Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1887, p. 1

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IP' mi I • ' ^ • 'W * •W*1 'ifeh '".afrijy ... / * " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win usand no Pear Shall Awe." 1^ IIHII -| •' "V-1 n ' r'l, .'.ifi'-"t ' H H. it . ,» 4. ,li , K<i >>1 i • J,' . 1 -- -- ! ' • ^; ---- 1 . I 1 i 1 I ' . ' I ' VI 12. : M M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1887. NO. 38. - rEtt6tny> KTHTt WBDS«»DAt ST ;^-jr, "VAN 8LYHE,- | jsoitor:4XO;!PKOPBIKTOB. Offlee In Bishop's BlcMjk*' ', -^OFFOSITE PBKRY A : or alx TERMS OR SUBSCRIPTION. f in Ttar (In Artvaaee) .$1 J» Mot Ptiil within Three Months.--. .. 2.00 nuMOripttoo* received fbt three •okttu ia tke Mine proportion. Kates of Advertising. -.-We announce liberal rate* for advertising IB the PLITVBLALTT, and endeavor to state them •oplalMtf that ther will be rqpMlily un- Aerstood. Thejr are as follows: 11«ohone year . - . • |?MhN one year v- *^|. :%• S Inches •*«,year - • v* % ;V* « '4 Oolonan o|e year • -> '•> 4 Ooftunn *n« year. • • t -" i Column one year - - J>?« Inch means the moa Jurement of one Jfeoh down the column, single column width. Nearly ndTertisers, at tho above rates# have the privilege of changing as often as they thoose, without extra charge. 5 00 rode Woo SO oo 60 00 100 00 :P' Berular advertisers (meaning those having Itanaing cards) will be entitled to insertion Of focal notices at the rate of 5 cents per line eaeh week. All others will be charged 10 seats per line the 11? st week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged kt the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) tlie flrst lssue, and *oo*ts per line for sn bscqnent issues. Th-.s, an inch advertisement will cost tl.00 for one week* $1.<0 fsr two weeks, 12.00 for three weeks, and so on. THE PLAJNOKAT,»s willbe liberal in giving •d.torlnl notices.bat, as a besiness rule, it Will require a suitable fee from everybody Reeking the use or its columns for pecuniary fain. BUSINESS CARDS. - H. T. BROWN.MUD. : V farSlOIAN AWD SUKCiROfcr. o«ee- at Residence, McHenry, 111. ' o. H. FEGERS, M, D- OHTBlOiAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, Sills. Ufflee at Residence. . • • --: . j-" jj,iju. a J. HOWARD, I*,B* PHYHIOIA.N AND SXJRGEONj Wtc&enry, 111. Office at Realoence, oue door Weat Of M. K. Chui'ch. BARBIAN BROS. Mcllenry, 111. Or- Siiop, la Old McHenrj CIOAR Manufacturers ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, 1* Kelter Block, third door west of- Riverside Bouse. Livery Stable. first lf«Sfs Teaming of & 1. WIOHTMAN, class rigs, with or .jralshed at reasonable ratea. All kinds dofte on short notice Proprietor. it ho nt drivers Having purchased the old standi* of Joseph Wiedemann, -f NEAR THE JXEPOT, | MoHENRY, ILLINOIS Keepe open for the accommo<lation»of tfie pubHca rirst-Oiass ^ Saloon and Restaurant; BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL BROWN, AW. CHICAGO, * TXORSSr AT T, \w. 88 LaSal'e Street M CHICAGO ILIk M. F. ELT.SWORTH.l A TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitoifitt Chan' XX eery, Nunda, III. ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and eoiictun| IE Chancery.--Woodstock, IlL S. F. BENNETT, M. D. pHTi»IOIAN ANDSUUtJEON. Also United I 8tates Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. MART G. BARBIAN. HATR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prii-es. Rooms st residence, north- east corner of Public Square, McHenry, IU. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. r\ENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at i ' McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 26th and 26th of each month. When dates occur Satnrdav or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. E. B. BEXNETT, M. D., Lata House Surgeon Oook Connty Hospital FflCHMOND, ILLINOIS, s « Special attention given to dlfflcnlt Surgical cases. DEVTSCH GE8PROCHKN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. Unites Slates War Claim Agency OF WM. H. COVVLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all cla«sjs and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex Soldiers* their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If, Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. CO WLM; Office at Residence, Madison St., Wood stoce, Illinois. