Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1887, p. 5

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*i®irESDAY. JULY 18, 1887, ' Railroad Time Table. Taking e*eot June 90th, train* will paw tteRenry auiion daily, •xcept Saaday a, M fallow*: . . M1I« BOOTS. Uk« tteaev* Passenger..... 7* *• * Laka Geneva Express ,.!:!» ' Lak« Otun Fnliht. l:W>r. M Uka O«B«Ta Passenger I* " Lake Getter* Pusssnger „5:W» •• LakeGenevaSundar Passenger.......SaS •* oono IQTTB. Laka dtun Freight Laka S«B«Ya Passenger I.skeGsnara Passenger-- . Lake MunKxpnii Laka Qaiara Passeneer. JIU. v »:M " •10:» •• ....... .4:85 P. M J»:9J » * Stops only te laara Passengers. MeHenrv. Ill ,\WlN MASONIC. MENNINTR LODGE. KO. 188 A.P, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fiprtb Mondays in eaek month. JOHX 1. STOBT, W. M. ;W#S MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meat at Parker House Hall, every Second and Laat Tuesday evening of each month , Veighbora COT daily invited* SI rnmm Old Setters' Meeting. A meeting for^he purpose. of ip pointing commtttfu ind niklag oth­ er iMcwurj arrangements for fttio ooming Old Settlers* meeting, which 1* to be held la this village, will be held at the Riverside Boose on Saturday next, July 16, at one o'clock, P. M. Let all THOSE who are Interested ID making the Annual Reunion a MCCMII oeme out at thi« meeting and help ' iilange the programme. PER ORDER EXECUTIVE COM. loo Croam Festival. •» 't'he Ladles of the Society of Willing Workers will hold an Ioe Cream Festl val, In the Park, on Saturday ovenlng next, July 16th. Ice Cream and other Refreshments will be served and everv- thing done to make it pleasant for all. The MoHenry Military Band will be present and furnish mnslo for the oeeaslon. All are cordially Invited. The ladles are requested to meet at JiM Park at 2 o'clock p. m. , . .r Evanson's Mule. | THE Board of Supervisors an la session at Woodstock this week, Remember the Ioe Cream Festival, * lv the Park, on Saturday evening text. FRANK CALKINS had tho misfortune to lose his flue Jersey Cow on Monday night. REV. L. W. BRIGHAM will occupy tho Pulpit, at the Unlversallst Church, •a Sunday next, at the usual hoar. IIONSLETT A STOFFEL will have a new advertise meat next week. Look oat for It. 'READ the new advertisement of Henry Colby* to bo found In another oolumn. B. If peW*»i* "MILL" STODDARD spent a few days In Rodkford the past'week AMiMHtw KENNEDY will start for hts home la Harvard, Neb., next week. GUSST COWLIK, of Woodstock, was seen on onr streets on 8nnday. FRANK MASQCELET. of Chicago, was a pleasant caller on Monday. Miss LIZZIE PATTERSON, of Chicago, is the guest ot Miss Amy Owen. In this village. Miss MART ANN KNOX, is visiting with friends at Gilbert's Station, this week, JOHN MARSHALL and Mr, Powell, ol Xunda, took In the Fox Lake Excur4| sion on Sunday last. CAPT. WALTER HILL was on our streets on Saturday and Sunday, tho first time for several weeks. HON. T. D. MURPHY and wife, of Woodstock, were the guest* of Hon. R. Bishop and family on Friday last. f DR. H. T. BROWN and family will take possession of their summer rest- donee, at Plstaqua Bay, this week. Mis3 BELLE WBIGHT, of Woodstock, Is visiting with her grand-parent*, Mr. and Mrs.O. W.Owen, In this vil­ lage. Miss MATTIB SMITH and Miss Myrtle Cbilds are spending this week with friends at the Elgin Club House, Fox Lake. /l>. S. Babbitt, of Elgin, has built a summer resldenoe at Plstaqua Bay, nnd moved his family there for the shmmer, last week. MRS. GEO. JOHNSON, of Cedar Bap- Ids. Iowa, and Mrs. J. P. Maxwell, of Chicago, both sisters of Mrs. P. H. Smith, are spending a few days with her this week. WE are under obligations to H. D. Dement, Secretary of State, for a List of Senate and House bills, which were passed at tho Thirty-Fifth General Assembly. THE last Geueral Assembly pasted a law prohibiting the killing of calyes for Veal under four weeks of age. This Is a wise measure and should be enforced to the letter. /THE following Is an exeafleat pho­ tograph of the average man yOa now meet on