WfEDNESD AY, APRIL 27,1887. p; Hail road Time Table. On and after Monday, June #1.1 Trains will r ,.#»•' McHenry station a* below: j®cT ooiiro BOOTS. I>aVo Geneva Passenger ... . JLake Geneva Express Lake Geneva Freisht Xake Geneva Paasenger-- ...7:58 A. * „.8:25 " ... #:»» p. It * * • OOIKO WORTH. ^ake Geneva Freight ••••• L>ake 3eneva Passenger I<ake 3eneva Express... L*ke Geneva Passenger? • Stops only to leave ^XS^Agent. McHenry, 111 .....8*11 A. • .....10:07 *' .... .4:58?. M S-.S7 M MASONIC. ^MCHMRAR LODGE, NFT 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the secona ana Jfourth Monday# in each month. JOHN 1. 8T<*RT, |W. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEBIC A. Meet at Parker Honse Hall, every Second find Last Tuesday evening of eaen montn. Neighbors cor lially inviied- WOODSTOCK will 6ave one thousand dollars Saloon License tills year. IICHMOND voted to grant License this year by!a small majority. PERSON4U J. A. GOIKG, of Chicago, ipil Sun day with friends in this village. JOHN AND MAT HEIMEK spent Sun day with friends in Chicago. „ MRS. E. PERKINS returned from her visit in Eljin last week. POLICE MAGISTRATE HOLMES has moved into W. F. Tilton's house. MRS. S. P, COLBT will be In McHenry Saturday instead of Thursday as here tofore. MRS. S. W. WRIGHT, of Rockford. has been visiting with friends here the past week. WM. BESLET and wife, of Waukegan have been visiting with their son. Geo. W. Basle y, io this village. FRANK SHEPARD, of Barreville. •pent Sunday with his brother, H. V., tu this village. CHRIS KNOLLS, Fred Long nod Chris Brenner, of Chicago, came out last week for a short visit. CHAS. KUHNERT and wife, of Johns burgh, attended the wedding of their sou August, in Chicago, on Friday last. MRS. JACOB BARBIAN* IS very sick, and at this writing, Monday afternoon, isjeported in t dangerous condition. VFILL THURLWKLL rejoices at the WRAPS on Saturday Salesroom. THE first Strawberries of the season [at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening. art.ivaj 0F boy W«ISI>IBK elev- at the I.adle^ en pounds. This makes Are "All boys? no girls P* ^JOHN POWERS, of Michigan, brother of Mrs. Thomas Knox and Mrs. Carrens has been visiting hero the past week. His sisters had not seen him before In tjgenty years, ' COOK WRIGHT, son of Sobert Wright, of thfr village,'who Is with Marshal Field A Co., Chicago, sailed en Saturday last for England, where be goes 'to buy goods for that firm. This speaks volumes for CoeksonV la- tegrity and* ability, and his many friends in this village and vicinity heartily congratulate him on his good ortune, t AN old hen with chickens scratching In the gardens will get up a "sbeor'iof a row In the neighborhood. BEAD the new advertisement of E. Owen A Son, agricultural dealers, be found in another column. IF you want the handsome Sill Quilt be sure and go to Riverside Hal ^*6n Friday evening.' E, M. OWEN A SON have a new adver tlsement tbh week, which farmeri .others should not fall to read. HON. F. K. GRANGER ;was chose President of the new Board of Trus tees, lor the ensuing year, at their meeting, ou Monday evening last. ON the first page ol this paper can te found an article beaded "Duty of JUltizenB," which we commend to the Careful perusal of our readers. ATTENTION is called to the Beport Oj the Treasurer of the Commissioners of Highways, of the town of Nunda, Which can be found in another column. REMEMBER the Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening of -this week, the |9tb, by the Ladies of the Willing Workers Society. GEORGE HUSON, who formerly lived it Vole, died In Chicago last week, And his remains passed through here on their way to Yolo, where they were Intered on Monday. AT the Universalist Church, the pastor will give a Lecture Sermon apon the subject of "Woman, her work, lier wages sod her ways," ou Sunday evening next. May 1st. THE new Steamboat, the ' Grayling" was launched and made a trial trip on Sunday,fanning to Pistaqua Bay and back. We believe the trial was en tirely satisfactory to her owners. THE girls say that some of the McHenry fellows have to be pounded on the head arith a club to make them tumble to even such a broad hint as "I don't want any company home." MRS.JUSTEN, mother of N. and J. Justen, the West Side furniture deal ers, died on Friday last and her funer- al was held at the Johnsbnrgh Church j>n ftunday morning last. i THE Clinton, 111., Public announces In Its last issue that It is printed by steam with a handsome four-horse power engine, donated by the business and professional men of that city. WWHITMAN'S freight team took a, little turn up street on their own so count on Monday, badly deakeralizing the wagon and lameing one of the horses quite badly. Taey made a ily run for a few ml notes. THE residence of Fairweather Bros,, east of Mudgett's Cheese Factory, was burnei ou Sunday night, together with a large portion of their furniture We have not learned the amount oi loss or the insurance. MARRIED.