Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1887, p. 5

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W-K m " '•** **./'*£* f.t •?'"'*£ . <'/.' -' WEDITESDAY, MAY 25, 1887, Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, June 21,J Trains will pass McHeary Station aa below: _ , OOllTO SOtJTB. lAke UsnevaPassenfer 7:88 i. a Lake Genera Express " Lake Geneva Freight ; S:SO P. * Lake Geneva Passenger. J* " ooiiro ffontB. Lake 6mtn Freight.... *-11 A. K Lake 3enera Passenger. 1C:»7 " Lake Geneva Express 4:BBr. M LguQmm Paaaencer.. »:W '• (tope oalT to leave Passengers. B. Btrss, Agent. McHenry, 111 MASONIC. MCHENRV LODGE, IF A 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. STOBT, W. If. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker Mpuse Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of eaoh month. Neighbors cordially invited. OWEN BROS, arc building a fine sum« mer residenoe at Plstaqua Bay. Only 910 to and from Minnesota. Excursion, If ay 30tb. JOHN EVANSON A Co. have a new advertisement this week which the buying public would do well to read. SOME Fine full blood Sbepard PUDS foriale. Call toon at 8. Raymond's, West McHenry, 111. THE drought Is broken and we shall now look for more cheerful counte­ nances among the farming community, C. E. CHAPELL, Algonquin, adrer an auction of a car of milch cows to take place In that village on Satur day next, May 28th. WE would call particular attention to the statement o! the First National Bank, Woodstock, to be found In an­ other plaoe in this paper. O. W. OWEN IS having his residence Painted on the outside in a neat and tasty manner. S. L. Morrison, our new Paioter, is doing the work. REV. W. A. BALCH, of Elgin, will preach in the Universaiist Church, in this village, on Sunday morning uextjfe May 29th, at the usual hour. HAVE faith in your town and be free* to express it. Confidence begets con- file noe, and confidence In sufficient quantity will accomplish marvels. FBESH Strawberries, Bannanas. Oranges and genuine Vermont Maple Sugar, at Locke's Home Bakery, Howe's Block. SUBSCRIBE for the PLAINDEALER for your absent friends. It will give mere news about home affairs than you could write to the absent McHenryite In a dozen letters. THE Spring meeting at the Elgin Driving Park commences to-day, and continues until Saturday. Some good races are expected. There are 92,000 In purses. WHAT about a Fourth of July Cele bratlen in McHenry? Let arrange­ ments be commenced at once that will •nsure a regular old fashioned celebration for 1887. ATTENTION Is called to the new ad­ vertisement of Henry Fish, Painter, Decorator, etc., Hebron, 111. He is a first class workman, and nil jobs en­ trusted to his care will receive prompt attention. OUR lady readers should remember that our next week's Issue will contain a Coupon Order entitling the holder to a handsome Jacket Pattern Free, Do not fail to secure the number dated June 1st, and secure this pattern. IT Is said that Ella Wheeler Wilcox gives to the poor the money she earns by her writing. Lots of newspaper men do that same thing, and don't have to go outside their household* to find subjects of their benefactions. Now is the time to secure a good farm at a low price, easy payments and low rate of Interest, In the most fertile lands of Minnesota. For full particulars apply to E. P. Beltinck, at tho Riverside House, McHenry. THOSE Intending to put In bids for Lighting the Street Lamps as per the notioe to be found In another plaee In this paper, should bear In mind that they must be in the hands of the Clerk on or before 12 o'clock of Monday asxt, May 30th. « -- -- * QUEER, isn't Itt but true, that you •an get a suit of clothes made to order at from five to fifteen dollars cheaper, from the same style of cloth, at Lawliuf, than yon $an in any other place In McHenry county. When in want of a new suit call en htm. THE Methodist Church, which has lately received a new coat of paint en the outside. Is now being Painted, Papered and Decorated on the inside, and when completed will present the handsomest appearance of any church In the county. "Goodrow, the Painter," from Elgin, is doing the work. Special Sale Saturday 29th. of in­ fants and children fiae regular made Hosiery, at bargain prices*, Under­ wear, white dresses, caps, bonnets, mitts, and gloves. Ladies calico wrappers 60 aud 75 cents. Dorsey collars 15 cents. Swiss embroidery and oriental laces Ac, dress goods each week. Orders filled Saturdays, at Mrs. H. S. Gregory. THE Ladies Willing Workers Socie­ ty, connected with the Universaiist Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs. John I. Story, on Thursday, afternoon. May 26, at 1:30 sharp. General attendance Is earnestly re­ quested. MBS. JOHK I. 8TOKT, President, Miss Gaaon OWM, Secretary. ;v » 1 1,1 1 Sargalns In straw geeds at *(U CBAS, W. FAT, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends In this village. MRS, F, G. MATES spent Snnday last with her son in Chicago. ROBT. MURPHY and Peter Brahan, of Elgin were on our streets last week. MI$S DORA BESLET spent Sunday wltn Miss Grace Stevens In Burton. J. F. CASET, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Snnday. HENRT FISH, of Hebron, was on onr streets on Sunday. FRANK VOSBURGH visited Richmond friends on Monday. JOHN I. STORT, wife and two daugh­ ters, visited Chicago on Tuesday. V%LL J. CUTTERIDGE, of Lake Ge­ neva, spent Sunday in this village. REV. BALCH, of Elgin, occupied the pulpit at the Universaiist Church on Sunday. FRED TIGGAE^ <B? Wauconda. has been spending a few days In this vil­ lage. WILL H. MEAD, who is with Oatman Bros* Dundee, spent Sunday In this village. C. B. CURTIS,-with some friends from Elgin, were fishing on Plstaqua Bay the latter part of last week. G. L, HUBBARD and wife, of Nunda, were visiting with,Mr. anil .Mr*. E. Hubbard, on Sunday, THE family of E. W. Wheeler have moved to Marengo. Mr. Wheeler will follow as soon as his school closes. MR. BROWN and Mr. Greenleaf, of Hibbard & Spencer's, Chicago, wore the guests of John I. Story over Sun­ day. MRS. JACOB HETZEL and children, go to Chicago this Wednesday morning for a few weeks' visit with Mrs. Hetzel'i parents. A. D. WHITING, wife and two daugh­ ters, started for Dakota this Wednes­ day morning. They expect to spend several weeks In that State. MARRIED, at the M. E. Parsonage, In this village, May 2d, 1887, by the Rev. EE, M. Baxter, William Grantham, of Nunda, and Miss Almeda Van Natta, of Barrevtlie. MARRIED, at the residence of K. W, Howe, i;i this village. May 23d, 1887> by the Rev. E. M. Baxter, A. W* Allison, of Milwaukee, Wis., and Miss Kittle Harris, of Orfordsville, Wis. DIED.--Near Plainview, Pierce Co.. Neb., May llth, 1887. of Inflamatlon of the Stomach and Bowels, Gertrude Sutton, wife of William Sutton, aged 37 years 9 months and 3 days. She leaves a husband and one daughter, 15 years old, to mourn her loss, who have the heartfelt sympathy of their friends. 'i OWING to an accident to the new Oven at Locke's Home Bakery, Mr. Locke has been greatly discommoded the past few days, but Mr. Gilles hav­ ing kindly tendered him the use of his Oven until he can repair his own, his usual Baaing will be oat to-day in time to supply the demand for Bread, Cakes, etc., for supper. West McHen­ ry residents will find a full supply at tire store of John Evanson A Co. 1 THE ladies of the M. E. Church will hold their annual strawberry and ice cream festival at Riverside Hall on Friday evening, June 3d. Before re­ freshments are served a short Cantata, entitled "Fairy Land," will be pre­ sented by the young ladles and chil­ dren of the Methodist Sabbath School, under the direction of Mrs. Julia Bish­ op, Curtain will rise at eight o'clock. Admission, 5 cents. A oordial Invita­ tion Is extended to all. WE have before us a copy of the Klamath County Star, published at Linkville, Oregon, In which we find under the head of new advertisements, one headed "The United States Hotel. H. H. Nichols, Proprietor." And from the notice found elsewhere in the same paper we should judge that "Tip" had struck a bonanza out there. His many friends in this section con­ gratulate him on his good fortune, and wish him all manner of good luck in his new home. JPL iiMmiiW WE are Informed that our village Is being disgraced and property en­ dangered by the lawless actions of a setot individual? who ought to know better, and if they do not should be taught by the severe arm of the law. We refer to the carousing that is said to have been going on at the Clover Dryer building, on the West Side, and the Cheese Factory building In the center part of town, the two Sundays past. It behooves the author­ ities to look into this matter at once. If these disgraceful proceedings are repeated we shall speak more plainly in the future. THE members of Sear Lodge, No. 64. I. O. G. T.. wIH hold a public temper­ ance meeting in the Universaiist Church, McHenry, on Thursday, to morrow, evening, at which time the following interesting programme will be presented:-- 1. Ladies Quartette Prayer Rev. E. M. Baxter Mrs. Julia Bishop ... H. C. Mead ...Anna Nord<jnist ...Clara Wightman Lonnie Bishop ... .'Dora Whiting A. If. Colby .Alice Bennett Myrtle Childa Frank Colby C. W. Sla.ter O. W. Colby .Lucv McLean ; im-ii' • < r ; • - ' •trow gooas as JOBK EVANSON AQO. | of McHenry. a. 3. Solo 4. Opening Address 5. Recitation 8. Recitation 7. Recitation S. Trio . 