^ -AM • ""^u -"" "'• ̂ 'T""»" rim V,-*, M.^ HP" mmmmm mmmmm mM J(ejeirj"piiiaietler. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1S87, :*# ! Railroad Time Table. 3§| On and after Monday, June #1,". Trains will jfpass McHenry Station ss below: &j| • v , OOllTO SOOTH. ,; Lake ueneva Passenger IP Lake Geneva Express ..."... Lake Geneva Freight „ Lake Geneva Passenger :»v .u..**.; ato»p. n ..8:36 •« &OIVO WORTH,. , F Lake Geneva Freight ....;... A. M Lake Seneva Passenger IQ:H7 4v Lake ieneva Express 4:58f. a Lake Geneva Passenger. '.....6:67 •* * Stops only to leave PasBenjersi . B. Buss. Agent. McHenry, 111 - • • MASOXIC. * • • . MnlfKKKT I.QIK5E, NO. 158 A. F.'AIWF A: W.- I Regular 'OMnmiinirationn tM eecwrill and * fourth Mondays in each month. " ' ; JOHN 1. STORT, W. M- MOUKltK WQOOMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second an«t Last Tuesday evening: of each month, neighbors cor lially invited-- fH. L. ROUNDS now kee^B the Papers itt his shop. - i Do not forget the Races On 'the McIIenr^ Driving Park on July 4th. A* HpWARu's team ran away One day last week, Beverly injiirteg one of ttiem. ;* READ the advertisement of Pekevs* ^ Jky'a Restaurant, and call on him and try his lee Cream. THE Ladles Aid Society, of Blng- wood, wilt meet at Mr. F, Collison's, Thursday, afternoon, June 16th, READ the new Advertisement of Benslett A Stoffel, iu another place in ^tbls^iaper. i JF CONFIRMATION Services ate being jrhiM at the Catholic Churcb*,Ln.v)tliIs I village, to>day, Bishop Ryan being Vpresenl.: EXTRA copies of our Issue of June 1st, containing the Coupon Order fpr a Frederica Jacket Pattern, may be ob tained at this office for Ave cents each. GEO. W. COLBY had the misfortune ato lose his fine carriage horse, on Sunday night, last.\ We hive : not learned the cause of his death. FRESH Strawberries. Bannanas. Oranges and genuine Vermont Maple Sugar, Figs and Prunes, at- Locked Home Bakery, Howe's Block. FRANK QUIGLEY had the misfortune to lose one of bis fine work horces last Sunday night. Icflammation or the W i,|ungs was the icause. FE. YF JOHN SUTTON, er Solon, sends to ac- icount of a strawberry picked In his I garden that measured six inches in \ circumference. Who ean beat that? As will be seen by the proceedings . In another column the Board o( Trus tees are contemplating the purchase of a fire engine. This is a move >Jn the tight direction. * jl^OuR public school closed owT%ur#- I day last with very Interesting nxer- I cises, and on Friday enjoyed a picnic VJ>T P jstaqua Lake.] Those who attfcnd- % ed report a ve¥y enjoyable time. J. PEKOVSKY has taken out the par tition and laid down a new floor Iu his •tore, which much Improves its ap pearance and makes It much adore ^convenient. FOUND,on the streets, in this village a>bout a yard aud a half of ribPou. The owner can procure the same by calling en Mrs^R. Bishop, and proving property. Our enterpilslng baker, Mr. Locke, has made arrangements so his custom ers on the west side may have fresh bread aud cake every day at Evansoii's store. O. W, OWEN has just put a fine new Piano foe Mrs. E. J. Hanly. If you want a good Piano or Organ, do not fail to call en O. W. Owen. You knew then just, what yeu are getting. IT is a good time new to cut down that burdock that Is growing up by the side of the walk. It has no burrs on now, but la a few days it will blossom out In all its first class ugli ness. entries. THE Red Jacket Liniment, made by Mrs. Harriet Holmes, c»n be found at Locke'8 Bakery, McHenry. Is the best 'Liniment known lor cuts, bruises. ;sprains, bunions, rheumatism, etc.-- ,Qeod for mau aud beast DID ypu consult already Mr. L. Galitskl the eminent optician? ^ Do not fall to do M. He Is here every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. flBours 10 A. M. to 3:15 p, M. His glasses 1 will preserve your sight for old age, As will be seen by a notice else- wherein this ^apei^ftbeBarbers in1 /this village ^Eave decided to close f their shops on Sunday at 10 o'dock \A. MI The Waving piibltclliould take ahe^Botlce. I Now is your, chance to have your eyes tested by Afr. L. Galitzki. the celebrated optician, and obtain glasses to fit your eyes preperly. He is at the Riverside House every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 10 A. M. to 3:15 p. M, * \ Patterns in very fine qailfty, novelty dress goods, new style. Fancy Fans, In black and