Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1887, p. 4

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Big prtoM alwtyt etNM wbea aofcody it «xp«etlaff a shortage and IIBMI everybody ieally AoA himself oui. rmi*& - ,WV Reported Expressly for the PUHtMUKRWf A. W. Hutch ins, Secretary of tiie Kigi'n Board ot Trade. »,>>•> 4 r?€ T, JULY 30, 1887. ?•*. H E N R Y Kloin, . July 18, tsST. COLBY Bhlfttor. There WM considerable activity amongai the buyers to-day. The attendauno was fair. On the call 2tS8 Tubs of Hntter were sold at 21 cenl«. The following sales reported at tli market, which was declared to bo as given above: ' tt«piciAr- After. *t\:'jPounds. Turner 900 J Davia uit.. 3300 Ivanevillo. ........... 840 C. Bu»ohe .. ..t 1081 Bartholomew........ 1080 R. McAdaras ..... ... SiiOO Deicke fioo Geneva i... 180U Maple Grove .......^ 900 May be found on file at GBO. P. ewspaper Advertising wner ere advertising YORK- Anmmt. 190 lsk '"'Mi ^ 660 VO 18060 AN ENTIRE XEW STOCK OF -M 81 WILL 326 81 030 00 126 «0 37800 189 00 315 00 22C 81 , 5<|r,Oeroner Hertz, of Chicago, and flrrlipatlea ball Inquests, Monday, on the bo jlea »f 43 persoaa who had died from exh»uatlon from beat or froa sun stroke. jflTThe French and Xewfoaddland fshermea are raising another fishery question. The Commander ef the Freoeb war ship Droc drore New­ foundland fishers froaa the oait at*the point of the baronet. 8^>After bia race ou Friday, at Aurora, IIL,| Glen Miller, a trotting atalllon. was given a drink of ice tracer, which resulted In bis death Sunday. He had a record ef 8:18, and Wat rained at #10,000. aSTThe mortality in Chicago re­ sulting from the beat is greater than was at first expected. The deaths re­ ported up to date are as follows: Fri­ day, 4; Saturday, 84; Sunday, 41; Mon­ day, 13; total, 91. Fifty-six burial permits were issued Monday. IISTTbe Democratic Mormon Salt Lake Herald, speaking of the late war, says: "The nation fought that a lot of very small men might pose as very large ones.** The men who fought the battles of the Union have since proved themselves large enough to keep the much-married Mormons out of the Union of States. l h^re is wiiere the shoe pinches the Herald. 19* A Texas judge by the name of Cook, don't seem to like Kansas pee. pie. He says, "they go to the hot-bed of New England for their is AS, to John Brown for their religion, and "will go to hell for their meanness." But there is hope for Texas yet. The schoolmaster Is abroad in Texas, the State is aroused to the subject of tem­ perance, and when the State has edu­ cated sober fudges, they will not be beard uttering such calumnies. 9&*A. sensation has been eansed at Hew Haven, Conn., by an alleged dying statement of Albert Fitzroy. who expired a few days ago. He fild that on the night Jennie Cramer dis­ appeared he saw a white figure jump from the end of the pier at Sabln Kock into the water. It will be re- menbered that at the trial of the Matte jr boys for the murder of Jennie ft was shown that she was (clothed In white on the night of the tragedy. (V*Under civil service Ml Inter­ preted by this administration the President has, In the first two years ef hia administration, appointed 2,000 Democratic postmasters out of 3.369 Presidential post offices. He has ap­ pointed 82 ef the 33 foreign ministers. He has made 16 out of the 21 secre­ taries to foreign legislations. He has appointed 100 colloetors of customs out of 110. He has ^filled evei*y posi­ tion of surveyor of customs, 33, with a Democrat. The same of naval officers, and all but 2 of apprisers. He has made 84 collectors .of Internal revenue out of 86 officers. He has changed every surveyor general, and every Territorial ^governor, and all pension agents but 2. He has changed all the Indian inspectors but one, and nearly all the Indian agents. Besides all these he has appointed 60,000 Demo­ crats to minor post offices and other places. And the great majority of all these appointed to office by President Cleveland were Northern Democrats who sympathised with traitors, as the President himself did, or were them­ selves actually traitors against the government. Northern Union Demo­ cratic soldiers have no show with the present rebel Democratic adminlstra- tton.