the street: 'S H H O T THE Canary Island Cheroot, st Gilbert's, Is the delight of smokers, you don't believe It call and try one. D. W. THOMAS will have an Auotion Sale of a car of Milch Cows, in tWs village of Algonquin, on Thursday! to-morrow morning, at 8 o'olock. , BEN FRANKLIN said there never wis ^ newspaper which did not contain OHo Item worth Subscription. the cost of a year's HENRY COLBY bas Just put In a now brand of Cigars called the uVlndex* which is extremely popular among the smoking part of our population * THE next open meeting of the Good Timplars Lodg^ will be held on the second Thursday evening In August, the llth. Notice of speakers here­ after. ___ We find this insinuation in the Del- avan Republican: "Are you reading a ,borrowed paper? If so, do you think It is the right thing to do? Are you sure the person you borrow Of is anx­ ious to lend his paper? that JC. J. Lebmsribas Capt. Walter nil) the use of six rooms In his house, al' eh man's Landing, Kox Lake, and that Mr. Hill will move his family there this week, for a month or two. As the Captain's business Is now al­ most entirely at the Lake, this will make it much .more handy and pleas* *»«• Ytuv^l ^Census of children 1(T School Mstrict No, 2, MoHenry Village. June /0th, 1887, was as follows: Boys under 21 J*§i* of mm SOS Gifts * -• ' W ^ ,...^77 THE Red Jacket Liniment, made by r , Mr*. Harriet Hoi use*, cm be found at Locke's Bakery. MoHenry. Is the best Lioiment known ior "outs, bruises, sprains, bunions, rheumatism, etc.-- Seod for mau aud beast. 600 yards fancy drees ginghams less than wholesale prloes. Lawns, robe 'dromes, lace flouncing, etc., at cut rate ; prices, Investigste prices at ladies' Sties rooms. Our advantages acknowl­ edged by all. MRS. H. S. GREGORY. / THE weather the past week has been /simply terrible. In that time the / thermometer has run from 98 to 106 I degrees lu the shade, tho latter point I being reached on Tuesday. If this 1 part of the North West ain't next V door to Hades, then we are no prophet. A cane, with sad and dejected metn was meandering dreamily along the streets of our village a few evenings since, in company with a young man His face (the eane's, wo meat,) was (be picture of abjeot misery, and for why? We will leave the young ma- cane, we mean, to tell. REV. S. C, HAT, of Woodstock, lias the county agency for the enlarged and revised edition of Redpath's Pop. alar history of the United States, and Will solicit orders for this valuable work in different parts of the county during tho month of July, In extra ioe English cloth, (4.00. In half Russia gilt aide and back #5.00. JTHE Ladies of the Unlveraallat So- I olety have just completed papering and otherwise improving the Interior of the church, and It now presents very neat and handsome appearance, In fact we believe It is now the hand- eemest ehureb on the inside In the county. Goodrow done the work, whloh is n snre evideooe that it to well V done. - Will sell entire stook and rent 8hop to parties wishing to start business Call on Mrs. H. H, Nichols. Totnl •.. . •«i... ."iiiV. . . .682 Number between 6 ahd ll: Boys 191; Girls 174, Total 365. The attendance at tho German School, in this village, la as follows: ^Boys 21; Girls 34. Total 65, ONE of the Speakers at the recent 4th of July celebration in this village, closed his remarks by saying that the 14th and 15th, Amendments to the Constitution bad been passed and suc­ cessfully carried out, and that the next. would be the 16th Amendment, which would prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. A gentleman In the audience, turning to the one by his side asked: "What would we then teed democrats onr* A very pertinent question. "THE printing pre**," nays an ex­ change. **lias made Presidents, killed poet*, furnished, bustles for beauties, polished genius with criticism. It has made worlds gat up by roll ca'l every morning, given the pulpit lungs of iron, voices of steam, and has set s pries on wheat, and made the country post office the glimmering goal of the rural scribe. It has