Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1887, p. 4

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WfcDNESDAY, MAY 11.1887. Editor. jr. WJLP9 8LYKE, JS PAPER JBM? SB? S rKLL * OO.'S Newspaper Advertising j*« (W Spruce Btreet), where advertising a'™™'KNEW YORK- Mr Butter ruled dull at Elgin. Ill Monday, the regular sales being 27,840 pound* at 21 cents. j^Wbile a baptismal oertmooy of the colored Baptists was in progress on the river bank at New Orleans Sun­ day, the railing of a wharf crowded with spectators gare way, precipita­ ting fifty persons Into the water and upon skills filled with poopiii persons were drewned. Ilgh Mr The Democratic party has not yet redeemed its solemn pledges to the pee pie In 1884 to "unearth the stu- pendaous frauds of the Re pub! lean party." It has been two years grov• eling In the dirt, but has found no trace showing that the RapuJriicaa party has ever boen there. iMrPenneylvania . is proutf of Its t.OM citizen soldier boys, and they are not kept for mere parade, either. Whoa war with Canada was threatened reeently. Governor Beaver tele­ graphed to Washington that within twenty-four hours the Pennsylvania troops could be concentrated on Lake Brio and be ready for business. Having left a log on a Southern battle­ field, Governor Beaver Is so novice In the arts of war. MFThe color llee seems to have moved northward Irons Alabama to Illinois. Yesterday the proprietor of a Galena hotel ordered a young colored man from the {breakfast table declar­ ing that BO algger should eat In his dining room. The young man had gone with a company of the Illinois militia, and wheo the members heard of the outrage they administered a deserved rebuke by promptly leaving the table and seeking quarters at another hotel. That Galena hotel keeper should sell out and go to Ills- aissippl.--JEr. MT Wanted: A mind reader who can oosse well recommended can hear of something to his advantage by ad­ dressing the National Democratic Committee at Washington, D. C. The committee is anxious to know whether or not Grover Cleveland has made up bis mind to run for the presidency aezt year, and the reports that reach the members from htm are so conflict­ ing that they are at a loss [what to think. The mind reader would be ozpootod to take Mr. Cleveland's hand and to hold it till ho acquired the necessary information. The right sort of a man will be paid good wages, •voa If be discovers simply that Cleveland does not know his own •lad. P. S.--Mind reader Lament seed not. apply. ALCONOUIN- Sonus PLAIN DEALER:--13. Beugh- stan, of Dundee, bought out the eon* tents of Nason & Chapman's drug more on Thursday of last week. Dr. Nason will now devote his entire time to his profession. Mrs. James McKay, of Laramie, Wyoming Ter., is the guest of Father McKay. There was a meeting held on Satur­ day evening last, to make atrange- ments for Decoration Day, and the following officers and committees were appointed: President of the Day. C. W. Hart; Marshall, Chas. Wandrack; Committee of Arrangements, Henry Keyee, John Johnston, S. S. Jaynes, and Howard Phillips. Floral Commit* tee, Mrs, J. Helm, Mrs. Wm. Morton. Mrs, E, A. Ford, Mrs. C. E. Chape 11 Mrs. W. Julian, and Miss Strahler. CommiUe on singing, Mrs. D. W. Thomas, Miss Ameiia Adamek, An­ drew Doig, Jr., and Ed Morton, Jr. There has been arrangements made with Xundt G. A. R. Post that they will decorate at Crystal Lake in the forenoon sad |oin with us In the after­ noon in a body. Rev. O. H. Cessna, of Nunda, will bo the orator of the day, and it it expected that all interested will turn out on Saturday next, May 14th, to clean out the cemetery. C. E, Chapell and D. W. Thomas each came in with a car-load of milch oowa on Saturday last. C. E. Chapell is billed for an auction sale for Wednesday of this week, and D. W. Thomas is selling his at private sale. Mrs. Gee. Hyatt, of Nunda« was the guess of J, A. Sherwood on Saturday last. Geo. Dodd is on the gain. He has been vary sick for some time past. Charlie Sinclair, of Dundee, with his lady, was in 'Gonquln on Sunday last. George Helm, Rob