Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Mar 1887, p. 5

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Jfeflwrj piafcfaler WEDNESDAY, MARCH 88,1887, Railroad Time Table. On Ud after Monday, June *1,1 Tfftittt will FKiuoaau CLAIRYOYANCE IN IXDIAIU *. JAS. WALSH and family move I Elgin this week. 3«. Lew Walloon'* Experience te.Tfcltor yjmf Shop--It Made m Good Story. | JAS. CROW, ot Crystal Lake, was a AH who have read Gen Wallace's oaller at this office on Thursday last. "Pair God" will remember the scene in A. WENDELL moved hit family tel^e underground chamber between the , * r\M nviacf <*Y\A lUfla Chicago this week. • i McHenry Station as below: OOIKO SOUTH. Lake Geneva Passenger .... •Sj^wLake Genera Express ~ L a k e Geneva Freight »I... Lake GeneT* Passenger.......... ooiwo iroarit. Lake Qeneva Freight Lake 3eseva Passenger ; Lake steneva Express.... Lake Geneva Passenger ..7:38 A. V „ .8:25 *• k. 8:00 p. M ..5:* " ...8-11 A. M*0 • .. AMT.M ...9:61 " • Stops only te leave Passengers. B. Buss.Agent. McHenry, 111 MASONIC. MCHUKT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHK l. STomr, W. M. m Girl Wanted. A flrl to do general housework in a •mall family. Inquire at this office. / OUR Public School closed on Friday V last for a two weeks vacstion. LOOK out for the new advertisement Althoff Bros, next week. . >^AVTKRXOCN mall* for Chicago, now fpent from both the McHenry and Wost \|McHenry Post Offices. ORANGES, Lemons, Cabbage, Onions, Tarnlps, Parsnips, etc., at Locke's Bome Bakery. READ the new advertisement of Bonslett & Stoffel, to be found in an­ other place in this paper. ONE ot our exchanges speaks of an .editor by the name of Bi^ilf He must be a Holy terror. THE M. E. Church, In this village, is being treated to a coat of Paint on the ^outside, which will much improve Its saranee. "Give you a reason oa compulsion? " Why of course I will. I am cured of rheumatism, which has kept me en* •laved for twenty years, by using Sal­ tation Oil, which cost me only 25 cents IN the advertisement of W. A. Cristy. on the last page of this paper, the price for bran per ton should read 916 and for shorts, #16, That page was rinted before we received the change. THE old Roman game of "knuckle down." '"dubs," and for "keeps," has broken out among the "kids," with all the virulence of a spirited political 3 canvass. Marbles are a forerunner of ^-tprlog., H, W, MCLEAN'S horse, "Old Black," gave np the ghost last week. He was once considered the most valuable horse In town, but his days of useful­ ness were past. He must have been near thirty years old. C. E. CHAPELL advertises an auction of one ear of cows, new milch and springers, to take place in the village Of Algonquin, oa Saturday next, at 9 o'clock. A, M. F. K. Granger is the auctioneer. ~ REGULAR Communication of Mc- Henry Lodge No. 158, A, F. and A. M. will be held on Monday evening next, March 28th. A general attendance re­ quested. Important builneWL By Order of the W. M. THE latest popular song is entitled •'The Tomcat Must Not Yowl To­ night." It will be sent postpaid for three dollars, or with seven chambers and self-cocking action for seven dol­ lars and fifty cents. FOR sale, a Scholarship la Judd's College of Commeroe, Chicago. Ap­ ply at this office. This in one of the best Commercial Schools in the west, and a chance is now offered to get a scholarship cheap if applied for at once. ' H. H. NICHOLS, one of tba best Painters In the county, has moved bis shop to the rooms over Simes' Black­ smith Shop, West Side, where he can hereafter be found ready to do all .work ln_hls line. Read his notice elso ^wherein this paper. THE new two-cent postage stamp , which will be put into general circula­ tion this month is said te be the band somest design ever issued by the Government pest office department, and will have an embossed profile of \ Washington upon It. surro'unded by ^uo tinted back-ground. JOHN EVANSON 6 Co.. is the name of the new firm who will open busi­ ness at the old stand of Fitzsimmons & Evanson. April 2d, as will be seen by a notice elsewhere In this paper. Mr. Evanson is one of our most enter­ prising business men, and our citizens will be glad to know that he has •^decided to remain in McHenry. Read -bis notice in another column. F THE trotting stallion, ' George O." , will not stand for service this season, as he will go to Chicago April 15th, and will be under the care of Peter V. Johnson, one of the tiest trainers In the West, and