* JM • • • •r „, •, ^ . • ' ' , ..• 9 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1887, - Railroad Time Table. IbOn and after Monday, June S14 Train* will |*n McHenry station as below: OOINO BOOTH. ke Utaera Passenger T:# i.* ka Geneva Express ake Genera Freight S:W * ke Geneva Pautngkr ..3:A OOIRO WOETH. ke Geneva FrelnUt " ;• g^neTft Passenger . J0i«O :e Geneva Express ......... /i*®*;," „._>ke Genava Pasaencer 6:67 * * Stops only to leave Passengers. B. Buss, Agent. McHenrv. Ill MASONIC. McKKjrar LODGE, MO, 158 A. F, and A. M.-- egnlar Communications the second and urth Mondays in each month. JOHN I. STOBT, W. M. WB learn that H. C. Head had the |nUrortone to loie a fine brood marc $u« day last week. UNPAID subscriptions to a news* paper are about as consoling ai rabbit tracts are to a hungry man. H. L. BOUNDS will move house soon to be vacated Into the Vy Mrs. f \ Colyer, who moves to Elgin, C FEED CURTIS has leased the land / owned by his father, east of the Ceme- / tery, and will go into Cucumber farm- || tng^tbe coming season. LOCALS are few and far between, we flnd them hard to get; but the amount . " ,#f the editor's pay Is a darn sight ^mailer yet. Do not forget the Great Court of JSabylon,, at the ' M. E. Church, on I'bursday and Friday evenings of this •---%eej A. CRISTT IS now ready to make Contracts for a limited acreage of Cu- "cumbers Cabbages. Onions. Cauliflower ^nd Peppers^ See his notice elsewhere. ^ T ATTENTION is called to the new ad- / tartisements of Perry AOwen, Bonslett -ft Stoffel and A. G. Locke, to be found In another place In this paper. "• • ' A NEW YORK exchange, in HE weather report of last week says that ^ fit thew and anew, it frix and bjew." Pheir weather must ouch like ours. have been very '4\ H P. J. Eac AN BRACK, formerly of the Park House, Woodstock, has leased the fVaverly House, In that city, an 1 will liereafter do the honors at that popu- ,;|^ar Hotel.' WHILE the advertiser sleeps the F*LAINDEALER Is at work bearing his words to hundreds of reader*, all reading with moro of less interest the message prepared for them. BUSINESS courtesy and printer's Ink are two of the greatest magnates that make trade boom, in and out of season. •••;merchant who use* these two levers (Seldom has mere spare time than he riflan conveniently use. FOR sale, a Scholarship In Judd's College of Commerce, Chicago. Ap ply at this offloe. This In one of the best Commercial Schools in the west, and a chance is now offered to get a scholarship cheap If applied for at once. . • REGULAR Communication of Mc- Henry Lodge No. 168, A. F. and A. Masons, will be held on Monday even ing next, Maroh 14th. Work on the Mastor Masons Degree, Every mem ber is earnestly requested to be pres ent. By order of the W. M. rsKsoxiu MRS. M. H, COLTER moves to Elgi this week. ROBT. SCBIESSLE spent a few days la Chicago last week. T. J. DACT, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Thursday of last veelc. C. FRED TBTOX, of Hebron, was on our streets on Monday. W. G. CONKLIN. of Woodstock, wa* a caller at this office on Monday last. MISS KATE HILL spent Sunday with friends in Nunda. MRS. H. L. ROUNDS J.8 visiting with friends in Woodstock this week. H. C. FABER, editor of the Richmond Gazette, was on our streets Tuesday afternoon. FRANK WARD and wife returned from quite au extended visit in Wis- cet.sln last week. BELSHAZZ4B, King of Babylon, will be at the M. E. Church on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. Miss MAT CHRISTT. of Elgin, was the guest of Miss Effle Gilbert, the past week. t « Miss YOSBURGH, of Marengo. Is visit leg with her aunt, Mrs. C. T. Eldredge In this village. JULIUS MUNSON has been visiting with friends at Maple wood. III., the past week. THE Princess of the Royal Family will . meet her friends at" the Sf, E, Church to-morrow, Thursday evening, MKS. SMITH COLBY, of Chicago, is expected here to-night, Wednesday, and will remain a day or two with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gregory. SKERESS, or Prophetess, will receive her friends at the M. E. Church, on Thursday and Friday evenings of thi" week, and will be assisted by one of: the Ladles of Rank. ^THE (ireat Court of Btbylon. which 'is to be brought out at the M. E. phurch Thursday and Friday evenings |>f this week, under the directions of Prof. Danforth. promises to be a very Interesting entertainment. They have a powerful chorus, composed entirely of houie talent, which should, and no ;doubt will receive a liberal patronage tfrom