--Tuesday. AprU 18th, atl 1 SO o'clock, at bis residence, by Rev. E. B. Boggess, Mr. Frank W. Hatch, of English Prairie, and Mies Agnes M [laibali, of McHenry. May happiness and long life attend them. THE Lake Geneva passenger train, which formerly passed this statlou, go- lug North, at 10 A. M., has made a •light change and her time Is now 10HJ7 A.M. /Travelers will do well to make a note. DR. WILLIAMS, Dentist, win visit McHenry, May 10th, and^then for the next two" months his appointments here will be filled by his partner, while he will go on a visit to his family in Nebraska. Remember his next date, Tuesday, May 10th, A STEGEMANN s team undertook to jgo to church alone on Sunday morn ing, but alter taking a short but lively run around the street, brought up suddenly against a post In lront of Harperish's shog, Wagon only slightly dam1 f bear 'V^orti i- ^ HAVE you a chance for thste famous silk quilt? If you have not go to Riv erside Hall on Friday evenij»g and get one, and If you don't $Tt the quilt you^ AMONG the Improvements going on will have the consolation of seeing in our village this week are the some other fellow get it. FARMERS who desire to obange their seed potatoes, wnich Is a good thing to do every few years, should read the notice or choice potatoes for sale by John Evanson A Co., to be fonud In another column. THE new Board or Trustees meet on Saturday evening next for the purpose of receiving and acting upon the Bonds ot such as desire a License for the ensuing year. It is therefore im portant that all such have their Bonds ready at that time. READ the new advertisement of John Evanson A Co , to be found on another page. Cash, one price and the best goods to be found In the mar ket is their motto, and prices so low that it will pay yon to oome a long way to trsde with them. Do not fall to read their advertisement. THE Ladios Willing Workers Socie ty, connected with tho Unlversallst Church, will meet at the residenoe of Mrs. Bert Howe, on Thursday afternoon, April 28, at 1:30 sharp. General attendance Is earnestly re quested. MM. JOHN I. STOUT, President, Miss GRACE OWBX, Secretary. WE have decided to change our tales- day to Saturday of each week. All kinds of ready made garments brought out on approval without expense to persons ordering. These orders will be filled Saturday, April 30th. Our prices denote our advantages. Call, examine and you will be convinced of the bargains at the Ladies Salesroom. -- MRS. H. S, GREGORY. F THE only exclusive Grootry House in town is kept by B. Gilbert, Esq., on the West Sid?, where you can buy choice Family Groceries at prices as low as the lowest, or the Squire will deal out even handed Justice according to the Revised Statutes at legal rates. He has a lot of choioe white clover Honey on hand that cannot be ex celled. When in want of anything in the,Grocery line call at Gilbert's. /THE Libertyville Timet says that 'George Combs Is authorized to match the stallion Prairie King against any Lake or McHenry county horse for a trot on the Libertyville track for a purse of from one to flye hundred dollars." That is a good bluff to throw out when they know "George O." Is not at home jbut hold on to your #500, boys until be gets back and we predict you can have a lively turn and no sell ou AN exchange say#:--"Some fool has started the story that asthma can be cured by the patient swallowing shot and several people in consequence came near passing over to the "happy hunt ing ground" loaded for grouse, Swal lowing shot causes lead poison. The man who started tlie absurd story should bo compelled to swallow a bag or two, then have a horn of powder pour ed down bis throat, touch a match and wait for results. He would never. In all probability, bo troubled aga^i with MANY of ourfHttmbles are Imaginary, and to a large extent they are avoid able. We often apprehend things that never come to pass, and many things that do exist we magnify beyond meas ure. Very much of our palu of mind or anguish of. heart, arises irom our efforts to surpass others, and our desire to excite envy or surprise. If we were content with a humble yet comforta ble place in life, how honorable might bo our career! Noble deeds are not neoessarily great ones. An unimpor tant act may be excellent and praise worthy, If the motive that prompted it Is just and creditable.