WEDNESDAY, APRIL SO, 1887. . Railroad Time Table. •"On and after Monday, June SU! Train# Will pa,#• McHenry Station as below: ° GOING BOOTH. Lake Geneva Passenger.*. 7:88 a.* Lake Geneva Express -..8:25 Lake Geneva Freight . P. M Lake Geneva Passenger.. ..8:a# " GOINO NOHIH. Lake Geneva Freight .9*11 A. M Lake Geneva Passenger Wl " Lake Geneva Express s A - M t . u Lake Geneva Patfaenrer 6:57 " * Stops only to leave Passengers. B. Bess, Agent. McHenry, III 9E*B=S= MASONIC. MCHBNRT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F, and A. It-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN I. STOUT, iW. M. MODEIIN WOODMEN OP AMEKICA. Meet at Parkor House Hall,'every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor liftUy invited- LOOK out for the new advertise ment of H. V, Bhepard, which will appear next week. Y^OPN MILLER and Miss Gertie /Glouon were married at the Church Ion Johnsburgh, yesterday Tuesday. BONSLBTT St STOFFEL are erecting a new and substantial awning In front of tlielr store, la West McHenry. SEE the advertisement in another column of Milch Oow for sale, by Porter Wolfrum, at bis farm, near Harvard. A WM. STOFFEL la digging a cellar / preparatory to putting up a new house I on the lot recently occupied by the old I Brick Church. C. S. CHAPELL will have an auction of one oar of milch cows, at Algonquin to-day, commencing at 9 o'clock. F. K. Granger is the auctioneer. STILL another poet cemes forward aad says, "I hear the hiss of a scorch ing kiss" It beats all what a man can hear If he is mean enough to listen. Y* A. fine ten pound boy arrived at the /• home of Walter Bolger, who resides I south of this village, en this Wednes- V day morning.^ Congratulations are in order. Now is the time for the Board of Health to be on the alert. We hear of some places that are sending forth a bad odor and should be attended to at once. i'^GOOD position in society Is no prddf against sin. Adam and Eve were the very best people in the world when they were cast out ol Eden. JUDGE AYER, of Harvard, died at his home, in that village, on Wednesday of last week. He was one of the early settlers of this county, and was well and favorably known throughout the State, ranoHti. HERB MEDLAR and Wm. Frame were callers here on Thursday last. C. A. KNIGHT, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village, MRS. T. J. CLIFTON is vlsting with friends at Lake Geneva, this week. FRED WELLS is confined to the bouse with a severe case of quinsy. W. H. FORD and wife, visited at Wauconda on Sunday last. MISS DELLA GAGE has goo* to Iowa, to visit her father. H. H. NICHOLS started for California on Saturday morning last. LOCKE'S Home Bakery will be re moved to Howe's block. May Is*. Cause, wants more room. L, £. BENNETT, our Photographer, has been sick and confined to the house for the past week, but it low around again. T CHAS. HUBBARD has gone to Wood stock to work for the "Boss" Machine man T J. Dacy, Dacy will find hint a rattling good man for the badness* CARTER--April 13, 1887, at his residence, No. 271 Dearborn St, Dell C. Carter, brother of the late Mrs. Olive L. Sullivan and uncle of Mrs. Aliie C- Anderson, He formerly resided In this village, and will be remembered as living with HlntOn Wheeler, while he was runaing the Riverside House. A POET sings: "I have a son, a little son, a boy just five years eld." We do l't see anything peculiar in this. If the feet had a little daughter who was a boy just five years old it wonld be Interesting. BUSINESS ^en will note that the ad vertising columns of the PLAINDEALER are appreciated. Should this continue much longer our wive(s) (plural for grammar's sake) shallJhave (a) new dress(es). Let'r boom. ?AMONG the improvements now go kog on in this town are the following: Frank Calkins, an addlten to his resi dence. E.J.Hanly. an addition, and Mrs. Beckwltb an addition to her resi dence. THE new Steamboat, the "Grayling," rhicb Is to run between this place and ,Fox Lake, has arrived. and her machinery is being pot in an J she will probably be launched the latter part of this week. She is a model of beautj and will be an honored addition to the Fox River fleet. THE Ladies of the Willing Workers Society, connected with the Univer- salist Church, will have a Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening, April 29th, at which time they will dispose of the, Silk Quilt, Full particulars next week, / THE McHenry Brick Company com menced operations for the season last / Week, and wl]} burn a small kiln soon ia order to supply the demand. They will have a full force of hands at work by next week and will push the yard to its fullest capacity the entire season. Their facilities are better than ever beiore, and Mr. Wentworth says he in tends to supply the demand if possible LADIES who would falut If accused Of pillfering do not hesitate to reb their neighbors of cooks and nurses. Ladies who would be mortally offended If charged with meauness or envy, covet the good servants that their friends enjoy, and adopt no end of tricks and mean ways to secure them for themselves. Everything is fair in love and war, and in housekeeping is many a dame who passes for a model 10. deportment.