Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1887, p. 5

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J(4|«ir} piihiealer. * WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, Railroad Time Table. sron *nd after Monday, June 11J Train® will fan McHenry Station aa below: OOINO SOUTH. Lake Oeneva Passenger 7:98 A. * Lake Genera Express ....... .8:# " Lake Genera Freight. 2:00 p. H Lake Genera t>uaeii|«r....«A.>.w ..S:98 " ooiva HOBIB. Lake Genera Freight .9*11 A. * Lake Senera Passenger..... , .......I#:fl0 «• Lake 4enora Express .4JSr.ii Lake Geneva Pasaensrer «:67 " * Stops only to leare Passengers. B. BC8S, Agent. McHenry. Ill MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. STOBT, W. M. JOHN HEIMER has bought of L. A *arker, the lots and barn west of Al- thoff Bros. Consideration 9609. An exchange says: "Mans average life It S3 years. Dr, Bull's Cough Syr ji. • up will always lire. *^c' Oranges,lemons,apples, onion* .cab- bages, parsnips, etc.. at Locke** Home. BP kery, McHenry. THE work of deanclisbinff the old brick church Is progressing, and *oos It will be among the thing* «f the past. * • " • "v IF you have a good business adver­ tise in the PLAIN DEALER and keep It. If not advertise In the PLAINDEALER and get It. «T WE learn that there is to be a new I Steamboat, to run between this village I and Fox Lake, the coming season. It .1 will be owned by parties from Chi­ cago. MARRIED,--la the Volo M. E. Church by the Pastor, Rev. T. R. Satterfield, February 22d, 1887, Mr, Lewis L Lob dell and Miss Eliza Tweed, both of Grant. 0 wai i & IF you want a first class sewing ma ehine, any make, or a good organ Iblano, call on O. W. Owen. He wll furnish you cheap and warrant as rep­ resented. ' ( . HAVE youtieen to O. W. Owen's Jewelry store aad set your watch by ;j§ke Chronometer? If you have not do !||o at once and get your watch regulat­ ed. MARCH came in with some beautiful mild weather and the consequence is Sleighing is about whipped. Well, let the mild weather continue. Our Coal pllt is low. THE suit fer fast driving, brought by the village against H. E. Wight- man, was tried on Saturday before, a jury, who brought In a verdict of no cause ef action. CAPT. WALTER HILL is at work putting his Steamboats In sbap* for the coming season,^ aad will be ready to~maEe trips at the earllst time possi­ ble. Capt. Hill is justly popular with those wbo visit the Lakes. WE leara that Cboate's Block, Wood- ftock, was partially consumed by Are in Monday night last. We did not learn particulars. This is the second lime that the tire fieud has paid Mr. |3hoate a visit. SALVATION OIL is what yon want, )t kills pai I and cures the worst case 4>f rheumatism, neuralgia, soie throat, 'fjtoarseness and headache. Take no ||ust as good.' Price tweaty^five cents f bottle. '• WE desire to call attention to the advertisement of Judd's College ef Commerce, in another column, This Is a practical business school, conduct­ ed by an expert ascountant, and high §y recommended by the . business men #f Chicago. MARSHAL LINCOLN pieked up sever­ al tramps this week and gave . them [lodgings in the Cooler; and a ticket [over Street and Walker's line the next morning for a hasty trip out of town. iThe Marshal makes it lively for these [ieltows, R. BISHOP IS pushing the repairs on ils mill race with bis usual vigor, and [everything is working favorably for a ledy completion of the woiki He xpeclslogSrrnrrunnlng or3er again ID a few days, of which due notice will toe given. COUNTERFEIT one-dollar United ^States bills numbered B, 18, 361, 361, lire ia circulation. They closely re­ ferable the genuine notes, except that the silk thread which is woven in the paper on which all genuiue bills are printed is not present. WE understand that the grounds near where the men are haulirg dirt to repair the mill race of Bishop's Mill was once a burying ground, and that it ret contains the remains of quite number of early day residents. As yet we believe, no regains have been un earthed. SPECIAL Communications of McHen- ty Lodge No. 168, A. F. and A. Masons, will be held on Saturday evening March 5tb, and Monday evening. Mar. 7th, for work on the Entered>Ap prentice and |Fellow Craft Degrees1 A general attendance is earnestly re- . quested. By order of W. M. Kuiro^y^oi Highest Awards ol Medals in Europe and America. Tne neatest, quickest, safest ani most powerful rem­ edy known for Rheumatism, Pleurisy .Neuralgia, Lum- baco, Backache, Weakness, colus in the chest, and all aches and pains. Indorsed by 5,000 Physicians ana i Druerfrists of the highest repute. Benson's Plasters promptly relieve and cure where other plasters and creasy salves, liniments and lotions, are absolutely \ useless. Beware of imitations under ximilaraoundinc V --.suchaa •Capsicum," "Capucin," "Capsicine, ad intended to deceive. 