Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jun 1887, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1887. ftlMroad Time Table. Oa'MMt after Monday, June trniue will fass McHenry Station as below: ooiwo aouta. " UUTTLBSTT Punnger 7 A.* Lake Genera Express «.l:» Lake Genera Freight . *•£? *• * Lake Genera Passenger.. -S:9S 1 OOIRO SOtI*. Lake Geneva Freight 'I'LA: * Lake Qencrra Passenger ..»:«* •* Lake 3eneraExpress .*:MP.H Lake Genera Pasaencer S:S7 » l«T. ^ McHenry, IU " MASONIC. Mc Krmrt LODGS, N<V 168 A. F, and A. 1L-- Kbgular Communications the second aad rourth Mondays in each month. Jotnr 1. STQBT, W. X. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker Mouse Hali, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each montb. neighbors cordially invited- McHENRY WILL CELEBRATE. Xpll particulars next week. / THE Steamer "Mamie" Is now mak- • leg regular trips between McHenry Vail4 the Lakes. l'nu LBICKKM left at our resi­ dence one of the fineit winter radishes ,> we have seen for many a day. Thanks. READ-the new advertisement of John Branson A Co., to be found In another oolumn. . /*"SHKPAKD A SON are now receiving I a large quantity of Clover Blossoms :i\ dajly and their Dryer Is running to its Vnllest capacity. / THE management of the McHenry / County Fair have secured the couple I to get married Sept. 21st. Presents Wrt now in order. WANTED,--A good hired girl, at Locke's Bakery. To an experienced girl liberal wages will be paid. Apply at onco. LOST, a four button cutaway Coat, between Chicago and McHenry. Lib­ eral reward and no questions asked li returned to the Riverside House. WE learn that Chlldrens' Day will be observed at the Unirersalist Church on Sunday next. We have not learned ^ further particulars. ifatEgH Strawberries, Bannanas. I Oranges and genuine Vermont Maple Sugar, Figs and Prunes, at Locke's Home Bakery, Howe's Block. Our enterprising baker, Mr. Lo4ke, has made arrangements so his custom­ ers on the west side may have fresh bread and cake every day at Evanson's >re. CM Aft. C. COLBY has left* straw­ berry on our desk which he picked from hi* garden on Tuesday which measures 4| inches In clrcumfer- lce. Who can beat it? E.M.OWEN had the misfortune to lose a valuable young colt one day last week. He was found dead -Un the pasture, and Is supposed to have been gked by the other horses. THE trial of^». 0. Tempieman, for Involuntary manslaughter, at Wood stock last week, resulted In a disagree­ ment of the Jury, eight being for lultal and four for conviction. Bargains Saturday In new dress goods, French Satinea, Dorse y Collars and ties. Jerseys, dressing sacques. parasols, infants' shoes, white dresses, wreaths, etc., at the ladles' salesrooms, at Mrs. H. S. Gregory's. THE Bed Jacket Liniment, made by Km. Harriet Holmes, o«n be found at Locke's Bakery, McHenry. Is the best Liniment known lor cuts, bruises, sprains, bunions, rheumatism, etc.-- Coed for man and beast, MR. AND MRS. N. Q. ENSIGN will please accept the thanks of the editor and family for four boxes of very fine Strawberries, as fine as any we have soon this year. Also R. Walte for a liberal supply of the same for our Sun* ay's dinner. E. M. OWEN has been painting the front of bis Block, the store occupied by H. V. Shepard] being handsomely painted ID colors, while the store oc- A cupied by O. W. Owen will hereafter \be known as the "Red Front." And "ktlll the improvements go on," THERE are a great ma»y men can't pay for a paper, but they invari­ ably have an abundance of the neces­ sary article required to edit one, and are-not a bit stingy with their valuable and much needed(P) advice as to just how a newspaper should be conducted. May their souls rest in peace! THE Strawberry and Ice Cream fes tlval by the ladies of the M. K. Church atRlveJside Hall on Friday evening last was a very enjoyable affair, the gross receipts being 950.42, which af­ ter deducting all expenses left the handsome sum of S24.74, The exer­ cises were excellent and wero highly enjoyed by all present. *aNtaiut. ED WHITSON, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Sundty. H. G. EBLE, of Woodstock, was oi oar streets on Thursday. DR. 8. BENNETT, of Richmond, w on our streets on