---.Ex. AGAIN a welcome visiter has arrived and, as usual, with now ideas. In fact, one will always find something new in Dsmoresl's Monthly. Iu the May number Is commenced a new depart ment, "Sanitarian." It Is to teach women how to keep healthy; and as Demorest always does things well, this department will be found a great boon to mothers and daughters. The aerial, "Allan Quarter main," by the author of "She,'* increases In interest, and the publisher is to be congratulat ed upon securing such a a great addi tion as H. Rider Haggard to the al ready fine list of contributors. Ladies, if you want » progressive magazine, eee Demorest's. Published by W. Jennings Demorest, If Bast 14th St, Jflaw York city. THE election on Saturday last for one School Director, Injthls village, showed more interest than is usually manifested in eleotlons of Ibis kind here. There were 129 votes polled with the following result: J. Van Slyke M O. N, Owen 40 Geo. W. Besley SI The Board now stands, Isaac Went* worth, Charles C. Colby. J. Van Slyke. [H. GOOD TEMPLARS Lodge waa or ganized in this village on Saturday evening last, and elected the following officers: H. C. Mead, W. C, T. Mrs. Julia Bishop, W» V. T, C. W. Slafter, R. S. ^ A. H. Colby, T. j| Miss Cora McOmber^F, 8. ^ - G. W.Colby, P. Riy Owen. M. • Miss Effie Gilbert, G» Ed. Warner, S. They will meet efery Thursday evening, and for the present occupy ^arker House Hall. AND the subscriber cometU to see the printer and he hath much to say, more even than he belleveth himself and he bcguiloth the printer to send him the paper for a year- "sometimes" paying promptly for the first year. And when he payeth, he showeth a poeket book With a stuffing a la Van- derbllt or TJjoull, and the printer's fears are at rest. But he payeth not for the second year, nor for the third nor the fourth aud perhaps he getteth the fifth year and payeth not, and then the printer compels him to pay up un der the newspaper act, etc. Lo! there fore, doth the printer have many ben efactions, no other man knoweth, and he growetb not rlober very rapidly. The Memorial Lecture on Gen. John A. Logan, by the Rev. G. R. Van Horae, at the M. E. Church lb this vil lage, on Friday evening last, was the grandest tribute we over listened to, and was highly appreciated by the large audience in attendance. Rev. Van Home was a comrade of Gen. Lo gan in the dark and bloody days of the rebellion, and consequently spoke of what he personally knew, and It was indeed a tribute worthy of the man, and was listened to with the closest attention by all, aa<l frequently inter rupted with rounds of applause. Mr. Van Horae Is au easy, fluent speaker, and in thia subject in particular ha speaks with th it earnestness and vim that carries his entire audience with him, and many times during the lec ture the old veterans could, In thel mind's eye, see the gallant Logan andr his black charger going down the llua and cheering and encouraging his men on to victory, jft is a lecture that should be heard by every man, woman and child in the laml. He closed with the following beautiful acrostic: J-ust in his relattona with men, as waa Arts tides the Athenian; 0-pposed to fraud and usurpation as Intense. ly as was Hannibal to Rome; H-onest at heart like Abraham Lincoln, whose integrity no bribery could corrupt; V oble by nature, he like Mare us Anrefiae. became more noble by culture: A mbitious to succeed, like C»sar, yet free from Caesar's faults; L-eyal to his country, as was William Wal. lace loyal to Scotland; B-agle-eyed in <tetecting strategical points as was Kilward the"Black Prince"; X*celling in ability to command armies as did Marshal Ney; A-pproachable in person as was General Grant by the humblest of men; H-ational in his policy, ho like Thomas Jeffer son contended for national suprem acy ; D-aring as Patrick Henry, "the man of the people," to assert his