" Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law? No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." *1, VOL. 12. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1887. NO. 43. RULIIILD KTEET|]W«DWE80AT BT V A N S I L I Y K E , - EDITOR AXD I'ROPRIRTOR. Office in Bishop's Block, --TQFFOSIT* PKKBT ft OWIK'S v: TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. jn« Tear (In Aitruc«) 6W0 US* Paid within Three Months .. 4.00 fatMcrtptionii received for three or six swaths IK the same proportion. 3- r Kates of Advertising. JW* anaeunce liberal rates for advertising to the Pt/Aiiri>KALBS, and endeavor to state Mem so plainly that ther will be readily un derstood. They are as follows: 1 laehone year - - 5## t laches one year - . W» • Incheseae year - -f.jK * MOO rf Column one year ( Otltami eae year> •CJelusan one year . i 4'", «0M . 100 00 $ne inch means the meararement of one jph dewn the column, single column width. Ifearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they iboose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line Saeh week. Ail others will be charged 10 Mats per "ine the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate ef 16 cents type, same as tbis is set r«N i pe line, (nonpareil in) the first Issrie, and equent issues. Thus, teeats per line for subsequent an inch advertisement will cost t1.00 for one week, 11.10 fer two weeks, 92.09 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIWDKALBB will be liberal In giving •notorial notices, but, as a business rnle, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gala. BUSINESS CARDS. I# B. T. BROWN.M.D. TS10IAN AND SURGEON. Oflee at Residence, McHenry, 111. O. H. FEGER3, M. D- tHTSlOiAN AND SURGEON. McHenry, Ilia Ofllee at Retldence. _____ ^ O. J. HOWARD, ML D. tiHTMOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, I 111. Office at Residence, one door West If M. E. Ohnrch. BARBIAN BROS. IVAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or- ; ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, Kelter Block, third door west of Riverside >nse. Livery Stable.1 first *. WIUHTMAN, Proprietor. elass rigs, with or without drivers •tufted at reasonable rates. Teaming of kiad* done on short notice. • ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHENRY, ILLINOISj ^Eeep* o^ea^ for the accommodation of the Saloon and Eestairant, •kere he will all t imes keep the bet •W brands of Wines, L Iquors and Ciglit (to he found in tne market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK'S KLfiQKSE LAGER BffiR. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles at. «ays en hand, oheaper than any other, qualf. ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. OOOD STABLING FORHOR&B8. \i: -«rcall and see as. Robert Sohlessle. JfeSeiRft 111* May IBth, 1185. BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL BROWN, RNBV ATL VW. 83 LaSaPe State* CHICAGO, ILL. . A ; ; M. R. ELLS WORTH,! 1 TTORNRY at Law, and 8olicitor;in'Ohan /a. eery, Nnnda, III. ASA W. SMITH, TTORNET AT LAW and Solicitor] In L Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. pHYSIOIAN ANDSUUGEON. Also United I States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. MART G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in first class stvle and at reasonable prices. Rooms it residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, I1L DRS. C. E. WILLIAMS A DAHLIN. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry. at Parker House, the 10th 11th SBth and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday,and the flrst day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. E. B. BENNETT, M. l»., Late House Surgeon Cook Coanty Hospital RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, • Special attention given to difficult Snrglcal cases. DEVTSCH GESPROCHEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. United States far Claim Apcj -OF- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against, the United States tor ex-SoMlors, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communication* promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLItr, Office at Residence. Madison St., Woodstocc, Illinois. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BO/fSLETT, 2<ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the Old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'9 MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. OOOD STABLINU FOR HORSES. ILL DIGGING PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs In •" - " 'Is, Repairing wells, oi the line .of Digging Wells, Repai Pumps. Cementing will put in ENGELN'S and RESTAURANT Buck', Old Stand, MoHBNKY, ILLIKOM. Kentucky Iiquoraj French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, -ANI*- J. By the *fiottte or Gas*. W¥ biiy none bat the best and •oil st Reasonabl# Prions'. Catt and see ine and I wflt •on well. ANTONY ENOBUI. McHenry. ill., 1888. J®! YOU TO. .. ASA *. SMITH, New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work m this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Qood references furnished If desired. If yon want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. WOrders by mail promptly attended to. Poat##^*, Johnsburgh, III. L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, 111., May 28th, 1885. C. G. ANDREWS. CENERAL AUCTIONEER, SPRING GE0VE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most B1AS0HABL1 TIBKS, AND-- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, 11% Spring 3rove, Sept.{8 th, HM, lMl-ta Woodset oet«. • - * (ill note. Racked fty Million INDKMNlTt oi noney Alei against daiuagu oy you rtn, lightning, Wind Storms* CTCLOXK& AITD TORNADOES Drop me a postal card and I will visit yon: ea4! on me and I will write you a policy, and WMfc-wither or any of these destructive el« •tents devastates your property, happy will ftt be If you hold one of my policies, tor I visit yon, and minister unto'.you. Win Mt forsake you. . A , . COLLEGE -OF-- COMMERCE, 116 MONROE ST., Chicago, - - llllnoi«i BUSINESS COURSE. SHORT-HAND COURSE • Young men coming from the country need the same training city hoys secur1®. It is onir puruoee to tlev«?loj) our students into good accountants. reliiMc and in co.noutaj "tons, thoroughly verse.l u> the pr.ncipuls Koverninj? the records ol business transiKp tions, aide to record <hem ^eaUv. metiiofll. callv and legibly, fannlwr with the tortus and use of tiufiness u^ipur. ami the principles Of, butt'uua* law by which it is governed. Minion's Plioiicgrapliy, lr thoroughly tiught, and many young mi>n and women are <loing well in the capacity <it Shorl lianil Writer.. A Chicago office is 1U- complete without a Steiiographer. The average lime reijuned to complete * Business or short-Hand Course. School is open all the >ear, aud Students c* •nter at any time* BY MAIL, Book.Keeplng and Short-Hjnd Studied to good advantage at home, being given by mail. Believing that we offer the b es tad vantage to a limited number of students, we invite your inspection and solicit yonr patronage. All questions cheerfully answered. 9 r, wb»cij*i. ALBERT K. BOURNE. ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR AND COUN-SKLOR. WOODSTOCK, TL.T. Busu.ess attended to promptly, with care, skill and Integrity. J.BF. CASEY, A TTOBJSKY and Counselor at l.aw. Ofllee A, ever Zimpleman's <tore. All business entrusted to my care will receive prompt at tention. Woodstock, III. A. Ml. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. B8FIKTH AVB., (Briggs Hmss), Clu* cago. 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Ohronometera. 