visiting APRIL 13,1887, WEDNESDAY, Railroad Time Table. ""On ud after Monday, June tt,r; Trains Will fass McHenry Station as below: OOIKO SOUtH. . Lake Ganeva Passenger.....#,..,. --7:S8 A. M Lake Geneva Express .8:35 Lake Geneva Freisht 2:00T. M Lake Geneva Passenger...3:25 90t*0 JfORrtt, ; Lake Geneva Freight ...... '"'LA* * Lake Seneva Passenger..... wtoo • Lake Geneva Express -- .4:58p.m Lake Geneva Passenger .«:57 • Stops onlv to leave Passengers. B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry, Ill MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 159 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the secofid >nd fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. Sxoitr, W. II. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor tialty invited* VILLAGE Eleetlou next Tuesday. at which time will be elected Fuur Trus tees and one Village Clerk. MITH & SNYDEE. odr the West Side, are treating the front of their Block to iew cost of Paint. W. P. STEVENS, the Welt Bide Hard ware dealer, has a new and t*sty vgign In front of his store. IV Goods, Ladies White Dresses and Remnants, at the Ladles Sales- Rooms to-morrew. Thursdiy. CHANGES, Lemons, Cabbage, Onions, Turnips, Parsnips, etc., at Locke's Home Bakery. --T-- '• '• . HON. A. J. HOPKINS will please' ac cept thanks for a package of seeds from the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D, C. READ the advertisement bf Ben nett's Improved Stump Puller, Geo. Stevens, Agent, Ringwood, to be found 1B another column. BONSLETT & STOFFEL have a new ad vertisement this week, which will bi of interest to the buying public. Di not fail to read it. THE Road Commissioners haye notice- In another column,.which wil be of Interest to Carpenters, Stone sons, and others. FISHING i% now in order, aud some fine strings are seen on our streets, i cjeveral very fine Pickerel have been wght In the past few days, R. A. HOWARD has been painting and grainingthe Interior of his Market, and we do not exagerate when we saj he has now the handsomest Market i| McHenry county, ' I THE young trotting stallion ••George 0.': wlll^e taken to Chisagc this week, andv^ut under the cad of the celebrated driver, Peter V, Johnson. 0 Miu. fi, PERKINS te Elgin this week. J. D. MCCABE, of Vtuerada, was OO our streets en Sunday. Miss EFFIE GILBERT spent a few days with friends in Elgin, last week, ^BANK FAT. of Chicago, spent Sun day and Moaday with his soother ken. PETER GILLES. of Chicago, is spend* ing a shore time with his parents, to this villager FRANK MCOMRRR has been visiting with friends In Elgin, the pMffw days. C. B. Conn, and daughter Miss Mary, spent Sunday with Meads In this village. JOHN GOLDINQ and N. B. Duen, of Wauconda, made us a pleasant call on Monday. Miss MART BROWN, of Rockton, Mass., is visiting with F. A. Hebard and wife In this village. R A. HOWARD and wife spent a part of last week visiting with friends In Elgin and Chicago. SHERIFF ECKERT was attending to official business In this village on Tues day. CASPER MCOMBER has so far recev- erered from his late sickness as to be able te write to his parents himself. JOHN E. NETHERCUT, formerly edi tor of the R)chmend Gazette, made our Sanctum a pleasant call oa Friday last, H, H. NICHOLS will start the last of this week or the first of next for Cali fornia, where he will spend the sum mer. . JAMES WELLS started this Wednes day morning for Mason City, Iowa, where he expects get a Job for the season. MRS. €. A. KNIGHT and children, of Chi Caere, are spending the week with Mrs. Knight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. H. T. Brown, in this village. HON. CHAS. H. TRTON, of Hebron, was a callert>n Monday morning. He was on his way to Terra Cotta, where he will do some survey l ag and vel- Ing for W. D. Gates. THE Mem orlal Lecture, TIFLROH# A. Logan, at the M. E. Church, on Friday evening of this week, by Rev. G. R. Van Home, should, M It no doubt wlB, draw out a full house. Those who have heard it pronounce it one of the most eloquent ever produced In thlr section. Do rot fail to hear it, H. . H, NICHOLS has tendered his resignation a« a member of the Board of Trustees of this village, which will " Inecsaltate the election of four Instead of three, at the election on Tuesday next. Mr. Nichols has been compelled Ko do this from the fact that he goes next week to California to take charge of a Hotel and Livery and Feed Stable, his brother.' , to JACOB BARBIAN hail, the misfortune cut his feet quite severely While chopping wood on the farm of Page Colby on Tuesday. Dr. Fegecs was and dressed the wound. THE house occupied by H. L. Rounds, opposite the PLAINDBALEK office, li being treated to a doat of paint on th< outside, which much improves Its ap pearance. " % • " * • --- • THERE will be an election at the Council Room, In this village, on Saturday next April 16th, to elect one School Director. The Polls will be open at one and close at four o'clock. ON and after- Sunday, April 3d, Looke's Home Bakery will be open Sundays between the hours of 7 and 9 A. M., and 5 and 7 p. M., only. Those Interested will take due notice. 