Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Mar 1887, p. 5

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#y::« WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30,1887. Railroad Time Table. JjOB and after Monday, June 11,1 Trains will FMS McHenry Htation aa beloWs . aoiwo SOUTH. Lake Usner* Pasaenger .......7:# i. * Lake Geneva^ uke Geneva Freight .••»*-«*«,!S:Sn r. * Uke Geneva Passenger 8:* eoiito >otrn. Lake Qoneva Freight ••911LA* * Lake 3eneva Paaaenger M:no «• Lake 3eaeva Express..*. AMt. m Lake Genava Ptiunnr ..........67 -r* Stops only to leave Pasaen: Jus#, Agent. McHenry, 111 MASONIC. ICcHEintr LOIKJE, SA 156 A. P, and A. M.-- jlirgUr Communication* the second and Eurtta Mondays in eacb month. JOHN 1. STOBT, W. X. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEBIC A. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second "ltd Last Tuesday evening of each month, •ighbors cor Uallr invited. Girl Wanted, 'A girl te do general housework in liaall family. Inquire at this office. LADIES Wraps for ons day only at #• Ladies Salesrooms. Thursday. A. F. PARSONS will accept thanks for ibples of Lincoln, Neb, papers re- ';iiived. '• - ORANGES, Lemons, Cabbage, Oalons, Turnips, Parsnips, etc,. at Locke's Some Bakery. . ; SUPERINTENDENT BARBER had a class at bis examination of lachers to-day. . SEE the notioe for the Annual VII- * lege Election, to be found In another column. WE understand that J. J. Vasey, /Principal of our Public School, has re- I signed. Who Is to be successor we 1 have not learned. W. D. GATES, of the Terra Ootta Tile Works, will please aocept our thanks for sheet of Sample of beauti­ ful Pottery, just received. line from this village beleg talked of. It convelenoe at both >jV r-' ON and after Sunday, April 3d. Locke's Home Bakery will be open Sundays between the hours of 7 and 9 A. K., and 6 and 7 p. M., ocly. Those Uterested will take due notice. -• OWING to the crowded state Of our ctlumns we hare been obliged to cur- tail some ol our correspondence. We tvust our correspondents will 'grin and *sr It.' NEW advertisetbents can be found In Our columns this week from Perry A Owen, R. Bishop and Althoff Bros., Which the buying public should not fill to read. ffHt "WHAT is heaven's best gift to panP" she asked, sweetly smilling on Mm. "Dr. Bull's.Cough Syrup," he replied, with prudence. He had just been cured by It of a bad cold, THIS section was visited on Satur­ day night and Sunday iwltb a genuine t blizzard, snow falling to the depth of • six or eight Inches and the thermome- J ter dropping to zero. "Spring, spring. 1 beautiful spring." FOR sale, a Scholarship In Judd's College of Commerce, Chicago. Ap- ply at this office, This In oae of the best Commercial Schools In the west, -and a chance Is now offered to get a , ' scholarship cheap If applied for at once. ' NEXT Sunday evening at the Unl- - ' versallst Church the pastor will preach upon the subject of "Hi$h Pressure, or Life Among Toung and Old." Servi­ ces, In the evening at the above Church ~ trill begin at 7 JO hereafter, next Sun­ day evening being the first. , FPBUONAL. CH AS. GRANGER, ofAntfooh, was a caller on Monday. C, E.CHAPELL, of Algonquin, was on our streets Mouday. H. E. WIGHTMAN spent the past week with friends at Chenoa, III. MRS, H, E. WIGHTMAN has been vis­ iting at Palatine the past week* CHAS. T. ELDREOGK returned front his visit to Vermont 4 last Wednesday. MRS. JOHN'MCOMBER, who spent the winter In Chicago, returned to her home, in this village, on Monday. w. n. FORD and wife, of the River­ side Yloase. spent the past few days with friends in Elgin. Miss MAGGIE CLARK has been visit- leg at Richmond and I.ake Geneva the past week. JULIUS MUNSON *41 Wife returned from their visit at Maplewoort, in., last week. LUKE BRENNEN and Stacy Clark, of this village, spent Sunday at St. Charles. CASPER MCOMBER. of Chicago, who we last week reported sick, was, at last accounts, slowly Improving. HON.GEO. GAGE and wife, who hare been spending the winter in Kansas, retarned to their home, in this village, last week. MRS. O'NEIL and Miss Maggie Whalen, of Harvard, were here attend' Ing the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Wha­ len, on Tuesday. D. L. JONES, of Mont Clare, 111., who is traveling for the Boynton Furnace Company, Chicago, made "us a pleasant call one day last week. REV. MR. AND MRS. BRUNNING, have removed to rooms at Mrs, Stebbins, opposite the Riverside House, and take their meals at the latter place. VDIBI jflaugh ^THE boys bad a high old time at fTurner's Slaughter House the other f day. They went on a Rat