--Ex. CAPT. MTERS has been eanvasslng this village and vicinity for the en largement of Photographs, and has shown some ot tho finest specimens In Oil and Crayon we ever saw. He takes a common Photograph or Tintype aud will enlarge In to any size wanted, and guarantee satisfaction or no pay. And then again his prices are so low that they are within the reach of all. He took a large number 'of orders hero which he will deliver soon, which all should see and If you have any pictures that you wish enlarged and have not already (ton h,m foar order, do so at at JOSEPH COOK came all the way from Boston to discuss tho question "Does death end all." No, Joseph, it don't. Take the word of a oeuntry newspaper man. that if the fellow that dies ha* any money, death cannot keep him out of the courte. and they will hold him there for years, and show htm up as an Idiot or lunatic, years after the grim old skeleton thinks that he has got him.v IN the Chicago Horseman of April Slst, wo find the following: "Mr. P. V. Johnson, the well known driver, re turned from Marshall. Mich., last week, and Is quartered at Washington Park with the following horses: Bay geld ing Col. C. by Lexington Chief Jr„ record 2:40; bay stallion Nestor, 2:34}; by Allen Goldsmith; cheenut stallion George O. 3 SO, by Lakeland Abdailah; bay gelding Editor, 2:23J by Priuceps; bay mare Or phi a, 2:29}, by Aimont Rattler; brown gelding Dixie Y. by Dixie, and the chesaut stallion f tscla, by Aimont. In the above string are1 several whose records are ao Indica tion of their speed and we shall look for many surprises when the trotting commences. WE are In receipt of a letter from Mr. L. Galitrkl the eminent graduate optician from the Chicago Ophthalmic College, notifying us that ho will short ly pay us a professional visit. His reputation Is well known by hundreds of l^cHenry County people, who con sulted him during his many visits In Woodstock. It will bo good news to those who reside too far from Wood stock to have been able to call on him there. He has been In Woodstock al ready three times, and visits a town regularly every six months. While In Woodstock he has been consulted by McHenry .Richmond, Ring wood. Green wood and Harvard people, yet many were not able to avatt themselves of this opportunity, on account of which he has concluded to come here himself- He does no business outside o£ his ho tel and employs no agents. Tho exact date of bis arrival wi)l bo given In followlog: Fred Schorr, is building an addition to his house .Geo. Gage has repaired the fence in fjront of his residence and given it a cuat of paint, much improving its appearance. F; A. Hebard has built a new and tasty fence around bis promisee, opposite the Riverside House, which changes its appearance materlly, and is a fine Improvement.. John Bim, who built a house last season on the old Brick Yard grounds, south of F. A. Hebard's, Is graiing his lot. setting out fruit and ornamental trees, and making seme fine improvements generally T. J. Walsh Is treat* ing his residenoe to a new coat of paint on the outside Wm Stoffel has the masons at work build* Ing the foundation to his new house, on the site of the Brick Church. .7. 7T7 Extansive repairs are being made on tho parsonage of * the Catholic Church in this village W. A. Cristy will put a new and tasty fence In front of bis residenoe at onoe* ON Saturday, the 23d, the Boaft! of Highway Commissioners met on the ground, as per previous notice in fhe PLAINDEALER, to let tho contract to build the bridge across the creek or outlet near John Blake's, on the l|o Henry and Ringwood road. A number of bidders were present, but tho day was so cold It was agreed by the Commissioners and bidders to adjourn to the Council Room, McHenry village, at which place a spirited bidding took place, and John E. Ballard, of Half Day, Lake County, was awarded the job at #269. The said bridge to be built oo piles, one span, 34 feet long, 16 feet wideJsaid John I. Ballard to fur nish lumber, iron, bolts, plies and posts, and lumber for wings, and to tar, the whole to be snbject to the ac ceptance of the Board. The Board agrees to furnish the tar. Bids for hauling the grsvel for the approaches were received and Messrs. Blake A Tonlon were awarded the job nt W cents per yard for 300 