9. Reading............ ... 19. Address 11. Recitation 12. Recitation... 13. Solo 14. Reading 15. Address 16. Recitation . 17. Song--"Bringing in the Sheave* ... Congregation We understand they propose hold­ ing these meetings at least onoe month, and trust our citizens will give them .i full house on this oooaslon Ail are cordially Invited. PASTURE. Yny one wanting good Pasture for young stock caa find the same by calling en P. Gleseler, four miles West It Is Indeed gratifying to us to hear tho many words of commendation whieh are bestowed on our Soldiers Department, that appears each week on the first page ol this paper, and which is under the oharge of Comrade Wm. H. Cowlin. of Woodstock, Mr. Cowlin, from his experience >t the front and in the prison pens of the South, Is peculiarly fitted to edit a column of this klnd„and that he fulfills his mission well Is evidenced by the contents ot bis department each week, and the high encomiums we receive from the many veterans who weekly peruse these columns. He is also one ot the most successful Pension Attor­ neys in the State, never having failed to secure a claim that had the least merit, and many time after It had been given up as hopeless by other Attorneys. He is painstaking, careful and honest, and any comrade who has business with the Pension Department should not fall to consult Mr. Cowlin* As we said before we are proud of the Soldiers Department In the PLAINDEALER, aad commend Its.eare- ful perusal to all and especial to the boys In blue, to whose Interest Mr. Cowlin Is devoting his best energies. THE west end of our village narrow­ ly escaped a fearful conflagration on Friday last. A large smoke house, standing in the rear of Schiesale's building, near the depot, and which was being used by Howard's Market, caught fire and burned up, together with a quantity of bams, etc., being sraeked therein. Had It not been dis­ covered In time the whole west end of town would have been a smoulder­ ing ruin to-day, as the smoke bouse stood but a few feet from other build­ ings and the .wind was In the right direction to make it most destructive. Again comes the warning "leek your barn before the horse is stolen,'1 Every day demonstrates more and more our unprotected condition as regards fire, and it is a crime to neflect to act in the matter. After all this warning we hear men say, "Oh, a Fire Engino would be of no use." Well, then we say, if you are so sure of that why in the name of Heaven do you not sug­ gest something that will be of use. But the facts of the case are, gentle­ men, you do not know what you are talking about. The right kind of an engine is just what we do need, and we challenge any man to show good cause why it should not be procured at once. Why Not McHonry? Groat efforts are being made by the enterprising towns about us to build up business. In many places there are organized committees whose business it is to make known the advantages of the place, *nd to attract business men to it. In others the capital of resi­ dents Is Invested In business that makes work for those who live by their day's wages, and- furnish a market for the produce of the vicinity. There Is no place of its size In Illinois that has more natural advantages than McHenry, nor whose surrounding country has a batter class of citizens to support any maeufacturing enter­ prise that might start in our midst. And we have some capital here that is seeking investment. Now, we ask, why loan this extra capital? Why not look up some more and put it into some horns Industry? If the Inter- State commerce law aet as It reads, the large towns will have no ad­ vantage oyer us In freights, and we have the advantage over them In cheap roal estate and house rents. And a good maaufaoturlng compa­ ny of some kind in operation, handled by our own people and backed by home capital, would soon attract capital and operatives from other places. We have the natural advanta­ ges that God give us.' Why not use them- Who will start a citizens committee, or what is better, a home company, to add to our home industries? WE elip the following from the Lake View Independent, which will be of Interest to our readers, at tbe junior member of the firm