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, 3JLLOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old j ' Stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McTTenry, 111. The choicest Winos, Liquors nn-l Cigars to He found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'8 MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bo(tle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. ned is prepared to do all jobs in Wells, Repairing The under the line of Digging Pumps. Cementing Wells,' or will put in __ will r* ill times kee a4s of Wines, Liquors and e market. "^"brands of Wines, Man - (to be found In tni tbe best .ra Also Agent For 4 EANZ ' MILWAUKEE LAGER BESS. Bear in large or Small Kegs or Bottles ik. irAya to hand, cheaper than any other, qua*» ty censtderedl i: Ofttei's by mall promptly attended to. y qooff STABLim/FOB HORMO. MTCall-and see «a. Robert Schlosslo. HtiWA l\U May 15th, 1885. lALOON and RESTAUEANT Buck's Old Stand, - . "IMcHeiiRY, ILLINOIS. flir^Eent'neky Liquors; French Bitters, HcHSnrj Lager Beer, Tflkf'.. MUwankM But /J,a » --AH1>- r J. > ®f th^Bottlo or Caaar buy ftone bat the btti#«|id isll at Roiworkible Prices, Call and see-me and*I wilt use you welll ANTONY ENGEkN. # Mcflenry, lUf, 1886, ; ^ mt rot FORS^lI! ASA H. SJIITH - v * »• -kMfi&k WoodatiK^lv »;t j^ jiliaoUu Baeked by* Millions ji .nolieT ofeaj yon iKDEMNffgjr ««ainst daraage by Clrt, Lighting* Wlnil Storms, CRCLOIR#& AJYD TORNADOES TTtfin mH % IM*fl nrt-l And I will wistt you «1tl *nd WUIWrt- ™ }llcie«i 'for i w anto you. On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In abort will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap ** any other man. Good references furnished if desirM. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. S®"Orders bv Postoffice, Johnsburg1 promptly attended to. b, 111. " v/C'.: „ L. BANTEi. Johnsburgh, 111., Hay 25th, 18«5. G. ANDREWS. CENERAL ALBERT E. BOURNE. SOLICITOR Alf» ATTORNEY, SELOR. 1 WOODSTOCK-, TLU Bnaii.ess Attended to promptly, with care, skill and integrity. J, F. CASEY, ATTORN EY and Cou n selor at Law. Ofllce over Zlmpleman's «tore. All Inisinesa •ntrusted to my care will receive prompt at­ tention. Woodstock, IU. ~ A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO-5SFIKTH AVE., (Brigars nousc), Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing Pine watches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line 81 for 13 Weeks! The POT.ICE GAZETTE will be mailed, seeurelv wrapped, to any address In the United Sta es for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to po«tmaatera, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to BICHARD X. VOX, FKANKLIM SQUARE, New York. AX70T10 2TSSR Is prepared to attend to all Sales of Stock, Farming Tools, Household- Furniture," or Real Kstate. Terms as low as the lowest and satisfaction guaranteed Post office address Vv EST MCHKNHY, and residence one mile west of the MeHenry depot. H. C MEAD- Attention HorsemenI I would call the attention of the Public to m7 Stable of Stock Horses, four in num­ ber: Two Morgans, one J* Perchcron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep­ resentatives of their bre d. Also a few Merino sueep for Sale. The public are cor­ dially incited to call and examine -itock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday, ' " ^ N. S. COLBY. 10-Ttf. M'HBXKY, ILL. Obtained, and nit t'A'li'.ST li I > 1A Ji.S.S ut- tendt'd to for MOUFUA'l V I I. /•>' Our office is opposite tlie li S. I'jm tit iXlice. aiul we can ob­ tain Patents in less time than those remote from WASH I .XDTOX. Solid MOOFJ.. 