Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1887, p. 1

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" " v\r>rr W::-- mmiimtar* ' f * ' ' • ' * * , ' ' * * "J;' •> 2*iV .1/ ; i, *..:1-"M3 I.R ' /A •? •?>"•"f-«i svs;.* -••" ** .>!• /• ' ^ ' • -£ 4*1 J* 4*0-' ' f j' * r»'^>' , . ^ ^ -V ^ . . * .Tlfll •' * , i»S- , JJ »>. , •; "'#' £ P? 4, ,** ~S •»"*-^^"<« * j, * ^ rn**?**** tv ' t' • \ '-^ t4' *V • % f.i * ... M'R T ^y, j' , VOL. 13. Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and Law| Wo Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1887. J J -?y U: ;; : .Jj* ^WtT1111' ii1"- §1. Pikiiud IRMR Wkdsbsdat ar . VAN 8I-.YK®:,.-- V SDITOB.A.WO PBOPaiBTOB. Office In Bishop's Block,! V.^ffO>TO«TB PlUT * OWNP'f TERMS Or SUBSORIPTIOH. a (In atranee> $1.80 Hot P»1<1 with la Three Ifoitki t.M (inscriptions received for three or six «thi is the mora proportion. I Kates of Advertisings We announce liberal rates for advertising the Plaiwdsaler, and endeavor to state era so lUlilr that ther will be readily un- rstcod. Th«r»t*uf>ll«vW^r 1 Ii«k eno year . ~ Inches oae year" Iaebei one year - Oelnan one year Oolnmn one year- Oolnmn one year i . COO . MW MflO - MOO WOO .« • .» • - WO 00 J»ae Inch mean* th» liitHuTWitumt of one 1|oh dewa the oolnmn, single column width. ipTearly advertisers, at the above rates, hare lie privilege of ohanging as often as they Moose, without extra charge. Regnlar advertisers (meaning those having Mantling cards) will be entitled to Insertion ft local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line nek week. All others will be charged 1# tents per Hne the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate ef 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil ?rpe, same as this is set in) the first issue, and eents per line for subsequent issues. Tires, M Inch advertisement will cost tl-00 for one Seek, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three • jtecjts, and so on. The will be liberal In giving •i.torial notices, but, as a business rale. It will require a snitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. *= £ H. T.BROWN.M.D. HYSIOIA.N AKD SURGEON. Oiloe at Residence, HcHenry, [11. O. H. FEGERS, M, D- HTSlOiAJC AND SUROEOK, McHenry, Ilia. Office at Residence. BUSINESS OABDS.^: A TTORWBY AT LAW. ft. CHICAGO, Paul Bitowx, 88 LaSal'e Street ILL. M. r. ELLSWORTH,' A TTORNET at Law, and'Chan za. eery, Knnda, 111. ASA W. SMITH, TTOKKBT AT LAW and Solicit**! in L. Chancery.--Woodstock, IlL ALBJERT K. BOURNE. A TTORNEY, SOLICITOR AND COUX A SKLOR. WOODSTOCK, JILL. Bomtiets attended to promptly, with eare, skill and Integrity. Ofilee at the Court House. . ifclt.i i.-nil Willi. 8. F. BENNETT, M. D. T)HT.«ICIAN AWDaUUOROSr. Alee United I States Kxamlning Surgeon. Richmond, Tlllnols. !P' O. J. HOWARD, M. D. FCHTWOIAN AND STTRGEON, McHenry, HI. OAoe at Residence, one door West r M. E. Church. t BARBIAN BROS. CIOAR Manufacturers, McHenry,111. Or-ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, Bi Kelter Block, third door west of Blversiae ouse. Livery Stable^ C. WIUHTMAN, Proprietor, first um class rigs, with or without drivers •jrnlshed at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. BT SCHIESSLE tring purchased the old stand jjf Joseph Wiedemann JSEAR THE DEPOT, [OHENRY, ILLINOIS, sp» «pen for the accommodation ;of the tic »'Wrst<Jlas» . |> Loon and Restaurant, sre he will all times keep the beet brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ,£to be found In the market. Also Agent For fRANZ FALK# * IlLWAUm L GER m jBeer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottle* at* iys on hand, cheaper than any other, quail* considered. iers by mall promptly attended Mi GOOD HTASL1NO FOR HORJSm II and aee ns. RoberreeMMMS. Mir. lit. Mr an,**.- " .': im's JUiQON AND RESTAURANT. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. rine Kentucky Liquors, French Bittersj. UcHenry Lager Beer, i* llllwn tit Bin -AND-- ® • [. Stilili Miltauiee Bottle Beer. In any quantity from a Snitz rlass to 5C0^barrels. I.T WHOLESALEoii RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or ease as ^beap as the cheapest, • We buy none bat the beat and ' at Seasonable Prices. $ Call and see me and I will use |«u well. m ANTONY 1NGBLN. HoHeirry, 111., 18M« MART O. