Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jun 1887, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe.*' ,:<rv - «»*£* ILLIN M'HENRY, BUSINESS ALBERT K. BOUBJfK. SOLICITOR AWO CARDS. •TORN BY. 8BLOR. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1887. NO. 48. FlKIIIID KTRKrlWCDraSD^t ^ lr"' . jij&.i : Van SLYKl^,- EOITORMSD PROPRIETOR. in Bishop's Block,! :*n.>a*ur V.Ownn'* .'*-1 ' '~r TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Jne *>»r(ln Aftraacej ...$1.60 ITVot Paid within Throe Months 3.00 SaMcriptiona receive! for three or. six Months i» the Mate proportion. 560 10 00 15 00 SO 00 60 00 10000 Rates of Advertising. W« annsuAce libera! rates for advertising m Ihe PiAfflDMLER, and emttaTor to Mate thepi so plainly that thoy will be readily un- ferstood. They are as follows: I Inch one year S Itches one year S laches one yeai? » "i. v C o l u m n o n e y e a r • ' i t 4 Column one year. . \'"v Column one yea* - ^ One inch means the measurement of one uk down the oolnrnn, single column width." Tearly advertisers, at the above rates, have til* privilege of changing as often as they •boose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line Bach week. All others will be charged 10 sents per line the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the flrst issue, and I cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, II inch advertisement will cost t LOO for one week, for two weeks, 92.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLATNDBAI.BB will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS# H. T. BROWN. M.D. VN A5TD SURGE* Residence, McHenry, III. pHYSlOIAN AVI) SURGEON. 0«oe~ at O. H. FEGERS, M, D- r»HTSlOlAN AND SURGEON. McHenry, I Ilia Office at Residence. PAUL BROWN, ATTORNEY AT T.AW. 88 LaSal'e Street t\. CHICAGO, ILU -- M. i*. ELLSWORTH,' A TTOftNKY at Law, and Solicitor la Otpp* XV eery, Wanda, III. QUININE.) ASA W. SMITH,, ind , I1L ATTORNEY AT LAW and SolicltorfLie XV Chancery.--Woodstock, -- WOODSTOCK,. ILL. Bueifcees attended toproeaptly. skill and integrity. Office at the Ooart Hoaso. J, F. CASEY, ; TTORNEY and Connsetor at U*,*! Office L ever Kfc»ptew*n'e store. All hasiness w wUl receive proaipt at-. Gives trlfld Aplite Hew Streoitti, S. F. BENNETT, M. D pHYSIClAN AND SUUGEON. Also United States Examining Sargoon. Illinois, Riohinonii, i :>-» MART,O. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. AH KN,E* OF itair Work dyne in flrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, IIL DRS. C. E. WILLIAMS A DAHLIN. IVliTlSTS. Residence Dundee. Will be at IJ Mc Henry. at Parker Ilouse, the 10th 11th 25th and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday _ make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday. I will stay bnt one day. : : -s E. R. BENNETT, M. T>.. Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Speeial attention given to difficult 8urglcal cases. DEVTSCH O ESP ROC HEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. United StateffaiClai Apcj OF-- Wit. if. COWLTN, Woodstock, -» - Illinois. Prosecatesall elassss and Itlnds of claims against the United States for ex-Solditrs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old aad rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLm, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstoct. Illinois.* O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McBei .. 111. Office at Residence, one door West •f M. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, in Old McHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. "(f*: Livery Stable. HE. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First • class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming or all kinds done on short notice. ROBT 8CHIESSLE Haying purchased the old stand ' Of Joseph Wiedemann,' NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHENRY, ILLINOIS, Keep* open for the accommodation ;of the public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will all times keep the best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars be found la flie marmot, Alee Agent For , ' mANZ TALia^ MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD BTABL1NO FOB HORSB8. v ^g^*0all aad see as. Robert Sohjfigf.; MeHeary. IIL, May *th. MS. A. Engle&'s SALOON AND RESTAURANT. MoMENRY, ILLINOIS. AT THE OLD STAJSD, JACOB BONSLETT, SALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors an'i Cignrs to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, al ways on h and. GOOD STABLINO FOR HORSES. 1 PUMP REPAIRING, • CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepnred to do all jobs In the line of Digging Wells, Repairing » «• Pumps, cementing Wells, or will put in Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, Isfti1 Xilwu'tn But -AND-- 1: Scfclilz liliaalet Bottle to. In any quantity from aSuilz Glass to 5C0 barreU. ' 4, v 4|T WHOLESALE fell̂ AIL -Beer in bottles, kegs or cii*e as Chfeap as the cheapiBst.:^ ; • . We buy none but tliii ltorit and v tpU nt l icet). • - i Call and see me aad I will use "i ,yi»u well. ;^uft ANTONY ENGEI^i. ^ McHenry, 111., 1886, " * Oh ihort notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a aew Pump, givo me a call. WOrders by mail promptly atteaded to. Post office, Jonn8burgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johasbalrfh, 111., May 25th, 1886. G. G. ANDREWS. ' CENERAL SPBnra GB0VX II£. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and G-oods of all kinds attended to on the most B1AS0ABLI TOMS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, 111, spring 3rove, Sept.^ th, 188S. 11.114m MWLUS, TiU Warrants a Pit or k 4 ' Fmra«ols, Fan's Lawns, i^ood variety, JohnKranwn & Co.'a > *• r >4v $ , / /...... 6 'ft VVe make Suite to orde%pf the o«st (-loths, Foreign or Domes- tir. • AT TEE LOWEST PRICES l'hat good Goods can bd. sold u i HK ALfO Clean* and Repairs Clotbei Neatly and on short notice. < iHvir llle a. Oa.ll E. LAWLUS. McHenry* Jan. 19th, 1886. mt *rl. HOUSE Paiatm1, Graiaer, Oatcimlser and Pa per Hanger. Residence one Block Wast of Rireruda Honse. Work atteaded to promptly and oa reasonable terms. P Has let Nerves A. M. CHURCH, Watehmaker and Jewel# NO. 55 FIFTH AVE., (Brfggs House), Ohl< cago, 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his lias 81 for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be nmtled, seourely wrapped, to any address in the United Sta'es for three mouths on reeaipt of ONE DOLLAR, Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents aad clubs. Sample eopies mailed free Address all orders to mrcHASo x. rax, FBAMELnr SQtraa, New York. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attention of the Pablle toaty Stable of Stock Horses, four in nam. tier: Two Morgan*, one \ Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep­ resentatives of their bre-d. Also a few Merino Sheep for 8ale. The public are cor­ dially Invited to call and examine «tock, get prices, ete. Mo Imsiness done oa Snnday, K. S. COLBY. IM'W. M'HRirar, ILL. f " ATTENTION! farmers and Dairygpk "ft Will pay those looking for t5*1 CHOICE cowat '^/: Fresh milkers or springers, to oat I at ary premises before purchasing. I can furnish such by the car- load or single eow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, CHKMtrKG. Farm about four miles northwest or Harvard, IIMaiii*.!**'.1.*.-!"-.- , :,&r- X Ori" Feed. A That the most deli AO^BCBFtO| mm NERVOUS ' Atod all j THB.MOST! FUL BLOOD *jSr-T!A. IMHerf York, was cured r larial arastratloa Ha hu raa dowa i oa Kaskiae in JVM i •Month, regained his j Qolnlae did him no j Mr. Gideon Thou of the most respect Conn., says: am for the last three malaria and the *' ijxrxxsru pound a" Mrs. T. S. 9t>l Jersey €71»y, writes: tappy Days (Sweet Sleep. UL TONIC. Ue stomach will bear fOR MALARIA T18M, OSTRATION diseasses. ?IFIC A.VD BUOCKas- IF1ER. superior to LEast 57th street, New wklne ol extreme raa> ' siven years snffering. |ttSpounds to 97. began t went to work in one I weight In six months. 