colors at one third their usual prifee, Only a few of those Swiss Embroidered chlldrens dresses. Madam Foys Corsets, and all kiuds of Ladies furnishing ^oods at. Mrs. H. S. Gregory's. Orders as usual. WHO says our population Is not. In* creasing? A ten pound boy at the home of Frank C. Going, and a girl at Jos. Buss* on Saturday, a bouncing boy at the residence of Frank Calkins on tSundayJ and several back streets yet io hear from. We awL,*. prosperous and progressive people PERSON «U JACOB #ENRWORTH, of Chicago, spent Sunday in this village. , W, J. CUTTEREDOE, ef Lake Geneva, was on our streets on Monday. GEO. W.' OWEN to attending ilie, Races at Janesvilie. this,week. SMITH OOCBY and wife, of Chlcag were in tbis village over Sunday. GLEN WAITE, of Elgin, spent Sun day with bis parents, in this village. FRANK 6CHNORR will return to hi home In Dakota this, week. CHAS. GRANGER and* Larry Welsl were over from Ahtioch on Sunday. MISS MAMIE LAMPHERE spent days in Elgin last week. { L JOHN WIGHTMAN, of Chenoa, JTLL., i on our streets to-day. V i SMITH SRAULKS returned to Dulntli Minn ., I Iff. Iwtler part of last week. HON. F.-K. GRANGER is attendlnj Che Races at Jauesvllle this week. BERT STEURINS, of Chenoa. 111.* ha been calling On fir tends hero the pa* few days. ' ^ MRS. J. H. WJILDRON and chlldret, of CUIcago, are visiting friends in th! village. MRS. JACOB HETZKL and children returned from their visit In Chipagc^ an<i the exerclBe8 of lhe mo6t ,B|#r. on Thufsday last. Miss ELLA SILISBQRY. ot Elgin, was the guest of Mrs. J^panly last week. . -i /..••• ;;'f . GEO. YAGER "and wYfe. of Soulb Evanston, were Catling on friends here last week. CLARENCE BECKLET and Miss Flora JTackman attended Uie closing.exer- clses of our Publlo School «i^ Thursday last. ED. H. STORY and wife, a member of the firm of Story & Clark, Organ and Piano dealers. Chicago, was the guest of O. W. Owen and family over Sun day. * ' MRS. H.SNYDER,of Evanston, is visit ing with friends In this village, this week, , G. S. AND E. B. NEEDHAM, ot Chica go, were callers tbtB week. They are the proprietors of the Red Clover Blossom Fluid and Extracts. MRS. R. STEBHINS, with her mother, has gone to Richmond to live, and Mr. Howell has rented her residence, in this village. N. H. PIKE and wife. W . M. Fales and wife, Nlss Belle Sandham. John Leuney and W. E. Ketchum, all of Chenoa, IU., are rustioating at Pistaqua Bay tbi9 week. THE Trotting Stallion "George O." Is entered In the 2:28 clasp, which race comes oil at Janesville to-day, VVednei day, for4 which thcr& .is JLwenty-one ' F. K. Granger, Bradford Smith and Bernard Harrison have each lost valuable horses the past week. What is causing so many deaths .among bprse^ in tills section we hkve not learned. * r t Children's Day. tilldren's Day was observed ft the niversalist Church* on Sunday last and the house was packed to its ut most capacity. In the matter of dec oration the church presented a vtsry handsome appearance, the arrange ment aid variety of flowers proving that the ladles had fairly outdone themselves, »• nd made the interior of the church on this occasion a very par adise/ One heautifui feature wfcl a miniature fountain, situated in the center of the flowers, that threw its tiny JL«ts during the entire service. The exercises were appropriate and interesting, and was a credit to those engaged, and also to the teachers and superintendent of the Sunday school. In short the ladies have just cause to feel proud of the aucoesfe of Children's Day In every particular. Children's Day services were also held at the M. E. Churchy both' morning and evening, which were largely at tended and were of the most interest ing character. Their church was also decorated in a very handsome manner. The German Catholic Church at Johnsburgh also observed the day In a very imposiug manner, and those who attended prououuee the crowd In at« tendance the largest ever seen there feting character, af quiet but cheerful company of friends and acquaintance* assembled at the home ot Mr. W. C. Harrington, Greenwood, 111., on Monday evening. Juue 6th, to witness the marriage of bis daughter, Sarah E, to Mr. Chas. E. Jones, one of the promising young men of Greenwood. At eight o'clock Miss Lizzie BaVnee at the organ play ed Mendelssohn's wedding march, dur ing which the bride and groom, ao- oompanied by Mr. Ed. Senger, of Har vard, 111., and