Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1887, p. 1

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]^e{Jeiry JhWWw. PKBLISHBD Brc«r|vfBDiraso4r »r *aj. V AN SLTKE. « : KtHTORJAIf D PBOPBIBTOR.5" Office In Bishop's Block,! --OPTOSITE PBEBT & OWSH'FT., YiBMs or STyusoRiPTiosf, )n« TMr (in Anmeo) . ..J JuJo Cf Not Paid within Three Months 8.00 Subscription* received for (hrM or 4ix •oathi ii the tame proportion* if Bates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates tor advertising In the Pi,A[vr>BA.i,ER, and emiearor to state them so plainly that ther will be readily un- terstood. They are a* 1 Inch «ne year * . • 500 9 Inches one yea* •. * . • 10 00 t Inches one yea*.,« «' * * 1® 00 if 0*1 amnone year - V • •" - 8000 <4 Oolumn one year- . - . - 0000 Column one year - - ' . 100 00 One inch meana the measurement of one nch down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they thoose, without extra charge. Begnlar advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line Bach week. All others will be charged 10 cents per 'ine the flTst week, and 8 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged it the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and I oents per line for subsequent issues. Tlris, an inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAINDKALER will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rale, it will require a suitable fee from everybody ••eking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. B. T. BROWN, It. D. SURGEON, Ofloa at PHYSICIAN AND Residence, McIIenry, 111. O. H. FEGERS, M, D- PHTSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHsnry, Ills. Office at Residence. O. HOWARD, M. D. I1HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Mel ( 111. Office at Residence, one door ef M. E. Church. McHenry, West HE. WIGHTMAN, a class rigs, with or tarnished at reasonable rates, all kinds done on short notloe. Where he will brands of Wines, Liquors and jigars PAUL SHOWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SS Lasai*e street CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELLSWORTH,"' ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor InChan eery, Nunda, 111. ASA W. SMITH, P^TTOEN1Y AT LAW and Solicitor! jln Chancery.--Woodstock, III. ^ . . S. F. BENNETT, M. D. •pHTSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also Unit** Illinois. MARY G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in llrst class style and at ! reasonable prices. Rooms a t residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, I1L DRS. 6." E. WILLIAMS ft DAIILIN. DENTISTS. Residence Dundee. Wilt be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 2fith of each month. When dates occur Satnrday or Snnday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay bht one day. E. R. BENNETT, M. Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical eases. DEVTSCH GS8PROCHBN. Office at Residence of Dr. 8. F. Bennett. UiM States far Claim Apcy OF ' WM. H, COWLIIf, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all e.IaMSS Mid kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty i« made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered if [ Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, IL COWLIX, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstooc, Illinois. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shopi la Old McHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. Livery Stable. Proprieioivi J0|»t r without drivers Teaming of OLD stanh, i JACOB BONSLETT AND RESTAURANT, attTit-SlU' stand, opjwsite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors an<l Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold | meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEERbythe Bottle or Case, always on hand, GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. robt schiessle Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, > McHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation [ot the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, ILL DIB PUMP REPAKUNGt, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all lobs ia Digging Wells, Repairing. the line of Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put in all times keep the best , Liquors and Oi| gto be found in toe market. Alse Agent For 1 nuNz MILWAUKEE LAGER BIER. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. 6rders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HOR8B& 4r0aU.M4M« us. Robert 8ohiessle. l^»Weiiry,m^lUy lith, IMS. • A. Eagleaa'a SALOON AND RESTAURANT. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. XToot Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work m this line. Can ftarnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. 'Orders by mail promptly attended to. Post Office, Jonnsburgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsourgh, 111., May 26th, IKS, C. G. ANDREWS* GENERAL ALBERT K. BOURNE. ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR AND COUN. SKLOB. WOODSTOCK. ILL. BuHi>ees attended to promptly, with care, skill and integrity. Office at the Court House. -- , MnWjl) ll' J, r. OA9BT, 4 TTORNKT and Connselor at 1;*#." Office /V over Zimpleman's store. All business entrusted to my care will receive psompt at­ tention. Woodstock. III. JOHN KLKIFCM. TYOUSE Painter, Gralnrr, Caleimlner and I paper Hanger. Residence one Bloek v/est of Rlverttde House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and. Jeweler NO. 65 FirTH AVE., (Briggs House), Cht-_ cago. 111. Special attention given to-re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the Uilted States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to pott masters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Addxfas&U orders to &ICHABJD K. FOX, FBAVixnr SQUARE, New York. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attention of the Public to m7 Stable of Stock Horses, four in num­ ber: Two Morgans, ene \ Percheren, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep­ resentatives of their bre-d. Also a few Merino Sheep for Sale. The public are eor- dUlly invited to call and examine itoek, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. & OOLBY. S' ' M-'HBIIBT, ILL. ' SPRING GB0TE ILL. ' Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools I and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BIASOHABLI TBQ18, AND Satisfaction Qnaranteed. Call on or Address C. C. AnredwSf Spring Grove, llli I ^prtng arove, septus th, 1SS5. ii.ii.3m Fine Kentucky Liquors, Frencli Bitters, ^ McHenry Lager Beer, FjiVti' M.lwvitt) But -AND- J. Scklitz Milvaikee Bottle Beer. In any quantity fi|9& a Snitz Glass to 5C0 barrels. AT WHOLESALE on RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or cace aa cheap as the cheapest. We buy none bnt the best and iell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will use you well. * ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, III., 1686. ^ I. LAWLuS, Warrants a Fit or (THE NBW QUlllNE) Sives M Mite Kef treiitk, Nerves I Day tSteep A POWERFUL TONIC. That the most delioate atoauwh will bear. AWCCIPIC won MALARIA RHKUKRATIifN, NKRVOUS raOSfllATION And all gem dlsegpes. TH* MOST SOI BNTIMO I FUL BLOOD PUMFIBK. OearratnuTaD bt WM. H. OOWLIN. County Q. A* II. Directory. BWMtiWO WW WO Ml seoond Friday eraalac of Meets thi «Wh BMll. Da. t. F, IrariTT, On. WOOMTOOK KMT. we MS. MeMa flrst and third Monday evealafi of WX. ATBBT. Ota. 10-7 ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, premises before purchasing. * " load or single to eall at wj I ean fural.a cow. such by the car' PORTER H. WOLFBUM, OHBMCWO. Farm about (bar miles northwest or Harvard, Illinois. THE CHICAGO*"* NORTH­ -WESTERN II RAILWAY. ||ttn«trat*« the Oe«i|res ofC PopuKhtloife €A8B eed. BRAN, per Ton.. • . .