convictions; E-loquent in his arraignment of treason, as •was Demosthenes in his Philippics; R.ighteous as O'Oonnel In his outspoken wrath again it oppression: L-egislating like Edmuml Burke in the inter ests of good government; O-pinionated as tlrmly in his views against treason as wasCatougainst Carthage; (J-enerous as Cyrus to his foes, when gener osity would induce loyalty; A-doring reverently, as did Washington, the Savior of humanity; Neutral in nothing, but like Andrew Jaep- son, positive in everything. "The Lakeside/' Fox Lake. Among the several changes made at Fox Lake at the beginning of the present season, the mostSuotable is the change of proprietorship of what has been known for many years as the -Sayles Hotel." Mr. F. Sayles Has leased the house and grounds for a term of years to Messrs. Clarke & Neltnor, both of Chi cago, although for two seasons past Mr. Clarke has been the Superintend ent of the Union Club, at the above lake. If ever Nature endowed a location for a family resort, it has done so in this eua«. The hotel, which, for some* time to come at least, will be known as "Tho Lakeside," Is situated on a gen tle slope, with a nice dry walk leading to and from the shore. Surrounded by a large number of tall and magnificent trees which afford shade whilst they do not obscure the view, and open to the Fox Lake on the east and Nippetv sink Lake on the north, the bouse com- mauds a fine view and enjoys fresh air all the time. The billiard aud pool tables will be removed from the house, and placed In a building some little distance away, so that the votaries of this sport may enjoy themselves without causing dis comfort to others. A ten pin slley will also be erected on the grounds but away from the hotel. The removal of the billierd tables from the bouse will give additional sleeping room, making In all 38 bed rooms. The dining room Is pleasantly sit* uated, aad is well fitted lo tho moat modern style; the kitchen, wash-rooms etc.,rare large, clean and airy, aad above alt there Is a well of the finest spring water In Lake county. The Highwty and the Bye-ways at the rear of the hotel lead to the differ ent inland places of note, whilst the water-ways lead to a chair of l ikes so many in number that the tourist may take a different route for his day's pleasure every morning of the week and not exhaust ibem all by Saturday. The hotel la also served by two Tall- roads and three steamboats. As the Sayles House has enjoyed a good reputation for years past, so may we expect "The Lakeside" to perpet uate the same, for both Messrs. C. H. Clarke, and F. E. Neltnor have catered to the public for many years past, and hotel keeping Is just in their line of business; they have many friends fast and true In Chicago and vieinity, and we trust that their venture at Fox Lake may bring them results commen surate with the efforts they have made and the plans laid out to make "The Lakeside" the most, popular resort of Lake Couaty. FMeeedlngs of tlta Board of Trosteoa. McHenry, III., April 4, 1887. Board met pursuant to adjournment, present, full board. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following bills were presented, audited and the Clerk ordered to draw orders on the Treasurer tor thf same: Henry Colby, *11 .89 52 C. A. Lincoln, salary as marshal ... ......3J 00 It, H. Nichols, salary trustee ..v..... 7 50 Win. Schreiner, street work 5 69 The bill of H. N. Holmes, for costs ia the Wlghtman suit was laid over until the next regular meeting. Moved by Trustee 'Nichols that C. A. Lincoln be retained as police con stable for the month of April at same salary. Carried. F. K. Granger then oame before the before the Board on behalf of the Commissioners ef Highways of the Township, and asked that the Com mlssioiusrs be allowed to retain the money belonging to the village now la their hands, for road aud bridge purposes. Moved by Trustee Howard that tho Commissioners of Highways be al lowed to retain said money, to be used for the purposes named. Carried by the following vote: Ayes--Gilbert, Howard, Crlaty, Rothermel, Weber. Nichols. Nays--None. Moved by Trustee Crlsty that tho committee appoiated to Investigate In relation to repairing approach to Iron bridge, be discharged. Carried. On motiou H. N. Holmes was ap pointed Moderator of the Annual Election to be held on the 19th. On motion adjourned to Moaday evening, April 25th, at 7f o'clock. B, Gilbert, Olerk. Attest, J. VAV SLTKE, Clerk. WHEAT WANTED. Tho Highest Market Price lo oash, will be paid foi good milling wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. R. BISHOP. AT a meeting of the Board of Com missioners of Highways, of tho town of McHenry, held at the Town^Cierk's office on Saturday, the 16th day of April, 1887. the following perseus were appointed overseers for the ensuing Corporation Election. The election In this village on Tues day passed oft In the most quiet and orderly manner, and while a good deal of honest work was done it was in the best of nature and the result satisfac tory. There were three full tickets in the field, but H Is but justice to say' that the one headed by R. Bishop was brought out against the wishes of nearly every candidate upon It, which accounts for the small vote It received. The newly elected officers are. Trustees, Full Term, F. K. Granger, W. A. Cristy, David Parker- To fill vaeaney, Thos. J. Walsh. For Clerk J. Van Slyke. The following is the v«»te ia ft)H. FOUTRUSTBU, FULL TBRH. W. A, Crlsty David Parker.... r. K. Granger .... Isaac Wentworth Geo. W. Besley.... John B. Blake .... R. Bishop Ed. Lawius......*. H. Nonlqueat .......96 .......89 .. .....99 ...4..*..46 ... ....43 .. .....63 .......30 28 FOR T BUSTS* TO TILL •ACANOT. Tho*. 4. Walsh .........116 M. Eagela ...V.y « P. Uaaperieoh 14 FOR VILLAOB CLRSK. J. Van Slyke ...174 Music Lessona. Miss Mae Christie,or Elgla, will be In McHenry Thursday and Friday of this week, prepared to give musical In structions on Plane or Organ. The eourse pursued Is systematic and pro gressive, and all wishing a good in structor will Had in her an excellent teacher. Address her at West Mc- Heo^f, x . WHEAT WANTED. 1%e fflghest Market Price in cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R. BISHOP. The most oompleto assortment of gonts neck-wear, shirts, laundrled and unlaundrled, suspenders, hats, hand kerchiefs, hosiery eto„ to be found in this connty now on sale at JOHN EVANSOX A Co.'«. year: Diet. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist, Dist. Dist, Dist. Dist. Dist. 10. Dist. 11- Dist. 12. Dist. 13. Dist. 14. Dist. 15. Dist.l£. Dist. 17. 1. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. John Kline, Aatone Myers. John Cary. Richard Lawson. Homer Wattles. Bernard Harrisoa, Jacob M. - John J us tea. Ed Swan. A,L. Hows, Frank Smith. Mick Cleary. Lyman Francisco. Wm. Paige, John T. Smith. Jonn V. Backland. Jabez Carr. / WHEAT WANTE^ The Highest Market Price, In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R. BISHOP. SEED CORN FOR SALE, Tellow dent and sweet eoro. 96 per eaat grows; also Wyandott fowls. For prices addresst <3>|L MIECHANT S7 Greenwood, HI. * THE MeHenry County Teachers As sociation mol^fr Woodstock, April 9. 1887. Meeting opsined with slnglng.( Minutes of last meeting read and approved.} The papor "Grading of Country Schools," read by Miss Mary Hurd, Rtdgefield, and tho discussion which followed filled the time of tho morning session. g,-. 12:15--Assooiatl<Nl adjourotd to meet at ISO. AmBNOON SESSION. J. A. Shaldoa, Huatley, being absent the * paper, "Composition Work in School" was omitted there being in stead an open discussion on Language. 2.-00--The Teacher in School--County Superintendent Barber. 9 JO--Teacher's Preparation--led by C. G. Teeple, Marengo, followed by F. N. Kingsley, Hermosa. KECESS--SINGING. 8£0--Uniformity Text Boolca-- W. A. Sheldon, Marengo, A.CU North Nunda. 4:15--Association adjourned to meet at Woodstock, May 14. 1887. This meeting of the teachers was about the pleasantest one or £the year, 50 mem bers being preseut aad the program Interesting and profitable. Cor. SEC. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTOR!". MASONIC.--A. P. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday eren- of each month. MODKRN WOOOMBK OF AMERICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 41 and 4th Monday even- ings of each month. Neighbors^cordially in- vlted. " Sows OF TBMPBBAWCB.