Monday. H. C. FABER, editor of the Rlohmon Gazette, was a pleasant oaller on bat urday. J. C. RANSOM, of Wilmington,HI., Is the guest of Mrs. Wightmvi and family. COOKSON WEIGHT, who la with Marshal Field A Co., Chloago, spent Sunday in this village. Miss MART CHISHOLM, of Chicago, was visiting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Going, last week. MRS. A. S. WRIGHT and son, of Woodstock, are visiting with O. W. Owen and family, this week. MRS. JOHN PETER, of Algonquin, was visiting with A. G. Locke and family, In this village, last week. Miss LOLLIE ROGERS, of Volo, has been spending a few days with E. Carpenter aad family, In this village. MRS, F. ROSS, of Red Oak, Iowa, Is visiting with her father, E. Lawlusln this village. H.E. WIGHTMAN, started on Thurs­ day last for Austin, Nevada, where his father is reported to |be lying very ilck. J. F. CASEY, one of Woodstocks rising iyoung lawyers, was In this village oa Thursday last on legal busi­ ness. HARRY HOLMES, Deputy Sheriff and Jailer for Sherift Eckert, Woodstock. wa3 calling on friends here on Tues- da£. /FRANK GOING had the mlsfortuoe to mash one of his fingers badly while at work in the Brick Yard on Monday. ^It^will lay him up for several days. MARRIED.--At the residence of Everett Culver, by Elder Joseph Owens, May 29, J887. Mr. George Thurlwell to Miss Emily Beak, both of Avon, Lake County III. LOOK out for the new advertisement of Bonslett A Stoffel, which will ap­ pear next week, and be sure and read his business notices to be found in another place In this paper. R. LAWSON, of Ringwood, lost"^a valuable young horse oae day last week. He was driving him through an old orchard, when a dead Hint* pierced his head just at the butt of the ear, from the effect of wbloh bodied In a few days. CHILDRENS DAY will be celebrated in the M. E. Chorch, in this village, en Sunday next, morning and evening, The church will be handsomely deco­ rated and a fine programme is being prepared for the occasion. All are cordially lavited to come out, on this occasion. LOST, between the store of Justen Bros, in West McHenry. and the resi­ dence "of Robt. Richardson, on the Woodstock road, a Pocket Book con­ taining between 960 and #70.1n curreu cy. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at this office. • THE Ladios Willing Workers Socio ty, connected with the Universalist Church, will meet at the Riverside House with Mrs. W. H. Ford, on Thurs­ day afternoon, June 9, at 1:30 sharp. General attendance Is earnestly re­ quested. Mas. JOHN I. STORY, President. Miss GRACE OWKW, Secretary. C. W. SLAVTER has received the McHenry for W. SLAVTER has agency for the town of "The Volunteer Soldier of America,'• by Gen. John A. Logan. ThiB book is one of the finest volumes yet published. Is beautifully illustrated, and should be on the table of every loyal family in the land. Mr. Slafter will sooe com­ mence a canvass of the towa and we predict for this book a ready sale. Specimen pages can be seen at this offico. C JULY FOURTH the Riverside House. THE case of Hannah Sullivan, vs£tbe Moon Keepers of Woodstock was tried before the circuit Court l*8^ Ringwood, Mrs. Sulivan to secure damages lor r^Mr. Carr was sick but •oiling liquor to her husband, rrom the efects of which an accident oeeurred to which he lost his life. THE Belvidere Standard says: "A oouple of flatiron peddlers who have been abound town for a week or more, boarding at Mrs. Thomas', took the opportunity to skip town while the family wore absent at a funeral, leav­ ing their board bill unpaid. While onoongaged the hired girl In conver­ sation, the other went up stairs and throw their carpet sacks out of the window. Look oat lor the flatiron ;.V- v' fiddler*. ft '.V*- 1 WM' In Wast MoHenry, which wore packed foil of canned goods, felt with a crash one day last week, breakiog all bin show oases and burying Mrs. Lincoln under the ruins. Fortunately she was not severely Injured, but badly fright­ ened. The damage would amount to too or fifteen dollars. E are in receipt of a copy of the Memorial Address, delivered by the Hon. Chas. E. Fuller, at Pax ton, 111., May 30tb, 1887, and we need not tell our readers that it was one of the finest Addresses that we have