$13.50 SHORTS. porTon.^r...,. 14.00 SHELL CORN, per bu.. 43 cts. the Single Ton. CARLOADS Quoted upon application. €»1STY. At the Picfcle Factory i« West McHenry. VKlffta^ UlTAttlOl^nM Meets the seoond and mrniH Monday im tags of eaehiaoatk. L W. SUTIBHI, 8M. MABBMH* Turn, *•. M», Meets ereey Seoead ud Itarth Mist eveatngs of eaoh Month. i. J. Bormm, Oees. 8UOOKSS- Superior to quinine. , Mr F. A. Miller. 6» Bast Mi street, New York, was cured by KaskhW gtvxtreme ma. larial prostration after NTH He hM run down from 196 on Kaskiae in June SMS. egalned his full Quinine did him no good W rs suffering, to *7, began work la one six months, r. est and one Bridgeport i of age, and ffsrea from e poisoning which broke I weight 32 Mr. Gideon Thompson. th»j of the most respeeted citlsen* Oonn., sars: "I am unet# M for the last three years MT|] malaria and the effects of qmt I recently began with Kaskl up the materia and wei pounds." iz Mrs. T. A. Solomons, of M9 BMItday Street, Jersey OUy, writes: "My sof 'fiarry, elerea years, was cured of Malaria b&vKasklne after fifteen months' illness, when Mhad given np all hope. Letters from the above pereflM, giving full details will be sent on appllcadip. Kasklne can be taken wlthoflf any fPielal medioal ad^nee. tl per bottle. w>ldTly ; or sent by mail on receipt of pike. VASKINB OOMPANT, M WMVen 8t, Hew York City. Dakota, WjoiiJi. Its train service Is carefully arranged to meet requirements oi local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes Cbr through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din. Ingand place sleeplnic cars is without rival. Its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern Is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information cheerfully furnished ** BERNARD BUSS. Agent, MoHtAff, 111. MARVm BUOHJTT, Vioe-Pre*. and Gen. Manager. * C. F/CJOM. • ' ' Traffic Manage- & p. viLsotr. y Oliisral Pa--enger Agent Tor Sale Cheap ABABlCBAiat a Locatioi. -BBBBDBBS OF MORGAN HOBSJ • Jhd Polled hagu, And Jersey I offer for sale my store baildings, situated In the village of McHenry. They are of brick, two stories high, and suitable for any kind ot basinets, with gooa residence rooms in second story. Also good bara and ent. houses. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill and next door to the poet oSlee. Also offer for sale my Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with or without bigness to suit PUj0h£g£ov.gKY McHenry, III,, May 11, 1886." M«*i, Boys Bad Miassa Bid st Perry A ̂ Owen's, Siimiaer We make Suits to order of the oest Cloths, itoeign o* Domes­ tic. , iT THE LOWEST PRICES Hiat good Goods ean be sold HB ALSO [Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on shert notice. Me a Call Ee LAWLU8. McHenry, Jan ._19th, 1866. Hillside yrrn • -WaStMloltonry,* HI. Onr Morgan Stock le all pnre bred, and originated from the best Morgans to* lathe United States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the head »f our Stock, is one ot the best breed Morgan norses in the country, and can show more and •<etter all purpose coi^a Uuuijiiij other horte i the West. f we invite the W itarsemen and all lovors of fine animals. A few full blood Morgaa Oolts and yonna aorses for sale. Also one matched team, fnll 'deeds. (n Oattle we have the fall Weed Short «orn iviuch we are crossing with the Bed Polled Angus and therefore Instead of sawing off ths oorns we are breeding them of aad till tood suceess. A few Heifers and Balls, both pare bred Short Home and the cross above mentioned j. it- f aylor * S*n*> wami* m. bm, *», •* TO HOR8EMEN! CHANCELLOR, JR.. Having recently purchased a very Sne imported Clydesdale Stallion, Chancellor Jr for our own lire, will breed a limltec number of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is 7 years