Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1887, p. 4

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{&*»<.** JiS^'x*^jrSjr \. * *«** 3*V *-^*r ""' ' ' ,v' '* " ' "'"" " ** """""" w •**'"'* ^x-m-*jag'k""' fr'>"" ""**' "' " ***' «•- • -- -- •..,»,»»», --- • Witt*l8DAY, MAT 25.1887. Editor. RAN8LYKB MM (18 Spruce street • MttMU any be ~ ~ •Mule ftor it in 3$ € - "r " '***& y, t •?"";?•. - '•* "•'?.: -•,,' •-:";;5l: :* 'HIS PAPER J!?.? SSSS?C >»«»• -* 00,i,^:,"SKi,i5""!:i:i YORK- I^Thi Bulur market at Elgin OD Monday WM active it 17 to 18 cents jwr pound. •GTCubt wants to jeln the United fltates. This thews excellent taste on the little iilaod'i part, "Uncle Sam's family Is enough at present. but really qalte large • (firThe motion (or a new trial for Schwarta and Watts, convicted of filling Express Messenger Nichols, jvras overruled Monday at Morris, 111.. •tnd the Judge sentenced the men to Imprisonment. Notice of an ap- jmtl to the Supreme Court was given. The purchase ef 1.600,000 bushels of wheat on virtually one bid at Chica­ go Friday, was the biggest single hradt within the memory ot the wheat trade. It was eqnlvalent to the sale under ordinary conditions of 100,0001 barrels of corn, er 5,000,000 bushels of; oats, or 15.010 shares of a railroad eteck worth par. MTWIlllam Andreas, an amateur aeronaut, ascended in a small balloon at OskaloMa, Iewa, Monday evening. • After rising to a height of 700 feet the balloon took fire and collapsed, . Andreas falling upon the roof of a 1 building. He was Instantly killed, his J body being crushed beyond tfecog- ' nltlon. Three million errors in a single year Is the unenviable record of the peetofflce as served by Democrats; and the postal service grows worse and worse every day, by the displacement of experienced and faithful route agents, because they are Republicans, and the putting In their places of Insufficient and Incompetent men, be- eaase they *re Democrats. Soelal Peats a ad Incendiaries. The events of Chicago,'of Milwaukee,] of New York, prova that & large per­ centage of the foreigners to whom wo j have g iven welcome a re unwor thy of j it; that they are often idle, vicious, socialists and anarchists, social pest* and incendiaries, and that, broad as the land is, it Is yet too narrow for such a* they are. It was not long ago that the consul at Zurich wrote to the New York Tribune that scarcely an emigrant ship landed* upon our shores that does not bring with It dozens of paupers who are paid to come here, mixed With jail-birds fleeing from justice and readily permitted to escape, Net only that, but the larger ] part of the emigrants who come here "have been either failures at home, or j unfortunate and unlucky men, so called who could never prosper anywhere. No small part are aJventurers, seek Ing fortunes, political or otherwise, in a country where they hava good reason to believe the most worthless may rUe to position." K the state­ ment? of this officer of the Federal Government are to be relied upon, tt Is the offscourings of the. Old World that are coming to us--the paupers, anarchists, socialists, and criminals^, together with a scant mixture of better materials. AH we can hope Is that his description of the character I of European immigration is a prejudlc- ] ed one, and that it Is better than he thinks. But, be It better or worse, many striking events of the last year; or two have demonstrated that no harm could follow seme wholesome restrictions of the great alien influx. At least some guarantee of merits en­ titling a foreigner to the privileges of full citizenship should be exacted. If it be just that the son of native born American parents shall not ex­ ercise the rights of citizenship until he has lived in his country twenty-one years, It is not juat that an alien shall1 exercise the same right in Ave years. There should be adopted either some means to purify the great tide of im­ migration. or to check It to some degree. 5 OUR HANDSOME .. TO LADY READERS* AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. JQTSuit was begun is the United States Court at Milwaukee Monday, by William H. Holister aga1n|t the trustees of the Wisconsin Centra) Railroad and their registrar, for judg­ ment far interest due on bonds Issued July 1,1871, foreclosure of the mort­ gage, a cam pie te accounting, and the appointment of a receiver to take charge ef all the business covered by the mortgage of 1871. ill WE are satlcied that John E. Barton the Lake Geneva Millionaire, don't want all of the earth. Reoently, look­ ing over his prosperity, and seeing how a friend, one John Baskins, bad atood by him '.financially In timeB past when money was scarce and friends few, and although said Haskins had discharged all legal claims on him, he figured up what bis claim and interest would amonnt to, and found it would be 923,335,52; Deducting from this a $10,000 endowment insurance policy which he had carried for Haskins, he drew his check for 911.325,52 and sent to bias, a hearty "God blip i©p."