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kl^ds of Hair Work dene In first class stvle and at reasonable prices. Rooms s t residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, III. »RS. C. E. WILLIAMS A DAHLIN. DENTISTS. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry. at Parker Hoose, the 10th 11th 9Sth and 96th of each month. When dates occnr Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of sach visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. i .I »i R. R. BENNETT, 11. "g Late House Surgeon Oook County Hospital RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to dlfficnlt 8urglcal eases. DEVT&CH O ESP ROC HEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. United States War Claii iieiej . ;--of-- *; WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstookv - Illinois. Prosecutes all cla«8s« and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In rejected claims All prosecuthig old and communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps ate enolosed for reply. WM, H. COWLm, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstocc, Illinois. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT J" ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors an*t Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEAT'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR XitHiSES. PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all lobe la ~ irii the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put In J. F. CASET, > ATTORNEY and Counselor at Law."* Office over Zlmpleman's *tore. All business entrusted to ray care will receive prompt at Woodstock, III. tention. m JOHN KLIIFGKN. HOUSE Painter, tirainer, Calciminer and Paper Hanger. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. - ... . A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. M FIFTH AVE., (Brlggs Honse). Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given to re- ring Fl; pali ng Fine watches and Chronometers. 'A Full Assortment of Goods in his line SI for 13 Week*. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed,' securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and cinbs. Sample copies mailed free Addrese all orders to EICHABS K. VOX, Fbahklix Squakk, New York. Attention Horsemen! Iwonldeall the attention of the Public to my Stable of Stock Horses, fonr In num­ ber: Two Morgans, one \ Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep­ resentatives of their lire -d. Also a few Mfertne *heep for Sale. The public are cor- dUlly Invited to call and examine <tock, get price*, etc. No business done On Sunday, , N. & COI.BT. H'HKnnT, lUi. (THE liiTes tlooi iplite Ne* trenjt ojetNerres mi Days S*eet Sleep TONIC. stomach will bear OR MALARIA ATI8M, ROSTRATION diseasses. THE MOST 8CIEIJTIFIC ASD SUCCESS- jMpUflKl Superior to 1 East 87th street, New (asklne ol extreme ma- »r seven years suffering, 1196 pounds to #7, began 16, went to work In one ill weight in six months. ' whatever. i. the oldest and one citizens of Bridgeport, linety years of age, and irs have suffered from of quinine poisoning Kaskine which broke Klncreased my weight 22 A PO That the most A SPECIF RH NKRVOUS And all FUL BLOOD quinine. Mr F. A. Miller, York, was cured lartal prost Atlon He had ran down on Kaskine in Jun month, regained III Quinine did bint Mr. Gideon Tr of the meet res Conn., says: "I for the last three malaria and the ei I recently began up the materia pounds. Mrs. T. A. Sol Jersey City, writMfr. years, was cured of J fifteen months' lllni ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymen tt will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS \ 1 to call at I can furnisn cow. Fresh milkers or springers, premises before purchasing. sucb by the car load or single PORTER H. WOLFRUM, OH KM imo. Farm about fonr Mile* northwest of Harvard, Illinois. 0*? ^nirr'.i ifif'i New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In ehort will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap ae any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If yon want a Well Dug, a Pump lie paired or a new Pump, give me a call. WOrders by mall promptly attended to. Poet office, Jonnsbiirgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsonrgh. 111., May 20th, 1885. C. G. ANDREWS. tL - ^ Quoted upon application! spanw obove ill. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most m&mxu routs, AND Satisfaction QuatttM Call on or Address C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, 111* spring 3rove, Sept.;*th, 1985. 