v./ ... '-,VV ^ * '* "•&.£ "iHix- •* S 4vfcK«"X, w * t^ir+p: t tmrn •i#-* *»? %* •••iit-W VOL. 12. M'HENRY PBSC.IIBBD IrilT WBDSKSDAT •* 'Jjfc . VAK 8LYK »«• >,%, XDITOR AX D 'PROPR IETOR v Office In Bishop's Blocfc1 -onoaiTB rmr i TERMS OP 8UBSORIPTIOW. )nm Tear (In Attratee) fLS® • (f Net Paid wit bin Three Months 100 Subscription* received for • three or six •oath* in the airae proportion. y Bates ol Advertising. W. tnwnnct liberal rate* for advertising 1W ran PL4iKDBAt.iK, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily nn- Ceretoed. They are aa follows: 1 lach one year - - 5M llaehes one year p' A s> , M<* I Tnohesene year . 1. > * , • 15<*> 4 Golnmn one year' . * « 30 00 4 Ooiumn ene year? * #C' ̂ - V * SO Oft Column one year • • - - 100 00 One inch means the raeaiureraent of one aek dowa the column, single column width. Tearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they ihoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Itautng oards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of fi cents per line Bach week. All others will be charged 10 seats per Mne the first week, and 5 cents per Mae for eaeh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at tki rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as thin is set in) the first issue, and I cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, tn inch advertisement will cost #1.00 for one week, $1.10 fer two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIKDRALBK will be liberal in giving tutorial notices, but, as a basiness rule; it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. T. BROWN. M. D. SURGEON. PHYSICIAN AND Kesldence, McHenry, 111 Ofee at O. H. FEGERS, M, D- PHTSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, Ilia. OSes at Residence. O. J. HOVTARD, M. D. OHTSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, I 111. once at Residence, one door West Of M. E. Church. <- BARBIAN BROS. niCAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or is dors solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, taKeiter Block, third door west of Riverside •oase. Livery Stable. H. 1 WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. ithout drivers elassrigs, with or furnished at reasonable ratos. all kinds done on short notice. First Ivers Teaming of ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand V* of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, HoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keepe open for the accommodation of the PtMlc a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, e he will **• all tim/sa keep the best rands of Wines, Liquors and Oil (to be found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK'8 lADtK LAGER BIER. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand, cheaper than any others quali ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOB HORSES. OP'Call and see as. Robert Schiessle. MeHearjr, 111., Kay 15th, 1MB. ENGLEN'S SALOON and KESTAMANT Buck's Old Stand, MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fini Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, ;er Beer, IDliruku Btsr --AND- BUSJNESS CARDS. PAUL BROWN*, AT LAW. CHICAGO, ILL. A TTORNKF AT LAW. 88 LaSal'e Street FA. CHICAGO F. ELLSWORTH,! , A TTORNET at T.aw, and So1icitor|in Chan •fa. eery, Nunda, III. ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT T.AW AND solicitor] i«. Chancery.--Woodstock, III. ALBERT E. BOURNE. *• SOLICITOR AND COUN A TTORNEr, A SKLOR. " |WOOD3TOOK, ILL. TBuaiuees attended kto promptly, skill and integrity. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1887. NO. 37. ^Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." nth care, J, F. CA?ET, TTORNET and Counselor at Law. Office A ' fx ever Zlmpleman's *tore. All business intrusted to my care will receive prompt at tention. Woodstock, 111. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHTSIOIAN AND SUUG EON. Also United Stat Illinois. MART G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms a t residence, north east corner of Pubiic Squtfre, McHenry, I1L DR. C. K. WILLIAMS. T"\I!NTIST. Residence Dundee. Will he at I J McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 2#th and 3(5th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or 8nnday I make my visits on the following Monday,and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. B. R. BENNETT,^M. D., Late House Surgeon Oookf County Hoapital RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention sriven to difficult 8urgical cases. DEVT&CH G ESP ROC HEX. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. -*=3, Unite! States far Claim Apcy OF WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutoe all class3S and kinds of claims aininst the United States tor ex Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptlv answered if Postage Stamps are ene losed for re ply. WM, H. COWLIN, Office at Residence, Madison St., Wood a toe«. Illinois. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, SALOON AND RESTAURANT, at ttio Old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Winew, Liquors an" Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. Tho undersigned is prepared to do all jobs in line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put in On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap aa any other man. Oopd referencea furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. 9*Orders by mail promptly attended to. POStOIBoe, Johnsburgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, 111., May 2Sth, 1&». C. G. ANDREWS. CENERAL - AUCTIONEER, SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most TUUIS, _AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address C. C. AnredwSf Spring Grove, 111. Spring 3rove, SepLJSOth, 188ft, U-ll-Sm FOB BARGAINS J, ScUitzMilvaiilee Bottle Beer. By the 'Bottle or Cas«. W« buy none but the best and Mil at Reaaonible Prices. Call and see me and I will use For Coal and Wood yon well. ANTONY ENGELN. w tKcHenty«III** 1886* A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO.SSriKTH AVE., (Briggs House), Chicago, 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronome ters. j IVA Full Assortment of Goods in his line SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely „ wrapped, to any address in the United Sta esfor three months on receiptor ONE DOLLAR, Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to BICHAXD I. FOX, ' FRAHKLIH SQtTAKB, New York. H.C. (Till: NEW QUININE) NeM effect No aausea No iips ears Cares pici ?easanipare a Powerful tonic. Thst the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA RHEUWAT5SM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION And all jrerjB j^cs. AUOTIOWBER Is pee pared to attend to all Sales of Stock, Farmmg Tools, Household Furniture, or Ileal Estate. Terms as low aa the lowest and Satisfaction guaranteed. Post office address \r EST MclIENUY, and residence one mile WeaLjaf tlie Mclleury depot. H. C- MEAD- JO HN ^ WINKLES, Carpenter and Joiner, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar> entee satisfaction. Wi work by the job or day as desired, and do as good work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will reced e prompt attention. I Best of References given if m- sired, v JOHN J. WINKLES* MeHENRT, ILL., March SOlh, 1336. Attention Horsemen! I wou d ea the attentfioi* of the pub ic to my^Stab e of Stack Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. Th^y arp a good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep 11 r sale. The public are cordj 1 lly invited to call and examine stjwfc, get prices, etc. No business f one on Sunday. N. S. COL TOR OOl.DS KA1 FOUND TO BK per|f»r to Quinine. Bellevuc Hospital, rersally successful," St. Francis Hospital New York City TNT. HAS BEEN IT a SPECIFIC. Su York City, "Cni- i^'Everr patient treat- •d • « it h Kastiiio has iischarg"d cur- Hev. James T,. H.»ll, Wjjinlain Alltany peni- tSntlarv, writss tha'. KrnsKim- has cured his wife, ai'ter twenty veasb xuflVrinar from ina- laria and nervou » dyspop^ia Write hr.n 'for INirticulars " k St. Joseph's Hospitals X. V : "Its use is considerwi indisprn-ft!)l<». It acts perfectly* " Prof. W. F. llolcoinlw. M. 1» M East iStli St., New Y >rk City, I'fie vrnftssor tn New- York medical eollcgvj- writes: "Kaskine-is superior to Quinine in it# *)>o iflc power, ami never produces tho sH^Utest injury to the henrinx or constitution?* Thousands upon thouanmis \rvito that Kas- kin» has cured them utter all other medicines had failed. Write for book of testimonials. Kaskine can be takenl without tiny special medical advice, fl per |>oulu. Sold by or seut by mail on recent of price. K ASIC IN E COMPAN%5i Warren St,, K«w York City. m STANDARD STALLION Record 2:33. t No 5730- "iieor«e O." Is a Golden Chesnut « ii.h s'ar white spots.on left shoulder, al^o little black s p o t s o n l K > d j f » r i l a « « l U i y t a i u w s t e - o f ! PKf«Mvt<KV.