I8DAY, APRIL 90, 1887. Editor. TAN SLYKK, S PAPER GEort p" ... L * CO.* Newspaper AdvertUinfr --wiVM (Mftprnce StreetXwherf RdTertUing FEITSNEW YORK. SSrTb* Jury in the case of Aretis- derf, «n trial for tlx murd«r of Rev. Mr. Haddock has failed to agree and baa boon diNbatgiC Kleve» atood for acquittal and ooly OIM for convle- *Ioa. ~-rV * k ' , mr A bill has Just paat tfel Illlnoli J: IhAuae prohibiting tha killing af quail, || > prairie chicken*, or pheasants for lira ^eara. If It baoomea a Jaw, the ax- ^ration of tha limit will aae a food • ileal of same !• tha state. A special dispatch from OhIcago Jto an eastern paper «ays: of t those who voted for the pa?s*ge of tha leter-eUtt. eommeroe bill will \ Jhever go back to Congress. If the out- >; Spoken threats of people of all classes land avocations are to be taken aa a guide. Senator Cullom, particularly, Is widely criticised, and If he were an Applicant now for re*eleotloa he would ^ - Elliot stand the ghost of a show of '< „' Success.* . • f ----p-- i - MTTIM South Chicago "Dally It ' CWumcf' reports as a matter of Inter- '* ost In Its issue of the 9th that South * Chicago ave. ditch is lower In that p.:^:J|owo than it has been for several P^fijbonMis. This must be due to the fact that election Is over and the penny Sheets of that town are not running Out as much slush as usual. They are t looking around for a good tat printing contract,and tally, tally, taffy lathe only thing we fod In their columns. iPbe "CWwner has fa wise editor, so Wise that he can't tell the dlflereooe between a gooae and a reporter. p tSTA alagular disaster occurred at : palatine, Ceok county, on the Wisoon- S A. tin division of the Chicago aud North, f. Western Railway Sunday. In the % ' fftorntng two freight trains came in Hc'^'eollisioe and were badly wrecked at f •' - the railway company's reservoir, con taining 80,000 gallons of water. The ft accident brought together a large $rewd of the villagers. In the after- : noon the reservoir suddenly collapsed ^ . Jurying a number of the by glanders | t. tinder Iron and heavy timbers. Five |f persons were taken out of the debris "V; vilead, and several others were more or ! less seriously injured. r 19"Among the "reforms,'1 achieved f>j the present administration Is one concerned with &n Important branch jBf the postal service--the railway ttalla. ;During the year 1886 the errors committed by the Democratic tyrce of Railway clerks whom Mr YUaa' man- pgement substituted for trained em ployes, numbered 2,120,157. During the live years previous to 1886 the errors S>f all kinds In that branch |of the service were only 958.639. The trouble, Ion and annoyance caused by this "re form" are a partial ansver to the Claims that the efficiency of the public Service has not fallen off under Demo cratic administration. MFNearly every republican news paper In Illinois oppose Cnlloms Inter* itete commerce bill for the reason that Its long and short haul provision ^discriminates against the west and in favor of the east aad against farmers, mechanics, consumers and producers and in favor of railroads, capitalists ^Kand middlemen. Many prominent ^republicans express the opinion that Its enforoement will result greatly to the disadvantage of its author, Sena tor Cullom, and finally locate him ^permanently in private life, because ,. *he farmers, mechanics, producers and joonsumers will be damaged and will denounce the bill and its originator. abundant evidence, we think, to show that every party leader, figuratively speaking, will "hang separately" long before the Presidential election,--New IfarJL Herald Bretfiren of the Press: We nave a plan, which, if put in operation, will we believe, result in making an inde pendent fortune for eaeli and every publisher In the United States, and en able us to vie with railrOad magnates la esse and opulence. It Is this: Let us join hands, and induce Senator Cul lom to have a bill passed by Congress providing that all publishers in the country will charge the same rate per hundred for all kinds of bill printing whether a large or small number Is pointed; that we shall ;be paid the same rate per hundred for ten thous and or twenty thousand