Atonal b« M*H* om Kemp's Balsam for ft»* 'Ifentftt andLuoff* It is curing more OttRM of Uoagha, Colds, Asthma, Bron- HhUlt, Group Md *11 Throat and Lung Troubles, tbao any other medicine. The proprietor has authorised Geo. W to refund your money if after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief U cot obtained. Prioe 60u and tl Trial site free. tli* HoasHaat Mm la MaBaaj^f, AS well as tiio handsomest, and •then Art Invited to call on Geo. W, ftesley wad get free a trial bottle of kemp's Balsam for the riiroat and triinBi, a remedy that is selling en tirely upon Its merits and i« guar anteed to cure and relieve all Chronic lid Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronehit- is and Ooonmptlon. Prioe 60 oeuts. * id tl. ' .iMWI'tam W«uk®f«i! Ale and Porter • On draught at J. Booslett'i, and John Heioaer'i. 8MM Foolish People, Allow a cou{h to run untl itgetslTBe yond the reach of medicine. They; of< tea say Oh! It will woar away, but in most cases it wears them away. fJould they be induoed to try the tuuoesefnl medicine called Kemps jBalsam, whichwill sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immedi- Ztelysee the excellent eilect after tak. Ifcg the llrst dose. Price Mo and fl.Qi| Trial sice free, at Geo. W. Besley's McHenry. :• riM Population of MoMonry ' Is about lOSO, and we would say at least oae-halt are troubled with some aflectioa of the Throat aad Lungs, as Iboee complaints are, acoerdin* to sta tistics, mora numerous than others We wonld advise all not to negleet the opportunity to call and get a bottle - of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and XttngA Priee 6ic and $10®. Trial sise freaTBeaptoMnlly. Qko. W. Bhlby. 1 it is no. Ttat we wo daily guaranteeing Kemp's ttarsaparilla to the people In this way* ibat after taking throe-fourths of a bottle witboot relief, we will refund the money. It Is the greatest and beet remedy on the market for clean- Slog the blood and giving you a new lease of life. A well-known business man Informs us he has gained 8 aonnds on two bottles of this Sara a pa ri U*. Prioe 91.00. For tale by Geo. W.Besley, MoHenry. f ? ; v - ^ i » • » " ' MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn Having purchased the Hardware Business of I. N. Mead; in West McHenry, would inform the Buying Public that he has just put iy a full new stock of Purchased for Cash, nit of which will bo low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods. , , A TULXs LINE OF STOVES. For both coa and wood, of the best makes, a ways on. hand. In' short I wi keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in1 McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything' in my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first class Tinner, and all * ^ - ' . " - " * . Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage .respectfully solicited. ; . ' W. JP. STEVENS, * ® p. ss * a to C* «*• P* QO OD O H <t o e cr „ 5" & H ® o %3 o a> w H o 1 o D © DC O o o •;Z ? _ 00 & ct- K 2, f w sr W <5 % .w < CD (X 2 Cu & H m o O h, po I p M Polled An*u, And Jersey Cattle. aui«id* y<w|CHEAPER THAN EVER. West McHeary, HI. Oer Morcaa Steak Is all pare tared, sad •ririaa tad from UM beat Morgan atoafc m the United StatM. Old Gifffcrd Morgan, who stands at tba baad j •faarStoafc. Uoncot the bast braad Morgan To the Farms-s of McHenry County and Vicinity; | a I am now prepared to show a new and clean assortment of Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at prices that, I am confident will pay you to investigate before mak ing your purchases. , BfUtMK-.CQ *, '. %r, jy't We wish to inform our Friends, and the Public in general, that our stock is now complete in every department, and is constantly being repelnisbefl wi$h wery description ®£ - -r* j* j 1,1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Purchased directly from first hands, at bottom Prices, and which we now offer at the very lowest prices consistent witn Honest Quantity, Excellence in Quality, and general Fair Dealing. Au inspection ol our new and beautiful goods is solicited. No trouble to show Goods. We like to,see all our old friends often, and desliil to make the ucqnaintance ol a« many new ones as possible. >4 '*<•. ̂ BISHOP WAttON If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unex celled. Do you want a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy, TOEf ^ S'TOBBM FLOWS* | Pulverizers, both disk and knife, Prairie City Senders, Prairie City Drills, narrows, all kinds Sulky Plows, Wood and iron pumps tor deep and shallow wells, platforai spring wagons, combination wagons, fiue carriages, all kinds that will bear close inspection, manufactured 1>y the Watertown Spring Wagon Co., of Watertown, N: Y., who carry a three-years stock, enabling them to season well their goods before p acing them on the market. ft. BISHOP. -IS HEADQUABTERS FOR- GOOD BARGAINS. We have just received a new and complete Stock of all kinds of .New and Seasonable Goods such as Boots and Shoos, Hats, Caps, Clothing, &e., Which wc offer at very popular prices, FOR CASH. Don't wait for a second invitation, but come at once and see how we deal, and learn'{far