had the pleasure of reading this year. Senator Fuller is well known as one of the ablest speaker In th^ state, and the citizens of Paxton were fortunate in being able to secure bis servioe to assist them In honoring their soldier dead. SOME of the ladies do not appear to understand in relation to the Coupon Order for a jacket pattern, which we published last week. They ghoul I not send it to us but direct to W. Jen­ nings Demorest, No. 15 East 14th street, New Tork. They should also remember to draw a pen across the size, or bust measure, so that they may know what size to send them. By following the above directions they will have no trouble In getting the pattern as advertised. Shall Wo Have a Celebration. That our notice about a celebration has caught the eye of one Interested party Is evidenced by the following, which we received a few days since: CHICAGO, May 27, 1887. MY DEAR VAN. What about a Fourth of July Cele­ bration lo McHenry? Let arrange­ ments be commenced at once that will ensure a regular old fashioned celebra­ tion for 1887Plaindealer. That's right, stir the boys up, That's what they need. In the old days they didn't need It, but I am afraid they are getting sleepy. Get 'em all out, whoop her up as of old. I'll brlog the old u Umbrella" and Col. Granger can furnish the "Original Telegrapn" that gave the boys a good old time in the days gene "bye." Then the "Tip" we can give'em will keep 'em going for an hour or two anyway, and the bal- auce of the day we can fill up with well ask old steady Deaoen Ben Gil­ bert,--aad if yeu can't all have a time, I don't know where any one oao. I do not care to stump the county for the legislature on this occasion, but know a man that does, so don't ask blm to take part. Should you oeed my In­ valuable servioes on the occasion, please have the committee officially notify me so that I can have it framed tor future use; and send me a railroad ticket, as the Inter-State law has shut oae off from the D. H. list, and I will try and put in*an appearanoe for a longer or shorter period, all depends upon circumstances. I am out of the umbrella business now, and head over heels lo earnest about this "oelebra tion" but doo't let any one know that I am likely to be tnere unless you want to depopulate the town. There fore, please don't "star" me In big type on the posters--I'm so tlmfd you know However, I hope you will be able to get up a big old fashioned time, such as old McHenry knows how to get up * Yours as ever, UMBRELLA Jm. At Arrangements have been completed for the .innual party at the Riverside House In this village, on the evening ©f July 4th. •LOCUM'S ORCHESTRA, Gr. S. Welslt, Prompter Has been engaged and will be in at* tendance. 1'ickets will be issued In a few days. Put down the Riverside oo your programme for the Fourth. W. H. FORD, Proprietor. MRS. C. D. TANNER, who live* on the Woodstock road, has left on our table flvo of the largest liens' eggs that we have seen for many a day. They measured -as follows: 7|x6 inches, 8}x6,7fx6}, 8x6}, and 7}x6 inches. We are informed that they were all pro duced by one heo, a Plymouth Rock pullet that won't be a year old until August, and that she had produced over two dozen eggs tbls season, all of this size. They were of course double volk, In other words this ben lays two eggs every day. If there Is any other Biddy Plymouth Rock or |tettey Light Brahma that can beat this, we would like to hear from them. , , . on Friday af- week resulting In a disagreement om ternoen last, Richard H. Carr, aged 66 the Jury. Tbls case was brought bjl years. short time. While building a barn, some few weeks since,* ho cnt his leg with i broad-axe, and erysipelas and gan grene setting In, he sank rapidly and died as above. He leaves a wife and one child, besides a host of friends to mourn his sudden demise. His funeral was held at the M. E. Church, Ring- wood, on Sunday afternoon last,"Rev Balch, of Elgin officiating, and was one of the largest ever held In the county, representatives being present from Woodstocl|, Nunda, Richmond MoHenry, Greenwood and Solon. Mr. Carr was a man highly honored and respected wherever known. ,4.' , . B3! i' fOT*nrbePeori^M«ttt Cooker. ' one of the iaest the Household " • we ever had .» £|ieasure or ex­ amining. It le an article constructed oa scientific prlaeijM*!