bills as for a single thousand. That would be about the fattest thing for the press that we can conceive of. It any publisher can suggest anything better, we shall be glad to hear from him. It Is exactly. Identically thing that Senator Cullom, in the long and short haul clause of his Interstate commerce bill, has doue for the railroads of this country. Journal lets are certainly entitled to »s fair treatment at the hands of the public's Senator as railroad sharks and monop olists. They may not have done as much to put htm In position and keep bim there as the said "sharks," yet some of them did their best, and that's all anybody can do. Therefore we think our plan may not prove entirely Impracticable.--Illinois Republican, • WTbi Rahway, N, J. murder Is Still a mystery and aeoms likely to re ataln on*. The remains of the mur dered woman have been burled. 3for« than three weeks have elapsed sinoe the dead body was found, and there is yet no clue to Its Identity, nor the perpetrator of the horrid deed. .The probability of Identification will lessen with the putting away of the tody aad the lapse of time. This is a disheartening conclusion, but unavoid able. That such a erlpe can be com mitted in a thickly populated district, near a city, and* as the evidence of frozen footprints shows, in the early bonrs of night, yet no trace be found to the identity of violins or murderer would be thought incredible but for the stern facts. JGTThe Avon CHI.) Sentinel sayl: "Cullom's inter-state commerce bill is causing no "little comment, and the more airing it receives the more shaky points are discovered. The fact that the leading railroad magnates are openly in favor of it, would show that they have nothing to fear from it. While the best authorities seem to be "at sea" concerning parts of the bill. It appears to be the general belief that If it wasn't gotten up on purpose for a railroad measure then it has been botched into one. The burden of the bill will rest oc the farmers and western producers generally, while the east and moaopolies are preferred. One thing seems to be generally ad mitted, that Cullom's Interest In the bill has politically doomed him. WHEAT WANTED. Tbo Highest Market Price in cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills. Mc Henry . R. BISHOP. 4#"Has President Cleveland met the high expectations of his party? No, he has not met the expectations of any party, and has no enthusiastic friends anywhere, except among his newly appointed offloe holders. Has the Democratic party under Cleveland made any progress what •vcr In redeeming Its solemn pledges to **anearth the stupendous frauds of the Republican party ?" No, it has not moved an inch or done a single act to show the people that any "stupen. dous frauds" ever existed. Has the party reduoed taxation? Ko, not a single dollar. Has the party reduoed what it called tbo "Iniquitous tarlfl?" No, and It i sot likely to do so, and it probably will not during the coming two years. What has the party doae to fulfill Its oampalgn promises? Nothing whatever worth naming, Is there any evidence whatever that tbo party win or ean unite and hang tegethcr In the support of Grover Cleveland for re-election? No, there la not. On the contrary then Is now RINCWOOD. EDITOR PLAIKDBALEE :--Mr. E. Bar nard and family, of Northup's Mill, have moved Into the brick house own ed by Mrs. K. Harrison, and will, we understand, occupy it this summer, in order to be able to send their children to our school., At the school meeting held Saturday evening, Richard Lawson was elected school director. Jabez Carr was the outgoing director. The Entertainment given on Wed nesday evening last, for the benefit of the Cemetery Aid Society's Sidewalk Fund, was well atteuded, and every body seemed well pleased with it. There is now In the treasury about 960 and the rnueh talked of sidewalk will probably be commenced soon. On Thursday evening the Entertain ment was takea to Solon, where It was listened to by a small but appreciative audience. They are receiving daily in the King wood Cheese Factory, about 7600 pounds of milk. Nick Blake is now engaged In build ing his new workshop west of the post- office. E. W. Robbins