«> ' w.v* by l.aketan<< *. {W/Jnv a ijr.uieT v.Vftiir- old, the tm'r -\f Tf.uj i >f t.1.4 .turf) ; N «k« "• tM«i <s #>;'$& Pnui e * ~ x:« ha $:au< MCOURDF** J *'•.«; -IK-CIA-NU, «:*.'7>;} 3. K/;* "" Tc.!IJIU- s>*v mii'} !H*J ton ills'! '«¥'U < j* R .J 9xl!t:ian, ft •fef. ' 4*: Litke'aKd AtMrifiA-kf* :'^ani.v*t' K- ' viTifele . he by Kevjcer; \teand- lijr Amta"ah. h.11 Biases F, Track Hi SeVftiU'.'sifc 10-7.tf MoHENRl out an p prt'o ,! W. Olay, IP* • l»am Faii^ . u«ti. Giffoni, * ' >enuet •jMfif "C. fortes in,«•>-*: and *, ' meruit- vate tri; '** * do the His con, never l>r<jk hie Cells « years old""*"* htt. oml.^0 1.-.. iS«« bletiiniBh ,, of to-diL,. H* !^S| L^.. % i Sat* . . a«inB ^ fc:*;.- i:: ^'.27, vi'it h- '1 !>' AlS^ik'tat 1>T A •. h^" 'qj|»Hitis by.diashaw, i>#ng lS$wl1h, by o! imported i>^aHi«iof Aimnk u ;«Htauifed Ii- no iipi* In it i pri- i hat, fire', .van oy op;»'o-l.HOi ly. !.|«'riii.' lie has i i Mnr« v«f., milt ! ft-.'1#) Uf). two . be a i t»t. one. as "i Itvs.lvfce Hum. > l'vf.tiio.j* Family ;-.rfer, JU'lliottnilfii' }«H etc. • ) C©^1, Ware: Obtained, and all I'ATEKT tended to for MOD I'HA TV. I'I'I'S opposite the I1 S. Patent Oftioe. and tain l'ntenls in less lime tlinu those r WASH I XflTOy. Send MODI: I.. 1)1^ PHOTO of invention. We advise nliilitv free of cliarce and we make A( LSl.kSS PA TES T IS Xi:< l!KEI>. For circular, advice, terms and actual clients in your own state, Coif Town', write to ' ttfU' Opwmte Patent Office, WashHyon. J> <X "I" John Hebn Algonquin, DBAUBB » •awut Budwui, StOTis, In short, we • keep ei ̂ rythin^ in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ingto the buy ing public as cheap as iffy ©ther house in this section. I i-a *,*-•;* Awiile'JII For MRriteBX-: .! trif«ntltl«# r p:;Hur«; try) * • ittresKf ' ft . )>nt ttmce who •» | f.iilsii'l, M*;uc,wili i: :;.Mi !• unfit I, ! : •> »i i • ;f r (!«;. >tx. .vuTKiKWOid. --• • » Th.i!ewtu}«!*rt . j W-'- l ortoMh AU to if .on.' McHENRY, HerBusinsss and ^Aess MeS. [| YOU FORGET IT! ASA H. SMITH, -OF- Woodstoolc. - - lllinoi«. Backed by MilUons ot money elu (HDBMMITY agaUst damage by ,#lr«t Lightning, Wind Storms, , CTCtONXS AND TORNADOES t Orop m* a poatal eard and I will visit yeu Mil on ase and I will write you a policy, anc fin dtker or any of these destructive eie -aemtadavastates your property, happy will E. M. HOWE, . ba if you hoi'? one of ay policies, for I ilnlster unto'you. suraly visit you, and ml WU1 not forsake you. W. &MI1B, J0BBN0 ft KEPAdUXOk FBOHPTLT ATTEND Dlatsri adache so asgia. They«" Sour S'omac •n the fiatftl tiasae# ftrtd Jtsease. van* For wu« t»y \Q an Opposite Binhop's Mill, ho has a complete line of the best sto*es|iH the market, aa well as a large stock of Hardware. Mechanic's- Tools I, COPPER & SHEET IRON And, in fact, everything it the hardware toTe and tin line. ME WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere. Jobbing and repai'inr promptly attended to . Rem ember, extra good bargains can ai* ways be obtained at Wojre's. A§ Mtluri, Me. 1, Wi TO CURE RHEUMATISM This remedy has a specific action t of the body, supplying moisture to t lubricating the Joints affected by tb MTsr DlUorted Limb* remain ; this specific. A trial of a single bottk the most sceptical that we hire not told tues. Prioe tl.aa per bottle, m*-- Manafactared only by LBNNVY MCDIOINICQ. In maklos a brier mer)t!«n this week of the bufcine^s and business men of our village, it is with a feeling of pride that we can point to her busi ness aS net surpassed by, any other town in the county, and her business men, in point of thrift and enterprise as second to noae in the State. There are some disadrantages with which llenry has to contend, that, to say the least, are unpleasant, but we are glad to know that the feeling Is daily growing stronger among our business men, in faver of dropping all local strife and pulling together for the ' greatest good to the greatest num ber." la our brief meution we shall strive to do equal justice to all, and If we fail to do so we hope it will be over looked, an*] put down as a failure of head and not of heart. We shall begin with GENERAL MERCHANTS. Henry Colby, in Riverside Block, handles dry