WEDNESDAY, MATH, 1887, Railroad Time Table. On ud after Monday, June JM Tr*l*S -will fUl McHenry Station as below: OOINO SOUTH. M Lake Uenera Passenger... .7:88 i.K Lake Geneva express r- Lake Genera Freight '• * Lake Geneva Passenger ..3:26 ooiiro WORM. Lake Geneva Freijcht •"Uf?* Lake Geneva Passenger.. Lake Geneva Express A-Mr. u Lake Geneva Pae»en*er •:#» * Jltops only to leave Passen iuM, Afent. McHenry, 111 -li(s MASOVIC. • MCDKNRV LODGB, Nix 158 A. F, and A. M.- friends present. Regular Communications the second a fourtb Mend&ya in each month. JOHN 1. STOKT, JW. M " "1 '• I ' ' ' • k • MODRRN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Secon end Last Tuesday evening of each month, neighbors cor lially invited- Y LITTLE KATIE, daughter ot John Heimer. had the misfortune to fall from the fence on Sunday afternoon last, breaking her arm between the wrist and elbow./ Dr. Fegert is attend ing her. ^ THE Northwestern, Railway has a new advertisement this week. BEAD the new advertisement of A. Bnglen, on the first page of this paper. FKKSH Strawberries, Bananas, Oran ges and California Cabbage, at Locke's Home Bakery, Howe's Block. Do not fail to read the new adver tisement of Bonslett A S toll el, to be found In another place In this paper. REMEMBER Burr Bobbins will pitch kit Teat in this village on Friday of this week. Come In and see the show. WM. L. SMITH is improving the looks of his residence by building a new fenee on the West and South sides. J . . JOHN ETANSOV' A Co. have a larj advertisement in oar Supplement this week, which no one should fail to read. / GET your fishing taokle in readiness; the time has oome when you can go out and sit on the damp ground all day and not get a nibble. IN another column can be found new advertisement of C. V, Stevens. Do not fall to read It. It will pa; you. THE next meeting of the lloHenry County Teachers Association will be raaoiieu. JOHN GOLDING, of Waneon&T, WM a caller on Wednesday. MRS. CURRBNS is reported quite sick this Wednesday morning. Xss. J. J. VASET and children joined her husband at LaPorte, Indiana, last week. Miss HARRIS sister of IMrs. Henry Colby and Mrs. E. W. Howe is visiting here. EARL MEAD and Miss Cora Mem ber spent three or four days In Chica go last week. CHAS. KCHNERT and wife, of Johns- burgh, went to Waukegan last week to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Kuh- nert'g father, who was 87 years of age. There was a large gathering of rela- THE Chicago A Northwestern Rail way are now selling at their station here, ten ride family tickets, between McHenry and Chicago, limited to six months at #10.05. Also twenty-five ride Individual tickets, between Mc- Henry and Chicago, limited to six months, at 112.55, THE Ladles Willing Workers Socie ty, connected with the Unlversalist Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs. O. W. Owes, on Thursday afternoon. May 19, at 1:30 sharp. General attendance Is earnest!? re quested. MRS, JOHN I. STORY, President, Miss GRACE OWIK, Secretary. ^OWING to the large orders daily coming in the McHenry Brick Compa ny have been obliged to Increase their machinery, and are now making 30,000 Brick every day, instead of 20,000 as heretofore. They fired their first Kiln of the season on Sunday night last, and are* pushing the Tard to its ut- mostoofrsclty. r;:v "j* :--'1 hold at Woodstock, on May 14th Saturday next, ri ». THE Rev. E. F. Cleveland, of Dun dee, will preach in the Episcopal Cburch at Spring Grove on Sunday. June 12th, at 11 o'clock, A. M. . 0 *S\ RET. O. C. COLEGROVE, of ^Gabs- burgh, 111.,'will occupy the Pulpit at the Unlversalist Church, in (his village, on Sunday morning next, at the usual hour. ANT party who wishes to buy a good store [property, well located and cheap, should not fail to read the ad vertisement of J. Pekovsky, to be found in another place in this paper. THE card of A. E. Bourne, Attorney. Woodstock, which can be found on the first page, should read. Office at the Court House. The change did not roach us in time fort his week. GOLDING BROS. A DUERS, of Wan* conda, will aooept our thanks for a( couple of Bottles of Bxtracts, of their own manufacture. It is the finest we over saw. ONE of our exchanges "regrets that It has made enemies,1 Pshaw! we would not give % csht