old this Spring; is a Cherry Bay with blank points; 16% hand high and weighs about 1700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, line action, mild disposition. He wae sired by Chancellor (1310), he by Drew Prince of Wales. (678). Dam by Lofty. (4M;; grand dam by Duke of Well, insjton, (1543); great grand dam by Sir William Wallace, (KM). He combines in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever had. and has proven his ability to get uniform Colts, of great size, fine form, strongman*? ragged. We also have CHAMPION, JR. The Percheron Morgan Horse. Be has proven himself a fine stock getter for gen­ eral purposes, and cannet be beaten in the Northwest. Parties who intend breeding, the coming season, will find it to thetr advantage to caliand see our stock and get our terms which will be reasonable. Mares from a distance will be welt eared for, at owners risk, at Moderate rates. . • Call and see «s mnraA rate Meet* MM seeond aad fourth Wednesday let "• eveatageereaeh Kth. Bsporl ef esrtlfleaiaa laanad darlaf the week sadlog Juae 4. 1887: Orig­ inal. 719; iaorssss 637; telasM, 176; raatoratloo, 48; daplieete 6; xswisi, 40; Aot of March S, 1888, 8; OMar ef April 8, 1884, I; Order ot Oolobar 7, 1888,4; Act ef Aufvai 4, 1886, 1; Sop. piemantal Act of Ai«aat 4, MI6, 8; Meztoaa War,578; total,8,184." Erary old aoldlar. for Ills dilldraB1* aaka, ahould aaiaavor to take- afvee- taffa of tba prafa^euoa gran tad klai la tha matter of koaiaataad* whlla Owe are atlll left aallHeea of serai or tba flaaat of farming lsnd In Kansas and Dskota. Ktary sian wko will laava s quarter eaotloo of tbi« land to his family will go to tha text world as- aorad that these who aurrtre Una will not want tor the bounties of Ufa. Tba time whioh a soldier oaaployed la the dafanaa ot hla ooaatrj atands to his credit ss ao maay yeara to he de­ ducted froaa tbess whleh an ordlaary oltltea la obliged to Hre upon Ms homaataad hafora hs ese secure a pat- eat far tha land. tksreiWai hs esHeealli,'" "There la soma indiscreet talk afeont tha prealdsnt being **lsanltedM la Ih4 event of hla visiting the Nstlonal Xe- campmant. There will be nothing ef the kind. Tbe comrades of tha O. A. R. ere dignified, eelf-reipectlng man, not glvan to lnaultlng anybody, sed cer­ tainly aot the men who Is the M|ad of oar Oovere--e^t. Tbe of our Order Is Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,--three obligations that are equally Incumbent upee all oem- rades. Loyalty Involves the highest respect for the office ef President, matter who Alls It, and thst duty blnda ua both ss citixens and as oomrade* •n Insult to any president will be re eented by everyone. The comrades who feel bitterly sgalnst Mr. Cleveland will expreaa It by staying away from the elty If ha comas, or will refuse to march la tba parade If he la to review it, or by aharp erltleftms of bis oourse la tha Encampment end Be-enloo*. or by chilling etianoa wbeeever he eppeara. But there will be no loaolta to hiss or <te aey ene else." HVNDA. EMTOB SOLOIBRS1 BGPUBIHL «F TAI 1'LAIVOSAISB W^a dertre thro1 the medium ef your aeldlera* eelumn, •which we have reaaen to know la ez- teeslvely read by soldiers, to esll tha atteesleaof aHex^eeldleraieaUors acgd DIMFELVITSLFV W» to UefaBt-LHOTTORF WIS "¥9mtmW <ay dayof-Hal Uai>tsrf e» dMMMMMT ef ever sssambled IB Northern 11L, aed to maklag the occasion one of njelelng to all who may oome. It Is tee eer^ to seneoaee deflnltely any programme but we assure yea thst yea cannot af­ ford to stay away. We hope to have1 a goodly aumbar of our eld generals present, good mualc, spesches, drills^ dreaa parade,--la fSet, r thorough go-s lug, royal old Be-nnlen Xneampmeat,! that oar boys sway eat west oea aford to oome a thoesand mllss to eejey*: •end In your nemos sad talk ths mst> ter ever every time yea meet sn eld seldlsr. Xvery time yon write­ ter fctUjeor friesds about II. v , Tears fraternally, M. F. Imwen,' RCW PIMIMI tlkt Me AMmat J^wfow i Qrmtd Army cf tJu R*pmMtc.