illorca. i, from New LODA>D. Ji'8mm! o< two boxti of SkHBp^ Pile Suppositories by . Owe 4rugf Ut 1* out. They ftre '•frtolid. IirUd everything with- f )MJp. - bul the Suppositories cored ;;l%i treatment !• new and within I of all, and would advise the to five the in a trial. For lleta.en Piles address Box 896 li* Roj, (f;T. For sale In McHeury, br Geo. W. Besley's at 50c per box. r7' DEPARTURE W Atsns^bs Man. Would nse IKemp's Balsam for the 'throat andXungs. It Is curing more oases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron chitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W Besl«y to refund your money if after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief Is not obtained. Prioe 60u and il Trial slse free. 4" fit* VoallMt Man 1b Maltur. As well as the handsomest, and Others are Invited to call on Geo. W, Betley and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling en tirely upon its merits and is guar anteed to cure and relieve all Chronic aud Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit is and Consumption. Price 50 oents and #1. . Bailey's Ftmotui Waukegan Alo and Porter On draught at J. BonslettX jBn- gleo'e and Jobs Heimer*s. Some rooltob People. Allow acou<h to run unti itgetsl be* yond the reach of medicine. They of* : ten say OhI it will wear away, but in most cases It wears them away. Could they be Induoed to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which will sell on a positive : guarantee to cure, they would immedi ately see (be excellent effect after tak. Ing the first dose. Price 50c and 91.06 Trial size free, at Geo. W. Besley's VoHenry. - 'r fhs Population of RReNonr|i Is about 1000, and we would say at least one-half are troubled with some aflectioo of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are. according to sta tistics, more numerous than others We would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for th* Throat and Lungs. Prise 60c and 0100. Trial size free. Bespeotfnlly, GEO. W. BESLKT. It la So, That we are dally guaranteeing Kemp's Sarsaparilla to the people in this way' that after taking three-fourths of a bottle without relief, we will refund the money. It is the greatest and best remedy on the market for clean sing the blood abd giving you a new lease of life, A' well-known business man informs us he has gained 8 pounds on two bottles of this Sarsapa rilla. Prioe 11.00. For sale by Geo. W. Besley, McHenry. Having purchased the Hardware Business of I. N. Head; In West McHenry, would Inform the Buying Public that heji^iuat4)u^in A full new stock * s * • '£•*. -> j > * »v **••«» 4^'*, » " »• * i i ••V'1 ̂ i Ah TOCK •BREEDERS OF- ' 'i h. • W.:, Ma vv m MORGAN HORSES, Short Bad PolM And Jersey Cattle. Hillside Farm, Wert McHenry* III. Our Morgan dtock is all pure %i&d, and originated from the best Morgau stock in the United States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the head of our stock, !s one of the best bred Morgan horses in the country, and can show more and better all purpose uulU than any other horse in the West. We invite the inapection of our stock by n or soman and all fanrora ot fine animals. A taw full blood Morgan Oolta and young aoraea for sale, Alao one matched team, full •ihMils. In Cattle we hare the full blood Short Ilorn winch we are crossing with the Re>l I'olled Angus and therefore instead of sawing off the borne we are breeding them off and with good aucaeaa. A tew Heifera and Balls, both pure bred Shert Horns and the croaa above mentioned' tor sale. J. R- f aylor A Sons. W4»M McHenry, 111,, Dec, 20th, 1886. v" Vv ElljLAWUJS, Warrants a Fit or Purchased for Cash, all of which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods. A FULL LZXTB OF STOIHDS. For both Coa and Wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In short I will keep everything in tho Hardware line, to be found in McHeury county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first tlass Tinner, and all JOBBING AND REFAIRING Will be'done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Gutter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. 4 W. P. STEVENS, 8 MMiMi He makes Suits to order of the test Cloths, Foreign or Domes- tic# PRICES That good Goods can be sold -- -• HB titans anil •Lao ~ Repairs Neatly and on short notice. Cativ# A Call P£:-; E.LAWLU liaHenry, Jan. 19th, 1 <\ " , % CHEAPER THAN EVER. JOHN B, BLAKE. Two Doora North of Perry & Owen- My stock of Furniture is com plete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying pub lic to call upon me when in want of anything in that line. In this depaitment I keep a first class ass ortment of Caskets and ^offing and shrouds of all kinds anc qualities. A Hearse imailfafid at reasonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKE. GEO. W. BESLEY. Wesf . McHenry, III. -DEALER IN- Drugs, Medicines, Paints Oils, Toilet Articles, &c, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Cue. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Family use. The best bran*1- Cigars and Smokidg and Chewing always-on hand.' Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. CEO a West Mcenry, 111., January 3d, 1887. " every day ains v. -tH FOR S1.QO. 20 IiBS. GrOOIlHlCE 20 Bats Babbitt's \VBest Soap, $1.00, teare THIS, n HUMBUG. easy make uy tne oia, lazy, , but make your where you can J dollar buy the n - - - The Great Mexican SEED CORN "The earliest, heaviest. sonnrtcRt and most prolific variety of corn over grown In Amer ica." This is the testimony of twelve papers pub lisher in different States, to whom we ha/e sent sample packages to test it- •'lt surpasses all anticipations, and is just the thing needed."--Times, Nachitoches, Miss, "It is superior to anv other variety." --Journal, Coming, N, Y. -It will be a valua ble acquisition in the agricultural products of the country."-- Gazette, Sulphur Springs, Texas. "This corn can be »<>wn in the latter part of July and ripened betore frost."