1^1 UNLESS you wish to miss the grand est treat of the season do not tail to hear Rey. Van Itom. at the M. E. Church, on Friday evening of tbi* week. In his Memorial sermon «t| Gen. Logan. . WHAT is an April foel? An April ^ fool isla man who takes oil bis winter fr 'underclothing in April, under the Im- t presslon that the golden season is about to burnt on us, because we have V..; had two or three warm days. THE "Stealer Mary Grisfrold." Capt. Walter Hill, made the trip ou Thursday morning last from the Fox Lake, to her dock, in this ,village, in 87 minutes. Any one who who wants to go that distance in less time than that must be In considerable of a »rry. Bra letter icceivej we learn that Fred J. Sehnorr, son of Fred Schnorr, of this village, Is one of the proprie tor of the Bank of Quinter, at Quin ter, Kansas. Ttie firm Is Samson & Schnorr,with R. H. Samson, President, and F. J. Schnorr, Cashier. Mr. Schnorfs many friends in this section wish him unbounded success In his iew enterprise. THE Illinois fish lawa make ..H un- lawful between the 15th day of Feb ruary and the 15th day of June to capture black, green, silver or white bass, pike, pickerel, salmob,land lock saimoa,jack salmon, croppy or green bass, sun fish or sun porch, or other fish commonly fenown as game fish, in any way except with hook and Hue., uuder a penalty of a fine of not less than five or more than thirty dollars and costs, and lor a second ofiense any shot not exceeding 9100 add costs. A Grubvllle correspondent of the Bookford Gazette says that In blasting rocks at a stone quarry there, Mr. Lemuel Fuller exposed a great batch of snakes; 35 of the Lumber were living ones, but the largest snake was a petrified one 13 feet long, and 4 inches In diameter, whieh any one can see by calling at Mr. Fuller's bou*e. Grubvllle is the name of some little hamlet in Winnebago county, not very far from Rockford. This is the boss saw on Tuesday oj»g FoUfep Mag. strate taking a rlde ln a new "push" buggy. We mistrust the Individual who was propelling the vehicle was doing penance for some misdeed. All evil-doers will hereafter hear these words: "The sentence of the Court Is that you wheel the Police Magistrate three timee around the square in a new wheelbarrow.1' No partiality wn to criminals. TfiLE Ladies Willing Workers Socie ty, connected with the Universalis Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs. H. T. Brown, on Thursday afternoon, April 14, at 19Q sharp. General attendance Is earneltly re quested. » Mas. JOHN I. STOAR% president, , Kiss GRACE OWBN, Secretary. ON Saturday April 2.1887 Mr. Frank E. Klnes, the proprietor of one of the popular resorts at Fox Lake, died at his home, of consumption. He had been in poer health for about a year, though be bad been confined to his heme only for about three months. The deceased was raised in Lake coun ty and had a host of friends, scattered all ever the county. He bad been pro prietor of the present resort for about ten years. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death and they have the sympathy of a large circle of ffieads. Board of Supervisor! for 181$. The following are the names of the Board of Supervisors, elected for the year 1887: JOHN EVANSON * Co.. certainly have the finest arranged and pleasant- est Store la the county. The Inside has been newly painted In cherry and presents a cheerful appearance. In goods they have a fine and well se lected stock, all new and fresh, and put up in a shape to please the eye, and thoae who have been there say his ptloes are "rock bottom," and for cash only. He has a lull line of California canned goods, something rarely found In a oountry store. Call, take a look at the store, examine goods and learn prices. F THE Kilburn City, Wis. Mirror. says; "Robert Richardson was passing here from Sparta to McHenry, Illinois, with a team, and fs he drove on the ether end of the bridge^aoross the river, he fell in a tfl. His team wts a large, high spirited spaa