yards, more or lets. The letting of the contract to build walls to the east approach to the Iron bridge, at McHenry. was also let to the lowest bidder, Theodore Myers, for the sum of $145, Mr. layers to haul the stone, lime and sand. The Board to furnish the lime. Bids were re ceived for hauling the gravel for grad ing said approach and was awarded to Messrs. Qulnn A Frisbee at 19 cents POffor 200 yards, more or IfSt* , BANDS. Woodstock, IlL, April«1, IBM. MR. EDITOR:--Tonr Ringwood cor respondent desires to know if some ar rangement cannot be made, whereby the twelve bands [as he states] san furnish music at the county fair this fall. He suggests a tournament, offer ing three or four prizes to all binds within the county. Now the fair man agement approve this most heartily. We cannot hire all the bands, and no one expects we can. Now will the leaders of all bands In tho county agree to this? If so, notify the secre tary at once. A. 8. WRIGHT, Sec. County papers please copy. ; f Potatoes for Sale* 200 Bushels Straight Burbanks, for Seed. 300 Bushels Fine Burbanks, for Table use. On sale Saturday of this week, and each day following until sold. JOHN EVANSON A Oo. We w|U offer special bargains in Dress Goods this and next week, (prices ranging fr m 6J cents up wards.) Csll and examine. _ J. EVANSON ds CO. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price in cash, will be paid for good milling Wheal at the rex River Valley Mills. Mo- Oanry, & BISHOP. Hebron LODG» MASONIC.--A F. ai Hall on every 1st •>f a of each month. Moon* WOODHMS Masonic Hall every M i r. Meet at Masonic ednesday even- AMaaioA.-Meot at dm Monday even> »r* cordially in- 8one or TmcranAWcn.--Meet at Union Ball on Tuesday evening of eaeh week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mrs. John Reynolds was ver} side for a few days of last week. Monger's factory dividend for the month of February was 91,SO per one hundred pounds of milk. Miss Ella Maoley spent s part of last week with friends In Harvard. Charlie Brown Is at home for a short time. He thinks of going to Michigan to Work for a firm there. Miss Olive Stevens hss her Millinery store at her old'quartere on Main St., next door to Kane's grocery. She has a fine stock of goods and customers will fnd her as accommodating as ever, Thoee who have garden vegetables several Inches above ground are In Janger of being obliged to replant. Arthur M. Bo we, from Winton. Iowa, has been visiting * few days with his many friends here. Col. Long, from Kentucky, lectured en temperance at the Church Sunday afternoon and evening, and organised a ledge of Good Templars. G. B. Stone Is making preparations for putting In a steam heater In his house. A man from Appleton, Wis., is to furnish it. There is strong talk also of making arrangements to heat the public school building by the same process, which would be a good Idea, and one well worthy of consideration, as steam heat la claimed and known to be the healthiest and best In all re spects. Although the weather was very un favorable on Friday evening, a good crowd attended the band concert, and judging frem the uproarous applauding thit was continually being given all were enjoying themselves. Mr. Frank MlUIs, from Honey Creek, was present by request, and of course brought down the house by the reuditlon of some of his Etbeoplan melodies, Nobodys Darling," as sung by little Sadie Hodge wss very effecting and when recalled, on her Immediate ap pearance In the character, as "The Little Newsboy," she was the admira tion of all. Other parts In general were well rendered. The raoelpts of the evening were 124,26. The Prize Temperance lecture be tween Rev. Steughton, of Chicago, and Granvll Bates, of Alden, will be held at the M. E. Church, In Hebroo.oo Friday and Saturday ever log of this " -- - > ALGONQUIN- EDITOR PLAINDEALSK:--At C. E. Chapell's auction sale ofc^a carload of -nrfleh cows, on ^Wedloeday trf last week, cows sold on an average of #89.22 per head. The bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. nak, moved loto'Gonquin and have commenced house keeptof la Mrs. Pan has' bouse on Main St. Mrs. J. H. Lund Is reported side with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Cbapell, of Chl- cago, are the guests of C. E. Cbapell. Miss Nellie Ayer, of Dundee, spent Sunday with friends here. Quarterly meeting servloea were held at the Free Methodist Churoh on Friday, Saturday and Sunday last. John Church, of Crystal Lake, was In town on Wednesday of last week. Comrades F. E. Cox and Wm. Bntler