our citizens.]Kerneaiber the days afiiHTates, Thursday and Friday even ings of this'week, March 10th and lltli. REV. B. BRUNNING gave AN exchange says that "a hen prop erly cared for and that attends strictly to business, will lay her weight in eggs in two months; also 44that a few ears of corn put in an oven and char red, and fed to the hens once or twice * week will increase egg production." PLEASE hand in your looal items when fresh. We don't like to publish a birth after the child is weaned, a marriage after the honeymoon is over, the death of a man after his widow is married again, or a free notice for an entertainment when the printing for the sasse has been done elsewhere. / WE learn that Re a. Peck, eldest s in ' B. F. Peck, was badly injured on Tuesday, while blasting clay at the TerraCotta Tile Works. The blast not going off as soon as expected, he went to examine it, when the explo slen look place, burning his face and/f 11 , DtED.--Ne»* McHenry, 111., March &l. 1887, Edward Knox, In the ninetieth year of his age. The subject of the above notice was a native of Ireland, aad one of the many early American setters who sought a home in the far west, having settled here about 1851. Few among our aged people were more favorably known than "Grandpa Knox," as he was familiarly called. His life was one of strict honesty com bined with many Christian virtues, and many of our young people, now grown to <nan|u>od, revere his memory for the ma^y lessens of piety and wis- dom whleh long ago he had instilled into their young minds. He had reaehed what Is commonly termed a "second childhood,1 and for the past year received from loving children the same tender care that Jie had bestowed as a father in their in fancy. His calm, peaceful expression in death, told of peace with hi) fellow- men, and the hope of a like peaceful meeting with his God. Glad welcomes of -'well <lone" re6aifij(ii As he nears the he&vealy strand, #j i And angel voices bill him come. To join their nearenly band. ;• He bids you cease repining, While your hearta with grief are sore, For at last he has entered a port of rest, •<<„£$$$I loved ones gone before. • : c©*." * SCHOOL Kit PORT. The following students in the Ring- wood School have not infrsed one day from school during the winter term of fifteen weeks: Ella Spatilding, Agnes Forth, Walter Cristy, "John Robbins, Frank Bratt. Those who missed but one day, Luella Carr, Amos Smith. There is a number more who were rery regular In attendance and only missed two or three days. We have had a goed attendance of pupils from other districts during the year, and the amount received from such for tuition will exceed one hundred dollars, nearly enough to pay the expense of the Primary School for the winter. WM. KICKLB, Toaoher, treaty in 1859, by which France isTnc jcognized protector of Catholic liinese converts, shall be abrogated; id though M. De Freyeinet rages and ireatens both China and the papacy, ie change under which the Pope will (ant a nuncio in Pekin has been al- iady arranged, and France will ave no remedy except in impracticable ar. The Chinese could, in Burmrtli, lake everything difficult for the British overnment, which again has every pason to desire their friendship, not nly because the opinm revenue de- out as his subject for next Sunday morning, Marsh 13, "The Gospel by four Writers, Mathew, Mark, Luke and John'* and the reason why they differ in form and |ends upon it, but because in any grand • _ , .» „ „ , , „ , truggle with Russia the alliance with not in tact. He asked that as many of hjjj^ might enable us to affect a sen ilis own people be present as possible, |us diversion, perhaps to embarrass the as the instruction to be presented [overnment of St. Petersburg more would be of advantage to all, and is ban by any direct attack in the Black seldom given. The subject for evening.*^ea* #The Indian government, acting . , .. , I7, in unison with that of China, would he announced, as "A sermon on a Fe»r-coBtrol nearly hftl{ the humftn ra'ce and ful Chapter," preached at the request:ROuld exert a~ force in Asia with which of a lady member of u Orthodox even the masses of soldiery at thedis- Cburch. ' posal of the Czar would be unable to " 1. 1 "• contend. To Russia, indeed, China is THE Senate, for some reason to uaQne GF the most formidable of states, unknown, failed to confirm the ap- because by an invasion of Manchooriaor pointment of J. H. Johnson for Post-of the territory west of Kuldja the master at Woodstock, beforo the!! Chinese Emperor can, at discretion, .,JoTr, .