosperous life--a col­ umn of wishes could express no more. Do yon know ttat now and then, when I am tramping over bleak, frost- embroidered hills, which will by and by be gardens of prettiest flowers, that the southern wind, as It comes across the meadows to make harp strings of the oaks' arms, almost tastes of spring? There Is no fierceness about the breeze that plays with win­ ter's depacting glories now, and when a flock Of snow birds warned me by their gay chatter, the other mornleg, that the stars had faded and dawn was breaking, I wished, and tried to be­ lieve, that they were robins. Yet hQw soon It will be all over, for February is almost past, fand where dear old Mother Earth has donned her green dress we will forget how Inexpressibly dreary it has been; forget all these dark, dismal days, and wild, stormy ones as well. Just received a Car load of the old Reliable Lypan Barb Wire, at John I. Story's. . FOR SALB. Short Horn Bulls and Plymouth Rock Fowls. Call on or address, FRANK COLE, 32 Sm Spring Grove, 111. As good as new. A second hand Coal Stove sound aad in first class or­ der that will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at PLAINDEAL­ ER office. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale her house and two lots, in the rillage of Mcllenry. It is pleasantly located, near the business part of the village, house in good repair, and has one of the best cellars in town: Good well, cistern, outhouses, etc., and any quan­ tity of sm;ill fruit of all kiuds. Will be sold reasonable if applied for at oCe. MRS. L. A. CLARK. McHenrv, Feb. 21,1887. Bargain in Music* TbisFivorite Album ef Songs and Ballads, containing thirty-two piece? of i hoice and popular music, full sheet music size, with complete words and music and piano accompaniment Is finely printed upon heavy paper with a very attractive cover. The follow­ ing are the titles of the songs and bal­ lads contained in the Favorite Album: As I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear Old Sengs of Home; Mother. Watch the Little Feet; Oh, You Pretty Blue- Eyed Witch; Blue Eyes; Katy's Let­ ter; The Passing Bell; I Saw Esau Kissing Kate; Won't Yeu Tell Me Why, Robin; The Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving Lindens; Faded Leaves; All Among the Sum­ mer Roses; Touch the Harp Gently, My Pretty Louise; I Really Don't Think I Shall Marry; Dreaming of Home; The Old Cottage Clock ; Across the Sea; A Year Ago: Bachelor's Hall; Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year Ago; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Barn Gate; Jack's Farewell; Polly; Whisper in the Twilight. This Is a very fine collection of real vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome style. Published in the usual way aad oought at a music store, these 32 pieces would (jpst you 911-20, We bought a job lot bf this music at a great sacrifice and as tbe holidays are past, we desire to close out our stock at once. Will send you the entire collection well wrapped and postpaid for only 40 cents. Send Immediately. Address, Tho Empire News C«* Syr acuse, N. Y. AUCTION SALE. The nndersigned will sell at public auction, Ir the village of Algonquin, on Saturday, Feb. 26. 1887, commenc­ ing at 9 o'clock, A, M., one car of cows, and one fine stock bull. TERMS:--Sixty days' time on . ap­ proved notes at 8 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. C. E. CHAPELL. .. F»K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. PUBLIC AUCTION. undersigned will sell at ptibllc auction, on his farm, two miles east of MeHenry, on the Waukegan road, on Thursday, March 3d. 'S7, commencing at 11 o'clock, A. M.. the following prop erty: 12 .eows, some new milch and balanos coming In soon, 9 two rear old heifers. I bull. 6 calves. 2 mares, one 12 and one six years old. 1 set double har ness. and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE:--Sums of 10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit ef nine months will be given on approved notes at six per cent interest. Two per cent off lor cash. No property re­ moved until settled for. JOHN THURLWELL. F, K. 3RANGER. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALB. Fob. 24, 1887. COWS, HORSES, A MACHINERY. The undersigned will sell as auction on the farm where he resides, and long known as the Stickney farm, two and one-half mliss north of Ridcefield, the following property: 60cows and heif­ ers, many of them new milch or com­ ing in soon--9 three years old in the soring. 