--Meet at UnionJHa'.l on Tuesday evening of eaoto week.j ALGONQUIN. JUtitTOB PLAINDEALER: -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred fhredgeld, of Lockp'ort, III., and Miss Nellie Wandrack, ef Elgin, came up to attend the wedding or their cousin, Miss Nettie Kanka to John Jenek, on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ford visited In Chicago last week, Mrs. Ford remain ed a few days longer w'Ub her sister, Mrs. Crue, who is quite sick. Mike Donnelly received quite an In jury on Monday of this week, while working with the pile driver company. The ladies' Ai«l Society of the Con* gregatioaal Churcti will meet at Mrs. Wm. Morton's on Wednesday of tiext week, The town folks have not been so anxious to get in their garden sacs this week as they were last. Miss Hannah Ekstrom visited In Chi cago last week. At this writing, Monday of this week, Mrs. Geo. Jaynes was reported at the point of death. The children of Fred Wllktnlng are coming down with the measles. Dr, Nason Is atteudlng them. Mrs. Chas. Wandrack started oa Monday of this week to visit with her parents at Eau Claire, Wis. Geo. Dodd Is quite sick with Inflam matory rheumatism. Dr. Ballou of Nunda Is attending him. C. K. Cbapell camo in oa Saturday last with a car load of milch cows and he is billed for an auction aale for Wednesday of this week. Wm. Hager, of Barringten, Is driv ing piles for the creek bridge In place of the stone wall that tumbled down last week. That Is what our Highway Commissioners have got to come to lyigUtlJjBl^and leas stone abutments. , r WAUCONDA. Ebitoit PLAINDEALERThe Maple Sugar Festival,, for Rev, Mountain, was well attended and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Pro ceeds of tho evening forty odd dollars. Our srtiool com me acted Monday again with the same teachers. A Hard Time Social for the benefit of the M, E. Church, la Mai man Hall, Thursday evenit^g, the Slst. Every body come and en| »y a good ttme. Dr. McChesney la building a new bara, having torn the old one down. The Lecture on Logan, by Presiding Elder Van Horn Sunday evening, was a rare treat, the chvpoh being orowdetf to lu utmost. Mrs. Stuart Miller, from Barrlngton Is visiting friends in town. Temperance Lecture Monday even ing at the M. E. Church by Mr. A. E. Seymour and J. T. Long. Every body cordially invited. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Minstrels at. Rowe's Hiili, Friday evening. Miss Bell Fennetr Is spending this week in DeKalb. A council ot doctors iwas ^called last week for Mrs. Andy Root. I. W, Webster's new residence on Maple Ave., will soon be ready for plastering. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Baldwin have both been on the sick list. School was closed in the higher room on Friday, Hurley Begun moved last week into the vacant house on Aaron Rowe's farm southeast of town. Mrs. Jones, who has spent the win ter with her son Herb, will return to her home in the East this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leander Young, from Woodstock, called on friends In town on Sunday. George Goddard starts for the west this week to visit his sister and see the country. Our llyery men, Reynolds A Manor, get right to the front. They have a number of fine rigs, are always accom modating, and charges are reasonable. Give them a oall and learn for your self. The public library is open at the achool-buuse on Saturday of eaoh week, between the hours of two and six p. M. An/' person Is allowed to draw books by advancing the semi annual fee ot tweaty-five cents. The school moetlng on Saturday af ternoon resulted in the election of M. W. Millar for director, and It was vot ed to bond th * district for the sum of 93.000, to build an addition to the sohool-hou4e. The manner of building has not been doclded as yet. Miss Olive Stevens has purchased George Goddard's house and lot. She has also bought out the millinery goods of Mrs. Rotnour anl Intends moving soon to her new home where she hopes to meet all her old friends and patrons. Mr. George Toung and daughter Susie, will go to Michigan this week, where they intend spending the sum mer. A large crowd attended the Easter concert Sunday evening. The church was beautifully decorated with ever greens and Dowers, and all enjoyed tho programme exceedingly. Remember the band concert 'on Fri day evening of this week, if you would not miss a treat. The pro gramme will constst of solos, quar tettes, a speech by our yotifng orator, recitations, tableaux, shadow pictures, a farce, and our home minstrel troupe will dose the entertainment with music, songs and original jokes. We will say the troupe does not in the least resemble the Belolt Church Choir, which visited us reeently, which we think is the highest compliment that can be paid them. Come out. Dont' miss It. » Wo receive now groceries every week. BONSLETT 6 STOFFEL. Transparent opaque window shades, latest designs and lowest prices; 40 cents to 91.15 at Bonslett A Stofiel's. Crockery, Crockery; plain and dec orated. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. Curtain netting, lace curtains, polos, shade fixtures; beet assortment in town at Bonslett & Stoflel'a. *Godd plug or fine cut tobaeco, only 30 cents, at Bonslett & Stofiel's. New Dress Goods* Velvets, Vel veteens and Trimmings at Bonslett & Stofiel's. Badger State overalls, jackets aad shirts at Bonslett & Stole I's. Racine trunks, sachels, and hand bags at Bonslett & Stofiel's. New Wall Paper, Borders and Decorations Bonslett A Staf fers. CARPETSt CARPETS! From the cheapest hemp to 1st grade body Brussels, most stylish pattern. Will be matched and sewed tor any room at lowest prices at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Hats! Hats! New Styles, Lat est Colors at Bonslett & Stoff el's. BttitMMMirol City residences fof sale. Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Everything In the bottom figures, at X. The 'finest lino of Bird Cages town, at John I. Story's^ Bnlldlng Paper and Moth pet Paper, at John I. Story' Handkerchiefs, ail styles aad; i Alt ho S Bros. Pnlverlzlng Harrows with three horse eqaallaera at E. ML Owes Jr Sen's. Gorham. Bnckeye, Van Stoat, la- proved Badger and Williams Seeders at E. M. Owen A Son's. Just received a Car load of the old Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at Jotus L Story's. If you want the best Milk Can ever ' made, oall on John I. Story, Ho kaeos the only stock In town. THE Genuine Novelty aad Crolfoisst^ Clothes Wringer at bottom prloce at John I Story's. Beware of lmtOoMi Call for the "Winning Stroke",aBO«^ Brand of five cent Ctgan, msnafaetouw ed by Barblan Bros. It-* TO THE LADIES. We have now a fine assortment ef ladies and childrens furnishing goods, dresseB, children's clothing, remnants, etc. A fine w»iite dresses, ac #2.00 each. We take advantage of cut rate sales each day in city, -and give cus tomers the beue tit of same. Call and inspect oar stock and leave your order for jacket or wrap by measure, which will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. Bargains In novelties each Thursday, at ladies sales rooms, at IF MRS, H. S. GREGORY'S. . HORSE FOR SALE. For sale one good work Horse 7 years old. Good for either Farm or Road work. Is sound in every particu lar. For further Information inquire of C. Stegmann, oppoaita flohool building, McHenry. NURSERY STOCK. Is your time to get good- war- sery stock cheaper than ever, as I in tend clearing a pirt of my ground and am bound to sell at some price. Come with yeur team and big wagon and load up with soft maple, hard maple, box elder, white ash. white elm. Ca- tilpa, (spcclosa) or black walnut of all sizes .-tnd prices that will suit. Also have a good line of evergreens, apples, cherrys, grape vines, etc., that I will sell cheap for cash. Come early and take your pick. John V. Buckland, Proprietor, Ringwood, McHenry Co., Illinois. 4®-4^ WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market price, In cash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. R. BISHOP. FOR SALE. Oao 2 seated Buggie new'y painted, at a bargain to soma one that wants such • rig. W. H. FORD. Carpsts by •ample John B. Blake has now the finest line of Carpet Samples to be found In the county, and can furnish you s Carpet from the cheapest to the best grade made, at prices ten per cent be low any other dealer in this section. Call and iH his samples and learn prices. * Building paper oheap at M. Engeln^. Harness Oil 60 cents a gallon at M, Engelu'8. Fancy Roller Flour, SI.15 at M. En^eln's. Gorham Seeders at K. M. Owen it Son's. ' Jars and Jugs 9 oenta per gallon at M. Engeln. The finest 60 cent tea In tho market it Althoff Bros. Keystone Pulverizers, 16 Inch, at S M. Owen & Son's, for #28. Road Cart with a twenty-four too* spring at E. M. Owen A Son's. 5 bottle silver plated oastor, 75 cants at M. Engeln's. Best Lumber Wagon in town at E. M.Owen & Son's. Smoking Tobacco 19 oents per tt» at M. Engeln's. Broadcast Seeders from #30 np to $40 at E. M. O wen & Son's. Examine Goods and learn prises at Bishop's. It will pay you. The uew Warner Ooneavo Axes at M, Engeln's, Warranted. . WOOD FOR SALE. Good Dry Wood for sale. Lawlus. opposite the Riverside House The reliable Watertowii Buggies can alwavs be founl at Bishop's Ware- house McHenry, F >r the next thirty days a discount of twenty per cent will be made on all purchases of winter goods at our store ALTHOFP BROS, Every housekeeper snould try a sack oc our flour made from hard Minnesota wheat. It will please you.