Phillips and Harrf Morton, took their tents and like Arabs, stole silently away to Bass- wood Island and camped out for a few days last week. The copartnership existing between Nason A Chapman is hereby declared dissolved by mutual consent. All per­ sons Indebted to the firm will please call and settle at once with Wm, A. Nason, who has the books. All ac­ counts not settled by June 1st. 1887( will be given to a justice of the peace for oollection. Wx. A. NASON, J. H. CHAPMAK. Algonquin, 111., May 5th. 1887. OUR Aaother View or the Babgr. •'. Tie unanswerable argument against negro sufirage--"Do you want your daughter to marry a nigger?"--is only equaled by the knock-down argument against women suffrage--"Who will take care of the baby when the mother and the hired girl goes to vote ?" Perhaps the same one will take care of ittbat performs the duty when the mother is up at the court-house Paying her taxes, or while she Is raaaing around town with a market basket, buying moat and groceries for dinner, and the hired girl la In the tick-yard splitting wood to cook it with, while the noble husband is la an B^-town saloon telling men stories aad spitting tobacco juice on the atovo<--Trog Chief. MT TO* LEW P APKB. •a exchange says: **The postal law makes It larceay to take a paper aad refaae to pay for it. • newspaper ia Illinois recently brought suit against forty-three men who would not pay their subscription, and received judgment in each for the full amount of the claim. Of these, twenty-eight made affidavits that they owned no more property than the law allowed them, thus preventing attach- meats. Then they, uader the decision of the Supreme Court, were arrested for petty larceny, aad bound over la the sum of 9300 each. All but six gave bonds, and six went to Jail, It makes no difference to what part of the con­ tinent the paper goes, a bill sent to tbo postmaster, a justice of the peace •v aay United States' officer, can bo oollected." * RINCWOOD. EDITOR PLAIXDXALER Corn plant­ ing is the order of the day. Mrs. D. Ingalls has a new fence. H. Waterman started for Minnesota, his new and future home,. The Justen Bros, furnished the new furniture to fix up the residence. Wm. Stevens1 new monument Is of the new style and looks good. A. Dodge's sons have placed a fine monument en their lot and enclosed it with a small fence eAcut stones, whiott Improves it very mMh. The Cemetery Afy Society took in cash #5.50 for their entertainment on Friday night, about enough to pay ex penses. Some of the boys played a game of base ball on the green on Sunday. The factory of Oatman Bros. Is taking more milk than xor some time past. The post office bnssiness is Improv­ ing and more mail Is sent away on every train. The new'pest mistress is giving general satisfaction. C Harrison is improving his now lot aad planting shade trees. H. C. Alleu is building a new Silo. He found it pays big for the small in vestment. IL Carr is enlarging his Silo. Will Dodge is making a new silo. Mrs, H. Dwelly is putting a silo on her farm, N. Blake has his shop finished. Johnny Green put the finishing touch­ es on with his brush. The now coat of paint on the «chool bonse fence makes quite an improve­ ment. There is a prospest of a sew sldo walk to the ^Mmetory this summer. Mow hands at the helm. Mrs. Marshall and sister, of Nunda, were the guests of Mrs. E. Barnard, on Friday. Father Simmons is around fixing up his lot. Mrs. Wm. Langham can be seen every day in her flower garden. Just take a look about the middle of June at her work. Mrs. O. Tabor Is around canvassing for the sale of a now style of album. Our blacksmith, N. Blake, Is doing good trade this spring. All the time busy. Ia ei»r Issue of Jnne 1st. we shall print aiCoupon Order entitling the holder to a pattern (free) of the above Jacket, in slz* for 34,36,38, or 40 inches bust measure. A pattern of this stylish garment is very useful to any lady, as by simply leading off the revere a plain 'jacket is obtained, which is always desirable; and is just such a pattern as every la dy should have in the houg£. There will