(enrg fflaiudraln ̂ , J. VM 8LYKE. EdHer mt PaMWur. ilcHENRY, I T ILLINOIS. I GEM. JACKSOH had two Secretaries of State, two Secretaries of the Treas- , two Secretaries of War, two Secre- . taries of the Navy, and two Attorneys General in his first term. In his sec ond term he had three Secretaries of State, three Secretaries of the Treasury, " two erf tiie Navy, two Postmasters Gen eral, and two Attorneys General. THE Maharajah Dholeep Singh has established a headquarters in Chander- nagore, near Calcutta, which is a • French possession, and is issuing thence incendiary proclamations to the Sikhs, declaring that he has repudiated the • treaty of annexation of the Punjab, and : is now an enemy of Great Britain and a .•claimant of the throne of his ancestors. A FELLOW who has a mania for throw ing ink worked Baltimore for awhile, and then went to Philadelphia, where he now is. He mingles in crowds and a spray by which the ink is spat tered over his victim's attire. He has drained as many as twenty dresses and cloaks in one evening. He can have no other motive but pure deviltry, and ^ M^if caught it wouldn't be a bad plan to ^make an ink bottle of him. *. \ A NEVADA newspaper says that a cit izen recently saw two Piute bucks dig a hole in the snow bank, get into it, and wrap themselves in a single blan ket, preparatory to a night's rest. In the morning he saw no signs of the In dians, but a mound of snow marked the spot where they went to bed. He was sure that they had frozen during the cold night, and prepared to dig out the bodies; but the first thrust of the shovel brought the bucks to their feet with grunts of disgust. Instead of be ing frozen, they^pre moist with per spiration. A CHICAGO man went out to Rock- , < ford the other day to attend the funeral ' of a relative, says the Chicago Tribune. As the coffin was being consigned to the earth he noticed that the interior of the grave was lined with ferns. This being something entirely new to him, he afterward asked why the ferns we're placed there, and was told that they concealed a metallic case into which the coffin was lowered. When the mourners left the cemetery black smiths came and riveted an iron lid onto the case, thereby making it im possible for body-snatchers to gain ac cess to the coffin. Such devices for preserving the sanctity of the dead have been found necessary on account of the numerous grave robberies that have been committed at Rockford within the last few years. ' ;A CURIOUS thing happened in Eng land a week or two ago. A Mr. Bulpett, once a Rugby boy and later a graduate of Oxford, was famous in his time as a walker and runner. A discussion-arose lately as to when men were at their best, and Bulpett thought he could then make a record, though 35 years old. Heavy bets were made that he could not walk a mile, ride a mile, and run a mile in seventeen minutes. He went into training and at once went lame, having strained the muscles of one leg. Still, he persisted, and the trial came off before a great throng at Newmarket. He walked the mile in eight minutes and twenty-five seconds, ran it in six minutes and six seconds, and then jumped on a horse and rode it in two minutes, thus winning the bet by two and one-eight seconds. The fact should be known in this country, where men begin to think themselves passing their prime between 35 and 45. ACCORDING to. a writer in the Cen tury Magazine, the nations of Europe now have two and a quarter millions of men under arms, and twice that many in reserve, ready to cut each other's throats according to the modern im provements of warfare. This is not an encouraging characteristic of this Age of Progress. It is progressing back ward toward barbarism. It proves that there is something radically defective in systems of government which have to be upheld by six or seven millions of bayonets. The savage tribes of interior Africa can make as good a showing as this. But the nation that has progressed furthest backward is the English. Her army has to be in creased, not to fight a foreign foe, but to evict poor Irish tenants from their humble cabins. Her generals gain glory by conducting a campaign against the hut of some bed-ridden widow. Her gallant colonels win the Victoria Cross by their bravery in throwing a sick baby out into the road. The Rus sians, the Germans, and the French have at least the excuse for their arma ments that they fear attack or long to carry ambitious projects; but the Brit ish government, under Lords Salis bury and Hartington, battles with starving peasants and bullies Irish babies. And yet England is sometimes satirically called a civilized nation. IN a broker's office on Broad Street several years ago, writes a New York correspondent, I was introduced to £ middle-aged woman, well but not showily dressed, dignified in manner, and both pleasing and intelligent in looks. She was the mother of the ener getic Irish leader, Paraell, then just looming into notice. Mrs. Parnell was then, and had been for sometime, a steady operator in the tock market. She hadcfnsiderable means, partly in herited fr«m her father. "Old Iron sides," aci the excitement of specula tion had a special charm for her. She i - . -was there almost daily, looking over -jplthe quotations and giving orders to buy jbracUw&h the nonchalance of a veteran. ^, 7: vPome of her family tried to draw her X a. away from the risk of speculation, hut • ' ~"-V -- -rvwiMmtvu, ,;it is a, characteristic of the Parnelmto Ibave their own way, and the old lady had hers. Her ventures occasionally turned-out well, but more frequently the turn of the wheel was against her, and the result that might have been ex pected finally came. All the money she took into Wall Street was lost, and at last she found herself actually poor. It was a painful change, as in the better times she had enjoyed luxurious com forts either in the best New York hotels pr in her handsome home, once the resi dence of her father, at Bordentown, N. J. For some time before she left New York for Ireland, last summer, she received regular remittances from* her son, and these were her sole means of support. Few women have more reason to regret a personal knowledge of the ways of Wall Street than Mrs. ParnelL She had abundant means when she went there and nothing when she left. This is a sad experience for any person advanced in years, and especially bad when the person is a woman. But its lesson is never heeded except by those who learn it at their own cost, • WASHINGTON letter to Boston 2Vw- eler: One of the handsomest women who haunt the Capitol is a tall and magnifioently-fCrmed widow, who is the agent of a prominent book concern. She has lustrous brown hair and Splen did eyes, and many and many a mem ber of Congress has wilted under their expressive glances. She solicits sub