Hiss Emma Harrington, sister of the bride, entered and passed to the opposite side of the room in which had gathered the family and in vited guests. The oeremony declar ing the two one was performed by Rev. C. W. J ay cox. of the M. E. Church Congratulations numerous and hearty followed, each wishing the happy hus band and wife a long, prosperous and joyful journey In life. A number of beautiful and tastefully arranged bou quets were placed on the table where were also seen many elegant and val uable presents of the substantia] and useful order, rather than the frail and merely ornamental. Refreshments sufficient In quality and quantity to supply th^ wants and tastes of the inner man, of the most particular, were served in a royal manner by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Newman asslstel by two couples of the young people. The vemaloing evening wa* devoted to pleasant conversation, tinging and in strumental musie on organ, mouth or gan and fife. The company began* y> separate about half-past ten o'cloi&. each having enjoyed the occasion as much as possible and no doubt leaving with the r^malnlog young friends tbeit-b^st wishflfl aiul prayers for the choicest^of Heaven's blessings4 upon them thtty$hey may be happy in tbis life and rorever happy in the Uto te come. J.UB iirsn wuuiau BY a Nevada pap&r we learn oaf the eath offEHas E. Wightman father of H.E. Wightina^f this Wlllagi, _ died M>y 31st. 'fg*d 7Q \yea^y Mr. robably over 40, and yet witli her Wightinaa. wa< one 6f the/ efarly imost beardless face she looked scarcely settlers of this Jfown, btvfe movWd t6 the& She wore a tall, erect hat, with a Pacific Coast afe^ut 18$), whe/e tie hasfrt ot. Plumt to 1?*de h7 Pullin8 resided ever since His disease was'11®, I)ttm,t"brTlsh out, of an ^on-gray resiaeu ever since. nis (Urease w»snnle aml dying it deep erim8#n< Jropsy. ^ Slie wore other clothing, but that did tjlll WE learn thaUBarblan Broi.. Ci^ar?^. .IN^NSF. me BO .mucb .as ^J9 bah „ ,-r i . , ,,, , . t'hicli I hail to examine critically all pirffnafacturers of this village, have just|je evenijjg, shipped a large order of their choicest SLe moved her head also, and kept branJs to H. H, Nichols. T.lnkvllle.ime with the mnRic, and breathed hard Oregotu/Th^y Wllli^ tbe Hiiftfi tlgars'1 places, and shuddered once or twioe. oundin the market, and that U'e lalBO fP0^ to*he misewW® man they are meeting with a bigaale is1 evidenced by the numerous orders re ceived from both far and near. MR. L, GALITZKI, the weil-known optician, arrived at the Riverside House Tuesday at 10 A, M., remaining there until 3:15 P. v., and during that time has been consulted by mahy peo ple. Do not fall to consult him if you need a pair of good glasses. He is In McHenry every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Hours, 10 A. m. to 3:15 P.M. THE reason that so many young men who work by the day. save nothing is that they conclude that It would take a long time to save any considerable amouuf, and so they have a good time never actempt to do more than "keep even' (some do not even do that,) aid at the end of the year they have, nothing to show for their labor. Many poor young men, without a bit of help, become rich, but this isa'-t. the way they do It. > T-1 i "•> 1 'I. k* • THE edWor itid family have beea kindly remembered In the matter of garden sauce the past week. We aie under obligations to J. F. Claxtonfer a fine lot of radishes, to H, W. McLean for a.liberal supply or Lettuce, Mrs. Peter Leikem for a mess of Green Peas, and a liberal quautity kof very fine Staawberries, which we expect came froth the garden of F. G. Mayes, but we promised not ta mention the name of the donor. One and all will pleas? accept thanks. KNOWING that my customers are of the "wide awake1* kind I do not think It necessary to say but little to them but simply to inform them from time to time that my stock of Hardware, Stoves, and Tin Ware, together With the specialties and novelties belong ing to the Hardware trade, and also a large stock or Boat Oars, Row Locks, Fish Polls, and all kinds of Fishing Tackle, Is kept complete lb all'Its branches, and oflered for sale at a very small advance above cost. If you are busy to-day or te-merrow, this week or next week, It will make ne difference.