49*A Pull Assortment of Goods in his line SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, seenrely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, •gent* and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to BICEABO K. FOX, FmANKLiH 8QUAKB, New York. ii ii i gii^iii'ijii^ H. C. MEAD ATJCTXOXTZBR Is prepared to attend to all Sales of Stoek, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, or Keat Estate. Terms as low as the lowest aad Satisfaction guaranteed. Post office address VvEST UcUENKY, and residence one mile west of the McHenry depot. H. C- MEAD- Attention Horsemen! I would call the attention of the Public torn7 Stable of Stock Horses, four In num ber: Two Morgans, one % Perchcron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep resentatives of tbelr bre d. Also a few Merino Sheep for Sale. The public arc cor dial iy invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. Ko business done on Sunday, N. S. COLBY. 10.7 tf. M'HBXKT, 1U. -attained, and ,«2i l A'lEUT MtlXIXBSS at tended to for MODWA TE 1 EES Our office Is op|M>site the 17. S. Patent Office, and we can ob tain Patents in less time than those remote from WASlilKGTOS. Send MODEL. DRAWING or PHOTO of invention. We advise as to patent ability free of charge and we make HO CHARGE UNl.kSS I'A TEST IS SEl'I'KEI). For circular, advice, terms nnd references to actual clients in your own state, County,.City or Town, write to C . A S N O W a C O !e Patent Offlce, WathimgUm, D C I THE NEW QUI*INE.) J No beadacbe No nam No rliiiii ears Cores pet taaolpre A POWERPtfL TONIC. That the most deHc^UHtotnach will bear. MALARIA ^TI8M, ITRATION A SPECIFIC RHEUI NERVOUS And all i FOR COLDS KL FOUND TO BE A Lift perlor to Quinine. Bel lev ue Hospital, versally suecessfut.** St, Francis Hospital,jl ~ ty, ROT. Janes L. Hall, tentlarv, writes that wife, after twenty ye laria and nerrou i dys| particulars. si. Joseph's Host considered Indispei Prof. W. F. Holeoost New York Cii HAS BEEN * SPECIFIC. Su York City, "Unl- rery pntient treat. •With Kaskine has discharged cur- plaln Albany penl. ias oured his ring from ma- Write him for v^lts use Is laperfectlv " 5l East 25th ssor In New "Kaskine is iflc power, and i injury to the St., New York City, York medical ooiM_ superior to Qnlnlne In never produces the i hearing or constitution Thousands upon UtoeSiHp write that Kan- kino has cured them afMfWI other meiiintnes had failed. Write tor hejfc of testimonials. Kaskine can Ue take* Wfnut any special medical advice. flperb«tV». Sold by or sent by mall on reoelpt ot price, KASKINE COMPANY, M Warren St., New York pitgr. _ ATTENTION! l Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at wr premises before purchasing. I can furnish such by the car- load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, CHEXtrfcO. Farm about four inlle* northwest of Harvard, Illinois. >y TO HOR Having recently pa: Clydesdale Stallion, EN! (Ine imported GOLD! Iflclda srs kstcs, bttt (best wfca writs Is Stlonn A Co., Portland, Maine,will raeaiva flrea, foil information aboat work which thay can do, and lWaat bom«,that will pay tham from IS to $25 par day. 8ome hats J over tSOin a day. Either mi, yean* or old. Capital •at required. Tou ara started free. Thoea wbo ttart a* MMa sn steolnMy sars of snng Uttle fgriaaea. All Is asw, On Feed. BRAN, per Ton $15.00 SHORTS, per Ton 15.00 SHELL CORN, per bu.. 42 cts. By the Single Tim. CARLOADS Quoted upon applicatloB. W. A, CR18TY. At the Pickle Factory in West McHenry. v TO CURE R H E U M A T I S M . £HaSffiH3w533?¥» imr *r Dlatoried Llab. remain after a core by mo. A trial of a single hott'e will convlirce L lfannfa«t«red only by LKHNIIY MIDIOINK CHANOELLO^r,' ' JR., Having recently purchased a very line Imported Clydesdale Stallion, Chacellor Jr , for our own use, will breed a limited number of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is 7 vears old this Spring; is a Cherry Bay with blank points; 16% hand high and weighs about 1700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, line action, mild disposition. He was sired by Chancellor (1310), he by Drew Prince of Wales. ((>73) I)am by Lofty. (4f>0;; grand dam by Duke of Well ington, (1543); great grand dani by Sir William Wallace, (BOt). He combines in his breeding the best hloo I Scotland ever had, and has proven his ability to get uniform Colts, of great size, fine form, strong and rngged. : We also have CHAMPION, JR. The Percheron Morgan Horse. He has proven himself a fine stock