of horses, and finding themselves free from restraint ran away. Just as they came to the turn in the road at this end ot the bridge, the man was thrown out. The team ran oo over the hill to a point opposite the stepe near Marshall's foundry, leading to the boat land ing, They rao down |hat steep hill pitching themselves and wagon In a heap at the foot of tne stairs;--betb horses escaped injury. Mr. Richardson was picked up for dead, but after re covering from the fit walked up to Dr. Taylor's offloe. He received a few slight cuts on the head, and was some what bruised, though nothing serious. He said he was subject to fits and had felt this one com lag on all day. He remembered driving on to the bridge but loss consciousness from that moment." "" rasa In Chicago, at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. H. Brown, Saturday even ing, April 2d, 1887, Miss ALT4 HICKS- eldest daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Geo? Hides, ot Wanconda* •, THE EARLT OALLKD. » • Let no Sorri rowing tear be sheifj Mourn not for the youthful dead; God Has taken her to rest, Karly called, and early blest. Free, forever free from pain, Walks she now the heavenly pUiiflf /Walks she with the angel thronlT Chants with them the angelic soifjg Sorrow may not cloud her brewi* Angel crown it weareth new- Ne'er shall fade that face to fair In that clime of beauty rare. Bright one I it is well with thee I Thou thy Savior's face dotn seel ! On the Savier's loving breast Now our dear otee doth rest. Here thy laughing face we miss, Miss thy sinile and loving Kiss*, Yet our hearts must own it best: God haa taken tlieo to rest. Father, from thy h ime on high, uaide and fit us for the sky; Fit us for thy home so fair. So we shall meet her there. --From Her TYue triend. NOTICE.--The Easter dance that was to have been at the Riverside Houoe on| next Friday night is deferred on ac count of busy season coming on so soon. W. H. FORD Proprietor. FOR SALE. One 9 seated Buggle newly painted, at a bargain to some one that wants such a rig. W. H. FORD. Hebron BapMtmeiit LODGE DIRECTORY. MASOHKJ.--A. P. and A, M, meet at Masonic Hall on every let and Sd Wednesday even ts -s of eaoh ouwth. Mooam* WoomiEir OF AMCKICA.--Meet at Masonlo Halt every SM and 4th Monday even ings of each flsenth. Neighbors ^cordially in vited. Sows or TaiiraKAWC*.--Meet at Unloa Hail on.Tnesday evening of eaoh week.j RUey.f... Marenge Corporation... Dunliaittv...... Chemung tiarv »rtt Corporation.. Aitten : Uartlund.... ....... ... seueca .. ........ t. Coral U ra f to a. u Uorr ,L.. ....... G recti woo J ticOroa ltiuhmond . Biuluu.... McHenry... Nuiuia.:..., Algonquin .....JOHN HADSRIX .DELL COON L M TVOODAKD i... it J BUCK . ...,U8 WILLIAMS .. M W LAKE . ..SAMUEL CUTTER ... OH FLAVIN , ...G BUICHAROH ....... FRANK STEVENS JOHN WELTZLKN ;;w. E M LAMB G H UAKKISON HEN it v MEAD ....«f.iUt...A R ALEXANDER . .«*•(*.•.•* FK£I> HATCH ....F K GRANGER .JOHN H PALMER c r urn* •IT.:*:: * THE Geneva'Lake Hfirali has the following, which will txfof interest to Mr. Tyrrell's many friends in tbis villAge: Mr. H. B. Tyrrell, late of Elgin, has been appointed manager of the dry goods department of O. C. Colby's mammoth store la this city. Mr. Tyrrell was formerly manager ot the clothing department, but left to enter into business for himself at Elgin, Having lately sold out there Mr, Colby embraced the opportunity to bring him back here. He will re move to the city as soon as he can find a bouse to live In, which just uow ts no easy task, and Lake Geneva society will aecoive a valuable addition. With Mr. Me Kinstry at the head of the clothing department, and Mr. Tyrrell on the dry goods side, aided by such talent as that of Ed Barr, Walter Qulgly, Mrs. Davis and the rest, if the Colby establishment does not prosper, there is something wrong with our prognostications.1* Good staple dress goods only 7 cents per yard at JOHN KYAMSOM * Oo.'s. -"'ta THE retention of any waste matter in the system produces Injury. The Collection of ^phlegm" or diseased tnucas in time of cold or throat affec tion should be promptly removed. Dr* Bulfifs cough syrup does It more quick ly aid effectually than any other cough syrui> made. Miss Maggie Clark Is I n't be city yes terday and to-day looking at new styles, and buying goods for Mrs. H, H. Nichols* millinery establishment. 31ve us a call and learn pricee. We do not mean to be undersold. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS, 81ED CORN FOR SALE, Tellow dent and sweet corn, 98 per cent grows; also Wyandett fowls. For prices address, 6. H. MERCHANT 37 Greenwood, III. MMKN should be what tbey seem,' and if tbey are suffering tortures with toothache, they, should not try to look cool and handsome. How much wiser to ease the pain with a bottle of Salvation Oil, which can be bought for 25 cents. COMMITTEE MEETING. The Executive Committee of tbe Old Settlers' Association of McHenry aad Lake Counties are requested to me e 8, at tbe Riverside Mouse ln„ tin village of McHenry, oo Thursday, May 5th, 1887, for the purpose of arranging for the next annual re-unlon, and the transastlon of other business that may come before them. PER Oiptt> €ARF£TS. * We have now la stock a complete line of oarpets for the spring trade. The styles are all new and handsome. We are ottering a good line of hemp carpets at fifteen cejts a yard. Cot ton and wool at twenty-five to forty cents a yard, all wool and extra supers at fifty cents a yard and up. Wo also bave some handsome patterns In Tapes try and Body Brussels, at very low prices. We buy our carpets dtroet from the manufacturers and can make as low prices on them as any whole* sale dealer in tbe country. We oan sell from five to ten cents a yard lees than those selling by sample, for In that case there Is one more profit added, If parties wanting carpets will examine our stock before sending to other markets for them we will guarantee a saving of from ton to twenty per cent on every yard bought from uc. Call and examine our stock whether you buy or not. $, A. MURPHY 4 CO. 39-2w Woodstock, 111. Bargains extraordinary. Will open Saturday and every day following till disposed of, 10,000 yards bleached sheeting one yard wide. This lot may be bad 40 per cent below regular quotations. Also a few dosen ladlee, Imported hose mucb below regular price. New and stylish dress goods of latest importations just arrlyed. In spection invited, JOHN EVANSON TT OOI - •Every housekoeper should try a sack oi our flour made from bard Minnesota wheat. It will please you.» 4oax KvAxaaH A Oo. Allle Belliarik from Waukegan, was in town Friday. Delos Blodgett went to Chicago last week. Chas, Chapman is breaking oolts for Wilder Smith. Farm work has oommenoed. Many bave grain in the ground. The spring term of school oom menoed Monday, April 4th. Nick Mecgener now ecouples the rooms over the hardware store, Alva Householder Is building an ad dition to his house. Frank Torrence hai moved Into the bouse vacated by I. W. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Rowe have been visiting with friends In the beaatirnl city or Elgin. Mrs. Andy Root recovers but slowly from a long and severe attack of ty phoid fever. Rev. George Millar and wife,, from Freedom, visited their brother, Mort Millar last week. Mr. Foedlck, formerly with the South Hebron Cornet Band, has be- oome a member of our band. The band b >ys haye accepted an of« fer from A. 3. Wright to play one day for the Woodstoak fair next fall. About forty oouple wweatheredM the mud to attend the dance Friday even* Ing the 1st. John Wlckham has iaksn possession of the meat market and residence pur chased <>r C. F. Prouty, Mr. Preuty will move Into Dr. Gratton's vacant house. „ Hewes and Jones thought In a drove of cattle from the north on Saturday, the 2ad, and a number were disposed of Immediately for high prices. The others are for sale on the farm of Herb Jones, sast of Hebron. There will be a concert entertain ment at Rowe's Hal! on Friday even ing of this week, April Si, for the ben efit of the Hebron Comet Band. The programme promises to be entertain ing. and it Is hoped every one will re member the privileges we enjoy In, bfcving a band of our own aad be pres-' ent. Admission twenty>five cents. Prof. W. S. Clark has closed bis term of writlog school her^ His pupils generally have made rapid Improve ment In writing. The first prise was awarded Gee. Bough ton tor best spec imen of penmanship, tbe second prise to Geo. Stoneall for most Improve ment In writing. The judges were Frank Rowe, Mrs. I, W. Webster and Miss Mary Brlgbam. ^ The many friend* of H. & Baldwin will be sorry to learn that be has sold bis house and lot And Intends leaving Hobron at tbe oloat^.tbls school year. During his stay with ns be has labored hard for the best interests of the school. Through his Influence many improvements have been made to greatly benefit both district and school, aud he will leave with us many marks of his untiring energy In this respeot. Mr. aad Mrs. Baldwin will alio be much missed In society and the kindest and best wishes of all