22T *** «isniff; 1 greasy useleai * Ssthey are utterly worthless and ( ON Wednesday evening latt occured one of the severest snow storms exper­ ienced in this section this winter, dur* ing which there was heavy thunder and sharp lightning. What does this portend ? War, Peace, Plenty or Famine? Will some ef the believers ia sign*enlighten the general public? A YOUNO man by the name of Hoyt Was arrested this morning by Consta­ ble Leickem and brought before Es quire Perry, charged with stealing an axe from the store of M. Engeln. He was bound over to the Circuit Court in bonds of $100, which he has not ob­ tained at this writing. THE "Great Court of Babylon" now in rehearsal at the M. E, Church, will be ready the coming week. Oreat preparation is being made that it shall be the grandest entertaimnert of the season. A powerful chorus, com­ prising home talent, iu beautiful Oriental regalia. Daniel the prophet of old, personated by J. J. Vasey, will interpret the baud-writing on the wall; W. P. Danforth will personate the great King Bslshazzar, and Mrt» Julia Bishop as Queeu Nitocris. Also a long list of princes, noblemen and guards, pages and cup-bearers. For full cast of characters see programmes. THE man with the iron band, or the humao sledge-hammer, is giving exhl bitions of strength this week at Ep- stean's new Dime Museuii, Chicago. With one blow of the naked fist he drives aeix inch spike clear through a two inch plank without suffering any pain. There is no trick about the act, the plank being solid and regular spikes used. Another feature in the curio halls is the convention of giaats and midgets. The Starlight Specialty Company appear in theater No. 1, and the Juvenile Concert Company In thea­ ter No. 2. When in Chicago do not fail to go to the new Dime Museum, on Randolph street. NINE out of ten men who stop their heme paper say: "I would like it, but take so many other papers that I can't afford it." This is poor consola­ tion, What would your home merchant think if you would tell him that you were dealing with so many foreign firms that you could not afford to pat­ ronize him to the extent of a dollar and a half a year. Apply the same ex­ cuse to any other business and yeu can readily Bee the absurdity of if. If you have no Interest in your home town or its prosperity, if you have no apprecia tion of the efforts of your home editor or no favors to ask of him, say so. Don't be deiuded that tbe few cents a week you are paying him for your paper is making him rich, if our sub­ scriptions would pay our b^lls in Chi­ cago that have to be paid we would always be happy. PATENTS granted to citizens of Illi­ nois during the past week, and reported expressly for tbe PLAIN DEALER by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Lawyers, oppo­ site U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. C. A. Bass, Cicero, air brake regulator. A. M. B'.akesley, Rock Islam*, damper." J. N. Downing, Richmond, thill coupling. J. S. Dunlap, Peoria, store stool and coun­ ter. C. A. Gaiser, E<lwardaville, armature for electro magnets.; O. W . Kisinger, Daavllle, laaip filling at­ tachment. A. Lindgren, Moline, wheel cultivator. W. McKay, Quincy, gas alarm. R. Oliver. Chatsworth, buckle. J. Meyenberg, Highland, preserving milk. P. J. O'Brien. Peoria, encasement fer air beaters. R. 8. Mitchell, Reardstown, pitman. C. Shuman. Kocktord. whiffletree hook. Z, Waters, Bioomington, lamp stove. U. K. Whiteside, Buckhorn, washing ma­ chine. > Old Settlers' Meeting, The Annual Meeting of the Old Set­ tlers' Association of McHenry and Lake Counties, will be held at the Riverside House, In tbe village of Mc­ Henry, ou Thursday, March 17th, 1887, at the hour of one o'clock, p. M. for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction l^f such other business as may come be­ fore the meeting. All ^interested in this Association are earnestly, request­ ed to be present. B. BISHOP, President. SLYKK, Secretary. ; J; WOOD FOR SALE. Good Dry Wood for sale, by E. Lawlua. opposite tbe Riverside House . NORTHERN NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--There will be a great deal of moving doie in oer vicinity this coming week. Peter Walsh comes back onto his placet, which will be vacated March la: by p] H. Conway; Tbos. Conway goes to Woodstock and Thos. Knox moves on­ to the place lately occupied by Thos. McMillan. Tbe Exhibition given by our School, Thursday evening, was a success in every particular. The school bouse wad crowded to Its utmost capacity by a most appreciative audience, and tiie program, which was excellent, carried out by those taking part so as