scriptions and, it is understood, is the most successful of all the vast army of book-agents who pray upon the commu nity. If there is one thing above another that will interest gallant Sen ator Blackburn it is a handsome woman. The widow by some means ascertained that the courtly Kentuckian was some what susceptible, and so went up to the Senate chamber and sent in her card. Several of the Senator's associates learned that "Genial Joe" was about to receive a call, and they made up their minds to play a practical joke at his ex pense. They enlisted the service of a messenger, and substituted for the widow's card one bearing the name "Mrs. Wratz." Blackburn came out into the ante-room, and when he caught sight of the beautiful widow his face was wreathed in smiles and his breast swelled out like a pouter pigeon. Ad vancing in a most fascinating manner he extended his hand and said with great cordiality: "I am glad to meet you, Mrs. Wratz." The widow's eyes snapped as she replied sharply: "Sen ator Blackburn, I am astounded. I came here to see you on a matter of business. You are the first member of Congress who has ever said 'rats' to me." The Senator looked confused for a mo ment, and then drew out the card which the practical jokers had prepared and said: "I'm sure there must be some mistake, the name reads W-r-a-t-z." The widow looked at the card, and then they both laughed. A few moments later the widow put down the Senator's name for two copies of her book. Then they shook hands and the widow went to look for a fresh victim. Later in the day the practical jokers told Black burn all about their little scheme. He looked at them sadly and led them down to the restaurant, where he gave an order to a colored waiter, who ap peared in a few moments with a bottle which he opened* with great care. The jokers and the Senator sipped the foam ing contents, and promised to keep the affair a profound secret THE FACTS IN THE CASE. THE colleges of this country con tain 18,000 female students. GREAT BRITAIN'S naval outlay thia year will be about $66,000,000. THE population of London is increas ing at the rate of 65,000 a year. SINCE the Franco-German war 115 statues have been erected in France. DURING the year 1886 American mills produced 1,350,000 tons of steel rails, valued at $40,000,000. THE longest single span of telegraph wire is across the Mekong River in French Cochin-China. It is 2,560 feet long. THERE are in America .over four millon farms, large and small. They cover nearly three hundred million acres of improved land, and their total value is something like $10,000,000,000. A MAN in Ontario can repeat per fectly 166 chapters of the Bible, fifty- eight psalms, and every collect, epistle, and gospel in the eccles'-astical year, according to the English Church prayer- book. IT was a remark of Linnaeus that three flies would consome a dead horse sooner than a lion conld. He doubt less included the families of the three flies. A single fly, the naturalist tells us, will sometimes produce 20,000 larvae, each of which, in a few days, may be the parent of another 20,000, and thus the descendants of three flies would soon devour an animal much larger than a horse. The Dog Was Honest. C. J. Persholl is President of the New Jersey Kennel Club and owns some of the best pointer dog§ in New Jersey. Mr. Pershall finds, in studying the characte: canine family. "Have yoi story about my Jimmie?' "No? Well, I was sitting man House cafe one evening, di away the time while w-aiting for a friend. Jimmie was curled at my feet, when presently he got up, stepped carefully across the rug as if he was on game, and came to a full stop at the opposite corner. There he stood, a model for an artist. After being called several times he returned to his old po sition, but did not seem satisfied. He repeated the maneuver, only to be called back again, and after he had done so twelve times I began to get in terested. Going to the corner of the rug I turned it up, and there found a dollar. He kept pointing the dollar till I counted eighty-four. Just then some friends came in and I told them Jimmie would point a silver dollar. They laughed at the idea, but I told him to 4hie on.' He jumped up, sniffed alxrat, but it was no good, he would not repeat the trick. I had to tell the story of what he had done, and going to the corner to pick up the dollar in confirmation of my story, found it was a trade-dollar, which, as you know, is only worth 84 cents. I tell you, Jim mie knows a trick or twa"--Philadel phia Fret*. HEPBURN OF IOWA. Ai Eleqaeit Tribute to the 400,000 (Jtfoa Soldiers Who Marched to Death. " vj Only 30,000 People Would Have Shared in the Pennon Bill--And Only $4,37<fc- . 000 Required to Pay Them. tto Coitrnt with the Mexleaa Soldier*-- A Withering Analysis of .;<*« "::t; ... Bragg. the Iowa State Register.] It seems that the speech with which Colonel Hepburn replied to his neighbors, when he received such a cordial welcome home at Clarinda, Iowa, was one of pecul iar grace and power, and one which is worthy to be printed in every free-minded and fair-dealing paper in the land. In no other speech or paper has the cruelty of the pension veto, the justice of the provisions of the bill, the debt of honor owed bv the nation to its soldiers, and the facts as to the few or the many who would have been benefited by the bill, been so clearly and powerfully set forth BB in this impromptu speech of this great defender of the Union soldiers, in talking to his own neighbors. It is safe to say that thiB speech will be the one which the Democratic party will have to meet in the campaigns in the different States, when it shall attempt to justify the action of Cleveland as demanded of him by the solid South and the cold blooded money kings of the North. The old Union soldiers, wherever they shall be as this speech shall come to them, will thank God for Pete Hepburn. After a beautiful and loving tribute to Iowa, his home, and its people, his neigh bors for nearly his whole life, the Colonel said: There are matters that I would like to talk about, but fearing that some might regard them improper upon an occasion like this, because of seeming partisanship. I will omit them. I can not, however, omit one thing that I desire to say, and that is, that the President of these United States, in my humble judgment, in honesty of purpose, perhaps, has mistaken the temper of the people when he classifies those with you and our Chairman from '6L to '65 as paupers and mendicants. It is a mistake no less marked and certain than those other bitter words uttered by our whilom comrades when they were classified as vagabonds, as thieves, as perjurers, as the •cum of the earth. The battle-scarred old lie- roes of the Rebellion, tottering toward the grave, have done nothing to