11.114a Boy« and MiiMi Bamiaer rarer* L LAWLUS, tie Warrants a Fit or .-4^-- BRAN, per Ton. .••*.*• • .113.50 SHORTS, per To*,* ^ 14.00 SHELL CORK, per bu». 43 eta. By the Sinele Too. At tho PIcSle Fsctory in Wtsl McHenry. 1 xu We malce Suits to order of the oest Cloths, Foreign or Domes­ tic. » AT THE LOWEST PRICES t hat good Goods can to sold HE ALaO CUw« awl Repairs Ostites Neatly and on short notioe. C Jf4,,iN|Ei . 3ML© a Oall E. LAWLUS. ileUamy, Jas. 19th# 1881. BRBEDBRS OF-- UORGAN HORSEiS, Short Horn. Poll*d A&gos, •' And Jersey Cattle; Hillside Harm, West McHsnry* lllerv J Onr Morgan Stock Is all pure »"|J originated from the best Morgan stoak in the United States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the bead •four Stoek, Is one ot the best *"r£*5 i torses In the qountry. and can showmoresnd ••etter all purpose coils than any other horse i the Went. We invite the Inspection of oar stock by ursemen and all lovors ot fine animals, A tew foil blood Morgan OoHs and younj| oereee for sale. Also one matched team, fun •4eods. in Cattle we have the full'blood JJhort Horn ^hirh we are crossing with fe lled Polled ansae and therefore Instead ef sawing onftbe Mrae we are braeding them tetr and with food suoeess. . , . A few Heifers and Balls^ both pure lay ibort Horns and the eross aWe menUoned j. N. taylor * w«M Mdtau^s nu. o«Qi mil, m all ho^A Letters from the detnlls will be sent | Kaskine can be medical advice. |1 j or sent by mall on : KASKINE OOMPJ York City. of 159 Halliday Street, "My son Harry, eleven lalana by Kaskine after when we had given up »vo persons, giving full | application. i without any special bottle. Sold by ^t of price, fy, 64 Warren St., New ""CHICAGO"" % ISTERN Soldiers* Department, OnrrmnuTSD »t WM, h. COWLIN. County GU A- II. Directory. niOKXOKD roar KO M. Meet* the second Friday evinlag eaok month. Dn. s, r, BumT, Cent, fooonomt fo«T, as mi of tot and third Moaday evenings of MOD ttOltlL W*. Arm, Com. „ innn>A roiT, wo---, Meets the seoond and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. Wk. Butlbb, Com. HAKVXKD POST, im 966. Meets the second ana tourtn Monday even Injp ef eaeh month. * } * I. W. SBATBRWI, Oem. k;- Makmtoo POST, NO. I<9, •life 8ecen<f and renrth Friday evenings of eaeh month. . A. J. BoineTSlI, Com. Penetrates Pepul Iiiois, Im, Ii RAILWAY. > 0*ntint«a tlon In sota, Dakota, Nebraska sii Vjsim. Its train service Is carefully arranged to meet requirements ot local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din- ingana place sleeping cars Is without rival. tts road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern Is the fkvorlte route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes in the golden Northwest. Detailed information ebeerfully furnished hT BERNARD BUSS. Agent, MoHanry, lll< MARVIN HUOHITT. I iof-iVei. and Gen. Manager. H. C. WICKBR, Trafllc Manager. Mi P. WILSON, General itassenger Agent. . For Sale Cheap A BAfil CHAVCX Tt Secure a Good Business Lscatioi. f oCsr fbr sale ray store bnlldings, situated 4n the village of McHenry. .They are -- of SHek, two stories high, and suitable for any £ind mt bustadis, with gooa residence rooms U seoond story. Also good barn and out. houses. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill and next door to the post office. Also offer for sale my Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with or without business to suit purchaser. J. FEKOVSKY, McHenry, III., May 11, 1888. Hi l IU anpsRiiw (1310), he by Di by Lofty. («•; Ingtoau (1M8>; i Td HOSBeWEN! GUAMOCt.LOR, JR.. Having recently purchased a very fine Imported Clydesdale Stallion, Chancellor Jr., for obr own nee, will breed a limited ember of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is jreArs eld this Spring; is a Cherry Bay with bfack poirits; WV hand high and weighs about 1706 pounds; strong, clean limbs, fine action, mild dieneeltion. He was sired by Chancellor r Drew l'rlnce of Wales. (673) Dam 4St); grand dam by Duke of Well- great grand dam by Sir William Wallace, (8M). He combines in his breeding the beet Mood Scotland ever had, and has proven his ability to get uniform Colts, of great else, fine form, strong and ragged. We also have CHAMPION, JR. The Percberon Morgan Horse. He has proven himself a fine stock getter for gen­ eral purposes, and cannet be beiten in the Northwest. Parties who intend bree ding, the coming season, will find it to their advantage to calland see onr stock and get our terms which will be reasonable. Mares from a distance will be well eared for, at owners risk, at Modera to rates. Call and aee us HANLT BEOS. M-tf. ' .'