--To 6e iVeiswrstf to Cm- ffrtmi* plan qfthatVittml to Jhrm. Chvekmd--Rtktf for th* JX$abi«d tmd mjgr§V4Urcauqf the War TO TMB O. A. B. Mkwsb*. wis* Juee Telegram-- The N«tteasl Oommlttee ef the Qvead Army of ths Republic. Cappelated by Oemmaader- in-Chief Luolw FalreMld. end com- poaed ef Oeeige 8. Merrill, of Lew* ranee, Msss.; Leals Wagaar, PhHadel- phla. Pa.; James Taneer, Bveofclya, X, T.; John 0. Llnehan, Peaaoeek. N. aad Jobe 8. Kounts, of Toledo, Ohio, has drafted a peaalea bill to take tbe place ef that vetoed by Presi­ dent Clevelsad, aad If It meets tbe ap­ proval of the Grand Army Peats of the oeuntry its pesssge by Coegrssa will be urged aezt winter. The- fol­ lowing Is the fell text of the bill: Be it enacted by ike Smote cmd Houee qf Representative* of thm Untied State* ef America in OongreM asaem- bted. That In ooeslderlag the elslaas ef depeedent peraats, the het end «oause ef death, aed tbe faet that the •eldlar left no minor ehlld or children, 'havtag been shown ss required by lew. 4t abaft be aeossaaiy only to ahow by toompeteat sad sefMeat evldeaoe that parent or patents ere or have *beea without ether means ef support 'than thetr own maaeal labor er the toeatrlbutloaa of ettieis aot legally >beahd for thslr seppert; prevldsa. •that all psnsloas allowed under this eeetlea of this act shsll eesssseaee from date ef eetuel depeadeass. If claim wsa flied prior to ray 1,1880. Sad In eaae ef saiWsslsaa the rs after •Met the peaaiee s|tiai semmswss Vault beos. BILE BEANS! What a fanny name for a medicine! Nevertheless it is very significant as applied to the article. BOe, according to Webster, is "a yefcv lowish bitter, viscid nauaceona fluid, secreted by the liver." Wbeaever tbe liver does not act properly this fluid is retained in the blood anu îstmiMlhei wholesystem.aMsaUownessrtiidttrissry is the result. SMITH'S BILE BEAN8 is a sure cure for biliousness and liver Etfce, 8E» cants (er bottle. sasMStlen^as fewed Wiel^ ThTIMfaiiry OeiM#««MMatIe» of Union Veteran SeMlers." "Ofisara were elected as followa: Prealdent Wm. Butler, of Nuada; reeordlag sse* t-etary aad treasurer, •. W. Cummlna, ef WoodatecSc.eorreapendlag aeoretery, B. W. Mead, of McHeary; eflleer ef tbe day. George Eckert, of Woodstock, a vit^ prealdeat for each towa aa far aa repraaeated at the tinae* aa fellewa: Algonquin, M. F. Ellsworth; Dorr, Larry Jonea; Greenwood, Jamet' Me Donald; HartUnd, Phllo Bowe; Naads, Wm. B. Hufimaa; Blehsaend, Wm. Peacock; McHenry,B. C. Mead; Sen­ eca, Bela Dane 11. A meeting of the aaaoclatlen waa held on Saturday, Juae 4tb, at the court houae In Woodateek, at whleh time It waa voted to have a grand three days Beeamparant Be-unlon on the banka of Uryatal Lake, September 6tb to 8th indualve. It Is earaeatly dealred that every man who beaored himself a«d hla country by wearing the blue during tbe laat war, and who Is now located la this oeunty, will send In er hsnd In bis aaaie, oompaay rack and regiment, or the name ef the vessel upon which he served, poet o address and twenty-five cents ( bersbip lee) te tbe vloe prealdent of bis town, or te A. W. Co mm Ins. secre­ tary and treasurer at Woodstock lm< mediately, to the end that the eeaa>> mittees may have sometbiagoa whleh te basea guess el the--mber te bs provided for. Let every eemrade who sesd a eopy t̂e»eeme 'cesftrad** addeess ther<b»»»v* a» '̂Who« hae fol­ lowed Gietiiey* lOrim aad west, Therewmbe'antllag Isft-'W- doar by ^he cemarttlees la charge, thst will tend te brtagtaf tBgether gstbsriag ef eJ€ framthedateof the ibe ef tha em* PS^Oe peSleaWs. Sinm date ef aubseqasat dspeedeace That all pecseas who {served three months or mors In the military or nsvsl servlos ef the United Sutes during ths lste wsr ef the rsbslllen, and WOO BAYB