- You can always find goods in my line, of the best quality, at the lowest market rates, and guaranteed as represented^ I keep no second elass shoddy good*. JOHN I, STORY. At rtloHenry Driving Park- On July 4th there will be three trotting races for good purses en the McHenry Driving Park a*4f4b>ws: One Race Free for AH* One 3 Minute Race. " One Colt Race. --*•» The Purses will be liberal and some good horses are expected. Look out for lots of fun. For further particulars see bills which will be issued in a few days. INDEPENDENCE At the Parker House* MONDAY, JULY 4TH, 1887, To which all are cordially Invited. The mu--ic will be furnished by N. E. 3LOCUM in person, and his select or chestra. No pains will be spared to make this party equal, if not surpass any ever gotten up at this popular danciag resort. Look OQt for the tickets In a few days. W. PARKER, Proprietor* TO THE PUBLIC. We, the undersigned, hereby agree to close our shops on and after this date, on Sundays at 10 e'cloek A. M Our customers will therefore take due notice and govern themselves accord- In^p. « T . JACOB HETZELL. GEO. ROSENBEROBB, H. L. ROUNDS. McHenry June 15th, 1887. Cheap Excursion Tickets To San Francisco, Los Angeles and other California points will be sold at stations on the Chicago & North-West- fern Railway at frequent Intervals dur ing the summer. For rates, dates and information apply to anv ticket agent of the Chicago & North-Western Railway, or address E. P. WILSON. Gen'i Passenger Agent, Chicago. We have secured the agency of a large and well-known clothing house of Philadelphia and Chicago, and the manufacturers in order to Introduce their goods will for a limited time do nate with each suit a good alarm clock. Every suitMs warranted to be made up in the latest style, first class workmanship, and you cannot but be suited with a suit at a suitable price, Please Investigate. Respectfully, JOHN EVANSON & Co. LADIES SHOULD SEE. Dr. Sebeliings world renowned Health preserving Corset at Perry & Owen's agents for MoHeary. health corset made* Preesedinp^^ti Beard of Mcftmr, IU., April SSth, W87. The new Board were called to order by the clerk and on motion of trustes Crtsty. P. K. Granger was chosen president for the enan tag year. Moved by Traatee Weber that the dram shop license for the coming year be $900, one- halt payable in advance and balance la« six months on approred notes without interest, Carried. On motion, duly aeoonded, James B> Perry waa appointed Treasurer far the ensuing year. „ On motion adjourned to Saturday evening. April Mtb, at 7H o'oloek, for the purpose of approving bonds and the transaction of kufh other business as may be deemed necessary. F. K. GRANG KR. President. J. VAN SLYKB, Clerk. MCHKNKT, April *Kh, 1887. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Presenv. Trustees Urauger, barker. Bother- mel. Cristy, Weber au<l Walsh. Minutes of last meeting read and apprared. K The (M^d of J. Van Slyke, village clerk, in the penal sum «.t #3,000, was received, ao cepted aud ordered placed on tile. The lkiuil ui J&uie* It. Perry, Treasurjr, In the paual sum of #8,000 with surety, was re ceived, accepted and ordered placed on Hie. Application* tor licenses to keep drain •hups, accompanied by bonds with sureties, weie received from H. O. Souti^ Robt. Schiessle, C. II. Ostrandtfr. Jacob sbnslett, John Heimer, Anton Rngten, and Jos. Buck, and on motion duly seconded, were each ao- septed and the clcrk Instructed to issue licenses on the same when the parties com- plied wlrtfe the ordinance In relation thereto On motion adjourned to Monday evening^ Hay Sd, at IX o'cloek. r. K. GRANGER, President. J. VAN BLtfUB, Clerk. McHxmtr, May *d, 1887, Board met pursuant to adjournment. Pres ent, full Roard. Minutes of last meeting read and approved The President appointed the following standing committees: On .Trustees. Oristy, Weber and Bothermel. On Srtrtt and Alley*-Trustees Parker, Walsh, and Weber. " On Miteelkmeota Bitiineu--Trustees Roth- ermel, Cristy and Parker. Moved by Trustee Walsh that the Commit tee on Miscellaneous Business be Instructed to make the necessary arrangements for lighting street lamps for the present month. Carried. Moved by Trustee Cristy that Sealed Pie. posals be received for lighting, oleaaiog. and extinguishing street lamps (from June 1st to November 1st, 1847, the bids to be at so much per month. Carried. Moved by Trustee Cristy that- the Street Committee be empowered to see to cleanini of all rubbish, ashes, etc., from the streets and alleys In this village, in such manner as they may deem best. Carried. On motion the Committee on Miscellaneous Business were empowered to appoint two special police fur May ISth. if they deemed <t necessary. On motion adjourned to the next regular meeting. F. K. GRANGER, President. J. VAN SLYKB. Clerk. MCHEKBY, June Stk, 1887. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Pres. ent, full Board. Minutes of last meeting read ami approved. The OotnatUtee on Miscellaneous Business reported that they had hired Peter Thalen to take care At lamps for month of May, at a salary of #13, and that they also appointed N L. Holmes tnd O. Hudson as speoial po lice for May 13th, which action was duly ap proved by the Boefrd, The following bills were presented, audit ed and the clerk ordered to draw orders on the treasurer for the same: P. Tlialen, lighting lamps l... ....#15 00 Perry &Owen, oil l so &Oo1«$,*on^ 2 02 O. V. Stevens, oil Wm Schroiner, street work. C Howard, street work.. 80 8 30 75 S. McDonald, street work 4 SO B. Gilbert, oil, etc 7 7o Smith, .Son <f: Co., lumber S3 64 The bids for taking care of the street lamps were then opened, and on motion of Trustee Weber the contract for taking cars of the same from June 1st to Nov. 1st, was awarded to Thos. Murphy at #11.35 per month. The question of opening and vacating sev eral streets wHhin the corporation was dis cussed and on motion was referred to the street Committee, who were Instructed to in. vestigate and report at the next regular meeting. Moved by Trustee Oristy that the Proceed, ceedings of the Board for the year M87 be published la the Pf.atMOiAt.aa and that the publisher be allowed #00 tor the same. Car ried. On motion the street Committee was in. structed to IK Paik Gates so that they will remain closed. Moved by Trustee Rothermel that the Board be a committee of the whole to exam ine streets and applications for walks and tbattbey meet on Wednesday, Juno 8th, at 3M o'clock, at B. Gilbert's store. Carried. Moved by Trustee Oristy that F. K. Gran ger, Geo. Rothermel and T. J. Walsh be ap pointed a committee to investigate in rela tion to the purchase ot some kind of a lire ap paratus. That they get prices of different machines and report at the next regular meeting. Also report as to the location of said machine if purchased. Carried. The Committee on Miscellaneous Business were empowered to appoint two special po lice for June 7th. Street Commissioner Schreiner presented his resignation, which on motion was accept ed. Moved by Trustee Rothermel th«t the Street Committee tie empowered to appoint a Street Commissioner to superintend tne work on the streets for the month or until our next meeting. Lost by the following vote: Ayes, Bothermel and Weber; Nays, Cristv, Par* ker and Walsh. On motion of Trustee Oristy E. Lamphere was instructed to go over the aide walks and crossing* end make seeded repairs. On motion adjourned te June SOth at eight o'oloek. P. K. GRANGER. Prsstdeftt. J. VAN 8LTKE. Oierk. ' - RIMOWOOD. EDITOR Puimuic-Xke earners re port the hay cr^p as only medium, but corn, wheat and barley as doing well, with a fair prospect of a good yield of oats, It the rain only eomes in season. The commissioners have put In a good sub stantial bridge near Mr, Blake's and tore up the old one, which makes U safe to travel with a load. School is out, and the boys are o«t toe~afier the gophers. K. Chase's horse got out la a barb wire fence which made a bad leg for him, Mr. and Mrs. Bsrnard had friends visiting from Silver Lake last week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Langham attended th# Episcopal services at Spring Grove on Sun day. C. Hanlson's aide-walk improves the looks of his lota. J. Buckland has done a fine job ef work on the road? to the village. J. Bell's new barn is another' Improvement. Rlngwood says, McHenry, all right; we will help you to celebrate the 4th of July if you wiUJiave plenty of lemonado. Dissolution Notice. The Do- Partnership heretofore ex isting under the fires name of Oarpen* ter & Neison Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All knowing themselves indebted to the late firm are requested to call and settle the same as seen u possible. The business of the late firm will he continued at the old stand by E. Carpenter. K. OAraifTKS. Joan NBISON. 3 w. McHenry. 