-- Mrfha trouble In the ranks of the Knights of Labor assumes graver pro­ portions daily. A circular has been Not to all prominent Knights of Labor la several western states by Local Assembly 8,123 of of Portland, Oregon, denouncing Mr. Powderly tor fata rejoicing over the result of the Chicago municipal election, and em­ bodying resolutions passed by the assembly demanding that Mr. Pow derly be deposed from office. The Chicago New* says that the Knights are on the eve of a great revolt, and tbe^clrcular is the result of a concerted move by whlob. If the assembly is suspended, a geneial withdrawal from tbe order will follow. TO ALL WANTINO EMPLOYMENT. We want live, energetic and capable agents in every county in the United States and .Canada to sell a patent article of great, merit. OK ITS MERITS. An article having a large sale, paying over one tanndred pur cent profit, and on which the agent is protected in the exclusive sale by a deed given for each and every county he" mav secuie from us. With all these advantages" from our aeents, and the fact that it is an article that can be sold to every house-owner, it might not be necessary to make an "extraordinary offer" to secure gooil agents at once, but we have concludeded to make it in order to show, not only our confidence in the merits of our in­ vention. but in its salabilitv by any ageat that will handle it with energy. Our agents now at work are making from floO to 9600 a month clear, and this tact makes it safe for us to make our offer to all who are out of em­ ployment Any agent that will giveour busi­ ness a thirty days' trial and fail to clear at least |100 in this time, ABOVE ALL EXPENSES, can return all goods unsold to us and we will refund the money paid for them. Anv agent or general agent who would like ten or more counties and work through sub-agents for ninety days, and fail to clear at least $750 ABOVE ALL EXPENSES, can return all unsold and get their money back. No oth^r employ of agents eyer dared to make such an offer nor would we if we did not know that we have agents now making more than double the amount we guaranteed; and but two sales a day would give a profit of #125 a month, and that one of our agents took eighteen orders in one day. Our large descriptive circulars ex­ plain our offer fullv, and these we wish to send to everyone out of employment who will send us three one-cent stamps for postage. Send at once and secure the agency in time for the boom, and go to work on tbe terms named in our extraordinary offer. We would like to have the address of all the agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpenters in the country, and asks any reader of this pa­ per who reads this offer, to send us at once the nane and address of all such they know. Address at once or you will lose the best chance ever offered to those out of employ­ ment to make money. &EKXER MANUFACTURING CO, 116 Smithtield St., Pittsburg, Pa. In our issue of June 1st. we shall print a Coupon Order entitling the hoi clef to a pattern (free) of the above jacket, in size for 34,36,38, or 40 inches bust measure. A pattern of this stylish garment is very useful to any lady, a* by simply leaying of! the re vers a plain ^jacket is obtained, which is always desirable; and Is just such a pattern as every lady should have in the house. There will be no excuse hereafter for Mrs. Smith send­ ing over to borrow a jacket pattern from Mrs. [Jones. We have made arrangements with a New York house to furnish these patterns in the diflerent sizes as above, so that tbe holder »of the Coupon Order may have the size she may de­ sire. This is a great offer, as each pattern has a tull value of 25 cents, being accompanied bv an illustration, and expl ic i t direct ions fo r pu t t ing together and making. LADIES do not fail te buy our Issue of June let. and cut out the order, which will enti- tie von to this excellent pattern FREE, 'mm Stoves, Tin, Coppsr and Sheet-Iron Ware. FULL BTOOK * OP THE CELEBRATED-- fEIWSUL A1 GASOLINE STOVES, Come and sec our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that wil hold a barroi. The Ohm best in the m; The 0,,nricrto*iv®o»uYnd seel*' with TrackB» Ilan»,ng«. Floor Hooks and Pnlleya, the The best in the market for the following reasons. is '®ot an untried experiment* 2--It is manufactured by the Rathbone Stove which ?