getter for gen eral purposes, and cannot be beaten in the Northwest. Psrties who intend breeding, the coming season, will And it to their advantage to call and see our stock and get our terms which will be reasonable. Hares from a distance will be well eared for, at owners risk, at Modem te rates. Call and see ue HANLT BROS. BENNET'S. IMPROVED P U L L E R . Warranted the best practical Stump and Rock puller made. Can be worked by two men and will lift from twenty to fitty tons, will warrant ten pounds to lift a ton. For simplicity, strength, prac ticability, rapidity of work, etc., they hare no equal. Five sizes. Price from $35 to *70' ^ Call arid examine the Machine and see them work. G. A. STEVENS, Agent. 38.3m Rlngwood, Illinois Soldiers' Department, OONTKTBUTBD BT WM. H. COWLIH. County C. A. R, Directory. BICHKONDlFOST MO 286. Meets, the second Frldat evening of each month. 0B. 9. F, BBNNBTT.ICom. WOOD*TOOK POST, HO 108. Meets flrst and third Monday evenings of each month. Wx. AVBRT, Com. NOTTDA POST. WO . Meets the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. " ~ * " ' ' W*. BUTLBB, Oom. OAkrAKD FOST, HO 255. Weetsthe second and tourta Monday eves ings ot each month. I. W. SSATBBHS, Com. MABBHOO POST, NO. 169, Meets every Second and evenings of each month. fourth Friday A. J. BOTIHOTOH. Oea. rol; the Britisb lost but 113 killed and 031 wounded, or about u many as Grant or Sherman would ION in making a resolute reconnoisaance. In tbe battle ot Gettysburg alone the Union army Most more in killed and wonnded thaa England has lost in all her fighting since Waterloo. If our pension roll bore the same relation to the number ef men la tbe army and the hard fighting they did that Eag)and,8 does, it would have to be about 20 times as large as ben. instead of being only three times great.--National Tribune. Proceedings c t the Board Supervisors, SPECIAL MEETING. Tbe comrades will be glad to hear that Dr, T. S. D ibney has "resigned *' his position in tbe Pension Bureau. Dr.Dabuey is the young man who was accused of having been one of the guards at Andersonville, and though he succeeded in proving an alibi, it wa9 demonstrated that he was hardly a desirable man to pass on the merits of Union soldiers' claims. Work of th* Pension Office.} During the week endiag April 30 there 831 original invalid cases re ceived at the Tension Office; 392 widows1 cases; 10 war of 1812 cases ; 12 bounty land claims; 25 navy claims; 4 old war claims; 656 claims under the recent Mexican Tension Bill; 2 564 applications for increase. Total, 4,494. There were 24 names dropped from the rolls during the same period;2 pensions reduced; 9 suspended; reports of special examiners received in 629 cases; 3.193 names and postofll* ad dresses ot officers and comrades fur nished for the use ef claimants. The number of pension certificates Issued during the ween ending April SO. 1887 was as follows : Original, 936; •Increase, 1,563; reissue, 177; restora tion, 85; duplicate, 19, accrued, 66; Act of March 3, 1683. 4; Orddr of April 3, 1884,11; Order Oct. 7, 1885.11; Supple mental Act of Aug. 5 1886,17; Mexi can war, 218; total, 3,107; reissue same kate, 14. National Tribune. At a special meeting or Woodstock Test 10S, O. A. R. Dep't of 111. Monday evening, May 2, tbe following com mittees were selected for the purpose of making arrangements for Decora* tion Day: ON SPEAKERS. Win. Avery. A. s. Wright, Jas. Bayard. FtHANOK. * O^ Kckett, U. S. South worthy BL IB. Richards. B. B Richards, H. Muiiwo, ti. S. South worth. PBOOKAMMB.- A. S. Wright, E. Etc hard s, Wm. Avery. TO ACT WITH GUARDS. Wm. Avery, JohnC. Uarrell, W, H.Stewart. TO ACT WITH CITIZENS, G.S.8onthworth, E. E. Richards, G. Eckert, FLOWERS. L H Jones, G Eckert, Ladies--Mrs. Jonas, Eckert, Richards, Avery, Wright, Stewart, Webster, Souchwwth, Monroe, Bayrd, Thompson and Terwilliger. DECORATING STAND A1JD PARK. Geo Eckert, Jones, Bayrd, Clark and Webster. SKATING. F M Clark, J Hill, L W Webster, *am'l Lee. B Thompson, Dewey Thompson, Judd Irish, SVanCuren, A. W Cummins. DECORATING GRAVES AT WOODSTOCK. L U Jones, J. llill, Chas Irish GREENWOOD, Geo. Bayrd, Jan McDonald, M Godard. RIDGKKIELD. H Monroe, B TsrwiWiger, W II Woodbeck. FRANKLIN VI LI. E. John Hose, A i.aSalle and Jas Bayrd, Owing to the attendance of the 3rd Reg't and the oration by Jas. A Con nelly, of Springfield, the most gifted erator In the state, it Is hoped that the citizt-ns, one and all, will perform their part in making the day one to be eberlebed.