--v. BILE BEANS! What a ftmn^ name for a medicine! Nevertheless it is very significant as applied to the article. Bile, according to Webster, is "a yel­ lowish bitter, viscid nausceous fluid, secreted by the liver.'* Whenever the liter does not act properlrtiris fluid is retained in the blood ana poisons the whrteBystem.andsallqwnessatidBiisery is the result. SMITH'S BILE BEANS is a sure cure for biliousness and liver Mngdaint. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Report of MrtlflcaUs issued during the week ending July 2, 1887: Orig- laal. 1,665; increase 169; reissue, 62; reetoratloB, 23; duplicate, 0; ecerned, 172; trrears, 2; Act or March 3. 1883,0 ; Order ol April 3,1884, 0; Act of March 3,1885,0; Order Oct. 7,1S85, 0; Aet of August 4,1886,1; Supplemental Alt of August 4,1887,10; Mexloan War, 1421; total, 3,625, The captured rebel flagi in posifes- iloo of the War Department number about 3#0. Distributed to "their re­ spective states." this would give one to every fa1r-«!zed towa, and nake an 'easily sccesslble shrine for every wor­ shipper of treasou who desires a stored emblem to impress his principles upon the rising generation. How those papers do love the "gen­ uine soldiers" to be sure! The men who are now reoetving their abuse are: Oen. Lucius Fairehild, one of the very beet fighters In the Army of the Petomac, and who lost an arm at Get­ tysburg ; Gen. Tattle, who led the 2d Iowa, In the famous charge which settled the fate of Fort Denelson; Corporal James Tanner, who had both feet shot Off at the second battle of Bull Run. Think of slanderous, stay-at-home ^villains speaking of these men as * cof­ fee boilers" and shirks,--Nat, Trib, Bis Substitute. Editor Nat. Trib.--Will y<^u please « give the name of the illustrious patriot who served in the war as a substitute for Grover Cleveland, and the amount Grover ptid to save his own hide.--G. A. Orr, Wheeling, W. Va. . Mr. Cleveland's substitute's name is IGeo. Briuekl. He is a Pole by birth aad his vocation a sailor. He was sailing on the lakes in 1863, when he ooneeated to go as a substitute for Mr. Cleveland, who bad been drafted. The money consideration was 9160. He was assigned to the 76th N. Y. Short­ ly after bis muster In he seoured a de­ tail as nurse in a hospital, and remain­ ed In that duty till mustered out. no is oow an Inmate of the Soldiers' and Sellers' Home at Bath, N. T. The President Baeks Out President Cleveland has done just What we expected be wetrfd and has decided net to put in an appeareuee during the holding of the National Encampment of the G. A. R. at 8t. Louis this fall--or In other words has concluded net to go where be Is not wanted. We have had but little to say on this subjoct Heretofore because we thought the President would tike the advice ol his near friends and back down as be did about returning the rebel flags, and there has certainly been enough said on the subjeot by the press everywhere. For any individual, even though be be a President, to force himself where he was not detired would be ridiculous In the extreme, and any person who has kept posted can uot but have observed that the President was not wanted by the G. A. R. as a body, at their Encampment. And that Is reason enough for him to decline an invitation emanating from those who had no right to is«ue sucb, and wholly for political purposes. Department of Illinois G. i. R A reunion will be held at Danville Aug. 6, 7, and 8. Hecker Post, Belleville, recently vis­ ited Ransom Post No. 131, St. Louis, Mo. Pest Ne. 637 (colored), wss mustered at Alton June 22; by C. A. Herb, S, M. 0„ with ifteen charter members. The ladies of the Post added §26 to the relief fund from the sale of ice cream, lemonade, etc^ on the Fourth. Contributions to the Grant Monu­ ment Fuod are announced, amounting to 1103.29. The fund Is still open for contributions. At the next regular meeting of Post No, 616, Friday evening. July IS, Com­ rade Lufl will read a paper; title. Harper's Ferry. A camp of Sons of Veterans has been organized at Elm wood. The muster In will take place Saturday evening, July 16. Lieut. Col. J. F. Wonder, of