prices. Butter, Eggs, etc. taken in exchange for Goods, allowing highest market price. ALTHOFF BROS. McHenry, III., March 28th, 1887. jfe this Department can be found one of the laigest stocks Ready Made Clothing in McHenry County, which for style, finis and general make-up cannot be excelled. Our prices are very moderate and we are confident we can please you. Give us * trial*.. I BOOTS ANDSHOEAFI Tfee coming season will find ns su pplied with our usual comp line of .CBILDR&&S, MISSIS, AND LADHS SHOXS. Iu all the latest styles and novelties, also a fine lime Mens and Boys Shoes. Which will be found up to their usual standard of excellence DRY CUDS Jim MONS. This Department contains many new and beautiful Goods, and .a now unusually complete. - We have one of the choicest stocks of Groceries, Canned Goddfc. etc., in McHenry. C R O C K E R Y , Just received a beautiful assortment of Decorated Crockery, call and see it. JOHN B, BLAKE, Two Doors North of Perry & Owen. i In the coeetrf. aad can ahow pore and rail purpose eolfca tbaaaay ether bone la the west. We lavlte the inspection ef our stock by MHtaea aod all lovon ot fine aalaata, A few fall blood Morfsn Oelts aa4 young burses te sale, Alao one outehod team, fall Moods. la Uattte ire hare the fall blood eruir-h we are crossing with the Bed Foiled Angus aad therefore instead ef aa wins off the Si«M we are breeding them off aad with A tew Heifers and Balla, both pure Vired •bet« Bona aad the eieea above mentioned fsraale. _ _ J. K. SayJor 4b Sons. Weat McHenry, HI* Deo. Mtb, 1896. v um My stock of Furniture is com plete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying pub lic to call upon me when in want of anything in that line. In this department I keep a first class* ass ortment of Caskets and Coffins and shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. NEW SPRING STOCK 0 -OF- -AT- Wanants a Fit or JOHN B. BLAKE. DBALEH IN WOOUSTitCK, ILL. My store is filled to over flowing: with all the latest styles of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, lor spring and summer wear. Call and ex amine my custom Boots and Shoes and see what buying and selling for Cash does lor my cus tomers. GHN.m--House Established in 1865.' ^ We make Suits to order of the towt Cloths, Foreign or Domes tic, u m LOWEST I Mm* good Goods can be sold ftt* HX ALTTO CI--« aid Rspairs Clsthet IMJy and on short notice. , ' ; LAM .Ten- Iflfh. 1M8. TINWARE. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, 'KhUs, | etc. Building Hardware a specialty. Fishing Tackle and Gun i Materials, etc. Fancy Groceries, Flour, and everything, belonging to a First Class Grocery, Cigars ana Tobacco, Pipes, etc. A^iD ME, You run no risk. I guarantee my piices to average lower than any other house in the county. I guarantee everything that goes out of my Store or money returned. W,bat I'i^k do you run? M. ENCELN. 1 BEFORE Stock complete, including a very large line of standard Patent Medicines. We study to please and guarantee every article we sell to be as represented. Thankful for past faveas, we hope by liberal, air dealii^ tp mer^t a generous share of your appreciated patronage* HENRY COLBY. PERRY # OWEN; s I Mi 1ST POliNTEB We have bought all our Spring Goods for Spot Cash. we have plenty of credit but cash will buy more goods for the same money so we have bought for cash and can sell you goods at prices low as anybody* Co nsider this pointer. Y ou shoud see our new Spring styels in C lothing if for nothing more than to get prices. We have an elegant line of Men's Bo\? and Children's Suits. New, stylish and desirable. The prices on them will sell them every time. _ Most every housekeeper wants new Wall Paper at this season of the year, Drop in and see our 300 new patterns in all grades trom the cheapest the cheapest to the finest embossed bronzes, also ceiling decorations, centers, co nets, etc, Borders in all grades to matcli. All paper trimmed free. We carry the largest variety of window Curtains and Curtain Goods of any house in to wn. VI e have the carpets for you in stock. New ones just re eived and we can compete with anybody iu the county. Mark this We also sell by sample but nobody wants to buy that way when they can see carpets iu the piece, dee our stock before buying. Your mares, send for new illustrated cata logue and pictorial sheet, description and pedigree of all stock on farm, including SIX We have one of the best »ons of Sultan, of Nutwood, of Belmont, of Governor Spnigue, of Aballah West (Almont). •We want every farmer, every resident of this county, whether breeding or not to have catalogue and pictorial sheet. Send at once. Address Standing for service this season. Strongly, fashionably bred. Great in- di vidua! merit. Stallions suitable for ROM AND FARM MIRES. Fees reasonable. $10, $20 and $50, TEKMS LIBERAL. m CEIEBRATEO BOOTS X SHOES CHICAGO uiiiAi, m;nu til uiiuc. iiuujcss j. liiwiu ««. WATERS STOCK FARfVli Cenoa »Jyofftiopi .IRfJJ} This pointer ^peak- for itself* Famous Ked School Hoase Sh > e. Consider these ^ pointers and call on us ^F1 rerybody knows denderson's PPBY * owes, t ' i . 1 . . . . M. -f- " -iM,• Axe. j.r#' »<.•ieSa.tA.•.'...iirtf