--Sentinel. Comparison of Penelon Bolls. The President and others who op pose pensions lay most stress upon tbe fact that tho amount paid by the United States for pensions greatly ex ceeds similar expenditures by other Nations. We have all alorg insisted that these comparisons were ot no 'value whatever, for the reason that no <otber country ever put such an army in the field, none ever required such a length ef continuous service at tbe front, none ever fought so many and such bloody battles in the same space of time, and none required such great pecuniary and other sacrifices from its citizen-soldiers to preserve its life aud assure its prosperity* Bu: when we come to make the actual comparison, invited by the President and his supporters, of the size of our pension roll with that of other Nations, we do not find the enormous discrepancies which they assert exist. Let us take the pension expenditures of Great Britian, fer ex ample. These are grouped in the armv budget under the head "Non effective Service," and last year were made up of the following items: Rewards for military service 97,000 Pay of general officers .... 308,500 Pay of reduced and retired officers... 5,937,000 Widows' pensions and compassionate ding Coi imittees tie th The foilowiog snade by tbe Board, to-wlt: On lands--G. Mi Garrteott, Samuel Cutter, P, K. Granger, R. J. Beck, :L. Woodard. allowances Pensions for wounds In-pent-ions Out-penalons. Superannuation allowances..., ... Militia and volunteer pensions 648,500 . 84,500 . 161,000 . 6,860,500 . M0,000 . 254,500 .15.381,500 Total Tbe yearly value of the pension roll of the United States is about $44,000.- 090. Whatever more than that is paid is tbe payment of whit was due years ago, but owing to the Government's methods of stavins: ofl settlement has not been paid until now. So it appears that England, whose army only numbers 136,000, and who for 32 years has not had a war of more magnitude than our Indian tronbles, is paying about one-third as much every year as we do. Tbis does not tell the story. A large part of this pension expenditure is en account ot the Crimean war, and yet there were not so ma-iy British men killed in the whale Crimean war as the Union army lost in a single great battle. There was not a single three months or tbe years 1862-3-4 that the Union army did not do more bard fighting and lose more men than the British army Irom its landing at the Of Kupatoria Sept. 14. 1854, until it re- embarked in tbe Autumn of 1856. In tbe much-talked -ol final assault ou tbe Redan, which, with the oapture of tbe MalaUtoJL forced the fall of Sevaato- The Honorable Board of Supervisors of MoSenry County met at 11 o'clock- M. A.. In special session at the Court Souse in the court room in Woodstock Thursday, April 28, 18S7. Meeting called to order by the clerK. The roll being called, the following members answered to their names: Sups. John Hadslil, A. B. Coon, Jr., L M. Woodard. R. J. Beok, H. S. WIH- Geo, Richards, P. E. Stevens, John Weltzlen, E. M.Lamb,Henry W. Head, A. R. Alexander, F. K. Granger, John H. Palmer, Chat. F. Dike, Tbe clerk stated the link order ef business would be to elect ^chairman of the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year. Sup. Alexander nominated Sup, H. S. Williams for chairman. There be ing no other nominations made, Sup. Williams was duly elected to serve as Chairman for the ensuing year. Sup. Palmer moved that the same rules governing the Board of Super visors for the year 1886, together with the same number ef com alttees. be In force for the present year. Motion carried. Sup, Granger moved that the Board adjourn until 2 o'clook p. icn for the' purpose of giving the Chairman time to make up the different committees Motion carried. 