to call forth great praise from all who were so fortunate as to attend. We suppose P, H. stopped to say farewell Monday morning, but the White Herse seems to know tbe road full as well as he does. Why not take a trip together? Walter Bolger bought a valuable work horse one day last week.", Miss B. Conway accompanied her brother Thomas to his new hom# In Dorr. By the way, we know of tbree young ladies who would like very much to capture "Three Johns," However, we think they have a little too much con* fidence in their ability to do so. Miss Anna Welch closes her winter term.of school here next week. Onco upon a midnight dreary, I was tossing weak and weary, For I liad a fit of ague, And mv bones were very sore. Suddenly I read a label, Of a medicine on ray table, But to reach"t I scarce was able; I was so infernal sore! Took I just "one dose, 'twas BILE BEAXS; Soundly slept I and did snore. Had tne ague nevermore! 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Houses and JLots For Sale In Ringwood. I offer for Sale or Rent.- two Houses and Lots, situated in the village of Ringwood. Also a building suitable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of 33-6m, . WKSLET LADD. Just received a Car load of the old Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at John I. Story's. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish good* it tbe lowestjChicago prima. .NUNDA.) EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Transporta­ tion over our highways is still carried on with sleighs, although the pros­ pects for a break up are good. Miss Conoyer who is suffering a brain difficulty, la very low. Small hopes of her recovery are entertained. Miss Edith Ellsworth, who has been detain ed at home oa account of a severe at­ tack of pleuro-pneumonia, is improv­ ing rapidly and thinks she will take her room,In our high school (from which she has been absent two weeks) next Monday, Miss May Morris has occupied her chair during her sickness. Comrade C. Dickinson, of Barring- ten, our druggist's father, had a recur­ rence of his brain trouble since his re­ turn from the G. A. R. encampment at Rock Island. Dr. C. C. Watson is at­ tending. The others of our sick are doing well. Our young' men have organized a brass baud ia the village. There Is a movement on foot here among the business men to change tbe name of our depot to Nunda, We are beginning to receive tbe fruits of our high school in the incom­ ing of a first-class set of inhabitants, with a view to educating their chil­ dren. Mr. Wm. Lee, of Qreenwood, was here the other day looking for n suitable residence near the school house. Qeo. W, Smith, lfcte of Ring- wood, later of Dakota, has bought and will build here soon. It standi our school directors In haad to see to it that the high standing to which our school bad attained under J. C. Paul's management .is not lowerod, Their motto should be lu procuring a princi­ pal and all other instructors therein: "None but the best neecf apply," We believe that our present board intend to do the very best for our school's in­ terest. If our new catalogue is strictly carried out none but the best can do it. and we shall have a school of which we may be proud. The teachers are now engaged in elaborate preparation for a public literary entertainment. LODGE DIRECTORT. MASONIC.--A. F. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3il Wednesday even, ings of each month. MODERN WOODMMT OF AMBRTCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every &1 and 4th Monday even- ings of each menth. Neighbors cordially in Tiled. SONS OF TBMPKRANCB.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. A Mll'Cll FUU litONCUDS, It is a pretty truthful adage which says that " Remind creates supply," and although at present (this country has uo very formidable navy or coast defenses it is more than^probable that in the event of a necessity arising we would be found well prepared to give any unwolcome visitor an uncomforta­ bly warm reception. One of the fac­ tors which mi jht be called upon in such an emergency is Capt. Ericsson's new craft, the Destroyer, and its sub­ marine gun, for defending harbors. The captain says that the gun has not failed in a single instance during a long series of trials to expel the sub marine projectile with a velocity ex­ ceeding 300 feet in thi'ee seconds. This projectile ia twenty-five feet long and carries 300 pounds of gun cotton, a charge sufficient to shatter the hull ef ironclad ?hlps of all classes so com. pletely that the boasted "water tight com part me uts" will prove of no avail in preventing destruction aud sinking. As long as we have inventors of Ericsson s genius among us there will be no need of lying awake o'nights worrying about the possible conse­ quences of the sudden appearance of a hostile flotilla In any ef our seaports. IQrPresideat Clevelaad hae accept­ ed Daniel Manning's resignation of the office of Secretary ol the Treasury, and designated April 1st as the time when he shall be relieved of the duties of the office. * The genial Sam Jones opened his litst sermon in New York with the words: "People say to me, 'Jones why don't you preach Christ? You only preach law.' To ail such I say: 'Do you suppose I'll bring my Ood down here among you cut-throats?'" Sam never dared say that of Chicago people. ' All that lie called them was "skunks."