111., Jnne Sth, 1887. WHITE GOOD?. Flow Dotted Mulls, India Striped and CM Perry A Owen's, Linens. »«* WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDBALKR:--Why do we look in vain through the columns of the Pt^nrosaL- er for Woodstock news? Your readers here about would relish something now and then tending to convince the world that Wood stock still survives, and in the absence of a better you are at liberty to publish this com munication if la your judgment it be found worthy. The Woodstock post office is new under the control of Hon. Joel H. Johnson wtnse his tory is too intimately connected with the his tory of McHenry county to necessitate much comment on his individuality. ' His Anger marks are traceable all along the line of inci dents making up not only the history of Mo- Henry county, but of Woodstock as well. Thirty years ago under the lead of Stephen A. Douglas, Mr. Johnson might truly be styled the Democratic oaptain of the CSun try, and an important element in tho politics of the State, and he has never abated "one jot or tittle" of his love for the old Bourbon Democracy, or his h ttred for Us enemies, ol what name or kind soever, MoClellan was his beau-ideal of a General, and Vallandigham filled his measure of admiration as a states man. Hence, If the old Jacksonian doctrine, "To the victor belong the spoils," is still an element in Democracy, no other man has been more faithful to his party,^or more pro feunced In apposition to all other political organization, and he has fairly won the dis tinction the position gives him. John Higgins, who is al*o one of tho faith, ful in the ranks of. his party, has become quite efficient in discharging the duties of the office as deputy under the tuition of Miss Cora A. Smith, who has served Mr. Johnson's predecessors and the public so satisfactorily and so faithfully for the last twelve years; and the general feeling Is that when the new management have had time to familiarize themselves with the complex routine of busi ness, the patrons of the office will have no cause of complaint. It is but Cair to state that during all these years of service no word of suspioten has been heard imputing dis honesty or Inability to Miss Smith. The daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly reports appear in her handwriting, and the office has never been inspected since her connection therewith that she has foiled to recieve the highest encomihnu for her aeon racy and adaptability to the position she has filled. And when, since Mr, Johncon's inaugura tion, the condition of the office was inspected in a very thorough manner, at the close of the inspection and after the inspector had com- pleted a flattering report ef the condition ot things, in speaking of her qualifications* and efficiency he closed hie eulogy by saying, *4o well is she adapted to the station she has filled, she seems to have been born and edu cated expressly for the discharge of these duties." What more could the civil service demand? What more gratifying compliment could she receive? June, with her plentiful Showers, is resus citating the vegetation which plead la vain during April and May for the falling rain. The contest between the Colorado beetle and the small boy is likely to prove an un equal match unless Paris Green shall come te the rescue and aid the email boy in the war ol extermination. Our city fathers are replacing the plaak walks through our beautifut park with as- phaltic cement, The work ie being done by a party from Elgin, and If the walks when completed partake of the qualities which are inferrable from the skill and zeal of the workmen, they will add yery much to the beauty of the park, as well as to tho oouven ience of all who enjoy a walk through a shady grove. Our good fathers are not unmindful of the duty of all patriotic citfaens. and have set a good example by appropriating the sum ol #200 in aid of the necessary fund to defray the expenses of an appropriate observance of the ever glorious Fourth, now close at hand On Friday evening, the 10th Inst, the super visors' room was well lUied with patriotic citizens in response to a call, and organized for tho celebration. Hon. M. L, Joslyn was unanimously choaaa President of the day, and Asa W. Smith, vice president, other vice president* to be appointed by the committee of arrangements consisting of Joel H. John- eon, a H. Donnelly, A. S. Wright, T. J. Dacy and John Donovan. Committee on finance. C H. Donnelly, Ira Slocum and Frank Short. "They kissed, and made friends. And so thsy are yet--," and the curtain fell at the ijueen Ann charivari. The petition might have been indiscreet, but the scurrilous attack upon the respecta bility of the petitioners was damnable ti the lowest depths, and the authors and publishers of so contemptable an 'ar ticle deserve a severer punishment than is oontempUtttd by any law, since there Is none adapted to such ignominious conduot. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MASONIC.--A. r. and A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even* *£S of each month. MODERN WOOUMKN or AMSHICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every id and 4tb Monday even ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in vited. SONS or TBMPBBAHOB.--Meet at UaleaJHall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALEB:--Hebron will oelebrate. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ̂ Flnk are visit ing at O. L. Phillips*. George Manor wis badly stung with bees one day last week. Mr. Foster, an engineer on a western road, Is visitlag his sister, Mrs. Henry Crane. Dr. E. L. Herriek returned freos Geneva Saturday and was welcomed borne again by many friends. Madame R. says one of Hebron's young m?n will "step oft" the fourth or July. Mr. Stevens was In town da Satur day, taking orders for |artlcles to be eelored- He has a large dyeing estab- llsbmeB: at Geneva Lake, A lively runaway oocurred In town, a few days sgo. Mr. Street's team, driven by George Manor, became frightened and started to run. He succeeded In turping them across the railroad track and they ran as far as Mrs. j^ierce's, where "Lime" being on band struck them over the bead and they were brought to a stop in the yard, without any damage being done. • runaway which might have ended seriously, as one of the reins was near ly severed in or.e place. Hebron will celebrate! A meeting was held Saturday night and arrange ments made for a good old Cashioned celebration on July 4th, The pro cession will form In town and march to the grove where tb'e entire pro gramme will be carried out Instead of & part being reserved for the dusty streets as heretofore. There will be plenty of music, sa oration, races a Kalitbumpian parade,and amusements of every descriptlou throughout the day, not forgetting the picnic dinner, which will be served on tables. la the evening there will bo a aanoe at Rowe's Hall, and a grand display of fire works which will if possible sur pass that we remember of a year age. The ••oers ef the day unl eooaaUties Were appointed, and all the necessary arrangements were made, for a grand old fashioned celebration. Look for bills when out. Arrangements have been made ^>r a Picnic at Crystal Lake, under {the auspices ef the Modern Woodmen of America, en Aug. 17. Notice will be given through the county papers. ItlLLINERY GOODS! At Cost to Close, Having decided to Join my husband In California, eariy in the Fall, I will, for the next 60 days, sell my entire stock of Millinery and Ladies Furnish ing Goods at cost, in order to ciose them out. My Goods are all new aud of the latest styles to be found in the market, (ne old shelf-worn stock,) and will be sold at prices never before off ered in this section. Come at once and secure the bargains. Or I will sell my entire stock and reut store to any party who may wish to continue the business. The loca tion Is the best in the village, and I have a large and increasing business. 1 would also inform the Ladies of McHenry and surrounding couatry that while I am selliog out I shall be prepared, as heretofore, to do all kinds ot Dress Making with promptness and guarantee satisfaction, and Invite all to call who may wish any thins ID this line. MBS. H. H. NICHOLS. McHenry, June Sth, 1887. B0NSLETT &. STOFFEL, Rockford flour only 91.06. Best uncolored Japan tea only 50 cents. Splendid whole rice only 5 oe«U, Good raisins ooly 6 oenla. Good fine cut or plug, only 95 cents per pound. Climax er Spearhead, only 40 oonts per pound. Good Scotch Cheviot all wool good suit, only 98.50. Best oil 17 cents; 5 gal. 15 cents. Good oil 13 cents; 5 gal, n cents. 