1 whatever. i. the oldest and one ttisens of Bridgeport, nety years of age, and rs nave suffered from of quinine poisoning. ^ Kaskine which broke kcreased my weight 89 of KV> Halhday Street, "My so^i Harry, eleven years, was cared of Malaria by Kaskine after fifteen months' illness, when we had given up persons, giving fall illoatlon. all hop*. Letters ftom the al details will be sent Knskino can be taki medical advice. JI without any speeial ttle. Sold by ar seat by mail on nMilgit of price. * tASKINK COMPANY, 54 Warren 8t>, Kew ^j'ork Oity. * BRAN, per ToJu»,#4^«» .$13.50 SHORTS, per Ton. i. . '14.00 SHELL CORN, per bu.. 43 cts. B7 th* Sagle Ton. - ' • *• ^ • CARLOADS r*"f: l W. A. CIIMITT. H ..k: • ;*l - At the Pickle Factory Ilk' West McHenry. BBKEDSRS OF MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn. Bed PolUd Asgu, And Jersey Cattle. Hillside Farm, Wast McHenry, 111. Oar Morgan Stock is sll l»«r*,j'r»,|.^ originated from the best Morgan sto sk ia the United Stales. * Old Glffnrri Morgan, who steads at the head if our Stock, i» one ot the best breed Morgw nor*es» in ihe coutttrys nn^l iMin show nww ftiul •tetter all purpose colts thaa aoy other horse i the Weak tta invite the inspeetioa of oar stock by csrisiocD sod ill lovors ot fine ftttlDiftlA A few full blood Morgaa OsHs isad joana torses for sale. Also one matched team, full •laeds.' InOattle we have the full blood Short Horn wliirhweare crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead Ot sawing off^the uoros we are breeding them off and with toodsaceess. A few Heifers and Bulls both purs bred Short Horns aad the cross abore mentioaed J. «. «aylor it Som» Wast McHenry, 111,, Dec, Mth, 1SW> RAILWAY. ffnatritei Popul ntrettif In Soldiers' Department, COMTatBVTBD BT WM. H. COWLIN. County C. A- R. Directory. BTCHXOND ROST KO TM. Meets • the seooad- Fridaj eventng each month. Oa. 9. F, BamraTT, Com. WOOOSTOOK POST. KO 108. Meets flrst and third Moaday evenings of each month. W«. AT BUT, Com. of MRWOA TOST, Meets the second and fourth Wtidnesdav evenings of each month. WM. BDTLBB, Com. VAEYARD roar, iro ass. Meets the second and rourtn Monday even lags of eaoh^noath. L W. SKAYBKMS, Oast. MABBWOO POST, No. 188, Meets every Second and Foarth Friday evenings of each month. A. j. BOTIHOTOH. Com. Montfomery, Lena; Ncratarj, L, W Mitchell. Woo«ang; treastifar, C. F, Barber, Polo.--Ogle County Ueportet. WAWTRD.--By Wm. H. Cowlto, the PNNDt post office addraaa of Blcbard Fitzgerald, late of Co. F, 40tb Wiscon­ sin Infaatry Veluoteen, Thanla to Gen. J. 0. Smith ffcr • copy of the Toledo Evening See, con­ taining a splendid acccount and the addresses delivered at the unveiling oe re monies of the monument erected to the memory of the gallant Qeneral James B. Steedman. Dakota, and fyoiiu. Its train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements ol local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din­ ing and place sleepinr cars is without rival. its road-bed is perfeotion. of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Worth western is the favorite route for -thecommercial tiaveler, tne tourist and the seekers after new homes la the golden Northwest. Detailed Information eheerfally furnished f BMNMO IMI. Agent, MeHenry, ill. MARVilf BUOmTT. fMNa SMI dsn. Jfonaper. H. a WfCK'EH, TYatfUs Manafftr. £ p. wiLfoir, h-'.:; ^ OmurtU Pouaenger Ageitl. "t? For Sale Cheap A BAB1 CSAIC9 i 7t Secirj a fiood Business LicatM i^Mfer for sale my store bultdiafs, iitnated i the »Hl>|t of MoMenry. "Wiey are of riefe, twoetmrte* high, end suitable for any «M«t ImeiaMa. with «ooa resMence rooms aecond story. Aleo good barn and out. Centrally located, nearly opposite Mill and next door to the post office. Also offer for sale my Oigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with or lthoat business to salt purchaser. J. PEKOVSKf. McHenry, III., May 11,1886. 