2 O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment^ Roll being called, members all an swered to their names exoept Sup* Sam'l Cutter . \ Minutes of forenoon session was read and approved. , cut stone for the buildings at a board ears in Chicago, of six and five dollars. i^i Accompanying this report you winiil find bill of expenses incurred by thtl; > Committee fer attendance sad mllo- |gf( p0. All of which is respectfully submitr I-,. F KGRAKGEK. F * JOHN H PALME*, R J BBCE, • Committee. Bill of Special Committee on Jeilfi and Sheriff's residence^ * J E Palmer* B J B£TIW "«!»«• ' 7days * mileage V K Granger. 6 days X mileage 136 miles.. .SHOO . 70S 18S0^| Sup Lake offered tbe following res- || olution, and.on motion was adopted,'! to-wit: Resolved, That tbe apodal eomaitft* < tee of tho last Board, on jail ud She*-.'^ ifl's residence, be oontinned by tUs^i beard with ihoaaaa* power* to act was conferred on them by said Bsui^ M. W. LAKB. 4/ Snp Coon moved that the action fojp tbe matter of collecting tho Mil r against tho town of Dorr for care aad support of Perry Spooner ,'insane; bill be deferred until September next. In-;'5? order that the whole bill oenid bo pro-1| sented at the same tine for by the town board. Motion carried. The quarterly report of County Sn- ̂ | perlntenden of Schools was read' to |g tne Board and referred to tbe COM- -;< > mlttee on Education. to*wlt: Woodstock, April 16, lfa. McHenry eounty to Looter Barber, ^ Dr., to office expenses coanty super!** tendent of schools as per followinc • bill: m. Dec 9L Jo postage stemps^ CO 31, To Treas repU or teachers... SO 1887. Jan It, Stamps and envelopes............. SO : SI, Stamps SSO Feb 21, Xeweomter A Diller Q andenv.. S4S 28, Stamps and cards IS Mch 5, M MallorT, janitor BO in, Ex blanks «nd oarOs 85 24, Express and stamps ISO Apr 2, Mallory,Janitor 00 4, Postage stamps 175 7. Pub ex questions. 300 H, ataasps... 200 14, Blank certificates.... ............. 480 3$% Total «>«98 fl I certify the above bill to be true | and correct. LBSTBB BARBBK, Co. Supt. of Soboola. Subscribed and sworn to before OM ' this 26th of April, 1887. <- WM. AVERT, Co. Cleric, ll Sop. Coon moved that la of collect! eg the costs County for tho trial an^o»eoi)as^..;|A:, be referred to < three te be appointed by chair, sale On Town and City Lots--A R Alex- committee to act In conjunction with ander. J H Palmer, John Badslli. M W Lake, A B Coon, Jr, On Personal Property--A B Coon, Jr., G B Richards, H W Mead, Joba Weltzlen, Fred llateh. On Railroads--M W Lake,^Samuel Cutter. C F Dike, P E Stevens, John Hadslil. On Finance-- H W Mead, J H Garri son, R J Beck, C F Dike, E M Latnb. On Education-- G B Richards, J H Garrison, F E Stevens, John Wsltzein, A B Coon, Jr. On Roads sod Bridges--John Hadslil D H Flavin, F K Granger, Joba H Palmer. F E Stevens, On Fees and Salaries--F K Granger, H W Mead, Fred Hatch, A R Alexan der, John Weltzein. On Public Buildings aad grounds-- E M Lamb, M W JLake, G B Richards, F. E. Stevens, A B Coon, Jr. On Claims--Samuel Cutter, F K Granger, C F Dike, D H Flavin, L Woodard. Ou Settlement with County Treas urer--J H Palmer, E M Lamb, R J Beck, Fred Hatch, G B Richards. On Insane and Poor Farm--O F Dike, D H Flavin, J H Palmer, G H Garrl- son, L Woodard. On Elections--R J Beck, E M Lamb, A B Coon, Jr., F K Granger, John Had sill. On Town Accounts--Fred Hatch, John Hadslil, Samuel Cutter, H W Mead, John Weltzeia. On Rules--D H Flavin, G H Garrison L Woodard. A R Alexander, M W Lake. Sup Hadsi 11 presented aebook forL Barber, Co Sup of Schools entitled "The Teacher's Classification Regis* ter," together with a letter from the County Super! atendent of Schools, re questing tbe Board te examine said book, and if in tbelr judgment they thought best to purchase a suitable number for tbe county soheols, it would meet with his hearty