goods, groceries, clothing, boots, shoes, dru^s, etc., and has a trade that extends over a wide terri tory receiving much custom from l.ake County. He has an established trade and does an immense business; His clerks are accommodating and his store is generally crowded with cus tomers. Alttiofl Bros, are two of our moet en tfrprisiog young businessmen. They carry a stock of dry goodi, clothing, groctrie*, boots, shoes, etc., and their agreeable manner and courteous treatment to all attrac ts a large trade and mak^s their eorner one of the most popular places in towu. Their fast Increasing business will soou de mand more room which will probably necessitate au addition th"ir store the coming summer. Perry & Owen are tin successors to one of the oldest Arms in MoHenry, and in fact, their business is probably one of the oldest established in the in the county. They keep a large and well seleoted stock of dry goods, gro ceries, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc, buy in large quantities and are dQlng a large, g^d cpnstrvut\y_ in creasing business, Tliey employ none but gentlemanly and accommodating clerks, and their business extends iuto all neighboring counties. O.J V. Stevens, on the West Side, carries a large and varied stock of dry goeds, clothing, groceries and general merchandise, and his business has steadily grown lu the"past year be yond his most sanguine expectations. He has a large double store, whieb is tilled in every corner with seasonable goods, all of tho best quality, which, together with his genial and pleasant business ways always makes his store a popular place to the buying public. Bouslett & Stoftel, also on the West Side, carry a large and well selected stock of goods, consisting of dry goods, clothing, groceries, aud in short every thing to be found in a genera] store. They buy in large quantities, direct W. Owen, ^ j from manufacturers and the largest MeMCKKr, Tjobbitig beuses in the United States, j tor ' and their large and elegant stor* is -"constantly packed with goods of all descriptions suitable to their trade, and are replenished each week, as the necessities of the trade may require " John Evanson & Co., is the name of the new firm which will open this week as successors to the old firm of Fitzslmmons & Evauson on the West Side. Mr. Evauson. the head of the firm, is too well known lu this ceunty to need any encomiums from us They intend to do a strictly cash bust ness and will, no doubt receive a lib era! shara of patronage. GROCERIES. B. Gilbert, near the depot keeps the only exclusive grocery bouse in town, and he keeps on hand a& all times a large stock of choice family groceries, canned goods, etc. Ho buys none but the best goods to be found in the mar ket, and the people, knowing this he has a large and profitable trade, i,;;.. CLOTHING AND TAILOK. E. Lawlus. opposite the Riveralde House carries a large line of fashiona ble clothing, boots, shoes, etc. He also, manufactures single garments or full suits to order, aud we do not ex aggerate when we say that be has es tabllshed a reputation on custom-made suits that makes him the most popular cutter in the county. He keeps the best of [ iece goods, and will guarantee al! garments well made and a good fit. He extends a cordial welcome to all to call.and see him. FURNITURE. John B. Blake who has been la the business'here for the past fourteen years, keeps a stock that is not sur passed in the county. His business is extended aud he has a large heme trade. * ' Josten Bros., on the West Side have also a large and complete stock,'which they keep fuil by weekly purchases. !n order to meet the wants of their cus tomer^. They are doing a good busi ness and are making their mark in th« business world. HARDWABK. In tills line ef business w «*• represented. John I. Story, at the east end town, now represents tb* oldest < tabllshment in this village. He la thorough business man. full of enter prise, and keeps as fine a stock of hard* ware, stoves, etc., as can be found out side of the city. , E. M. Howe, at the center part of the tew, is a practical man at the business* keeps a good stock, is most accommo dating in all business relations, and is^ doing a lucrative business* W. P. Stevens, on the west side, is comparatively a new man at the busi ness, having lately purchased the stock of I. N. Mead, yet in the short time he has been at the head of that establish