-a H L rror.Vb.t^tf:t the Independent Party, one E. jnBurrectjong throughout Asiatic Russia. Haines, had a hand in it. But never-or to forward an army over three thou- iheless we see that the President has sand mile of an inhospitable country at reappointed Mr. Johnson, and therefore*11 expense which would be ruinous to A* * < ii . ,anv countrv in the*'world. One e**" J *pent hl8*lm6 tnd money S°'n£hardly imagine a worse position tli to Washington for naught. Poor oldthat Jc( a Russian Emperor with Elijah! Your days of usefulness i long since past. You have lost your grip so take your grip-sack and depart* to Special Announcement Ladies. By repeated request we have decid ed to open a ladies and chtldrens' furnishing store in McHenry, with spe cial bargains Thursday of each week, notice of which will be given in this paper. The advantage of resident city buy ers who attend every advertised sale, enables us to offer bargains not found in this market. Ladies are invited .to Inspect our sample stock to-morrow, (Thursday) together with a fine line of Ladies' »nd Chiidrens Handkerchiefs. Orders solicited and executed with especial care, and goods delivered each week. Call and see us, Mus. H. S. GKEOOBT. HKBROK- I.OOGE DIRECTORY. • MaSOStc.--A. P. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even* ingsof each month. MODKRN WOODMBK OF AXCRTCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Monday even ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in vited. SONS OF TBMPBR\KCB.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mrs. K. B. Stratton In snfferlnir with neura Igla. Aaron Rowe went to Chicago with a carload of sheep last week. Little Sybil Andrews has been very sick with throat trouble. Remember the dance on Friday evening of this week. Music by Rot* nour A Street. Ticket* fifty cents. Miss Carrie Hodge went to Harvard Saturday night to visit friends*. The young people gave Harry Rotnour a surprise partv Friday even ing. It was no sham but a complete surprise. There was scarcely standing room at the Presbyterian sociable and musi cal entertainment held at the resi dence of Mr. Georgo Turner Friday evening, yet all enjoyed the exercises exceedingly. The suit for atsa'nlt and battery brought by FranklJWoodbury against a german working for Beal Finch result* ed in tavor of Mr. Woodbury. Mr. Frank Spitzer from Woodstock plead the case for the plaintiff and Mr. Foots ef Richmond for the defence. The trouble arose over money matters In a settlement for work, the defendent claiming the plaintiff cheated him out of a part of his pay. There was a dog and * whip mixed up In the affair, also. We believe the dog found Mr. Woodbury's whip and gave It to the german, who retalned'it as part pay-? ment for the sum owing him, and Mr. Woodbury accusing htm of theft had to take a severe "banging." Although public sentiment was strongly with the germau, the case went against him rand he was fined five dollars and cost. BISHOP'S MILL. A1N IN RUNNING ORDER. The damage to Bishop's Mill has in a horrid msnnefj At the tlmi 80 far rePa,r#d lUat the* com~l ifyrmant TeTt thiExtent of his s£®nced runuln* »gai" on Tuesday^ Jnjurjes had not beeu ascertained, men who denounced the American movement are now prominent in their opposition to the immigration of hordes of ignorant Chinese and Europeans. In 1882, a Representative from a New England district received a request from one of those nuisance constituents who are always writing for books, that lie would send a copy of the collection of patents oh electricity, gotten up at the patent office. As the representa tive felt that he should want every vote the next fall that he could get, he stepped into the patent office and asked BOMB of our hunters, who love tn . sport and do not want to see' It abused? Aare In favor oi prohibiting the shoot ing of ducks in the spring. The birds mn liable to bo poor and nuflt for the table and further, the pairing season la just opening, so that spring shooting only means au absence of fall sport. If an amendment to our game law Is neeessary, now Is the time to move in th« matter. FEBDA. PATRICK.