curtailed the pow­ er of kings aod embellished the pan­ try shelves; It has converted bankers Into poverty, made lawyers of college presidents; it has educated the home­ less, and robbed the philosopher of reason. It smiles aod kicks, cries aod dies, but it can't be ran to suit every­ body, and the editor is a fool who tries it." SLOCUK'S ORCHESTRA, which fur­ nished music at the Riverside House. July 4(b, was composed of Geo. Wig­ gins. tirst violin aod lender, and G. S. Welsh, second violin and prompter, assisted by other talented musicians* and all are agreed in saying It was as fine music as was ever beard In that Hall. Wiggins as a leader Is hard to beat, while Welsh as prompter Is n whole band and a "horse to let." We do not exaggerate when we say be has oo superior lo the Northwest. His voice can be heard plainly io any part of the ball, while his good na- tured ways makes him at once on frleadly Urms with all. When the names of Wiggins and Wolsh are an­ nounced in an orchestra you can rest assured of good music. Fire at tho Brick Yard. About six o'clock on Saturday earn­ ing last nn alarm of Are was soanpHl on the West Side, and It was soon>fli|*» covered thai tho extensive sheds 'at the McHenry Brick Company's Tarda were In flames. The Wooden Pail Company was promptly on hand, but owing to the dryness of everything In reach it soon common Icated tor adjoin- log woodpiles, and for a time it looked as if It would make a clean s#tep of everything about the yards. But water being handy aod everybody working with a will It was Anally got uader control, after destroying about one-third of th« sheds, aod doing slight damage to the wood on thn south side of the Klin. The lire caught from the heat arising from a burning Klin. Loss about 1150,00. Messrs WentwOrth A Whiting wish us to publicly thank one and all who worked so nobly to help them save their property, and but for whose assistance their loss would have been much heavier. They appreciate the good work done aod can only thank, one and nil for their noble efforts and heroic work. THE Steamer "Mary Oriswold" made ao excursion from this place to Fox Lake on Sunday last, the occasion being choral services, under the direc­ tion of Rev. Thos. E. Green, of Chica­ go, who, with his choir consisting of forty voices, were camped at Klnes* Hotel, Fox Lake. The steamer left McHenry i)li0,with about 25 passen­ gers, and arrived at the camp ground just as services commenced. We have not the space to speak of the services and singing as they deserve. Suffice to say the singing was as fine as any­ thing we ever had the pleasure of lis­ tening to, while the remarks by Rev, Mr, Green were both beautlral and appropriate. Io short he Is ao orator, hia words flowing io an easy, pleasant and graceful manner, that at once drew the attention or his hearers, and although the day was exceedingly warm, there was not ooe present but who was sorry when he was through. After the services we again e.nbHrked ou board the steamer and landed at Howard's Hotel, were we were served with a dinner that could not have failed to please the most fastidious taste. It proved to our entire satis* taction that Howard knows how to keep a hotel, end If the way to a man's heart Is down his throat he will And it every time. About Ave o'clock ws again took the steamer, and under the care of Capt. Hill In due time arrived In McHenry safe an I sound, all agree­ ing that we had enjoyed a pleasant and profitable day at Fox Lake, the real Saratoga of the West, (No of­ fence meant to Lake Geneva.) THERE will be a concert In the M. B. Church, Sunday evening Jaly 17th, for the benefit of the Sunday School. The exercises, consisting of the fol­ lowing programme, wiU commcnce at half past seven: Song........... »....