* JOHN EVANSON A Co. Mr. D. 1. Wileoxaon, of Horse Cave, Ky., says be was. tor many years, badiy afflicted with phthisic, alse diabetes; the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him Into convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle and after taking six bottles was en tirely cured aad had gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively believes he would have died, had it not been for the relief aflorded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Henry Colby. MT'The Bloomiugton Pantograph endorses a recent editorial In' the Springfield Journal on ^Real and Ar tificial Boom8,"and adds; "The Jour- nal argues that the chief reason for the flow of capital westward, the rela tive cheapness of property DO longer exists and that tha inevitable tenden cy will be for capital to seek Invest ment In older and tpore highly im proved sections^ where there has been little or no advance for years. It looks for a reflex booin in Illinois on a'sub stantial and enduring basis after the worked-up boom of the West has par tially subsided. The reasoning is good, and we expect to see just such a state of things come around." WHEAT WANTED.* The Highest Market Price In cash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R. BISHOP. BILE What a funny name for a mediciiiei Nevertheless iti:> very $imiilk»ant as applied to the article. Bile, according to Yv'ebster, is "a yel lowish bitter, viscid nauseeous fluid, ?ereted by the liver." Whenever the liver does not act properly this fluid is retained in the blood and poisons the .viiolesystem,andsaliowm ss and misery is the result. SMITH'S BILE BEANS is a sure cure for biliousness and liver ^onaplaint. Price, cents per bottle. Coll Spring Road Carts at E. M. Owen & Son's, that beats anything of the class ever Invented; and springs warranted for five years. Call and see them. _________ •••;;£ Money to lioan. Money loaned on McHenry farms on time and In amounts to stilt borrower. Write or apply to j. vr. RAKSTBAD. Rooms 1 and 9, Bordeu Block, Elgin III. SS.6IB. CUCUMBER CONTRACTS. MCBBNBT, III., M»roh litb, 1887. I am now prepared to contract for the purchase or for salting pickles for the year 1887. All that wish to con tract in either way please call at my office. R. BISHOP. Sale Houses and JLots For In Rlngwood. I offer for Sale or Rent, two Houses and Lots, situated in the village of Rlngwood. Also a building suitable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and other partic ulars inqulro of 33-6m, WBSLST Ladd. A NEW DEPARTURE. A Knife Pulverlzor that can be con trolled by the operator to regulate the depth of cultivation. Postlvely oa side draft. No weight on horses necks. Bishop's Warehouse. McHanry. Bargains extraordinary. Will opon Saturday and every day following till disposed ef, 10,000 yards bleached sheeting one yard wide. This lot may be had 40 per cent below regular quotations. Also a few dozen ladies. Imported hose much below regular price. New and stylish dress goods of latest Importations just arrived. In spection Invited, JOHN EVANSON A Co. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Having sold out my business It be comes necessary for me to ask all knowing themselves indebted to me to call and settle the same on or before Muy 1st, as ray books must be closed at that time as I am going west. Al) accounts not settled by that time will be immediately collected by law. Therefore, if you wish to save costs '•walk up to the Captain's office" and •ettle at once. My books can be found until May 1st at tha old stand opposite Bishop's mill. E M. HOWE. McHenry, April 4th, 1S87. CARPETS. We have now In stock a complete line of carpets for the spring trade. The styles are all new and handsome. We are ofterlng a good line of hemp carpets at fifteen c*Jts a yard. Cot ton and wool at twenty-five to forty oents a yard, all wool and extra supers at fifty cents a yard and up. We also have some handsome patterns In Tapes try and Bodv Brussels, at very low prices. We buy our carpets direct from the manufacturers and can make as low prices on them as any whole sale dealer in the country. We can sell from five to ten cents a yard less th&n those selling by sample, for la that case there is one more profit added, If parties wanting carpets Will examine our stock before sendiug to other markets for them we will guarantee a saving of from ton to twenty percent on every yard bought from us. Call and examipo our stock whether you buy or not. E, A, JPJIiP HY A CO. 39-aw ' Y i m - Woodstock, UL Twenty par oent discount on All winter goods for tha next thirty days at Althoff Broa, Tha best and cheapeat Car pats IT tha market, at J. B. Blake's Fornitoro Store. _____ The Metropolitan ia tho Boee cirpat sweeper, and no