--Herald. CAKL'JCT WEAVINU . The undersigned is prepared to Weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of the North-west corner of the Public »quare. Orders respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed UEO. SCHUSTER. MsHenry, Aug. 16th, 1886. S--Sna Wonderful Cures. W.D. Hoyt A C/'o , Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome. Ga.,say: We '>ave been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arulea Satye for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such fhlversal satisfac­ tion. Thera has beea.4tome wonderful cures effected by th<^e medicines in this city. Several of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Henry Colby. To-Nightand To-Morrow Night. And each day and night during this week, you can flud ao Geo. W. Besiey's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac­ knowledged to be the most successful treatment yet introduced for the cure of piles. Old suSerers from this dis> stressing complaint are at once re­ lieved aud in a short time a pefmane it cure established. Check the disease in time by using the most effective remedy. Price 50c. Send address for pamphlet on piles. Box 295, Le Roy N Y. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices than any other store In McHenry. Mas. M. SCHUMACHER. CABBAGES,- Onions, Parsnips, etc., at Locke's Home Bakery. Greatly Excited. Not a few of the citizens of McHenry have recently become greatly excited over the astounding facts, that several of their friends wbo had been pro­ nounced by their physicians as incura­ ble and beyond all hope--suflering with that dreaded monster Consump­ tion--have been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, the only remedy that doeB postlvely cure all throat and lung dis­ eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Henry Colby's Drag Store, large bottles 91. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--Mrs. Ham­ lin Fenner was quite sick last week. Jonnnie Pi*roe Is home from Aurora for good. , Henry Earl* is at present nnder the doctor's care. •Major" Hauver and wife, from Big- foot, visited friends here Saturday. A number from this place went to Geneva on the evening of Washing ton's birthday. Miss Cora Woolfrom, of Lawrence, spent a rew days with her sister, Mrs. Hewes. On account of the severe storm, Sat­ urday, George Young's auction was postponed until Wednesday, March 9. C. A. Stanton, from Janesvl lie, shook hands with many friends at the club ^arty Friday evening. Mr. Dart has been repairing Elmer Stratton's windmill which was broken while pumping water a few days ago. The public school district has two book-eases fer sale, one a pine, and the other a black walnut, which cost 916 when new. John L.Corey saioved this week with his family to Nebraska where he in­ tends taking up a soldier's claim. A large number of friends and neighbor* attended the funeral of Mrs. Nate Burgett on Thursday of last week. L. Z. Pie roe returned from Aattoch with bis foot badly swollen and In­ flamed, that was cut with an ax several weeks ago. Our new orchestra, John Rotuour, leader, will have a dance at Bewe's Hall en Friday evening, March 11th. The boys have labored hard to make their little band a success, and certain­ ly de credit to their Instructor, Prof II in in an, of Genoa. Give them en­ couragement by your presence at their first party. Tickets, fifty ceuts. How about that toboggan ride over on the hill the other day, when dog* were at a discountF To a looker-on it was impossible to tell which one of the party was the dog. In fact, we believe the toboggamsts themselves were uu able to tell. Anyhow, one of them de­ clares that his own descent was so swift the snow was set on Are. Miss Delia Crewe took sketches ot Little Bessie Wentwortb after death, from which she will make a life-site portrait. Miss Crewe is a natural ar­ tist as well as a graduate. Her pic­ tures have a finish that many do not polsess. Aay one wishing work of the kind done should give her a call before trusting those wbo have more talk thau talent. W. S. Clark come* to Hl^lllghly