20 gallon Jars Ooly 92.75. Mason & Lightning rrult Jars, 15c. Hose for 5 cents--no humbugj ' St. Joseph Hosiery, best made, C. H. Fargo's shoes all warranted. Badger State Overalls.) Clothing! ClothlngI Fanij flannel shirts. Neoktles, collars and cuffe?u Handkerchiefs and Fans^ AT BOXSLB T T A STOFFEL'S. MIDDLINGS! MIDDLINGS! ONLY $15.00 PER TON. At BON3LETT A STOFFKL'S. Handkerchiefs, ali,styles and prloes at Althoft Bros. New style Carriages M bottom figures at K. M, Owen A Sbn'i. All the latest styles In Straw Rats «t Althoft Bros, Our 92 Kid Shoe gives the best kind of satisfaction. Every pair warranted at Perry & Owen's. LaCross, Cortland, Staver and six other makes of carriages at S. M. Owen A Son's. WUEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price, In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat, at tbe FOX River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. R. BISHOP. PARASOLS. The best assortment of Parasols at Perry A Owen's. Tbe Peninsular, one of .the best Gasoline Stoves on the market, can be found at the Hardware store of W. P. Stevens,-West MaHenry. Call and see It, WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market price. In cash, will tM paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R. BISHOP. The Badger State Indestructible Pantaloon Overalls only 80 cents for tbe best made at Perry A Owen's, Two seated Carriages at B, M, Owen A Son's, very low. Bargains In Silk Mitts and Gloves this week at Perry A Owen's. Milk and Lumber Wagons at Owen A Son's at lowest prloes. S. M. very low at B, M. Owen A Harness Son's. Fine Carriage L*ap Robes at Perry A Owen's, If you are looking for a first class Carpet cheap, go to Joha B. Blake's Furniture Store. MONEY TO LOAN. In sums ef 9500 and upwards, on good real estate security. Apply to , MRS. L, C. GATES. Call and see our stook of Sheep Shears. W. P. Stevens, West side. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, Floor Hooks and Hanging, id tbe Track Pulley. And* tbe best Manilla Rope, all sizes, at W. P. steven's. West Mc Henry. Prices to meet anybody. The reliable Watertowiv Buggies can always be found at Bishop's Ware* house McHenry^ Gasoline Stoves, two three and four holes, at as low price aa any other good, stove can be bought, At W. P. Steven's West McHenry. 1 Of ^otrrsot Tfrift he ^ taken in by everybody, Irotn the smallest boy to the village oracle, at West McHenry, on that ever memoraSle day, aa the West Side; has all the attractions to draw crowds with the strength of por ous plasters and 4 ox teams; viz. Driving Park, Toboggan Slide, ice enough to keep you soot,j pickles enough to keep yoar appetite, brick enough to build your house. We are sitilfied even if we must do without the Red Bridge on the eastern sub urbs, which by the way is only a beast of burden; £tnd the Cala boose, which we never use, and a certain fence which now is out of style as barb wire is all the go; and all those who have torn their last <easous pants on stylish barb wire should not fail to see our fine stock of well made, elegant cui ' '5? KQ ' 7- ^ CLOTHING, ' s fr p-. Lowest Prion*. Suits front ili.ll to $25.00* Dress Goods, ;r And Domestics ̂ A full assortment ot good Dry Goods always in stock, at livipg prices. No lady can afford to purchase elsewhere betore she has inspected our gMat ot Summer (ioods. | WttteMmUHti Brittisg ' m COLORED IMBBOlPIBin SBBiro. 4 «* * * -w-9 * il^ydrtb from $2.65 to $7.25 per pattern. Lace Flouncijij; 55 c. White Robes » $1.25 to $7.00 Buggy Kobea^,;-i 1*25 " 5.00 Fane} Colr"d Hobes 2.50 ^ 5.00 ' 8ATINBSH3 BATISTE COOD8, '4; I" i*' * - • r-d : ; ! WMt« Parasols> Fans, Great variety of plain Lawns at Perry A Owen's. Fruit Cans, Fruit Cant at Perry A Owen's. and figured | HAT'S, Ladta' VMkwsst, '9 Fine Dress Goods, iu black and oolors. and a full line of Trimmings and Buttons to match at Perry A Owen's. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price In cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R. BISHOP. Stand Straight. Men's, womeu's, and children's braces. No more round shoulders. No more flat breasts. A perfect skirt supporter. Sold by B. Lawlus, Tailor, McHenry, IU. . Carriages, Combined Wagons, Bug gies and Wagoas. both Milk and heavy Wagons at E. M. Owen A Sons. CLOTHING. We will give you a big bargain In Mens and BoysSuits before July 4th. Be sure and call at Perry A Owen's." Men's, Boys and Mi*sw-; Hats at Perry A Owen's. •> Ti OVERALLS, SHIRTS, fiBOOBBIBi); And Provisions. , When in town tumble in JMI as far Bargain#. : - , I**- f ,'U. •<# %»{' <7r»r.' Bssitatt