has received his ap pointment as traveling agent for the Champion Mowing Machine Co.. and has been assigned territory embracing Boone and McHenry counties. Here is our 19" Ed., and we heartily wish you success. Our Cornet Band have received an Invitation, we believe, to attend a play at Hebron, given for the benefit of the Cornet Band there. Speaking of Bands reminds us that the time will soon arrive when the programme of the County Fair will be issued; and perhaps a suggestion or two upon the subject of music for it would not be out of place here. Sev eral years age, when the subject of our County Bands furnishing the music for the Fair was introduced, It was put aside upon the plea that our bands were not efficient enough to supply It Now, however, since It baa been tried and has evidently given satisfaction couid not some plan be adopted where by all our county bands might be en couraged? There are, we believe. In the countyat least twelve bands. Could not seme plan be adopted wberebytbey might be encouraged and at the same .time the Fair be supplied with music? We might suggest a tournament, oiler ing three or four prizes;all bands with in the county being eligible to contest for it. The prizes to be awarded by competent Judges. We think the mat ter might be takeji up with good re s ults. Those Interested in stamp pulling would do well to call on George Stevens and see his stump puller work J. E. Cristy has purchased a piece of land of Mrs. S, H. Walker, lying be tween her house and Wesley Ladd's Consideration, 9500. HIGHWAY NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that proposals will be meired bv the commissioners of Highways of the town of McHenry, county of McHenry and State of Illinois, on the 23d dfty April, 18S7, And the same will be lot by con. tract to the lowest responsible bidder by pub lie letting on the ground, it the time speci fied as follows: Wanted, 8 courts of stone, more or less. •' hauled, 300 yds of gravel mere or less, " Carpenter work to build the su perstructure 16x2(5 feet. Bids for the above will be received on the ground at what is known as the outlet bridge near John Blake's on the McHenry and Ring wood road, at the hour of 9 o'clock, A. M., Sat urday the 23tl day of April, 1887, The commis sioners will furnish the lumber for said work. Also on the same day as above bids will be received by ihe aloresaid Commissioners of Highways on the following pieces ot woik: To build the walls to the east approach to the Iron Bridge that crosses the Fox Uivor at McHenry. Said walls will require the laying of (20) or more cords of stone, for which bids will be received. Also the hauling of (200) ards of gravel. Also the carpenter work to inlld the railings on said walls bids for which will be received on the ground and the same will be let to the lowest responsible bidder on Saturday at the hour of two o'clock r. M., the 23d day of April, 1887. The time and plan of doing said work will be furnished those wishing to bid on the day of let-ting on the ground. The commissioners will furnish the umber and reserve, the right to refuse any or all bids. Dated at McHenry this 9th day of April, A. D. 1887. ALLEN P. COLBY, mINO. B, BELL, * CASTOH ADAMS, Conrrs of Highways. BJ. G. MATES, Clerk. JOHN KLEIFCEN. " TOUSE Painter, Gralner, Calciminer and . JL Paper Hanger. Residence one Block Weat of Riverside House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to oall at ary premises before purchasing. I can furntsn anch by the ear. load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRCTM, CHBMUHO. Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. Good staple dress goods only 7 ocnta par yard at J OHM EVAMSON & Co.'s. . '-p:. ijijsfiif Villi'" $25,000.00 IN GOLD! WILL BE PAID FOB ABBUCKLES' COFFEE TRAPPERS. 