WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1887. RaHroad Time Table. * O* and after Monday, June 11,1 T*atn« Will pMa McHenry Station as below: , OOIKO LOUIH. _ „ Lakettanev* Passenger. I 7:88 i.* Lake Oeaeva Bxnress Lake GenevaFreUbt »:£»».* Lake GenevaPassenier............ ..t:9C " ooiko noiH. _ .. Lake Geneva Freight Lake Geneva Passenger • Lake ienevaExpress Lake Geneva Passencer 8:67 • glens enlr to leave Passengers. B. Busa, Agent. MoHenry, 111 MASONIC. McKmmr LODOB, Wa IN A. F, and A. M.-- Beg* tar OMimnnteations the second and foartfe Mondays in each month. JOHN I. STORT, W. K. XODBBN WOODMEH OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors oor-lially invited. OMK good secood hand top baggy Iter sale, Inquire at this office. / DUCK hunting !• now open LAC op, nnd with a few days of warm waathar Iwlll ba lB%Hir^loom.w PBOBABLT for iaa« good and •offi ciant reason ourHebron coriespondent haa fallad to reach us this weak. OBAHQKS, Lemons, Cabbage, Oalons, Tnrnlpe, Parsnips, ctft, at Locke's Home Bakery. ON aoooant of the crowded atate of •or columns we are obliged to leave ont several articlea of Interest tbii week. SMITH A SNTDEB have erected a fine sew awning.In front of their block, In Weal MoHenry. It la a good improve ment. OUB Public School opened on Mon day with F. R. Jackman, Principal, Miss Clara Wlghtman, Intermediate aad Miss Blale Oage, Primary De partment. Ox and after Sunday, April 3d. Leoke's Home Bakery will be open Sundays between the hours of 7 and 9 A. M., and 5 and 7 p. M., oply. Those Interested will take due notloe. [PERSON tL. EARL PATTERSON. Chicago^ is visit- ing with the family of IS, M. Onfan, in this village. Miss ELLA SALISBURY, of Elgin, is the guest of Mrs. E. J. BFanly, lb this Village, this week. MBS. A. D. LYNN, of Chicago, spent Sunday with "her parents and friends here. GBO. MCOMBEB) who now has a posi tion in Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village. E. A. STONE and Henry Bertlotz, of Woodstock, were on our streets on Tuesday. 6 FRED TAOGART, who has been en gaged at the Riverside House the past year, finished up there last week and returned to Waucooda,hls home. MRS. C.S, NEWELL, who has been visiting in Chicago, the past few weeks, returned to her home lu this village, on Saturday. ABEGULAB Communication of Mo Henry Lodge No. 158, A. F. and A. M.. will be held on Monday evening nexjt. Work on the Fellow-Craft Degree. Every member is earnestly requested to be present. By order ot the W. M. F JOHN R. BRENTS, while hunting near the Black Ditch, down the river, on Saturday last, killed a large Rattle snake. It measured ;<three and a half feet long, was as thick through as a ^man's wrist, and had seven rattles. NEW advertisements can be found this week In our columns from H. V. She par d, Hardware, etc,, John Evan- son A Co. Dry Goods, and John Klelfgen, Painting. CaUomlnlng, etc. Read them. E. A. SETHOUS, of New Tork, will discuss the temperance question, at (be M. E. Church, in this village on Friday evening of this week, April 8th., Admission Free. Everybody oordtally invited to hear this great vital qneatlon discussed. FOB tale, a Scholarship In Jndd'a College of Commerce, Chicago. Ap ply at this offloe, This in oie of the beat Commercial Schools in the west, aad a chance Is now oflered to get a scholarship cheap If applied for at one*. ______ DISAPPOINTMENT Int matters ot pleasure Is hard to be borne. In mat- ten affecting health It becomes eruel* Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup never disap points those who use It for obstinate coughs. cOldi, irritation fof the throat and lungs, ate. VAMES PHEHAN died at his residence ^south-east of this village, on Monday last. H* has beenelok for a long time and death came as a relief. He was about 89 years of age^ His funeral was laid Irub the Catholic Church, in this viUage, to-day, Wednesday, WE learn that tha residence of Mr. Jones, at Gage's Corners, Lake County, was destroyed by fire on Thursday Bight last, together with Its entire contents, the family barely escaping With their Uvea. We did not learn further particulars, THB Steamer "Mary Grlswold," Capt. Walter Hill, mada bar first trip to the Lakes on Tuesday evening, re turning this Wednesday morning. She will make trl-weekly trips for the present on Wednesdays, Fridays and jayajand special trips when de sired. THE handsome Silk Quilt, which was aade by the Ladies of the Willing Workers Society, and which will be disposed of for the benefit of said Society at an early day, Is now on ex hibition at the resldenoe of Mrs. E. M. Owen, where ail are invited to call Mi aee 