& proof of its durability. ' . 3--It has a sepaiate generator burner which saves time and Gasoline in starting the Stove, and causef a perfect combustion of vapor, thus d.ting away with that puffing and hissing sound caused by many inferior kinds in the market. •w h ¥• 4* Are Recommended to Y<m A FULL LIHE OF STOVES. For both coa) and wood, of the best makes,always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in 'Me Henry county. Do not fail to call when in want ot anything in my line and see what, cap be done. I have employed a first class Tinner, and all \ r JOBBING' A2CB Wil l be done on short notice and specialty of Gutter Factory work. respectfully solicited. Satisfaction A share of Guaranteed. Al public patronage' W. P. STEVENS, Poor and che:\p goods arehigh at any price. Of such we have none, neither do we intend to offer any for sale. QUALITY m PRICE Is what we submit for your consideration. Merchandise, of whatever description we offer you are HONEST, RELIABLE J^r-They wil do all the work ot a large family, washing cook™ ing and ironing in LESS TiME and at LESS EXPENSE than tny coal or wood stove made,- ' . * 2--They do nothoat up yourhouse aud make a fnrnace of y little kitchen, and thus brejik down the health of your wire aVContreuman Hopklna, of Auro­ ra, waa a wit nets In Judge TothlU'e court-room Monday morning to the previous good character of Charles Drake, on trial for burglary. The boy came frees Aurora six months ago to aeek his fortune. He could write •hort-hand, and got a piaee at 910 a week. He was a friend of Charles Shaw, who was a clerk In the jewelry house of Haines Bros., at the corner of Washington and LaSalle streets. Shaw stole §300 worth of jewelry from Ills employers April 7th, and gave Drake a part of. They went to Bloom- logton. 111.. tbe night of tbe robbery, ud there both were arrested and In­ dicted. Shaw pleaded guilty on Sat­ urday and was sent to the Bridewell for * year. The Congreasolhn made a speech in Drake's behalf, and the Court discharged him with advice. Chicago Journal. Of'A confidence man has been op­ erating In the county, and his victims •re just learning how they were duped. . 81 be Myers ef Seward, was accosted by "* smooth tongned individual who thought Myers was fust the man to act is aa agent forD. D. Wyman & Co.'s patent Iron fence posts. The condi­ tions of the agency were rosy, and f inally Mr. Myers was Induced to be­ come an agent. Contracts must be v signed, however, and tbe stranger got Mr. Myers to sign a blank contrart \ Which was oastly changed into a note ?A few days age the contract, signed by flyers, turned up as a note for 187. Its •onalderatlon being the Iron posts for < Which be was to act as agent. Myers , \ taw the error of bis way, and com pro >MlMi tbo snattor by paying $40. It Is - | llttlo carious how the old game still ^tvtlu,--JBocl^ford THE McHenry County Teacher's As­ sociation met at Woodstock, Saturday, May 14th. Association called to order by President F. H. Burt. Meeting opened with singing. Min­ utes of last meeting road and ap­ proved. The time of the morning session was occupied by a class exercise In reading, conducted by Miss Gertrude Murphy, Woodstock. At 12:00 tbe Association adjourned to meet at 130. The first subject of the afternoon session, was Language, led by Ruth McKenney, Marengo. Mr. Hursb, Woodstock, gave ns an Interesting talk on. MLlterature In Rural School*." We then listened to a pleasant talk from Mr. Paul, one of our former teach ers. Association adjeurned to meet at call of President. COR, SEC. And its quality examined care in every instance. with PRICES! Ot course we must be satisfied with smallest possible profits for our system is our or daughter* •iikiiawiiijiiiiK run Fiir CHEAPER THAN EVER. B. Two Doors North of Perry & Owen* Besley's Famous Waukegao Al# and Porter On draught at J. Booslett'a, •, En- ilen'a and John Heiiner's. No credit profits needed in our case. Hence the close financier (and-our county is full of them,) that does not require Credit, may at once comprehend that our prices *!y of Furniture M eem- plete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying pub­ lic to call upon me when iit want of anything in that line. JOHN B. BLAKE. The fairest in the land. invite inspection and are We Wilting for You How. WILL YOU COME? Cllrei's nil Boy's ClotMnn A SPECIALTY. RE8PECTFULL Y, John Evansoji & Co. REPORT OF THE C O N 1 > I T I O T V --OF-- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT THE-- Close of Business, May 13, '87. BEBOUKCEa. Loans and discounts ...