for an editor who has not succeeded in making ene mies. A newspaper without enemies Is like a locomotive without steam. XVERTBODY and "bis sister and his oonsin and bis aunt," should remember that Burr Bobbin's great Circus and Menagerie will be here en Friday of this week. It is without question, one of the best shews now traveling. BISHOP'S BLOCK, the first story of whioh as an Agricultural Warehouse and the second oooupied by the PLAIN DEALER office, Is being treated #S oeat of Paint on the outside, Wlilchwill much Improve Its appsar- anoe. THE Beard of Trustees are doing a commendable job in having our streets cleabed of (ash heaps, .old cans, old boots and other rubbish, and they should uow pass an Ordinance making It & finable offense for auy one to de posit rubbish of any kind in the public streets. It would tend much to the ^eauty of our rillage. I JT has been fully demonstrated thousands of times in the last century that you can make more money in one day's strict attention to your own business than yeu can In i$en days poking your nose into other people's affairs. And theu you are much hap pier with the money thus earned andj it is the road that leads to 'happiness^ and contentment and neighborly neighbors in the whole community. THE Lord wasted tnud when he cre ated the man who iakes~a-»ew«paper Tor two or three years and then orders the postmaster to return it, marked refused. Contemptible as such a being undoubtedly is, he is but a stage removed from the ether man or womnn who is too stingy to |take the local papej, but mean enough to borrow the paper from their nelpbbor every week. THE Executive Committee of the Hd Settlers Association met In this lllage on Thursday last, and after tanvasslng the matter decided to hold he next Re-Union here on Thursdiy LugustJISth^J The programme will be arranged 1b due time, but all can rest assured that no pains will W spared to make it second to none ever held by the Association. Each town in Mc Henry and Lake connties who Intend to contest for the Champion Flag are requested to appoint their (Marshals and get their procession in order so that there may be no disputes The rules and regulations will be pub lished at an early day so that there may be no mistake. A HUGE, genuine Arotlc whale, the largest animal that ever breathed ani mated life. The dreaded foe of all. The leviathan of the mighty deep. Tou can not affor J to lose this oppor tunity of seeing this yourselves "and giving your family an optical treat that you may never have a chance to give again, and (at such a trifling ex- pease. This mammalian wonder Is exhibited with wonderful reality In all Its magnitudlnal greatness. Its ponderous head measures nearly ope- third ot its entire length, and its ex pansive Jaws cause one to almost doubt his own existence. Its original weight was nearly fifty tons. This one feature alone Is worth ece hundred miles of travel to see. It will be there, and no mistake. Be wheret At McHenry, Friday. May ISth. THE following from the Rome, N. Y„ Sentinel of April 22d, will prove of Interest to many of our readers: ZIMMERMAN--MCPHEE.--At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening at her home, corner Deminick and George streets, Mrs. A. W, McPhee was married to Rev. Joslah Zimmerman, Rev. T. B. Shepherd, pastor of the First M. E Cburch per>orming the ceremony in the presence of a small company of the relatives and friends of the con tracting parties. Refreshments were served and a very pleasant soolal occa slon was enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman are well known and highly respected in this city. Mr. Zimmerman was formerly pastor of the Court Street M. E. Church, but is now retired from the ministry. Mrs. McPhee is ths mother of Mr*. F. G. Mayes, and aunt of Henry and Newell Colby, of this village, end O. C. Colby, of Nan da. U. COIOJ, c /1?EV. B. I'---*" \ * ^"Y • ItJt: iUA't;,. A SFECIAL Communication of Mo- Henry Lodge No. 158. A. F, ana A. M., will be holder Monday evening next, May 16th. Work on the Master Mason Degree. A general attendance of members is earnestly requested. By Ojrder of the W. M. WE call attention of our lady firlends # the •'Handsome Gift" that we will make In our Issue of June 1st. Every lady should buy a copy of that date, as