* giving concen­ trated heat, together {with steam pressure, which makes It an Important factor In household economy. No steam In the hoaae. no offensive odor no heavy kettlee, no burned food. It saves time, labor, food * and money. Do not fait when Mr. Severn* calls, to examine this woniftrlul invention. Those who have used them, would not do without them for double prtfte. SCHOOL ttXKlBlflOX. v The pupils of the Ringwood School assisted by a number of the former popils of the school, will give two choice Exhibitions on Friday aad Saturday evenings, June 10.h and 11th. The exercises will consist of Dialogues, Recitations, Singing &c, We have some very cbeloe selections for these entertainments and we promise a rich treat to all who shall attend. Admis­ sion lScts. for adnlta, lOcts. for children under 12. Half tne proceeds will be given for the benefit of the Cemetery Aid Society, and the balance used for the benefit of the school. WM. NICKLP, Teaoher.. To tha Public of McHenry arid Vlolnlty- I beg leave to announce that I have ooucluded to make MeHenry a few pro­ fessional visits, tn order to give those people who were uot able to consult me in Woodstock daring my former visits, an opportunity to consult me in their midst. Hundreds of people of tbls oonnty will gladly testify to the benefit derived from their glasses, ob­ tained from me, and I wish to state that 111 adapted glasses will seriously Injure aad ruin the eyes. The proofs of that I see often in our Hospital and Eyorcllnlo, with which I am connect­ ed. It you wish to preserve your sight or get cured of neuralgia and headaches, you will find It to your In­ terest to co nan It me. Many Wood­ stock ladles are entirely relieved from it. Consultatloa will be free. I do no business outside of the Riverside House. Hours from 10 A. M. to 3:15 P.M., Tuesdays, ThuradsyS, and Sat­ urdays. Respeotfully, L. GAMTZKr, Graduate Optician. Prof, of Optics to the Chicago Oph­ thalmic College, Consulting Opti clan Ophthalmic College Hospital and Eye-clinic. LODGE DIRECTORY. MJISOWTC.--A. P. and A. M, meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even. .Qk.'8 of each month. • MODERN WOODMBK or 'AMBSTCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Monday even­ ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. . SONS OF TBMPBRANCB.--Meet at Union Hail on Tuesday evening of each week. neuron IN our last IKsue we announced the vhsitofMr. L. Galitzki, the eminent optician. It was bis intention to stay with us one week, but on account o hls havlng been lately appointed to the Chair of Professor of Optics and Consulting Optician to the Ophthal mic College Hospital and Eye-cllni<y he can come only during alternate days. He will be here TtlOSdayi June 14f Thursday, Juoe 16th, Sat­ urday, June 18tli, Tuesday, June 21, Thursday, June 23, and Saturday, June 25tb. Or in other words every ^Tues­ day. Thursday, and Saturday, for two weeks only. New we wish to say to our readers this, that we are fortunate to have a man come to oar midst, who Is so eminent and who holds such a high position. Moreover, he can be consulted free of charge. In Wood­ stock and Marengo he Is well known through bis skill, and has been consult ed by many people. Weak and ner­ vous ladies, who sutler much from headaches, perhaps, do not kuow that defective vision is often the cause of this distressing Buttering, and If they will consult him are sure t0 get relief by the aid of glasses. Old folks, who were never able to obtain glasses to spit, and those who wish to preserve heirt sight up to old age, should get a pair of spectacles properly adapted to their eyes. His office is at the River­ side House. Hours from 10 A. M. to 3:16 p. M. Consultation free. No agents employed.. No business done outside of bis office. DIED:--At bis home in Nunda, 111., on May 31st, of Diphtheria, JOHN A. WABD. aged 30 yoars and 7 moathe* Oh, shall we weep for him Who laid his armor down, Only when safe at borne, , _ There to receive his crowf? 