--In dex, Warsaw, Mo. "It is highly recommecd ed by those who have tried it "--Ohio Repos itory. "We have heard this corn highly spoken of by the press."--Advertiser, Moul- ton, Ala, "It will \ieldin our climate, two crops a year."--Advertiser, Bastrop, Tex ••It can be successfully grown in Canada." --Montreal World. "It is peculiarly adapted to the short seasons ot the North."--Rev. J. Long, Keokuk, Iowa. "It is just the thing for our swamp land."--Dr. Johnston, Oca la, Fla. It will produce from 90 to 75 bushels of shelled corn to the acre, on any soil from Florida to Oregon. 1st. This corn will yield from twice to three times as many bushels to the acre on the same soil and with the the same culture. 2d. The corn is heavier in weight, has a larger and longer oar and thinner h sic, and makes corn meal for family use sweeter and iiore nutritious and valuable for feeding stock. 3d, The stocks bear more foliage, and Is better for feeding when cut green than other varieties. 4th, That it will grow and produce a profit able crop on ground where other corn will not grow to maturity, It ripens early and is not liable to be cut by frost. Our corn has be*;n selected with the great est care; tue small end ot every ear broken off, the rest shelled by band, W$ Warrant lyity finla to Brow. The Increase yield per acre over the old varieties will pay for the seed twenty times over; besides, overy farmer that plants this year will hare a large demand tor seed at good pneos. TEltMS By mail, postpaid, one dollar per pound, put up in neat packages; 15 packages; «S; 50 packages for $15; 100 packages, *20. Terms, CASH. Registered letters at our risk. Address all orders to LINDSAY A HAULDREN, 35 2m W INFIELD, KANSAS. CALL: WEST HcBENHY, . ' ..J mm mBcaAiDi8i. In the West Division. By owning the building, low insur ance, doing our own work and teaming, paying no interest money, having good credit and a willingness 10 worK hard for small margins, by so doing giv ing our many customers the full benefit of cited circumstances, we are more than ever in a position to treat all as well, or even bet ter than many others, by offering bargains in CLOTHING-, Suitable to our Town and Country trade, of real merit and best styles; made up ELEGANTLY, Sit Splem WEAR SATISFACTORILY. So taht our customers will buy again. Our. , COLLEGE --OF-- COMMERCE, 116 MONROE ST. CHlt&gO, - - III! BUSINESS COURSE, SHORT-HAND COURSE. Young men coming from the country need the same training city boys secure. It is our purpose to develop our students Into good accountants, reliable and quick in computa tions, thoroughly versei in the principals governing the records ot business transac tions, able to record t.hem neatly, methodi. cally, and legibly, familiar with the forms and use of business paper, and the ptinciples of business law by which it is governed. Munson'g Phonography, le thoroughly taught, and many young men and women are doing well in the capacity of Short,-Hand Writers. A Chicago omce is in complete without a Stenographer. The nverage time requiied to complete a Business or Short-Haqd Course, is Six Months School is open all the year, and Students ca enter at any time. BY MAIL, Book-Keeping and Short-Hftud can be studied to good advantage at home, lessons being given by mail. Believing that we offer the - liestadvantage to a limited number of students, we invite your inspection and solicit your patronage. All questions cheerfully answered. W., J?» J U DX), PfiiiOi pftL • \ bbaeea BRAN,"per Ton........ ..$16.00 SHOKTS. per Ton ....... 16.00 SHELL CORN, per btu«-42 cts. By the Single Ton. CARLOADS Quoted upon application. W. A. JDBIST*. At the Pickle Factory ia West McHenry. . EAT LOCKE'S CANDIES! -AND BE- H A P P Y . LOCKE'S CANDIES Are in everybody's mouth, (or should be.^) Small children cry for them, large children like them and the old folks buy them, There is nothing like them. ABSOLUTELY PXJEE AND WHOLE OKI, Try them once and you will use no other. Apples, LEMONS, JS^Hot Coffee at all hour». J3gT" Open on Sundays only from 7 to 9 A. M. and from 5 te 7 P. M. ; "J Look*'s Home Bakery^» Near the Iron Bridge. mauBTiibv •j* -• * : - • i." .#C! • -.•4 ' J , For the in with ! Spring of 1887 is all Also To match them all. CEILING' WITH CENTER PIECES, AMD , :!• COBHXfi DICOBATIOHS, In large variety and carefully ? selected styles. We trim all " paper Free and take back paper containing one roll. We carry;' »large variety of CARPETS Both in stock and by SAMPLE, From the cheapest hemp to the finest body Brussels, in tne stan dard designs and colors, which we have cut only, or cut and made to fit exactly, with borders to match if desired, at the lowest prices. Please examine them whether you wish to purchase or not. We still handle after three years very satisfactory experience the celebrated?©*#, iai-go custom made Comprising the newest and most desirable styles, of recog nized service; which we offer with entire confidence to our trade and warrant every pair agaiust any reasonable defect in wear for a period consistent with common sense. Three years sat isfactory wear by our customers warrant us to farther keep on sale the , . INDESTRUCTIBLE f And Shirts which we fully warrant as to wear and fit, and can please all in assortment aud * ^ style. Our stock ot Window Shades, both transparent, opaque and plain, is all new, cheap and % desirable, tanging in price from f "tf 4C cents to $1.15. We carry in stock curtain poles, shade fix- i tures, pulls, etc. Oirr at»gly ot 3 No. 1 r^xT^r\%: f Is bling weekly replenished, ena- us to at all times offer strictly fresh, clean Groceries, at bottom prices, 15 pounds Valen cia cooking raisins for $1; 20 fts. clean, whole rice, $1; good fine cut or plug tobacco for, 30 cents. We sell only the best CROCKERY^J To be hadand keep full assort ment of white granite, luster band, English decorated, Book ing ham, Yellow and Glassware. tacine trunks, valises,and hand bags, and as good as the best at Very moderate prices, and war ranted as represented, always in Fisr TBVLrrxmaa BONSLETTASWF^BU * -> - - jKlft