rec­ ommended as a writing teacher. He has already the promise of twenty scholars and expects the number will exceed forty. His terms are very rea­ sonable--11.60 for twelve lessons. He will instruct his olass at the school house on Wednesday and Saturday evenings of each week. A large and appreciative audience was present at the Washington's birth­ day entertainment given by the school. The hall was beautifully decorated with flags, evergreens aad portraits of Washington. Tbe entire program was flne and the satisfaction and pleasure it gave to many must fully repay those who furnished it for the time and labor spent, to say nothing of tbe lit tie sum added to tbe treasury which ameunted to 931.44. A melodeen has already been purchased for the Inter­ mediate room, and the remainder of tbe 'sum will be expended toward a suitable book case for tbe school li­ brary wiiich consists now of over two hundred volumes. Tbe makinc of the case wH be let by contract to tbe per- san who will make it for tbe least money. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--'The Stew­ art concert, at the Congregational church, ou Wednesday evening of last week, was well attended considering tbe weather. The entertainment was very good as far as It went, but it was cut decidedly short. D. W. Thomas shipped a oar-load of dry stock to Chicago, on Thursday ef last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Helm gave a pro­ gressive euchre party last Friday evening. J. Tan Slyke, of the PLAINDEALKR, was a caller in town on Friday last. At C. E. Chapell's auction sale of a carload of milch cows, on Saturday last, cows sold on «n average of 938.17 per bead. C. B. Curtis arid D. F. Babbit, of El­ gin, were the guests of C. E. Cbapell a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dolg returned home on Friday evening last from Joliet, where they were called to at­ tend the funeral of Mr. Doig's father. The Salvation Army are with us again, but it seems it is not as much of a tr< at as it was at first. Miss Birdie Morton commenced her work at Elgin on Monday of this week. Mrs. D, Pete**, of Arlington Heights, with her daughter. Mrs. Otis, ef Hud- ion, Wis., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter, over Sunday. Mrs. C. M. Bigelow and son Henry, start for Nebraska for a six months' stay, on Tuesday of this week. We were treated to the worst bliz­ zard of the winter on Saturday last and we hope it will be the last. FOR SALE OR RENT, I offer for sale or rent my farm of 160 acres, near the village ef Solon. Also 40 acres 1} miles south of Solon. Liberal terms if applied lor at once Qao. W. TWMIHIU Money to Loan. Menoy loaned oa McHenry County farms on time and in amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply to J. W. HANSTKAO, Rooms 1 and 3, Bordeu Block, Kir in 111, FOR SALE. Short Horn Bulls and Plymouth Rock Fowls, Call on or address, FRANK COLE, 32 3m Spring Grove, III. For the next thirty days a discount of twenty per cent will be made on all purchases of winter goods at our store. ALTHOVV BROS, KLA, Lake Co., III., Jan. 10, 1887. 0. DICKINSON A SON--Harrington, ill. Gentlemen:--I had two horses cut with barb wire fence very bad, and I applied Dickinson's Russian Liniment and it caused a speedy cure. 1 also use it in my family, and 1 can say that it is the best liniment I ever used. JOHN ROBBRTSON, For sale by all druggists. Would You Believe lt£ That we are authorized by the pro­ prietor of Kemp'8 Sarsaparilla to re­ fund tbe money to any one who has taken three-fourths of a bottle with­ out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the confidence in hie medicine to de this, tt is for en­ riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up tbe "system. Price 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLET. CARPETS, all kinds, at Chldago Prices, from now until January 1st. Call ind see samples at Justen Bros. West Side. Saved His Ufa. Mr. D. I. Wllcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., says he was. tor many years, badly afflicted with phthisic, also diabetes; the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle and after taking six bottles was en­ tirely cured and had gained iu flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively believes he would have died, bad it not been for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Henry Colby. As good as new. A second hand Coal Stove sound and in first class or­ der that will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars Inquire at PLAINDEAL­ KR office. Don't Experiment. Yeu cannot afford to waste time In experiment when your lungs are In danger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and colds, but be sure you get the