4 Ah, thongh we know his soul . Now rests in perfect peaci, Yet we must weep--most weep,'- Oar sorrow cannot cease. A Card. ' We wish, In tbls public manner, to return onr grateful thanks to neigh' bors and friends for their very kind ser vices, attention and presenoe during the sad days of bur recent affliction. Neighborly kindness at such times cannot be over-estimated, and we can assure you, one aad all, It was appre­ ciated . -••••• Mas. HfiTTte WABD, \./i; STBTHKV WAN* V MIBAHUA WAKN. Special Freiitiuius tor the Fair. The time having arrived when It is necessary to complete the list of spe­ cial premiums, let each one notify the secretary at onee what he er she desires to oiler. A.S. WRIOHT, Setfj. ALGONOUIN. Imrou PLAINDEALER.--Ed Morton Jr. took in Chloago on Saturday last D. W. Thomas,*Ed Morton, Sr. E. A Ford. Chas. Waodrack, and John Jeneck spent a part of last week Cisco fishing at Lake Geneva. They report a good time and a fair catch. Mrs, J. Peter visited at MoHenry on Wednesday of latt week 'with the family of Ju B. LS#M< Chas. Kublank has Jai. Mattes' new residence ready for the masons and he has commenced framing the Fred Reese barn, on the old Penny (arm It will be 86 by 80 feet. Some of our towns folks are working at Carpenterville on the new milk Condensery, > John Helm llit a new tinner from Oilman. III. J. Peter has Locke's Bread and Cookies for sale at bis store. He re- oeives a f.esh supply every Monday and Thursday of each week direct from Lock's McHenry Btkery. All those Jeslrous of anything In that line please give him % call. News has been received here that the wife of Jobu Morton, formerly of tbls place, but now ̂ residing at Boul­ der City, Colorado, was dead. She leaves a husband and one child, a little daughter, to mourn her loss. F. A. Perry offers his farm and stock for sale. The farm Is situated two miles west of Algonquin, and contains 160 acres of choice land. He also offers his house and lot In town for sale eheap. He has bought a place In Carpenterville Is his reason for selling here. WRING GROVE. EDITOR PLAINDEALER: -- A ttttle more rain. % Messrs. Sutton A Son are busy build­ ing Mr. ShotllfTs new bouse, which will make a fine residence when com­ pleted. Mrs. Watson, from Elgin, Is here vis­ iting her daughter, Mrs. Burger, j Mr. and Mrs. David Smiley have re­ turned from Valparaiso, where Mr. Smiley bae been attending law school. Frank Lawson has come back to take a look at his old home. There will be serytoe lo the Episco­ pal church next Sunday, at oleven o'clock, A. M„ by Rev. Dr. Cleveland, ofDuodee. Wm. Wray Is not abl| lo peddle now, so he will be very glad to sell yeu goods at his home and he will sell eheaper than the cheapest for cash or eggs. Wm. Carey add three horses to one man from Jollet. Mr. West lake sold bis little mare to the same man for #125. Mr. WeBtlake has one more horse for sale. Mr. Hendricks baa bought Peter Wagner's hardware store. What he is gol nguto do with the building we hsive not leaned. • * Samuel Mcllwaln has the finest Po­ tatoes we have seen this season. He will soon have new potatoes. There will be a dance In Shotllfi'a new boose soon, so look out boys aad get ready. Samuel Patterson started f.»r Chica­ go this morning, Monday. He Is go- log 00 the lake to work this summer. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mrs. Geo. Toung spent Friday in Genoa. A few Hebroaites attended Kaye's Opening Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F, Howes are spend­ ing a few days in Crete, The stones are on the ground for the foundation to the new school house. Mrs. Williams and Mis. Phelps, from Janesvillo, are visitltg at Thurston Mason's. Mis. Webster has given up her school at the Ofiloe. Miss Etta Tor­ rance fills her place. Mrs. John Ayers. from Bennington. Vt, Is visiting with her relatives, E. B. Stratton's family, Beal Finch and family and Mrs. C. F. Prouty drove out near Kenosha on Friday to spend a few days with relatives. Numerous fishing excursions to Geneva Lake, have been made by bur townsmen of late, and several pounds of ciscoe have been brought home by some of the more' lucky ones. Dr. E. L, Herrick 'has been siok with measels for a number of days, and although reported better at this writing is still at his home In Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Webster went to Chicago last