Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1887, p. 8

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Cages ,a fall llM Of WUI «V« in WV ̂ ttih a iw«»y«fcnr i| ft. M. 0«rea A Son's. »r Wagon In town •6 Qood* and tear*" pilees a Ii will pay you. ir and Moth Proof Car* pit Paper' at John I Story' MoHeory. Im reoeired a Car load of tho oil Lyman Barb Wire, at John 1. Story's. flat Oeooltietfovelty and Universal Clotbee Wringer at bottom prtoes at J«M 1 Story1*. Beware of lsri tattoos. Gall for tho "Winning Btroke", a new Inii of Ave cent Cigars, manafactar* ed by Barblan Brat. It beats th» •H. •• Tie bfeat and cheapest Carpets la iflnt, at J. B. Bliki't Farnltare , Clothing I Clothing! Tho fieeet lino of Clothing, In Sln- ^oOtrawBti or Fall Suite to bo foand la th* County, and at prloac that oan- • please. at Altholl Bro«. WHEAT WAITED. J • Tho Hlffcest Market Prloa la cos*, : I Tba Metropolitan la tho Boat eirpet | Sweeper, tad no boosewlfe should bay .«M boforo toolng It. It it cheaper I aad better than all otbeie. For tali by John L Story. L WHEAT WANTED, p; The Highest Market Prleo In cash, fy eriti be paid for good astlUag Wheat «» tbeTox Mver Valley Mills. Mo* fienry. B. BWHOP. Money to Loan. : Money loaned on MoHenry Ooaoty ferns on time and In amounts to tall borrower. Write or apply to J. W. KiVIIUD, Booms 1 aad 2. Bordea Block, Elfin 111, 5 HOIUM and Iiots For Sale In mngWQOd. I offer for Sale or Bent, two Houses and Lota, altnated In the Tillage of Blagwood. - Ako a batldlng suitable 8hop, Harnaaa Shop or other | For terms and other partio-l '--r-^ ; y ' ~ v ft" :X3«£w 4" * , - *ijjc \i ttJ* " ti '-V * « * ' ! * «t' % ft ,)>. . • f !• *TC */ * :•» >* »"% s. ̂ Y -T-:. ijp^Dp, P1S3WT, j. ^ i, I ft-fi kvr,., & >*<* .V ? «rf<: -OAt- r-f, J fl.: - V " . 'm f : ^ - -V II .. % ^iL' " s 'fit ' W'i> isff' "t: fiS: the Celebrated SASLABS ST07X8 AMD BAVQ1S Gatolane and^Oil Stovtt aid Range*. ECRC ROBES AELUCE| WHITE GOODS REDUCED, And in short, everything in the Hardware, ,f i 8ttf?e aad Tin Linp '..TK^k'k.-hAjk,: re. T f- -• JOHN I* STORY ' iiffitialitf i'. i. "jTjk ̂mrnm§0i»/ iijpTjtf r; II 'ji, fn alan laqalre sf It always gives asp W9& of a good article. The **Gar1ai Btovoa and Banges" at to embody aUtbat Is (l Tbey have the reputation of being tho boet made. Though Imitated by many I ,'mm are ̂ uaUedby none. For tale In| MWenry by John I. Stoiy. NEW STYLES. I - Si tbeoe that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Bajjrs.and aaythlnc in my line of basl- Work done on Short notice to | one door South of Law- F. A. HBBABD. n-My Bueklon'a Amiea lilvs. Tbe best Satto la the worid for cuts •sal»ss,eoree,rtBoie. salt rbenm, OBTW I •eies. tetter, chapped beads, ohllblaloa, up, aad allduttoniptlaaa, land pee- Mvoly cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis- j taction, or money refunded. Prloe SB <MMts per box. For sale by Henry [ OiJKY BTATlOir, IIL. MMBII Sd, MSS ii ffiOinibi A Sox--BftrrtaictoB, HL OmUtmnav--I bed a cow that did cot dean for three days after calrlng, sue airswieas. ass sue ww was ai right la lesa than thlrty-elz hours af­ ter gmng, and has MM Irat rati •tope. AUGUST ARTS. For sale brail druggist*. XxMntar's VotiM* vy sad State of IlUiioU. deeeai..̂ -,-T. fmljlwttN ttat be wlU appear |iaSBii Mi> tteparn>Mof toavlng tnemaaadjatted. Ai: penou ufdeMed to aaid estate tu« reqaeated •- * v'l- ffgf! IN SI LK AND LISLE. m --IS HEADQUiRTERS FOR-- ̂ GOOD BARGAINS. J! m We have just received a now and complete Stock of all kinds of New and Seasonable Goods such as Which we offer at very popular prices. Don't wait for a second invitation, but come at once and see how we deal, and learn our prices. Butter, Eggs, etc. taken in exchange fer Goods, allowing highest market price. McHenry, 111., March 28th, 1887. immediate peyaemt to the nader* -yeneeeii lo make ^atee thia Wth day of Her, A. D. 1S87. - . JAMK8 FfcKHAlf. J« ̂Jxeentor, We have a big induce­ ment in Tabie Linen and Towels at very low prices. JjAn attractive line of Sum­ mer Robes and fine Dress Do not fail to see our Fine iWe carry the best Una of Men's Fine Shoes. PERRY & 1 6 NEW SPRING STOCK -OF- lND shoes. -AT- a^Sat WOODSTOCK, ILL. My store is filled to over­ flowing with all the latest styles of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, to* spring and summer wear. Call and ex­ amine my «u som made Boots : ana Shoes and see at any|wllat buying and selling tn fft l «|for Cash does for my cus- tomers ̂ N. B.--Home Ettat»Slshed|in I860. HENRY COLBY McHENRY. LL. We wish to inform our Friends, and the Public in general, that our stock is now complete in every department, and is constantly being repelnisbed with every description of Purchased directly from first hands, at bottom Prices, and which we now offer at the very lowest prices consistent witn Honest Quantity, Excelience in Quality, and general .Fair Dealing. An inspection of our new and beautiful goods is solicited. No trouble to show Goods. We like to see all oar old friends often, and desire to make the acqnaintance ot as many new ones as possible. "1« : Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Hakes, Nails, [eto. Building Hardware a specialty. Fishing Tackle and Gun Materials, etc. Fancy Groceries, Flour, and everything belonging to a First Class Grocery, Cigars and Tebacco, Pipes, etc. ' -T^l. , wmst - - COME Â ID My- - You raa no risk. I guarantee my prices to average lower than any other house in the county, I guarantee everything that goes >am otmjr Store or money returned. What risk do you run? M ENQELN. Near the Iron Bridga, McHenry, III, In this Department can be found one of the laigest stocks of Heady Made Clothing in McHenry County, which for style, finish and general make-up cannot be excelled. Our prices are very moderate and we are confident we can please you. Give us a trial. The coming season will find us supplied with our usual complete line of CB1L0RIH8, MISSES, AHS UDIIS SH01S. In all the latest styles and novelties, also a fine line of ItyiEens and Soys Shoes Which will be found up to their usual standard of excelence 'ih-A This Department contains many new and beautiful Goods, and .8 now unusually complete. We have one of the choicest stocks of Groceries, Canned Gooik. etc., in IfcHenry. Just received a beautiful assortment of Decorated Crockery, call and see it. DRvoa Stock complete, including a very large line of standard Patent Medicines. We study to please and guarantee every article we sell to be as represent?d. Thankful for past faveas, we hope by liberal, fair dealing to merit a generous share of your appreciated patronage. HENRY fOLBY

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