hunt and I the result was sixty- live Rats. And it I wan't much of a day for Rats either. I The beys say that there were a few ^more left. rH. V. SHEPARD has purchased the Stock of Hardware and Store fixtures •f E. M. Howe, in this village, and will herearter run the same at the old stand, opposite Bishop's Mlllj Look for his special announcement next week, , WE publish this week the Annual Reports of the Supervisor and Treas­ urer of the Road Commis9loneers of /the Town of McHenry, andoommend - them to the careful perusal of all Tax .payers and voters. That the funds of the town have been carefully handled f d judiciously expended can be seen ^ PURVIS' Cigar Wagon teok a lively tirn through the streets of West Mc-enry on Monday morning. Ford's Running Ponies being hitched to it. Not liking their company they took a run on their own hook, and the result was a badly demoralized Peddler's cart, and cigars going down. Moral. " Keep bold of the lines next time. WE learn that in the yard of onf ' 'public School there is an old, unused And deep well, which Is only protected %j a few loose boards thrown over it. . It would seem te us that this was a bad trap for children to be playing about, and a misstep might prove fatal. Will not the authorities see that this hole Is either filled up or protected so as to make an accident lmpossble? WE have received a copy of the Fairfield, Nebraska. Herald, In which we find prominently mentioned the names of former residents of this coun ty, as follows: John Laasing, W. S Prlckett, J.Tweed, C.J. Furer, Ira Titus and Chas. Prlckett. From the acoeunts gleaned from this paper we fbobld judge Fairfield to be a lively, %e-abead place. Itlk" JSs w -: A SOUTHERN Illinois man had a leg broken "while picking up poultry." He oulght to congratulate himself upon escaping so easily. Many a man has got six months for "picking up poul­ try." THE Ladies Willing Workers Socie­ ty, connected with the Unlversallst Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs. E, M. Owen, on Thursday afternoon, March 31, at 1:30 sharp. A general attendance is earnestly re­ quested. MRS. JOHN I. STORY, President. Miss GRACE OWKW, Secretary. THE Annual Meeting of the Un Iver- snllat socletv for the election of Trus­ tees. an 1 for the transaction of other important business, will be held at tfieir Church, on Saturday afternoon at three o'clock, April 9lti. It 1s necessary that a full attendance be had. B. BKUWHIWO, Pastor. Per Order of Trustees. ALL kinds of weather, mixed up, prevails in this latitude. The hardy blue birds sing setni-occaslonally; boisterous winds blow, snow, rain and sleet fail, wagon wheels plow up the mud. people praise one day and com­ plain the next one, but the world moves on in Its accustomed manner, and the stars still alng "the hand that made us Is divine." Now Is the time when the "poetry machines" are most in use. Effusions on "spring" are more numerous than the numerous thaws, and the editorial heart is sad. The March sun, that thaws out the ash heap In the back yard, thaws out the rbymster in the house, who frequently mistakes a touch of malaria tor a poetical Inspira­ tion. In these cases quinine should first be used, when, If the feeling does net abate, recourse may be bad to the IED--At the residence of her au'ghter, Mrs. John Simon, in this vil­ lage, on Sunday morning, March 37th, 1887, Mrs. Margaret Whalen, aged 80 years. A CARD. We wish in this public manner to re­ turn our thanks to the neighbors and friends, who aided and assisted us dur­ ing the sickness and after the death of eur mother. We can assure you, one and all, that your kindness was duly appreciated and will be returned "should occasion require. MA. AND MRS, JOHN SIMON. THERE was a surprise sociable at the Riverside House on Wednesday even­ ing of last week, given In honor of and regard fur Rev. B. Brunning and wife, bv the members of the Unlversallst congregation, wlth^some friends of other churches. This shows the high regard in which these active and in­ dustrious people are held In our midst There were about seventy present, and the company made It In the high­ est degree a social indeed. The mat­ ter was very shrewdly managed, W. H. Ford and lady baying with apparent innocence invited the pastor to tea with them, with a view to spending the evening. The large company by arrangement very quietly entered the front parlor while the pastor and lady were back lb the private apartments of mine host. At an opportune mo­ ment they were invited to come Into the "front room" when the doar was thrown open upon a crowd of genial friends. From that time