it will be an opportunity such as rarely occuis. See our announcement ejfe where.: ITHB PROF. DELILLE Company, who W&e played at Riverside Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings last, drew very small houses, and conse quently did not do a paying business The entertainment was said, by those who attended, to be a very creditable one, and deserved to receive a good house, 'MCHENRT IS never behind in any thing, and just at this time she is way ahead on plug Hats, Not satisfied with the common kind to be obtained In this country, one has been imported, and was out in all its glory on the bridge on Sunday last. It was three stories high and bad a stove in the top, that is bad the top all stove In. It can isgen by calling on Frank. WM. RICHARDSON, of Yolo, has left ID our Sanctum a queer shaped stone, feund somewhere In that section. It will probably weigh from 25 to 80 pounds, and looks as ^though It was cut for some special purpose, perhaps hundreds of years agon The question now Is by whom, end for what |was it to seen at Mils LOCKE'S Home Bakery has been re moved to the largo store, in Howe's Block, which has been fitted up es pecially for his use, and where, w.'aen be gets settled, will be fonnd one of the best arranged establishments of this kind in this part of the State. He has a large new Oven ,and no one need fear tu the future but that Locke's Some Bakery can supply you with the very best In their line and on the shortest possible notice. |Call and see them in their new quarters. New goods each week at the Ladies' Sales-room. Bargains Saturday in cotton. Lisle thread and silk gloves, worth from 25 to 50 cents, at 10 cents a pair. Bring own bottle for triple extract of best perfumes at 20 cents an ounce. New jackets with satin lined hoods, 91.50 each, white dresses, confirmation wreaths and every thing usually kept at a ladies' furnishing store. iOrders on approval. Satisfac tion guaranteed at MRS. H. S. GREGORY'S. S ... ( DIED.--11 In this village on Thursday. May 5th, 1887, Mrs. Maggie Barblan. wife of Jacob Barbian. aged 32 years. She leaves a husband and five children ^o mourn her loss. A CARD. I wish in this public manner to re. turn my thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly aided and assisted me daring the sickness and after the death of my wife. Such acts Of kindness were highly highly appre ciated and will long be remembered by me. JACOB BARBIAN. "GEORGE O.," the young trotting Stallion, owned by George W. Owen, of this vi 11 age. and who has now been in the hands of the celebrated driver, Peter V. Johnson, of Chicago, less than a month, Is making a remarkable showing, and more than meeting the expectations of his friends. On Men day morning ilast he trotted one fourtb of a mile in 33 Jseconds, a 2:12 gait. Johnson says he is a wonder, and predicts he will put Phallls to his trumps before Fall. - Attention Teacher#. la order te secure reduced rates in returning from the Meeting of the M. C, T. A. it is absolutely neccessary to get a receipt for going passage, from the agent of whom you , purchase your ticket to Woodstock, otherwise no reduction can be given. j. & Runs, Secretary Those Pants at 65 cents for single pair or two pair for 91.25 srebargalns« Supposing you drop in and look them oyer circus day. JOBS EVAXSOB * Oo. BRUNNING has dosed his la bors here, by mutual consent with the Unlversalist society, feeling that his financial afiairs w«re domandlng more funds for the present, than he could command here, and having a very much increased salary he drops the Rev. from his us me, and tor the pres ent will be addressed as follows: B. Brunning, 134 Van Buren St., room 83, Chicago. 111. He is now the general agent of the American Musical Associ ation, the headquarters ot which are as above.! Mrs. B. has gone to Athens, Pa., to visit their daughter for a month or two. Mr. B. expects to take trial work agsijyit course Ql iULthrflft, years, J He has 4een pastor of the Unlversalist Church here for the past year and a half, and the society very much regret that cir cumstances compel him to sever his. Connection with them as paator.