1>HA 117 AG or PHOTO of invention We advise as to indent ahilitv free of elinrne and we make A0 CHAHGE UM.kss 1'A TEST IS Kin I KKI). For circular, advice, terms and references to nctunl clients in your own state. County, C ity or Town, write to C. A.SNCWaCO Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D C m Ifields art sesree, but those who write to Stioaon k Co.,Portland, Maine,will receive free, fall information (bout work which they can do, and liveat home,that will pay them from to $25 per day. Some hatrs I over $50 ina day. Either sex, young or old. Capital ML reqaired. You are started free. Those who etart at one* m» awnliitsl) isie of Inm Itltlr fnTtnnnr lUimnr. ii ii n i. iij'iji! iuiil if'imp;jn ^ ~ - fl:. -r. i IJOCKE'S CANDIES! AND BE- I LOCKE'S SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on, the most 1BMS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed, Call on or Address r Cm C. Anredwsf Spring Grove, lll^ Spring irove, 8®pt,JJ0th, 1885, U-ll-Sm TVV.' . COLLEGE -OF-- COMMERCE, U ti& MONROE 8T., Chicago,. * " Illinois. BUSINESS COURSE. SHORT-HAND COURSE rtxinff men coining from the country need the same training city l>oys secure. It Is oiir puriMjce to develop our students into good accountants, reliable and quick In computa­ tions, thorough I v vrtrse 1 in t^e pnncipalt jroverning the revonl J ol ousiners transac­ tions; able to record 'liem neatly, met hod I- CHllv ttnrt lesibly, f-uniliar w.tli the tornu ami use of business ictper. an i the piinciplea of business law by winch it is governed.. Million's Phonography, i. thoroujrbl v tiuftht, and many young me» and woim'ii uit: <toiiig well in the c»,.acuv ®| Short Hand Writer^. A Olncigo olllce is ia- eomnlcte without a Stenographer. The vera"e time requimd to complete* Business or siiort-UanU t;ourse. is Si* Month# School is open all the > oar, and Students c* a^tMny time. * V.. 13Y MAIL* -V keeping and Shor^BMi •^^*e studie i to goo<l advantage at borne, lessons being given by mail. Believing that we offer the to a limited number of students, vre invite your inspection ami solicit your patronage. * fl queotions cheerfully answered. f. f. JUDD» rrikOljal. CANDIES Are in everybody's mouth, (m should be.) Small children cry for them, large children like them and the old folks buy them. There is nothing like them* ABSOLUTELY FUSE AND WHOLSOUl. Try them once and you will use no other. Apples, Oranges, LEMONS, ETC., ETC. gcg^Hot Coffee at «U hours. Open on Sundays only from 7 to 9 A. M. and from 5 to 7 P. M. Locke's Home Bakery Near the Iro"n Bridge. MEHBKRT. IL iini: NEW QUININEY " NoMftt No hBaflachfi No urn No riugme Cores .(dck ? ffianlpnre A POWERFUL TONIC. That the inost delicate stomach will Itear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA ISM, . 1ST RATION RHEUMi NERVOUS PR| And all geriit < TOR COI.D^ KA*lv? KOUND TO BIS ALMOST perlor to Quinine. Bellevne Hospital, Xei versally successful," f St. Francis Hospital, f ed New York City, \ bet, led.* Rev. James Ti Hall, elia', writes ttia'. ICitsk.1 wife, aftur twenty years inria and nervous dyspeps1 piirticulars St. .Joseph's Hospital, S.j considered indispensable. Prof. W. F. Holcoiube, ' St., New V >rk Citv, ('iite York modirnl college) w superior to Quinine in its never produces the slit; hearing or con-lilulion." Thotisr»iid8 up>n thousaw kin*1 lias cured them after i had failed. Write for book Kuskiue can be takeu \v|i medical advice, tl per boir or sent by m.til on receipt of fri If ASK INK COMPANY, W Warren St., New York City. tE HAS BEEN SPECIFIC. Su fork City, ««Uni- |ery patient trent. rith Kaskine has discharged cur. / P< has cured his from ma- Write hi;n tor "Its use is pcrfectlv " 1 East iflth ior in New "Kaskine is iili' power; and ^ijury to the \ if 5 tliat Kas- i. r medicines ^ imonials. 