deserve such characteriza tion as that. Sometimes I have thought that there might have been a misleading of the Executive mind that was in harmony with hon est purpose. I remember that all the great jour nals of this land are to-day declaiming against the claims and the rights to recognition < f the old veteran: but I remember, my comrades, that in '61 that same class of journals printed in the great metropolitan centers, the centers of wealth, were not those that upheld the hands of Abraham Lincoln in the earlier part ot the war. The capital of this nation, like the capital of every other nation, then was coward ly as it now is mean. (Cheers and applause.] These men whose sentiments are voiced bv the great metropolitan press forget the then situation. They were menaced by a separation of our territory into two hostile" nations--na tions if erected that must be in the very nature of things constantly at war. There could have been 110 peace between the United States and the Confederate States There were such differences of sentimeut, such differences of purpose, there were such wars of ideas, that they would have manifested themselves in wars more disastrous than the wars of the Roses or the Thirty Years war that devastated Europe. The Confederate States with slavery as an institution, and the United States with the liberty-lovingjprineijilt's that we had, could not have been at peace. Tfce result would ha* e been constant carnage, that constant destruc tion of wealth, that constant interference with accumulation that would then have sent the now rich to the poorhouse. The old veteran saved them from the poor- houses, in their days of distress; they forget it and are not willing now to save the ola veteran from the poorhouse. ^Applause. | I am not over drawing this picture. The man who was a man twenty-five years ago and abreast of the thought of his time,' knows the absolute impossibility it would have been to have had two governments, one resting upon the corner-stone of liberty and the other resting upon the corner-stone of human slavery, existing side by side in a con dition of peace and amity. I have thought sometimes that the younger men--those grow ing into the activities of life now--fail to ap preciate the situation of twenty-five years ago. You young gentlemen have seen nothina around you during all of your few years of experience save those conditions that result from peace, prosperity, and plenty. You know nothing of the conditions of twenty-five years ago. Since that period we haveltrebled our wealth, we have more than doubled our population, l-ince that period we have trebled our manufacturing and wealth-creating possibilities; we have more than quadrupled the circulating medium; we have since that time multiplied by five times the railways of the country; we have more than doubled the commerce of the country; we have more than quadrupled the internal commerce of the country. You know nothing about that, and perhaps you have but faint recollections of what the war cost. You may not know that of the men that marched to the front, 67,(M) of them were shot to death on the battlefield ; that 43,000 of them died in hospitals of wounds roceived ; that 2i>,- 000 of them were starved to death in the prison pens of the South ; that '24,M)) of them died from acoident, were drowned, died from sunstroke, disappeared ; that 4i35,(MO died in the hospitals while their names were still upon the army rolls. A great army of 410,000 men that went to the front and never came back. You have for gotten this if you ever knew it. Think of what a multitude of men! There have never been so many voteB cast in any election in the State of Iowa; there are not so many voters in the State of Iowa to-day as in this" army of the dead. Conld they be called back and formed into bat tle-line, formed into marching column, divided into three arms of the service--infantry, caval ry, and artillery; mount the cavalry, furnish the artillery with guns, horses, and cais sons, give to each that camp and garrison equipages and those army trains needed to move the army and supply it for thirty days, and start it from Davenport on the march ; when the vanguard reached the city of Council Bluffs the rear guard would still be looking from the bluffs into the Mississippi Hiver. That was the number of men that died--that were our com rades. Can it be possible? I would sav it to the President, if I could, can it be possible that of a corps marching to the front, twentv-five per cent, and more could be destroyed, and the bal ance escape unscathed ? They may have es caped the mark of bullet; but how is it possi ble, all undergoing the same fatigues, the same perils, the same vicissitudes, one strong man is stricken down and the others not somewhat af fected appreciably in ti.at physical construction that unfits them for the possibilities of old age, to say nothing of those tnat languished in the prison-pen. Twenty-six of Page County's boys lay for nine months amid the horrors of Ander- sonville ; young, stalwart, vigorous men when thev went within those fatal, fearful gates ; you can select them to-day among the men of their age, because of the premature decay resulting from the horrors of the situation into which they were thrust; and yet. perhaps, not one of them, under the pension laws as they now exist, could receive a pension. That pension bill that was referred to by the gentlemen who preceded me was not the serious thing that many have supposed. ft has been ascertained by returns made from a little more than half of the counties in the United States that nearly ">,000 men in those counties were inmates of the different poor- houses. It was therefore estimated that 10,000 men were in the poor-houses of the land. This dependent pension bill was intended to cover those cases; cases of men honorably dis charged, who from disease were totally un able to earn a support. It was estimated that, i, there would be 20,000 more; so that * numbers was the total number of Pensions and the ions in the House kunder that act, ivemment all threMoiirths _ «*»<iuallv dimldfHnpRg^^^^^^^^^Btioii of that Mil can make anynHNP^^^^^Ky under it un less he is dependent upSMNhanual labor for support and is totally incapable of earning a support. It was that class of men we were try ing to provide for. It is that class of men that < the metropolitan press has said shall not be provided for,' at the instance of the wealth of the country and the solid vote of the unrecon structed Sow.h. There was no question or principle involved in this except It be a- ptinci- ple of patriotism. The solid vote that the Mexican pension bill received, and the approval it received at the hands of the Executive, met every constitution al question that is involved in the other bill. Under the