1L REV. G. R. VANHOBNE will deliver his Memorial Lecture, oa John A Lagan, at the M. E. Chureb, ia this Village, on Friday evening April 15th Tfeeee who have beard it pronounce It oie of the finest Leetures ever deliv ered. aad an eloquent tribute to a grand aad noble man. No one should fall to hear it. Remember the date Friday evealng. Apt il 15th. EASTBB services at toe Universallst Church next Sunday morning and evening. Communion services In the saoraiag. The very excellent choir at this ufcurch has been making every •tort, by roborsals, under the guidance •f Capt. W. Hill to pre seat some of (So finest music obtainable en this m~ •asion. the pastor having left ail the •elections to their well known, BMtandtaate. Cow* and bear OUR information la«t week in rela tion to the Well on the grounds of the Public School proved to be far f rom the facts. We have been there ourself and And that the well is well protected by a frame built around it and two- Inch plank well spiked down, and no One would be able to get into It unless they done so with a crowbar. Our Informant certainly must have been a little off, and we take pleasure in making this correction, as it certainly was doing the Directors a great in justice. MRS. E. W. HOWE is In the city this week, buying a"new stock of Spring Millinery, and will be prepared, the last of this week to show one of the finest line of Hats, Ribbons, etc.,for the Easter trade, ever brought to this vil lage. Remember that at her shop you can find a full stock of new and Stylish Goois. no eld shelf-worn stock, and at prices to suit the times. Call and ex amine her stock and learn prices. THE M. E. Church, oa the West Side, presents a much Improved appearance since its new coat of paint on tbe out side, and we learn that it is also to be painted, papered and thoroughly reno vated eu the lnsldeT at once.l Much citizens of that side of town, who we understand donated a large portion of tbe work and mate rial for this improvement. The church now presents a neat and hand some appearance and is an honor to the town. THE choral services at the Uuiversa- list church on Easter day will be as follows: MOBKIHO AT 10:30 O'CLOCK. Voluntary. Oaroi Christ is Risen! Hallelujah F. C. Maker. Carol The Easter SunsUine breaks a train Response.. ./. O, Meat Mercilul --/ T. Craitilook. Antbem Now let tho Ransomed Sons W. If. Bliss. Offertory--Carol Morn of beaut;. E. H&nUley. Communion Hymn, KVENINQ AT 7:30 O'CLOCK, Voluntary. Carol .Soldiers Awake! This is tbe festal hour H. u. Uiimore. Card!.. Christ is risen, all triumphant Aug. Uliuann. Beaponae O moat merciful T Ora<l<tock. Anthem....Now ia Christ risen from the dead G. B. Allen. Offertory--Solo-. Consider the lilies Oavia. Hymn Abide with me K. J. Hopkins. MoHenry County Teachers' Association. The McHenry Co. Teachers Associ ation will meet in regular session at tbe high school building in Wood stock. Saturday, April 9tb, the opening session commencing at 11 A. M. - The following programme has been prepared which it is hoped will prove both Interesting aad profitable : FOHKNOON SESSION. Discussion: Gntihngof Conn'.ry Schools, led by Miss Mury J. I hint, Uiitgeileld AKTRKNOON MK8R10N. L Composition Work in ScliooU, Prin. J, A. Shel'ii n, Huntley. A The Teacher ia School, _ • Co. Supl. Lester Barber, 3, The Teacher's I'roimr.tUon, C. H. Teflpio Murtuitfo, F. N. KingsU'v, Mdnnoia, 4, State Uniformity ot Text Hooks, W. A. Sheldon, Marengo, Prin. A. C. North, Hiiij'ta. » r. H. JJUBT, Pres. Marengo, March 39 th, '87. Town Meeting in McHenry. The Town Meeting in Mctlenry. en Tuesday was a" very tame aff*i|r. There were two tickets in the field, viz,: the Peoples1 Ticket, headed by P. K. Granger, and ihe Democratic Ticket headed by Homer Wattles. There WAS considerable scratching done, but the result was the election ot the entire peoples' ticket by a good round majority. The following is the vo'.e in full: For Supervisee. F. K. Granger .273 H. Wattles... ; . 91 Majority for Granger, 182, For Town Clerk. F.O.Mayes... ,....257 W, Bealer .. Majority for Mayes, 100. For Assessor. John Hennunn ^^*^........364 No opposition, j For CollectoV. Matt. Heimer ... isi, 249 Jacob Ji.» thermel .-.t,...... 