1 tax aueclal 8o»-if. TO HORSEMEN! Hating rcccntly purchased a line iniporied Clydesdale stallion, CHANCELLOR, JR., For our own \i«c, _ will tirced a limited number of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is 7 years old ihis Spring; is&Ghcrry Bay' with black points; KS V hand hi£h and wciKhs about 1700 pounds; strotg, clean limits, lino action, mild disoo*ition. lie was strict by ChanpeMor ('810), he by Drew Prince of Wnh-V. ((>73) Dam by l.ofty. "(4t'>0;; grand dam by Iitike of Well­ ington, (154:1); great grand da«6 Uy siv William Wallace, (SiH). He combinel^in his breeding the best bloo I Scotland ev proven lits ability to get ui great siEe. flne form, strong a We also have had, ami has >rm Colli, of rugged. CHAMPION, The Perr-hen.'-' v.< proven himself a tine stock getter for gen­ eral purposes, and cannot he lie (ten in the Northwest. Parties who intend breeding, the coming season, will ilnd it to their advacii ine to call and xce oiir stock and get our terms which will bo ra&sonable. Mires from a < tn<-e will beKwell oared for, at owners rU'1^, at Moderate rates. Call and see us U-tf. [ANLY BEOS. HEALING POWDER. CURES ALL OPEN SORES ON ANIMALS FROM ANY CAUSE, SORE SHOULDERS. CUTS, KICKS, ROPE BURNS, SORE BACKS, SCRATCHES, CUTS FROM BARB-WIRE FENCES, ETC. NO SMELL TO ATTRACT FLIES; DOES NOT BURN A SORE LIKE LINIMENTS; EASILY AP­ PLIED AND ALWAYS READY. FOR BURNS, CHAFING, SORES OR CUTS ON PERSONS, IT HAS NO EQUAL. j, 15 and 50 Cents a BOJL. ^ AT DRUG OR HARNESS STORES. . , TO CURE RHEUMATISM. This remedy has a rpacific action upon '.he fluids of the body, supplying moisture to the tissues ana lubricating the Joints affected by the disease. No 8ttr*r Distorted Llabi remain after a cure by this specific. A trial of a single bottle will convince the most sceptical that we have not told half Us vir­ tues. Price >1.M per bottle. For sale by all druggists. Mann factored only by LENNKY MEDICINE CO., A Best in the World. SMITH'S BEANS /-VURE BHIowiwss; Sick Headache in Four hour*. yC?) On* dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure and prat Bill Chills *b Fever, Soui* Stomach + Bad Breatn. Clear the Skin, Tone the Henrss, and ol*a Ufa > Vigor to the system. DoseiONB BEAN. Try (hew eace and you will he Prtoe, 28 cento per bottle. Sold h Drutgltteud Medicine Dealer* generalhr. Sent on recalft ol price In stamps, postpaid, to any nddrett. J. r. SMITH U CO., Soldiers' Department. OOKTKtBUTKD BT V*M. H. COW LIN. County GU A. H. Directory. BIOmtOHD KMT HO M. Meeta the seoonl Friday tmlai of each month. DB. 3. F, BEKXBTT, Com. WOODS TOOK POST, HO MS. Meets flrat and third Monday evonlnffs of each month. . WM. ATSKY, Com. imin>A POST Meeta the second and fourth Wednesday erasing* of each month. WK, Oem. iA*uii> POST, mo ass. Meets the second ana rourtn Monday oven inics ot each month. I. W. 9*atb*KS, Ooji. MiMNOo POST, Na MS, . Meets every Second and Foarth Friday evenings of each month. A. J. BOTtHOTOir, Com. Mr OD The number of paoston aertt flea tee issued during tho week ending M»r. 12. 1S87, was as follows: Original. 716; increase, 886; reissue. 286; r toration, 70; duplloate. 6; accrued, Act of March 3,1883, 8; Order of April 3, 1884. 9; Act of March 3, 1886, 3; Supplemental Act of August 4, 1886. 74; Mexioan war, 3; total, 2,164* Every Post in the O. A. R. is now carrying a burden of charity which would have been lifted fron it If the Dependent Pension Bill had become a law. Certainly if the men and women to whom the Posts give their funds for relief deserve this from their com­ rades, they deserve it still more, from the Government. McEENRT, Htr Business and Busiiii# Men. Does it "pauperize" a veteran to re­ ceive help from his comrades of the G. A. R ? Does he become the "soum of the earth--yes, the very dregs," be­ cause in the extremity to which be has been reduced by disease be aeoepts aid from the men who stood in line of battle with him? If not, why is he ' pauperized" by receiving from the Government that which he earned by giving the best years ot his life to Its servioe f--National Tribune. Was there anything ia a man's sol. diering that makes him readier to ewear to