Is a Mc­ Henry county boy: "We recently had the pleasure of visiting the milk de- pets of Messrs. Kee A Chapell. corner Hill and Franklin Streets. Chicago, which are a model of perfect order, system and cleanliness, and which one could hardly realize as being possible In so extensive an establishment. Tbe senior member of the firm Is an old citizen of Lake View, and their patronage here has grown very rapid­ ly under bis personal supervision. The firm contemplate erecting a branch depot in onr city at an early day Irom which to supply this portion of their trade." SHE was a remarkably sensible young lady who made tbe request of her friends that after her decease she should not be burled by the side of a brook where babbling lovers would wake her from her dreams; nor in any grand cemetery where slght-seers, con­ ning over epitaphs, might distract her; but be hid away to take her last sleep under the counter of some merchant who did not advertise in the newspa­ pers. There, she said, was to be found peace surpassing all understanding--a depth of quiet slumber, on which neither the sound of the buoyant foot of youth, nor the weary shuffle of old age would ever intrude. • » SEALED PROPOSALS. Will be received by the undersigned, Village Clerk of the Village of Mc­ Henry. until Monday, May 30th, at 12 o'clock M., for the Cleaning, Lighting and Extinguishing of tbe Street Lamps In said village, from June 1st to November 1st, 1887. Bids to be at so much per month. The Committee re­ serve the right to reject any and all Bids* J. Vak SLYn, « Village Glart, LODGE DIRECTORY. X&sowio.--A. r. and A. M, meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and Sd Wednesday even- tu) of each month. MODMUT WOODMOW or F AMERICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Monday even, ings of each month. Neighbor* cordially in­ vited. 8OHS or TeHPBKAKCB.-- Meet at Unlon^Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. measles among the & EDITOK PLAIKDKAI.BR:--Mrs. K. Coventry, from Harvard, visited friends la town Satur­ day. Miss Delia Oreite is spending a few days in Chicago. Mr. Fenner is busy taking the assessment of the town. Taylor Bros, ereeted a windmill for Mr. Kingsley this week at Alden. Gus Gronzo, e ir accommodating black­ smith, visited Chicago last week. Mrs. George Oonn and Mrs. Herb Jones spent a few days in Aurora. .. Perry Pierce eaase borne for the dance Fri­ day evening. Mrs, Ellen Pierce end Mrs. Cbas. Ehle drove to Elgin last week to visit friends returning Saturday. We Icjm of the marriage of Joe Wiokham on Wednesday, to a lady from Walworth. Wisconsin. Pror. DeLille gave an entertainment here Saturday and Mend»y evenings and mystified the people generally. Those who attended were well pleased. Miss Laura Mason returned to her school at Harvard last week, after a week's vacation given on aceount of pupils. Ed Woodbury, from Nebraska, spent seven 1 days hare. He came to see his mother when informed that she eould not live, and was present at her death. The May Party on Friday evening was a success, The musio was grand and we judge everyone had a fine time. There were a few present from McHenry and several from Richmond. The hotel has undergone a thorough reno. vating and oleanlng, and the new proprietor, John Reynolds, has a a number of regular boarders, who, with the many transients that patronise him, will find blm accommodating and ever ready to advance something for their comfort. Mr. Reynolds has a host of friends in this vioinity who unanimously wl*h him the suocess he is sure to attain as "mine host." Kiram Hawleylcommltted suicide by shoot­ ing himself at the home of his sister, Mrs* Gates, Saturday about eleven o'clock. He walked through the room asking his niece to play for him, passed to the tront porch, qui­ etly sat down, aud placing a revolver to his temple, flred. Drs. Gratton and Herrick were called, but he waa dead, having lived only about five minutes. No cause is given for the act, but we understand he was once an Inmate of an injane asylum. A very large :rewd of neigh torsand friends assembled at the Presbyterian church on Friday to pay their last tribute of respect to Mrs. Woodbury, who died Wednesday night. She had been a patient sufferer from inflam­ matory rheumatism for several years, and death to her was a great relief. She was admired and respected by all, and her friends were many. She was born in Rutland, Vt., in 1823, was married to Wm. Woodbury (who survives her) in 1815, and the home where she died had been hers for forty years. She leaves four sons, who carried all that Te. mained of their mother to her last resting place. The sealed bids for the addttton for the new school house were opened on Saturday and was awarded to E. O. Leech for *1817.50. What we know of Mr. Leech's work, we know he will do a piece of work that Diet. No, 8 can feel'proud ot The work Is to be completed on or before August 15th. Mr. Patterson was here last week from Appleton In the interests of steam heaters, looked over the school building and severaj private dwellings, aqd Jeft, estimates ̂ lpr same. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDBALER:--Born, May 17th, to the wife of John Johnston, a 9 pound boy. • Married, May 18th, 1887, Mr. Crist Frank, to Miss Augusta Wollart, at the German Luthern Church, by tbe Rev. Wm. von Schenck. They received the congratulation of their many friends at the home of the bride's Father. Wo with them much Joy. Miss Lonle Crafton returned borne from Richmond, Ind., on Friday ot last week. Mrs. Julian's mother, Mrs. Olagen Smith, of Indianopolls. Ind, Is visiting her here. Remember the Cantata of Queen Esther, at th e Congregational Churoh, on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. Wm. Morton Is doing Jury duty at Woodstock this week. E. A. Ford has gone on a trip to Fall River, Wisconsin. C. E. Chapell Is expected in with a car load of milch cows on Wednesday of this week, and he Is billed for an Auction Sale for Saturday May 28th. Died, May 23d, 1887, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry Jr. On Decoration day tbe Presession will form in front of the Congrega­ tional Church at 2:29 p. M. aqd march to the Cemetery, where the exerolses will be held. Mr. and Mrs. I. C, Goodrich start this week for an extended visit with their children, in Iowa and Dakota. Mike Donely has superceded Jesse Chapman as coachman for Dr. Nasoa, Wm. Head is quite sick. Dr. Nasen In attendance. The local showers got around us In good shape on Sunday last, as usual. FOR RENT. Good residence rooms. In Schnorr's Block, West McHenry. There are seven rooms, all in good repair. Con­ venient and handy. Possession given at once. Also tho Store now occupied by E. W. Wheeler, as a News Room. Ternis Reasonable. FRBD SCHKORR. West McHenry, May 16tb, 1887. LOOK out for the hew advertisement of L. D. Lincoln, of the West Side Restaurant, which will appear next week. In tbe meantime bear in mind thit you can find at his rooms at all times, warm or cold meals, hot coflee and tea, ice cream, and all kinds or frui ts I n their se ason. ABOUT thirty-five couples attended the May Party at the Riverside Houee on Tuesday evening. The music by Slocum's Orchestra was splendid and all had a pleasant time. Tho Church Swivel Hay Carrier, Track Hanging. Floor Hooks and Pulley. Ana the best Manilla Rope, all sixes, at W. P. Steven's, West Mo- Heary, Prices to meet anybody. ffichmoikl Department, CONTRIBUTED »r "FLOSSIE.' Decorate tbe soldiers' graves, ." The pay-ear rattled over the tails ef the Fox River branch. Monday. J. N. Burton attended Korepaugh's circus in Chicago, Friday. < Frank Vosburgh was ap from McHenry to the Myers wedding. Mrs. Johonnott and X rs. Ch AS. Glbbs Visit' ed McHenry, Saturday. Miss Mate Fitagerald, of Genoa. Smiled en Richmond friends part of last week. Robert C. Bennett has been home for a few days. Every one is always glad to see "Boh.'* Summer elothes have had qnite an airing for we have had some decidedly summery weather. Mrs. Weeks returned from Chicago Satur. day, accompanied by Arthur Fuller's wife and children. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lavey, Mr. and Mrs. Kingman and Mrs. Shotleff, of Bristol, vis­ ited at Milan Hicks'. Sunday, A few ef our young folks went down to the May party at Hebron, Friday night, and {had an enjoyable tlme "tripplng the light fantas­ tic" to some very good music. A little child of Mr. Nish's, the Spring Grove store-keeper, came across a bottle of carbonic acid one day last week and drank some of the contents. He is out of danger. There is going to be a dance In the Opera House, Monday night, May 30, which is ex­ pected to be quite an affair. The Richmond orchestra (six pieces) will furnish the music. Ice cream will be sorved In the hall. Tickets 75 cents. Our farmers are. happy, la* we have had several splendid showers within the past few days. All vegetation is coming forward with a grand rush, and more favorable weath­ er both for erops and comfort, could not be wished for. The exercises Decoration Day will be held at the cemetery