Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1887, p. 5

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rarfpshtakf. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1887. ??. ftailroad Time Table. On and after Monday, June J 1,1 Trains will pass McHenry .Station &s below: ' OOINO SOUTH. L>k( Geneva Passenger 7:S8 i, V Lake Geneva Express ........~..S:35 " Lake Geneva Freight........... «:»>. M Lake Geneva Passenger............ ..S:SS " OOIV9 NOSta. Lake Geneva Freight .....s-ll a. n Lake Seneva Passenger 10:«T " Lake Geneva Express-- 4:59F. M Lake Geneva Passensrer 8:57 ** * Stou only to leave Pasaengera. *• B. Bess, Agent. McHeurv, 111 MASONIC. •MCHEJTBT LODGE, Nal56 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Ooamunieations the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. STORT, |W. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors corlially invited- LOOK out for the new advertisement of Bonslett A Stofiel next week. Do not fall to read the large adver­ tisement of He or j Colby, to ba, found oiTour supplement. Go and see the huge Wbale at Burr Bobbins' Show, which exhibits in this village on the 13th. Don't forget the date,;,... THERE have been seven Saloon Licenses taken out in this village so tar, viz: three on the West side, two In the water and two at the east end of town. Miss JULIA STORY bad the mlsror- tuna to lose her gold Watch on Friday last, and the good fortune to have It returned to her a day or two after, by Ed Warner, who found it. REMEMBER, Burr Bobbins Great Railroad Circus and Menagerie will exhibit in this village on Friday of next week, May 13th.' See the mam­ moth bill boards. t . TEE Inter Ocean says that "a town or a oour.ty don't often have much of a "boom" when the citizens of the lo­ cality are asleep or too modest to talk about It when awake." : -a.' Jos. Fox, an old and well known citizen of Lake County, died at lit - residence, near Halnesvilie, on Friday morning last. His funeral was held on Sunday atid was attended by a large Concourse ot relatives and friends. . J! » ALL members of Star Lodge, No. 64, Independent Order of Good Tempi ire, are earnestly requested to be present at our next session (to-morrow even Ing), as business of importance will be transacted. 7:45 sharp. SEC. WANTED, in America; more hens. If wa would keep our money at home we must stop the everlasting drain for ban berries. Our people imported ten millloa dozens ot eggs during the eight months ending April 1st. MABBIEI*.---At the residence of the bride,April 17 1887. by Rev. Edwin Brown, Mr. H. H. Davis, ot Wasioja, Minn„ to Miss May Bussel, of Allen township, Dakota. Miss Russell is a nleoe of Mr. and Mrs J. Van Slyke. AN agricultural exchange asks "bow to make hogs pay?" This is a hard question to answer. The best way to avoid the difficulty Is not to sell a hog anytblag unless |be| pays for it In ad­ vance.-- Ex. ALL the boys are happy and anxious­ ly waiting for Burr Bobbins, who will exhibit hls-mammoth Circus and Me­ nagerie in this village on the 13th. ' Bead his big advertisement In another column. DB. WILLIAMS, Dentist. will visit McHenry, May 10th, and then for the next %wo months bis appointments here will bo filled by his partner, while he will go on a visit to his family in Nebraska. Remember his next dale. Tuesday, May 10th, A LATELY discovered, but extremely simple use of camphor is appreciated in the household. If the varnish on wood work Is changed In spots to white from cologne or bay rum, or from heated dishes, it can be changed back by rubbing the, spot with a cloth wet in camphor. ^ WiiMia PERSONAL. EARL WIGHTMAN, of Cbenoa, made a flying visit here ooe day last week. •MISS MAY WIGHTMA* IS visiting with friends at Palatine, 111. MRS. DODOE, of Maplewood, III.. was visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Muasoa, last week. JOHN D. NISH. Mail Agent between Lake Geneva and Elgin, was on our Streets on Friday. Miss HADDOCK, of Chicago, Is the guest of Mr. and Mia. E. B. Perkins, In this village. PAUL BROWN, of Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents In this village. MRS. JOHN I. STORY and daughters, School RAPORFE Miss Hattie and Edna, are visiting CUHA. with friends in Waukegan this week. afefr . .941 Archilt&fefedira.... «u • fpeisunat proppriy miu neteu ciasnco, CHAS. OWEN, who is with Patterson The lowest class in each division in- Bros. & Co., at the Union Stock Yards, eludes property