^ manager of the McHenry County Butter Company, will disburse about thirty two thousand dollars this week In divi dends, and other matters connected with the operations of his factories. Besides, there will be dividends for (ho Pleasant Grove. Bates1 Old Riley, and Bartholomew factories this month probably some ten thousand dollars more--in all a disbursement in the dairy business centering here of about forty-two thousand dollars for the their eustoin«rg with their old time promptness. .Considering the extent Tile'damage it is remarkable bow (bey have repaired It in so short a imfij *^ut everything is now in fine unning orderjknd customers can now ated without unnecessary {delay. i Work Horaea For Sale. f A span of good Work Horses for sale. * Will weigh 2600 pounds. One mare > and one gelding, 6 and 7 years, sound and true in every particular. Inquire of MICHAEL CLARV. Half a mile Sooth of Bishop's Mill. 34-3w. . Teachers' Association. MecHenry County Teachers' Assocla tton met at Woodstock, Feb. 12th, 1887, Meeting called to order at 11:05 A. M by Vice President S. C. Hursch. Paper on written exam I nations. Miss Nora Thompson. This was followed by quite an arimated discussion. 1:50. Lecture on the value ef names, and the names of places as an aid to the study of history, by Judge O. H. Gillmore. This was a master-piece and nothing too good can bo said in Its praise. An excellent paper by Miss Edith Ellsworth, on the teachers oat of school. On motion a vote of thanks was ten dered Judge Gillmore. Motion to ad journ.. J. a KUXE. BOCV Sec. J^LCONOUIN EDITOR PLAINDEALER:-- Dick Hop kins, of Iowa, was the guest of the Philips faiqlly on Tuesday of last week, S, *. French, of Cbloago. was In town on Tuesday of last week. Mrs George Hyatt, of Nunda, was the guest of Mrs. J. A. Sherwood on Wednesday of last week. Ezra Miller, of Penn, Is visiting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell gave very enjoyable Progressive Euchre Party on Wednesdty evening of last week. I. P. Betz came in with a carload of milch cows on Saturday last, and Is billed for an Auction sale for Tuesday of this week. Sherwood & Throop Auctioneers. Mrs. E. A. Ford spent Sunday with friends in Elgin, I. T. Montanye, of Rocjkford, visited here with bis sister, Mrs. Helm, last week. , The Ladles Aid Society of the Con gregational Church will meet at Miss Crafton's rooms, over C. C. Cbumm's We understand we are to have a real law suit in town on Wednesday of this week. The following Is the average of the pupils of the Algonquin High School, for the month ending March 4,1887. Chas Adamek 90 | Walter Helm 88 Ohas nentnuysen.. .901 Willie Jayne ....,.,87 Genie Brink S3 I l,ora Julian...../...SD NORTHERN NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Please al low a space in your valuable paper lor a few items from this burg. Miss Mary Kennatly, of Elgin, wbo has been visiting her cousin, Anna Frisby the past f«w weeks, returned to her home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Clary have been on the sick list the past week^ E. J. Callahan, of Chicago, made a Hying visit to this place recently. Maggie Walsh, of Richmond, visited friends here last week. ' M. B. P. is a frequent visitor across the creek. What's the matter with erecting a causeway, Mike? Jftmes Harness and Thompson c^shipped a car load of sheep one day 8*last week. Miss Allle Hollan attended the jjschool entertainment the 24th. AG Rumots are afloat that A. Mosgrove hiis soon to take the matrimonial car asWe wish him success and happiness. 81 T. F. Walsh, who has .been spending the winter in Qhlcftgo, smiled upon ej friends here last week, \ lj E. M. Frlsby is visiting friends in Elgin at present, "ai.d O, how lonely." Our school closed Tuesday of this week, after a successful term under the supervision of Miss Anna Welch, of [McHenry. a Fred Brown hat moved Into the house vacated by t. Knox. John Gibbs has rented the Beckley farm. Charles Garland, of Wauconda, called upon friends in this vicinity Sunday evening. Lost, strayed, or blown away--a stiff bat. The nnder will please return the same to No,6 Central Aye. 'Gene Erwin and lady took ..In the Sights at Terra Cotta Sunday last. Those in want of a tin whistle or false mustache can be supplied by call ing on J. D, Murray. DIED:--Mr. E. Knox, an old settler of this place, passed away Thursday last. His funeral was held at the Catholic church Saturday. Ha was ninety years of age, 72equiescat in pace. Lizzie Burke 81 Herbert Chandler..78 Lottie Chandler 88 Ora Chandler 85 Arthur Chauell ....83 Chas Chapell 89 Jennie Ch*nell 92 Sherman Chapell...88 Lolali Chapman 88 Mabel Chapman 93 Mott Cbapuau 84 Alvin Dcxld 78 Bertha Ootid 34 Kittie Doig 92 Lizzie l>jig 91 Nellie Ekstrom --92 Leon Helm 78 C. Frank Kirst ,80 Leona Klinck.......81 Leonia Lund Si Annie McKeo 92 Sadie McKeo. 