Mexican pension bill six and three- fourths millions are estimated to De annually necessary in the way of appropriation. But there is a wonderful difference in the locality in its distribution. Under the first bill it is north of Mason & Dixon's line where the money will be expended; under the other bill more than three-fourths of it will be expended south of that line. These two bills ran side by side through the House. In their passage one was supposed to be dep endent upon the other. The North paid the price of putting three men south of Ma sun and Dixon's line on the pension roll under the Mexican pension bill for each one that it secured the North. Of the men who have been engaged in the Indian wars previous to the war of the rebellion, more than nine-£f tenths of them came from the slave Stateg. Sixty-nine thousand men were engaged in thei) tO wars, the various Indian wars, prior to theMeA. _ ican war. All of them, save 6,000 that particf* pated in the Blackhawk war, were soldiers IBna lb* so-called wars that wen carried on in thtf * Southern States: the Florida war. the Creek andW Seminole wan. 8txty-nln* thousand of that class of volunteers are ootered by the Kexioan 1.U00 volunteers in the Mexican war a little then two-thirds came from the Southern it was a Southern war; it was for the propagation of the Institution of slavery; it was to add new slave States to the union of States; it was in their interest; it was carried on by a Democratic and Southern administration. The men who clamored for regiments where favors were to be distributed were selected largely from the South; so that more than two-thirds of all th* volunteers in that war were selected from those States. Here you see 135,000, supposing them all to be living, are beneficiaries under the Mexican pension bill, while I.XOKJ men only are possibly beneficiaries, supposing them all to be living, under the same bill in the North. But that bill, although the two measures ran side by side, secured the necessary approval that made it a law, and after it was approved the other failed. Some of my friends in my own neighbor hood have spoken very kindly of the few words I was able to say with regard to the veto of that measure. I have here in my hand a letter which I received a few days ago, that gave me no in considerable satisfaction. With your permission I will read it. It is dated "Headquarters E. H. Brown Post, No. 130, G. A. R., Fond du Lac, Wis." Fond du Lac la the home of Gen. Bragg, the man wno charac terized my old comrades, who might be bene ficiaries under the hill, as "vagabonds, thieves, scoundrels, perjurers, and the scum of the earth." The letter reads: Feb. 28, 1887. Hon. Mr. Hepburn, M. C.. Washington, D. C.: Sin--'Your remarks to Genera! E 8. Bragg as to his position in the G. A. R., comparing him to Benedict Arnold, moots with the hearty ap proval ot this post, of which General E. S. Bragg is a member. We thank you and all others in Congress who took so prominent a part in vin dicating the late bill for the relief of our worthy comrades and their widows and orphans. Yours respectfully, GKOBOK D. STANTON-, Adjutant of the Post Accompanying that was a series of resolutions passed by the post, too long to weary vou with at this time. I would have been glad if that gentleman who spoke so feelingly with regard to his love of the true soldier, could have re ceived a letter indicating the opinions of his old comrades before he delivered his speech in op position to their bill. It miyht have saved him from a mistake. There axe men here who know that that gentleman was a gallant officer. He was commander of that t rigade known in the Army of the Potomac as the "Iron Brigade.' There was none better. He suooeeded to its command late in the war; it had won a world-wide reputation then. No man leading a Soman legion in the days when Rome was most powerful, or a French division in those days seventy-five or eighty years ago, when France won her'highest renown as a warlike nation, ever felt or had a right to feel more confidence in the men who followed him than the lender of that Iron Brigade. I heard that gentleman say iu the midst of his scathing denunciation of his old comrades that he was a friend of the soldier; that no man could feel the thrill of de light that came to the soldier's heart as he rode along a waving line, who heard the acclaims of the comrades when they felt that confidence that comes with a trusted leader, no man who had ever led them up the heights of a desperate assault, could ever forget his old comrades. Ah, who is it that makes the re nown of the General? Suppose that when he dashed along the lines he had not been met by the hurzas that came from brave hearts ; that when he led the assault he had not been followed by the bayonets that were held by well-nerved; hands? What would have become of the leader s renown, and where would have been the stars ot rank ? I thought when I heard him say that, that he ought to have felt that sentiment of mutuality and re ciprocity that should exist between the soldier who made his General and the General ttiat was created by the ranks. [Applause, j There was another picture ; there were some of those old men that once cheered when the commanding officer came; there were some of those meu whose eyes light up with the tires of courage when they knew the deadly assault was to be made ; there were the men who v ith firm hand held the bayonet as they rushed onward, ex posing their bare breasts to the torrent of shot and shell that came hurtling like a winter's storm againBt them. These old men now in the wor-houses, eyes dimmed by want, stalwart hands no longer stalwart because of the ravages of disease and old age, holding out those gaunt hands pleadingly toward the man whose re nown they created, and begging him, in the feeble voice of old age, for succor now in their great distress. (Enthusiastic applause and cheers. 1 There were two pictures that should engage the attention of the artist- one showing how well the boys performed their part, the other showing how easy it was to be recreant when profit and possible honor--preferment, I would say--dictated a change of frout. CAUGHT IN A FIRE-TRAP. Abottt Thirty Lives lost by. thoBuro- ofa Hotel at Baffife, Hew York. Thrilling Scenes About the Stractare, ttd Heroic Work If t*f>-•.' Rescuer*. JL Husband Who Did Errands for His Wife. The following case of an absent-minded husband, on the witness-stand before one of the domestic courts of the South Side, illustrates how well a man remembers and obeys instructions from headquarters. Before going over to business iu the morning, aB frequently occurs in all well- regulated families, thjg wife intrusted the husband with BerMaHBftlq "chores" to at tend to and variotHpfjftle purchases to make--all of which is jaet what a man goes down town fo^^T^e Benedict in question, probably, ha. , sot,-ague idea that he was to at< ' *\™ " but bef-d of any of th all trac% tbouffht till a.m bal vanished from hi • .... 