114 Majority for Heimer, 138. For Commissioner of Highw^/^' OaatOT Adams .. .365 Mo opposition. GENERAL LOGAN'S forthcoming book "The Volunteer Soldier of America," will be published early In Juae. by R. S. Peale & Co., Chicago. It is dedi cated "To the Immortal Host of Citi zen-Soldiers and Sailors who, from Lexington to Appomattox, have won the liberty of the Republic, main tained its honor and preserved its In tegrity." It has been decided by the literary *xecutor to publish In tbe tame volume General Logan's personal reminiscences of the ,civil war from Bull Run to Vicksburg. The follow ing letter is made public to dispel all doubts as to tbe authenticity of the work: ' . February 23,1887. R. 8. PEALE & Co., Chicago; Dear Sirs:-- In presenting to the public "The Volunteer Soldier ef America,*' the last work of ray depart ed -tfUsband, I feel sure this book can have litrrival. The subject was one go near Gen. Logan's heart that for years he £ave much time research and thought to the work. He was negoti ating with a publisher when so sud denly called frotn hi* labors; hence 1 present it thus early to remove a'l pos sible suspscien tint other hand« than hie had completed this great work- one which 1 hope may have the popu lar reception It so justly merits. Respectfully, (Signed) MRS. JOHN A, LOGAN. THE Annual Meeting of the Univer sality society for the election ot Trus tees, an 1 for the transaction of other important business, will be held at their Church, on Saturday afternoon at three o'clock, April 9th. It is necessary that a full attendance be had. % B. RRUSNINO, I'astor, i'or Order of Trustees. TO TOE LADIES. IleTeafter will be found at the Ladies'* Sales Rooms, or can be ordered any article. Children's clothing kept on hand. Any bargains obtainable in city given to patrons. Ordeis guaran teed. Samples for selection at Mrs. H. S. Gregory's. ON Saturday last this village was visited by one of tbe worst set of tramps, calling themselves the B. C. C. C., which, translated iuto modern lan guage was said to mean Beloit Colored Church Choir. II this U the best spec imens the Beloit churches can send out we would advUe them, for their ow good name, to keep them at home in the future. They advertised to give a concert in Riverside Hall in the even ing, and to say that it was a farce, does not half express it. The troupe con sisted of six, two men, two women and two children, all colored. Filing a saw would have been music to their sing ing, and the few who had. the misfor tune to hear them were heartily glad wheu it was done. Besides this they were dead beats of the first water. They misrepresented at the hotel and lied to get their printing, and after the farce called a concert was out. claimed they bad no money to pay their bill*. The result was they de parted Sunday morning, leaving a re membrance behind in the shape of un paid bills to the amount of about $15. We advise all who may hereafter see these colered tramps with the myster ious letters, "B. C. C. C.," to give them a wide berth. They have neither music aor honor in their souls. THE trottlag stallion, "George 0.\ will not stand for service this season, as be will go to Chicago April 15th, and will be under the care of Peter V. Johnson, one of tbe best trainers in the West, and we shall expect to see him make some very fast time before tbe season is over, as.he is capable of S>ing. His blood lines trace back to 1 the best and fastest bloods now known, and tbe time Is not far distant, barring accldeats, when they will all want a "George O." colt. The most complete assortment of gents neck-wear, shirts, laundried and unlaundried, suspenders, hats, hand kerchiefs, hosiery etc., to be found in tbia oeuetf now on aale at JOHX EVANSOM & CA'FT. COMMITTEE MEETING. The Executive Committee ef the Old Settlers' Association of McHenry and Lake Couutles are requested to meet at the Riverside House In the village of McHenry, on Thursday^May 5th, 1887, for the purpose of Wratiglag for the next annual re-union, aad tbe transaction of other business that may come before them. PER ORDER, EASTER PARTY. You are cordially invited to attend an Easter Party, atHelmer's Hall, in McHenry, on Tuesday eyonlng, April 12th, Music, Mudgett's Band. Tickets 50 cents, JOHN HEIMER, Propiietor. SEED CORJf FOR SALE, Yellow dent and sweet corn. 88 per cent grows; also Wyandott fowls. For prices address, C. H. MERCHANT 37 Greenwood, 111. Llpp'n««tt'i Monthly Magsilae. 'Douglas Duane.' tha new romance by Edgar Fawcett, which appears complete In LippincotCs Monthly Mag• aziite for April is in a vein which this popular author has rarely essayed be fore. In fact, it reads more like R. L, Stephenson than Edgar Fawcett. The story Is weird and strasge, and Is told with a power that holds the reader's interest to this end. No such absorb ing psychological study has appeared siuce the publication of 'Dr. Jekyll aad Mr. Hyde.' Lucy C. Lillie, under the title of 'Belgravias Bohemia,1 gives aa interesting sketch of the literary and artistic society ot modern London, with glimpses of Wm. Black, Herbert Spencer, Gilbert, George Eliot. Car- iyle, Kuskiu, George Boughton, etc., etc. An anonymous author contrib utes a bright and amusing sketoh, My Lady's Maid," which she assures the reader is drawn from life. Will Carle ton's 'Experiences of a Public Lectur- er' Is au entertaining bit ot autobiog raphy and will be eagerly perused by all the poets adtnirera. 