&&**•, .Mjpbeir Prayer Pastor Duet and chorus Reading Alice Bennett Lord's Prayer Mamie Beslsy, Kttle Simea, Myrtle Shot pin, May Parker Solo Mrs Bishop Seng Carl Mead and Mainie Bealey Recitation.... Lovina Urlinolby Duet... ...Nettle Downing and Dora Whiting Amos Turner Maud and Agirie Colby Allle Waite Miss Nettie Downing Lucy McLean ...Freak Oolby, Dora Whiting Walter Besley .....Mrs. Allen Walsh, Mrs. Geo, Bealey, Mr. John Kranaon, Mr. Allen Walsh. Recitation. Duet Recitation .. Solo .. ...... Recitation... Duet Recitation... Collection. Quartette - < .r *1..., A higher than market prloe will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the Wauoonda Mill. J. SPENCER, Proprietor. fair Prenataas List. It is impossible to reach all by mnll with a premium list, henoe parties de­ siring one will find them with Geo Owen and C. V. Stevens, McHenry J. Vs. Aldriob, Richmond; Frank Rowe, Hebron; S. 8. Smith, Alden; C. E. Cook. Huntley; Marshall Bros., Har­ vard; Mansfield's Store, Greenwood; W. A, Nason, Algonquin; Fred Pat- ride's, Marengo, or notifylnc the Moretarjr, A. 8. Wright. 1,.S.'Vfc .1 ' .. K. A4_VI... =.• Evan son's Mule. Take Notice! Ali persons having empty Kegs, be­ longing to the McHenry Brewery, are hereby requested to return the same at once as we must have them to use. Ali persous not complying with this notice at once will be made costs. 52-3w GOTTLEIB BOLEY. We have lust received an < xtraordi- nnry fine article of Japan tea known a* the "Oo Gi" Brand (1887 pick). We recommend It to lovers of fine teas, and guarantee them to be the finest ever brought to^our county. Price 50 cents. Call for sample. JOHN EVANSON A Co. ELGIN DAIRY MARKET. Reported Expressly for the PunntLRS by A. W. Hutohins, Secretary the Elgin Board ot Trade. ELOIIT, III., July 11,1*87. For the season the attendance was good. Bidding quite active. On the call 3U tubs of butter sold. No cheese. The market de­ clared to be very Arm at 18 cents. The fol. lowing are the transactions. Also outside markets by special telegraph: orrioiAU Seller. Kane villa. Burton R. McAdaras Owen Creamery Maple Grove McAllester. Pleasant Grove C.Buache Priv. Sales--Batter.. Pound*. Price. Amount. 1080 MM 2400 «'J0Q i»H ttseo » m as > 4SBOO 12780 3774* ft 3433 60 5198 16 Total trans'ns. 40628 f 7631 76 OUTBID! XABKKT8. RaUimore, -- Butter market unchanged. Wea;ern Creamery 18 to 19. Cheese--A t*etter tone to the market; Western Cheddars, S to9; Western Small Cheese, 8 to Boston.--Steady demand for fine goods Ex­ tra Weatern Creamery Butter selling 30 to 31. Cheese--Cheddars, 8 to M. Philadelphia^--Market stronger than last week. Choice Western Creamery Butter, 30 cents, lsts. 18 to 19. Cheese steady. P. O, StoSX New York.--Market firm for Choice Butter, Westerns quoted at 19# to 30. Cheese dull. N. Y. Cheddars, |fi to i Western Plats 7 to iyi\ Skims, 3 to 5. SU Louis --Butter Market Arm. Elgin goods in demand at a small advance of the market. Choice stock, 19, Cheese highor and Arm. Wisconain F, C., 9Xi Illinois, 8Hi Y. A. 10; Skims, 2 to 5. New Grieatu --Market s .eady. Butter 18jtf to 19; extra small lots 30. CROP PB08PBGTS. During past week light showers in some localities. l<ut farmers are still feeding and vhe shrinkage In milk is larger than aay other week of tne season. A. W. HUTCH INS, See. B. B. T. WHEA r WANTED. Tbe Highest Market Price lo cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat at fbe Pox Biver Valley Mills. Mc­ Henry. B. BISHOP. Just received a Car load of tbe old Sellable Lyman Barb Wire, at Jobs I. Story's. ) ' • • Kurroit PLAmwtAU»t-i'at Leon *rd% Ifefi# bomed Tueeday evening. Insured for «W0 and contents for *100 io tbe Home. of Hew York, Asa W. Smith. Agent. Henry Freesaan's team skipped up Main street from tbe Depot, scaled tbe Park fence bat failed to take tv»e wag oa with them, which delayed their progress 'til they were secured without much damage. Farmer John DafieUfs team broke from Its moorings, made for home around tho Park House, down Dean street, straddled a tree at corner of Dean and Calhoun, whare tbe relics still remain to show where a smashop has been. Farmer Bar den's mustangs lit ont without oeremony or driver, and whether still ronnlng or not the writer Is not Informed. MARRIED:--In the presence of a few Invited guests, at tbe residence of the bride*s parents, on Crystal Lake street by the - Rev. A. Alaben, Mr. Edwin Aiaben and Iflss Genevieve Torrence And all the weddings are not yet. Tbe firIQ of Richards ft Arnold has been dissolved and the new Arm of Richar4t A Jewett succeed* to It. N, Frame ft Co. dissolves si id becomes Norman Frame. Dacy, DOBOVKO and Austin each keep severahtnaployees bust setting up aud adjusting farm machinery. Several makei% twine binders are used and each fainter thinks his ohotoe the best. Richard Johnson lost a mare and oolt by lightning Frtd*y night. No insur* ance. Lightning was too quick for him. He was waiting a mon favora­ ble opportunity. Although we are, thankfal for recent rains, we still pray for m re, and 'whence will come the fodder for our stock" is the anxious Interrogatory of many of our farmers. Potatoes email and few In a hill. Small grsin short and thin of stand, but corn still main taint its growth and color. Peck vs. Powers--settled. Whitson vs. Long--judgment for plsintift. Supervisors meet to-day, Monday, fbe work <M| )a1l also starts again to» Horatio Willis, brother of Courty duveyor Willis, aod formerly a farmer near the old Ostend post-office, has been visiting his old friends herea­ bouts. Joshua C. Monger died at the rest dence of his brother-in-law lo tbe north-v?eit wart of Marengo, but the news Jld not reach Woodstock 'till to­ day. Cannot state date of his death. There seems to be come mystery con­ cerning 9200 lie. drew from the bank tbe day be lelt Woodstock. Flour and Feed! SAVE MONET Inlaying In a season's sepply of Feed while prices art low and mill- stnffs are to be had, as the great Drouth Is bound to force prices much higher before long, and feed will be very scarce. We name unusually lib­ eral terms on car. or lajrge. lots for ready cash, and sell goo4 Middlings In email lots at $14. Try the "Honest Abe" Rock ford Flour, only •fAT per sack and fully warranted, none better. Flour. Foed, Salt Oil Meal, always on band. fg*an8oa's Mule. # ^ _____ \ * DON'T FORGET. The Centre dVaft mower at B. M. Owen ft Son's. The "Eureka,** which ail the largest aod best farmers will back, sAch men as A. H. Haoly & Sons. Geo. Abbott ft SODS, W. 8. Covell ft Son. A. O. Whiting, John W, Smith ft Sons and others, all of which give It the best of praise. As grass cut with a Euroka will cure better, hay Is worth usore per ton cut with a Eureka than a si le cut, at your mrtohlne never touches the grass after It is cut. Will cure an'l dry in one htlf the time than grass cut with a side cut mower. Some Foolish sspla Vilow acou<h to run uuti itgetsl be- ?r>ud the reach of medicioe. They of* ten say Oh I it will wear away, but In most cases It wears them away. Could they be Induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's HuJeam, which will sell on a positive juarantee to cure, they would iramedi- tteiysee the excellent effect after tak M.jr the flrst dose. Price 60c and 91.00 Trial slse free at Geo. W. Besley's #«*Henry. Greatly Excited. Not a few of tbe citizens of McHenry have recently bccome greatly excited over the dfctoutiding facts, .that several of their friends who had been pro­ nounced by their physicians as incura­ ble aad beyond all hope--suffering with that dreaded monster Consump­ tion--have been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, the only remedy that does postlvely cure ail throat and lung dis­ eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Henrv Colbv's Drug Store, large bottles 91. fhe Population of MoHonry is about 1000, and we would say at least one-half are troubled with some aflectloo of the Throat and Lungs, as tiioae complaints are according to sta­ tistics, more numerous than others W* would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and l.ungs. Price 80c and 9100. Trial size free. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLKT. Evanson's Mule. •avod Hia Life. Mr. D. I. Wllcoxson, of Horse Cave Ky„ says be was. tor many years, badly afflicted with phthisic, also diabetes; the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost threw him into convulsions. Ho tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle and after taking six bottles was en­ tirely cured and bad gained in tlssb eighteen pounds. Says he positively believes he would have died, bad it net been for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty oents a bottle by Henry Colby. Oo Ol Is the nam# of the newest teas at Evanseo's. w'. tBuy the famous O& Qi pure uncol ored Japan teas at Branson's. Ladies* Aprons--dark Ginghams, 10 cents; white Muslin. 90 oents. at Bv aasosi's. „-A. J Si Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTOR?, MASOKtfc.--A. F. and A, M. meet at Masonic Ball on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- Hi's of each month. . McfemKtr WOODMEN or AMKHTCA.--Meet a Masonic Hall every 3d and 4th Monday even ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in •tied. SONS or TKXFBBAHCR.--Meet at Union .Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALRR: •-- David Toung went to Rockford Thursday night for .a sbert'vislt. Charlie Wilkinson, from Harvard, spent Saturday night and Sunday In town. Ice cream every Saturday night, furnished at the depot by 1. W. Web­ ster and Earl Taylor. An fexcurslon from Harvard passed through this place Thursday, enroute for Twin Lakes, Wall Harrison had his hand badly burned while firing off some rockets ou the evening of July 5th. E. O. Leech walks with crutches. Cause, a kick |rom his pony, combined with rheumatism aad fourteen excava­ tions on his toes. Two little Independence ladles in town. One arrived July 4th at Byron Hopkins' and another wee stranger took up her abode at Alva Household­ er's July 7th. For some time the married men have been boasting that they could easily win a game of ball by playing nine straight innings with the Light- weights, aod Saturday afternoon they tried It for t<ie ice cream, but were badly worsted, the score standing 84 to 20. We wonder if tbe married men would like to play another game. It was half past eight by the village oloek. When the Iron horse with its human freight, Thunders into Alden at a rapid rate, And Uncle Charlie with a smiling vis. Sit*, reflecting of the pleasure soon to be his. When all at once his restless eye Discovers a butter factory close by, f ........ ^ and away he strides in his hat of silk Across the street in quest ot butterm But trains can't wait--the car bell rin _ \nd Uncle Charlie is interested in other things. But he runs down the track with the speed of a deer, And shouts. "Pall the hell rope, pull the 6ef! rope, de yeu hear?" B*lt they heed not his gestures, only grin at this tato. * i«rhe sits down and murmurs, "too late, oh. too late!" It was half past nine by the village eloek. When into Hebron town a cloud of dust ap- psars; Then a galloping steed and the rattle of wheels, And a merry Binile o'er ev.h visage steals, As down Main Street, at a furious rate, Rides he, who for buttermilk, was a few mtn- utes late. A sign to the right he sees without delay: "Twiu Lakes, only ten miles away." And then on tho left he reads as they pass, Buttermilk cheap at five dollars a glass." It was ten by the village clock, When over the wire Hashed the significant words, "Uncle uuiirlie is coming; minus his hat of silk, Down the track, with a Jug of buttermilk. He will reaoh Twin Lakes with many a lunge Have ready immediately, a blanket and sponge." rode modern Se through the country Revere, And future generations will listen to hear The story of the hero of buttermilk fame, "y.-T n'--"" who pt there Just thaAiMpr,. ALGONQUIN- flfoTiCE.