0 HV well he did the duties r * 08 ® * ^envoyis brought out in tire re vary inuef On hig. KM nek is ri femiuin. ,. domesti< 1,6t* "Well^tRlBD, Marc those liltan Lutheran the purcL u •** examination. •vening the bit of flits around that him with: rse you did ̂ .11.1 e, and madej| T||_ ™ IBuSaio special.] Another calamity has visited Baftalo. The tfplendid new Bicbmond Hotel, at the comer of Main and Eagle streets, was to tally destroyed by fire early Friday morning, together with St. James Hall and other ad jacent property. The most distressful part of th ? disa-ter is the loss of several human lives. At this writing it is impossible to say just how many persons are "killed and injured, but the number is large. The rap idity of the fire, cutting off all means of escape, led some persons to leap for life from the windows. Others got down the fire-escapes or on Hayes ladders raised by the fire department. The shrieks and cries of he poor people in the upper stories of the burning structure were heartrending. One man, mad with terror, leaped from a third-story window, and was picked up from the stone si lewalk on Main street a mangled and bleeding corpse. Several who succeeded in making their escape were badly injured and burned, and some of these will probably die. Others, more fortunate, escaped with slight injuries. Many of the wounded were taken to Carney s saloon, and after ward to hospitals. Bobert Stafford, Sr., proprietor of the hotel, with his wife, occu pied rooms on the second floor, and had a narrow escape. Terror overcame every body, and even those who escaped in safety were in many cases prostrated by their awful experiences. There were 125 persons iu the hotel, seventy of whom were transient guests, eight boarders, and the remainder porters, bell-boys, the families of the proprietors, and clerks. Twenty- two of these were rescued from the win dows by the firemen, twenty-two are at the hospitals, and a large number made (heir escape by other means. There is no doubt that at least thirty lives were sacrificed. The spread of the flames is said to have been frightful in their rapidity. The ele vator shaft served as a flue for the fames, and they rushed up to the top floor in a very few moments. As the guests were roused and saw the interior exits cut off they turned to the windows. They could bo seen in their night-clothes, standing out clear and vivid before the lurid background of the flames. Their screams were horrible to hear, and they could be heard for blocks. The flames spread to the southeast side of the hotel first. The firemen did noble work and confined the fire to the narrow limits of the three buildings named. Their work of rescue had many exciting incidents. Perhaps the most thrilling escape of any was that of Pres VV'hittaker, step-son of Proprietor Stafford. He roomed in the fifth story, and when aroused stepped to the window and looked down for a few seconds. Then he deliberately dressed himself aud, emerging from the window, stood on the stone capping above the win dow beneath. From this capping be step ped to the next one along the front of the building, and proceeded in this manner to the Hayes truck ladder at the other ex tremity of the front. The nerve and cool ness displayed were remarkable. Mr. Whittaker reports that a large amount of dinmonds were in the hotel Friday night. B. E. liobertson. of Lambert .t Co., had a stock valued at $50,000 depos ited in the safe. Mr. Alder had in his room 5?;W,tt00 worth, and a Mr. Smith had another considerable stock, but the amount was not known. Five girls wh,o roomed on the fifth floor made a rope out of the bedclothes and hung it out of the window, but none oc them seemed to have the courage to start. At last one of the five took hold and swung down to a window ledge, from which she was rescued. Three others came dowu in the same manner, and then the fifth girl started down. She had ^one but a little distance when the rope parted, and down she weut four stories. Strange to say, she was not killed. Her legs were terribly cut and bruised, her back badly injured, and her face and arms were in a frightful con dition from burns. She lny moaning upon a lounge at the Spencer House, begging to be sent home. Her name is said to be Mary Connell. The 1 otel building and St. James Hall p "Of coui Side Bened do you tlr.'ii u> "If you Mi some emir"* record. Nm the WitneSw^ f about the sr1! sir "tK the hSt^™£ ' lounge f, .p*". bodily « «'Intlt£ you, or « W-WAV S i D twist. ' <£H«W • "Spo<* i0MS.lt Hi . on ear* a; 60 i DoTt1^80,"*^ overcoat' Ik" "Did c a^ and pu,fl^ i goods I new pa" "\Vcl» you spi * «" W dress flf- | g * , "Ditch » s dema., u w l M - hav<trs migfc it's v i But^^°l JVisr Aver? narked the So®11®** art of a husbuduct- *ed the wife, have t ' . •'fj «^«ent 1. saw |i M Had I T Averv| ?°.wn/rashi.^ is in p, 4? your /'® :il|: "lanes.;*! < f) gott#*e A the first timef^"1 jing to put yon !iee what you kn« gnd <nber, you are k . nith, andnoth ** V>"». a ted," remark) .rew himself on t arrange things f gan the wife, "c%wne et me that spool .id George. "Whduct- |t-on tell me to gidlet darn the D twis , mieht look in m ,r." " ren« tore on State streets, and a half of dref bout, to match nc* vet*. goods, did yqans. at, corn, pork--b:.. , it was dress gooi 'you really send f'r«"g |i to yon no$ get it? , _ to the question." | u sent for it I mu'i ' forgotten it. | ind, however; bl i me, you know! |with the prefix * foa . t fail to tell M* is wife about til. in Uva next Thursday!) lieu I anxious for her ftemoon tea. Yes, Change, I in£an»*«f ^. Went out with and 1 took a walk lether or not Avery information about he n- is he . m from >> looked out to find this grand old dressed up in her winter Mother h L, again; when you felt the north wind »round every corner with its arm&te cloud flowers and missed the usual s ;e. by a band of gay yeung songsters. tickle March! She has made us belie she had stolen In thro' spring's gates edof all winter garments. She ha smiling at us ever and ever so many wooed the violet's leaves from their retreat and coaxed the robins southern home. Last night she frown us with hercloudiest brow and then ai pentant began shedding frozen tears, you, like me, still earnestly wishing kindly southern breath would make war these snow flakes by dawn, when Morp clasped you in his arms? The happy t lhat have been building s summer above my wind>w, and calling me from " 'and as soon as the first golden streaks visible in the east, have flown to other It's a genuine winter's day--nothing us that Spring is ever coming except th< endar. Yet after