we shall expect to see him make some very fast time before, the season is over, as he la capable of doing. His blood lines trace back te all the best and fastest bl%od3 now kuown, and the time Is not faf'dlstant barring aocldeats, when they Will all .want a "George O." colt. IN another column ean be found the Spring announcement of W. H. Dwight of the Woodstock Boot and Shoe house, who is filling his store this spring with a larger stock of Boots and Shoes than ever before, and new, as always. Is offering lower prices, quality of goods coasidered, than any other house in the county. He keeps no shoddy goods, but the best to be foun l In the market, and what be tells you you can depend upon every time Good goods, low prices, and one price te all is his motto, Call and see blm whC»i In want of anything in the foot- Hao. Read bis advertisement. IX: old priest and the little girl. The child is made the instrument through G. S. SOUTHWORTH. editor of the which the fair god's coming is an- Woodstock Sentinel, made our sanctum nounced, she going into a trance under a pleasant call ou Saturday the PrieBt s influence at the time. Sev- - . , eral months ago the General and a CHAS. GRANGER. aof Antiech, spent number of gentlemen were discussing Sunday with his parents, In this the supernatural and were relating per- Vlllagd. sonal experiences says the Indianapolis Uloo „ . . Sentinel, when some one asked Gen. v/LARA WAITS wont to Elgin Wallace where he got the idea for the on Saturday last, where she proposes incident mentioned. to spend the summer. "I was practicing law in a small MRS. E.J. HANLT and children, are countr-v to,7n ™ J"9 State a number of -- t»t. * «_ j « oia, ...years ago," said the General, "and was g with friends in Elgin this a^. WOrk*upon the novel during odd mo- wee*t- ments. I had never paid any attention Miss MABEL THATER, of Oak Park,to clairvoyance and that sort of thing. is visiting with Miss May Wlghtman.and scoffe? at ,aU ?h,° that , ... ™ man may have knowledge of what per- in this village. tains to the other world. There was a MRS. S. P. COLBT, of Chicago, will tailor living in the town who was ex- arrlve In town to-night, for one day eeedingly superstitious. He had fre- on]_ quentlv invited me to witness some of * , his manifestations, but I had always re- H. SHEPPARD will occupy J as. fused. One night as I was walking Walsh's house the coming summer, toward home after having been engaged He will probably move this week. in some work afc m7 office. I saw a light „ . . in the tailor's shop window and some- Miss GRACE STEVENS, of Burton, is thing prompted me to stop. My friend the guest of Miss Mary Wont.worth and a boy apprentice were at tvork this week. when I entered. The tailor gave me a JOHN BMBUN. of th. flro. .R P" •*»-_ , . „ • . . . m e r i c i n f l u e n c e a n d k i n d r e d m a t t e r s . Barbian Bros., returned o» Monday After a while he asked me if I would from'a visit with friends at Minneapo- pare to hear some wrappings. I told lis, Minn. Miss CORA MCOMBER, who has been sick for the past few months, was able to ride out last week, and Is slowly but surely improving. GEO. H. KING, who is representing the McHenry County Votesblatt, the German paper published at Wood­ stock. was a caller this morning. HON. GEORGE WAIT, made our sane- tnm % pleasant call on Monday. He was on his way to Springfield, bavin g spent Sunday with'hls family in Lijke County. m to suggest something else, as anv- >dy could make wrappings. He then suggested clairvoyance, and I told him to go ahead. Now at thisf" point it is nfecessary to lay that for the following day I had Inade a business engagement with a nrmer who lived near town in an old- fashioned log house. I had driven past ;he place a number of times and was familiar with the house and the road io it. The tailor proceeded with his ar­ rangements by placing the boy on the l)ench with his face to the wall. The nan turned down the lamps in the shop Mid directed his attention to the little , ^ . _ 'ellow, making passes With his hands OHN DARREL, E. A. Stone. Geo.< IROUD(J AMJ above him. In a few min Fry and Henry Hertlotz, of Wood- utes the boy, who was pale and sickly stock, were over to the Old Settlers In appearance, went into a sort of Meeting on Thursday, and made the |rance, and the tailor told me to take PLAIKDEALER a call fiold of one of the little chap's hands And fix my mind on some incident in CASPKR MCOMBER, son of .Henry IJNY life or on some place that I had vis- McOmber, of this village. Is lying verj Bted. The farm house I alluded to a low at bis residence In Chicago. On Sat- foment ago came to my mind at once, urday he was considered dangerous, ?nd I thought of it instantly. Almost u... _» ,1.1. (immediately the boy s lips began mov-but at this writing, Wednesday morn- sing, and in a loose, disconnected way he Hebron Department I.ODUE DIRECTORY. MASONTC.