genuine. Because he cau make more profit he may teU you he has something Just as good or just the same. Don't be deceived, but Insist upon getting Dr. Kiug's New Discov ery. which is guaranteed to give relief In all throat, lung and chest affections. Trial bottles M Henry ColDy's drug store. Bargain in Music. * TMsFivorlte Album ef Songs and Ballads, containing thirty-two pieces of choice aud popular music, full Bbeet music size, with complete words and music and piano accompaniment is finely printed upon heavy paper with a very attractive cover. The follow­ ing are the titles of the songs and bal­ lads contained in tbe Favorite Album: As I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear Old Sengs of Home; Mother. Watch the Little Feet; Oh, You Pretty Blue- Eyed Witch; Blue Eyes; Katy's Let­ ter; The Passing Bell; I Saw Esau Kissing Kate; Won't You Tell Me Why, Robin; The Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving Lindens- Faded Leaves; All Among the Sum­ mer Roses; Touch tbe Harp Gently. My Pretty Louise; I Really Don't Think I Shall Marry; Dreaming ef Home; The Old Cottage Clock; Across the Sea; A Year Ago: Bachelor's Hall: Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year Ago; Jennie xin the Orchard; The Old Barn Gate; Jack's Farewell; Polly; Whisper in the Twilight. This is a very flne collection of real vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome style. Published In the usual way aad uought at a musicstore, these 32 pieces would cost you 911.20. We bought a Job lot of this musicat a great sacrifice and as the holidays are past, we desire to close out our stock at ence. Will send you the entire collection well wrapped and postpaid for only 40 oents. Send Immediately. Address, The Empire NewsTCo.. Syr­ acuse, N. Y. PUBLIC AUCTION. Tbe undersigned will sell at public auction, on his farm, two miles east of McHenry, on the Waukegan road, on Thursday, March 3d. '87, commencing at 11 o'clock, A. M.. tbe following prop­ erty: 12 eows, some new milch and balanca coming in soon, 9 two rear old heifers. 1 bull. 6 oalves. 2 mares, one 12 and one six years old. 1 set double har­ ness. and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OP SALE:--Sums of 10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit Of nine months will be given on approved notes at six per cent Interest. Two per cent off for cash. No property re­ moved until settled for. JOHN THURLWRLL. F, K. 3RANGIR. Auctioneer. Another Art Craze* f%S latest art work among ladies Is known as as the 'French Craze,' for decorating China, Glassware, etJ. It is something entirely new, and Is both profitable and fascinating. It Is very popular in New York, Boston,and oth­ er eastern cities. To ladles desiring to learn the art, we will send an elegant china ptaoque, (size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated tor a model, together with box of ma­ terial, 100 colored designs assorted in flowers, animals, laiulicapes, etc., com­ plete, with full instructions, upon re­ ceipt of only 91. The placque alone is worth more than the amount charged. To every lady orderine this outfit who encloses the address of five other ladies Interested in art matters, to whom we can mail our new catalogue of art goods, we will enclose extra and with­ out charge, a beautiful 30 inch, gold tinted placque. Address, The Empire News Co., Syr­ acuse, N, Y. The finest 60 cent tea in tbe market it Althoft Bros; HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned oilers for sale her house and two lots, iu the village of McHenry. It is pleasantly located, near the business part of the village, house in good repair, and has one of the best cellars in town. Good well, cistern, outhouses, etc., and any quan­ tity of smnil fruit of all kinds. Will be sold reasonable if applied for at ooe. MRS. L. A. CLARK. MeHenrv, Feb. 21.1887. HEBRON. Business Notices* City residences for sale. Apply |» Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, IB. ' rmosiL MRS. A. CALKINS is imported as quite slek. C. B. CURTIS, of Elgltt, II es our streets this weslc. * E. A. STONE, of Woodstock, was call­ ing on friends here oa Moaday. L. W. NICHOLS, of Gray's Lake, was on our streets one day last week. T. B. TURNER has t>een quite sick the past week, but is now reported better. H. H. NICHOLS returned from his visit to Indianapolis on Saturday. TUNE RACE, of Indianapolis, is visit ing with friends in this vlllag). S. B. HANLT, of Chicago, was calling on friends here on Monday. FRANK MFAD and wife, of Wood­ stock, were visiting friends here last week. MISS MCLLIE and Sadie McGee, of Woodstock, were the guests of Mr»* Dr. Fegera last week. E. M. OWEN and wife have Ueen vis itlag with friend* in Chicago