Peoria, will act as mustering officer The officers elect are: Captain, E. H. Dillon;First Lieutenant, John Bolan; Second Lieutenant, Phil Griggs General Orders No. 9, July 1, depart­ ment headquarters, has been promul­ gated. The order designates Lye a Parkt near the old arsenal, as the Illi­ nois camp during the National En eampuient at St. Louis in September next. The distance from the city by street ear consumes twenty-elgnt min utes' time. New 10x12 wall teats will be set up by the local committee, and the restaurants and boarding houses near by are under contract at 25 eents per meal. Comrade James A. Sexton Post 28. Chicago, Senior Aid-de-Camp Is appointed commander of the camp at Lyon Park. The following commit tees are afro announced: Transporta­ tion, C. R. Koch. Post No. 5; J. L. Bea nett, Post No. 28; E. H. Smith, Poet No, 28,Chicago; J L. Richardson, Post No. 45, Galesburg; E. D. Steen, Post No. 77, Danville; H. G. Reoves and H. F. Hawley, Post No. 146, Bloomingtoa. Hotels--Comrades H. P. Thompson, Post Ne. 5. Chicago; H. H. McDowell, Post No, 105, Pootlac; S. S. Hobert. Pest No. 441, Alton. The new .pension bill is also given to the Posts to be voted upon; also a vote is requested on the universal service pension returns, to be made as early as Aug, 5. The Commander commends the aotive part taken by the Woman's Relief Corps aud the Sons of Veterans to the exer­ cises of Memorial Day. IN OKMKRAL. Ransom Post No. 131, St. Louis, has 426 members. Michigan has 117 subordinate Woman's Relief Corps. General Sherman Is spending the summer at Mount Desert. The Second Vermont held a reunion at Burlington,^une 21. Detroit, Mich., wishes the pleasure ef a National Encampment in 1888. The soldiers' monument at Arling­ ton, Mass., was dedicated June 17. The Army of the Potomao held its annual reunion at Saratoga, N. Y., June 24, The Second Vermont Battery will hold a reunion at Brandon, Vt„ Sept. 7,8, and 9. The Garfield monument at Cleveland. Ohio, Is to be completed in about two years. It Is said that ten thousand ex-Un­ ion soldiers are inmates of poor houses In diflerent States. A grand reurion of colored troops, (veterans) Is to be held iu Boston, Mass., August 1 and 2. t . The estimated Inoreese ship in the Grand Army the past year Is 30,000. A monument will be placed on Lit­ tle Round Top. Gettysburg, in boner of the late Gen. G. K. Warren. Tho Society of the Army of West Virginia, will bold its annual meeting at Wheeling. W. Va . Aug. 23, 24, 25. and 26. Jennie Wade, the only resident of Gettysburg, who was killed during the battle. Is to have a monument ded* Icated to her memory. Lafayette Post, No, 140, New York City, has its headquarters la Masonic Temple, Twenty-third and Sixth StsM Ifew York City. Twelve thousand and forty old sol­ diers are pared for In the National Homes at Dayton.Augusta, Milwaukee, Hampton and Leaveuworth, President Cleveland writes the Mayor of St. Louis ..that he will not visit that city during the session of the National Encampment ef the G, A. R., September next. The naval flags captured during the late unpleasantness, also the naval flags captured In other wars, sre at the naval academy. They oan be seen by visitors. M^The Incident of flags has had at l e a s t o n e r e s u l t u p o n t h e f o r t u n e s f t the administration and of several as^ plrlag politicians. It settles the fact that there will be no candidate from the South, no ex-Confederate on the Demooratio presidential ticket. No one now Ventures to suggest the name of any one except Cleveland for the first place upon the ticket, and the Southern Democrats who are here are agreed that It will be necessary to put an ex»Ueloo soldier from the West, on the ticket with Cleveland to counter* act. If possible, the eflect ef the flags. There are three western ex-Union sol dlers la the service of the administra­ tion at Washington, and two come from Illinois. They are Gen. Adlftl E. Stevenson, Assistant Postmaster Gen* eral; General John C. Black, Commis­ sioner of Pensions, and General Vilas. Postmaster General Vilas has always been regarded as nearer to tbe Presi­ dent than any other member of his Cabinet, except Manning, but John C. Black of Illinois has a mission, and It Is to be Vice President on the ticket with Cleveland. He Is more thorough* iy wounded in every respect than Vilas, who was not wounded at all, and he is working the