91 Joseph Matt as 88 K lore ace Miller.....75 George Morion 80 Harry Morton.... ...89 Ida Morton 94 Edward Peter.... ..8B lirace Peter 92 Uobsrt Phillips SO Walter Phillips.....88 Maud .Sinnett 87 William Toepel 88 Fred Shut'eldt 84 W. lIAtiT, Teacher. Under the Lilacs will be given sometime in ifehe nsir future by the Algonquin ICxoelslor Society. Watch for the Drama, and the Farce, the Stage Strusk Yankee. Old Settlers' Meeting, The Annual Meeting of the Old Set tlers' Association of McHenry and Lake Counties, will be held at the Riverside House, in the village of Mc Henry, ou Thursday, March 17th, 1887, at the hour of one o'clock, p. x, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come be fore the meeting. All 'interested in .this Association are earnestly request ed to bo prose nt. R. BISHOP, President. *VA»SL«*.Se«*tarj. Klchmofol Department, CONTRIBUTED BT "FLOSSIE." A. P. Gray was home over Sunday. Mrs. B. C. Marten has been sick for seysral days. Mrs. S. H, Walker visited with Mrs. Ransom last week. Miss THlle Arp has returned to Chi cago. Her mother is recovering. The PLAINDEALER'S editor called on Richmond friends Saturday. Tboy do say that tfeero are more weddings to be soon. Jack Wray walks the floor with an 11 pound boy. Earlo Eldredge was homo over Sun- day. Mrs. Cecil Cox has returned to Ba- tavia. Miss Ellen Crossen Is at home on a visit. Allen Rowe moved to Lake Geneva a couple of weeks ago. Mrs. 3. B, Carpenter Is do#« from ^anesvllle. Wis. It Is said that Samuel Wilson Is go ing to have a brick yard on bis farm north of town. • ^ Miss Dora Whltlngj »# McHenry. visited with Nettie Downing a part of last week. Mrs. A. B. Clapsattle's friends will treat her to a birthday surprise to* night--Tuesday. Tnere Is to be # masquerade on skates down at the rink In § couple of weeks. WEST HARTLANO. EDITOR PLAINDEALER.--If you And the following of auy use in the columns of your paper use it there and oblige the undersigned. If not of any use chuck it in the stove and I will be just as happy. Douglas Hines has just finished his barn aud other improvements on his farm, and will move on to the same to-morrow, March 5th. Mrs. F. M. Martin, who has been sick with lung fever for some time. Is fast recovering and if she has no more set backs will soon be able to attend to her own work. Miss Parsons, of Elgin, who was visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Fink's for a few weeks, went hOsse on Thursday last. Miss Amie Francisco, of MeHenry, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. L. Lincoln, at this writing. The neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Lincoln made them a pleasant surprise oh Wednesday even ing last. They came with baskets well filled with all the goodies known to the art, to satisfy the taste and feed the inner man, and any amount ot good humor, all bent oh being happy and making others so. They spent a very joyful and happy evening, and departed iesvlug Mrs. L the happy recipient of one dozen silver kaives and forks, a silver castor, and a 97.50 hanging Lamp, as a birth day present, the party having been postponed from the 26th of last month on ac count of a storm. At tall call, on departure, the eompany was found to number 69 MISTLETOE.. Immense variety of Cboioe Garden Seeds, Peas, Potatoes, Top Onions, Beans, California and White Clover Seed, etc., at Bonslett & Stoffel's. New Hats, very best styles and all ~ ~ "V The Bonner plaee "up ort the hill," was sold at auction Saturday, Tim Hurley being the purchaser. Consider ation, #200. Ira Tryon ard-family have been la this vicinity a week or two, and we be- lieve they do not Intend to return to the west. Mr. Joe Richardson, tone of English Prairie's enterprising farmers, has drawn the lumber, and will soon erect a substantial residenoe on his farm. James V. Aldrich has sold his brick store to J. E. Burton for mtntng stock, and "Jim's" army of friends hope he will be able to add six Ciphers to bis dollars when he sells. of prettiest blossoms from every hill side. Yet I wonder if it would not become monotonous by and by. and If the sunny, quiet days would not at laat seem dreary as winter moonlight on a grave. I believe, my dear, that it would. That all .my enthusiasm, my passionate love of nature would udie dead," and that I would live the same humdrum life that the huadreds do who never stoop to pick a wayside flower, nor raise their eyes to yiew a pretty sunset. I think that after a while the postscript to my prayers, would be a petition for a change--any thing, even an earthquake. Our long wintere, with their storms and gloomy days, make life almost a burden some times. 