all wise heads have al tried to convince me that we appreciate ng until it is beyond our grasp. That a tpation Is the dearest page in life's book, not believe It. I know that should angel's wand change every flake Into a with a diamond heart, before night olose It would be just as fair and just as swe< me as tho' I had waited a century wis and hoping. So If this capricious would give to us all the gems of rosy before she dies or even a breath of bonny I doubt that I shall Indulge in anticipati or longings for fairer days and It woul tract none of (be beauty from the flowe] know that they grew and blossomed in gle day, neither would it lessen my appi tion of them for they are truly one o: s of mr T A 1 I iVrolle ' thu£Pth of tl JfsbJ I m Bbrieked the wife, l-e told him. If she len I must have for- • way down, at the speak to her about low our girl is going --no--that is one tten. I remember s to see a friend on i friend stopped to find out whether I ng Mrs. Wellkuow." e book store and get thi^ inoruing?" I did. Have yon mce I came home? --that is, it didn't ppose it didn't." town at all this wife. I? Of course I did. ou had better ask ig prosecutor be- 'emonstrative that protection of the la-law adjonrned jgoes over, with a prosequi will be ran deformity.-- ship-building line which is meeting with >much success. He speaks very encourag ingly in reference to the labor situation, and says the men will now be kept busy for an indefinite period. The firm, in con nection with other orders, has received one from tbe Government, through the agency of Secretary Whitney. Work on the ves sel, which is to make not less than twenty knots an hour, is now in progress. Charley Cramp, in speaking of dull times, says: "English shipbuilders, when there is a lack of orders, build ships to be sold to chance purchasers in tbe future, but we find it better to shut down as soon as the work on hand is completed, but there seems to be no prospect of shutting down, as work usually comes in in time to avoid this." The ('ramps came before Roach and if they had located on the banks of the Clyde instead of the Delaware they would have built up a village which would have spread their own name and almost assured tbem feudal serv ice from the three generations that have worked in their yards. ACTBESS--"I am going to tell you a great secret" Dude--"You dawnt say so, Stella." "Yes, Mr. Snobberly; but you must not give it away. The secret is that I need $500 very much, indeed." "Rely on me " "O, thanks, Mr. Snobberly, thanks!" "I say you can rely on me not giving it away. I've not heard a word you aaj. Good- evening."--Texas Sifting«. LINCOLN AS A LAIffKB. Straightforward Intelligence ot MM--His Largest Fee. (Century.) His weak as well as his strong quali ties have been indicated. He never learned the technicalities--what some would call the tricks--of the profession. The sleight of plea and demurrer, the legerdemain by which justice is balked and a weak case is made to gain an un fair advantage, wan too subtle and shifty for his strong and straightforward in telligence. He met these maneuvers suflicently well when practiced by others, but he never could get in the way of handling them for himself. On the wrong side he was always weak. He knew this himself, and avoided such cases when he could consistently with the rules of his profession. He would often persuade a fair-minded litigant of the injustice of his case and induce him to give it up. His partner, Mr. Hern- don, relates a speech in point which Lincoln once made to a man who offered him an objectionable case: "Yea, there is no reasonable doubt but that I can gain your case for you; I can set a whole neighborhood at loggerheads; I can distress a widowed mother and her six fatherless children, and thereby get for you $600, which rightfully belongs, it appears to me, as much to them as it does to you. I shall not take your case, but I will give you a little advice for nothing. You seem a sprightly, energetic man. I would advise you to try your hand at making $600 in some other way." Sometimes, after he had entered upon a criminal case the con viction that his client was guilty would affect him with a sort of panic. On one occasion he turned suddenly to his associate and said; "Sweet, the man is guilty; you defend him, I can't," and so gave up his share of a large fee. The same thing happened at another time when he was engaged with Judge S. C. Parks in defending a man accused oi larceny. He said: "If you can say anything for tho man do it, I can't; if I attempt it the jury will see that I think he is guilty, and will convict him." Onoe he was prosecuting a civil suit, in the course of which evidence was intro duced showing that his client was at tempting a fraud. Lincoln rose and went to his hotel in deep disgust The Judge sent for him; he refused to eome. "Tell the Judge," lie said, "my hands are dirty; I came over to wash them." We are aware that these stories detract something from the character of the lawyer, but this inflexible, inconvenient and fastidious morality was to be of vast service afterward to his country and the world. The Nemesis which waits upon men of extraordinary wit or humor had not neglected Mr. Lincoln, and the young lawyers of Illinois, who never knew him, have an endless store of jokes and pleasantries in his name, some of tliem as old as Howleglass or Rabelais. But the fact is that with all his stories and jests, his frank oompanionable humor, his gift of easy accessibility and wel come, he was, even while he traveled the Eight Circuit, a man of grave and serious temper and of an unusual innate dignity and reserve. He had few or nc special intimates, and there was a line beyond which no one ever thought ol passing. Besides, he was too strong a man in the court-room to be regarded with anything but respect in a com munity in which legal ability was the only especial distinction. Few of his forensic speeches have been preserved, hut his contemporaries all agree as tc their singular ability and power. He seemed absolutely at home in a court room ; hia great stature' did not encum ber him there; it seemed like a natural symbol of superiority. His bearing and gesticulation had no awkwardness about them; thoy were simply striking and original.