--Persons in Algonquin aniSf ity, knowing themselvei indebted for the PI.AIMURAI.BB can learn of the amount by calling on John .Helm, who is authorized to receive money and receipt Cor the same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at his store. Call on ihim and get a nam pie C<J py.J EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--^The glori­ ous 4th passed off very pleasantly. Some went off to various places where they could smell gunpowder, and those that remained at home had an old- fashioned Picnic in Geo. Dodd's grove, where swings were ereeted for tbe little ones, and chicken pies weie plenty and In good demand. After dinner was digested, ice cream was furnished. In fact the day was too full for utterance. We must also add that there was a gipsy's tent on the ground where those who wished to take a peep at the future might grat* ify their curiojlty. Vern was fortune teller. * Mrs, Wm. Miller, of Rowley, Iowa, is here to help care for her brother. W. P. Bjuson, during his sickness. Henry Keyos received word last week that his mother, who is visiting at Nunda. was quite «ick. Uncle Ed. Morton is on tbe sick list. Dr. Kay tnd wife, of Elgin, spent Suuday last here with Mrs. Ray's par­ ents, Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Morton. Miss Kittle Lee, of Elgin, was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Morton a part of last week, D, W. Thomas came la with a car* load of milch cows on Sunday morning last, and Is L llled for an Auction Sale for Thursday, July 14th. The School Board have secured the services of Miss Myrtle McKee as pri­ mary teacher lot the coming school year. Miss Goodman and Miss Jaoobson, of Chicago, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ford last week. The Ladles Sewiug Society of the Congregational Church will meet July aoth. at Mrs. V. X. Ford's. Let all the ladles remember tbe Soelety on that afteraoon. THE PAIIi. The time has arrived for each one to settle on something which you can do your part In making the fair of 1887, a gr -ater success tbau in the past. 1'be programme far excels all others, and It is necessary to have a large exhibit in all departments. As we haye often stated tbe fair is yours, and no one is more benefitted by it than tbe farmer. It makes a market for your stock. It gives you new Ideas for the coming year which are of more value than money. You know these are facts. Mow de your share. 2w A. S. WRIGHT. Sec. The Istest styles of Millinery Goeda, all kinds, at cost to close, at Mrs. H. H4 Nichols. ' Carriages, Combined Wagons, Bog­ gles and Wagons, both Milk and heavy Wagons at E. M. Owen A Sons. Tbe finest line ef Plumes ever seen In this town, to be sold at cost to close, at Mrs. H. H. Nlohols. If you want to bay a Mower cheap, call at Bishop's warehouse. Mrs. M. Schumacher. Wishes to Inform the Ladies of Mc­ Henry and surrounding country that she has now a large and well selected stock of the most stylish Summer Millinery ever thought to this town, to which she invites their careful ln> spectlon. Hats, fionnets, Plumes Kibbons, etc., in endlesa variety and at prices to suit. We do not protend to sell at cost, or below, but will give vou the best goods at tbe lowest living prices. Call and see us. Store on tho West aide, near tbe Depot. t MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. SPECIAL. The Crown Mower. We invite at­ tention to our changeable speed mower, affording TWO SPEEDS for tbe knife. R. BISHOP. Plum-ba-go-ine,. the finest Wagon Greaso ever used, a new thing, at Besley's. Handkerchiefs, allstyles and prloes at Althoft Bros. New style Carriages at bottom figures at E. M, Owen & Son's. All the latest styles in Straw Hats at Althoff Bros, Our Hi Kid Shoe gives the best kind of satisfaction. Every pair warranted at Perry & Owen's. Call at Besley's for the best 'Fly Paper in the market. t>aCross, Cortland, Staver and six other makes of carriages at B. M. Owen & Son's. PARASOLS. The best assortment of Parasols at Perry A Owen's. Bishop sells the Red White and Blue Mower with new rocking cutting bar. The latest improvement out. Be sure and examine carefully. Rakes, all kinds at Bishop's. Ellw JOITS Veteran self dump Rake, the best on the market. Sold by R. Bishop. In Mowers, I have McCormick Steel No. I and S. Crown. Red White and Blue, and N. C. Thompson. R. BISHOP. Look at the Thompson Mower, that I win Hil for 935. R. BISHOP. THE Genuine Novelty and Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prices at John I Story's. Beware of Imitations. The Peninsular, one of the best Gasoline Stoves on the market, can be. found at the