'qpHE ' ftMIOWKMCU V ' CNANCCLLOR, JR.. a very fine Stallion^ Chaucellor Jr, ' Having recently purchased Imported Clydesdale Stallion, i for oar own use, will breed a limited number of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is 7 years old this Spring; is a Cherry Bay with black points; 16X hand high and weighs about 90S pounds; strong, clean Umbs, fine action, mild disposition. He was sired by Chancellor (1310), he by Drew Prince, of Wales. (673). Dam by Lofty. (400); grand dam by Duke or Well- Ingtoa, (UM); great grand dam by Sir William Wallace, (834). He combines in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever bad, and has proven his ability to get uniform Colts, of great size, line form, strong and rugged. Weal*) have JDHMRPION, JR. ¥ % TbC Perchernn Moraan Horse. He has ynvsn himself a fine stock getter for gen­ eral purposes, and cannot tie betten In the Northtrest,' Perties who intend lireellng, the coming season, will tind it to their advantage to call and see our stock and got'our terms which wilt be reasonable. Mares from a distance will be well eared fbr^etrners risk, at Moderata rates. ppl! atui see us it HAHtT BROS. BILE BEANS! "What a funiiv name for a medicine! Nevertheless it is very slsnificant as applied to the article. Bile, according to Webster, is 4* a yel­ lowish bitter, -viscid nausceous fluid, secreted by the liver." "Whenever tho liver does not act properly this fluid is retained in the blood and poisons the whole system, andSallowuess and misery is tbe result. SMITH'S BILE BEANS is a snre cure for biliousness and liver wmplnint. Price, 25 conta ^:r bottlu. We acknowledge the reoelpt of< ft copy of the Memorial Address deliv ered at Paxton, 111., by Hon. Chas. E Fuller. It is In pamphlet form. Thanks. We wish every ex-soldier In tbe 5th distrlot could read tbe address for It was an able and patrlotlo effort SOLDIERS, SAILOUS, AND MARINES' ASSOCIATION OF MCHENRY COUNTY. At a recent meeting of the above- named assoct&tiou held In tbis city (Woodstock) Saturday, June 4th, it was decided to hold their flrst anoaal re union on the ba?ks of Crystal Lake from the sixth to the eighth of Sep­ tember next. There could certainly have been no better selection made ae to the time and place of encampment. Work of the Pension Ottee. "For the week ending May 28, 1887, there were received 4,083 applications for pension,of wliluh 833 were invalid; 400 widows; 5 war of 1812, 12 bounty land; 17 navy;5 old war; 417 Mexican war service, and 2,394 for Increase. The total receipts of mail matter dnrine the week, including the above mentioned dai&e, were pieties and there were 40,773 letters and olr culare sent out." Tho Republican Legislature of Pennsylvania has passed a bill which may result in sweepingchauges among the employes of the State, ft requires that "in every public department and upon all public works of the State of Pennsylvania honorably discharged Union soldiers, sailors, and marines of tbe late rebellion shall be preferred for appointment and employment,M and that "age, loss of limb or other physical impairment, which does not la fact Incapacitate, shall not be deemed to disqualify tbem, provided they posoess the other requisite qual­ ifications."--2Va/. Labor Tribune. •e win eo. Tbe President Intimates that in •plte of hie not having reoelved an ln> vltatlen fr^m the G. A. R. to be pres­ ent at the National Encampment lie will go to 8t. Louis, and tlme.hls visit so as to be there during the National Encampment. This, If persisted In, will be,a meat unfortunate decision for him, and will militate against the suc­ cess ef tbe encampment. In common with tbe great majority of tbe order, we have been anxious that Mr. Cleve­ land should not go to St. Louis during the Encampment to disturb Its har­ mony as his presence there cannot help doing. He must know that his visit there will be highly distasteful to tbe veterans and their friends, and in this light his going will savor of wanton lntroeion.