1 Premium, • 2 Premiums, 6 Premiums, 25 Premiums, 100 Premiums, 200 Premiums, 1,000 Premiums, , 91,000.00 •500.00 each •250.00 " •100.00 " • f50.00 §20.00 " « *10.00 " For full particulars and directions see Circu lar in every pound of ARBCOKLES* Coma. Reduction in the Price of BBIAI Hereatter the price f)f our Bread will be reduced to 7 cents per loaf or 4 loaves for 25 cents. Locke's Home Bakery In Howe Block after May 1st. McHENRT. IL BENNET'S IMPROVED »i- "•r • -- < V"1 f -- •>>». $• >HARD BISHOP, DEAL EFT IS ALL KINDS OF Have the goods married or single, show. the priefeu to sell to mw To the Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity I am now ,prepared to show a new and clean assortment of Agricultural Implements second to none in the ^county and at prices that I am confident will pay yoU tainvestigate before mak- ihg-your purchases. * • Of) H. Fargo CO B., custom made, box tip i*. tip, warranieu, _• ' * 1 >• . .ST' < Z S, * . '* \ 1 B/UCE/5-.GB T If you-want to own the best , behold it here* finely finished, proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unex celled. Do you waut a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy. TUEF M SWUBBiai FXJTffB* Pui veriz rs, both disk and knife, Prairie City Senders, Prairie City Drills, earrows, all,kinds Sulky Plows, wood and iron pumps tor deep and shallow weft^jjJatform spring wagons, combination wagons, fi\ie carriages, all kinds that will bear close inspection, manufactured by the Watcrtown Spring Wagon Co., of Waterto wn, N: Y., who carry a three-years stock, enabling |||gpi to season WiiiyL their goods befofe placing them on the market. . * , , , ^ Ver* Truly Yours, K. BISHOP* -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR- GOOD BARGAINS. ism. _ We have just received a new and complete Stock of all kim&b0i.^Tew.and Seasonable Goods such as Basts and Shoes, Eats, Which we offer at very popular price®. ,&e. FOR CASH. Don't wait for a second invitation, but come at once and see ho# we deal, and learn our prices. Butter, Eggs, etc. taken in exchange for Goods, allowing highest market price. ' » ALTHOFF BROS. McHenry, 111., March 28th, 1887. TVfl and Shoes a Great Lea<ftiy$ HATS! 1887 HATS! ' <* J0 m We carry the latest styles, both in shape, color and weight, in various qualities and largest assortment, at living prices; ™ hat ot Us & Co, fry a piir of Cooper, Wells & Co s. ^ LESS aosx: Best Fitting, - largest Wearing. Garden &&£ Pidld Alfalfa and W hite Clover seed, Timothy seed, Seed Corn. Potatoes, Peas, Beets, Badishes, etc. Seed Fresh, desirable, clean, good and cheap. Flour of all kinds. RocKford carpet warps. A full line of good Crockery. Salt, Oil BON SLETT# STOF PEL- UBLIC I Having bongtat ont the stock of Hardware. Village of MoHen^ MMW new stock of NEW SPRING STOCK ••OF--V &ND SHOES. OOTS -AT- PULLER. Warranted the best practical Stump and Rock puller made. Can be worked by two men and will litt from twenty to fifty to»s. Will warrant ten pounds to lift »ton. For simplicity, strength, prac ticability, rapidity of work, etc., the^r have no equal. Five sizes. Price from $35 to $70. Call and examine thp Machine and see them work. fc. A. STEVENS, Agent. •W® Ringwood, Illinois m* ' ' 1 . f t # „ i . WOODSTC »CK, ILL My store is filled to over- flowing with all the latest styles of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, for spring and summer wear. Call and ex amine my custom made Boots l and Shoes and see what |buying and selling for Cash does for N. B.--House established in 1865. •;/ • ' , , V- my cus- stove*. Tin-Were, etc., ol E. M. Howe, In til tafbrm tlie P-ablio generally th«t be.b&s jast put U» e taie anil Heavy Which lie trill sell at such prices as will make It ea object for every person, wh«i la McHenry, to call, If in want of any Goods in his lino. FULL LINE OF STOVES, For both Oeal and ^ood, of the best makes, always on hand. FOBBING AND REPALRIN Promptly attended to. A share of public patronago respectfully sollcitediW 49"At the old stand opposite Bishop's Mill. spec£fv H. V. 8HEPARD. McHenry, Aferll 5th, 1887. THAT PAY AS THEY CiO> ©w €Sm,mWk ON THE WEST SIDE. open for business with a reasonably Is now stock ot assorted Clothiog, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shots. Ctocktrj and Btaswan. Wall Paper, and in fact just such Goods as people need tor every day and Sunday also. Please remember that the stock is new and elegant. The smallest profit known to the trade is guaranteed on every article. INSPECTION INVITED. Highest Market Price paid for Butter and Egg^ > JOHN EVANSON & CO. ,