on, joy reigned supreme. In due time baskets irere unpacked, refreshments were In order, and all partook of an elegant collation. Happiness was the pre-emi­ nent feature all the way through. We are authorized te say that Rev. and Mrs. Brunning highly appreciate the honor, good feeling arid social joy of the occasion, and will remember It with great pleasure. SEED CORN FOR BALE, Yellow dent and sweet corn. 98 per eentgrows; also Wyandott fewll. For prices address, C. H. MERCHANT 37 Greenwood, 111. AND goeslp always rebounds to the Injury of Its publisher, while nevet re­ dounding to the credit of any one. Troth should be always spoken, but It need not be ostentatiously put forward at opportune times. It is a weapon no* to be osed harmfully, unless the world is to ' bo made better by Its ut­ terance to a sufficient degree to offset any Individual considerations of damage to character or business or soda) standing. No person has a right to go up and down the ^treet lying about bis neighbors. There Is room enough for him on unoccupied through- fares, but not in and along by-ways that are Inhabited by God's poor creatures, who are mostly well enough If let alone. The liar and gossiper should be branded as plainly aa a Texas mule. * n animal which recog­ nizes itself at any distance. MORE towns die for the want of con fidence on the part of business men and lack of public spirit than from the rivalry of neighboring towns or ad­ verse surrounding. When a man In search of a home or a location gfte« to a place and everything Is brim full of hope and enthusiasm over prospects of the place and earnestly at work to build up the town, be soon become Imbued with the same spirit, aud as a result he drives down his stake and goes to work with the same Interest. When, however, be goes to a town and everyone expresses doubt and appre­ hension In the futnre prosperity of the place, moping about and Indulging In mourning complaints about imaginary ev|ls which are likely to befall the the town, he naturally feels that It Is no place for him, and at onoe shakes the dust from his feet, while he pulls wltb all possible speed for some other town. Consequently, try and make a live, enterprising, progressive town out of the one In wbloh yoalive. When you are working tor or saying a good thing for your (town you are accompMsng all the more for yourself. --Ex IT is your home paper, my son, on which you rely to fight your batt les. It Is your home paper that is your rep resentatlve abroad. It is your home paper that advocates publlo Improve­ ments of all kinds that are calculated to build up your community. It U your home paper that continually seeks to populate your vacant places by showing your village or city ad van tages and thereby Inducing capital from abroad to find a remunerative place for Investment In your midst. It is your home paper ^that publishes your home news, that tells you what Is ?oIa* on, not only In your own oounty, but In your neighboring counties. Tou can get a St. Paul or Chicago pa­ per for a smaller rate per annum, per­ haps, than you can get your local pa­ per, and the city publication will fur­ nish you as much "reading matter;" but you are not sustaining the paper that has an Interest In and gives your home news that stands by you in good and evil reports and Is an ever reliable friend. Tbe city paper cares nothing for you beyond your dollar. Are you taking your home paper, my ion, and thereby encouraging and helping your ft lend? If not, subscribe at onoe. Don't be a sponge and borr >w It from your more enterprising neighbor,--2?.c Btnff Poultry Tarda, Waaconda Township. We recently bad the pleasure of be­ ing conducted through those yards by the genial proprietor, G. W. Pratt. The breeding pens are situated on the top of an abrupt bluff overlooking Bangs' Lake, the yards for the same running down the bank to the water's edge, and the pens that are devoted to the raising of ducks and geese extend out into the lake. The season -has not begun as yet, although one brood of Wyandotte chicks which were making futile efforts to keep under the old hen and make her stand up high enough fer them to eat, were noticed, and we suggested tbe advisability of putting them back In the shell until warmer weather. After looking at the three pens of Wyandottes we were shown a 1 >t of Black Cochins, which were beau­ ties, and their heavily feathered legs show them to be well bred. They are undoubtedly the best lot of tbls breed in the coucty. In aa adjoining coop was a brood of Seebrights, and not far removed from here was a pen of tbe best Brahmas to be found. They are of the Duke of Tork strain and are a magnificent lot of fowls. On the shore were a lot of Pekin ducks which have just commenced laying. Mr. Pratt had more orders for these ducks last year than be was able to fill, and Intends to raise more this season. A flock of red Games were then shown, headed by tbe magnificent cock, Toung Robin Hood, a high-priced bird, purchased of W.. E. Walden, Watervleet, Mich. He Is a fine bird, wltb a clean cut, snake­ like bead, and has extraordinary length of limb. In tbe same building were a pen of pure black Tartars, oae of whieh Is sold and will be shipped to Pacific, Iowa. In a vacant pen stands a large Success Hatcher and a bono grinder. 