--National Tributte. The awhrsn of tho lSth Rsflmest Me- eelved Koyatly at Pole, Tuesday, May 24th, the sixth annual reunion ef the gallant 16th Illinois Infantry Regiment of volunteer vet* erans was held in the spacious aisles of Barber's Park, Just west of Polo.-- There was a large attendance and an Interesting program. Col. Swift was the presiding officer, and the address of welcome by Hon. J. D. Campbell was a patrlotlo gem. Capt. A, D. Chllds made tbe response. Among the noted men present and who addressed the comrades, were General Walter Q. Gresham, of tbe U. S. Court at Chi­ cago; Capt. F. H, Marsh, U. S, Mar­ shal; Hon. R. R. Hltt, M, C.; Gen George C. Rogers, the old Colonel of the regiment, now of tbe Pension De partment at Washington; and Lieut. Boha, Superintendent of Taber's sll ver mines, for a long period editor of the LeadvlUe dally Herald. A splen­ did banquet was spread by tbe hospit­ able citizens of Polo. In the evening, Capt. R- Dickson Woolsey made the annual addrose followed J>y several others. The regiment was Invited to bold Its next reunion at Lena, and by unanlmousvote tbe courtesy was accept ed, the 24th of May. 1888, selected as the date. Tbe following officers of 'the association were elected: Presi­ dent, W. G. Barnes, Lena;. vloe presi­ dents, Alex. McEathron and M. G. "He has his Pension." Some people are fond of repelling every appeal oa behalf ef seme veter­ an for employment, preferment for office, promotion or relief, with "He has his pension hasn't be?" uttered 1b a tone as if that were all In the world man ought to a have, and nothing more could in reason be asked. To the mltid3 of such men the asere word pension Implies a liberal allow­ ance got from the Government with­ out trouble, and sufficient for tbe en* tire support of the recipient and his family. This Idea is fostered and strengthened in ihetr minds by the occasional mention In the papers of thousand® of dollars being paid some man for arrears, etc. But the cold stern fact la that there Is scarcely pension given that represents a tithe --we might say a hundredth--ol the damage done to the pensioner's wage- earning ability by the injury for which he has been pensioned. For example, more than 175,000 pen­ sioners--about two-thirds of the whole number--receive but 88 a month or less, ihe highest that any of them get Is but 26 oents a day, and from this it mas down to six and one-third cents. The mere mention of these snms Is sufficient to shew how utterly Inadequate they are to provide for the oommonest wants of even one Individ- ual, fo say nothing of a family. In place of a pension conveying the idea of bounteous generosity. It means pinching stinginess and grinding hi- adequacyr--National Tribune Prison Lire fa Dixie. Kind friend sand fellow soldiers ^^,'dotae listen to my s^ng. Til about those rebel prisons aad eur So­ journ there so long, Ourliardshlps there and suffsriags great no one can understand But those who l»ave endured this late in Dlx> ie's sunny land. When captured by their chivalry they stripped us to the skin. Forget to give us back again the value of a pin, Except a few old rags of gray discarded by their band, And thus commenced eur prison'life in Dixie's sunny land. Surrounded by a host of guards each with a loaded gun They placed us In an open Sold exposed to tain and sun. No tent or tree to shelter us, we lay on the cold ground, Thas side by side, great numbers died. In Dixie's sunny land. This was the daily bill of fare la this secesh saloon, No sugar, tea or cofflse, for morning, aight or noon. One pint of meat ground eob and all, was > .4M*etf»to every man*, ,4 . * For Want ef Are we ate it fitw, (a QMxie*s sap* ny land. We were by these poor rations reduced to skin and bone, A lingering starvation worse than death yea can't but own, There thousands lay both night and day, l~y far too weak to stand. 