|He Is an aBTeVFSaflWS "prtfifcher, and in his retirement from the ministry the Unl versalist denomination of the state will lose one of its brightest lights. MoHenry County Teachers' Association. The McHenry County Teachers' As sociation will meet in regular session on Saturday, May 14th, In the high school building at Woodstock, the ses sion to commence at 11 A. M, As tnay be seen the programme to be presented has been prepared with special reference to the needs of pri mary and district teachers, and It ts hoped that many ef these may be present. The following la the pro gramme: Hebron Department LODGE i>itt*oToiir. MASONTO.--A. F. »n<t|A, M. meet at Masonic Hail on every lat and Sd Wednesday eren- lairs of each month. MODBSW WooDxaw OF IAMKKTCA..--Meet at Maeonle Hall every 3d and 4th Monday even ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in- rlted. SONS or TBMPBKANCB.--Meet at Union;Hall on Tuesday evening of eaeh week. EDITOR PLAINDAALER:--Mrs. John Reynolds Is very sick at this writing. Farmers In this section have eetrly fiaiihed planting corn. School was dosed Monday, as the school-bouse was undergoing a clean- lag. Mr. Wood burg's lwiadmlll was quite badly damaged In the gale of last week, Our band ts oloven in twain and Hebron, new has no oornet band. Sad, but true. John A. Rotnorif ls moving oo his place recently bought near Richmond. Miss Rosa Pierce, from Iova, is teaching In the Lyman Glass district. Street A R >tnour'« Orchestra will play for the May Party at Richmond this week. Mrs, Lyman 'Pleroe fell recently, fracturing her collar bone and Injuring one thumb quite badly. Wm. Rotnour will move to Wood stock this week to take charge of > hotel that be bas rented there. G. B. Stone Is building an addition te his house. He Is having the wing part raised and other improvements, which will make It much more con venient. Mrs. Lucy Jenks, after making a pleasant friends in this vicini ty, returned to hsr home in Massa chusetts this week. Her mother, Mrs. Thomas, accompanied her. There will be a May Party at Rowe's Hall on Frldayjevenlng yay, 20, All are cordially Invited to attend. Re member the good music that will be In attendance. Smith & Corless' Or chestra, with Harp, from Janesville. Tickets $1.00. Miss Emma Martin, 'who has spent several months ^with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Manor, returned to her home in Cheshire, Massachusetts, this week. Miss Martin has wob many friends during her stay in the west. Dr. E. L. Herrick displays to his friends an "Agreeable surprise," which he received in the mall of Friday evening, vis: A lovely box of' spring violets. Who sent them ? Its a mys tery, but violet* ere known to grow abundantly in the east, along the Nippersink, and hunters are sometimes very fond of gathering them, and the language of the blue violet Is ufa!th- fulness." The citizens are requested to meet at Hebron, en Wednesday evening May lltb. for the purpose of making the necessary arrangements to proper iy observe gfcoratlon day. / » Richmond Department, CONTEJBHTED BT "FLOSSIE.* Attend the May party. Mrs. Dickson, nte .Mrs. Baeon, has been very sick but is convtlesoent. H. C. Faber visited Chioago Monday, as also Nettle C. Downing, Mrs, Burton and little Louie have gone to Lake Geneva to live. Mr. Drake and Bertha lift lo the mill house now. The farmers say that rale would be great blessing new. What a beauty George Rowe's new horse is. Miss Ibbie Rowe, of Hebron, called on Richmond friends Saturday. Jack Stllwell has just made a new bus for Manor's livery, and It Is Indeed a beauty. Mrs, Est¥isg and Mame returned from Chicago, Friday eveniug accom panied by Sam's family. Peter McDevett ts out froos Chicago picking up strength after a long 111- ness. Charlie Eldredge came oat from Chicago Friday evening and breathed a little pure country ait. Mrs, Mattle Randall entertained a party of her lady friend* Thursday after noes. I Jgl JUST DROPPED IN Mnslo. Class Exerelae In Reading- Miss Gertrude Murphy, Woodstock Recess. Music. Language--Miss Ruth McKenney 2:10 Literature in our Rural Sobools-- Prin. S. B. Hursh 3:00 4. Select Reading-Miss Florence Sessions):10 5. Number Work--r. H. Carr 4:Sw F. H. BURT, Pres. Marengo, 111., Mty 3. 