the past few days. MRS. T. J. CLIFTON returned on Sat­ urday from quite an extended visit with friends in Wisconsin. MRS. M. F. POMEROY, of Elgin, was the guest of H. E. Wlghtman and fam ily over Sunday. MRS. E. LAWLUB spent i ffw days with friends at Clinton Junction, Wis., last week, • $ MRS. G. K. BALL, who has been visit ing here for several weeks, returned to her home at Vinton. Iowa, last week. TUNE RACE is quite sick, at the resi­ dence of his brother-in-law. H. H Nichols, in this village. Or. Childs is In attendance. JOHN D. NIS*, Uncle Sam's Mail Agent between Lake Geneva and Elgin, was on our streets this morn- • MANY parents are not aware of the importance of using pure and correct language in their homes in the pres­ ence of their children. It is in the home that the earliest and most last­ ing impressions are made. It is in the home that forms of expressions are learned whi :h afterwards become the characteri stic expressions In manhood and woraauhood. If these expressions are rough, impure, ungrammatieai, or partaking of the nature of slang, the efforts of a life time will be required 'to correct them. Much of the work done now In our schools would be*quite unnecessary if parents would be care­ ful to use language correctly in their homes. The senseless, ungrammatieai slangy babytalk which many mothers use before their little ones should nev­ er find expression from the lips of a sensible woman. Fortunate, indeed, is. that child who hears in the expression of love and tenderness from his moth­ ers lips only the correct use of the words of our mother tongue. His ed­ ucation in after years may be limited but he will bear at least one mark of culture which the labor of schools is sometimes unable to bestow. IN a Waukegan dispatch to the" Chi­ cago Journal under date of Feb, 18tb, we find the following: News was received this morning, of the death in Chicago, ot John Green- leaf. son of S. S. Greenieaf, of this city. He was formerly teller of the National Bank of Illinois, but has been in poor health of late. He leaves a wife. Mr. Greenleaf died at his residence, Langley avenue. Forty-first street, af­ ter a long illness. He was well kuown in bankinc and commercial circles in this city, having been conuected with different banks here for many years. He was teller in the original State Savings Bank, and was afterward In the National Bank of Commerce, and th^n in the Central National Bank. Then he went to the Merchants' Loan aud Trust Company, and was for four or five years paying teller in the Na­ tional Bauk of Illinois. He took ill over a year ago, aud went south for his health, and for a time derived great benefit Irom the trip, but the di sease from whieh he suflered had ob­ tained to strong a hold on him to yield to treatment. He leaves a wife and a sen aged 15 to mourn his loss. John Greenleaf was born In McHen­ ry. his mother being a sister of H. M. McOmber, and was well known by many of our older citizens. Of Interest to Farmers and Horse­ men. We have received the handsome cat­ alogue and pictorial sheet giving de -scriptions and pedigrees of all stock, and Illustration of the stallions on Waters Stock Farm, Genoa Junction, Wis. This farm, one of the most ex­ tensive and containing about the best bred lot of horses in the west, is loeat- ed in Kenosha Co.. Wis,, not very far from us. In its stud for service this season, stand six stallions, not only very highly bred in the most fashiona­ ble and prepotent blood lines of the day, but of superior individual excel­ lence. Among the lot are three OQtk ciall adapted to farm and roqd tqfjre ot this section, and we note that tbe fees and terms are very reasonable* The catalogue and pictorial sheet are cheerfully sent postpaid to anyone, and%we suggest that our readers send for it. We see that Dunton's Spirit of the Turf says of the catalogue: 'Among tbe hundreds of such publications, none impress us more favorably than the contents of this one.' The Chicago Horseman says: 'Mr. Waters believes tbe^est are none too good for him. and iu his stallions he has kept in mind prepotent blood Hues and Indi­ vidual excellence." Everything In the Hardware liseiti" bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever be* fore, at G. W. Besiey's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20cents, at G. W. Besiey's, West Side. Wall parer, trunks, valises, hSQd bags etc., at Bonslett & St off el's. 16 ounces good plug tobaco, cfhly 95* cants, at Bonslett & StoffeP*. The finest line of. Bird Csgs* 19 town, at John I. Story's. Look at the choice Candies si Bet* ley's Drug Store, West End. Plush Sets, the finest In town. Cheap* at Geo. W. Besiey's. Limps complete, for 25 cents, at Geo. W, Besiey's. Call and see