under $5,000. The Chicago, spent Sunday in this village. !r®te of taxation is 1 per 1,000. Estates that belong to the second class are taxed l£ ner JLQOtL and. those belongipg HAPRTNTAO la at tlie Black Stalih and Wagea Shop of P. Hauperisch one day last weak we wsre |safpriaed at the amount of htfslness going oa there. He has hlr store room full of Buggies, Farm and Milk Wagons, besides a large number In process of construction, and being finished in both the Work and Paint shop, Mr. Hauperisch has a wood-workman who has no superior, and all work turned out of bis shop Is warranted first class. Be is prepared to# build anything in the Buggy or Wagon line to order, at as cheap rates as good work can be Obtained anywhere. It would pay you to call and look over his slock now on hand. MRS. A. H. HANLY had the mlsfor- tnne to fall down stairs one day last week and sustained quite severe in­ juries. At last accounts she was get­ ting along as well as could be expect­ ed. TAYLOR BROS., of Hebron, made the PLAINDEALER a call on Saturday last, and compared birth-marks, war-marks and remarks generally on the condi­ tion of matters and things in general* and arranged for a more general swap­ ping o* lies at a future date. HENRY COLBY, of this village. has just received a consignment of Tea direct from Yokohama, Japan, the first and only consignment direct ever received at this Station, This Tea fs called the "Mar Flower," Is the first picking, Is put up In the Patent Per­ fection Tea Can, and Is certainly the finest article of Tea ever brought on on this market. Tea Drinkers should not fall to go to Colby's and try this superior art'e'e of Tea. ' THE Executive Committee of the Old Settlers Association will meet at the Riverside House, in this village, to-morrow, Thursday, at 1 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of fixing the place for the next meeting. If the citizens of McHenry desire It here this year they must signify their intention to subscribe sufficient funds to meet the necessary expenses. The sum will be small for each one Interested, but is ^needed just the samo. Strawberry and Ice Cream fes­ tival, at Riverside Hall on Friday evening last was a success both finan­ cially and otherwise. The ladies left nothing undone to please the large crowd In attendance, there being strawberries and cream in abundance, and all went home well pleased with the eventng's entertainment. The silk quilt wa9 drawn for and Mrs. Wm. Morton, of Algonquin, held the lucky number. : & , - ' , WE have to congratulate Mr. Henry Colby our enterprising townsman, on the delicious brand of uncolored Japan tea which he has recently put upon the market. Its name is the "Mayflower," and Its delicate aroma and fragrance are suggestive of the sunny uplands and fresh springtime of the morning land which crave it origin 8. L. MORRISON has opened a new Faint Shop, over Hauperisch Wagon Shop, In this village, and Is now pre­ pared to do all kinds of work in the Una of House. Sign and Ornamental Painting, Decorating, Carriage Paint Ing, etc. He it said to be a first class workman, and persons entrusting their work to him will bo guaranteed goad work and promptly doae. AT the Ladies Salesrooms can be found all kinds of Ladies furnishing goods, calicos, ginghams, seersuckers, zephyr, ginghams, best yard-wide lawns, kid gloves I6cts. Calico, ging­ ham and white dresses from 35c to #5. Confirmation dresses, wreaths and gloves at greatly below first cost. Call for orders on Saturday at Mrs. H. Ifc Gregory's. seventeen-year locus,^or cicada were here In great numbers In 1871, and will be due here again next year. Parties have reported finding the grub while digging in their gardens this sprl ig. Possibly some may have been found, or they may have found the June bug, as they are quite simitar In appearaace. But the regular 17- year locust Is aot due until 1888.-- Marengo Republican. Two seated carriage low at E, M. .. ... . * THE Empire News Co., of Syracuse New York, is a swindling institution and the parties are under arrest for using the U. S. malls for .swindling purpose. So a party of this city learnt who wrote to the Syracuse postmaster for information of the firm, he having sent money to tbem for music, and re­ ceived nothing in retura. It Is quite singular that a swindle should be con nected with a book or muslo business. Such a thing was never beard of be­ fore.