--Freeporl Journal. ^ v , The SlSiior Tobacoo Mies tew. The following law, passed by the last Illinois General Assembly, took effeet July 1st. Retailers of the weed will do well to keep aa eye out, or they may become a law-breaker. SECTION 473. Criminal code. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented *n the General Assembly, That hereafter no person or persons in this State, shall sell, buy or furnish any cigar or cigarette, or to­ bacco in any of its forms, togany minor under 16 years of age, unless upon the written order of parent or guardian. SEC. 474. Penalty, That if any per­ son or persons in this State thall vio­ late the provisions of this act. he, she. or they shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay for each and every of­ fense the aum of #20. Approved June 16,1S87. Wavoo. Wnifield Priv. Sales- 150(1 1080 36080 -Butter.. 67747 Otiecao.. 1*2921 t :«49 15 % J 453!) 21 SOW 94 t 25858 80* Tafel trans'ns...... 2%74S OUTSIDE MARK 4^ Baltimore.--Buqjfai M<lMtcM&«ioriiKq nlet: western creamer®® 1!) J|Hti3cso%iurket unchanged; F. C. Hwap^k^iiawto 4. Boston.--Demand fwr fl^ae goo'ls steady. Western Creamery Butter, 20 to West, era cheese not quoted. St. Louis.--Choice butter in vlemand at 19 to' 20. Cheese--F. C. Wisconsin, 9&; Illinois. Y. A., dXi skims 2 to 5. Chicago .-- Fine to fancy Elgin butter, 18# to 19. Cheese market quiet; F. C. Cheddars, 8 to 8K; Y. A., 8^ to 9Ji; skims, X to 2)4; % lb. skims, 4 to 6. _ Kew York.-- Butter market dull and, weak; western creamery, 18 to 19& Cheese dull; western flats 7 cents; skims, 2 to 4. Xfew Orleans . -- Butter market active; west­ ern creamery, 19 to 2tf. Cheese--Demand bet­ ter thau a week ago; w#»tern F. C.. 9& to 9)4; Y. A., 9>i to 10; choice akiigft, 4 to 4*. Phtladelphiui,--Butter market quiet; west­ ern creamery.^•(conts. Cheese, F. C., 7X to 8H . . \ . • V ^ CROP PROSPECTS. Fine afreets Sunday night in nearly every Eortion of the district, but come too "late to , • ' * iclp feed. A. W. IIU TCUINS, Sec. K. B. T. Sheriff's Sale. ^iVWrtue of an execution issued JJ Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Mc- Henry County and State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I an commanded to make the amount of a certuin judgment recently obtained agaiust William Block, in lavor of O. W. Owen, out of the lands, tenements', goods and chattels of the said William Block. I have levied on the following property to- wit: the west halt of Lot No. 8. lu Block No. 8, In the village of West McHenry, situated in the county ot McHenry and State of Illinois, Therefore, according to said command, I shall expose for sale at public auction, all the right, title, and interest of the above named William Block in and to the above described property, on Saturday, the 13th day of August : 1887, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at the east door of the Court House, in Woodstock, Mcllenry County, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock this 19th day of July, 1837. GEO. ECKEllT, Sheriff of Mcllenry Uonnty, III. Biauumg appointed, and a resolution indorsing i^The most vigorous opposition to *a endorsement jof John Sherman*® candidacy for the Presidency at the approaching Toledo conventiou peonies from the party that moat fears his transcendent strength. The Democ­ racy of the country in general, and of Ohio lu particular, would rather see *ay other man as the Republican standard bearer in 1888 than the sen­ ior senator from Ohio, and for this effort has been .spared to the close friends of Ohio's ' Son.