will, go with them to their new home. Little Frankie White, youngest child of Mr. aod Mrs. Chas. White was buried on Monday of last week. The services were conducted by Rev. An drews, and many sympathising friends were present. Taylor Brothers are agents for tbe "Monitor" wind mill. They also fhr* nlsh supplies, tanks, etc.. at reasonable prices. Our letter played truant last week and went off on a "lark". If some of these items seem old, please give Un cle Sam the credit of It. Miss Olive Steyens was in town a few days since looking up the pros pects for a millinery store. We sin> cerely hope she will succsed lo getting rooms for she will be welcomed by maoy, many friends, and we warrant her a large share of the trade. Mrs. Was. Rotnour has recently brought from Cbicag# a large stock!)f IfctiKttery goods, and neatly arranged t)n»m In tbe parlor of tbe hotel, to •fclch she Invites tbe attention of the ladles of this vicinity... Quito a little excitement prevailed *t town meeting. Tbe regular nomi nees were elected as follows: For Su pervisor, H. W. Mead; Assessor. Ham lin Fenner, Collector; Henry Rowe, Town Clerk, M. 8. Goodsel); Town Trustee, Chas. Brlgbam; Road Com-! missionsr, Peter Berger. Johnnie Retnour Is our newsboy. He sells Chicago papers to a number of regular customers.' It seems quite cityfied. Next ire shall expect to tuar the sweet tones of a hand organ and tbe scissors»grlnde!'s bell e The Easter 'concert was postponed until Sunday evening next, at tbe M. B. Church. A goo J programme hss been prepared and a pleasant time is expected. All are cordlaNy Invited. Tbe Ladies' Foreigo Missionary So ciety will meet at Mrs, Wm. Rotnours on Thursday afternoon of this week. Quarterly meeting services were held at the church on Saturday and Sunday last. Sunday evening Rev. Vanhorne delivered hla Memorial lec- ture on Gen. Logan to a large and ap preciative audieuoe. Words are Inad equate to express the eatbuslasm with which it was received. Rev. Vanhorne is an eloquent speaker. Neatly the whole town was aroused the other evening about ten o'elock by the alarming cry of "fire! fire!" and Immediately all was excitement. People rushed forth hatless aud shoe less, dogs barked, men shouted and ran with all speed toward tbe sup posed burning building. First to ar rive on the scene was "Ohatf* and an other gentleman carrying a long lad der, who pompously announced that tbey represented the "Hook and Lad der Co." Others followed with pails of water when it was discovered that the Mfire" was nothing more serious than the burning out of a chimney at Newell Manor's. "Cliet" bung his bead, shed a few tears aod murmured, MI never was so disappointed in my life" and "George"' declared "he was only out stealing eggs for Easter." All enjoyed a hearty laugh and re turned home and peace aud quiet reigned again. The false^alarm was a grand idea, for It brought to light the discovery of a "hook and ladder com pany, the existence of which was be fore uaknown, and also gave proof of the many wllliug hands that would be ever ready to render assistaace should a real fire occur. Notices are up for a school msetiog on Saturday, April 16th, to elect one director and see about bonding the district for 92,000 to build an addition to the school house. This would b3 a good Investment for the patrons of the district. ALGONQUIN. EDITOft PLAtNDEALER:--Mr. P. W, Thomas shipped a carload of dry stock to Chicago, oa Thursday of last week. W. H. Ogbln has caua-nenced the erection of a fine but ding on M«ln Street, to be used as an Agricultural Implement Warehouse. Hanry Keyes is doing the carpenter work. I. K. B, Arnold gaye a course of Illdstrated Lectures oo Wednesday, Thursday, Friday a id Saturday even. ln"g» of last week, at the Congrega tional Church, which were well attended and greatly enjoyed by all. The lectures were both Instructive and amusing. Everybody are working in their gardens getting ready to plant their garden sass, C. E, Chapell a*arted ndrth on Mon day of this week to buy.milch cows. Earnest Bansou his .bsen having the measles. v „ Mrs. J. W. Kte, of Chtcigo, spentTa a part of last week with friends here. C. T. Moutanye, of Bulolt, Wis. called en friends here on Thursday last. I. V. Montanye departed for Rock- ford on Friday last. Miss Ida Morton visited with friends at Elgin last week. Miss Mary Adamek commenced school on Monday of this week i n the Chunn district, J. W. Adamftk started out again on Thursday of las.t week as traveling salesman for: the McCormick Reaper Co. Gentle Spring has surely