if the weather is pleasant; otherwise at the opera house. There is no nece slty to urge the people to be present for every one comes. The cornet band will d Is- course some good music, and an interesting programme will be can led out. Bring all the flowers you can to tbe rink. What a queer day this hAi been, this Mon­ day. May 23d, and what a fair one it is even now at its close. There is a little gay songs, ter sitting here on an overhanging branch who is giving to me the sweetest serenade; there is a bank of clouds drifting on to the Bast which Is spanned by the most brilliant •>r rainbows; there is a golden field in the west which makes one of the fairest sunsets I have ever seen. It Is a very beautiful scene Nature presents as I take up my pen­ cil to tell you there was a wedding to-day; that one more of Richmoud's girls has taken a life companion to drift down life's stream. Miss Mattie Myers, daughter of Mr, George Myers, was married at noon to Mr. Frea Jewell, Rev. Htrbaugh performing the cer­ emony at the bride's home, a short distance west of this village in the presonce of a large circle ot friends ahd relatives from home and abroad. The bride was gracefully attired in a handsome travollng suit of gray ; the brides­ maid was a young lady friend of South Elgin; the groomsman. Mr. Bert Conkling. Miss Nettie Downing played the grand march Blegant refreshments were served and each and all will remember the occasion as a nota­ bly happy one. The bride is a vonng lady universally respected and one ot Richmond'* prettiest girls. The groom is a prosperous young citizen of Nebraska, and their future home, for which they started on the 3:07 train, Is near Columbus. The presents were many and very pretty. I wish for them a hapiy futere tile. Ditcher Wanted. Wanted at once, a good ditcher, to which a good job will be given. Apply without delay to R. BISHOP, Mo- Henry. ' SOCIAL PARTY. Yourself and Lady are cordially In­ vited to attend a Social Party, at Thaleu's Hall, Johnsburgli, on Mon* day evening. May 30tti. 1887. Mueio, King wood Band. Tickets 50 cents. HUBBRT NRDMAKK, Proprietor. Tho reliable Watertown Buggies can always be found at Bishop's Ware- house McHenry. "Mayflower" Tea is Invigorating. " " " refreshing. M . *» •» fragrant. . u " " pure. u " imported direct from Japan by Henry Colby. Wanted. Some nice couple to unit* In holy wedlock at the fair Sept.2lst. Address theJSflcretary, Inducements large. 43-3 w A. S. WitionT, Sec. The Bertram! .and Sames Cultivator will outlast any two other makes, as when you hit a stone or grub the little wood pin, is all it cost. No expense for castings. Always on hand at E. M. Owen A Sons. Tbe Climax, (that Is very much like the EUwoodj 920 at E. M. Owen A Sons. We have a few potatoes to close out at 65 cents per bushel If taken this week. JOHN EVANSON & Co. How do you like this outfit? Only 94.33. - Coat, vest, pants, shoes, socks, shirt (white or colored), hat and suspenders all for 94.38 at John Evanson & Co.'s. Gasoline Stoves, two three and four boles, at as low price as any other good, stove can be bought. At W. P. Steven's West MtfHenry. Stand Straight. Men's, women's, and children*#^ braces. No more round shoulders. No more flat breasts. A perfect skirt supporter. Sold by E. Lawlus. Tailor, McHenry, 111. A NEW DEPARTURE. A Knife Pulverlzor that can be con- trolled by the operator to regulate the depth of cultivation. Postlvely ne side draft. No weight on horses necks. Bishop's Warehouse, McHenry. Cultivators from 915 to 925, at tho old stand. B. M. OWEN * SONS. Carriages, Combined Wagons, Bug­ gies and Wagons, both Milk and heavy Wagons at E. M. Owen & Sons. Exoltomont In Texao. Great excitement has been caused In the vicinity of Paris. Tex., bv the re­ markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helpless he c<;uid not turn in bed, or raise his head; everybody said he was dying of consumption. A trial bottle of King's New Discovery was seut him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time be had taken two boxes of pills anl two bottles of tbe Discovery, be was well and had gained m flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial bottles of this Groat Discovery for Consumption free at Henry Colby a' Mrs, HI. Schumaehor. Has just returned frem the city with a fine stock of Spring and Summer Millinery, to which she invites tbe at­ tention of the Ladies of McHenrv and vicinity, confident that she oan please you both in quality, style and price. Also the finest stock of Oriental Laces to be found In tbe county, very choice patterns. My goods are all of the latest ̂ styles to be found in the market, and will bear the Aosest inspection. The la­ dies are invited to call. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. BONSLETT & ST0FFEL, Special Drives! 100 lbs. fine fat Figs, In 19 lb. bo^es, only 7 cents per pound. 500 pounds choice cooking, or Valen­ cia Raisins, ouly 7 cent per pound, 500 pounds No. 1, strictly whole and clean Rice, only 5 cents per pound. Good Oil 11 cents.--2 good 2 hoop Pails for 25 cents. Good Ann cut and plug Tobacoo, only 25 cents per pouud. Choice Smoking cents per pound. Geod warranted Hanly's, 91.10. Yellow dent Seed Corn, 9135. Tim­ othy Seed, 92,25. Alfaifa, Sweedlsh, and Imported White Clover Seed. We sell a nloe Summer Cap lor 5 cents,all sizes. We have some bargains Ml Wall Paper and Borders. » < Do not fall to see our, Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Serlmb Cloth, Be sure to call on us for any Goods of merit you need. Yours, BOKSLKTT A STOFFBL. New style Carriages at bottom figures at E. M, Owen a Son's. Ail the latest Btyies In Straw Hats at Althott Bros, Carpats by 8ampfe John B. Blake has now the finest line of Carpet Samples to be found In the county, and can furnish you a Carpet from the cheapest to the best grade made, at prices ten per cent be­ low any other dealer In this section. Call and see bis samples and learn prices. Tobaeoo only 90 Floor, only 91.05, LaCross, Cortland, Staver and six other makes of carriages at E. M. Owen A Son's. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price, in cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc- Henry. . R. BISHOP. Clothing I Clothing t The finest line of Clothing, In Sin­ gle Garments or Full Suits to be found in the County, and at ptices that can­ not fall to please, at Althoft Bros. Oh Say! We are showing an elegant line of White and Ecru Robe Patterns, all prices. Also wide embroidered Skirt­ ings and Flounclngs. PxanY A OWM. Largest Stock of Persian and Blaok Cashmere Shawls tn town. Prices foifvlow this year at Pefry & Owen's; Don't Fall to eee our new assortment of Silk Gloves and Mlts, black and colors. Also Ladies Ties, some thing,jmat at Porry 4s Owen's. -" Remember. 4 We are selling Ladies and Gents Fine Shoes cheaper than any of them Our Shoes wear the best aad are noted for fine fit. Wo have some special drives In Shoes. P*B«T & QWJJN. Headquarters ; For Wall Paper and Bord9fl« "Gar- pets and Curtalnb at Perry A Owen's. The Peninsular, oue of the best Gasoline Stoves on the market, can be found at the Hardware store of W. P. Stevens, West McHenry. Call and see U, CULTIVATORS. CULTIVATORS. At E. M. Owen & Sons can be found the celebrated Sames. Standard, Cli­ max Star or Monitor, Case, Furst and Bradley, aad Norwegian Steel gear, both In four and six shovel. WHEAT WANTED. Tbe Highest Market price, in oasb, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Heary. R. BISHOP. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL The undersigned has for sale a fine three-years old Registered Holsteln Bull. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. J. W. GALE, lm Vol©, 111. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned eflers for sale his farm, consisting of 158 acres, situated on tho Hue between the towns of Mc­ Henry and Burton, 78 acres under cul­ tivation and 80 acres of pasture and woodland. Will bo sold all together or in parcels to suit purchaser. For further particulars inquire on the premises, of JOHNSCHAFRR. May 4,1887. 43-3w KLA, Lake Co., III., Jan. W, 1887. < O. DICKIYSOW A SON--Barrington, 11L Gentlemen:--I had two horses cut with barb wire fence very bad, and I applied Dickinson's Russian Liniment and it caused a speedy cure. 1 also use it in my family, and I can say that it is the best liniment I ever used. JOHN KOBEBTSOK. For sale by all druggist*. Two seated Carriages at E, M, Owen A Son's, very low. Call at E. M. Owen A Son and look over their carriages and combined wagons of the celebrated Cortland, Lacrosse. Wallace, Henny, Enterprise, and a uutuber of other mokes. All warranted for three years aad at bot­ tom prices, Milk and Lumber Wagons at X. M. Owen A Son's at lowest prioes. rory low at E, M. Owen A Harness Son's. If you are looking for a first elasa Carpet cheap, go to Join B. Blakoto Furniture Store. City residences for sale. Apply Aaa W. Smith, Woodstock, IB. Tho finest lino of Bird Cages town, at John I. Story's. Just reeetved, a fall lino of Hats at Althoff Bros, When In search of a good Hat of mmf " kind, go to Althoff Bens. * The finest 50 cent tea In the markSt at Althoff Bros, Road Cart with a twenty-four feol < spring at E. M. Owen & Son's. 5 bottle silver plated castor, 78 end at M. Engein's. Best Lumber Wagon In towa al B* M. Owen A Sen's. Examine Goods and learn prleess Bishop's. It will pay yon. Building Paper and Moth Proof Car* pet Paper, at John I. Story' McHenry. Just received a Car load of tho ol4 Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at John I.? Story's. THE Genuine Novelty and Uafvsfrssl Clothes Wringer at bottom prison at John I Story's. Beware of imltatlooa. Call for the u Winning Stroke",.