them. Only chanee to buy 29 Gallon new Jars for 92,75 at Bonslett & S toff el's Building Paper and Moth Proof Car* pet Paper, at John I. Story' McQeory. Rock ford Flour, of all kinds, #*£- ranted, at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Oil Meal,, Salt, Bran and Middlings, at Bonslett A Stetters. Albums only 20 cents, at Geo. W Besiey's, West Side. ^ New clothing for spring trade, latest styles at Bonslett ct St off el's. Buy the C&ndop Rubber Goods, every pair warranted, at Bonslett m Stoffei's. H. Rosenblatt Overalls, Shirts, Jack­ ets. end Pants, all warranted at Bonslett & Stoflel'a. Poutlac kbit Wool Boots. be*| made, wear taree seasons, at Bonslett & Sioffel's' Try our Leader smoking tobacco* only 20 cents per pound, at Bonslett & ' Stoffei's. * If you want tbe best Milk Can ever made, call on John I. Story, fife keeps the only stock in town. THE Genuine Novelty and IToiversaj f. Clothes Wringer at bottom prices at- John I Story's. Beware of imitations. Call for the "Winning Stroke", a nevr , Brand of Ave cent Cigars, manufacture ; ed by Barblaa Bros. It beats them ill. THE highest price in Cash paid for strictly fresh Eggs, at Locke's Home Bakery. C. H. Fargoe's Custom boots and Shoes, all warranted, at Bonslett & Stoffel.s. Twenty per cent discount on all winter goods for the next thirty day*^ i it Althofl Bros, We offer big drives on baiaao* of cloaks and wraps. BONSLETT A STOPFEL. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklnst Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, ; Schumacher's, near tbe Depot. If you want to learu how to Paint your Buggy for One Dollar, call at Besiey's Drug Store. West End. ^ IF you want to make your Buggy ; Top look as good as new get the Na­ tional Patent Leather Enamel atf" Besiey's Drug Store. The Metropolitan is the Boss cirpet sweeper, and no housewife should boy one before seeing it. It is cheaper ^ and better than all others. For sale by John I. Story. It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The "Garland /l; Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged; ; • to embody all that is best in that line. They have the reputation of being the > best made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. For - Mclioury by John I. Story. . Notice. ' To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anythlue in mv line of buai-^ aess. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law- us* Store, F. A. HEBARD. McHenry, Aug. 10, KB®. lJ-4-ly Buoklen's Arnica 8«lv*^% % The best Salve in the world for cuts . bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblalBS, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos- tiveiy cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 25: s oents per box. For sale by Henry • Colby. . ? To All Whom it May Con­ cern, This Is to certify that my boy. Al» bert V. Parker, apprenticed to me. has left home without cause Or provoca­ tion. I cffUClon fevery oue against har­ boring him or letting him have auy tiling on mv account as I will pay no bills of his contracting. I will hold anyone responsible for his work that employs him. 30 3w ADELBERT SHERMAN. OART STATION, III., March 2D, 198& C. DICKINSON A Sos--Harrington, HL Gentlemen:--I had a cow that did not clean for three days after calving, and I procured a bottle of your cow Prescription and gave it according to the directions, and the cow was all • right in less than thirty-six hours af­ ter giving, and has done first rate since. AUGUST ABPS, For sale by all druggists. ^ An End to Bone Scraping " EdwarJ Shepherd of Harrisburg, 111,, says:' Having received to m»icti bene­ fit from Electic Bitters, I feel it my* duty to let sufieriug humanity know;" it. Have ha i a ruuniag sore ou my1 leg for eight years; my doctors told[ me I would have to have the bon* - scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electrio Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salye, and my leg is now sound! and well." Electric Bitters are sold; at fifty cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 55c. per box by Henry Colby. Good Results in Every Case- D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga. Tenn.. write* that he was seriously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on his lungs* ; had tried many remedies without ben« etlt. Being induced to try Dr. K in«*9 New Discovery for Consumption' di# so and was entirely cared by use of * few bottles. Since which time he ha|K used it lit his family for all Coughs antf Colas with best results. This is the experience of thousands w ose live* : have been s ved by this Wonderful Discovery. Trial Bottle* free «& Henry Colby's Drag Store. : v m

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