be no excuse hereafter for Mrs. Smith sond* lag over to borrow a jacket pattern from Mrs. [Jones. We have made arrangements with a New York house to furnish these patterns in the different 6lzesas above, that the holder of the Coupon Order may bave the size she may de­ sire. This is a great offer, as each pattern has» a tull value of 25 cents, being accompanied bv an illustration, and explicit directions for putting together and making. LADIES do not fail to buy our Issue of June lit. and cut out the order, which will enti­ tle you to this excellent pattern W"The most ludicrous feature of the Inter-State Commerce Act is that alauee prohibiting railroads from Issu­ ing passes. Carry this prohibitory idea to its legitimate conclusion, and Iba absurdity is at onoe apparent. Why not prohibit the dry goods mer •bant from encouraging trade by giv­ ing away to his customers a spool of Ibroadf Why not prohibit the attor­ ney from giviag free advice? Why BOt prohibit the minister from preach *»g a funeral discourse without charge ? Why not prohibit the editor from giv­ ing a ton line notice of a church oyster •upper and ^receiving a complimen tary? Why net--but the absurdo ad rmtuctum la reached. Besides, it foreign to tbo genius of our institu­ tions to aay that a man shall not do With his own property as he sees fit, •xcept to the injury of his neighbor. This kind of prohibition will always remain iaoperatlvo in consequence of $|s manifest tnjustioe.--Ex". We will sell you coat, vest, pants, shoes, socks, suipenders, shirt (white or colored) and hat. This should com­ prise a man's whole outfit, all for 04.33 Of course it must not be expected of the highest grade of goods, but suita­ ble for every-day wear. Come and loek them oyer. JOHN EVANSON A Co. If you are looking for a first class Carpet ctoqp. go to John B. Blake's Jfnrnltnva Store. jplpyU if Qh.eap A SABS CBMCE To Secure a Good Business Location. I offer for sale my store buildings, situated la the village of McH enry. They are of Mick, two stories high, and suitable for any kind of buHinots, with gooa residence rooms • second story. Also good barn and out. Muses. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop 's Mill and next door to the post ofltce. ^Also offer for sale my Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with or Without business to suit purchaser. Mcn.nntmn*vn.u&*'uss>mY- A 4 V HANDSOME ••to LADY READERS. "•CHICAGO"" NORTH Gasoline Stote& Should not fail to thoroughly examine our large and varied stock of carefully selected Gener­ al Merchandise entirely suitable in quality and price to the pat­ ronizing public ot MeHenry and lallkA AAtinfma _ .y.wj"--.' • • v *r»:- " * J , »• - 4 Goods, The best in the maricet for the following reasons. 1--It is not an untried experiment, 2--It is manufactured by the Rath bone Stove CfcK, which is proof of its durability. 3--It has a sepaiate generator burner which saves time and Gasoline in starting the Stove, and causef a perfect combustion of vapor, thus d »ing away with that puffing and hissing sound caused by many'inferior kinds in the market* •W H Y STOVE: ok Ovtc OURLINBOF won t They can't be beat as we keep any ~ ebrated In the most desirable shades. In the most durable gaades, At the most satisfactory prices. Colored Robes White Robes Gingham Robes •2.20 to $5,75 1.25 " 6.00 1,60 " 2.20 SFZCIAL ATTINTIOH Is called to Summer Shawls, shade**. our elegant in English delicrte Are Recommended ti You 1--They will do all the work of a large family, washing cook­ ing and ironing in LESS TIME and at LESS EXPENSE than any coal or wood stove made. 2--They do not heat up your house and make a farnace of your little kitchen, and thus bre»k down the health of yapr wife or daughter, r RAILWAY. t ffnstrates the Centroa of Population In Hois, Iowa, Wisconsin- licMp, Minnesota, Mota, NeMa iii.YjuiiE. Its train service Is carefully arranged to meet requirements ot local travel, as welt as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din. ingand place sleepincr cars is without