'Social life at Princeton,' by E. M. Hopkins, of the Class Of '88. is the first of a series of articles wnich are to describe tbe in ner life of students at our principal colleges, and are to be written by students themselves. The poetry is excellent. Margaret J. Preston con tributes a stirring American ballad The Mystery of Cro-fi-taM.' Bessie Chandler has 'A Spring Song,' and Philip Bourke Marston has a posthu mous poem, 'My Grave,' which is of unusual pathos and Interest, In view of the fact that It was one of the very last things be wrote, and appears to have been written In the expectation of death. Ladies' Hosiery at extraordinary bargains, Giasswaro and crockery worthy of inspection. Dress goods in low and medium prides, tine "lay out." Rockford boots and shoes cheaper than ever before. Clothing of nearly every description, and many other bargains too numerous to mention. It will pay the eaait buyer to investigate. JOHH EVAHSOH & GO* S For sale by all druggists. ALGONQUIN- EDiToa-PLAiNDEALER:--Chas. Butler, ef Kansas, was the guest of J, A. Sherwood en Wednesday of last week. At I. P. Betz Auction Sale of a car load of milch cOws, on Friday last, cows sold on an average of 936.2SJ|per head. J. A, Sher vood done the talk ing. Mr, and Mrsr Albert Dodge, of Elgin, visited with relatives aad friends In towu on Friday of last week. G. E. Chapell, of Chicago, was on our streets one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred B irtelh, of Chica go, spent Sunday here with father McKay. Confirmation services were held at the German Luthern Church eo Sue- day last, There were 8 m tmbsrs son- firmed. The Railroad Company have a g&ag of men here raising and otherwise re pairing the water tank, at the Depot. Mrs. Geo. Lowe had tthe misfortune to fall and break her arm below the elbow, on MOB day of this week. Dr. Nason was called. Our Public School closed on Friday last, lor a two weeks vacation. Mr. dart returned to his home, ai&tutland, III,, aad Miss Batch at Elgin, to spend their vacation. D. W. Thomas shipped a carload of dry stock to Chicago on- Monday of this week.; Will Blizzards ever cease? It didn't look so en Monday of this week. The Ladies Aid Society of the Con gregational Church will meet at Mrs. S. A. Ford's on Wednesdav of next week. Miss Myrtle McKee, Principal of the Rtcbmond Public School, returned home to Algonquin on Friday last to spend her vacation. It is reported that Robert . McKee has two children sick with dyptheria, Jennie and Sadie. j At this writing candidates are scarce for town offices. 11 may be that they are on a still hunt. NORTHERN NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER Fred llck- stadt has his spring wheat sowed. Who can beat that?' Mrs. John Cary, of Rlngwood. (is spending a few days with her parents. Messrs George Speucer and John Bolger. of Greenwood, called on friends here receutly. Mr. James Harness had the misfor tune to be thrown from a wagon on Saturday last, but was not seriously Injured, fake better care of the colt, Gene. We would like to be informed what kind of game M. B. Purcell was after wheu he so narrowly esctped being shot. Miss Ellen Dokerty spent the past few weeks with frleuds in Greenwood, P. Scanlon and wife spent Sunday with relative* in Terra Cotta. Miss .Mollie Erwin spent laat week with friends and relatives in Terrs Cotta, Barrevllle, etgi> ~ Mr. and (Mrs* D. H. Carr, of Green wood, called On relatives here last week. Mrs. P. Cajstello, of Richmond, made a flyiag visit to this place recently. Gene and lady must like the sights of Terra Cotta, as they visit there quite frequently. / The rats on Central Ave. hilf takeu quite a fancy to stockings, but have no regard for garters, Musgrove Bros, are doing an ex tensive business in the turkey line. Ad says he is going to stock the Chicago market next fall. Mrs, James McDoaald, of Greenwood, visited friends here Sunday. Miss Nellie Plialen spent Sunday with friends in McHenry. The farmers are getting ready for springs work. Tbe busy seasoa will soon oe with us. P. H. Conway, of Riogwood, was seen on our streets Sunday last. WAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAIN DKALER: -- Warren Powers and Henry Davis returned from the west Thursday,* having