-- Belvidere Standard. THB Texas Siftinga man thinks that newspaper men should not feel humili­ ated by the withdrawal of passes. He says "it Is no disgraoe to walk. We read in the bible that Enoch walked with God 300 years." He neglects to tell us, however, whether Enoch had ever had a pass In the days of his youth, and had it ruthlessly tern from his hands by the action of the Inter State Commeroe law. And, then, perhaps, broad-soled, low heeled shoes were cheap in those days, OUB readers will see by reference to our advertising columns that Prof. DeLllle and Company will appear at Riverside Hall to-morrow and Frtday night In their famous entertainment entitled "A Night of Mystery," or 'Fooling with the Spirits," introduc­ ing all the spiritual phenomena Includ­ ing spirit form, spirit faces, spirit hands, spirit voices, spirit music, etc. Also magic, ventriloquism, the illusion of the half lady and many other fea­ tures. Prices are 15 and 25 cents and a treat may be expected. THE Ringwood Cemetery Aid So­ ciety will give an entertainment Fri­ day eyening, May 6tb, at the Congre­ gational church, In Ringwood, which; will consist of a lecture by Rev. B Brunning, entitled, "Serious and Com­ ic Blunders in Common Life," decla­ mations by our best talent, clarionet and cornet duet by Julius Smith and Carl Fay, singing by the choir, and also the band will render 6ome of their best pieces. As this is for a good cause we hope all will be present. Admission ten cents. Children, five cents.' BY OBDER or COM. AMONG the Improvements ta an- ource this week are the following, on. George Gage Js treating his esidence to a coat of Paint on the utside George Rothermel has en painting bis houso on the outside a no at and tasty color ..The frame of Wm. Stoflel's bouse Is up and the work of completion is going on rapidly Henry McOmber Is building a new fence In front of his residence Locke, the Baker, has his new oven completed and wllLmovs into his new quarters at once Albert Colby Is painting his residence on the outside. mny^wer** Tea Is Invigorating. " » M refreshing. M *» .» fragrant. •• •' " pure. - " M Imported direct from Japan by Henry Colby. Planters at E. M. Owen A Son--Key­ stone, Standard, Evans, Deere and GkaUaA&a* Maud Oolby Nina Wells Florence 8e»rles....90 EfBe Kennedy .9# Frank Mead 90 Delta Welch. 89 Nellie Hill... .W....88 Ohas. Nonlquist SB Alva Mead 88 Guy Clemens .88 James Perry 87 Maggie Bonslett. Ralph CI cuss c. ..92 93 LODGE DIBlSOTORT. MASOWKL--A. r. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and M Wednesday even its'i of each month. Moon** WOODMBN OP AMKBTOA.--Meet at Maaonie Hall every M and 4th Monday even, ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in vited. SONS or TBWPBRAIICB.--Meet at Unlon*Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. Katie Laughlin.... 84 Geo. Gilbert.... ....84 Thos. Walsh 84 Alohso Bishop. .....8* Frank Smith 8S Newton Gilbert.....S3 Willie r.anphere ...82 Kate Henry ...81 Joeie Wheeler 81 Delbert Ford HI John Bonsiett 79 , Katie Knox ..74 Ralph Childe 85 [ John Fay ....70 The above is the average steading of tbe pupils in the high room for the month ending April 29th, 1887. F. R. JACKUAN, Prln. "HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DOR." Wanconda, May % 1887. EDITOB PLAINDEALEB:--I wish a small space in your paper to ask a few questions in regard to a matter that is or ought to be, of interest to every tax-payer In the ta vn. It Is a well known fact that the town of Wauconda has oae road commis­ sioner, in the person of John Hogan, who has labored diligently for tbe good of the town In all matters per- talnlag to bis (office, and through bis efiorts, more than any other one man. are we lnd< bted for tbe best roads to be found In this section. And JIIOW what we want to know, and we have heard the question asked many times of late, why has not tbe Treasurer ot said Road Commissioners published bis Annual Report, as is required by law, so that all may know how their money has been spent? The penalty for a neglect of this duty is heavy, and the treasurer of said commissioners will do weil to bear In mind that the tax payers will Insist that he does bis whole duty. We await developments but remember "there's a chile amang ye takin' notes and faith he'll print 'AP** A FRIEND OF JPSTIOB. Matrimonial On April 20tb, occurred tbe marriage Miss Maria Walsh, a well known young lady of this plsce, and Mr Thomas Muldoon, of Sheffield, Ind, Rev, P. M. O Nell