week to purchase carpets, etc, for furnishing their new bouse which Is about completed. Dr. J. M. Mansfield and wife, from Chlllfecothe, Mo., are visiting friends here. It is a pleasure to the doctor's many friends to grasp his kludly hand once again. There will be Children's Day, ex­ ercises at the M. E. church, next Sun­ day, An interesting programme has been prepared, the church will be beautifully decorated and all may ex­ pect a pleasant time. Hebron might have been obliterated recently, but for a timely discovery. Norman Brown, while passing the meat market about twelve o'clock at night, discovered a fire In the rear of the building, and arousing Mr Wlck- ham. they found a largo pile of shavitfgs In full blaze. How the fire originated la a mystery. The Hebron Cornet Band has reor­ ganized with the addition of five new members from South Hebron. They practice twice a week, which of course enlivens the town and every one re­ joices, for their music has been greatly missed for several weeks. Later we hope they will conclude to give open air concerts occasionally. Great preparations are being made for the First Annual Commencement of the Hebroh High School, which will be held at the close of the present term, about June 26(h. There are leveral to graduate at that time aud the exercises to be given in the church will be something nevef before witnessed in Hebron and we imagine the announcement will call out a large orowd of people. We have extra bargains in men's ahirta, colored and white, 3 Shirts forfl. JOHN BVANSON A Co. Handkerchiefs, ail>tylee aad price* at Althoft Bros. Mrs. Ml* Schumacher. His just returned from the city with fine stock of Spring and Summer Millinery, to which she invites the at­ tention of the Ladles of McHenrv and vicinity, confident that she can pleaae you both in quality, style and price. Also the finest stock of Oriental Laces to be fouod In the county, very choice patterns. My goods are all of the latest&stylea to be found in the market, and will bear the closest inspection. The la- dies are tavlted to call. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. BONSLETT & STOFFEL, Rock ford floor only tl.05. Beat uacolored Japan tea only 60 cents. Splendid whole rice only 6 cents. Good raisins only 6 cents. Good fine cut or plug, only 26 cents per pound. Climax or Spearhead, only 40 cents per pound. Good Scotch Cheviot all wool good suit, only f8.60. Best oil 17 cents; 5 gal. 16 oents. Good oil 13 cents; 5 gal, 11 cents. 20 gallon Jars only f2.76. Mason A Lightning fruit jars, 16c. Rose for 6 cents--no humbug; St. Joseph Hosiery, best made, C. H. Fargo's shoes all warranted. Badger State Overall8.| Clothing! Clothing! 1. Faney flannel shirts. L Nejcktlee, collars and &Hkf' Handkerchiefs aud Fans. AT BONSLEIT A STOFFEL'S. MIDDLINGS! MIDDLINGS! ONLY $15.00 PER TON. At BONSLETT A STOFFEL'S. New style Carriages at bottom figures at E. M, Owon A Son's. All the latest stylos in Straw Hats at Altlto^Bros, GLASSWARE. New and beautiful designs just re­ ceived at John fivanson <fc Co.'s. On Saturday of this week, afternoon and evening ooly, we efler bar sains in Ribbons, JOHN EVANSON A Co. John Evanson A Co. announce a a special ribbon sale Saturday, which :he buying public would do well to examine. Teas new and fragrant--prices from ed at J variety 23 to 50 cents, just received at John Evanson & Co.'s. Each The finest line of Bird Gagee- town, at John I. Story's. Just reeeived. a foil line of Hats at Althofi Broe, When in search of a good Hat of any kind, go to AlthoftRrae. The finest 60 oent tea fa the market * at Althofi Bros, Road Cart with a twenty-Am foot spring at E. M. Owen A Son's. 6 bottle silver plated castor, 7ff oefrta at M. Engeln's.- Best Lumber Wagon ia towa at M. Owen A Sen's. Examine Goods and learn prieeefti Bishop's; It will pay you. Building Paper and Moth Proof 1 pet Paper, at John L Story* MoStaiy*^ Just received a Car load efu Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at Je Story's. THE Genuine Novelty aad Ualaplitil * Clothes Wringer at bottom prtoM jtt John I Story's. Beware of lmltattoas. Call for the MWlnnlng Stroke",a tfew Brand of five oent Cigar*, manafaatar- edby Barblan Bros. It beatt them alL The best and cheapest Carpetitft the market, at J. B. Blake's Furniture Store. WOOD FOR SALE. ' J: Good Dry Wood for sale, by K. Lawlus. opposite the Riverside House. Clothing! ClotUo|4 The fiaest line of Clothing, ia 81a* f;le Garments or Full Suita to be foun* n the County, and at prices that oaav not fall to please, at Althofi Bros. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market. Price la will bo paid for good milling wheal, at the Fox. River Valley Mills, Mo­ Henry. R, BISHOP. The Metropolitan is the Bossewpot sweeper, and 00 housewife should boy one before seeing it. It ia oheaper and better than all others. For aaei' by John I. Story. ^ WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price in catfc. will be paid for good mlllli at the Fox River Valley Henry. Money to Iioan* Money loaned on MoHenry County farms on time and in amounta to suit borrower. .Write or apply to J. W. RABSVBAD, Rootas 1 and 2, Borden Block, Elgin III, Of very superior quality. We have about 100 bushels ot pota> JOHN GVANSON A Co. LaCross, Cortland, Staver and six other makes of oarrlages at S. M. Owen A Son's. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price, I will be paid for good^ milling milliof the Fox River Valley at Henry. R. BISHOP. moo in casa* CUCUMBER CONTRACTS. MOHBNRT, III., March 14tb, 1SS7. ' I am now prepared to contract for the purchase or for sal tine pickles for the year 1S37. All that wish to eon- tract (neither way please call at mj office. R. BISHOP. CULTIVATORS. CULTIVATORS.* At E. M. Owen A Sons can be found the celebrated Sames, Standard, Cli­ max Star or Monitor, Case, Furst and Bradley, aad Norwegian Steel gear*' both In four and six shovel. MILLINERY 600BSI At Cost to Close, Having decided to join my busbsnd In California, early in the Fall, I will, for the next 60 days, sell my entire stock of Millinery and Ladies Fucnish- ing Goods at cost, iu order to close them out. My Goods are all new and of the latest styles to be found In the market, (no old shelf-worn stock,) and will be sold at prices never before off­ ered In this section. Come at once and secure the bargains. Or I will sell my entire stock and rent store to any party who may wish to continue the busiuess. The loca­ tion Is the best in the village, and 1 have a large and increasing business. 1 would also inform the Ladles of McHenry and surrounding country that while I am selling out I shall be prepared, as heretofore* to do all kinds ot Dress Making with promptness and guaraatee satisfaction, and invite ail to call who may wish anything In tbls line. MRS. II. H. NICHOLS. MoHenry, June Stb, 1887. Wire Cloth, all width, and frames to matoh, at W. P. Steven's. MONEY TO LOAN. Ia sums of $300 and upwards, on good ^real estate security. Apply to • MRS. L, C. GATES. and see our stock of Sheep W. P. Stevens, West side. Call Shears. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, Track Hanging. Floor Hooks and Pulley. And the best Manilla Rope, all sizes, at W. P. Steven's, West Mo­ Henry. Prices to meet anybody. The reliable Watertown Buggies can always be found at Bishop's Ware­ house McHenry. --A# "Mayflower" Tea Is Invigorating. - " . r e f r e s h i n g . * M Irajrrant. " pure. . •« •• •• •» imported direct from Japan by Henry Colby. Gasoline Stoves, two three and four holes, at as low price as any other good, 'stove can be bought. At W.P.Steven's West McHenry. Stand Straight, Men's, women's, and children^ braces. No more round shoulders. No more flat breasts. A perfect skirt supporter. Sold by E. Lawlus McHenry, 111. A NEW DEPARTURE. V A Knife Pulverlzor that can be con trolled bv the operator to regulate the depth of cultivation. Poatlvely ne side draft. No weight on horses necks. Bishop's Warehouse. McHenry. from #15 to 926, at the E. X. OWEN * SONS. Cultivators old stand. Carriages, Combined Wagons, Bug­ gies and Wagons, both Milk and heavy Wagons at E. M. Owen A Sons. Oh Say I We are showing an elegant line of White and Ecru Kobe Patterns, all prices. Also wide embroidered Skirt­ ings and Flounclngs. PBBRY a own*. Largest Stock of Persian and Blaok Cashmere Shawls fn town. Prloes very low this year at Perry A Owen's. Don't Fall to see our new assortment of Silk Gloves and Mits, black