'Till death relieved their sufferings «reaf, la Dixie's sunny land. Now we, who have survived this late, tho' many a threat and bribe For to discard our noble flag and )ota the rebel tribe. We'll let tbem see that we are free, our friends will see once more, Altbougb Our cause is true and pare, we'll ne'er die on Dixic>s shore. Those weary days and weeksflpassed rouhd d months untold. Is Secretary as yearsand months untold Until that happy time arrived that we were all paroled. We landed at Annapolis a wretched looking band, Too glad to be alive and firee from Dixie's sunny land. Row like a dream those days now seem la retrospective view, dlaoe we've tegatned our wasted strength all dressed in Union Blue, The debt we owe our bitter foe we'll not have long to pay We'll pay it with a xengeaace great, la Male's sunny land. The foregoing poem was composed by a paroled prisoner of war at An* napells, Md.. In the spring ot W, whose uame is unknown to us. It was sung by Comrade Erwin Holmes, of Bradford, 111* at the last re-unlen. Department of Illinois, O. A. B. AT LAROE. General Benjamin Harrison, of In­ dianapolis. Ini., has been presented with a medal recently found on a farm in Morgan county in that State. It is made of copper and bears on one side the inscription, "The People's Choice, the Here of Tippecanoe," also the pic­ ture of a log cabin and a barrel of cider; on the reverse side were tbe words, "Maj, Gen. W. H. Harrison, Born Feb. 9,1773,*' together with tbe bust of tbe General. Tho fourth annual reunion of Crock­ er's Iowa Brigade will be held at Dav­ enport, Iowa, Sept. 21 and 22. Tbis brigade was known, at the tlsse ef Its muster out, aj the Third Brigade, Fourth Division, Seventeenth Corps, Army of the Tennessee, oomposed of the 11th, 13tb, 15th and 16th Iowa In­ fantry Volunteers, The Annual Ad­ dress will be delivered by Stephen A. Marine, a private soldier of Company G, Thirteenth Iowa. The swords presented (o Henry Ward Beesher while be was ohaplain of the Thirteenth Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y., have been presented to Co. G, of that regiment by Mrs. Beecher In memory of her husband. They will hang on the wall or tbe company room under a picture of Mr. Beecher. The New Jersey Soldiers' borne Is to be located at Kearney, on the East bank of tbe Passaic River, opposite Newark. Tbe State has appropriated #125,000 for the Home. Seventeen acres of ground, costing $12,000 have been purobased. Six new buildings will be erected. The Twentieth Indiana Veteran Volunteer Association will hold Its next reunion Sept. 1 at Battle Ground, Ind., where the regiment first went into eamp and reoelved Its ties leeeon In the »rt of war. William Emery Brown, Valparaiso, Is^ of the Association. The Department of Ohio, March 31, makes the following ehowing: Mem-* bers In good steading 36,009, a net gain during the past year of 4,288. Tbe total number of poets in go*d stsuding%t the present time is 837. Tbe number of regoiarty delegates to the HatlMal ment Is 324. The past National cere number 36, tbe Coencil of Admin­ istration 38, and the past Department Commanders, 2M. The Interstate Commerce Commis­ sion has decided that the lpmatse sf the National Home for disabled NISS* teer soldiers, when traveling from one home to another cannot do to for Utf fare rates. Tbe sixth annul encampment of tho Southern District G. A. of Minne­ sota, was held at Albert Left, Mian., during the past week, over M0 vetef^ ans attending, " The summer encampment ot* the department of Pennsylvania, G. A. B. will be bold oa East Cemetery Hill air Gettysburg, from tbe 9th to the iStfc of July. The Southwestern Iowa aad tho Northwestern Missouri Veteran Asso­ ciation will hold Its next reunion An* gust 16,17, aad 18,1887. The twenty-eixth anniversary of the seoond Vermont Regiment will take place at Bennington. Vt^ June 21. The new pension building at Wash­ ington is rapidly nearlng completion. There are now 900,000 claims tor pensions pending in the pension office. In SumptVr' county, Georgia, there are 13,080 soldiers* graves. Tbe Depsrtment of New Tpck -%a>-' - ; 697 posts.