Hardware store of W. P. Stevens, We9t MsHeury. Call and see It. School Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Besley's Drug Store West Side. Two styles of Carts at E. M. Owen A Sons, thtit are the best ever brought to this city. ElJREKTi EUREKA! The celebrated front cut Eureka Mower, that will cut 6 feet and run lighter than any side cut Mower cut- tine 4 feet, and leaves the cat grass untrampled. Call and see them at E. M. Owen A S >ns. Fire-Works, all kinds, for the Fourth, at Besley's Store, We»t Side. Wire Cloth^all width, and frames to match, at W. P. Steven's. WHEAT WANTB^i , The Highest Market price, in cash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, *t the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP. The Badger State indestructible t'antaloon Overalls only 80 cents for the best made at Perry A Owen's, Two seated Carriages at E, M, Owen t Son's, very low. Bargains In Silk Mitts atd this week at Perry A Owen's. QlOVff: Milk and Lumber Wagons at E. M. Owen A Son's at lowest prloes. very low at E, M. Owen & Harness Son's. Fine Carriage Lap Robes at Perry A Owen's, If you are looking Carpet cheap, go to Furniture Store. for a flrst class John B. Blake's Call Shears. and see our stock of Sheep W. P. Stevens. West side. Tbe Church Swivel Hay Carrier. Track Hanging. Floor Hooks and Pulley. And the best Manilla Rope, <11 sixes, at W. P. stevon'a, West Mo­ Henry. Prices to meet anybody. are* The reliable Watertown Bugg ctn always be found at Bishop's Wa house McHenry. Gasoline Stoves, two three and four holes, at as low price a« any other good, stove can bo bought. At W. P. Steven's West McHenry. Great variety of plain and figured Lawns at Perry A Owen's. Cans, Fruit Cans at Perry A Fruit Owen's. Fine Dress Goods, In black and colors, and a full line of Trimmings and Buttons to match at Perry ft Owen's. Stand Straight. Men's, women's, and children's braces. No more round shoulders. No more flat breasts. A perfect skirt supporter. Sold by E. Lawlus, Tailor, McHenry, 111. CLOTHING. We will give you a big bargain In Mens and Boys Suits before July 4th. Be sure and call at Perry A Owen's. LADIES SHOULD SEE. Dr. Schellings world renowned Health preserving Corset at Perry & Owen's agents for McHenry. The only perfect health corset made. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price, In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat, at tbe Fox Blver Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP. WHITE GOODS. Fine Dotted Mulls, India (Linens. Striped and Check white goods, at Perry A Owen's. MOWERS AT E. M. OWEN A SON'S Standad. Manny, Improved Craw­ ford, Eureka, Minneapolis, (Like the Crown) Knowlton. Piano, (Like the Warrior,) and others. Call at E. M. Owen A Son and look over their carriages and combined wagons of the celebrated Cortland, LaCrosse. Wallace, llenny, Enterprise, and a number of other makes. All warranted for three years and at bot­ tom prices. Is Over But r 7^ v:&•-.** ;ti i». '7^ / • , -.-i \Jh , . A« W wltf, a f,*Tt Bfoct of new and seasonable Goods in^ia^ ^ CLOTHING, LATEST Suits from $6,25 to $25.00 Dress Goods, Domesti 1§ «8V A full assortment ot good Dry Goods always in stock, at living prices. No lady can afford to purchase elsewhere before she K WMti IwiWliUasil fikhfcfai COLORED iifBBoinnEn smmn. 4 1-2 yd. to skirt 45 in. deep, . from $2 65 to $7.25 per pattern. Lace Flouncing 55 c. White Robes $1.25 to $7.00 Buggy Robes 1.25 " 5.00 Fan<$JL^ir'd Robes 2.50 4t. ,4.00 , c ; BATISTE GOODS, SATINES, LAWNS. White Parasols. Fans, • HATS* HATS) Ladlss' IsckwMf, GMtrS* FUKNISEnOS. 0VERAU8, SHIRT8, | v CtROClSRIES, § And Provisions, 't When in town us for Bargains* tumble In «* . Bonsfett £ •~K- ' 'm; E. M. Owen A Sen's received la the psst week some line Meweia, ef the John P. Manny improved.' consisting ot a chain gear, whloh makes Itsisiple easy running and the meet datable mower made, and they will wanaat them as to draft with any asvsrftl the world, aad sold aa tew as tiM lowest, -mm »

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