a lie now than his neighbor who did not go into the army? If so, then they are right who claim that the soldiers generally are readjrto perjure themselves to get a'ridTCtltdus lltW pension. If, on the other hand, they are no more ready to commit perjury than other people, then it would fol low, if this clamor be true, that the whole American people are Uars under oath, and cannot be trusted to tell the truth where a few dollars a month can be gained by perjury. Pleasing pre­ dicament these slanderers of soldiers get themselves into, is it not*--Trib, From 1861 to the day of his dsath, amid the mighty battles and many marches of the Army of the Tennessee and In the days of peace I had the honor of a personal acquaintance and enjoyed the personal friendship of John A, Logan. ' Great as a lawyer, a statesman, and an orator, pure as a patriot and a citisen. In the hour of battle, when the Gray lines charged close up to the Union blue, Logan was a fltme of fire! Comrades, when the last member of the Grand Army of the Republic shall have passed away; <viien the sons ef veterans shall be white with age, our loyal grandsons and great-grandsons guiding the des­ tinies of the Republic, will pronounce the name ef John A. Logan as the first volunteer soldier In the war of the great rebellion." , frsm Mrs. ass. Lsgss. Rev. G. R. Vanhorne received a let­ ter from Mrs. John A. Logan from Washington, of which the following Is a oopy: CALUMET PL., Washington. D. G.) March 16th, 1887. V RET. G. R. VANHOKNB,--Dear Sir: Accept my sincere thinks for the grand tribute paid to my dear hus­ band by your eloqaent lecture and re­ markable acrostic, so complimentary to his peerless character. Sueu appre­ ciation by you is most gratitylng to me. and I leel he has not lived in vain If his fe.Jow men will only remind the coming generation of bis deeds and true nobleness and great aohieved tuouls. Gratefully and Reepeetrully, MRS. JOHN A. LOGAN. In concluding our reviow of the "Business and Business Men of McHen­ ry,*' we shall commence where we left off last week, «nd will try not to miss any. We will begin this week with MANCF4CTUREBS OF CIGARS. In this line Barbian Bros., in Kel- ter's Block, probably lead anything of the kind in the county, or in fact in this section of the State. They com­ menced business here eight or ten years ago on a very small scale, and have gradually Worked their way up until now they are one of the pros perous and growing industries of Mo- Henry. They are now making twelve different brands of cigars and so pop­ ular are their goods becoming that they are sought after fey the smoking ublio far and near. They kee]» five 'men at work most of the limp, and find a ready sale for all they can make. Jos. fekovsky, next door to the post office, also manufactures cigars, and keeps a retail cigar and tobacco store, Re manufactures enough for his trade besides doing quite an ex­ tensive wholesale business, BESTAUItANTS. In the restaurant line we have four. L. D. Lincoln, in the Lansliig Block, west side, Mrs, Jos, Pekovsky, near the post office, opposite Bishop's mill, E, B. Perkins, in Kelter s Block, and at Locke's Home Bakery, near the iron bridge. All of these named are kept In drst class style, where warm or cold meals can be obtained at all hours, and fruits of ail kinds in their season, SHOEMAKERS. McHenry has three shoemakers, all of whom do a good business, notwith­ standing the fact that nearly all our stores deal in footwear of a!l kinds. Fred Schnorr. who occupies a build­ ing of his own, on the west side, is the oldest man In the business here. In fact, he might safely be called au old settler, as be has been in business many years, and has, and is still doing a large trade. John Strener, on the opposite side of the street, also oecupies a building found In his shop, He Is a good work- Fl »«»« .»