officiating. Miss Mary Walsh, cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Joha Walibj jlde's brother,as groomsman. ^ / ^fter the ceremony, the bride rnf'd with many of their friers of a bountiful repast given kt e's parents. At 3:30 p'olock brldi and groom left this /tillage to spend aNfew days la Chicago. Among trn many presents/we note tbe following: Set of dlsbbs, knives and rorks, brido's parents; 100 in gold, bride'* brother John ; set q# china dish­ es and 910 gold (iecn. bride's brother James; two tablecloths, bride's broth­ er, Michael; set of goblets, bride's sis­ ter, Maggie - manual,of social and bus­ iness forms, groom's brother, Frank; photograph album, X groom's sister, Slaggie; pair of pilioanTand cases, Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, rox Lake; one dozen tea spoons and pair of towels, Mary Walsh; one table spread and hand-painted tabie scarf, Nellie Walsh; bed spread, Tina Wai«h; pair of tow­ els, John Walsh; *piatch stand, Daniel Walsh; table spread, James Walsb; Ealr of pillows, Mr. and Mrs.-I). Walsh, ake Villa; lamp, Mr. and- Mrs. M. Walsh; oil painted plotu^e, John Walsh; bangigfg lamp, Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox; butler knife. Mist, Mamie Knox; sauce stand. Mrs. M. Bourke; three pair of Turkish towels, Mrs. Wright; to Hot set, Mr. and Mrs* G. Besley; mirror, Mr. and Mrs, white; comb case. Miss Mamie White: hand mirror. Miss Hattie Mead;oil painting Mr. Chas. Beynalls; pair or towels, Miss Annie Siavln; one dozen napkins. Miss Anna McMahon; picture and Uble oloth. Mr. and Mrs, Beyle; bed spntad. Miss Maggie Boyle; set of silver toa- spooes. Mr. John Boyle; set of table and; tea spoons, Johnnie and Katie Keafe; set of silver fruit kalves, Mr. aqfl Mrs. James Sutton; rocking chair. r, and Mrs. J as. Comlsky. r. and Mrs. Muldoon will remove o their jow heme in Sheffield before he 1st of Mayj accompanied by tbe kind wishes and blesslags of their irlendsj Hoping they may enjoy long uTe and happines*, COM. * SCALED PROPOSALS. Will be received by the uaderslgned, Tillage Clerk of the Village or Mo- Henry, until Monday, May 30tb, at IS o'clock M., for the Cleaning, Lighting and Extinguishing of the Street Lamps in said village, from June 1st ta November 1st, 1887. Bids to be at so much per month. The Committee re- *°T Village Clerk, The Metropolitan is the Boss eirpet sweeper, and no housewire should buy one before seeing It. It is cheaper and better than all others. For sale by John I. Story^ Potatoes for Sale- 900 Bushels Straight Burbanks, for Seed. t 300 Bushels Fine Burbanka, far Table use. On sale Saturday of this week, and each day following until sold. JOHN EVANSON A Co. We will offer special bargains in Dross Goods this and naxt week, {prices ranging fr m 6} oents up­ wards.) Call and examine. J. EVANSON A Co. WHEAT WANTSD. Tho Highest Market Prloe ta cash, will be paid for goad milling Wheal at the Tex River Valley Mills. Mc- EDITOB PLAINDEALEB:--Mrs. Wood­ bury. who Las suffered so long with rheumatism. Is very low. Mr. Monger paid his patrons 91.20 per one hundred pounds of milk for tbe month of February. Instead of 91,60, as the oomposltor made us say last week. The citizens Of Hebron and all Inter* ested, are requested to meet at Bowe's Hall on May 7tb. for the purpose of making necessary arrangemnts to appropriately obeerve Decoration Day. By order of the G. A. B. ^oomrai ttee Let al! attend. The competitive lecturers failed to appear again on Friday and Saturday evenings, and many were disappointed for tbe seooad time. Perhaps IT the announcement is made just once more tbe tables may be turned and tbe Lecturers be tbe disappointed parties Instead of the people, for they m^y find to their surprise an audience of empty benches. Grandpa Street hea been quite siok for several days. Mrs. Slater has been dectoring htm. Tbe time has come when something should be done In isgard to the eon* dltlon of tbe Cemetery. All are cog­ nizant of tb« fsot that there is a kind of spreading mose that already covers a Urge portion of the ground and If not destroyed will soon entirely do so. It would be a good plan to bring the •ubfect before the meeting and pro­ pose some plaa for the destruction of this obnoxious weed. It is a nuisance to say the least. John Stewart. met with a painful aooldeat on day last week. While driving a span of colts that he was breaking they became unman- ageble and being perched on a high seat be