come, as spring tramps wore plenty w£$uU]r of this week, f ; t;' WAUCONDA. * EDITOR PLAIN DEALER: -- Mrs. Mary Satterfield, daughter of 8>oV. J. R. Saoterdeld, has returned to school at Evanston, having spent a short vaca tion with us. At our town election, 201 votes were polled, electing for super visor, A. J, Rtymoud; for town clerk, John Qotdlng; for assessor, A. C. Bangs; Collector, Erskiae Oakes; for commissioner of highways, Moses Beach. For two tickets being In the field the day passed very quietly. Mr. Q^eeu, from Edgerton, Wis., Is visiting1 his daughter aud aon-U-law, Mr. and Mrs, Dr. McCbesney. N, B. Duers has moved into a house owoed by R, Harrison, and Reuben Wood moved into ttie house vacated by Ned. j " Rev. G. It, Yanbom, presiding elder, will pretcj In Wauconda M. E. Church, Sunday, April 17th at 2:30 o'clock, P. M. At 7:30 In the evening he will give bis celebrated lecture on tbe life of Geo. John A. Logan. All are cordially invited to be present. Easter services at M. E. Church was largely atteuded, both afteraoon and evonlng. A large number of colored Eiatereggs, were distributed among the congregation in tbe evenlug. A dance and raffle In Malman's ball Tuesday evening. Proprietor. M Donnell, from Volo. A horse the ob ject to be raffltd for. O. K If you are looking for a first class Carpet cheap, go to John B, Blake's Furniture Store. The most complete assortment of gents neck-wear, shirts, laundrled and unlaundrled, suspenders, bits, hand kerchiefs, hosiery etc., to be found in this county now oo sale at MI • JOHN EVANSON A Co.'s. Bargain in Music. ThisFtvorite Album of Songs and Ballads, containing thirty-two pieces of thoice aud popular music, full sheet music size, with complete words aud music aud piano accojapanimeot is fiaeiy printed upon heavy paper with a very attractive cover. The follow ing are the titles of the songs and bal lads contained in the Favorite Album: As I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear Old iJengs of Home; Mother. Watch the Little Feet; Oh, Yuu Pretty Blue- Eyed Witch; Blue Eyes; Katy's Let ter; Tne Passing Hell; I Saw Essu Kissing Kate; Won't You Tell Me Why, Kobiu; The Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving Lindens; t aded Leaves; Ail Among the Hum mer Roses; - Touch tbe Harp Gently, My Pretty Louise; I Really Don't Think I Shall MarEy; Dreaming of Home; The Old Cottage Clock; Across the Sea; A Year Ago; Bachelor's Hall; Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year Ago; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Burn Gate; Jack's Farewell; Polly; Whisper in thp Twilight. This is a very fine collection of real vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome style. Published In the usual way and oought at a music store, these 32 pieces would cost you #11.20, We bought a job lot of this music at a great sacrifice and as the holidays are past, wo desire to close out our stock at once. Will send you the entire collection well wrapped and postpaid for only 40 cents. Send Immediately. Address, The Empire News.Co^ Sjr- Wo receive new groceries every week. BONSLSTT 4k STOFFEL. Transparent opaque window shade*, latest designs and lowest prleee; 40 cents to 11.15 at Bonslett * Stofters. A Crockery, Crocksry; plain and dee* orated. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. Ctirtaln netting, lace curtains, pelee. shade fixtures; best assortment in town at Bonslett A Stofiel's. "Good plug or fine cut tobaoeo, only 30 cents, at Bonslett A Stofiel's. New Dress G<*pds. Velvets, Vel veteens and Trimmings at Bonslett ft Stoffel's. Badger State overalls, jackets and shirts at Bonslett & Stof* l's. Racine trunks, sachels, and hand bags at Bonslett ft Stoffel's. New Wall Paper, BorJers and Decoratiods at Bonslett & Stof fel's. f CARPETS T CARPETS !From the cheapest hemp to 1st gradq body Brussels, most stylish pattern. Will be matched aud sewed for any room at lowest prices at Bonslett & Stoffel's. f Hats! Hats! New Styles, Lat est Colors at Bonslett & Stoff- Carp )ts bjr tfampUi "ftfrn B. Blake has now the finest line of Carpet Samples to be found In the couity. and oan furnish you a Carpet from the cheapest to the best grade made, at prices ten pet cent be low any other dealer In this section. QaU and aee his samples and learn prices. Spring Millinery. MRS. M. ScFia.HAGDEIT, In West Mc Henry. will this week put in a large and well selected stock of Spring Millinery, of tha latest styles to be found In the city, which will be sold at the Lowest possible prices. New Goods received