6 two years old, one bull half- blood Holstein two years ohi, one span horses, will weigh over 2,600 pounds, one gray, the other bay, will be six in the spring, one mare coming four, one gelding coming three, both bay and will weigh 1,000 pounds, one bay colt coming two, two farm wagons with broad tire, pother wagons, cultivators, plows, both riding and walking, gang plow, Cassiday riding plow and break­ er, pulverizer, harrows, broadcast seed­ er, the new Champion mower, horse rake, horse fork and hay carrier, Clip­ per grinder and ten horse Plttsdown pewer to run it (four horses are ample to do it) a Ross Little Giant feed cut­ ter No. 14 A, and the Adams barn floor four horse pewer to run it, two horses do the work well, corn planter and Hawoith check rower, a large number milk cans, 500 bushels corn In the ear, a quantity of hay both Timothy and prairie, and many other articles too numerous to mention. The public may rest assured that no property eilered for sale will have any previous bargaia In relation to It, di­ rectly or indirect))'. All sums of ten dollars or under, cash. Aboye ten, a credit of eight months, on reliable names, at seven percent interest; two pergcent oil for cash. Sale to commenoe at 10 o'clock A. M. Free Lunch at Noon. J. S. WAT ROUS. SHERWOOD A THROOP, Auctioneers. Another Art Craze. The latest art work among ladles is known as as tbe 'French Craze,1 for decorating China, Glassware, eti. It is something entirely new, and Is both profitable and fascinating. It is very popular iu New York, Boston,and oth­ er eastern cities. To ladles desiring to learn tbe art, we will send an elegant china placque. (size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated lor a model, together with box of ma­ terial, 100 colored designs assorted in flowers, animals, landicapes, etc., com­ plete, with full instructions, upon re­ ceipt of only 91. The placque alone is worth more than the amount charged. To every lady orderin* this outfit who encloses the address of five other ladies Interested in art matters, to whom we caa mail our new catalogue of art goods, we will enclose extra and with­ out charge, a beautiful 30 Inch, gold Mnted placque. Address, The Empire News Co., Syr­ acuse, N, Y. The finest 50 oent tea In the market tt Althoff Bros. Money to Loan. Monoy loaned on MeHenry County farms on time and in amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply to J. W. RANST BAD, Rooms 1 aad 9, Borden Block, Elgin III, 23.6m For the next thirty days a discount of twenty per cent will be made on all purchases of winter goods at our store. ALTHOFF BROS, Ku., Lake Go., III., Jan. 10,18S7. C. Prcitnrso# S Sow--Barrington, 111. Gentlemen:--I had two horses cut with barb wire fence very bad, and I applied Dickinson's Russian Liniment and it caused a speedy cure. 1 also use it in my family, and 1 can say that it is tbe best liniment I ever used. JOH* BOBBBTBOM, For sale by all druggists. Would You Beliovo It? That we are authorized by tbe pro­ prietor of Kemp's Sarsaparllla to re­ fund the money to any one who has taken three-fourths of a bottle with­ out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the confidence in hi@ medicine-to do this, it is for en­ riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up the system. Price 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLET. The Homlleat Man la MeHenrjr. As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on Geo, W, Befley and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the L'broat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling en­ tirely upon its merits and IR guar­ anteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit­ is and Consumption. Price 50 cents and 9L Sfcved His Life. Mr. D. I, Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., says he was. tor many years, badly afflicted with phthisic, also diabetes; the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle aad after taking six bottles was en­ tirely cured aad had gained iu flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively believes he would have died, had it not been for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Henry Colby. "1 Don't Experiment. Yeu cannot afford to waste time in experiment when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and colds, but be sure you get tbe genuine. Because be can make more profit he may teU you he has something just as good or jast the same. Don't be deceived, but Insist apon getting Dr. Kiug's New Discov­ ery. which is guaranteed to give relief in all throat, lung and chest affections. Trial bottle* it Henry Colby's drug •tore. Business Noticed. City residences for sale, ABftv Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Everything in the Hardware llne nfe bovtom figures, at E. M. Howe's. , Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever bo« fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. . ' Celluloid Combs, only 20cents, at €t. W. Besley's, West Side. ^ Wall paper, trunks, valises, hand >>!