was thrown from the wagon and one limb broken below the knee. Dr. Herrlck was called and set| the brokeajbones and Mr.Stewart is doing as well as could be expected under tbe circumstances, as his natural ambition and the busy season of the year will be tbe cause of much anxiety combined with the paid. Also the day previous a similar accident occured to Johnnie Muldoon, who works for Henry Paxen. The team be was driving became frightened and ran off a bridge, break­ ing his limb above the knee. Dr. Cook from Woodstock attended him. ALGONQUIN. EDITOB PLAINDEALEB:--Mrs. J, D. Fergusou, Jr. of Aurora,Neb., with tier little son, Malcolm, was a pleasant ca Her on friends In Gonquln last week. Mrs. F. looks well and happy. , C. E. Chapell started, ror the aorth M Friday of l§t*„ J^iek. In seaich of a earioad of (cows. w . E. A. Ford was in Chicago Monday last. Miss Nellie Wandrack, af Elgin, spent Sunday here with friends. Miss Helen Julian, of Elgin, vlslied with her brother Wiia. Julian's family, over Sunday. Mrs W. P. Benson, who has been quite; ill with tbe measles, Is BOW much better. Johnnie Nicholas, who has been In tbe employ of J. Helm, as tinner, for tbe past six years, took bis departure for Cbloago on Monday morning of this week, to seek work in the elty. We are informed that Mr. Douglass, of Chicago, will preach at tbe Congre­ gational Church en Sunday next, May 8tb. ». Anthony Dwork's little son died on Friday last. The remains were burled en Sunday. Mr. D. has been very un­ fortunate the past few months, In mere ways than one. Quite a number o|fiir young folks attended the danoa,>tt Nunda last week. The Ladlos Sewing Society of the Congregational Church will meet at Mrs. Julian's. Wednesday, May lltb. Mrs. William Morton was the happy recipient of tbe beautiful orazy quilt made bjr tbe ladles of the Universalis! church of McHenry. Tbe quilt con­ taining artlatioal work In many beauti­ ful designs, Is highly valued by Mrs. Morton, and tbe ladies of Algonquin are proud tba| ooe of their aumber held the luck# ticket. Wii <mm BEGISTEBED HOLSTEIN BULL The undersigned has for sale a fine three-years old Registered Holsteln Bull. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. fi , J. W. GALB, Im Volo, 111. Oh Say! We are showing an elegant line ef White and Ecrti Robe Patterns, all prices. Also wide embroidered Skirt- logs and Flounclngs. L a r g e s t ^ f - Stock of Persian and Black Cashmere Shawls In towu. Prices very low * Doit*! - > Fait loie®' our da# agroftfmeiit of Silk Gloves aad Mits^ black and colors. Also Ladles Ties, something new at Perry St Owen's. r L / 'ir / f' Remember^. We are selling Ladies and Gents Fine Shoes cheaper than any of tbem Our Shoes wear the best and are noted for fine fit. We have some special drives In Sboes. _ PSMtY A OWEI. sy MI lis. MO* uorset at ou t KMMffff!i Imfntty 1r^' Head quarter* For Wall Paper and Borders, Car­ pets aad Curtains at Perry * Owen's. Yea should examine tbe bargains in Ladles Muslin Underwear. Also tbe Oorset, at 50 cents, ever at John OOHTB1BBTBD BV "FLOSSIE. Some of enr farmers are planting corn. Will Welch was up from Elgla one •lay last week. May Fuller has returned to Chlpago to attend school. Mr. Myers, of Cbloago, spent Saa- day at his'Twin Lake residence. Drl S. R. Ward and family have meved to Chicago. Jack Stllwel! has been numbered among tbe sick. The children were trotting ari»nnd with May baskets Saturday night. Did some one say that there was go- log to be a dance at the rink? Mrs. Wayne Hildritb. of Wlnthrop, Iowa, Is visiting at Mrs. A. A. Sher­ mans. Miss Lute Turner has returned from New York and la much improved In health. H. M. Prime will move Into the Gillespie bnilding and keep a restau­ rant;-^. Dan Denlson's team ran away this evening but we do not know whether any damage was done or net. How much wiod we have had! Why all day Monday was a young cyclone that ilmo3t blew one's eyebrows off. Holdeo Gillespie's friends awoke and fonnd htm missing Sunday morn­ ing. *Tls said that he wl!l live In Chi­ cago. Nettle Fisher has oome home to spend the summer. Her stay in un­ healthy Chicago has almost stolen tbe rose* from her cheeks. Miss Nellie McLaughlin, whose home was once In our village, was married at Lake Geneva one day last week to a Mr. Aye'rs, of Chas. Gossage A Co., Chicago. Tbey will reside in tiiat city. Mr. Dickson, tbe California gentle* man to whom Mrs. James Bacon was married a couple of months ago, died in this village Thursday morning af­ ter a severe Illness of several days, aged 63 years. The funeral was held Friday, and was largely attended, The remains were interre d in the Richmond cemetery. Mrs. Dickson's many friends sympathize with ber In her sorrow. While Misses Mary and Kate Hurley were out riding last Sunday, they met with quite an accident. An unruly colt, driven by John Kull, became un­ manageable and literally plunged Into rjie girls' buggy, which was ahead of him with the top down.