rival. Its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Xorthwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist a'nd the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information cheerfully furnished by BERNARD BUSS. Agent, McHonry, III* MARVIN BUQH1TT, Vice-Pren. and Gen. Manager. H. C. WICKER, Traffic Manager. & P. WILSON, General Pauenger Agent. largest aad Most Complete Exhibition ia America^ EXHIBIT ATT Friday, Maf 13, WJTH THK MONSTER MENAGERIE, BEAUTIFUL AVIARY, CALIttlHENlV EXHIJtlllON, AND GRANDLY GOLTGJUOUS ALLEGORICAL STREET PAGEANTRY. Nothing Like it Known Before. Acknowledged by all to be the (ireat Feature Show and strictly exclusive Specialty Kxhibi. on®f lng »nno8ingie exhibition of its myriad attractions anything that is not • new and original, an acceptable innovation in tenting amusements, completely revolutionizing ol<i time idens of circuses ami menageries, and marking an epoch in the history ot American Amusemunt. A HUGE GENUINE ARCTIC WHALE. Lit.?!?6 l*,1;*®81 Rn, i" lal «v«r breathed animated life. The Dreaded Foe of all. The T,ey- i • nl1^ ^ deep. You cannot afford to lose this opportunity of seeing this your- sclvesand gmn< your family an OPTICAL TUB AT that vou may never haye a chance to ™wt?pSr1rn 'oail?<J l1ll t„rJrC!1 a J?" ing expense. This Mammalian Wonder is exhibited with WON- JrJi I .ui i f. 111 ! . 'nagmtudinal Greatness. Its PONDEUOUS HEAD measures I one-third ot its ent ire length, and its EXPANSIVE JAW8 causes one to almost doubt his own existence. Its original weight, was nearly lifty tons. THIS ONE FEATURE ALONE is worth one hundred miles ot travel to see. IT WILL BE THERE AND NO MISTAKE. KLA, Lake Co., in., Jan. 10,1887. Cf* DlCKXTOOM & SON--Harrington, 11L Gentlemen:--I had two borsee cut with barb wire fence very bad, ud I applied Dickinson's Russian Liniment and it caused a speedy cure. 1 also use it in my family, and I can say that it i« the best llnlmeut I ever used. _ . . „ , JOHK BOBBBTKWT For sale by all druggists* < WHEAT WANTED. Tbe Highest Market Price fo ros River Valley will be pa'ld for good Milling at tbo ros River Valley Mills, Henry. R. In cash Wheat Mc BISHOP. LIVING HIPPOPOTAMUS! Countless cnges of rare rr x i anil GIANT RHINOCEROS! *ges of rare animals to be seen with no other exhibition, the world's zoology °f,almo" oyery species known to naturlists. Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Bears, V lack Vjarki, Giave Robbing Hyenas, Camels, Ostriches, Strange Reptiles. Rare Birds, Performing Llephanis, Living Sea Monsters, Museum of Living Curiosities, Arc! tic Ocean SKA LIONS, ami innumerable other species of the animal world Burr ltobbins has provided an useiiible for the gratification of his patrons, which embraces greater and more niiscelancous attractions than have hitherto been seen in either a permanent The important equestrian department Is represented by or traveling ilippMlgpinH) or Circus. 4- Starry Phalanx. Of male and lemale riders, each one of whom has been starred as a special featuie, both in this country and Europe. All the Greatest Artists Known. So manifold are the attractions presented at one entertainment that the memory ia absolutely strained to enumerate them. It has frequently been asserted that this Is the very GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH and this oft repeated assertion is now a llxed fact in the public inind. No other show has from year to year trav­ ersed the same country under the srme name and ownership, keeping faith with the people. Always Showing Just What It Advertises. > And always welcomed by these who know its value, who have been within its tents so many times. In all its departments. Museum, Menager- '1e, Circus. Pageant. It stands alone THE ONE GREAT AKENIC EXHIBITION of Ameiiea. KBAHD STREET1 PAP1ANT AND T O U RNAMEHT. The most Elaborate, Artistic and Befulgont Parade ever presented. Miles of Glittering Glory Open Cages ot Rare Trained Animals. Wild buasts free upon the streets. Elephants Camels and all strange monsters. Gorgeous Golden Chariots. Three bands of Music. A Holiday l'ageant. Unexampled in Us Splendor, and well worth