been there to attend to some land interests. Thaddeus Seymour removed from his farm, which he has rented to Wm. Davis, and come to town to live with Mr. Gray, his father-in-law. Frank Harrison made us a flying visit over Sunday, from Chicago, where he Is at work keeping books. Another one of our young ladies gone to rest. This time, Alta Hicks died at her aunt's in Chicago, Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Funeral at Wau conda l uesday at 10 o'clock. She was just finishing her last course in music and would have been with us again in a few days. O. K. TO MY PATRONS AND FRlESDS. Having sold out my stock of hard ware, store Iixture8 and good will to H, V. Shepard. who will hereafter run (he business at the old stand, 1 take pleasure in recommending him to ail my old customers and friends, and trust and hope they will give him the same cordial aud liberal support in the future as they have to me in the past firmly believing, as we do that he will give yeu good goods, MI honest deal, and prices as low as the same quality of good* can be bought anywhere. Leaving the business in such good bands we can assure our old customers that their Interests will not sillier by continuing their trade at the old stand. E. M. HOWE. Julius Ran<i»ll will be found in the hard ware store of Milan Hi ;ks this summer. Mrs. Emmons has been Tisltia|*1ii| town a fevr days. > ^ The depot Is to have a new hard wood floor both in the office ami the waiting room. The white stiff hats are out of the band boxes again, an<l aren't they l\orr«i? John Billings is about to close up hia feeat orar ke there. Eatle Ellredge has finished his atjn41ea in Chicago and u at home. Charlie,, also, is home for a few days. Mr. Wegg is busy repairing and altetlng the buildings preparatory for haring his carpen ter shops here. To'tlioso who believe that variety is the spice of life, the late spell of weather must "highly satisfactory. The Beloit Chnrcli Choir, which had a oen- cert here last Friday erenlng, gave universal di*satisf»ction. Rlohmondltea who attended acknowledged themselves^ capitally April fooled. No, dear '•Kid." I'll throw the mantle of chanty over our neighbor's indisoreetnesfl, for I truly think she t?) will do better in the future. Between yon and me I believe she's reforming. School closet Thursday. Grace L. Cola is spending vacation at Ft. Atkinson, Wis.; Myrtle MoKee is at Algonquin and Minale Potter will vUit Woodstock. The pupils.will of course get all the jolliilcatlon they oan pos sibly crowd into a single woek. There was a party down at Fred Collison's rlday evening, which is said to have been one of parties of the season, gome of our young people attended and declare they could not possibly havo spent a more enjoya ble evening. Tbe reliable Watertown Buggies can always be found at Bishop's Ware house McHenry. If you are looking for a first class Carpet cheap, go to Jolii B Blake's Furniture Store. Examine Goods and learn prlees at Bishop's. It will pay yon. CABY STATIOW, III., March 21, 1S88. C. DICKINSON A Son--Harrington, III. Gentlemen:--1 had a cow that did not clean for three days after calving and I procured a bottle of your cow Prescription and gave it according to the directions, and the cow was all right in less than thirty-six hours al ter giving, and has done first, rate rdiBM. . _ ' „ _ .AoausXg^Ilp* lviclimond Department, CONTRIBUTED IT "FLOSSIE." Laet week ef Lent. 8nndty was a beautiful day. Frank Wray has his pretty Frank Fisk was iip from Ellin over Sunday, Andy Dermont has moved to Uenoa J|«|nc.. Mra. Geo. Myers has beon very sick. • • > It ia said that Sam Cropper ia to tart a meat m irkct where Eli Manor's store was. Mrs. Shibley and Blame have been down from Lake Geneva a few days. Jennie Colllson and biother are home from Dixon school. Maade Carpenter and Martie are down from Janesrille having a good time with old friends. be DJ- you know, my reafer, that when we correspondents indulgently dish up our items with too frequent gilt e Igas, Van is liable to cut us out entirely? So, when tats column is excessively dull, kindly attribute it to the abovo expectation lingering and climbing in among our thoughts when we try to write. 8. J. Lynle has resigned his position as brakeraan of the fast train and has gone to Hurley, ft hdre lie vrill be the timo.keeper at *io Iro.i King mine. Joff is a very gentle, manly and courteons young man, who has many friends hoping for his prosperity and success. We have not learned who will take his place on the tnin.