1 know, but ten-fold is the re compense when spring has come. There if a great deal of sickness all around the country, especially so among the children, changeable with er causing much lung and throat com plaint. Mr. Frank Lawson and family are going to move to Nebraska in a few days, to see If a change will benefit Mrs. Lawson's health, whftk ts very poor. Mr; P. K. Allen contemplates moving to Crystal Lake, which point will be more convenient for him to reach from his mall route. A host of Richmond friends would be sorry to hare "Pack" and his estimable family go. Already the wild ducks and geese have reached the Illinois River, In tbeir northward journey, and ere many more of these spring days have passed, this vicinity will probably be favorable for that sport--buuting. Ac unusually good season Is predicted. Mrs. Ed. Turner, nee Edith Moore, who has been suffering from blood poisoning In her hand aad arm. had her right thumb amputated one day last week. Mrs. Turner's many Trlends regret that she is having such serious trouble and hope she will speedily regain good health. The Congregational Church fair, which was held at the rink Wednes day and Thursday of last week, was considered a success, both financially and otherwise. The display was good --first rato, and was the result of many weeks of Incessant labor on behalf of the ladies of the church. The chance- taki lg method was not resorted to as is usual at a fair, but a few articles brought the treasury a good sum by voting. Supper was served through out the evenings, and the brass band helped to make the occasion pleasant. Nearly one hundred and fifty dollars were cleared, and the church will be re carpeted,etc. thereby. Ever since there were any boys In Richmond, or any flsh in Twin Lakes, the boys have made it Interesting for the fi9h, both In summer and winter. But one day last week the boys were the interested ones, for Capt. Acker- man bad some of them (that Is those erb0 did not succeed In getting over the line before the sheriff reached the^) arrested for yiolation of the Wisconsin fish laws. The boys took a morning ride over the K. D. to Ke nosha and one of them was fined a few dollars. It is needless to say that the affair caused no little indignation among Richmond people, and the unl versal opinion Is that Capt. Ackerman has made rather a mistake, as people who live in glass houses should never have boys arrestud for pulling in a black bass which had become eu tang led In the hook, How nice they are--r!ie«e very first spring days! It seems as though one could not breathe enou^ti of this Bweet blessed air. Of course now and then we have a little flurry of snow, and the white frost twines Its silken fringe across the boughs aa frequently as be fore, yet we know that Spring has come. We know that each succeeding day has a few moments more of pre cious sunshine than yesterday, and brings us nearer to bonny summer time. I think sometimes tbat it must be a perpetual joy to live where no winter's breath ever chills the lily's heart, nor locks up the meadow streams with Its loy keys, where al- uid »l«m T aonjil Hirn«fi Bargain in Music. ThisFivorite Album of Songs and Ballads, containing thirty-two pieces of (hoice and popular music, full sheet music size, with complete words aftd music and piano accompaniment is finely printed upon heavy paper with a very attractive cover. The follow ing are the titles of thn songs and bal lads contained In the Favorite Album: As I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear Old Sengs of Home; Mother. Watch the Little Feet; Oh, You Pretty Blue- Eyed Witch; Blue Eyes; Katy's Lot- ter; Tlie Passing Bell; I Saw Esau Kissing Kate; Won't You Tell Me Why, Robin; The Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving Lindens; Faded Leaves; All Among the Sum mer Roses; Touch the Harp Gently, My Pretty Louise; I Really Don't Think I Shall Marry; Dreaming of Home; The Old Cottage Clock; Across the Sea; A Year Ago: Bachelor's Hall; Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year Ago; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Barn Gate; Jack's Farewell; Polly; Whisper in the Twilight. This Is a very line collection of real vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome style. Published in the usual way aad oought at a music store, these 32 pieces would cost you 911.20, We bought a Job lot of this mu*icat a