^ He assumed at the start a frank and friendly relation with the jury, which was extremely effective. He usually began, as the phrase ran, by "giving away his case," by allowing to the opposite side every possible ad vantage that they could honestly and justly claim. Then he would present his own side of the case with a clear ness, a candor, an adroitness of state ment which at once flattered and con vinced the jury, and made even the by standers his partisans. Sometimes he disturbed the Court with laughter by his humorous or apt illustrations; some times he excited the audience by that florid and exuberant rhetoric which he knew well enough how and when to in dulge in; but his more usual and more successful manner was to rely upon a clear, strong, lucid statement, keeping details in a proper subordination, and bringing forward, in a way which fast ened the attention of court and jury alike, the essential point on which he claimed a decision. "Indeed," says one of his colleagues, "his statement often rendered argument unnecessary, and often the Court would stop him and say: 'If that is the'case, we will hear the other side.'" Complexion and Health. A physician in the Medical World gives the following advice to women for the improvement of their health and complexion: "For the present I pre scribe only for your feet First, pro cure a quantity of woolen stockings, not such as you buy at the store under the name of lambs wool, that you can read a newspaper through, but the kind that your Aunt Jerusha in the country knits for you, that will keep your feet dry and warm, in spite of the wind and weather; second, if you want to be thorough, change them every morn ing, hanging the fresh ones by the tire during the night; third, procure thick calf-skin boots, double uppers and triple soles, and wear them from the let of October to the 1st of May; make frequent applications of some good oil blacking; fourth, avoid rubbers alto gether, except a pair of rubber boots, which may be worn for a little time through the snowdrifts or a flood of water; fifth, hold the bottoms of your feet in cold water a quarter of an inch deep just be fore going to bed, two or three minutes, and then rub them hard with rougii towels, and your naked hands; sixth t< go out freely in all weather, and. be lieve me, not only will your feet enjoy a good circulation, but as the conse quence of the good circulation in the lower extremities your head will be re lieved with all its fullness and your heart of all its palpitations. Your com plexion will be greatly improved and your health made better in every re spect. ' A Big Difference. "Is it correct to say 'I put up at the X Hotel?'" inquired one traveling man of another. "No." "What ought I to say?" "I put up with the X Hotel, would be about the thing." "ISN'T your husband a little bald?" asked one lady of another lately. "No, there isn't a bald hair in his head," was- the emphatio reply. ILLINOIS LEUHLATCfefc. SENATOR STBBETKB'S nnder-traek r&Uwsy Mil was laid upon the table, in Mt Hlf^> 18th inst., an unfavorable report bwrtaM tMilfe'- made by the Railroad Committee. «iB introduced a> follows: By fllilialia providing for the election of the of the State University at by Senator Wheeler, to require to give personal notice where tea MaMft ia a lien upon grain; by Senate BSSK hardt making an appropriation of $40,060 Mr the relief of Alexander Birnce far work dos* &S the construction of the CoppMTM Croak Dm: by Senator Humphrey, to pnniah th* raaoWH of personal propert/undw contract rtaSI The bill of Senator Hill, making Wi« wavM Vt laborers preferreu debts ta when the property tt irporatbm. etc., ia aatMi any company, firm, co: . by process of any court or laipnxled by ta* action of creditors, -was read a tiiird time aaA ' passed. The bill of Senator Pierce paaaad, pt9- viding that a book of record ehali be knt ta {fee Circuit Clerk's office in which shall W kMt as itemized account of all liens upon wUeha recovery is Bought The bill adding tb* study of the effects of alcoholic MTW- aces, etc., to the common sokool e uium, to which there was considerable sition on second reading until amen passed by a bare majority. In tbe of Representatives, Mr. Ruby's bill prohibit ing the sale of liquor except in qnaatittea ot tww gallons w ithin two miles of the limits oi aajr incorporated city, town, or village, or a chmck, school house, or fair ground, was debated for an hour and then laid over. The bill eOOBMi- ling the release of persons imprisoned far debt at the expiration of six months, provided they make the usual legal schedule, waa sent to a third reading. Mr. Miller'a bill permitting a man to be under the habitual criminal act when b« been convicted in any State in the United States, ami establishing the parole system by which prisoners can be allowed to leave the penitentiaries in the discretion of the Board of Commissioners was passed up to third reading. ONLY a dozen Senators answered to tbeir names when the Senate was called to order on the 21st inst, and an adjournment was immedi ately voted. The House met and immediately took np Senate bills on first reading, and after reading they were referred to appropriate com mittees. Mr. Baker introduced and had read a joint resolution extending the thanks of the House and Senate to United States Land Com missioner Sparks and Congressman Payson for their action in tbe Jand-Krab cases. He aiso moved a suspension of the rales and the adop tion of the resolution, but the Speaker re.used to recognize him. There were objections, and the putting of such a motion would prevent the House from doing business, as a vote would show a quorum lacking. Mr. Baaer claimed that the Speaker's action was arbitrary, and de clared that a member had a right to make any kind of amotion he saw fit. Mr. George intro duced a resolution, which wa« adopted, instruct ing a committee of five to wait upon Mr. Cooley, lying severely ill at bis boarding-house, see to his wants, and report his condition from time to time to the House. SENATOR CBAWFORD'S bill permitting Record ers to make abstracts of title was favorably re ported by the Judiciary Committee to the Sen ate, on March 22. The House bill appropriating the money turned into the State Treasury frotp tbe proceeds of the healthy cattle slaughtered in Chicago on account of pieuro-pneumonia for the payment of damages for animan slaugh tered uuder the provisions of the law waa read a third time and passed with an emergency clause. The bill of Senator Funk, enlarg ing the powers of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, which failed of the necea sary two-thirds vote Feb. IS, was read a third time as amended by the commit tee, and the objectionable portion allowing tbe board and assistant veterinarian to quarantine for an indefinite period being eliminated, tbe bill passed. Senator Hogan'a bill, providing for the organization of road districts in oounttea not under township organirat on, was read a third time and passed. The biU of 8enator Curtiss, requiring all hangings to take plaoe within the walls of the county jails or peni tentiaries was read a third time, and sent oaok to second reading to have the title amended. The bill of Senator Cochran, providing that in all actions where there was no trial on an issue of fact iu the lower court appeals and