• «• the advertised aocttowers. In this Fit- -" A The New York Sun of March 14 makes this statement In It* editorial columos: The rapidity of Mr. Cleveland's progress in political education has al- uiost equalled the quickness of his rise la public life. After he had vetoed the Dependent Pension Bill Congress was ready to pass it over the veto, but Mr. Cleve­ land sent for a great number of Cen- gressmen and gave them to under­ stand in the most emphatic manner possible that he"3didn't wish it passed, and that he would And out who were hii friends and who were not by the vote on his veto. The Presidential desk is said to have groaned under the passionate blows ot the Presidential hand lor the purpose of emphasizing the owner's desire to prevent the veto from being overridden. The success of these efforts was tuf- flcient to win over votes enough for Mr. Cleveland's purpose. But there Is a great difference between this moth ad of treating refraotory Congressmen and the policy of serene separation from Congressional action with whloh Mr. ClevoTana first thought to distin­ guish his -administration from those of bis predeoessors. However this change will bo regarded by maay as an man and is doing a lucrative business. John Hurrel, in the rooms over the pest oflioe, la the oenter part of the towu, is a first-elais workman, and all work entrusted to him, either repair­ ing or made to order will be promptly and satisfactorily done, BUTTER AND CHEESE FACTORY. Oatman's Butter and Cheese Factory oear Hanly's Mill, is ia a prosperous .*onditlon, and is giving good satisfac­ tion to its patrons. It is under the immediate charge of Moseley Buck- land, who is an experienced man at the business and keeps his factory in first class shape. They are now receiv­ ing about 8,000 pounds of milk daily. CLOVER DRYER. The clever dryer of S, S. Shepard A Son Is one of the growing industries ef this village and one which distrib­ utes a large amount of money among the younger portion of our population. This firm have fine new buildings for dryer, warehouse for storage, etc^ and are Increasing their business each year. They are preparing to do a larger bus iness this season than ever before. PHOTOGRAPHER. In this line McHenry has no oause to go away from home, as L. E. Bennett, the proprietor of the gallery over Perry & Oweu's store, we consider on e of the best photographers in the State, and the specimens of his work to be seen at his gallery will prove what we say. He has an experienee of many yeats and Is sure to give satisfaction. PAINTERS AND GRAINERS. H. H. Nichols, over Simes' blaok- smith shop, makes a specialty of sign and carriage painting, and It a first class workman. John Klelfgen, house aud sign paint­ ing. Also does graining, calclminlng, white-washing, ete. Can be found at bis residence. £. & B. B. Perkins also do painting of all kinds, both plain and ornamental and make a specialty of fancy sign paintlne. Geo. Curtis makes a specialty of house paioting and graining and also manufactures a mixed paint which is said to be a very superior article. THE M'HENRT BREWERT. The proprietor ef this institution* Gottleib Boley, has spent a large amount of money the past few years in repairing, changing over and im­ proving, and has now as well arranged a brewery of its size as can be found auywhere, and is produding an of lager beer second to none. L1VEBT STABLEI. ™- McHenry has two as good livery stables as can be found anywhere. H. £. Wlghtmaa'- barns are located near the Riversid use, and F. Aa Parker's at the Par«.