of Nunda, were In 'Gonquin fishing on Friday last. They oaught a very flne Sot of llsh--with a silver hook. Joe Adamek, of Cbicagd, spent Sun day here with his mother. Joe is ped dling milk for the Hanly Bros. Mrs. W. P. Benson has been very sick with the measles. Geo, Dodd, who has been qnlte slck for the past few days, If aot Ing very fast. , MRS. E. A, JATW.FC,;<^I Mrs. Elizabeth A. Tajus, wire of Geo. D. Jayne, died at her home at Oak Glen Mills on the afternoon of Tuesday, April iPtli, 1887. Mia. Jayne was bom la New York Joly Slst, 1848, and while atltt an In* fant came to Illinois In 1844, with her father's family, and has singe been al most constantly?a resident of McHenry oooaty. 7 MM married Mr. Geo. D. Jayne, June 4th. 188S, aad has been the mother of twelve ohlldren, of which eight are still living. During the past winter her health has rapidly failed, and she finally succumbed to a complication of diseasos. She'died peacefully sur* rounded by bee family and friends. She was buried ̂ Thursday, April list at Barrlngtea Centre. Mrs. Jayne was one of tt*ose whole- souled women whom It was a pleasure to know and esteem. An honest friend, a pleasant hostess, a good housekeep er, a faithful wife and a devoted and lovlng'mother. It was ever a pleassnt home where she ruled, and a plaoe which friends prized rer Its warm hos pital'ty. , Having a large family she was ever empioyed with domestic duties, and how well she discharged tbem, her family and friend< can all attest. She gave ber full life and service to ber bu-baud and children, and she made the world better aud brighter for her presence In It, and she has left her most enduring monument In the char acters of her children. She has gone to rest, but ttsey and her husband and friends remain to cherish her memory with the love and kindness It deserves Improv' SEED CORN FOR 8ALI^ r ^ Yellow dent and sweet corn. 98 per eent grow*; also Wyandott fowls. For prlcoa address, s # H. MERCHANT tf | Greenwood* HL ' *1. . .A *:?/: . •• ' ••"•J • > -.v.' - •" • .TlMi'tJ, Kichmond Department, COHTBIBVTBO BT "FLOSSIE." Maggie Hook is teaching at Solon. L. W. Howe baa a colored blacksmith. Some of the children are having pink-eye.? School reopened Monday in the op per room. A. J. Howe has been in Richmond hunting up old friends. Slle Harrison Is braking on Hamilton's tnin again. Jamea V. Aid rich was re-eleoted school trustee by a large majority. Henry Mead. McHenry, was greeting Rich mond friends Monday. What la to be done Deooratlon Day, and yon will lend a helping hand, won't yon? Miss Belle Fenner returnel from her Do Kalb vlait Saturday evening. Homer Hastings is working the Peacock ffcra--formerly the Dan strain place. Nell Miller and family have moved to Genoa Junction. Mr, Dickson has been very 111 for several days. The railroad snrt^ors were at Oapt, Ack. erman's part ot laifweek. One of Jacob Mason's children died last week. Oharlea M. Eldredgo has been whlltag away Mw days at home. Wm. Ward, the Doctor's aephew,Jt visiting In town. ..l; . . • Rev. Ohaa. Fraaier, of Elkhora, wss la town Monday. Beck's wife's father was burled here Saturday. They live in Chieago. Jim Leagett has moved Into tae house known as tho Baptist parsonage. Myrtle Thomas haa recovered from the measles and returned to school at Aurora. A great many monuments have been erect* ed In the cemetery within the past six months. Quite a number of our young folks attended the dance at "" Thorns' new house last Thursday night. Wright ft Motley are runntBK a bakery now and will surely build up a good trade, and they are deserving. George Pease has sold his form • up near iesse Alien's to Mr. Rttnour. Mr. and Mrs. Pease will move to Missouri where many of their relatives live. Mrs. Tim Fellows, an estimable lady of Genoa Junction, was among those who joined the "silent majority" within the past few days. Jobn Holtz, C. F. Hall's accommodating clerk, is at Storm Lake, Iowa, visiting his parents. Re has been gene more than tvo weeks and will remain ons or two more. Will Sherman has left the drug store and. ffene to Geneva Lake to work at the carpen. ter's trade snoneof J. V. Burton's buildings. Will's many friends will miss his pleasant phizabout town- It is many years since there has been ao mauy wild geese in these parte. Somo of the oldest settlers tell me that they do not re member to have ever seen more In the spring season. The ducks, though, haro been rather scarce, and there have been but a lew days of good hunting at the lakea. The cyclone monster has begun