-L'iJfce Geneva Herald. At tho town meeting on Tuesday, the fol. lowing ofHcers were elected for the town of Richmond for the ensuing year: Supervisoa--A. II. Alexander. Town Clerk--II. C. Faber. Assessor--Wm L. Turner. Collector--James Hodge. Commissioner of Highways-E. S. Johonnott One d ly last snminer whjn I was croaalng "the railroad bridge, I accidentally dropped a ring in the deep water below. Aside from the regret which comes from losing a keep- take of childhood's days I had completely forgotten the circumstauce until laat Satur day, when as I was strolling in the same path I glanced at a sunbeam whioh was playing on the waves with golden fingers, and there, right below, lay the little circlet. In half a minute I had llshod it out and heard the flap, ping of tho Angel of Good Luck'a wings. How queer it was, anyway ! Bargain in Music. ThlsFivorite Album of Songs and Ballada. containing thirty-two pieces of «hoice aud popular music, full sheet music size, with complete words and music and piano accompaniment is finely printed upon heavy paper with a very attractive cover. The follow ing are the titles of the songs and bal lads contained in the Favorite Album : As I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear Old Seng* of Home; Mother. Watch the Little Feet; Oh, You Pretty Blue- Eyed WitcTi; blue Eyes; Katy's Lot ter; Tue Passing Bell; I Saw Esau Kissing Kate; won't You Tell Me Why, Robin; The Old Garden Gate; Down Below tho Waving Lindens; P'aded Leaves; All Among the Sum mer K'ses; i'eucb the Harp Gently, My Pretty Louise; I Really Don't Think 1 Shall Marry; Dreaming of Home; The Old Cottage Clock; Across the Sea; A Year Ago; Bachelor's Hall; Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year Ago; Jennie iu the Orchard; The Old Btrn Gate; Jack's Farewell; Polly; Whisper In the Twilight. This Is a very hue collection of real vocal gein3, aud gotten up in very handsome style. Published In the usual way aad M)ught at a uiusicstore, these 32 pieces would cost you 911.20. We bought a job lot of this mu^icat a great sacrifice and as the holidays are past, we desire to close out our stock at once. Will send you the entire collection well wrapped and postpaid for only 40 cents. Send Immediately. Address, The Empire News|Con Syr acuse, N. Y. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Having sold out my business it be comes necessary for me to ask ail knowing themselves indebted to me to call and settle the same on or before May 1st, as my books must be closed at that time as 1 am going west. All accounts uot settled by that time will be immediately collected by law. Theretore, if you wish to save costs * walk up to the Captain's office'* and <>ettle at once. My books can be found until May 1st at the old stand opposite Bishop s mill, E M.HOWE. Mclienry, April 4th, 1S8£. We receive new groceries every week. BOMSLBTT A 8TOFF*U Transparent opaque window shades, latest designs and lowest prlees; 40 cents to 11.15 at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Crockery, Crockery; plain and dec orated. BONSLBTT A STOFFCL. Curtain netting, laee curtains, poles, shade fixtures; best assortment In town at Bonslett & Stoflel's. Good plug or fine cut tobaoeo, only 30 oents, at Bonslett & StoSel's. New Drees Goods, Velvets, Vel veteens and Trimmings at Bonslett & Stoflel's. Badger State overalls, jackets and shirts at Bonslett A Stole l's. Racine trunks, sachelt. and hand bags at Bonslett & Stoflel's. New Wall Paper, Borders and Decorations at Bonslett & Stof- fel's. CARPETS t CARPETS ! yFrom the cheapest hemp to 1st grade body Brussels, most Stylish pattern. Will be matched and sewed for any room at lowest prices at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Hats! Hats! New Styles* Lat est Colors at Bonslett & Stoff el's. City residences for sale. Al Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Id. Everything in the Hardware llnli bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets,cheaper than everfc#* fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20eei<ts, at<&4 W. Besley's, West Side. The finest line of Bird Cages It^ town, at John I. Story's. ' Look a£ the choice Candles at pit ley's Drug Store, West End, Plush Sets, tbe finest In at Geo. W. Besley's. , --i Limps complete, for 25 cents, at Geo. W, Besley's. Cell and see thetn. Building Paper and Moth Proof Car* pet Paper, at John I. Story* McHenry. _ Handkerchiefs, all styles aad prlees at Aithod Bros. Albums only 20 cental stt Geo. 'It- Besley's, West Side. Pulverizing Harrows with three- horse equalisers at E. M. Owen 4k Son's. - : : '.'Qt Carpets by Sample • John B. Blake has now the finest line of Carpet Samples to he found in the county, and can furnish you a Carpet from the cheapest to the best grade made, at prices ten per eent he- low any other dealer in this section. Call and aee his samples and learn prices. 