--A. P. and A. M. meet at Masonic (Hall on every 1st and 3<l Wednesday even- I u.'8 of each month. I MODERN WOODMM OF AMBRTCA.--Meet at IfJfasonic Hall every 2d and 4th Monday even­ ings of each month. Neigbborf; cordially in- iriied. SONS or TBMPRRANCB.--Meet at Union Hail bn Tuesday evening of eaob week. sk in EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--School twll[ fofclose on Friday of this week tor a atlhort vacation. Jack Spice shot two Wild geese one n<day last week. Pete Robinson has engaged to work for P. S. Lines this season. Mr. E. Merritt, from Elgin, has been d^vislting relatives and friends in this J|vlcinity. ni Miss Ella Row* was bome from |jwood9tock fo*- a lew days vacation. Frank Rowe has been putting up a Hjaew telephone line from the store to •'his residence. Miss Olive Stevens, froJQ Ringwood, made friends here a pleasant visits I few days ago. • Mr. Norris Chandler hat jChased a lot on Main Street WM. THOMAS, of Chicago, who is visiting with Isaac Wentworth, In this village, removed the old one and put the new weather Vane on the M. E. Church Steeple on Tuesday, in a man­ ner that proved that hi was no novico at the business. He commenced at*the bottom and built his way up, aud done it so quickly that before many thought he bad got fairly started he had the old one out and the new one in place. Mr. Thomas Is a practical builder ID Chicago, and understands bis business thoroughly, and while other parties wanted $ 10 far doing this fob he volun­ teered to do It for fun and the good of the cause, and well deserved as ho re­ ceived the thanks ot all. . THE farmers of McHenry county and all the people thereof, will unite in loud acclaims should the prediction of Prof. Foster, the Iowa weather proph­ et prove true that the crops of Illi­ nois in this year of grace, 1887, will be among the greatest of recent years. He says: 'Oats sown early will have splendid growing weather from April to 12, followed by eleven days of cold that will rot the late sown oats but will not hurt the early sown; then for a month fine farming weather is predicted, A storm period will occur during the last week of May, Corn should be planted early. There will be more rain this year than last, and the winter will be mild and opon, A large plant of corn is advised. AMONG the near patents Issued we notice one on a trunk. We can assqre the inventor that the traveling public will take but a feeble interest In the patent. There are plenty of good and handsome trunks now on the market. They are roomy, they are well pro­ portioned. they lock readily, they are easily handled. In short they give eatlre satisfaction. What men and women are yearning for is not a new and improved patent'trunk but a new and improved patent baggageman. Every season many a premising trunk perishes miserably in the bloom of its yonth. owing to the treatment It re ceiveg at the bands of unsympathetic baggage-smashes. The genius that patents trunks strangely misappre­ hends the situation. TO THE LADIES, Bring your children and fit them to suits, We have an assortment. Also caps. Shirt-waists of different quality, A good waist for 20 cents. White dress­ es for Misses under 14 from 92 to 95. ChllJren's drawers from 15 to 25 centi, and other articles at bargains to-mor­ row, Thursd y, Orders returned from city; also samples for selecting at MRS, H, S, GREGORY'S. A CAKD. We wish in this manner to return our thanks to our neighbors and Trtendsfor their kindness and assis­ tance during the sickness and after the death of our father. May they all find equally as willing haads and kind hearts to assist them sbonld they ever bo called to pass through a like be­ reavement. MR. AHD Mas. ADAM LiOHTiraa. If you are looking for a first class Carpet cheap, go to John B Blake's Furniture Ston. Ing. he is reported better. |described the log house, the roads lead- Rmv. CHAS. CONKLIN, of Chicago lin8 to it, and many little details as they West Side Universallst Church, was In Pa®8ed. through my mind But after McHenry yesterday, with a ~ I fo»o^^g me for a time he stopped > renting