8Mr. Pratt Intends making extensive alterations and additions to bis yards the comlag spring, to muot tbe de­ mands of his rapidly increasing busi­ ness, which has thus far been very suc­ cessful.^ He never has any sickness among bis fowls; using preventives al­ most constantly, to guard against tbe approach of disease.--LibertyviUe Call. THE trotting stallion, "George ©.» will not stand for service this season, as he will go to Chicago April 15th, and will be under the care of Peter V. Johnson, one of tbe best trainers lu the West, and we sball< expect to see bios make some very fast time before tbe season Is over, as he is capable of doing. His blood lines trace back to all the best and fastest bloods now known, and the time Is not far distant, barring accidents, when they will all vut a "George O." cell. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MXSOWTP.--A. F. and A. M. maet at Masenie Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even­ ts of each month. MODKRN WOODMBK O» AMKRTCA.--Meet at Maaonio Hall every ad and 4th Monday even, ings of each menth. Neighbors cordially in- Ttted. SONS OF TBXPBKAMCB.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of eaob week. Richmond Department, COITTB1B9TBD IT "FLOSSIE." Ell Manor has closed his atore here. Dr. Waters' mother is here on a visit. EDITOR PLAIKDBAI.BR Mrs. Emery Conn la on the sick list. Miss Delia Crewe haa a large class in draw­ ing-- mostl 7 children. Aleck Glass* little girl is again quite aick. Examination of teachers will be held at thla place on Wednesday of next week, Munger'i factory paid Its patrons $1.95 per one hnndred pounds of milk for the month ef January. M. S. Goodsell'a mother and neloe ate visit­ ing at his home. The Beloit Church Choir will give one of their concerts at Rowe's Hall on Wednesday evening, March SO. The town committee have called a caucus for Saturday, April 2. at Iwo o'clock for the imrpoHe of putting in nomination the towa officers for the ensuing year. Charlie Brown oatne home frem Chicago Saturday night for a short visit. Miss Laura Mason Is home from Harvard, there being a short vacation in her school. The free dance, postponed from last ireek, will be given on Friday evening of this week. ttnmor saya D. A. Clary han purchased a lot on Maple Ave., east of Henry Skinner'a, and wlil build a residence there. Mrs. Delia Bliaa isiexpected this week from Albion, if. Y., to virtt her parents *r. and SOIdea Street. - Mrs. Sherburne received a telegram last week calling her to Michigan to attend the funeral of her sister. , A large number of the friends of Mrs. Ly­ man Pierce gatheml at her home on Friday last to celebrate her fiftieth birthduy,. giving her a comp'ete surprise. Mrs. Ella Earle has at present over thirty music scholare, and the number will b* large­ ly increased in a few weeks. Mrs. Earle is an excellent teaeher ami gives good satisfac­ tion, as tho largeness of her class denotes. Hebron is very lively these days, especial ly in the morning, when more hitching posts are needed, A stranger Was heard to remark a tew days ago, "What a thriving little town. Its clean and orderly yards aid streets and those new streets and many nice restdeaees denots a reflned and Intelligent elass of In-, habitants." Ida Spice Is dead) Thosa were the start­ ling words that shocked the whole communi. ty on Friday morning, and Hebron mourns Mrs. Spice was born in Rtnsler Co., N. Y., in 1850. she came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kane, to the town of Hebron In I8S0, was married to Jack Spice July 5, 1885, and died March 25, 1887. She leaves a hut- band, father, brother, two sisters, and a large circle of friends to mourn her early death The funeral services Were conducted by the Rev. G. H. Wells, at the M. K,Church Sunday afternoon, where a vast crowd ot friends faced the blinding storm to mourn with those who mourn, to do their last earthly act and pay their