> House. They both keep good rigs, aod also ran bus lines between the railroad depot and steamboat landing. # STEAMBOATS, The steamboat line between Mo- Henry and Fox and Plstaqua Lakes is now one of the permanent Institutions and brio^ « pleasure seekers to this village. Capt Walter Hill, the owner of tho teamen "Mary tiriswold" and "Maal^, laeoft- stantly working to make his aeeooiwfr- dalions more eomplete, and that IM succeeds in pleasing the pleasare*eeek« ing public is evidenced by his great popularity. He is now puttlog hie boats ia order for the early spring hunting and fishing. Another new steamer la expoeted to be put on the river this season, which will make the steamboat acoommoda' tions better than eyer. TOMSORIAL PARLORS. McHenry his three neat aad well conducted shops. George Roseabergof tl kMftMl i$ the east end ef town. H. L. Rounds' shop ean be found In Blake's Block, in the oentor of dm Til­ lage. Jacob Hetsel Is located in Mb* Par­ ker House. CARPRNTBK8. The resident carpenters and bnlld- ers that we can think of are as follow*: R. Waite, a Holly, Matt, Weber. Jrn P. A. Hebard, C. A. Cobb, Chris. Hud­ son, E. W. Howe, A. Calkins, David Wood burn, John Winkles aad fllrnitt Wendell, COOPER SHOPS, JF5 Nicholas Barbian has a shop near KM' ' north-west corner ef the public eqoart. and does all work in this line. There is also a shop In oenneotion with W. A. Crlsty's pickle factory whloh turns oat work moeUf for that institution. DOCTORS. There are four of tfcll profession t* McHenry, vis.: Dr. H. T. Brown, Dr. C. H, Fegers, Dr. O. J. Howard and Dr. A* B. Ohllds. The three first named *"** and the last a Homeopathy. . , / LAWTERS. )*V'I McHenry being a peaceable village has but very little use for gentlemen of this profession, consequently F. K. Granger and H. C, Mead have no :rouble in attending to all of this kind of business that comes up.- y , LIVE STOCK DBALMFE ^ ". • ' This branoh of business Is aitlndecT to by F. K. Granger and C. T. Kl- dredge, and we believe that MeBenry will compare favorably, as to the nuns* ber of cars shipped, with any town In the county. AUCTIONEERS. - w ' » r$ : ^' t •kM lage. CHURCHES. McHenry has three churobes, whero worship is held every Sunday, Tho M. E. Church, Rev. E. M. Baxter. Pas* _ tor, the Universallst Church, ROT, B. Brunning, Pastor, and the Catholle Church, ROT. Father O'Neil, Pastor, The German Lutbereas also bold services In the M. E. Churob every two weeks. OUR SCHOOLS. Our Public School now employs four teaohers, three In the Publlo School Building aad one In the Weel McHenry Division. POSL OFFICES. McHenry Is particularly farocod with Post Offices, the one In the old towa being called McHenry and the ot e on the West Side West MeBenry. James B, Perry Is Postmaster aft Mo- Henry and Allen Walsh at West Mo- He ury. INSURANCE AGENTS ' This class of business Is represented by C. H. Merey, C, V. Stevens, and Bonslett & Stofiel, who represent all the most reliable companies. LODGES. The Masonic Fraternity and Ma<»fn •Voodman of America sub have Lodges and hold regular meetings twice each month. ^ DENTIST. MoHenry has no resident Dentist, but Dr. C, JC. Williams, Dundee, visits this place twioe each month and at­ tends to the wants of t^o people la that line. BAND AND ORCHESTRA. The McHenry Military Band has been organized but a short time and for Its , number his few superiors. They have the material and with practice will make one of tho beet Bands In this section. E. B. Perkins' Orchestra was ergan- ganlzed last Fall, are having regular practice, and can now furnish mnsieef ao mean order.' SALOONS. There are so Ten Lioeosod ftaloo ns in this Tillage, three on tho Weat Side, two ia the oenter aad two at the east end. THE "FLAINDEAUUU* Last, bat not least, ooesoe "PLAINDEALER," which we ourselves, at least, take an honest pride in. and the best evidence that it is appreciat­ ed by the people is the liberal patron­ age bestowed upon its oolumoa. Aad as regards its merits we will let It speak for itself. Thus ends oar brief review of tho "Business and Business Men of MoHen­ ry " and as we said in the beginning if we have missed any It was not done Intentional. We think the showing for our little village Is good, aad we Invite a comparison with any of equal population. There is one or two things whlcii McHenry needs, and one is eoiae manufacturing Institution tosettlalft our midst. If any such eatoifNrtto should seek a location here wo predict «rna|<| TUfjt Sl^lW|E|lM|l| SMk A . v

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