BBBM MOBOBABLT OHABOBP ^ therefrom, and who ere now er may hereafter be Suferlag from mental dlssbillty, net the iresan of their ewa Vicious hsblts, which totally lacapac Itates them fie« the performsnee of manual Isbor, shall apoa due proof ef the fact aessrdleg <te each rules sad resralatleoe a»>the Secretary ef the In­ terior msy provide, be'pieced apes* the list ef invslld psnaloaers ef the Uaf ted states, and be entitled to re- eelve 813 per oaeeth; end soot pension •hall oemmeaoe from the date of the •ling ef the application In tbe Peaslee, OOee after the psassge of tbls set. epon proof that the llsabtltty then " sll eeatlaue tlurleg-the Sxlsteaoe ef Ike eame la <he ^i|i>s hereio sped fled; providsd that perseos 1rhe are now rsoaivlag peasleas uader Sxlsting laws, or erfaeee dahas are peodlrg la tbepeaaioaeiles, any by applioatloe te the CemaHasleaer ef Peasloes, la sash form as be msy pre­ scribe, vsoslve tbe beaeflts ef this eel; and aetbleg taenia eoataleed shall be aeeeastrael as to preveat aay pea- tleaer tbereaader from erssseatlhg his elslm sad reeslvlag his peaslea ender aay ether geeeraier Pepawtmeas ef mseetsb 9k *Tbe aanaal reonloa ef the toehth IUlaols wss held at Island May 84, aad that of the teeath IUlaols at Pole dsy. Worcester Pest, Ho. 697, lasstsd st Oraat Park, was masleasd 18, with fifteen diarter measbers, by WalU tar W.Ted#, S. M. O. Lyea Parte, St. Leals, has leeted ss the loestSea for tbe theO. A. B. ef Illiaels Jfatleaal Eaeampmeat. The Fourth Aamaal Beaalea ef the Flfty-eaveath Illlaois Vetaetsef It* fhatey arm be held at Tlskfttwa, Am. 31, aad Sept. 1. Homer Pest, No. 888, Bsasen til held Its third saoaal ieuatea at Gamp Teasel Aug. 18 te 18, ledoUve, Cel. S. J, Mendsll, ef Dorr, lewa, visited frlelde aad eeauraAto at Oak Part last week. Jessph Saadmsa Post, No. 171, wea the badge at tbe laat sheet ef the Aeatla Bide Otab. TM VMM MM OttM, j&* T. 1887, had a total nMmbershlp of 47^48, la 1^86 saherdlnate eerps, as fellews: Oalifornia. 39 oorps, 1.400 mea^ers; Colorado, 10 corps, 488; OsMMtfeat, 81 corps, 1,681; Dakota 81 oorpe, <11; Illiaels, 68 oorps. M06; lews, 108 eerps, SJll; ladlaaa, 48 eerps, 1,856; Kaasas. 148 eerps, 8M8; Keatacky, • eerps* 218; Valae, 11 oerps, 801; Msasechusetts, 88 corps, 8,618; Michigan, 108 eerps. 8484; Minnesota, U oerpe, 670; Ml mil ill I. 41 toorpa, 1J841; Nebraska, 48 earjps, 808; New Hampshire, a oerpe, 1J8V8; New aerssy, 18 eerps, 881; New Tsrk, 88 «, M64; Ohio, 180 eerps, 8y088; Orsgea. 11 oorps, 118; Peaaeylvaala, »rps, 1.914; Termeat, 18 eerps, 1,148; Wlseoasla, 56 corps, 1,708; iagtea Territory, 8 corps, 108; fslsad, 8 eerps, 173; New eerps, 80; Wsshtngton, D, a. 8 W; Msryland,4 oorps, 100; eerps, 78; North Oarollna.1 West Ylrglala, 1 oorps, M; glals, 10 eerps, 880; Teansaass, 1 80. The Cavalry Society of the Armies bf the United Stetss wtU held Its toeetlatc this year at Saratoga, N. T. This will be oae day la adfcaaescf the mm i 8 w; Vlt^ his peaslea eadsr aay ether geaerai er special set; Provided, however, thst ee feisea Shall receive mere thaa eee peaslee far tbe same period; aad provided farther that reek la ssrvles aaall act ooaaldersd fa spplicatlona filed SBC. 8. That If aay lavalid peaaleeer baa died or aball hereafter die, leaving S widow, mlaor child erjshlldrea under 18 years ef age. or le ease there be ae widow er mfaer child er children, a dependent mother or father,' sesh wid­ ow, mlaor child or ohlldree^ or asother, or fsthsr, sbsll be placed apea ths peaslea roll et the BATBe BSTABLISMBD BT LAW for widows, miner chlldrea or parsats without regard to the esass ef death ee such penslonsr. Provided, Thst ths caass ef death of eaoh peasleaer was aot er Is net due to a violation of civ­ il or mllltaiy laws or tbe rssalt of vielous habits. Aad further provided, tbstssld widow wss msrrled te the deceased pensioner prior to the pas­ sage of this act. That the leeieaae ef pensions for minor ebUdree shall be at rate of 88 per month instead of 81 per month, as now provided by law, ana !a oaae a mlaor child Is tassee. Idiotic, er dtherwlae helpleaa, the peaaloa ahail eoatlnue during tbe life ef aald ehlld er derlng the period of such dlaabil ity. Bsc, 4. That any sgeat, sttornsy.or other penoa lastremental In proaecut- lag aay elslm uader ssotloa 1 er 8 ef this ast who shsll, directly er indirect­ ly, oontrset for, demsml, receive, er tvtele for hla aervleea or laatromea- tallty la presenting aad pnseoatSag aueh claim, a sum greater thsa 810. (payable oaly upon the order of the Commlaatener of Penslona, by the peaelea ageat maklag payment of the penaloa tile wed) or who Shall wroeg tally withhold from a pensioner kr (dstmsat, the whole or say part of the pension er elslm allowed, aad doe such peasleeer or clalmaat, shsll be deemed gidlty ef a mfsdsmeeaor. aad epon oeavtetlea thereof shall, for Jm sash eflsase, bs flood Bot ox- dsflmg1800k or ImprtaeasNat at bard labor net exeeedln^twe yeara. or both, lathe dtaerstloa efthe eeart. Sbc. S. Thet alt tswr Sad parts laws whists conflict wlttf the prevle- loaa ef this aot be, aad the same are LMEBY%RECEALFL ̂ Oeeerals Shenaaa, Siieildsa aad stbst premlaeat army efloen aad ex-ea). dlera are expected to be present. The Seuthera Wlaooaale Yetersa^ Aaasclatlea held a reaalea at Sshalls- berg, Wis., Juae 1 and 1. Tbe sttend- seee wes the Isrgest elaes theergaai- sstlea ef the society. Maay veteraas from Illlauls and lewa were la at toad* snoe. Addresaes were delivered by Gov. Bask, the Hon. J. W. Bieeksteee, etSehellsherg; Colonel X. X. Ctesfh, ef nsMs^lle; ex*4Seaator DoeliUls, ef Chlesgo sad ethers. The Orsnt Menumsnt Asseolstlea at New York, hsa laaosd s oircularealllsff for dsslgas for s meeaaaeBt er awmnr M balldlng, te be elected apea Mm Ate of General Grset's tomb, lie Structure la to be of graa|to, marMe, brenie er ether suitable mslmisl The deslga win be passed apea bf a demmlttee of srablteets and srtlsts. The Legislature ef Nair llsmpshiis IS oempesod lsrgeiy ef tbe Ualee sol­ dier elemeet. The speaker, seigeaat et arma, doer-kseper, sad thlrty-Sve membera of the home are ana "wbe active aerviee la the velmteer y. The Oeveraer hss slse selrefeed i eld soldier for messenger. The Coafederate Memorlsl Asseeta- Mea held a eslshratiea at fllsantea. Ya., Joae 9. The emter ef tlie eeBa- alen was Gsasrsl W. W. Aeerlll, of Union cavslry fsme. r ^ The Mlsnsseta DfvMoe, Sees ,ef feteraaa holds Ita tbtfd aaaaal ea* campment at St. Peal, MlaaM Jaae 4. This Division hss thirty^fooreamps. Geaerai Phil Sherldaa la less than 8 feet 8 Inches In height aad weighs 116 poaada, Dedley Chase Pest, ef Mliae<peMa. Mlaa. IMS108 members. % < ,* • T,>J •v'4" V-i' >•1 • ^ - . •Wenderttil Ouisfi [ • W.D.Hoyt AOo* Wheleaala mid Betall Drugglats otBeme. Ga., aay: We nave beea aelllag Dr. Klag^ Mew Diseevery, Xleetric Blttors s«d Bucktaa's Arnica Salve for two yesra. Have aever baa died ressedl^e tbet esll sS well, or give saoh aalveasal saHsfsc tloa. There has beea eosaawewisifei cureteSeeted by^these matftlBBS !• this city. 8everal casea ef ^ Ooaaamptlea have beea eanralf eased K- aae of afew bettlee efDr. iw Diseevery, teksa la with Xleetric Bitten. We them slsrays. Sd#by BaarytMby. It la law fhat we are dally gas raate slag KSaip^ SarsspariUa to the people lathis way* that after taking: three-fearthe ef e bottle wttheat rsnef, ere wIM » meeey. It It Hi |ietlMl, eest remedy oa the mailut fer si Hag the bieedaa«tMag 1*t:ww Issseof life, A «Smn baslasas •aa laferaaa oa be bas gsM S peoads aa two bottles of thfi Seisspe- ffibTPrtoefWi. Fer ssle bf W.Besley,- >'••1 i Oene»X.M.OweaA See over' ttelr esrrlages eed aad a eomber ef ether aaehae. AH warranted for three yeen ead tl *jLbL

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