ment he has shown that he has a business capacity of no mean order He has filled his store with goods In his line, and has fitted up his store in a pleasing and attractive manner. M. Eoglen, near the, Iron Bridge, also keeps a stock of Hardware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Gun Material and Fishing Tackle, together with h full line of choice Family Groceries. DRUGGISTS. In this line of business McHenry has two establishments, and both are a credit to our village. Henry Colby, in Riverside Block* keeps a full stock of pure Drags of all kinds. Paints, Oils, Brushes, Patent Medicines, etc. Prescriptions are filled with the greatest care and, drugs for this purpose are the best that can be had. Geo. W. Besley, on the west side, has one of the finest Drag 8tore in this section, and keeps, a full stock of choice pure drags, together with a full line'of Stationary, Notions, Paints, Oils, etc. MILLINERY AND DRBSS MAKING. Mrs. E. W. Howe, at her residence, three doors west of the Riverside House, has a fine stock of Millinery Goods, whleh she keeps complete with the latest styles to be found in the market. She also does Dress Making to order. Mrs. II. H. Nichols, at Iter rooms in the center partef the town, has a fine stock for the Spring trade, which she has put In with especial reference to tho wauts of the ladies of this village aud vicinity, all of the latest stylef. Site also does Dress Making to order. Mrs. M, Schumacher, near the Depot, keeps her stock of Stllliriery an^ Ladies Furnishing Goods completete in every particular, and as she visits the city every week will fill your| orders promptly and In a satisfaetary man ner. Mrs. H. L. Rounds, at her residence one door north of Perry A Owen's, does all kinds of dress-making on short notice and in a satisfactory man ner. Mrs. H. S. Gregory also waits upon the wants of the ladles in this llnti and also ha& at her residence a full line of Misses', children's and ladies' full suits, ready-made, whieb she will be glad to show te those who may call. She will also take orders for anything dc6ired, goods to be delivered each week.. JKWBLER8. O. W. Owen is the popular jeweler at the center of the village, opposite Bishop's Mill. He carries an elegant line of watches, clocks, jewelry all kinds, and an extensive line of silver and plated ware. He also deals exten sively In pianos, organs and aowiag machines. ^ . J. P. Smith, whose store is seven doors west of the Riverside House, keeps a fine line of watches, clocks, and jewelry of all kinds. He is now refitting his store in fine sty^o, and wiil soon open up with as fine a steak as was ever seen in this town. HARNESS MAKERS. Wan. Walsh A Sen, locatoi} In tho same building with the post offloo, on the West Side, have a fine stock on band and are doing a large business. John Wiedemann, opposite the Par ker House, keeps his stock full and complete, and is prepared to Oil all orders on short notice. Henry Madden, near the red bridge in the eenter of the town, is kept busy most of the time, is a first-class work man, and deserves, as he receives, a liberal share of patronage. FARM MACHINERT. The warehouse of R. Bishop, oppo site Perry & Owen's store, Is packed full of all kinds of implements used on a farm, and under the charge of T.J. Walsh, is doing a liberal business this spring. E. M. Owen & Soft probably repre- seuts, in the head of the firm, the old est agriculturat implement dealer in titicounty. They have a heavy stock on band and represent their sales this spring as larger than ever before. NEWS ROOM. E. W. Wheeler is the news dealer and stationer whose store is on the West Side, opposite the post oftioe. Besides keeping all the dally and weekly papers, he carries a full lino of blank books, papers, etc. BAKERY AND RESTAUR ANT. Locke's Home Bakery, near the Iron bridge, we believe will till the bill when we say it is the best institution of the kind to be found in the county. Mr. Locke understands his business thoroughly, and wo have yet to hear -Ai ot one word of fault being found with anything that came from bis shop. This is also very popular In the winter for lunch and in the summer for too cream, cake, etc. LUMBER AMD GOAL. The lumber and coal yard! 61 Son ft Co., near the depot, is one of the institutions of McHeary, and on which wo could not easily get along without. They probably handle msrs lumber than any