««« Brand of five cent Cigars, maaafasSar> m ed by Barblan Bros. It boats them <! alL Tho best and cheapest Carpets fa '^1 tho market, at J. B, Blake's Fumltoi* . ' Store. •" WOOD FOR SALS. ,* 5 j Good Dry Wood for sale, by X. Lawlus. opposite the Riverside Heose. | WHEAT WANTED. , \ The Highest Market Price la oask, will be paid tor good milling wheal. I at the Fox Blver Valley Mtlla, Mo- Henry. R, BISHOP. FOR SALE. ' 'f\ Short Horn Bulls and Plymouth Bode Fowls, Call on or address, -;m % FRANK COLS, ; .V 82-3m Spring Grove, 111. | The Metropolitan is tbe Boss carpet | sweeper, and no housewife should buy one before seeing it. It is cheaper M and better than all othsrs. For sale by John I, Story. j WHEAT WANTED, J The Highest Market Price in cash, i will be paid for good milling Wheal at the Fox River Valley Mills. « Henry. R. BISHOP, Money to Loan. Money loaned on McHenry Conner : 1 farms on time and in amounts to tsit At, borrower. Write or apply to J. w. RAKSTIAD, • } : SS.6^°0me 1 *nd 2* ®°rtlett Elgin 111, J CUCUMBER CONTRACTS, M > MCHBNRT, III., Mareh 14M», 18BFE ,, I am now prepared to contract for | the purchase or for sal tins: pickles for I the year 1SS7. All that wish to con- * - tract In either way please call at mjr < office. i R. BISHOP. : . Houses and Lots For Sale In Ringwood. I offer for Sale or Rent, two Houses • ^ and Lots, situated in the village i Ringwood. Also a building suitable | for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other i business. For terms aud other partlo- nlars iaqulro of j •M". - Wasur Lags* .. It always gives us pleasure to speak > well of a good article. The "Garland | Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged i| to embody all that is {best In that noe, ; They have the reputation of being tho best made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by nono. For sale la McHenry by John I. Story. Notice. To those that want Tuba, Vats, Bay Racks, and any thins in my lino of busi­ ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law- Ins'Store, F. A. HUARA. (EeHeary, AN* UK. XM-LY Bueklsn'a Arnlea Salven The best Salve in tho aroridl 1ST oats bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rtMSfefc fo*or sores, tetter, chapped hands, ehtlblatna, corns, and all skin eroptiaoe, aad psa-> tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfest satis­ faction, or meney refunded. CTtas IS cents per box. For sale by H^arx Colby, Tho Vsrdlet Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippaa, IndU testifies: "I can recommend Eleetrio Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold bas^given relief In every case. One man took six bottles* and was enred of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist. Bellvilie, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have over handled in my years' experience, la Electric Bitten." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Eieotrlo Bitters do cure all diseases of tho Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only half a dollar a bottle at Henry Colby's Brag Store. •0m ̂ n ^ - Executor's Notice** TESTATE of James Feehan, deceased. > Hi The undersigned baring been appelates executor of the last will and testament of Jauies Feehan, late of the county of Mode* ry and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that lie will appear before tlte county court of Me Henry count r» at the court house in Woodstock, at the July tern, on the third Blondiy in July next, at whieh time all persons having claim* axaioat satdes* tate are notified ami requested to attend ter the purpose of having the same a<tjnsted. AU persons indebted to said estate an requested to make immediate payment to the uedeE*. signed. Datee this 16th dav of Mar, A. D. 1887. P A. 197I» JAMES KEKHAK, Jk.. Kxecator. BACKS FLIES; & St******!!! Jars and Jugs 9 serUf par gaUaa aft

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