his work in earnest already, and no dark cloud appears that does not bring with It terror to the tim id. To me there4s-aemetbtng awfully grand about a cyclone, which surpasses by far the fear it m*y cause, and causes me to forget all but the magnificent power. This section has been singularly fortunate, so far, and may it so continue. How very cold it hat kept. Why the only cowslips I have seen-and I walked miles to get them--were blooming with hardly elbow room, on the sunny side of a pretty spring, and looked as IF they feared that the wind which came dancing adown the hill was going to pluck their very hearts out. Here and there a bright, warm slope is embroidered with tiny buttercu|S which appear like golden raindrops, but as yet April has been very reluctant about smiling her encourage ment to each and every little flower hid be neath last year's leaves. After all, though, there have been some flne days, and didn't we have glorious showers, too? I never re. member to bare seen a prettier fsunset; a gayer rainbow, or more gracefully receding storm than that of Friday evening. Yes, April waited long and passed, by several days the zenith of her time before she gave us a single shower, but when she did it was with about as much vigor as I started out with at the beginning of this. There will bo a differ, cnce in the terminus, though--she knew where to stop, but I do n ot. I have no rain! bow to top off with; your visionary mind will have to supply oiie. Tou have had a rest; so have I and the local page of the PLAINDKALBB. too. I only hope you have crowded one-ha If of life's joys into the past two weeks that I have. And do you know, my friends, that I wish that every one ef you could see this dear old world with the same eyes that I do? It never grows tiresome to me, and no matter what sorrow or misfortune might come, this beautiful coun try is always here and the very waves would seem to sing a sympathetic song. I pity you, yes. every one of you. who believe this la a bitter, gloomy life to live and that this Is a cruel little globe. I tie the people In it, my dear, but never mind them. There may be many of such, but there are so many more win are kind as kind can be There never is a bright, sunshiny day that I do net thank. God that I live; there never is a dark, dreary one, but what I am thankful, too, for it teaches me even m >re to appreciate when the clouds have rolled away. And it is so queer, isn't it? how much we do drift on through all tbese days which at last lengthen into years, and there are times I know, when one feels like having the oars lay idle, and let the boat drift where it will. There are some billows alwavs but the waves will rip ple them out of sight, and at the end, I hope, with all my heart, that we will land on a shore even fairor than this.--Good-bye for an other week. WHEAT WANTED. The Hi ;best Market price, In «ash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R- BiSiiQP. FOR SALE. One 2 ssated Buggte newly patoted, at a bargain to some one that wants such a rig. W. H. FORD. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price In'cash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R- BISHOP, • HORSE FOR SALS. For Bale one good work Horse ? years old. Good for either Farmer Road work. Is sound in every psrtlcu lar. For further information inquire of C. Stegmann, opposite the Public School building, McHenry. If yon are looking for a first elsss Carpet cheap, go to John B JUake's Fornituro Store. . • EDITOB PLAINDEAT»:-We wish to call the attention of Mn Gammissioners of Highways, Merchants, Millers and all business men tn McHenry, to the condition of the highway in the vlcio- Ity of Lily Lake, that lies io the county of McHenry. In a wet time that Jordan is a hard road to travel and is almost Impassible, through gross carlessnsss and indifference to the oomfert and welfare of the public, en your part. We that have patronized McHenry for a long time now Intend to touch your interest for the above cause, and will grade the road as slick as a ribbon from the McHenry ceuntf line east to Gray's Lake Station aad leave you alone in your glory; tnrn tho current of Fox River up stream, and the two mill-dam streams the same way and desert your village wholly, which will causa the grass to grow In yonr streets, and thereby you will be all badly down in the mouth and in sad aad mournful tones Inquire,' "Is there any help for the widows son?" But there will be none. Tou cannot change or evade the above fate except you send up men and teams, a keg