weekly as the season advances. Orders taken In every week, goods delivered promptly aud satisfac tion guaranteed. Tha ladies are Invit ed to call and see our largs stock. We learn that sorns parties have spread a report that I was going to leave McIIenry. This Is not true, I am hero to stay, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, and guarantee to pleas* ell who give me a call. Mas. Kitr SCHUMAOHE K. Wett Ho Hoary, tiaroh 221, IS87, % Building paper cheap at M. EngelnV Harness Oil 60 cents a gallon at M. Engelu's.v Fancy R»ller Flour, tUg £§ M. En vein's. Gorham Seeders at S* II. Owen ft Son's. Jars and Jugs 9 certs tier gallon at M. Engeln. The finest SO cent tea .initbe market at Althoff Bros, Keystone Pulverizers, 16 Inch, M. Owen ft Son's, for 128. Road Cart with a twenty-four foot spring at E. M. Owen ft Son's. 5 bottle silver pljfted castor, 75 oents* at M. Engeln's. Best Lumber Wagon in tew* M. Owen ft Son's. at B, Smoking Tobaoeo 19 oents per lb at M. Eogeln'8. Broadcast Seeders from fSO op to #40 at E, M. Owen ft Son's. Examine Goods and learn prleee at Bishop's. It will pay yon. The uew Warner Goneave Axes at M, Engeln's, Warranted. ^ WOOD FOR SALE. } Good Dry Wood for sale?4if^E. Lawlus. opposite the Riverside House. The reliable Watertown Buggies can always be found at Bishop's Ware house McHenry. Coll Spring Road Carts at E. X, Owen ft Son's, that beats anything of the class ever Invented; and springs warranted for five years. Call aod see them. ______ Money to Loan. Monoy loaned on McHenry Ooanty farms on time and In amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply to j. w. RANSTaa®, Rooms 1 and % Borden Blook, Elgin III, 33-6 <a WHEAT WANTED. . The highest cash prico will be paid for good milling wheat at the Wall oon da Mills. v 38-4w J. SPENCER. { .teUCPMBER CONTRACTS. ^ MCHENRY, III., March 14th, 1887. f am now prepared to contract for the purchase or for saltine pickles for the year 18S7. All that wish to con tract 'li frltlffir W Please call at my office. - v- R. BISHOP. Houses and .Lots For Sale In Ringwood. I offer for Sale or Rent, two Houses and Lots, situated in the village ot Ringwood. Also a building suitable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or <y>ber business. For terms and other partlc- uiars inquiro of WKSLKT LAMK A NEW DEPARTURE. A Knife Pulverlzor thac can be conV trolled by the operator to regulate tbe depth of cultivation,, Postively ns side draft. No weight on horses necks. Bishop's Warehouse. McHenry. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Having sold out my business It be comes necessary for me to ask all knowing themselves indebted to me to call and settle the same on or before May 1st, as my books must be closed at that time as 1 am going west. All accounts not settled by tbat time will be immediately collected by la#. Therefore, if you wish te save costs ' walk up to the Captain's office" and «ettle at once. My books can be found until May 1st at tbe old stand opposite Bishop 8 mill. E M. Hows. McHenry, April 4th, 1887. An End to Bone Scraping- Edward Shepherd of Harrisbnrg, III. says: '-Having received so much bene fit from Elsctic Bitters, i feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know it. Have ha t a running sore on my leg for eight years; my dootom told me I would have to have the boa# scraped or leg amputated. I need, instead, three botcles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salye, and my leg Is now sound and well." Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Buaklea's Arnica Salve at 65c. GoUf. Cft* reeidbnees for sate, Asa W. Smith, Woodttoefc,] EvemttBgfB tte Hardware IIM bottom figures, at B. lOtowe%. The finest line of Bird Cages I* town, at John I. Story*s. Building Paper and Moth Proof Car pet Paper, at John L Story* McOMSy, - Handkerchiefs, all style* and pritee at Althoff Bros. Pulverizing Harrows with threo- horse equalisers at B. M. Owea ft Sen's. m Gortjwn. Buckeye, Van Brant, I* P"^*d^B*dger and Wllllama Seedf at E. M. Owen ft Son's. 'oftreceWed a Car load of tbe ol4 Rsltable Lyman Barb Wire, at John I. Story's. If you want the best Milk Can ever made, call on John I. Story. He keosw the only stock in town. THE Genuine Novelty aad Uai%w*««a Clothes Wringer at bottom prleee at John I Story's. Beware of laltatlewe. Call for the"Winning8troke",aaew Brand of five cent Cigars, manafaetar- edbj Barbian Bros. It beats tfeeat ' Twenty per oent disoount ML all winter goods for tbe next thirty 4kays at Althoff Bros. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lamberitina,, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mel, Schumacher's, aoar the Depot. The beet and cheapest Carpets It the market, at J. B. Blake's Fumltnre Store. ________ Jersey Waists, a fail supply, which wtU be sold at lower prices than any other store la McHenry. Kaa. M. SoncKaoaasa. The Metropolitan is the Bees etrpet sweeper, aad no hoosewlfe should bay one before seeing It. It is cheaper and better than all others. For sue by John L Story. Mrs. Sehumaoher. Visits Chicago every week aad take in your orders and furnish st the lowest Chioago prices. FOR SALE. Short Horn Bulls and Plymouth Rock Fowls. Call on or address, FRANK COLE, Si-Sm a Spring Grove, IU. For the next thirty of twenty per cent.wlll be purchases of winter goods as-oiHM ALTHOFF Bnoa,rT:,! Stand Straight. Men's, women's, and children^ braces. No more round shoulders. No more fat breasts. A perfect sklrfr'., supporter. Sold by B. Lawha, Tatter* ' McHenry, I1L % Ti It always gives us pleasure to apeak Well of a good article. The "Gartaad Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that isjbest la thai KM. They bave the reputation of Ms|lfei beet made. Though Imitated by m«|nr they are equalled by none. Forsake^ta McHeury by John I. Story. Nottoe. ..,0; To those that want Tuba, Tat Racks, and any thine In otytloe oil sees. Work done on st order. Stop one door doathOf Law* his* Store, „ P. A.HBSAXD. atoHemrr, Aag. itm im-h KLA, Lake Co., III., Jan. W. MST. a Dioanrsov a Sow--Bumngto*. lit. Gentlemen:--I bsd two horses oo|: wlth barb wire fisnoe very bad, aat l applied DIokltiaon's Bosnian Ltatmeat and It caused a speedy care. 1 also aee It In my family, aad I can say that % Is the best liniment I ever usod. Joair ROUBTSOB, For sale by alt druggists. ^ ^ Bueklon'e Arnloa Isiva The best Salve in the world fedr eats bruises, sores, uioers, salt rkenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblain*, oorna. and all skin eruptlans, and poe- tlvely cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect efetl*- ^ faction, or money refunded. Prlee SB* oents per box. For sn|e by Heary Oolby, ______ Would You Ballova ItT That we are authorised by the >rietorof Kemp's SarsaparlKa und the money to aoy oae wka" hsa; taken three-fourths of a bottle wltli* out relief? We are positlye that aip other proprietor has the eaaftdaaae til his medicine to do this, it Is for richlng, cleansing and parifylag tie., Blood aad toning up tbe iy«|«q|| Price #1.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. Basucr. Greatly Sxotto*. Not A few of the citizens of MeHeary hare reoently become greatly exalted over tbe astounding facts, that several of their friends who had beaa' fie- nounced by their physicians bio aad beyond all hoi. with that dreaded monitor tien--have been completely Dr. King's New Disoovery for sumption, tbe only remedy poetlvely core all throat aad long die* eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma aa4 ^ Bronchitis. Trial bottle *rts st IfiaiT • Colby's Drug Store, large bottlee II. *'J Another Art Cram. Tbt latest art work among ladles la J own as as the 'Freaeh Thrase,* foe rating China, Glassware, etj. It ."; is something entirely now, and Is bosh profitable and fascinating. It la vary popular In New York, Boston,aad atife* er eastern cities, • ;* To ladles desiring to learn the art, w§> ^ will send an elegant china plaoque, * (size 18 Inohes.) handsomely decorated tor a model, together with box of ma terial, 100 colored designs assorted la flowers, animals, landscapes, otc^eom^ 1 pleto, with full instructions, upon ro^ .. ' celpt of only #1. The plaoque aloae le"-- worth more tbaa the amount charged» v To every lady ordering this outfit who 1 encloses the address of five other ladies interested in art matters, to whom we oaa mail our new catalogue of art :' goods, we will eaekiee extra aad with- < out oharge, a beautiful 99 inch, gold tinted plaeqoe. • i Addroas, The Empire News Co* I, N, #. •VK il 18 * fseeotor'i Not&e. TESTATE of Rath A. Tharlwell, Ml/ Theeniterelfaed having been i Kxeeatecer the l*«t will aad Roth A. Thwrlweli, daoeaaei. Oouatjr of MeHeary, aad Atalw hereby gtveeaettee that he will fin tte OtaatT Court of MeH< at the -- * May t text, at whleh ttase . .... . etoloM against said Catat* are »nai|j reqaeeteaio ettead thejwuryase •riMMW- i»C the eaneadjusted. AMesssenstedlsli •d seaaid Eauuara iMieWJ* amno Mediate pajaaat to the aadsratswed. e Oaaaty Court of Meueanpoen Oeert fcfoaee te Wwlijw^ H an, the third Monday h> E RSBKI. Kins AWM