* Kate, with much presence ot mind, jumped out and siezed her horse's bit, but before Mary could escape, the carriage was overturned, and tbe horse had struck oer on the head and injured her quite severely. The carriage Wal consider* ably broken. Bichmond has bad a sensatloa. A black-eyed little boy. a few days eld, was foued on ;Mr. Harm Cole's door­ step last I'hursday evening, about ten o'clock, and he and his tiny pasteboard box may have fallen from tbe sky. for all Richmendltes know to the contrary. The little stranger was taken in and kindly cared for and the following day Lauren Ford's wife took him to her home and will probably adopt blm. Richmond may have many metropol­ itan aire, but I am quite surs we have uo Intention or desire to erect a found­ ling's home. I want to tell you bow little 1 feel like writing to day and how eyen new f f m grinding my heels Into tbe car^ pet and my pen Into this paper In my wild endeavor to think of everything at once, aud reach the place where I wave you good bye with a great ink blot. Because this is the very first day of bonny May. and there Is float­ ing between my eyes and tbe desk a picture of flower decked hillsides that rise gently from a gleefully dancing lake. I kuow that these summer breezes have awakened many a snowy blossom; that May's first breath has coaxed tbem high aboye Mother Earth's bosom, aad I long to be away to where the first violet will surely appear. Some days It Is so easy to sit here aud write to my PLAINDEALEB friends that I am sorry to close. This, is net ?one of those days. Who oould blame me. though, on such a morning as this? Tbe sun Is sending bis bright* est rays through the wavy clouds, and the birds are sweetly singing tbelr early songs, as I make to you my very best bow and waft you a week's fare­ well. WHEAT WANTED. The Hi ;best Market prioe, in oash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at tbe Fox Biver Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. , R. BISHOP. FOR SALE. One S seated Buggie newly painted, at a bargain to some one that wants uch a jig. W. H. FORD. WHEAT WANTELI. The Highest Market Price In cash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox Biver Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. B. BISHOP. HOR9E FOR SALE. For sale one good work Hons 7 years old. Good for either Farmer Road work. Is sound In every particu­ lar. For further Information inquire of C. Stegmann, opposite the Public School building, McHenry. If you are looking for a first elsss Carpet cheap, go to John B Blake's Furniture Store. Milk and Lumber Wagons at K. M. Owen & Son's at lowest prices. Harness Son's. very low at K, M. Qwen A Spring and SHRSMT DMstry. Mra. M. Sohumaohar. Has just returned from the city with a fine stock of Spring aad Summer Millinery, to which she Invites tbe at­ tention of the Ladles of McHenrv and vicinity, confident that she can please you both In quality, style and price. Also the finest stock of Oriental Laces to be fouod In tbe county, very choice patterns. My goods are all of the latest styles to be found in the market, and will bear the closest inspection. The la* dies are lavlted to call. MRS. M. SCHBMACHBB. B0 N S LETT & ST0FFEL, Special Orlvaa! 100 lbs. flee fat Figs, ta 12 lb. boxes, only 7 cents per pound. 500 pounds choice cooking, or Valen­ cia Raisins, only 7 cent per pound. 500 pounds No. 1, strictly whole aad clean Rice, only 5 cents per pound. Good Oil 11 cents.