1887. IHBD. Of MASON-At Hebron, III.. April SSd. bronchitis. Willie A., child of Jaoob B. and Mary D. Mason, aged 1 year, 28 davs. 11 months, and A bud pluefced from the tree. A bird flown irem the nest. A little darling snatched From a fund mother's breast. A little enow-white lamb, Gone from the sheltering fold! A little narrow grave, Down in the grave.yard cold. A little drooping flower, Growing in purer air. Blooming fragrant and bright In the Gardner's care. A little tender bird, Flown far from fear and harm J A little snow-white lamb, Iu the Good Shepard's arm. One little anael more, Singing with voice so sweet* Fliaging his crown of gold Down at his Savior's feet. Free from all earthly care. Pure from all earthly stains, Oh, who could wish him back, In this drear world again? Nunda, ApriMMh, 1887. "It's only part of life--to live: And all or d^ath to die." Nothing in the world is single; all things by a law divine, Blead. or shade, or intermingle, bjr the com- mon change of time. The wind» of heaven mix forever; tiny drops lo ocean run. Earth, and air, and sun and Glver. Wend in one celestial one. Human hearts are no exceptions, part and parcels of the whole: Thns the grandeur of existenoe, seems a blessing to the soul. Kindred ties are very precious, mind to mind speaks through the eyo; And eongcnial,|loving phrases, warmed with trust and sympathy, Lend their Messing; whiio we look calmly o'er the checkered past, With regrets and strange dejection where the '•might have beens" are passed. Then the truest lips will quiver, and the stoutest courage fail, For wliei'<d death's dark shades have gathered hearts sit dumb and cheeks grow pale. Weep then, friends and stricken mother--He who taketh--He who gave. Holds the sunlight o'er those shadowed; Jo- sus wept o'er Lazarus' grave, And If our "Ty pe of life" was tested, and woe to perfect love was fciven, life's soriows, duly tasted, pave the way from earth to Heaven, M. A. G., Gr Is wold Lake. Great opening of Straw Goods of every description on Friday and Sat urday next at John Evanson & Co* A YOu MOW THAT Aod te cell your attention to the fact that you can get that splendid western magazine* the Western Plowman and South and We$t. for nothing, by simply psying fl,60 for one year's subscription to the PLAIN DEAL ER. If yeu want (and you do) a hand somely printed monthly which dis~ cusses the best methods of farming, and all matters of general interest to the family, from a common-sense, practical standpoint, end which fur nishes bright, wholesome, spicy and entertaining reading for every mem ber of the family, you need the We$t- ern Plowman and South and West. Original lo Its style, tasty in its make* np, fearless. Independent, and aggres sive. It has become t great Western favorite. Call at our offic* and see sample copy with Its handsome art premium, "Papa's Pet.'1' Remember, you can get our paper and the Western Plowman and South and West for one year for only #1.60. This is the most liberal newspaper combination ever offered, and we guarantee you perfect fatlsfactlon. v SOCIAL PARTY. Yourself and Lady are cordWHlf in vited to attend a Social Party, at Thaleit's Hall, Johnsburgh, on Mon day evening. May 30th. 1887. Music^ RIngwood Band. Tickets 50 cents. HUBERT NEUMANI*, Proprietor. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned oSers for sale bis farm, consisting of 158 acres, situated on tho line between the towns of Mc Henry and Burton, 78 acres under cul tivation and 80 acres of pasture and woodland. Will be sold all together or in parcels to suit purchaser. For further particulars inquire on the premises, of JOHX SCHAFER. M*y4.1*S7. m* Wanted. Some nice couple to unite !• holy wedlock at the fair Sept. 21st. Address theJSecretary. Inducements large. 43_3W A. S. WUIGUT, Sec. "Mayiower" Tea is invigorating. •* " " refreshing. •• " fragrant. • » " pnre. *• .1 M lmporte^fedlreet from Japan by Henry Colby. Elegant uclaundrled shirts 4& and |7«csnuet JohnEvanten A Co, Samuel Myers and son came ont from Chioago Saturday, to enjoy a few days at Twin Lakes. Dr. Fitch's family bas been out here several days and will soon occupy their summer resldenoe at the lake. Mr. H. M. Prime has opened a fruit stand in the Gelesple building, anil bas as neat a place as can be. Miss Emma Wray has returned from her loag sojourn at Danville. She was called home on account or her father's Illness, Little Mamie Sklllenger has been dangerously sick for more than a