a. bouse for a summer bome for himself and family. He Is looking towards negotiations with Pistaqua Bay parties. He was much pleased with the outlook h< re. COMMITTEE^Tnr^rfttoog of The Executive Committee ef i*e Old Settlers1 Association of McHenry and Lake Counties are requested to meet at the Riverside House In the vllliige of McHenry, on Thursday. May 5th, 1887, for the purpose of arranging for the next annual re-unlon, and the traasastlon of other business that may come before them. PER ORDER. CHAS. H. MORET brought into this offioe a few days since two stocks of Corn, which he brought from the farm of James Burgett, Hebron, which Is a little ahead of anything we have ever seen la this country. Mr. Burgett did not know to what variety it belongs, and It Is unlike anything we ever saw. On the two stocks la our possession there ^ are seven large and well de­ veloped ears, four on one and three on the other, and we are informed that this was a fair average of the whole field. Mr. Burgett planted this variety for fodder, and consequently did not take that care of it that he otherwise veuld, but nevertheless |it yielded full one hundred bushels to the acre. This would prove at least, that it would be a profitable kind to raise, and from the appearance of the ears in our possess­ ion we should judge it to be of first clast quality for general use. Will some farmer call and see it and give It a name. not pnr- and will 1 oot build this summer. We are' lorry 2 the report is not a true one. • A very pleasant evening was spent , by the young people at a surprise ' party given for Wrajr Rowe. on Frl- 1 day evening. . G.B.Stone and John Wickham have 'returned trom California. v Tliey re- ^ort a pleasant jeurijey atul are highly , delighted with the country. I The sidewalk craze has reached to , Jther parts of town. Report says Main Street will jbaye a walk its en tire length before many days. The warm, weather of Saturday caused the boys to gather on the west side of the store and takn a sun bath and were greatly interested in a tight between two Light Brahma Roosters. Do not think there was ^great deal of money changed hinds, but the bets were quite large. What a person to |§ envied is a newspaper correspondent. He make* friends and enemies alike, although generally more enemies# than friend*. Each week he must j >t down the items of new* as he hears them from what Is supposed to be a reliable source, and if he makes a mistake, woe be unto him. The blame is all laid at his door by those wi«e(?) ones who never get things wrong. Again, there U another class of would-be-noticed- people, who are oflended because they do not get their names in the papej- when something of importance happens to them, when the reason is simply because the correspondent has failed to hear of the great event. We would advise the fault finders to write up the news for ore short month aud we are sure they would be more leni­ ent hereafter. *[f we make a mistake that does one an injury we ire willing to go down on our knees \nd apolo­ gize. A correspondent sbouul be made to order, with tin ears aii^l broad shoulders to withstand the abuse un­ deservedly showerei flpen him. Our •ars often burn, yet if other poople will always tell the truth, we will warrant you never to m ike a mistake in this little column of ours. A MeHenrjr Minister's Work. Rev. B. Brannlng, of tho Univereal­ ist church, of this place, received a telegram from Gomah, Wis., last Sun­ day noon, before he left the pulpit, to go there to officiate at the funeral of a Mr. Richardson, of that place, Who was a neighbor of the reverend gentleman over forty years ago In the East. Im­ mediately arter eight o'clock, at close of the evening service, E. Lamphere carried him to Woodstock to take the midnight train. Ho went 226 miles, attended the funeral Tuesday, took a train there at 8 o'clock that night, ar­ rived here at 10 Wednesday merning. He took a 11 very team at 5 p. M.. drove to Spring Grove, AND MARRIED, at the residence of the bride's father. John Hendricks, Esq., Daniel Smiley, and Miss Libbie C. Hendricks, staid to enjoy with the rest of the company an elegant supper; looked over the numerous and "excellently practical presents; bid the friends good night; drofe home, really to retire at 11:20 p. M. If anybody waots a live minis­ ter, and be sure that he will be there, send for Rev. Mr. Brunning. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, '87. To Patrons and Advocates of Cash Deals. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned. on Saturday. April 2d,, will open business in West McHenry, (next door to post office) the nature of whlctl will be to buy and sell general mer­ chandise. farmers' produce, etc,, FOR CASH ONLY. Pl*ase remember that this stock will be new and freih and that every effort will be made con> slsteot with honorable and square' dealing to induce the cash buyer t<K> patronize and aid this system, firmly believing that such transactions will result !n mutnal benefits. Inspection ef our goods and a rea­ sonable share (not all) of public pat­ ronage respectfully solicited. Every body for 40 milts invited to West Mc- Heury, Saturday, April 2d. 1887, and every day following. JOHN EVANSON & CO.. Tho tho Storo. i best and cheapest Carpets In MoHenry's Wealthy Florida Land Owners. It will be gratifying to many of our Florida laud speculators to learn the lual outcome of their St. Andrews R. R. and Land Co. investments. To those who anticipated -flooding the MeHenry market, In a few years, with oranges "raised on my own free land," given by the above generous company, the following will, no doubt, be a great pleasure for them to read* The item Is taken from the Sunday later Ocean, the paper who put so many of our citizens oa the road to sudden wealth by advertising the method |of "how to get something for nothing." The following is the item: Guy Weber, treasurer and manager of the St. Andrew's Bay Land Co., of Florida, was arrested yesterday after-' nooi at Cincinnati, on a charge of mis­ using the United States mails by send­ ing out circulars and matter designed to defraud. Why such papers as the Inter Ocea! should lend itself to fostering such fraudulent schemes, is surprising, and why so many fools were ever born and permitted to settle in one town, is an unanswerable conundrum to ONE OP THE FOOLS. In Me mory of Mrs. John Nelson, Who died, at her home in MeHenry, on Tuesday, March 15th, 1887: - Yes, «he has gone, dearest Mary, And bade us farewell. She has gone to meet our Savior, Where bright spirits dwell. Oh, who beheld the sorrowful sight, Or saw the lonely bier; . But at last lone and weary We must check the failing tear. Each long day we sadly miss her, It is said by one and all. Ob. who bu t felt the touch of grief Aud sorrow at her untimely call, ' But alas, her gleeful, happy aays on earth Are ended; those days indeed were few. Our blessed Savior called her homo, And why should she not go? She has reached her journey's ending, From all friends on earth did part. Oh. who ctn till tnat vacant plate, Or soothe those aching hearts. 1 Sne has gone from hust>an<<, two small Children, home and friends so dear; Gone trom all fond relations, never­ more To meet them here. She Is happy in that heavenly home, She is roaming with the blest. So cheer up fond friends and relations, Dear Mary is at rest. And weep not all ye mourners, Her sufferings are now o'er, and she Has found a place of rest, On tnat yonder golden shoro. By • fbikot). WHEAT WANTED, The highest cash price will be paid for good milling wheat at the Watt- conda Mills. 96-4 W J.SPENCER. Work Horses For Sale. A spaa of good Work Horses for sale. Will weigh 2600 pounds. One mare and one gelding, 6 and 7 years, sound and true lu every particular. Inquire of . MICHAEL CLARY. Half a mil* South of Bishop's Mill. Richmond Department* CONTRIBUTED ur "FLOSSIE.' No rainy days yet. The epidemic of colds hat ttot sob- sided. Florence Harworth spent Sunday with friends at McHenry. Arthur Schafer, of Minneapolis, vis- itcd Dr. E. R. Bennett last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitney arrived in town Saturday evening. C, F. Hall was in town Saturday, as also was Mrs. F. W. Mead, of Elgin. May McConnel was home from Au­ rora a part of last week. Jennie Dennison has been home on a visit. Quite a large crowd attended Chase Cole's dance the 17th. Fred Parsons has" boon oa tho sick list. The Modern Woodmen organlzat ion here numbers about 33. Chase B. Cole is going west Wednes­ day--to Nebraska, where Will Is. Mrs. Jurdan Andrus has been down from Ft. Atkinson vifiting old friends. Majjgie Heck will frown on pupils Of the Solon school this summer. Albert Neygatt and Eben Weeks have returned from their trip to Bur- ley. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Osmond wore down from Sharon last week to Nora's wed­ ding. H. H. WalHa, of Chicago, breathed Richmond's balmy air, and smiled on friends last Saturday. Miss McKee spent Saturds^ M her Algonquin heme, and Grace Colo took a trip to McHenry. A1 Shaller, Jacesvllle, and Karle Eldredga, Chicago, exchanged greet­ ings wkh Richmond friends Sunday. Rev. Gso, Young, of Elgin, is goifEg to lecture in the M. E, Church Friday evening on '"Peculiar People.'** Mrs. Howden and Frank visited Chi­ cago Friday. Emma Dietrich came down from Genea and attended to'the telegraphing. The Woodstock German paper has a correspondent in this village. He is a shy chap, but makes an admirable rep­ resentative for our burg. Conductor John J^ncks was oft the flm, of the week and Conductor Mc- Uuire walked tho flowery path on the morning passenger. Frank Holian and Dennis Hurley, be­ lieving that the C. & N. W. R. R. trains could be run without their Mr- vices for- a few days, visited in our village last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Seneca Wing, of Mound Prairie, are going to cslebrate their twenty-lifth anniversary Monday eveuitig. March 28th, $t Cedar Glen House, Power's Lake. Samuel Wil9on Is making necessary preparations for the manufacture of brick, on the lower part of his farm just north of town. Dan Strain, who has worked at the trade for some years in Chicago, will have charge -of the work. • • '•The Kid," the Gazette's Hebron correspondent, has returned from a visit, and once more her column Is sparkling with merriment. I am glad you have returned, "Kid," for our neighbor "Ibb" has caused me much anxiety. She has been very indiscreet, I am surprised at her audacity. The equinoctial storm has so far- Monday night--consisted of -a- few snow flakes and a couple of dark, windy Magpb days. The snow has afl disappeared oriiy near the prairie fences; the ice has left the Nipper- sink; all the inerry songsters aro re­ turning to old haunts, and. all tho world seems glad. The social event of the week past was the,marriage of Mr. Will Cairnes and Miss Nora J. Osmond, at tho bride's home near Solon. Wednesday evening. March 18,1887, Rev. Harbough officiating. Only relatives and inti­ mate friends were present. Tho young couple visited Sharon, Wis., for a few days, and will b<* at home on the Cairnes farm east of town. The con- trading ptrties are toogjirell known among our people to need any favora­ ble comment at our hands, ahd their many, many friends wish that their future may be bright as bright can be, and among the garland of wishes are mine, with all Miicrity. Auditor's Meeting* The annual meeting of the Board of Town Auditors for the to«vn of Mc­ Henry. will be held at the council room in the village of Mclienry. on Tuesday, March 29th, 1887. for the pur­ pose oi auditing all claims against said town icr the past year. All In­ terested are requested to bear this In mind and hand in their claims on or beiore that day. F. G. MAYES, Town Clerk. Teachers' Examinations. For the purpose of examining teach­ ers, I will be at Huntley, Monday, March 28th. Nunda, i'uesday, Marcn 29;h. McHenry. Weduesday, March 30th, KichuiOBd, Thursday. March 31at. Woodstock, Friday, April 1st. Marengo, Saturday, April 2nd. Harvard, Tuesday, April 5th. Hebr-jn, Wednesday, April Oth. Woik will commence promptly at 9 A. M. Please porno prepared'with vwriting material; LESTER BA&UER. County Superintendepf"of Schools. MABENOO, March Uth, 1887. Stand Straight Men's, women's, and ("SFiIlcfrtn** braces. No more round ^boulders. No more iat breasts, .A perfect skirt reoaivo new^i BONS .E J Transparent opaque latest designs and lov . cents to $1.15 at Bonslett"^-^ Crockery, Crockery; orated. BONSLRTT & STOFFI Curtain netting, lace curtains, polos, shade fixtures; best assortment in town at Bonslett & Stoflel's. Good plug or fine cut tobacco, only 3d cents, at Bonslett & Staffers. New Dress Goods, Velvets, Vol- veteens and Trimming* at Bonslott & Stoffel's. Badger State overalls, jackets aad shirts at Bonslett & Stoffe 1's. Racine trunks, sacbels, and hand­ bags at Bonslett & Stoffel's. New Wall Paper, Borders and Decorations at Bonslett & Stof­ fel's. CARPETST CARPETS! From the cheapest hemp to 1st ffrade body Brussels, most stylish pattern. Will be matched and sewed for any room at lowest prices at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Hats! Hats! New Styles, Lat­ est Colors at Bonslett & Stoff­ el's. Carpets by Sampli John B. Blake has now the finest line of Carpet Samples to be found In the county, and oan furnish you a Carpet from the cheapest to the best grade made, at prices ten per cent be­ low any other dealer in this section. Call and aee his samples and loarn prices. Spring Millinery. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER, in West Me­ Henry. will this week put in a largo and well selected stock of Spring Millinery, of the latest styles to be found in the city, which will be sold at the Lewest possible pricps. New Goods received weekly as the season advances. Orders taken in every week, goods delivered promptly aud satisfac­ tion guaranteed. The ladies are Invit­ ed to call and see our large <tock. We learn that some parties have spread a report that I was going to leave McHenry. This is not true, I am here to stay, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, and guarantee to please »U who give me a call. MRS. MART 3CHUXAOHBK. Wett McHenry, uarch 22d, 1387. PAINT SHOP. H. H. Nichols has iaoved hla paint shop to the rooms over H. Simes' blacksmith shop, where he is prepared to do all kind* of painting on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. If von want your buggy put in flret class shapo lor the summer, bring it along aud there shall be no unnecessary de­ lay. H. H. NICHOLS. Building paper oheap at M. Engeln^. Harness Oil 60 cents a gallon at M. Enge ln's. Fancy En^eln's. Gorbam Seeders Son's. Roller Flour, at E. It. Owen & Jars and Jugs 9 oer u per gallon at M. Engeln. The finest 50 cent tea it Althoff Bro.s, In tho market Keystone Pulverizers, 16 inch, aiE. M. Owen & Son's, for |28. Road Cart with a twenty-four foot spring at E. M. Owen A Son's. 5 bottle silver plated castor, 75 oents at M. Engeln's. Best Lumber Wagon in towti M. Owen & Son's. •t JS. Smoking Tobacco 19 oents pi? lb'at M. Engeln's. » ^ Broadcast Seeders from $39 OP to 840 at E. M. Owen A Son's. The new Warner Concave Azos at M, Engeln's, Warranted. WOOD FOR SALE. Good Dry Wood for sale, fef E. Lawlus. opposite the Riverside House. Coil Spring Road Carts at E. M Owen it Son's, that beats anything of the class ever iuvented; and springs warranted for five years. Call and see them. ^ Money to Loan.^>. Menoy loaned oa McHenry farms on time and in amounts to suit borrower. Write or anply to J. W. KAHSTKAD, Rooms 1 aad 3, Borden Blook, Elgin III, 39.6 m HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. A house and two lot", situated on the east side of the riv«r, McHenry. Also t' ur lots without buildings. Wll! be sold reasonable and on easy terms if applied for soon. 34-3W THOS. KNOX. CUCUMBER CONTRACTS. MCHENRT. III., March 14th, 1887. I am new prepared to eontract for tho purchase or for salting pickles for the year 1887. All that wish to eon- tract in either way please call at my office. R. BISHOP. CONTRACTS! CONTRACTS! My books are now open for a limited acreage of Cucumbers, Cabbages, Onions, - Cauliflower and Peppers. Would be pleased to have those of my former patrons who desire to raise anything in the above line come early as I can only accommodate a limited number and profer to give them the preference. Respeetftillv, <H-3w W. A. CRISTY. FOR SALE. A wholesale notion wagon, horses, harness, stock and fixtures. Will assist a man In buying goods and go one trip on wagon with him. Have a good route. Reason for selling, poor health. Forlarther particulars, see or address, N. B. DUERS, 34-4w Wauconda, III, FARM TO RENT. The undersigned offers for Tent, his jfarm, situated on the east side of English Prairie, consisting of 160 acres --GO acres of plow land, 40 acres of meadow, and the balance upland pas ture. For particulars inquire on the premises. 36.2w J. C. JAMES. Sale Houses and Lots For In Ringwood. I offer for Sale or Rent, two Houses and Lots, situated in the village ot Ringwood. Also a building suitable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and ottpr royr to» mlars ioquiro of SMm, Cellulol", fore, at G. W. Celluloid Combe, only 20 cowls* at O W. Besley's, West Side. Tho finest line of Bird Carta to town, at John I. Story's. Look at tho choice Candlea aft Boo* - 'I loy's Drug Store, West End, * Plash Sets, the finest in town, < at Geo. W. Besley's. Limps Geo. W, Besley's. complete, for 15 coats, at Call and aee them. Building Paper and Moth Proof Car* pot Paper, at John I. Story' McHenry. Handkerchiefs, alt styles aad prtoaa at Althoff Bros. Albums only 20 cents, at Geo. W Besley's, West Side. Palverlzia* Herrows with three horse equalisers at E. H. Owen 6 ' Son's. THE highest price io Caah paid for strictly fresh Eggs, at Loeke's Homo Bakery. * Gorbam, Buckeyo, Van Brunt, Im­ proved