of Besley's Best, and we oo Lakes county side will go down and heips grade said road In proper shape and all will be bright, smooth and. lovely again as of yore. and Summer Millinery. Mre, M. Sohumaohar. Has just returned frem tho city with a fine stock of Spring aad Summer Millinery, to which she Inyites the at tention of the Ladles of McHenrv and vicinity, confident that she can please you both in quality, stylo and price. Also the finest stock of Oriental Laces to be found la the county, very choice patterns. My goods are all of the latest styles to be found tn the market, and will bear the closest Inspection. The la dies are lavlted to oall. MRS. M. SCHBMACHBR. You should examine the bargains In Ladies Muslin Underwear. Also the Corset at 60 oonls, over at John Evanson A Co's. We receive new groceries every week. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. Transparent opaque window shades, latest designs and lowest prices; 40 cents to 11.15 at Bonslett A StoHel's. Crockery, Crockery; plain and deo orated. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. Curtain netting, lace curtains, poles, shade fixtures; best assortment In town at Bonslett & Stoflers. IGood plug or floe cut tobaooo, only 30 cents, at Bonslett A Stofiel's. New Dress Goods, Velvets, Vel veteens and Trimmings at Bonslett A Stoflers. Badger State overalls, jackets aad shirts at Bonslett A Stoflers. Racine trunks, ssohels. and haad- bags at Bonslett &StoffePs. New Wall Paper, Borders and Daporoiioas at fel's. CARPETS! CARPETS) From the cheapest hemp to 1st grade body Brussels, most stylish pattern. Will be matched aud sewed lor any room at lowest prices at Bonslett & Stoffel's. ' v Hats! Hats! New Styles, Lat est Colors at Bonslett & Stoff el's. New style Carriages at bottom figures at E. M, Owen A. Son's. All the latest styiesj.ln Straw Hats at Althofi Bros, Carpsts by Sample John B. Blske has now the finest line of Carpet Samples to be found In the county, and oao furnish you a Carpet from the cheapest to the best grade made, at prices ten per cent be low any otbar dealer in thlsseotleh. Call and see his samples and learn prices. LaCross, Cortland, Staver amLplx other makes of oarrlages a* 111 " Owen A Son's. WHEAT WANTED.' The Highest Market Price, In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat, at tbe Fox River Valley Ml Henry. [ills, Mc~ R. BISHOP. Just received, a full line ef Straw Hats at Althofi Bros, Keystone, Standard. Challengef Evans end John Duere Plantece at K. M. Oweo A Son's. Building paper cheap at M. Engeln^- Jars aud Jugs 9 cents per gallon at M. Engein. When in search of a good Hat ef any kind, go to Althofi Bros The finest SO cent tea In the market &t Althofi Bros. Keystone Pulverizers, 16 Inch, at E. M. Owen A Son's, for 928. Road Cart with a twenty-four foot spring at E. M. Owen A Son's. 5 bottle silver plated castor, 78 oents at M. Engeln's. Best Lumber Wagon In towa al E. M. Owen & Son'i. Smoking Tobaooo 19 oents per lb at M. Engeln's. Broadcast Seeders from fSO up to $40 at E. M. O »en A Son's. Examine Goods and learn prices at Bishop's. It will pay you. Clothing! Clothing! The finest line of Clothing, in Sin gle Garments or Full Suits to be found in the County, and at prices that can not fall to please, at Althofi Bros. The reliable Water town Bugles can always be found Bishop I www* bouse McHenry^ Twb seated Carriages at E, M, Owen A Son's, very low. Coil Spring Road Carts at E. M. Owen & Son's, that beats anything of tbe class ever Invented; and aprlnge warranted for five years. Call aad see tbem. Harass* W „•>m II *• 0W*B * Son's. , Easiness Hotter, at ty residences for enle, Anttr W. Smith, Woodstock, UL Harness OU 80 cents a gallon ai ]£-' EngeluHu Fancy Roller; Flour, S1.1S at X#v Engelo's. Gorham Seeders at E. M. Owen Jt Son's. The finest line of Blri Cages la J town, at John I. Story's. - v ^ Building Paper and Moth Proof Oar*. 'M pet Paper, at Jobn I. Story' 1(cH#nry. | Handkerchiefs, all styles aad at Althofi Bros. " e 'xiSMf Pulverizing Harrows with three* *% horse equalizers at E. M. Owea & W 8#n»- --V® ?*• ®° rham. Buckeye, Van Proysd Badger and WIUlasM at E. M. Owen A Son's. Just received a Car lead ef tho old '7$ Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at Jeha I. ^ J Story'a. -- ; If you want tbe best Milk Can ever & made, call oo John I. Story. He keeps * the only stock in town. ; T" Genuine Novelty aad Universal k i Clothes Wringer at bottom prlosis at " John I Story's. Beware of lmluuioas. | Call for the "Winning 8troke",aaew § Brand of five cent Cigars, manufacture m ad by Barblan Bros. It heats theus # -- -- * • ' Twenty per cent discount on all at Altfcoll Bros, ;4j The best and cheapest Carpets la tb.rn.rlt.', u J. B. Btak.'