great sacrifice and ai the holidays are past, we desire to close out our stock at once. Will send you the entire collection well wrapped and postpaid for only 40 cents. Send Immediately. Address, The Empire NewdCo., Syr acuse, N. Y. Houses and Lots For Sale In Ringwood. I offer for Sale er Rent, two Houses and Lots, situated in the village of Ringwood. Also a building suitable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and other partic ulars inqul ro of 336m. WESLEY LADD. CABBAGES, Onions, Parsnips, eta, at Locke's Home Bakery. Business Noticed. City residences for sale. Apply l Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, BL Everything In the Hardware lino at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever bo- fere. at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 oeiits, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. New Wall decorations, Stoffel's. Papor. borders, celling etc., at Bonslett & I have 6 new Lumber Wagons of the best make whioh I am offering very cheap. Call and see sample at E. M. Owen & Son's warehouse. O, N. Owaw. CONTRACTS! CONTRACTS! My books are now open for a limited acreage of Cucumbers, Cabbages, Onions, Cauliflower and Peppers Would be pleased to have those of my former patrons who desire to raise anything in the above line come early as I can only accommodate a limited number and profer to give them the preference. Respectfully, 34-3w W, A. CRISTY. FOR SALE. A wholesale notion wagoo. horses, harness, stock and fixtures. Will assist a man in buying goods and go one trip oa wagon with him. Have a good route. Reason for selling, poor health. Cor further particulars, 9ee or address, N. B. DUERS, 34-4w Wauconda, 111, Just received a Car load of the old Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at John I. Story's. WOOD FOR SALE, Good Dry Wood for sale, by E. Lawius. opposite the Riverside House. New Window shades, aew coloring and latest designs, at Bonslett $ Stoffel's. Another Art CrazcC* The latest art work among ladles Is known as as the 'French Craze,' for decorating China, Glassware, et;. It is something entirely new, and Is both profitable and fascioating. It Is very popular in New York, Boston,and oth er eastern cities. To ladles desiring to learn the frt, we will send an elegant china placque. (size 18 inches.) handsomely decorated tor a model, together with box of ma terial, 100 colored doslgnB assorted In flowers, animals, landscapes, etc., com plete, with full instructions, upon re ceipt of only 91. The placque alone is worth more than the amount charged. To every lady orderinr this outfit who encloses the address of five other ladies interested in art matter*, to whom we can mail our new catalogue of art goods, we will enclose extra and with out charge, a beautiful 30 inch, gold tinted placque. Address, The Empire News Co., Syr acuse, N, Y. New fine transparent shades 75c to 90c, at Bonslett & stoffel's. New Carpets, Carpets by sample and in stock at Bonslett A Stoffel's. The finest 50 cent tea in the market at Althoff Bros, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale her house and two lots, in the rill age of McHenry. It is pleasantly located, near the business part of the village, house in good repair, and has one of the best cellars in town. Good well, cistern, outhouses, etc., and any quan tity of small fruit of all kiuds. Will be sold reasonable if applied for at oce. MRS. L. A. CLARK. MdUenry, Feb. 21,18S7. New clothing at Bonslett A Stofiel's. New Boots and Shoes at Bonslett A Stoffel's. , . Money to Loan. Monoy loaned on McHenry County farms on time and in amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply to J. W. KANSVKAD, Booms 1 and t, Borden Btook, Klfia III, SS-Sm FOR SALE OR RENT, I offer for sale or rent my farm of 180 acres, near the village of Solon. Also 40 aores 1J miles south of Solon. Liberal terms if applied lor at once. W. TRUES DELL. ... •. Wall parer, trunks, valises, hand hsgs etc., at Bonslett A St off el's. 16 ounces good ping tobacO, ooly Si cants, at Bonslett & Stoffel's. The finest line of Bird Cages ft§ town, at John I. Story's. Look at the choice Candlea at Bos* ley's Drug Store, West End, Plush Sets, the finest in town, cheap, at Geo. W. Besley's. ^ Limps complete, for 25 cents, at; Geo, W, Besley's. Call and see them, Onlv change to buv 29 Gallon new* Jars for 92,75 at Bonslett A StoffePs Building Paper and Moth Proof Car- pet Paper, at John I. Story' McHenry. Rockford Flour, of all kinds, war ranted, at Bonslett A