writs of error shall be from the Appellate Court to the Supreme Court whero the amount claimed in the pleadings exceeds $1,000, was passed. In the House of Representatives Mr. Farley introduced a bill for the payment of police justices and mag istrates by means of salaries instead of fees. A Senate bill amending the school lev waa read a third time and passed with an emergency clause. It authorizes school boards acting under a special charter to organize under the general law. llr. Merritt offered a resolution reciting the fact that the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company had no general office in Illinois, its main office be ing in New York. It was also said that nine out of the thirteen directors of said road live in New York State, and but one in Hlinois, thus violating the laws of the State. It requires an investigation by the Railroad Committee ot tbe House. The resolution waa adopted. The House adopted a resolution tor the appoint ment oi a committee of five to investigate the State printing contracts by the Senate Commit tee Testimony was taken touching the combi nation to secure the State printing. The Key. Dr. (turney, of the News, stated that he waa given $'250'not to publish certain facts ia hia pa-, per, and other printers had been paid SI,000 to each to sell out to the *oombine," and, be sides, were to receive a certain share of the profits. Di fective bids were presented for tbe express purpose of being rejected, and many consultations were held before the combination proposals were put in shape. THE bill of Senator Streeter to prohibit the selling of intoxicating liquors in less quantities tnan five gallons within two miles of a village school-house or church passed the Senate March 23. Senator Gibbs' bill authorizing Judges of our courts to appoint Jury Commis sioners was also passed. Senator Curtiss pre sented a petition from the < ommissionera of Public Charities protesting against the reduc tion in the appropriation for the Board, claiming such to be fatal to the interests of the Board. Senator Thompson introduced a bill to enable corporations to be sureties on bonds. Senator Forman offered a measure providing in cases of appeals to take up the original paper* and origi nal bills of exception, and thereby reducing costs of appeals. Senator Higgina' bill, com pelling railroads to maintain flagmen by day and danger signals by night at dangerooa cross ings, met with considerable opposition, but it was finally advanced to third reading. Tbe bill of Senator Cochran tp encourage the planting of trees by having the Governor designate a day as "Arbor Day," to be observed throughout the State as a day'for plauting trees, waa read a third time aud passed. In the House of Representatives a joint resolution was unani mously adopted authorizing the Governor to oiler a reward of $'J,CU0 for the apprehension and arrest of the unknown person who attempted the assassination of Representative Bailey. The special order of the dav in the House waa the consideration of Judge Yokuni's resolution for the submission to the people of a constitu tional amendment making radical chanxes in the judiciary of the State. It abol ishes circuit and county oourts, and es tablishes a superior court in each county. B also provides for the selection of appellate judges. Judge Yocuin said all the circuit courts in tho State were overloaded with busi ness. Some were two or three years behind with their docket?. It was time each county had a court with the same Jurisdiction as those of tho county and circuit Tho days of the traveling court are gone. His resolution mat with general favor. It was referred to the Com mittee on Judiciary. The bill of Mr. Fierce uroliibiting aliens from holding titles to land in the Stats was read a second time. A bili. for the complete revision of the rev enue law was introduced in the Senate by Sen ator Funk on the 24th of March. The Senate concurred iu the resolution previously adopted by the House offering $ ',000 reward for the ar rest and conviction of tbe party who at tempted to assassinate Representative Bailey. The bill of Seuator Hill, designating as fraud the printing upon a regular ticket the name of a person not a regular nominee of the party, unless at the head of the ticket there appears in large type the words "Irregular or Mixed Ticket," was read a second time. The bill met with opposition, and, after being discussed a half hour, was laid upon the table. Senator Reavilie's bill to enable eleemosynary or re ligious corporations to change the time and manner of electing directors and to allow 0m alumni to vote in the election of trustees waa read a second time and ordered to a third readiing. The bill of Sena tor Crawford making all instru ments of record in the Recorder's office open to the inspection of tbe public during office nours was read a second time and advanced. In the House of Representatives th'1 bill providing for the establishment of an Illinois Industrial Home for the Blind at Chicago was advanced to third reading. Mr. lawyer presented a petition signed by ten thousand citizens of Cook County asking legislation compelling the closing of stores and shops on Sunday. The Committee on Finauce reported the amount of money in the State Treasury March 1, as follows: State revenue fund, $l,t>tVi.4:M.]6: State school fund, Siil, 171.00; delinquent land tax fund, $381.0>; unknown and minor lieirs' fund, $11,194.60; local bond funds, $330.47ti,8^. From the revenue fund should be deducted outstanding warrants amounting to $'2t>,iK)4.41; unexpended balances of appropriations by the Thirty-fourth General Assembly March 1, 1887, $l,Ot>'2.410.'i7; unex- jiended ' balances of emergency ap propriations of Thirty-fifth General As sembly, $1,241,009.05, of which $1&V- (*io is contingent appropriations of the Thirty-fourth General Assembly. The amount in the State Treasury March 1, 1*S7, to the credit of the revenue fund, in excess of the uuexpend- ed balance of appropriations of the Thirty- fourth General Assembly, and the emergency appropriation of the Thirty-fifth General As sembly, is 3394, -A).67. Estimated receipJ* to July 1, 1S87: 1*1001 lew on assessments ot 18^6, revenue fund, $15>.0t); from Illi nois Central Railroad Company, S175,- 0 0; from fees of State Dei-krtmeut, 93),000; total, $3,11'.',520.67. which is the estimated amount of revenue fund which will be in th* Treasury July 1, 1SJS7. The above aiaruut ia »l,'2lX>,0U) less than the amount iu the Treasury July 1,1881. The > stimated receipts to July 1, 1887, 011 account of State school find, is 0J0, which will be needed to take up the school orders now in the hands of county superints enta. The committee reported the total 1 of appropriations asked of the present Assembly to be $10, S4£,9*7.34. - i ' - j - i