and oolors. Also Ladies Ties, something new at Perry A Owen'g. Remember. We are selling Ladles and Gents Fine Shoes cheaper than any of them Our Shoes wear the best and are noted for fine tie. We have some special drives iu Shoes. PBKBT A OWB*. Headquarters For Wall Paper and Bordera, Car­ pets and Curtains at Perry A Owen's. The Peninsular, one of the best Gasoline Stoves on the market, can be found at the Hardware store of W. P. Steveas, West McHenry. Call and aee it, __ WHEAT. WANTED. The HI {best Market price. In cash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL The undersigned has for sale a fine three-years old Registered Holsteln Bull. Will be sold cheap If applied for soon. J. W. GALE, lm Volo, 111. The Bertram! aad Sames Cultivator will outlast any two other makes, as when you hit a stone or grub the little wood pin, is all it cost. No expense for castings. Always on band at E. M. Owen A Sons. The Climax, (that is very much like the Ellwood,; 920 at E. M. Owen A Sons. ' Two seated Carriages at E, M, Owen A Son's, very low. Call at E. M. Owen A Son and look over their carriages and combined wagons of the celebrated Cortland, LaCrosse. Wallace, Henny, Enterprise, and a number of other makes. All warranted for three years and at bot­ tom prices. Milk and Lumber Wagons at X. M. Owen'A Son's at lowest prices. Harness very low at E, M. Owen A Son's. _______ If you are looking for a first class Carpet cheap, go to John J| Blake's Furniture Store. Wonderful Curoife W. D. Hoyt A Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of*Rorae. Ga., say: We nave been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Bittere and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that aell as well, or give such universal satlafac~ tion. Ther J has been some wonderful cure* efiected by theee medlcinee lo this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely oared by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection , with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Henry Oeijly. •• " » J, • Houses and Lots For Sale In Ringwood. I offer for Sale or Rent, two Hiooees and Lots, situated In the village of Ringwood. Also a building suitable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquiro of S3-6m, Wnur ITADO. It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The "Gartaad Stoves and Ranges'* are acknowledged to embody all that is |beat in that Una. They have the reputation of being the best made. Though Imitated by many they are equalled by none. For sale la McHenry by John I. Story , ^ m-% '• f ' Notice. ^ 1 V; * To ttrtwe that want TATI, Racks,and anything in my llao of tMsl- s ness. Work done 00 short nottoe to a order. Shop one door South of Law** :*,! lus' Store, 9. •. n">M> ' MoHearr. Aa* IMSSB. 1144y •J ftuoklon'e Arnica Salve* The best Salve ia the world for oats bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, ohllblates, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pee- tlvely cures plies, or no pay requned. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Prioe SS cents par box. For sale by Henry Colby, CAHT STATION, III., Maroh 3d,ISSFC. O. DICKINSON A Sow--Barrtngton, ILL ..•$ Gentlemen:--I hsd a cow that did f not clean for three days after oalvlng, and I procured a bottle of your Cow Prescription and gave It according to 'A the directions, and the cow was all right in less than thlrty-alx hoars $ ter giving, and has done first rate since. AUGUST AARE. > ; For sale by all druggists. •J Executor's Notice* TESTATE of James Feehan, deceaiMb El The undersigned having In executor of the last will aod James Feehan, late of the county of rv and State of Illinois, deceased. gives notice that he will appear beCH» the uouniv court of McHenry countjr, at U* courthouse in Woudatook,at tin Jur teim. on the third MomUv In Jaly next, at vtttk time all persons intviiigolaimsagainst «*H| es­ tate are notified and requested to atteM tor (be purpose of having tne sane adJnstSKt. Alt persons indebted to said estate are rtqtwtdl make immediate payment to the Bade** ed. A. D. 1887. JBM Kxecutor. itee this 16th day of Mar, JAMES FEEHAK, HEALING Jars aad Jugs 9 ocrt«;per

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