last tribute of respect to Ida M. Spice. ALCONOUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--At C. E. Chapell's Auction Sale of a carload of milch cows, en Saturday last, cows sold on an average of $36 per head. D. W. Thomas shipped a carload of Dry Stock to Chicago on Saturday last. Tho topic of 'discussion in town for the past week has been on horse trade- tag. I. P Botz is blfysd for an Awg$lon Sale of a c^rToall of milch cows, for Saturday, April 2nd. Where are all our candidates for town office*? Wo have not seen nor heard of any of them yet. We thought that sprlDg had come for sure, bull on Sunday last we found we wore very much mistaken. J. S. Kllnck is reported {as being on tbe sick list. MARRIED, March 27th, 1837, at tbe German Lutheran Church, In this vil- Our Spring poem is burled la a enow bank. Dr, S. R. Ward and family will move te Chicago soon. Geo Olmstead was In UwA oae day recent­ ly- _______ • School wUl eiose Thursday tsr a weeks vacation. ' The Genoa junction Skakespeare Clnb is ao more. Elliot Oiopley lb out in Dakota vlaittag with Ms brother. Gny Repast was down from Geneva Lake last week. Miss Maggie Clark, of MoBenry, has been visiting at Charlie Glbba*. The school ID the John Stone dlstTiot cloeed Friday. Miss Etta Torrence taught. Will Berger Is going to build a new honse on his farm, southwest of town. Miss Belle Feuner brightened our heme by her presence a few days lasfSweek. Albert Wright has been one ef tbe slek folks, as also has Mrs. Dr. Waters. The Hebron dance was postponed natil this week Friday. Perhaps it is an April Fool. Hugh Burdlot, Lake Geneva, visited at Den- Ison's part of last week. Bert Darling and wife visited la Our village part of last week. There was a surprise (?) party at lire. Dick­ son's (Mrs, Bacons's) last Wednesday night. Mrs. Gee. Smith and Mrs. Lney Jeacks re­ tarned from a visit to Terra Ootta Monday. C. E. Chapell, of Algonquin, was on enr streets Monday. Also Frank Spitzer of Wood* stock. Miss Ibble R>we, one of Hebron's most te. telligent young ladies spent part ef last week with Nellie Andrews. How does the Inter State Oemmeree Law offset yon anyway? Has your pass beea call­ ed in? Grace Grey has returned from Ohtcago; Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Vinton, from Dstroit; and Geo. Eldredge from his Eastern trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Petenglll started fer Montpelier Monday, where they will make their future home. On the evening of April 1st tbe Beloit color­ ed Church Choir will give a eeneett at tbe rink, which will undoubtedly be very eater* talnlng. Miles CrandSll. roadmaster on this division of the C. ft X. W, R. R. for a great many rears will leave the 1st of April.. Mr. Stearns, of Mass., late ot the Boston ft Albany road,' suo- ceeds him. There was a merry party up at JohaMeOon- nel's last Friday night, given by Bertha In honor of Carrie Ward. About twenty ef the young people attended and enjoyed them­ selves Immensely. "Jeff" Linn, the accommodating brakeoum on Redfearii's train. Conductors Hamilton »nd Jencks were of the parly which went on a trip to Hurley last week te look ever the iron mines. Charlie Hawthorn aad Miss Emsta Oiopley were married one day last week and tbeir many friends were taken complotely by ear prise, which fact, however, does net lessen the shower of good wishes for them. A meteor shot thro' the western heavens, Friday night about 10:80, whieh was the most brilliant I ever aaw. Its path of flaming geld was unfaded for seveial minutes and the flash lit up the darkened world (like a stray 8u u-beam. lage, H Vferaek od by ti» Miss friends In T C. A'me * housapar€N this • 505 . --iS R(tc< wher*rivtTCHE:i FRIES- Dro^ an(* ' drena it .ons at g;> . Wrars oij|j)a - Boys bel^tMlF: white a- Glovea •UI*AAIE$ A If Bar, gale' style' match stylos. Mrs HI Yoif^l an Eaa*iwj'.. McHet^'fp.^. .enk to Miss Louesa rvices were conduct- •i, von Schenk. iard visited with t week. oaded his stock and here on Monday of or Iowa Falls, Iowa, t, a farm. 'hursday. n Ginghams. Lawns Remnants fer chll- pght at great reduct- jcordlngly. Ladles ll for one day only, for suits, dresses. Corsets, mderwear. Ladies Iresses and velvet*, sot for dohlmans. hing at tbe Ladles 38 of the new spring Ms and trimmings to for carpets, new Eon Thursday's, at '6. PARTY. Invited to atteod t Helmer's Hall. In day evening, April ett's Band. Tickets Washi Rates. * Order A 1 Irolle depth side Bisb I an a I Jon. HER, Proprietor. TAKES, me, done In good d, at reasonable o done If desired, at Colby's store. PARTUKE. that can be con- tor to regulate tbe on. Postively ne ht on horses necks. . McHenry. ami nations. examining teach- at ay, March 31st. , April 1st. , April 2nd. April 5th. y, April Ctb. ence promptly ared with writing STER BARBER.' tendent of Schools. 