--2 good 2 hoop Palls for 25 oents. Good finn cut and plag Tebacoo, only 25 cents per pound. Choioe Smoking Tobaooo only 90 cents per pound. Good warranted Flour, enly 91,01. Hanly's, 91.10. Yellow dent Seed Corn, 91.2*. Tim­ othy Seed, 92,25. Alfalfa, Sweedlsb, and Imported White Clover Seed. We sell a nice Summer Cap tor 5 cents, all sizes. We have seme bargains ti ^ail Paper and Borders. : Do not fall to see our Wladow Shades, Curtain Poles and Sarlmb Cloth, Be sure to call on us for aay Goods of merit you need. » -rT-"*: Yours, BONSLETT FT STOWEL. CORN FOB SALE, Yellow dent and sweet corn. 88 per oeat grows;sjjie Wyandett fowls. For prices addrass, C. H. MERCHANT W Greenwood, 111. New style Carriages at bettem figures at E. M, Owen a Soa% All tbe latest stylesj,ln Straw Hats at Althofi Bros, Carpata by Sample John B. Blake has now the finest line of Carpet Samples to be found In the county, and can furnish you a Carpet from the cheapest to the best grade made, at prlces ten per cent be­ low any other dealer In tbls section. Call and see his samples and learn prices. LsCross, Cortland, Staver and six ether makes of oarrlages at S. M. Owen A Son's. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price, In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat, at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Uenry. B. BISHOP. Just received, a full line of Straw Hats at Althoff Bros, Keystone, Standard, Challenge^ Evans aad John Duere Planters at E. M. Owen & Son's. Building paper oheap at M. Engeln^. Jars and Jugs 9 oents, par gallen at M.Engeln. When In search of a good Hat af any kind, go to Althod Bros. The finest 50 cent tea In the market at Althoff Bros, Keystone Pulverizers, 16 Inch, at E. M. Owen & Sen's, for 928. Road Cart with a twenty-four foot spring at E. M. Owen ft Son's. 5 bottle silver plated castor, 75 oents at M. Engeln's. Best Lumber Wagon in town at E. M. Owen ft Sen's. Smoking Tobacco 19 oents per lb at M. Engeln's. Broadcast Seeders from 989 ap to 940 at E. M. Owen ft Son's. Examine Goods and learn prlaaaat Bishop's. It will pay you. Clothing! Clothing! The flaest line of Clothing, in Sly gle Garments or Full Suits to be foond In the County, and at prices thst.Can- not fall to please, at Althoff Bros I Tbe reliable Watertown Buggies can always be fouod at Bishop's Ware* house McHenry. Two seated Carriages at E, M» Owen ft Son's, vsry low. Stand Straight. Men's, womeu's, and children's braces. No more round shoulders. No more fiat breasts. A perfect skirt supporter. Sold by E. Lawlus, Taller, McHenry, 111. Call at E. M. Owen ft Sou and look over their oarrlages and combined wagons of the celebrated Cortland, LaCrosse. Wallace, Henny, Enterprise, and a number of other makes. All warranted for three years and at bot­ tom prices. Would You Ballava It? That we are authorized by the pro* prietorof Kemp's Sarsaparilla to re­ fund the niouey to any one who has taken three-fourths of a bottle with­ out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the confidence In his medicine to do this. It is for en­ riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up the system. Prloe 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLET. To-Night and To-Morrow Night. And each day and Bight during this week, you can find at Geo. W. Besiey's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac­ knowledged to be the most successful treatment yet introduced for the cure of piles. Old suflerers from this di­ stressing complaint are at ©nee re­ lieved aad in a short time a permane it eyre established. Check the disease in time by using the "most effective remedy. Price 50c. Send address for jMunphlet on piles. Box 295,.Le Roy OABT STATIOK, IIL, March Sd, 1SSS. O. PICKTKSOK A Son--Barrlngtan, IIL Gentlentem--l had a cow that did not clean for three xdays after calving, and I procured a bottle of your cow Prescription and gave it according to the directions, and the cow was all right In less than thirty-six haurs af­ ter giving, and has done first rate since. AUGUST ABPS. For sale bf til druggist*. •P" City restdeaces for sale. __ Asa w. Smith, Woodstock, HL Haraess OU 69 cents a gallon at Engeln's. Fancy Belief Flour, 9L.1V at Engeln's. Gorham Seeders at K. X. Owen ft Son's. The finest line of Bird Cages far tows, at John I. Story*e. Building Paper and Moth Proof Car­ pet Paper, at John L Story' McHenry. j Handkerchiefs, allatyles aad pttnaa^ at Althofi Bros. Pulverizing Harrows with three* horse equallsera nt E. M. Owes ft Son's. Sho: . Rook Fowls, 32*3m Gorham. Buckeye, Van Brant, IJI» proved Badger and Williams Seeders at E. M. Owen ft Son's. Just received a Car load ef the olA Bailable Lyman Barb Wire, at Jeha |L ^ Story's. , .' If you waat tbe best Milk Oaa evwr made, call on John I. Story. Be heap* tbe only stock in town. THB Genuine Novelty aad Universal Clothee Wringer at bottom prtoea at John I Story's. Beware of