clerks in the pension bureau night and day this hot weather hoping to counteract the effects of the flag Incident and of the pension vote. --)Vash. Cor. Boston Journal. Call at E. M. Owen & Sou and leek over their oarrlages and combined wagons of tbe celebrated Cortland, LaCrosse. Wailaoe, Henny. Enterprise, and a number of other makes. All warranted for torn prloei. THB BLOOtt l The attempt of newspapers to raisv the i shirt" because Senator prominent BepoUleia persist In holding up te natloa the extinction of ernment in some Soutfcsf* influence a tew wetk minds, but will iu no thoughtful and inds| who study aad re fleet Thly cannot be mldsi fey i resentatlons or fraatte poals for '• peace" Sate foil escence In what in faet Is crime against popular is not a school boy bat the voters of the Sei Presidential eloetiea HH ted to eastStholr votes said ballots fairly oeanted^ would new be President ef States. At this moment the trattou holds its plaoe because* violence, intimldatfoa, aad upon the rights ef the ftee the South. It may as well 'ha' stood now as at aay time tbal publican p%rty will sound the alarm--neverHafllH --until the deetrlae ef a and an honest eoaat 'SiMfe settled policy of evetj Union. When every South shall be permitted hie freeman's right toeee| |ia whom he pleaaee, and "hate.-" '* oounted, then all feeHiq|#|| the North agalast tile 8e»th away, aad the two seeli*ie«4 united In one fraternal UalM^ long as the Northern trolled in their ohotoe of scrupulous frauds and sup| popular suffrage In the i long will they protest as been protesting--call It ** bloody shirtM or what you for instance a single lUu these outrages upon eivlllll State of South Carolina members or Congress, whe every national Northern men are dlrfetiy In 1S82 In these districts cast 121,309 votes. In 1884 the the same districts was 90,689. the total vote In all tfcpot sei trlcts was 39,072 not as vote of Cuyahoga oonotyf! State, the cradle of the Rel while rujers by means of suasive measures best hftiWi selves, had, between tj 1886, struck from th# 82,327 free men. Hence, wM vote less than that of Cuyi ty, the State of Sooth seven members to Democratic organs wanton, deliberate, cold* ical annihilation of three the people of the State, let so. But to sneak away from and content themselves with tfca- ard'scryof "bloody shirt".la tit- temptible as It will prove --Cleveland Leader. Tbe convention whioh hse engaged In constructing a< fer the "State" of Utah has< said constitution and adjourned, eaV ject to the call of tts president. Pre­ visions fer the entire separation church and State, nop' se<|eri»a cation, no appointment or rejatfefc school teachers on soceuat ef tliefa lief or aon-bellef In say dsetelae er sect, prohibiting bigamy aad my and providing penalties were adopted. Tbe Utah will permit votes for tbe gstljjatlea or rejection ef this oonstitutiea t» bo received snd counted by the election judges at a general eleetloa on Au­ gust 1. The Verdict Unai»liVHMs«^ W. D. Suit, Druggist, B!| _ testifies: "I can reeammeadT Bitters as the very best Every bottle sold has gtve$j every case. One man tort sal and w%s cored of HhnnmtHssi years' standing." Abrahasa druggist. Bellville, Ohio, aflttifipi "The best selling medicine I have * handled in my K yeara?« Electric Bitters." Tboosandsef have added their testimony, the verdict is unanimoas that! Bitters do cure all diseases Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Ofldf! Juliar ft hpttle at Heary Colbj*! s 8to*i» DON'T FORGET* The Centre draft mower at Owen & Son's. The "Eureka," all the largest and best farmers back, such men as A. H. Henly,i Geo. Abbott & Sons, W,S« ~ Son. A. O. Whiting, Joha W.I Sons and others, all of Which j tbe best of praise. As grass i a Eureka will cure bettecw -w, worth more per ton out with a letSlWfc tbau a si ie cut, aa your mad " touches the grass after It Is < cure and dry in oae half the time Una grass cut with a side cut mower. Some Voollah sopla Allow acou^h to run uatt Itgetsl yood the reach of medicine. Tnej ten say Oh! it will wear away* most cases it wean theai Could they be induced to successful medicine oalled Balsam, which will sell oa a guarantee to cure, tbey waeti ttelysee tho excelleot eteet ing the first * " ~ - Trial slse McHenry. Ladles' A cents; white iison's yei» b«* ta tGfo. W Gist v v J J 19 &

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