--Cincinnati 7imes-&tar. • "• Sfirln his battle-flag order, Mr. defied put treason and loyalty on the same plane. It is not sur- prtMg that the Grand Army doesn't Ilk* it. It is not surprising thst four •f the Grand Army posts in Utlca and •M ia Borne refused the Invitation to attend the Clinton celebration where Cleveland was to be. It Is not sur­ prising that the 6,000 Grand Army veterans at Ellsworth, Me., refused to Jtoarch in procession until a portrait of Cleveland, was removed rrom the pre- eeasion.--JeAwmfaue Sentinel, First Annual Reunion Encamp­ ment. Of the McHenry County Veteran Association, In James Crow's Grovef on tne banks of Crystal Lake, oom.nen- clng September 6th, 1S37. The follow­ ing is the programme, subject to revisions and amendment as occasion requires. Tuesday, September 6th--Going Into camp. Registering. Assignment of quarters. 4SO p. M. dress parade; 6 supper; 7:30 camp-fire songs, stories, speeches, etc; to open with sn address(1 Higher Technological of lair bill was offered by a Boston dele- and referred to the appropriate com- The attendance at Central Music was so great that "overflow" xessionS held at the Madison Street Theater, a the proceedings of the principal ing were duplicated. HE American Educational Aasooiation. :b third day's session in Chicago, elect' taion Gove, of Colorado, by a nnani • is vote, President for the enauing yea**- te Belation of the University, College. Schools to the welcome by the President, W-ff ^Btem of lD8t™?ion" ™9 the8n1u: ! 8®*It appeared in evidence before the Pension Office the ether day that a woman in West Virginia has borne thirty-three children, of whom twenty were boys, and that sixteen of them had served in the Union srmy. Two were killed and the other fourteen •nrvive. Bach of them draws a pension IfKNtfthe Government for dissbillties received while in service. The death Of the two boys entitles the mother to a pension also^NGeneral Black says •he files of the (ffiM fail to show an­ other record where4he sixteen sons of One father and mother served as •oldiersin the late war.--Ex. - fj^Spre and sorer by reason ef two humiliating repulses from the Grand jArmy of the Republic, President ^Cleveland retreats from the Capitol and seeks relief and consolation in the fl." •°°Mni shades and quiet retreats of |f; bfs boyhood's home and basks for a jfe*' time in the smiles of dear relatives £ and old Mends. I don't blame Mr 'V Cleveland one bit, for he really must fe have been under a severe mental Mrain for the past month, and be is naturally glad to call a brief truce to the groat cares and many responaibili It ties of his lofty station. But go where lie may, the President's two grave mistakes will worry him by day, and bauut him by night. The clo^t competitioii in this, or any other towu, on all Sum-' rner Goods still on mod which must and wiH be sold to make room for fall goods. v "v; ; i W h i t e R o b e s , , 1 W h i t e S k i r t H ; * j i ^iramer Shawls, - , ,, ;»6tniw Hats, ' * (j loves uaU Mitts, . " -wTTLaees! fcaces! ,• vH' A • ,!• t* "t s;i« t'- ite Goodiy Parasols, J -rcj®kns, v"' ; .Lawns, tf fkvl* >'.1*4 ' a' ' J * 4 .^ersucker8»,",^.,^> ^>wiss Embroideries, -lawns Reduced from 8c. to 6c.--7c. to 5o» Good Values! No We are in a position and have the Goods to offer our patrons some goods deals in CLOTHIITCH -- : f The celebrated all wool Deat Suit, only $10.00, Fancy Scotch Choviot?", all wool, only $8.50f Dur ntrFafl Stock of ab<m® fias arritred. We cari^alftt^c assortment of styles, sizes, grades and widths, and fully warrant all IX. Fargo A: Prices the lowest considering qutlity. L. Candee Rubbers, best Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Trunks, Valises, Bags 6to« one! , , famion earth-, be o. pay that has M heii the! froa bek offt Be vk foJ . U^»The dairymen may see comfort ^bead after all. An observing eld county farmer says that he ha* buying hay for over thirty years. E4ms paid 840 a ten i»r it, and theu 148 for a load, whether It be a ton piht