week with lung trouble, and Is 10 better now. The boys are going to have a dance Thursday night, Mar 12,1&87, at Bur ton's Opera House. Tickets, 75 cents. Music by Hebron Orchestra.. The brats band boys went down to Reader's woods Sunday, where the Keystone boyi joined them and they practiced for Decoration.Day. Mrs. Stevens visited the city &«t week and now has a very fine stock of millinery on hsnd and is doing a good business as usual. Spring and Summar Mrs. M. Schumacher. Has just returned from the city with a fine stock of Spring and Summer Millinery, to which she Invites the at* tent Ion of the Ladles of McHenrv and vicinity, confident that she can please you both in quality, style and price. Also the finest stock of Oriental Laces to be found la the county, very choice patterns. My goods are all of the latest'^styles to be found in the market, and will bear the closest inspection. The la dies are Invited to call. MRS. M. SCHHMACHXR. BONSLETT & ST0FFEL, Special Drives 1 100 lbs. fine fat Figs, in 13 lb. boxes, only 7 cents per pound. 500 pounds choice cooking, or Valen cia Raisins, ouly 7 cent per poand, 500 pounds No. 1, strictly whole and clean Rice, only 5 cents per pound. Good Oil 11 cents.--9 good 9 hoop Pails for 25 cents. Good fino cut and plug Tebacoo, only 25 cents per pound. Choice Smoking Tobaooe only 90 cents per pound. Good warranted Flour, enly flJML Hanly's, 91,10. Yellow dent Seed Corn, flji. Tim othy Seed, 92,25. Alfalfa, Sweedlsh, White Clover Sfeed. and imported We sell a nloe Summer Cap lor 5 oects, all sizes. We have some bargains In Wall Paper and Borders. Do not fail to see our Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Scrimb Cloth, Be sure te call on us for any Goods of merit you need. Yours, BOHSLWRR A STOFHL. SEED CORK FOR SALE, Yellow dent and sweet oorn. 98 per cent grows; also Wyandott fowls. For prices address, C. H. MERCHANT 37 Greenwood, 111. New style Carriages at bottom figures at E. M, Owen A Son's. All tbe latest stylesj,in Straw Hats at Altholl Bros, Carpots by Sample John B. Blake has now the fioest line of Carpet Samples to be found In the county, and can furnish you a Carpet from the cheapest to the best grade made, at prices ten per cent be low anff other dealer in this section. Call and see his samples and learn prices. LaCross, Cortland, gtaver and six other makes of carriages at B. M. Owen A Son's. iLlttle Kent Aldrlch had quite a aar* row escape from ending his sunny^llfe under the cruel wheels of the freight train Monday, but a miss 1s as good as a mile and beys will be boys. The fruit trees are blooming to-day --Monday--and seem to have come out all In a jump, and by moonlight too. There could be no fairer morning than this, and It seems as though there oould be no country more beautiful than this is now. While wandering through the woods tbe other day I came across something whica made me pause, wonder, and brought to me a world of thought. It was a little grave. A quaint little thing ft was too, trimmed with the richest of green moss; the bead marked by a tiny cross and tbe center decorated with wild flowers--sweetest violets and buttercups once, then fad ed and lifeless. You would hardly have noticed It, so small it was, bad your footsteps not led you directly there. I wondered as I sat down be side it if some childish hands had burled with tearful heart aches seme favorite pet or toy. But no, tbe earth was undisturbed save where the sur- soundlng hedge was laid and children's feet would not stray so far even for the fairest wild flowers. I wondered then if some one grewn weary of bat tling with woes and cursed with an inadaptability to cope with the res ponsibilities ot life, had. In an idle gloomy hour, traced out there that little grave and burled, not in earth but lu a melancholy mind, some bright hopes and ambitioas. That seemed most probable, yet how could it be true? How hard it is to believe that any life must be so sad when each and every day earth grows more beautiful, and tbe grand artist--Natore--puts a few mere touches to ber pictnre, and even now the birds are singing, tbe dew drops dancing in the warm sun light, and heaven's bluest sky smiling above that little grave. I kpow that we haveonly to live this life once, and I am sure the good Lord Intended we should enjoy It and this beautiful earth too. Forget, then the dark, sor rowful days, and the silver will be much more reluctant about creeping about your temples and sorrow's lines across your brow. Good-bye. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price, In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat, at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Mo Henry. R. BISHOP. Just reoelved. a full line ef Straw Hats at Althofi Bros, BARGAIN'S EXTRAORDINARY. 10,000 yards brown sheeting at 6} c in full piece--7a in smaller quantities. 10,000 yards bleached- sheeting at 7c per yard, full or broken piece. One lot Dress Goods at 6c, worth 10, .Corse ti Hosiery 20o, " 15c, " 8<j, u 50c^ •10c, " 36. 25. 15. 75, 20. Two pair Pants for 91.25. Com® and look these orer without de lay, as such bargains never were offer ed he re before. JOHN EVAN SON A Co. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL The undersigned has for sale a fine three-years old Registered Holstein Bull. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. J. W. GALB, lm Volo, 111. Coll Spring Road Carts at E. M. Owen ft Son's, that beats anything of the class ever invented; and springs warranted for five years. Call and see It*** Keystone, Standard, Challenge^ Evans end John Duere Planters at S. M. Owen A Son's. Building paper cheap at M. Engeln^ Jars and Jugs 9 oents, per gallon at M. Engeln. When in search of a good Hat ef any kind, go to Althofi Bros. The finest 50 cent tea in tbe market at Althofi Bros, Keystone Pulverizers, 16 Inch, at E. M. Owen A Son's, for 938. Road Cart with a twenty-four foo* spring at E. M. Owen A Son's. 5 bottle silver plated castor, 7B cents at M. Engeln's. Best Lumber Wagon In town at X. M. Owen A Sen's. Broadcast Seeders from #89 up to 940 at E. M. Owen A Son's. Examine Goods and learn prices at Bishop's. It will pay you. Clothing! Clothing! The finest line of Clothing, in Sin gle Garments or Full Suits to be found in tbe County, and at prices that can not fail to please, at Althoft Bros. Oh Say! We are showing an elegant line ef White and Ecru Robe Patterns, all prions. Also wide embroidered Skirt ings and Flounclngs. PZRBT A Owa*. Largest Stock of Persian and Black Cashmere Shawls In town. Prices very lew this year at Perry A Owen's. Don't Fall to see our new assortment ef Silk Gloves aad Mlts, black and oolors. Also Ladies Ties, sometbtog new at Perry A Owen's. Remember. We are selling Ladles and Gents Fine Shoes cheaper than any of them Our Shoes wear the best and are noted for fine fit. We have some special drives in Shoes. PEBKT A OWB». Car- Owen's. Headquarters For Wall Paper and Borders. pets and Curtains at Perry A You sbould examine tbe bargains in Ladles Muslin Underwear. Also tbe Corset at 50 cents, over at John Evanson * Co's. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market price, In cash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R. BISHOP. FOR SALE. One 2 seated Buggie newly painted, at a bargain to some one that wants uch a rig. W. H. FORD. Two seated Carriages at K, M, Owen A Son's, very low. Call at E. M. Owen A Son and look over their carriages and combined wagons of the celebrated Cortlaad, LaCrosse. Wallace, Heeny, Enterprise, and a number of other makes. All warranted for three years and at bot tom prices. Milk and Lumber Wagons it X. X. Owen A Son's at lowest prices. Harness very low at E, M. Owen A 8o»'s. City residences for sale, Appljr Asa W.jmith, Woodstock, III. - Harness Oil 60 cents a gallon at M. Engeln's. __ * , Fancy Roller floor, 91J5 at M. Engeln's. . Gorham Seeders at £. X. Owen A Son's. . • - ig§|3 The finest line of Bird Cages it. ^ town, at John I. Story's. ' v-,; Building Paper and Moth Proof Gaf» > pet Paper, at John L Story' McHenry. ^ Handkerchiefs, all styles aad prfeet at Althofi Bros. Just received a Car load of the old Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at John L % Story's. THI Genuine Novelty and Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prices at John I Story's. Beware of imitation*. | Call fOr the "Winning Stroke", a now Brand of five cent Cigars, mannfaetn** ? ed by Barbian Bros. It beats then all. | Twenty per cent discount on all winter goods for the next thirty days 1 at Althofi Bros, Tbe