miles ol'travel to witness. It takes place e/ery day at 10O'clock A. M. Be sure to witness its splendor. »* Doors open at 1 and 7 o'clock p. m. Arenic performances at 2 and 8 o'clock p. affording ample time to vi«w the vast Aviary, Aquarium, and Menagerie with its wealth of specimens 3BB IMT TOWN E-AKJVJT. Admission, 50 Cents. Children under 9 years* 26 Cents fST~One ticket admits to all departments of the Great Show. Remember the Day and Date* FRIDAY. MAY P A R A S O L S . Fancy bead trimmed Parasols from $2.50 to $5.25, ia cream, tan, blue, brown and black. No carried drer stock. Mo old styles. Cloves t Cloves I HOSIERY' ! CLOTHING! Our Clothing is all bought for spot cash of the world renowned louse of Kuh, Nathan & Fischer, who make only good clothing, jjood fits, and use only late im­ provements. We can fit most anyone in either sack, frock, one button or four button cutaway suits, from $7.75 to 23.50. Every sale guaranteed entirely satisfac­ tory to the purchaser in every case. Ynr Bats, Stiff Hat«, Slouch Bets, Stew 1# Wall Paper * • -AND-- KORWESIAH FLOWS. That yrill outwear any two other makes, afe always at our place, also the Star, Canton, Clipper, Grand Detour, Garden City, Moline, Case and others, at bottom prices. Flying Dutchman Jr. sulky, Case and Hapgood, that are the lightest draft sulky plows made. Of all kinds, lever and com­ mon, 40 and 60 tooth. We can outsell any firm in the county on Wagons and Carts, also Lum­ ber Wagons, when the quality and finish is considered. W e al­ ways have ou hand the renowned Cortland makes, all styles and they make tho best side spring made. Also Maud S. spring and fine Phaetons. Gall and exam­ ine our Cortland Cart with a 24 foot spring; can't get them fast enough. Thanking you for past favors Jwesolicit trade, v . V E, M. OWEN & SON. • "I • 1 Curtain 8CRKMB WINDOW Shade FARCO'S BOOTS AND Poles, CLOTH, SHADES, Fixtures. Badger State IDESTSUCTIBLE Lindaner Bros, fancy Flannel Shirts, fancy Percale Shirts . CmOCEIillMSf Splendid Raisins No X Figs Choice whole Rice Good fine cut Tobaccq Good Plug Tobacco A good cloth Cap . 7 cts. 7 cts. 5 cts. 25 cts. 25 cts. 5 cts. Bonilett & Stoffd. & $ HEALING POWDER. CURE9 ALL OPEN SORES ON ANIMALS FROM ANY CAUSE, SORE SHOULDERS. CUTS, KICKS, ROPE BURNS, SORE BACKS, SCRATCHES, CUTS FROM BARB WIRE FENCES, ETC. NO SMELL fO ATTRACT FLIES; DOES NOT BURN A SORE LIKE LINIMENTS; EASILY AP« PLIED AND ALWAYS READY. FOR BURNS,CHAFING, SORES OR CUTS ON PERSONS, IT HAS NO EQUAL. - 15 and 5® Cents a Box. AT DRUG OR HARNESS STORES. ^V. ^IK6 POWtf SMITH'S BEANS jnfURE Biliousness; Sick Headsrts InFoorhw*. Cg> On* dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure md pretent Chills * Fever, Sour Stomach ^ Bag Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and Blve Life Vloor to the system. Dose t ONE KUBAN. Try them once and you will never be wtthouttfcejji. • Price, 26 centa per bottle. Sold b» Drufilate u* Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt w price in stamps, postpaid, to any address, J. F. SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Sole Propa.. ST. LOUIS. M* $25,000.00 IN GOLD! , WILL BE PAID FOB ABBUCKLES' COFFEE 1 Premium, • 2 Premiums, 6 Premiums, 25 Premiums, , 100 Premiums, 200 P remiums, 1,000 Premiums, tl,000.00 •500.00 each •250.00 " •100.00 " %50.00 " §20.00 " •10.00 " For full particulars and directions see Cirra* lwr in every pound of ARBCCKLXS' Coma, .. i.i -- JOHN KLEIFCEN. HOUSE Painter, tiralncr, Calcimincr ami Paper Hanger. Residence one ltlock West of Riverside House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. . JL NEW DEPABTUKE. A Knife Pulverizor thai caa be eon* trolled by the operator to regulate the depth of cultivation. Postively n® side draft. No weight on horses neeks* Bishop's Warehouse, MeHenry. FOR sale, a Scholarship In Judd't College of Com me roe, Chicago. Ap-i&Ms ply at this office. This in one of the beat Cetumercial Schools in tbe west, and a chauce is now oflered to get scholarship cheap if applied foral once. MK fsgfe "" i

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