. Fur^M, ^ WOOD ROB IUI. * J Good Dry Wood for sale, by E. ; tf, Lawlus. opposite the Riverside Heuse^ ' WHEAT WANTED. ' *;:||| The Highest Market Prtoe ta oash. -Ill he paid for good milling wheat* 1 at the To* River Valley Mills, UaZ will he paid for good milling wheal at the Fox River Valley Mills, M< Henry. R. BISHOP. FOR SALS. Short Horn Bulls and Plyaaoath Bock Fowls. Call on or address, FRANK COLE, , Wa „ , Spring Grove, UL Emhiiteles, white aad oelored. Laces, Handkerchiefs, Ladles and Gents UnderWesr, a very oomplelt assortment at very moderate prices at John Evanson A Co's. Honey to Loan. Money loaned on MoHenry County farms on time and in amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply to ^ J. w. RAXSTXAO, „ Rooou 1 aad % Borden Block, Elgta ni, 99.6m CUCUMBER CONTRACTS. MOHBNRT, IIL, March 14th, MS7. ' T am new prepared to contract for tbe purchase or fOr salting pickles for tbe year 1887. All that wish to con~ traot In either way please call at my ofiloe. R. BISHOP. Houses and Lots For Stlt In Ringwood. I offer for Sale or Rent, two Houses and Lou, situated In the village o( . Ringwood. Also a building suitable^ rorSboe Shop, Harnsss Shop or ether business. For terms and ot%r partlo* ulars Inquire of M-sm, Waster LAMX. It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The "Garlasi.. Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that Is <best tn that line. They have the reputation of being the best made. Though Imitated by many they are equalled by none. For sajta la McHenry by John I. Story* • j ' Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Backs, and any thine in my line of bust* aess. Work done on short notioe is order. Shop one door South of Law# lus' Store, F. •. HEBAHK MoHearr, An* 10,188S. li-4-ly KLA, Lake Oo., III., Jan. to, 18S% 0. DicanrsoH * Sov--Barrtngtoa, UL Gentlemen:--I had two horses cat with barb wire fence very had, and applied Dickinson's Russian Lluiment ana It caused a speedy core. I also as# It In my family, aad I can say that IK Is the best lialment I ever used. JOHW ROBKRVSOB. For sale by all druggists. tif "f-4 : .< ."it St Bueklen'a Arnica Islva The best Salvo In the world for onts . bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbonm, fSver :^% sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, " i oorns. and all skin eruptions, and pes* j] tlvely oures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis- ' > ^ faction, or money refunded. Price 29 t oents per box. For sale byi Colby, . Braee Up* Ten are feeling depressed, your appetite Is poor, you are bothered with headache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of serts| and want to brace up. Brace up, bat ; not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, wbish nave for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and whlott - stimulate vou for an hour, and tbe it leave you in worse condition than be* > fore. What you want Is an alternative thai will purify your blood, start ^ healthy action of Liver and Kidneys* restore your vitality, and give re-* ; newed health and strength. Soch a, medialne you will find in Eleotrlft B i t t e r s , a n d o n l y 6 0 e e n t s a b o t t l e a t - Henry Colby's Drug Store. NURSERY. STOCK. ^ • Now is your time to get good nnr-> sery stock cheaper than ever, as I In* tend clearing a part of my ground an# am bound to sell at some priee. Coma with your team and big warn andt load up with soft maple, hara maple, box elder, white asb. white elm, Ca-* tslpa, (speclosa) or black wahrat of all sizes and prices that will salt. Aloe have a good lino of evergreens, apples, cherrys, grape vines, etc^ that 1 will sell cheap for cash. Come early an<| take your pick. John V. Buoklaadi Proprietor, Ringwood, McHenry Onu Illinois. «-4w Their Buelnaaa Booming. Probably no one thing has eaate<|• such a general revival of business nt Heury Colby's drug store ss their glv* : ing away to their custossers of so maa*. . ; trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dla* ^ covery for consumption. Their toads is simply eaormovs In this very hie article, frem tbe fart that ttalway^ cures aad never disappoints. CoqghaJ oolds, asthma, broochltls.eroua, and att throat and lung diseases quickly cwrr Tou oan teetit before buying by m. ting a trial bottle free, lais* itaa Byery bottle warcaatsd. ,