1887. tertown Buggies Bishop's Ware i at Rev. Geo. Young, of Elgin, lectured Friday night on "Peouliar People," We were una ble to attend, therefore cannot give our opin­ ion, but as the gentleman is a speaker of re« cognized ability, it is probable that the audi­ ence enjoyed the treat. I wonder, my dear, what yon thought tbls Sunday--morning, when yea awoke and looked out to find this grand old world al| tressed op in her winter Mother Hubbard again; when you felt the north wind racing around every corner with its armfulls ot cloud flowers and missed the usual serenade by a band ot gay young songsters. Alas for flckle March! She has made us believe that she had stolen In thro' Spring's gates disrob. ed of all winter garments. 8h* has been smiling at us ever and ever so many days; wooed the violet's leaves from their winter retreat and coaxed the robins from their southern home. Last night she frowned on US with her cloudies t brow and then as if re* pentant began shedding frozen tears. Were you, like me, still earnestly wishing that • kindly southern breath would make war with these snow flakes by dawn, when Morpheus lisped you in his arms? The happy birds that have been building a summer house above my wind>w, and calling me from dream 'and as soon as the first golden streaks were Childrens'Pviaibie in the east, have flown toother lands. It's a genuine winter's day--nothing to tell us that Spring is ever coming except the oal endar. Yet after all wise heads have always tried to convince me that we appreciate noth- ng until it is beyond our grasp. That antic­ ipation is the dearest page in life's book. I do not believe it. I know that should some angel's wand change every flake into a lily with a diamond heart, before night closes in, it would be just as fair and just as sweet to me as tho' I had waited a century wishing and hoping. So if this capricious month would give to us all the gems of rosy June before she dies or even a breath of bonny May I doubt that I shall indulge in anticipations or longings for telrer days and it would de­ tract none of the beauty from the flowers to know that they grew and blossomed in a sin­ gle day, neither would it lessen my apprecla. tlonof them for they are truly one of the brightest rays of whole life. Stand Straight. Men's, women's, and children's braces. No more round shoulders. No more flat breasts. A porfect skirl supporter. Sold by E. Lawlus, Tailor, McHenry, 111. ' SATURDAY, APRIL 2, '87. To Patrons and Advocates of Cash Deals. ' Kotlco Is hereby glvsn that tfct un­ dersigned. on Saturday, April 3d, will open business In West McHenry, (next door to post office) tho nature of whlcb will be to buy and sell general mer­ chandise. farmers' produce, etc„ FOB CASH ONLY. Phase remember that this stock will be new and fresh and that every effort will be made con­ sistent with honorable and square dealing to induce tbe cash bnyer to patronize and aid this system, flraolv believing that suob transactions will result In sratnal benefits. inspection of onr goods and a rea­ sonable share (not all) of public pat* roaage respectfully solicited. Every body for 40 miles Invited to West Mo- Henry, Saturday, April 3d. 1887, and every day following. JOHN EVAN3QM * OO. If you are looking for a first elass Carpet cheap, go to John B. Blako's Furnltnro Store. Wo receive new grooeiies every week. BOHSLSTT 4 STOFFEL. Transparent opaque window shades, latest designs and lowest prices; 40 cents to 11.15 at Bonslett & StofteFs. Crockery, Crockery; plaio and dec­ orated. BOHSLETT A STOFFEL. Curtain netting, laoe curtains, poles, shade fixtures; best assortment In town at Bonslett A Stoflel'a. Good plug or fine cut tobacco^ only M cents, at Bonslett A dtoflel's. New Dress Goods. Velvets, Vel­ veteens and Trimmings at Bonslett * Steflel's. Badger Stat* overalls, jackets and shirts at Bonslett A Stole rs. RacI so trunks, sachels. and hand­ bags at Bonslett A Stofiel's. New Wall Paper, Borders and Decorations at Bonslett A Stof- fel's. CARPETST CARPETS! From the cheapest hemp to 1st grade body Brussels, most stylish pattern. Will be matched and sewed tor any room at lowest prices at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Hats! Hats! New Styles, Lat­ est Colors at Bonslett # Stoff­ el 8. Carpets by Sample John B. Blake has now the finest line of Carpet Samples to be found In the county, and can furnish yon a Carpet