--Inter Oeocm. ^ ft 9»The pastor of a church and some friends were discussing the four boosts mentioned Inn recent Sunday-School lesson. The opinion of various com­ mentators were said by the pastor to be not Satisfactory. Sonne little children In the room had been listen­ ing, and suddenly one of them called out, MOn papa. I know who they were; they were the cholr.M Their haven quartet threre and one of'the fear beasts sent us this fact. We have known some quartets that by their conduct would suggest the simile, bat suppose that In thia case the Idea ot exultation oQthf four in tho poitowa aftoe ef the eervloe of the suggested this thing to tbe oUld.<~ Christian Advocate. T 19s The morals and reasonatileneiif of tho Socialists and their sympathis­ ers are shown in tbe case of Grotttan. He can neither read nor v^pte the language of this country, aatf is con­ sequently Ignorant of the constitution and laws. He voted In Wisconsin and committed perjury by swearing In his vote before he had llved loag etongh In the state to become a voter. He had lived under false ^namee* dented bis employment, and nlso committed perjury In his testimony gfyen nt bin trial la Milwaukee, That la tbe sort of ^men of whom tbe Socialists make' heroes,--2&. 1 M^At Swan Lake, oa the Illinois river near Henry, loss thsn fifty mile* from Peoria, a syndicate composed of of Chicago mllllonalrea, have bought and leased 4,800 acres of land ud turned it Into game preserves. On this land no wandering foot Is permit­ ted to tread unless tho owner thereof - csn show credentials signed by tbe club officers. Tbe straggling and un­ sophisticated hunter oa tight within ltn boundaries Is promptly ordered of, under penalty of « eult of trespass. The men who compose 'the Chicago club represent wealth aggmgatlng #60,009,000.--Peoria Jomrnaf. * - M»Un-U-- Mr A fire broke out near tbe Gov* - ernment wharf In Detroit aad the officer in charge called a tug, whioh put out tbe Are. Tbe hill was sent It Washington and payment refused be** v cause tbe officer did not advertise for .. v sealed proposals to put out the fire ' and have it done by the lowest bidder. When another fire breaks out in Ge>» ernment property that efleer will put aa adveitisement in tbe pap era aakinc for the lowest bidder to put It ont» That Is red tape.--Peck"* Sun. 1 ' W MrThe Socialists who want lani can be accommodated for a while ye|. There are still 9,000.000 acrea of public lands In Colorada' 12,00^000 In Arlsona 30,000.000 iu California, 40,0001,000 in Dakota, 7,000.000 in Florida, 44.000.0X1 in Idaho, 7,008.000 in Minnesota, 41,000, 000 in Utah 20,000000 In Wash ingtoa Terttory, and some millions of acrea In other States and Territories. No need to go to Mexico tor land juafe yet. Good Results in lvsfy Osse D. A. Bradford, wholeeaie dealer of ChiUanoega. Teen- writeo tbathe was seriously afflicted with ai severe cold that settled oa hie tang*: had tried many remedies without hen* ofit. Being Induced to try Dr. Kings* Nsw Discovery for Consumption dl< so nnd was entirely cored by ane of s few bottles. Since which tlssoM hn» used it In his family for all Ow£hs an* Gelds with best results, rue n am experience of thousands have boon s ved by this.wo-- Di --covory. Trial Bottlee his Henry Colby's Drug Stein. .I'sShLtJL. Jin a jMtof. -ib»'

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