Imliattaaa. ----_ > - - -i Call for the "Winning 8troke",aaew | Brand of Ave cant Cigars, manafaetar» edbyBarblan Broe. It bents tlmm aU. 1 £ Twenty per eeat disoount aa all winter goods for the next thirty daye at Althofi Broe, ^ The best and cheapest Carpets la the market, at J. B. Blake's Furaitura ^ Store. _______ . ; WOOD FOB SALE. Good Dry Wood for sale, by K. Lawlus. opposite the Riverside H»M0»'.vJ ' ' WHEAT WANTED. «ia Highest Market Price fa etth, will be paid for good mlUiag wheat, at the Fox River Vally Mllls,">lo- . Henry. B« BISBOt^. ,>.. - FOB SALE. i Bulls aad ' -l#aM»ntil'V#S Call en or addim» FRANK COLL, Spring Grave, 111. Embroideries, white and colored, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Ladlea -aaa ^ Gents Underwear, a very cosbpUte I assortment at very moderate prnsa at ^ John Evanson ft Go's. , k '»" • • - » Money to Loan. Hooey loaned oa MeBcniy " farms on ttme and la aatottafl to eolt borrower. Write or apply ^JBooots 1 and % Borden Blook, BTFTE Bl| CUCUMBER CONTRACTS. • '% MoIlBVKr, IIL, March 14th, MS7. ¥ I am oow prepared to contract tm the purchase or for sal tine picklosfar the year 1887. All that wish to oon- 1 traot in either way please call at my oflloe. 1 BISHOP* Houswr and liots Far Sal* In Ringwood. I offer for Sale 4>r Bent, two HoWet and Lots, situated in the village of Ringwood. Also a building soltable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms aad other partic­ ulars Inquire of . Wto"* WaafcBT nea It always gives us pleasure to speaks well of a good article. Tbe "Gariaad Stoves and Baages" are acknowledged to embody all that Is (best la that Wee. Tbey have the reputation af belag the best made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. For sale la McHenry by John I. Story, '/ Notice. ^ those that want Tubs, ^t4,tt*y Racks,and anything In my line of basl- aess. Work done on short notice to order. Shop oae door South of Law­ lus' store, F. A. HBBABD. MoHenrr, Aug. 1S8K. 114-ly - BLA. Lake Oo., 111., Jan. B w. ' a DtOKIVSOV M sou--Barrington, JUL Gentleme$k'--I bad two honee cat with barb wire fence veiy bad, aad I applied Dickinson's Rassiaa Llnlasent aad it.cansed a speedy care. I also use It In my family, aad I can say that It is tbe best llalment I ever used. • . v ,, . JOH* Boaaaacoaw For salt by all druggists. $ Bucklen's Arnica Balv*. Tbe best Salve in tbe world for cots bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbenat, fever sores, tetter, obapped beads, obllhlal as, oorns. and all skin eruptlaas, aad pee- tlvely cures plies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per foot satis­ faction, or money refunded. Pifee IS Col^ Pfr &°X* P°r Wa# r Brace Up*; Yeu are feeling depressed, yoar appetite is poor, yeu are bothered with headache, you are fldgetty, nervous, and generally out of serta, and want to brace up. Braoe ap, bat not with stimulants, spring medlclaea, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate .vou for an hour, aad then leave you in worse condition than he- fore. What you waat le an alternative that will purify yenr bleed, atart healthy action of Liver aad Kidneys, restoro^your vitality, aad glee re­ newed health and strength. Snah a medicine you will find la Electrta Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at Henry Colby's Drug Store. NURSERY STOCK. Wi Is your time to get gMNI' irai^.' sery stock cheaper than ever, aa I In­ tend clearing a part of my ground and am bound to sell at some prion. Game with your team and big wagea aad load up with soft maple, hard maple, box elder, white Mb. white eta, Ca- talpa, (specloaa) ar black walaut af all sizes and prices that will salt, Alsa have a good line of evergreeas, Tipplse. cherrys, grape vines, etc., that I will sell cheap for cash. Come early aisd take your pick. John V. Bnek!an< Proprietor, Blngwoed, McHenry Uau Illinois. 40-iw Thalr Buainaaa Booming Probably no one thing has eaaee# such a general revival of hoslaaee at Henry Colby's drugstore as thelrglv- Ing away to tbelr customers of eessnny trial battles of Dr, King's Newote* covery for consumption. Their trade Is simply eaermoas la this very vahaa* ble article, from the fact that Itaivapt cores aad aever disappoints. Gewrla. colds, asthma, bronchitis, croan, aslw throat aad luag dlseasee qaleahra You oaa test it before buytag ay tl$ a trial battle fteaj Eyery battle warraated. ^ . f " " "lb? > •SI:

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