from tbe cheapest to the best grade made, at prices ten per eent be­ low any other dealer In this section. Call and see bis samples and learn prices. Spring Milllnary. MRS, M. SCHUMACHER, In We Henry, will this weok put In a large and well selected stock of Spring Millinery, of the latest styles to be found In the city, which will be sold at the Lowest possible prions. New Goods reoetved weekly as tbe season advances. Orders taken In every week, goods delivered promptly and satisfac­ tion guaranteed. The ladies are Invit­ ed to call and see our large a took. We learn that some parties have spread a report tbat I was going to leave McHenry. This is not true, I am hern to stay, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, and guarantee to please ell who give me a call. Mas. MAKT SOHUMACHKK. Weft McHenry, oarch sad, 1887. . PAINT SHOP. H. H. Niohols has moved bis paint shop to tbe rooms over H. Slmes' blacksmith shop, where he Is prepared te do all kinds of painting on short notioe and guarantee satisfaction. If vou want your buggy put in first class shape for the summer, bring It along and there shall be no unnecessary de­ lay. H. H. NICHOLS. Building paper cheap at M. Engeln^s. Harness Oil < Engelu's. cents a gallon at M. Fancy Roller Flour, tl.15 at M. Enxeln's. Gorham Seeders at E. M. Owen A Son's. Jars and Jugs 9 cents per gallon at M. Engeln. The finest 5® cent tea In tbe market »t Althofi Bros, Keystone Pulverizers, 16 Inch, at E. M. Owen A Son's, for 938. Road Cart with a twenty-four foot spring at E. M. Owen A Son's. 5 bottle silver plated castor, 75 oents at M. Engeln's. Best Lumber Wagon In town at S. M. Owea A Son's. Smoking Tobaoco 10 cents psr lb at M. Engeln's. Broadcast Seeders from f8i np to •40 at E. M. Owen A Son's. The new Warner Ooneave M, Engeln's, Warranted. WOOD™FOR SALE. U J Good Dry Wood for sale, by E. Lawlus. opposite the Riverside House. Coil Spring Road Carts at E. M Owen A Son's, that beats anything of >he class ever Invented; and springs warranted for five years. Call and see them. _____ Honey to Loan. Money loaned on McHenry County farms on time bnd In amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply to j. w. EAWSTMS Rooms 1 and % Borden 11 look, Elgin III, WSin. WHEAT WANTED. The highest cash price Will be paid for good milling wheat at the Wau- oenda Mills. 36-4w J. SPENCER. CUCUMBER CONTRACTS. McHKiatr. III., March Itth, 1887. T am now prepared to contract for the purchase or for salting pickles for the year 1887. All tbat wieb to con­ tract In either way please oall at my office. R. BISHOP. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The nnderslgned offers for sale her house aad two lots, In the village of McHenry. It is pleasantly losated near the business part of the village house In good repair, and has one of the best cellars In town. Good well cistern, outhouses, etc., and any quan­ tity of small fruit of all kinds. Will bo sold reasonable If applied for at oee. MRS. L. A. CLARK. McHenry, Feb. 31,1887. FOR SALE. • wholesale notion wagon, horses, harness, stock and fixtures. Will assist a matt in boylng goods and go one trip on wagon with him. Have a good route. Reason for selling, poor health. For farther particulars, see or address, N. B. DUERS, 34-4vr Wauconda, III, FARM TO RENTi Tbonndersigned offers for rent, bis farm, situated on the east side of English Prairie, consisting of 160 acres --80 acres of plow land, 40 acres of meadow, and the balance upland pas ture. For particulars Inquire on tbe PS<£T J. C. JAMES. Houses and Lots For Sale In Rlngwood. I offer for Sale or Rent. Iwo Houses and Lots, situated In tbe village or Blngwood. Also a building suitable rer shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and other partic­ ulars Inquire ef Wnsusr LANK Business* Cltv residences for sale. _ Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, BL Everything In tbe Hardwire . bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever be> fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. , Celluloid Combs, only 30 cents, at 01 W. Besley's, West Side. The finest lino of Bird Cages tb! town, at John I. Story's. ^ Look at the choice Candlei St Bes­ ley's Drug Store, West End, Plush Sets, tbe finest in town, cbeap, -Geo. W. Besley's. Limps complete, for 25 cents, at Geo, W, Besley's. Call and see them. Building Paper and Moth Proof Car­ pet Paper, at John I. Story' McHenry. Handkerchiefs, all styles .and prices at Althoft Bros. at Albums only 30 cents, at Geo. W Besley's, West Side, J Pulverizing Harrows with tbreo > horse equalisers at E. M. Owe* 4b- Son's. Gorham. Buckeye, Van