ton and a half. But he never paid ;ga big price for hay when the grass- was short and everybody antlcl ^scarcity and high prices. Such are invariably good late aod favoralile winters for stock, flimabed In from other localities latlen. Fodder is plenty and farmers an very provident ef Butler; response by comrade te be de­ tailed ; music by brass band; 10 taps. Wednnsday, Ssptember 7th--7 A. v. roll call: 7:30 breakfast; 8:30 guard mounting; 9:30 competative drill of Posts for a flag; 11 foraging expedi­ tion ; 12 dinner; I p. K. arrival of army mall; 1:30 alarm long roll; 3 speaking, address by Commander in Chief Lueius Falrchlld, or other prominent comrade; 4 drill of awkward squad : 4:30 dress parade; 6 supper; 7:30 camp-fire speeches by prominent comrades, mu­ sic by brass band and songs and cho. ruse8 as of old; 10 tsps. Thursday, September 8th.--7 A. H, roll call; 7:30 breakfast; 8:30 guard mounting; 9 fishing, drilling, deserter court martialed and shot; 11 arrival of new troops, going into casop, cooking cofiee etc; 12 dinner; 2 p. m. speaking• music, singing etc; 4 grand review aad dress parade conducted by Com* mander in Chief Falrchild or other officer bigheat in rank; 9 supper; 7 business meeting of the association in Fitch's Hall; election of officers for the ensuing year. .At 8 o'clock Xnnda Post N o 2 2 6 d e p a r t m e n t o f I l l i n o i s G A R will bold a special post meeting by virtue of a special dispensation from Department Headquarters, at which time we expect to muster a large num­ ber of recruits. It is expected that Col. Lawler, who is ssid to be tbe best posted GAR man in the state, will exemplify the work on that occasion. Friday, September 9tb--7 • M. roll call;830 breakfast;9 good bye. break camp. The coasmlttee of arrangements are working with the determination te make this the largest and best reunion ever held in tbe state. Gen. A. J. Smith, Gen. McArthur, Gen. Atkins, Gov. Oglesby, Gen. Falrchild, our De­ partment G. A. R. Commander and many other prominent Comrades are Invited to be with us. There will b« special rates on all railroads, and the trains will all run down the ioe track, direct to camp. We have the tents engaged from Gov­ ernment. and every comrade wlil be provided with quarters for himself and family free of charge, and all fa- cilitieR for cooking, Ii they desire to board themselves. Meals will be fur­ nished Tor 25 cents to all who desire. Let every old soldier, sa lor. or marine in McHenry County help this along at once by sending their name, rompany, etc.. and 25 cents membership fee tn A. W. Cummings, at Woodstock, a* d by writing letters to absent comrades and sending a copy of this bill to thorn. It Is earnestly requested that Post Commanders will do their best te give this noMce circulation. We can make it an occasion long to be remem­ bered. and bring into the Grand Army all the "old boys" who ought to be there. Watch tbe county papers for further particulars. J. E. BECKLET, Administrator's Notice. ESTATE ot John A. Ward, deceased. C The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix ot the estate of John A. Ward, deceased, late of the county of Mcllenrv and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appeal before the county court of Mc­ Henry county, at the Court House in Wood, stock, at the August term on t^e third Mon­ day in August next, at which time all persons having claims agamst said estate are notified and requested to attend tor the purpose ot having the saaie adjusted. All persons in­ debted to saictestale are requested to make immediate payment to the undorsigned. Dated this 18th day of June. A. D. 1887. LORETTA J. WARD, Administratrix. GAPT. LLKDT. M. F. ELLBWOKTG. " WM. H. HtIFFMA«L " CHAS. DIKE, i t CIUTLAIX WEIGHT, Coin, of Arrangements. i people suffer from sick head­ ache }all their lives, dragging out a miserable existence. If tney would wJy try one does of SMITH'S BILE (one Bean) they