Badger and Williams Seeder* at E. M. Owen d; Son's. Just received a Car load of the old Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at Jobs I» Story's. If you want the best Milk Oan eve if * made, call on John I. Story. He keopt the only stock In town. THB Genuine Novelty aad Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prtoee aft John I Story's. Beware of imitations! Call for the u Winning Stroke", a net? Brand of five oent Clgara, manafaetur* ed by Barbian Broa. It beats these all. Twenty Der cent dlsoouat on all, winter goods for the next thirty dayi at Althoff Bros, Laoe Cnrtalns, Tidies, Lamberkln^ Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. If you want to learn how to Palo! your Buggy for One Dollar, csll af- Besley's Drug Store, West End. IF you want to make your Bu Top look as good as new get the tlonal Patent Leather Enamel a|~* Besley's Drug Store. Jersey Waists, a full supply, whictt - will be sold at lower prloea than any other storo In McHeory. Mas. M. ScaPMAoaaa. The Metropolitan Is the Boss e«rpot\, ^ sweeper, and no housewife should bujfc.'.*• one before seeing it. It is cheapo* and better than ail others. For \ J by John L Story. » Mrs. Schumacher. fj Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goodl X'-j st the lowestjChicago prioea. FOR SALE. J Short Hora Bulls and Plymouth ' fn Rock Fowls, Call on or address. 32-3m FRANK COLE, Spring Grovo, III. ft? For the next thirty days a discount ; of twenty per oent will be mado on all;. purchases of winter goods at our store* ALTHOFF BROS, : • FOR SALE OR RENT, , | I offer for sale or rent my farm ot '>*] 160 acres, near the village of Soloa. : Also 40 acres 1} milee south of Solon# 'Ji Liberal terms If applied for at once* Gao. W. TRUHDKLL. • rp: It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good artleie. The "Garland "j Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged " ^ to embody all that Is ibest in that IfaOk • They have the reputatloa of being tho . best made. Though Imitated by many 1 they are equalled by none. For sale!idk McHenry by John I. Story. / Notice. To thoee that want Tuba, Tata, Racks,and anything in my Una of less. Work done on sbort notice ft<|k^ order. Shop one door South of Law* " <us'Store, - V. A. • MoHeary, Aas> KV MSB. , 11-4-ly KLA, Lake Co., III., Jan. 10,1SSZ. C. DICKWSOH A Sow-- Barrington. 111. Gentlemen:--I had two horses cot with barb wire fence very bad, and | applied Dickinson's Russian Lluiment and it oaused a speedy cure. 1 also use it in my family, and 1 can say that it la the best llalment I ever used. JOHN ROBSS$|0?|. For sale by all druggist*. < Buoklon'o Arnica Salvo* The best Salve In the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, cbllblalas, # corns, and all skin eruptians, aud poe- tlvely cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Prioe 23 cents per box. For sale by Henry Colby. • Would You Believe It? That we are authorized by the pro* prietorof Kemp's SarsaparlKa to re­ fund the money to any one who hu taken three-fourths of a bottle with* out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has tho confidence In hl« medicine to do this, it is for en­ riching, cleansing and punfy!ag the Blood and toning up the system. Price 11.00. Call at our store. Respeotfully, GEO. W. Bcsutr. To-Nlght and To-Morrow Night. And each day and sight during this > week, you can find at Geo. W. Besley's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac­ knowledged to be the most successful treatment yet introduced for the cure of piles. Old sufferers from this die- stressing eomplaint are at onoo ro- lleved aad in a short time a permanent :: cure established. Check the disease in time by using the "most effective remedy. Prioe 90c. Send address for ^Mto^thlet oa piles. Box 2954Lo Bay Tho Vordlet Unanimous . W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., , V testifies: "I can recommend Electric/• Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold bas^glven relief in: every case. One man took six bottles, and was cared of Rheumatism of 10.. years' standing.'* Abraham Hare, druggist. Bellvilie, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have over ' handled in my 20 years' experience, le Electric Bitters." Thousands of other* have added their teetimooy, eo that. the verdict is Mi^imousAhat Electric BUt««pice to go thVk't*fae bthloJ^linUaan fear ' our review uexl week. Bi ice to go tnW if 'y*

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