housewife should" one before seeing it. It is cho and better than all others. For by John I. Story. Mrs* Sohumaoltor. Visits Chicago every wook and will take In yonr orders and furnish good* at the lowest Chicago prloes. FOR SALE. Short Mora Bulls and Plymouth Rock Fowls. Call on or addraea, FRANK COLE, 32«3m Spring Grove, I1L ; fetand Straight* < Mti#t, women's, and braces. No more round shooldOMr No more flat breasts. A perfect altlrt supporter. Sold by E. Lawlns, Tailor, McHenry, 111. It always gives ns pleasure to SMafcJj well of a good artioie. Tho "Ganaa# ? Stoves and Ranges" are aokoowledl to embody ail that is ibest in that II They have the reputation of bclngi _ best made. Though imitated by moa^P they are equalled by none. ~ " McHenry by John I. Story. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Raeks,and anything: In my Una of bust- 1 aess. Work done on short notice to M order. Shop one door South ol Law* 11 l us' Store, j| F. A. Hrb*RI>. 1 KoHeary, Aug. ML 188K. ll-4-ly 1 ELA, Lake Oo., I1L. Jan. 10. X88Z. O. DICKINSON A SON--Harrington, 111. | Gentlemen:--I had two borsee cat J with barb wire fence very bad, and I 1 applied Dickinson's Rosalan Llnlmoaf H and it caused a speedy cure. I'atoow0m It in my family, and I can sa*..*ha& i s t h e b e s t U a l m e n t I e v e r u s e d . , 1 Joenr ROBKKTSOS, > ' , For sale by all druggists.' Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. ^ The bjst Salve in the world for oat* "j bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fo#tt <| sores, tetter, chapped hands,ohilblalas, - corns, and all skin eruptian*, and tlvely cures piles, or no pay reqi It Is guaranteed to give perfeot satis f a c t i o n , o r m o n e y r e f u n d e d . P r l o a I S 4 oents par box. For sale bf fitnf 1 Colby. - y Would You Bollavo If? That we are autboriaed by tbs pro* prietor of Kemp's Saraaparll* to re fund the money to any oao who has ^ taken three-fourths of a bottle witb<? out relief? We are poaitlve that other proprietor has the confidence,!* his medicine to do this, it is for oa* richlng, cleansing and purtfylag tho Blood and toning up tha sysfesaa# ^ Price 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BCSUF. Don't Experiment. Tfu cannot afford to wasto time tai^ experiment when vour lungs afo la danger. Consumption always seams, - at flrst, only a cold. Do not permit *• any dealer to impose upon yon wltk some cheap imitation of Dr. KinAr" New Discovery for Coneumptlok Coughs and colds, but be sura yon got the genuine. Because he can saalot more profit he may te'l you ho has something just as good or jaat tho same. Don't be deceived, but Insist upon getting Dr. King's New Diane**! ery. which 1s guaraateed to give relief in all throat, lung and chest affections. 1 Trial bottles at Henry Colby's drug ! store. To-Nlght and T©-Morrow Might. | And each day and eight during this ' week, you can find at Geo. W. Besley*s drugstore Kemp's Suppositories, ao- -:. knowledged to be the most sacoMsfnt ; treatment yot introduced for the care £ of piles. Old sufferers from thla dla- stressing complaint are at eooe re- I lleved and in a short time a permanent cure established. Check the diaaase In time by using the "most effective remedy. Price Mc. Send address .far pamphlet oo piles. Box 393,;Le Boy CAST STATION, III., March 3d,ISM. O. DICKINSON * SON--Barriugtou, I1L *3 Gentlemen;--I had a cow that did : not clean for three days After oalvtng, and I procured a bottle of yoor cow Prescription and gave It according t» '•* the directions* and the cow was all i> right in less than thirty-aix boors af- • ter giving, and baa done first rate ; since. Acousx ASM, For sale by all druggists. Another Art Craze. ' The latest art work among ladles to ^ known as as the 'French Oraxe,' for decorating China, Glassware, etJ. It ie something entirely uew, and Is both | profitable and fascinating. It ts very I popular in New York, Boston,andotfc- I er eastern cities. To laJies desiring to learn the art, wo will send an elegant china pis (size IS inches,) handsomely tor a model, together with box of terial, 100 colored designs assorted la flowers, animals. IanJjcapes. eternal % piete, with full instructions, npoa ceipt of only #1. The placqoa slot If r; worth more than the amooat charged. ;' To every lady ordering thia oatStvtot • encloses ttfe addreas of Ate qlhet lijtji' J Interested in art matter*, ts wbMi we can mall our new catalngoa of goods, we will eocloee extra oa# wttfe^i out charge, a beautiful 90 Inch, flpll tinted plaeque. r ' : lEV.