8pr!ng Millinery. MRS, M. SCHUMACHER, In West Mc Henry. will this week put lnva large and well selected stock of Spring Millinery, of the latest styles to be found In the city, which will be sold at the Lowest possible prices. New Goods received weekly as the season advances. Orders taken In every week, goods delivered promptly aud satisfac tion guaranteed. The ladies are Invit ed to call and see our large stock. We learn that some parties have spread a report that I was going to leave McHenry. This Is not true, I am hero to stay, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, and guarantee to please »U who give me a oall. MRS. MARY SCHUKaoHEU. Welt MoHenry, March %M, 1887. % PAINT SHOP. H. H. Nichols has moved his paint shop to the rooms over H.' Simes' blacksmith shop, where he is prepared to do all kind* of painting on short notice aad guarantee satisfaction. If vou want your buggy put iu first class shape tor the summer, bring it along and there shall be no unnecessary de lay. H. H. NICHOLS. Building paper oheap at M. Engeln^. Harness Oil Engelu's. Fancy Roller Flour, tl.15 at M. Engeln's. Gorbam Seeders at E. M. Owen 4b Son's. - Jars and Jugs 9 oevtts per fallen at M. Engeln. The finest 50 cent tea In tbe market at Althofl Bros. Keystone Pulverizers, 16 Inch, at E. M. Owen & Son's, for 928. Road Cart with a twenty-four too* spring at E. M. Owen A Son's. 5 bottle sliver plated castor, 75 cents at M. Engeln's. Best Lumber Wagon In town at E. M. Owen A Son's. Smoking Tobacco 19 cente pit lb at M. Engeln's. • Broadcast Seeders from 930 up to •40 at E. M. Owen A Son's. The new Warner Qoneave Axes at M, Engeln's, Warranted. WOOD FOR SALE. Good Dry Wood for sale, by E. Lawlus. opposite the Riverside Heme. Coil Spring Road Carts at E. M. Owen & Son's, that beats anything of the class ever Invented; and springs warranted for five years. Call and see them. Honey to Loan. Monoy loaned on MoHenry Cewit? farms on time and In amounts to suit borrower. Write or anplv to cents a gallon at M. J. W. RANSTKA Stand Straight. Men's, women's, and children's brnces. No more round shoulders. STo more flat breasts. A perfect skirt supporter. Sold by E. Lawlus, Tailor, McHenry, 111. Excitement in Ttxai. Great excitement has been caused In tbe vicinity of Paris, Tex., by tbe re markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helpless he could not turn ia bed, or raise his head; everybody said he was dying of consumption. A trial bottle of King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he oougbt a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the lime he had taken two boxes ef pills anl two bottles of the Discovery, be was well aud had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial bottles of this Great Discovery i|»r Coasamptlon free aifieni^(Mkf\ 9Mai. Romm 1 and 3, Borden Blook WHEAT WANTED. The highest cash price will be paid for good mllllpg wheat at tbe Wau- cenda Mills. 36-4w J. SPENCEB. v CUCUMBER CONTRACTS. MOHKNHY. III., March llth, 1887. , I atn new prepared to contract for tbe purchase or for saltine pickles for the year 1887. All that wish to con tract In either way please call at my office. B. BISHOP. Houses and Lots For Sale In Rlngwood. I offer for Sale or Rent. tWo Houses and Lots, situated in the village ot Riogwood. Also a building suitable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and other partic ulars inquiro of 83-SM, WBSLBT A NEW DEPARTURE. v A Knife Pulverlzor tbac can be con trolled bv the operator to regulate tbe depth of cultivation. Postively ne side draft. No weight on horses necks. Bishop's Warehouse. McHenry. Another Art Craze. The latest art work among ladies Is known as as the 'French Craze,* for decorating China, Glassware, etJ. It le something entirely new, and is both profitable and fascinating. It Is very popular in New York, Boston,and oth er eastern cities. \ To ladles desiring to l^arn the art, we will send an elegant china placque. (size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated tor a model, together with box of ma terial, 100 colored designs assorted in flowers, animals, landscapes, etc., com plete, with full instructions, upon re ceipt of only 91. The placque alone is worth more thai the amount charged. To every lady order!nc tbia outfit who encloses the address of Ave other ladies Interested in art matter*, to whom we can mail our new catalogue of art goods, we will enclose extra and with out charge, a beautiful 30 inch, gold tinted placque. Gorhara, Buckeye, Van Brunt, In* proved Badger and Williams Seeders atE. M.Owen A Son's. Just received a Car lead tf the old! Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at John f. Story's. If you want tbe best Milk Oan ever made, call on John I. Story. He keeps the only stock in town. THE Genuine Novelty and Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom fWioea at John I Story's. Beware of Imitations. Call for the MWinning Stroke",anew Brand of five cent Cigars, manufactur ed by Barbian Broa. It beats them all. • Twenty per cent discount on all winter goods for the next thirty dtyt at Althofl Bros, Lace Curtains, Tidies, I.amberklns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. The best and cheapest Carpets In the market, at J. B. Blake's Furniture Store. If you want to learn how to Paint your Buggy for One. Dollar, cslt af Besley's Drug Store. West End. If you want to make your Baggy Top look as good as new get the Na- tional Patent Leather Enamel at Besley's Drug Store. Jersey Waists, a full supply, whlofe will be sold at lower prices than any other store In MoHenry. MRS. M. SCHUMJLCHUL 5! The Metropolitan is the Boss ctrpet :| sweeper, aud no housewife should buy one before seeing it. It is cheaper vj and better than all others. For jalf by John X Story. -- - a . v . , . . : Mrs. Schumacher*.̂ Visits Chicago every weekend will take in your orders and furnish goods f! st the lowestjChicago prices. FOR SALE. . ; Short Horn Bulls and Plymouth Rock Fowls, Call on or address, Vf1"' FRANK COLE, 32-3m Spring Grove, IB. For tbe next thirty days a discount of twenty per cent will be mule on all purchases of winter goods at our store. ALTHOFF BROS, FOR SALE OR RENT, I oiler for sale or rent my farm *f 160 acres, near the village ef Solon. Also 40 acres 1} miles south of Solon. Liberal terms if applied for at once. GEO. \Y. TKUESDELL. It always gives us pleasure to speak ivell of a goou article. The "Garland \fj Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody ail that i3 .best in that line. They have the reputation of being the % best made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. For salejjln 5| McHenry by John I. Story. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything in my line of bnSi* less. 'Work done on short notice to >rder. Shop one door South of Law- us* Store, . • . • F.•. MoHenry, Aof. vv 188S. U-4-Iy ---------- - -J1.S 1 KLA. Lake Co., IU., Jan. 10, ISS^ -W- 0. DICKINSON St 3o»--Harrington, 1IL Gentlemen:--I had two horses cut with barb wire fence very bad, and 1 S| applied Dickinson's Russian Liniment | and it caused a speedy cure. 1 also use S it in my family, and I can say that Ik Is the best iialment I ever used. JOHN ROBKBTSOM* For sale by all druggists. - - Buoklon'e Arnica Salvs. -- The bast Salve in the world for cute bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblalas, corns, and all skin eruptians, and poe- tively cures piles, or no pay required* it is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. PrioeSS tents per box. For sale by Henry Colby, ______ Would You Soiievo It? That we are antborized by the prietor of Kemp's SarsaparMa to re fund tbe mouey to any one who his taken three-fourths of a bottle with* out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the coufldence in hia medicine to do this, tt is for en> riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up the systenu Price $1.00. Call at our store. . ,J Respectfully, GEO. W. Bbslkw To-Nlghtand To-Morrow Night. And each day and night during this week, you can lind as Geo. VV. Besley's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac knowledged to be the most successful treatment .vet introduced for the cure of piles. Old sutterers from this die- strewing complaint are at once re lieved aud iu a short time a permanent cure established. Check the disease in time by using the "most efleetlve remedy. Price 50c. Send address for pamphlet oa piles. Box 293, Le Roy H Y. The Verdict Unanimous* W. D. Suit, Druggist, Blppus, tad*, testifies: "I can recommend Kleetric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has^glven relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cored of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist. Bellville, Ohio, ^jftttsst; "The best selling medicine i have ever handled in my *> years' experteaos, ia Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimooy, so thai the verdict is uuauimotts that Kiectrte Bitters do cure all diseasta of Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Oaly InlRi dollar a bottle at Ueary Colby's 'SIM#* ~ ^ 1 A' 4 f _