Brant, proved Badger aud Williams Seeders at E. M. Owen ft Son's. Just received a Car load ef the old Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at John (• Story's, If you want the best Milk Can over made, call on John I. Story. He keeps the only stbek In town. THE Genuine Novelty and Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prices at John I Story's. Beware of Imitation. Call for the uWinning 8troke",anew Brand of five cent Cigars, manufactur­ ed by Barbian Bros. It beat: tbem all. Twenty per cent discount on all winter goods for the next thirty days at Althoff Bros. Laoe Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklna, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mra« Schumacher's, near the Depot. The best and cheapest Carpets In the market, at J. B. Blake's Furniture Store. 1 If you want to your Buggy for iv's D Besley'i learn how to Paint „ One Dollar, call at rug Store, West End. IF you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new got the Na­ tional Patent Leather Enamel at Besley's Drug Store. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which | will be sold at lower prices than any | other store In McHenry. ;! MB*, M. SCHUXACHM. The Metropolitan is the Boss cirpet | sweeper, and no housewife Bhould boy 1 one before seeing It. It Is cheaper | and better than all others. For sale by John L Story. | Mrs. Schumachers Visits Chicago every week and wtlt vl take in your orders and furnish goods 1 st the lowestjChicago prices. FOR" SALE. „ ] Short Horn Bulls and Plymouth Mj Rook Fowls. Call on or address, i FRANK COLE, ; 32-3m Spring Grove, IB. ^ i For Ihe'filSithlrty days a discount ~"t- of twenty per cent will be made on all purchases of winter goods at onr store, ALTHOFF BAGA**?#' M - 4 FOR SALE OR RENT, I j I offer for sale or rent my farm of J 160 acres, near the village ef Solon. | Also 40 acres 1£ uiiles south of Solon. .1 Liberal terms if applied for at once. Ci GEO. W. TRUES DELL. 1 --_____ • *.1 It always gives U3 pleasure to speak ^ well of a good article. The "Garland S| Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged % to embody all tbat U .best in that line. J They have the reputation of being the best made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. McHenry by John I. Story. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything In my tine of bust- less. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law- ; <us' Store, F. A. HEBAKD. MoHeary, Aug. 10,1880. ii-4-ly ' ELA, Lake Co., III., Jan. W, 1887. O. DICKIKSOH A SON--Harrington, UL Gentlemen:--I had two horses cut :i with barb wire fence very bad, and I applied Dickinson's Russian Lluiment ^ and it caused a speedy cure. I also use it in my family, and 1 can say that it Is the best liniment I ever used. J OHM ROACATSM; X For sale by all druggists. Bucklon'a Arnloa Salvo. The best Salve In the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. . It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cants per box. For sale by H Colby. Hj Would You Believe It? i*. That we are authorized by the pro- • prietor of Kemp's SarsapariRa to re­ fund the money to any one who has taken throe-fourths of a bottle with­ out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the confidence in hie medicine to do this, it is for en­ riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up tbe system* Price 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully. GEO. W. BSSUIT; To-Night and To-Morrow Night. And each day and eight during this week, you can find at Geo. W. Besley's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac­ knowledged to be the most successful treatment yet introduced for the cure of piles. Old sufferers from this die- stressing complaint are at one* re­ lieved aad ID a short time a permanait cure established. Check the disease in time by using the "most effective remedy. Price 50c. Send address foe inkblot on pijfe. Box 395,*Le Roy The Verdict Unanimous- W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Indn testifies: "1 can recommeu J Klectrlc Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has'given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cared of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist. Bellvilie, Ohio, affirms: **The best selling medicine I have ever handled In my 20 years' experience. Is Electric Bitters." Thousand* of other* have added their testimony, so tbat the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or ittood. Only ball a dollar a bottle at Henry Colby's finw Store, i

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