other two yards fa McHenry County, buy grain, and In fact anything the farmer has to soil* They alio handle coal, both soft and hard. Tho money paid by this firm to the farmer during tho year i« simply Immense. FLOURING MILLS. McHenry has two as good Flouring lllils as oan be found in the Stato. The Fox River Valley Mills. R. Bishop, proprietor,laro situated In tho center part of the town, are fitted ap with the new Roller Process through out, and is In short one of the moot perfect Flouring Mills In this section of the country and Is doing a large" tai increasing business. The McHenry Brick Mills, A. Hf Hanley A Sons, Proprietors, are sitna- ted Just west of the Depot, and whllo not rua on the Roller Procees are com plete with new machinery, which is crowded to its utmost capacity, and doing the most satisfactory work* THE PICKLE FACTORIES. The Pickle Faotory of W. A. Crtsty, successor to Cristy, Walker ft Co.. ia located near the Railroad and le an other of those institutions that leaves a large sum of money with tho farm ing community in the vicinity of Mo- Henry. This Institution has a whelo- saie house in Chicago, and tho reputa tion af McHenry Pickles has booomo worldwide. Mr. Cristy is a caiofol and safe business man but spares neither tiifco nor money in pushing hit business forward, and the reeult Is that at no time within Its history haa tho Factory been In a more p roe porous condition. He Is contracting for a limited number of acres this season, for which he pays the highest market price. [).< R. Bishop, who built a building some two years ago for the purpose of Salting Cucumbers, is also ready to take contracts again this year. Ho will contract for salting or will pur chase the cucumbers at market rates. TMB M'HENRY MUC* CO. The McHenry Brick Company, whloir is run by A. D. Whiting and Isaac Wentworth, Is an institution of whiek McHenry has just cause to tool proud. It is situated near the Railroad, whero they have an inexhaustible bed of tho finest Clay, and the Briok made thero- from are tho finest and are anxiously sought after by contractors and build ers. Last season they had hard work to supply their orders, and this season they propose to double their capacity, and from the orders already coming In it will be necessary for them to do eo la order to supply the demand. Mr. Wentworth has no superior as a Brick maker, and to his skill and efforts tho McHenry Brick owe their popularity. HOTELS. If there is one thing more than aa* other that McHenry Is blessed with It Is hlr hotels, as she has two of tit best to be found in the state. The Riverside House, W. H. Fori, proprietor, is pleasantly situated near the river, is newly furnished through out. and is kept in a style second to a* hotel in the Northwest. The Parker House, W. Parker, pro prietor, is located near tho depot, it fnrnlshed and fittod up In first-claas style, and offers accommodations to the traveling public seldom found outside of the city. ^ In short, the weary traveler or tha pleasure seeker oan find hotel acoos>- modations in McHenry equal to the best. MEAT MARKETS. In this line of business McHenry to well supplied, having three first cltti Markets, and so located as to accommo date all parts of the town. B.A. Howard, on the West side, T. B. Turner In the center and Thos. Burke at the East end of the village, all keep first class markets and are doing a ; crative business. $ BLACKSMITHS. In this line of busiaess McHenry oat hold her own. To begin at tbe Eaal end and travel to Haniy's Mill we flog W. F. Tllton, Carpenter ft Nelson, HauperUch, Nordquest ft Woholr, Heary Simes, and Peter Schald. Thoj are all first class Workmen ing a good business. * WAGON MAKKH, In this line of business & probably leads any and all In tha county. He keeps bis works running constantly and during the year turns out a largo number of Wagont* Tbe Bishop Wagon has a world-wldfet reputation and he has no trouble lit selling all bo can make. Nordquest ft Weber al*o keep on* maa at work In their shop, patting ap new work aue repairing old. Henry Simes. opposite tbe Parkif Bouse, also maaufaoturee wagone a*#, sleighs, and does repairing of all kinds. P. Hanporlsch keep* one «eikaa| constantly busy in this line, and tar*§ out soias first-class wagon*. This is as far as wo havo time aai space to go this tlmo hat will aoatfaMgh our review uext week. }>'h • ' :Sfe.X i 2$ tf.fr