Approval, as he considered the book a very desir able one for tbe country schools. On motion the matter was referred to the Committee on Education to roport at a future meeting. Sup Granger presented the follow ing report of the Committee on new jail and residence for Sheriff, which on motion was adopted, to wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Su per visors: The special committee on jail and Sheriff's residence heg leave to report. That in pursuanae to the suggestions of. the county Board made at the spe cial meeting in February last, they contracted with R J Beck to superin tend the taking down of the Donnelly building, the erecting of the new jail and Sheriff's residence, and making needed changes and Improvements fn the Court House building. That tbe compensation to be paid said Beck for euctt service is five dollars per day for each day actually engaged In so super intending. Your oom mlttee would further re port that tbey have contracted with Thomas Allen, of Chicago, for slate roof, galvanized iron reofiag, tin water gutters and pipes, for tbe sum of eight hundred dollars. We further report, that we have coo* tracted with the Richardson & Boy ington Co., of Chicago, for two hot air furnaces for the sum ol three hun dred and seventy dollars. We have also contracted with the Joliet Stone Company for neoesaary M M A W Teung, county attorney, and re port tbelr acts at tbe next meeting of tbe Board. Motion carried. Tbe Chairman appointed as sneb special committee. Sup Coon, Garrison aod Granger. Tbe Committee on Education made the fallowing leport, which en Motion was adopted, to-wit: STATS OF ILLINOIS ) >ss. McHenry County, ) Board of Supervisors, Sptdil April Meeting, April 38, A D1887. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was re~ ferred tbe report of County Superin tendent, from Dec 5,1886, to April 96, 1887, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have examined said roport and approved the same, and re oom- mend that said bills be allowed. AttofwWoto Is respectfully submit ted. G. B. RICHARDS, Chairman. . M V. E . S T E V E N S , ; > § , JOBM WKLTZBIH, A. B. COON, : > GEO. H GAK&UKM*. - „ \ Sup Dike offered tbe following reeo- ^ lution from Committee on Poor Farm and moved ita adoption, to-wjil9> ^ ^ STATS OF ILLINOIS,! McHenry Oeunty. I ' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tho iX Board ol Supervisors: m Your committee ou poor farm would $ respectfully submit the following re* v port, that 'M\ WHEREAS^ The present barn on said , farm Is inconveniently located aad hae gi net the capaoity lor shelter ef atosk . and storage of hay and other products M of the farm, your Committee would recommend that the barn be reaaoved and enlarged, or another one erected in sucb place as mry be beet suited to the requirements of the farm. That said committee have power to act. That a sum of 9800 be appropriated for the consummation or the aama. C F DIM, GEO H GARRISO%* JOHN H PALMB%. ' D H FLAVIN, \R L WOODARD. ^ Sup Alexander moved that action en the resolution be deferred until the next meeting of the Board. Motion ii ot Sup Alexander was loet> Motion ^ for adoption of resolution was carried. % Snp Dike moved that tbe oomualt- f tee on town and city lots be empow- % ered to vlBit th« difieront towns In the $ county for the purpoee of gaining In- ^ formation of the value ot town aod city lots of the various towua la tho | county. Snp Richards moved as an amend ment that tbe committee visit the vil lages of Nunda and Algonquin only. Amendment adopted. Original mo* tloa as araeaded adopted. Sup Hadslil moved that the varloaa commltteea, board of supervisors and clerk be allowed their per diem and mileage. Motion carried. Sup. Palmer moved that the Asses- sort be instructed to make a correct assessment of the Improved aud unim proved town and city iota within tho oounty and pat the valuations la the proper columns where each beioaga. Motion adopted. _ Sup Hatch moved that the Baud now adjourn. Carried* H S WlLUAM8»Ok% WM.ATSRT, Clerk. pit