> bags etc., at Bonslett & itoffel's. 16 ounces good plug tobaco, only 2# vf cants, at Bonslett & 8 toff el's. . " . * Tbe finest line of Bird Cages i>!' : ••- town, at John I. Story's. < { Look at the choice Candle* at Be» ley's Drug Store, West End. " j Plush Sets, the finest in toirn, cheap, ' > » at Geo. W. Besley's. , *" L»mps complete, for 26 cents, nt , Geo. W, Besley's. Call and see thorn. : Only chance to buy 29 Gallon ne«r Jars for 92,75 at Bonslett A StoffePs ; ; Building Paper and Motli Proof Car- pet Paper, at John I. Story'MeHenry. " Rock ford Flour, of all kinds, ~ war­ ranted, at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Oil Meal,, Salt. Bran and Middlings, at Bomlett A Stoffel's. Albums only 20 cents, at Geo. W , : Besley's, West Side, .. ^ New clothing for spring trade, latest ' • styles at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Buy the Candee- Rubber Goods, v every pair warranted, at Bonslett & Stoffel's. 1 f. H. Rosenblatt Overalls, Shirts, Jack- -v ets. and Pants, all warranted at il< Bonslett A Stoffel's. Poutiac knit Wool Boots, bes| made, wear tnree seasons, at Bonslett A Stoilers* if Try our Leader smoking tobacooi . : only 20 cents per pound, at Bonslett m , -1 Stoffel's. , , £\ If you want the best Milk Can ever made, call on John 1. Story. Ho keep* the only stock In town. -- THE Genuine Novelty and Universef "y Clothes Wringer at bottom prloes at John I Story's. Beware of imitations. Call for the "Winning 8troke",anewt*;S^ Brand of five cent Cigars, manufacture ed by Barblan Bros. It beats them all. . . ' rgr THE highest price in Cash paid for strictly fresh Eggs, at Locke's Home "v\, ̂ , Bakery. Sl C. H. Fargoe's Custom boots audi " ^ Shoes, all warranted, at Bonslett & c'i'; Stoffel,s. ---- . :£ v '1 Twenty per cent discount on aIi;J winter goods for the next thirty day* ; , at Althoff Bros, " . , We offer big drives on balanoe of , cloaks and wraps. .; "i BONSLETT A STOFFKL. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lamberkins^ ^ Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near tbe Depot. ^ 1 If you want to learu how to Paint >. *;, v your Buggy for One Dollar, call at' < r) j Besley's Drug Store; West find; ' ; ' IF you want to make your Buggy 1 Top look as good as new get the Na-*" "***> tional Patent Leather Enamel a Besley's Drug Store. ^ ̂ > The Metropolitan is the BOM esrpot"^'.*Y|> sweeper, and no housewife should buy one before seeing it. It is cheaper* and better than all others. For salttt „'V by John L Story. ------ , «• j It always gives us pleasure to speak ^ well of a good article. The "Garland <?£ Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that is best in thai line. They have the reputation of being the beet made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. For ' ] McHeury by John 1. Story. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything in my line of busi- \ dees. Work done on short notice to* ' - order. Shop one door South of Law- * || 'us1 Store, -Jr F. A. HEBARD. -i;- MoHenry, Aug. 10,1888. 11-4-If » Bueklon's Arnica 8alv«^ The bast Salve in the world for cuts ; bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever v r ^ sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblains, ^ corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos- 4 tively cures piles, or no pay required* - V It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- . faction, or money refunded. Prloe 25- cents per box. For sale by Henry f Colby, To All Whom it May Con- ^ cern, This Is to certify that my boy.* Al* bert Y. Parker, apprenticed to me. has Wt left home without cause or provoca- • 'ft- tien. I caution every one against hart ,> boring him or letting him have auy-v thing on my account as I will pay net : bills of his contracting. I will hold , "' anyone responsible for his work that *' .f;- employs him. 30 3w ADELBERT SHERMAN. CART STATIOW, 111., March 2d, 1S8S. C. DICKINSON ft SON--Barrington, III. Gentlemen:--I h»d a cow that did not clean for three days after calving,, and I procured a bottle of your eo\» Prescription and gave it according to the directions, and the cow was all right in less than thirty-six hours af­ ter giving, anil has done first rate since. AUGUST A^tps. For sale by all druggists. An* End to Bone Scraping Edward Shepherd of Harrisburg, III.* says:' Having received so much bene­ fit from Electic Bitiars, I feel is my - duty to let suffering humanity know^ it. Have ba 1 a running sore »amfv leg for eight years; my doctors told me 1 would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electria Bitters and seven boxes Buckien'a Arnica Salye. and my leg is now soundt and well." Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Buckleu's Arnica Salve at 55c. per box by Henry Colby. Good Roeultn in Every Case D. A. Bradford, wholesale pape^' dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn.. writei/ that be was seriously afflicted with # severe cold that settled on his lungt-t had tried many remedies without ben* efit. Being induced to try Dr. K tog'# New Discovery for Consumption' dl4 so and was entirely cared by use of % few bottles. Since which time he Ita4 used it In bis family for ail Coughs auqr Coltis with best results. This is tfaf experience of thousands »w ose !!•*% have been s ved by this Wonderfnl Discovery. Trial Bottle* free «| I Henry Colby's Drag Store. - r ;

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