best and cheapest Carpets la § the market, at J. B, Blake's FurnijHiro.. | WOOD FOR SALE. ' jX 3" Good Dry Wood for sale^'l^lL'"'^! Lawlus. opposite the Riverside House. | Planters at E. M. Owen A Son--Key* 1 stone. Standard, Evans, Deere and Challenge. ________ WHEAT WANTED. § The Highest Market Price In caah, I 111 be paid for good milling wheniL ; the Fox River Valley lulls, Mo- I Henry. _____ R, BISHOP. FOR SALE. Short Horn Bulls aad Plymouth Rock Fowls, Call on or address, ' FRANK COLE, ' *£; 32-3m * Spring Grove, 111* H The Metropolitan is tho Boss carpet •weeper, aid no housewife shoold boy one befor^ seeing It. It Is Cheaper and better than all others. 1st in by John I. Story. WHEAT WANTED, The Highest Market Prloe In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills. Mo Henry. R. BISHOP. Money to Lioan. Money loaned on MoHenry County terms oo time and In amounts to sail borrower. Write or apply to J. W. HJUrBTBADk Rooms 1 and 2, Borden Bloek, Elgin Illr - CUCUMBER CONTRACTS. MCHKHRT, IIL, March lUh, Wg. I am now prepared to contract for the purchase or for sal tine pickles for the year 1887. All that wish to con tract In either way please call at nkf office. BISHOP. Houses and liots For Sale In Ringwood. I offer for Sale or Rent, two Houses and Lots, situated In the village of RIngwood, Also a building saltable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and other partlc» tilers Inquire of •Mm, ' TsStti Xtlfc It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The "Qemnd Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody ail-that Is J best In thai line. They have the reputation of being the best made. TbougtUmitated by aaany they are equalled by none. For salo iir McHenry by John I. Story. Notice. To those that want Tube, Vats, Hay Raoks,and anything in my line of host- aess. Work done on short notion to order. Shop one door South of Law* Ins' Store, F. A. MeHeary, Aa* * 188k. tu-ly . SEALED PROPOSALS* Will be reoelved by the uadetelgned. Village Clerk ef the Village OTMCK Henry, until Monday, May 90th, at 19 o'clock M., for the Cleaning, Lighting and Extinguishing of the Street Lamps In said village, from June 1st to November 1st, 1887. Bids to he at so much per month. The Committee re serve the right te rejeot aay and aR Bids. J. VAX 8LYKB. ̂ Village ClerK, •' Buoklon'e Arnioa Salv*. -,C: The best Salve in the world for onli bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pee- ' tlvely cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 9B cents per box. For sale by Henry Colby, Brace Up* Yeu are feeling depressed, your appetite la poor, you are bothered with headache, you are fidgetty, nervous, aad generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, bat not with stimulants, spring medkiaee, or bitters, which have for their heals very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, aad then leave you in worse couditloa than he- fore. What you want is an alternative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restoro your vitality, and give re newed health and strength. Snotha medicine you will find In Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at Henry Colby's1 Drug Store. * NURSERY STOCK, : Now is your time to get gd^lBwir^'1 sery stock cheaper than ever, ae I In tend clearing a part of my ground aad am bound to sell at some price.' Come with your team and big wagon and load up with sort maple, hard maple, box eider, white ash. white elm, Ca tnips, (speflosa) er black walnut of all sizes have cberrys, grape sell cheap for cash. Come early and take your pick. John V. Buckland, Proprietor, RIngwood, McHenry Oo., Illinois. ' v 40-iw Their Buoineeo Booming. Probably no one thing has samel eoch a general revival or business at Henry Colby's drag store as their giv ing away to their customers of so may trial bottles of Dr. King's New re covery for consumption. Their is simply/eodrmoos in this very1 ble article, from tbe faet that Itr cure* and never disappoints. colds, asthma, bronchitis, creopka throat and lung dlsessee qnlckhM ^ Yeu can test It befei* beytng by get ting a trial bottle free, large sl*eti» it ^spefiaaa; «r DIWX VSIOUI oi nil and prices that will suit Also a good line of evergreens, apples, rys, grape vines, etc^ that I will #•1 fan* • ' . •