StoffePs. Handkerchiefs, all styles and prloee at Althoff Bros. Oil Meal,, Salt. Bran aad Middlings* at Bomlett A StAsl's. Albums only 20 cents, at Geo. fF Besley's, West Side, New clothing for spring trade, latest styles at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Buy the Candee Rubber Goode^fi every pair warranted,-at Bonslett St' "?lj Stoffel's. ^ H. Rosenblatt Overalls, Shirts, Jack ets. and Pants, all warranted at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Poutlac knit Wool Boots, best' made, wear trtree seasons, at Bonslett. A Stoffel's* Try our Leader smoking tobacco^ only 20 cents per pound, at Bonslett St Stoffel's. If you want the best Milk Cau ever made, call on John I. Story. He keeps the only stock in town. THE Genuine Novelty and Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prices at ' ; John I Story's. Beware of Imltationa. gjj Call for the "Winning Stroke", a new vj Brand of five oent Cigars, manufacture ed by Barblan Bros. It beats tbenfe.:";M all. THE highest price In Cash paid for J strictly fresh Eggs, at Locke's Homo ^ Bakery. ______ C. H. Fargoe's Custom boots and ^ Shoes, all warranted, at Bonslett A - Q Stoffel,s. Jvi Twenty per cent discount on all ^ winter goods for the next thirty day< at Althoff Bros. ^ ------ • Lace Curtains. Tidies, Laaaberktn9p,1§ Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mr*, ':- Schumacher's, near the Depot. If you want to learu how to Pain! your Buggy for One Dollar, call at , Besley's Drug Store, West End. IF you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new get the Na«- ^ tlonal Patent Leather .Enamel at Besley's Drug Store. -»! • • • Jersey Waists, a full sopply, whleh w i l l b e s o l d a t l o w e r p r i c e s t h a n a n y • other store In McHenry. >1 Maa-.M. SGHOMACBBB. ^ The Metropolitan is the Boss ctrpet sweeper, and no housewife should buy one before seeing it. It is cheaper: and better than all others. For sal# by John L Story. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish at the lowest,Chicago prices. FOR SALE. V Short Horn Bulls and Plym^ntH^ Rook Fowls. Call on or address, FRANK COLE, 32 3m Spring Grove, 111. For the next thirty days a discount of twenty per cent will be made ou all purchases of winter goods at our stored ALTHOFF BROS. J It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The "Garland ' Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledge*! to embody all that is .best in thai lino. They have the reputation of being the best made. Though imitated by man|> they are equalled by none. For sale.iis McHenry by John I. Story. IS m Notice. To those that want Tubs, 'Vats, ffiqr ' Racks,and anything in my line of boat- aess. Work done on short notice to*: order. Shop one door South ot Law- •us' Store, F. A. HEBARD. McHenry, Aug. 10,1886. * _ -- " Bucklon's Arnica Salv*. ," The bast Salve in the world for cuts '• bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, cbilblala^lC corns, and all skin eruptian&, and pos<*"k:^ tively cures piles, or no pay required.- ^ It is guaranteed to give perfect satlsi faction, or money refunded. Prion 25 .: :>- cents per box. For sale by Henry 1 Colby, . r; CARV STATION, lit.. March 2<I, 1386. O. DICKINSON * SON--Harrington, lit Vgg Gentlemen:--I had a cow tbat di&!|| not clean for three days after calving^f# and I procured a bottle of your cow Prescription and gave it according to#.; the directions, and the cow was at!-J right in less than thirty-stx hours at? ?> ter giving, aud has done first rat# 'J-* since. AUGUST AIM. . For sale by all druggists. r Would You Believe It? That we are authorized by the prOv#| prietorof Kemp's Sarsaparllla to ra*£|| fund the mouey to any one who hat f; taken three-fourths of a bottle witlt. out relief? We are positive that n# ^ other proprietor has the confidence in his medicine to do this, it is for en* richiug, cleansing and purifying the : Blood and toning up the systesa^ r Price 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. Bssutr. tfiffi ---- To-Night and To-Morrow Might. And each day and night during thie " week, you can find at Geo. W. Besley'fl^-.i5-' drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac*3 "! knowledged to be the most SUOOMSW^:-,^ treatmeut yet introduced for the ctirf.;; ^ of pi 1M. Old sufferers from this DISM» T'S strosslug eomgteliUa at once re» ^ lleved aud in a permaneit cure establisfl^^^^^H the disoasa . in time by usfj^^^^Bpet efleetl** remedy. Prid^^^HUddrese foe J*®Phlet°opl^^^J», Le Bof V• •SfSl' '• y