<162,061 S7 Overdrafts 1089 84 U.S. Bonds to secure clrcutatlhti... 30,00000 Olio from approved reserve agents. 89,19S!>i Duo from other National Banks 18,2*20 23 Current expenses and taxes paid... 33 50 (JliO' ks and other cash item* 407 H4 Bills of other banks 1,552 W Kn:'i paper cur. nickels St pennies.. 10(64 Specie 27,1."!I 85 Legal tender notes 11,110 W Red'oipt'n fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent ot circulation We Claim "THE KOCKFORD," as now made, to be the best $3.00 Shoe ever offered for sale. They are the Handsomest, the Best Fit-I ting, and are also made for ser-! vice, the most important paf$« Exclusive agency, John Evanson ft Co. I ri Mm* Practical Painter aid j-' - . '*,r' *>t' HEBRON, ILL, < ; Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMININQ, GRAINING, *4 Done on abort notice and satisfaction guaran toed. Call on or address, IS Total... 1,350 00 ..•392,210 19 LTABtLITIB*. Capital stock paid in 50,000 00 Surplus fund ; 28.W85S Undivided profits . . 153 65 National Bank Notes outstanding*.• 27,000 00 Individual deposit* suljjcct to check 185,533 51 Oeinand Certificates of deposit 0*24 50 TfiflSE SEEKING HOMES.I :*'lb -#• IMSf'TINCK will acr*otfMny an EXCURSION, On Monday, Kay 30th, To the Total.... ...*202,210 10 tTATE OF ILLINOIS, I County of McIIcnry. f"8 I, John J. Murphy, Cashier of the alme named bank, do solemnly swear that theabnve statement is trtie to the beBt of ray knowledge ind belief. • JOHN J. MURFHT, Cashier. HitbscribAd and sworn to before me this 18th 4*f *f May, 1887. EOWARP U, QUINLAN, Notary Public. Correct At&Mt > E. A. M rRPiiv, W*. H.STKWAKfc JOHN J. MCANTY, Dircctora. Money to Loan * On Heal Estate, in sums of $500 to $10,000. Time and payments borrower. ^ 1 ^ OHH J . M UBPH*, : M most fertile lands of RENVILLE. apIill'PEWA, KANDIYOHI land BIO STONE COUNTIES; jlii!kNlfESOTA« R. ft. Fare, OUT and Only $ 11* BACK, Ail who want a Rood farm in tbe most fer- tile part of Minnesota, and good prices for thoir products should join this excursion. For in^rwation apply to S. P. BELT IN C£, (MvsfSi&B Houte,) McHenry* JOHN I. STORY, IS^-One Door West Riverside House DEALER Also the Celebrated GABLAHD STOVES ASE BAH&ES. ! - . Gasolene and Oil Stoves and Ranges. And in short, everything in the Hard ware, = |||tove and Tin Lio#. JOBBING ADD REPAIRING! Promptly Attended To. 40HH I* McHenry, HI.* May 18th, & w STORY- LOOK OVER In this depaitmentl keep a first class* ass ortment of Caskets and rioffiils and shrouds of all kinds and qualities, A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. OUB LINE OF so They can't be beat as we won't keep any but the besf. The cel­ ebrated mmmus flows. That* will outwear any two other makes, are always at out­ place, also the Star, Canton, Clipper, Grand Detour, Garden City, Moline, Case and others, at bottom prices. Flying Dutchman Jr. sulky, Case ana Hapgood, that are the lightest draft sulky plows made. Of all kinds, lever and com­ mon, 40 and 60 tooth. We can outsell any firm in the county on BUCfCJIBSt Wagons and Carts, also Lunft* ber Wagons, when the quality and finish is considered. VV e al­ ways have ou hand the renowned Cortland makts, all styles and they make the bast side spring made. Also Maud S. sprifrg and fine Phaetons. Gall and exam- i»e our Cortland Cart with a 24 foot spring; can't get them fast enough* Thanking you for past favors we solicit your future trade. E. M. OWEN & SON. SMITH'S bile BEANS /"JURE Biliousness; Sick Headache InFoorhonrt, V§) One doss relieves Neuralgia. They cur* ana prevent Chills Fever, Sour Stomach / Bad! Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and nlv» Lite Vigor to the system. DOMIONEBK&N. Try them once and you will never be without them. Price, 26 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt ot price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, J. F. SMITH A CO., and Sole Pre*.. ST. LOUIS. •& $25 ,000 .00 IN GOLD! WILL BE PAID FOB iWLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS. 1 Premium, • 2 Premiums, 6 Premiums, 25 Premiums, 100 Premiums, 200 Premiums, liOOO Premiums* §1,000.00 •500.00 each - $290.00 11 •100.00 " - *90.00 M •20.00 " • 910.00 " For full particulars and directions see Circu­ lar In every pound of ARKHSW' GQIHB. Handkerchief*, all istjles sod prtCSS at Althofl Bros, „> :t. j „ . '

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