would never say that nothing would afford releif. "" • -This wonderful remedy is pieasairt, harmless and always efleo-EVT: ' ̂ RE PRICEI 25 centsper bottle, pjafces it very popular. For sale by orient lie. k MARVELOUS IIVENTION rat HAUKe THE SICK AND COXQUEB- IHCT PAIN. A Tihrth WmwrT fW nwljl«| ••(MUtm to Ueto • a a M c t i U l T i r i • a g a e t l m i I CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Choicest 1887 Teas, >M>k^iockford Flour, $1.05. Reaching for Part of Your Trade, Bonslett & Stoffel. Including all the Latent Styles, Shades, and Textures, in Goods, Silks Surahs, Satins, Novelties, Velvets, plain striped and Jwrocaded. WEST SIDE RESTAURANT. We _ _ Ctlll»4 M Irar Safer* far ifa»llac Us Bleb. tceno warfare agalnstphTBlcians or the l fraternity generally. Taefr sphere of ua«- U laree and we desire to aid them in fur- auxiliary means (or curing the sick. The . _ occupies a high place in public esteem and deaerredljr so, too. While our Appli- 5 what •e claim for them and will afford a speedy cure oft- wMiwi after medicines have failed to give relief. BESDIHEIUGNETIC tPPUAMCES CUSSIHED. MAAMETIf* IMSOLCS for cold feet and bad MWKllW cfreuliitfon. SI per pair by mail, lend siae of shoe worn. Bend for circulars. MIMETIC per pair. Send measure of wrist. Send for circular. MIMETIC ftSMS""*"" *»" of ankle. 8end for circulars. ce Sieach. Sendaise UaiETIC •naaaew HWWK<IIC| .Catarrh, etc. Price 9^ by mail, circular. for MIMETIC SCIATIC 8HICLD8 will poai-••WnS IIW tlvely cure sciatic rheumatism, lip disease, etc. Price $6. Send also of waist ana eg at hip. Send for circulars. ntlemen eadache, MAGNETIC 8WJLHZ4Z., leuralgia or catarrh, will give relief immediately^ se_S» each. Send also of bat worn. " ' " MM .. . circular*. Send for MifiiETIfi KNEE CAP for rheumatism In WaeMlinU the fcieels a positive cure. It will waaee the swelling and restore to natural siie "imediately. Price $2 each by mail. Send sl*e of owe. Bendrorcirculars. MAfiNETIC IrAffl?,. ung>. They prorent and cure cold, rheumatism, leunugia, pneumonia, throat troubles and ca» tarrn. Pnw Ift. Bend for circular! with tettt- montali. ̂ 4 ̂ MUIETIC SPS^r£"V£lf„r^ >eneflt to elocntlonists, public speakers and sing- *a. They strengthen the vocal cords and prevent loarseness. Send (or circular. Price SI each by mail Send also ot neck. HiflHETin frtOQINS for «»t. MHeHi, I III tiem, lame tegs, ferer sores and •arlcoie veins. These leggins nave acquired nni- rersal praise for their medical qualities, »n<l (or •be eaae with which they are worn. Price $3 each nail. Send sis* of leg around calf and ankle. Send (or circular. a liver trouble. Quickly removes _ . peculiar to ladles, and imparts wonder- rul vigor to the whole body. Persons of eedentary habit, and impaired nervous power will find them * ™nsMe companion. Price S2 each fcy mail post­ paid Send forjcirculars. ?ntle- efol- IU8NETIC paeH8MS.I?n« pation, kidney backaches pec MIMETIC --. ̂ ernla or rupture, pile*, etc. Oon- aultatlon free. Price of Belt, with Magnetic In- soles, SIS. Semi measure of waist and size ot shoe worn. Bend for circulars. MMIETIC rheumatism, neuraugia, nervous exhaustion, dys­ pepsia or with diseases of the liver, kidneys, head- acneorcold feet,lame back, falling of the womb, leucorrhoea, chronic inflammation of the womb, an abdominal belt and a pair of Magnetic Foot Batter- HS nave no snperlors in uie relief and cure of all these complafnU. The* cairy a powerful mag- neUe force to the seat of the duease. Price of E^ft with Magnetic Foot Batteries, S10. Bent by express 0.0. P., and examination allowed, or by mall on 53E&* JSSrt JhoF6***** wnd mew«' °t WTO e<ia.T«.„?»,sga'is MIM rneamatism, gout, lumbago, paralysis, SSrcSSl.a.nd other complaints, ,ctt bafflethegklil of our best I'rice E!L?S? ^fole. Bend measure of chest or Mttt m waut. Persons living at a distance who u.» to person should ^ive a clear J*at®m«®t o( their difficulties by letter, and we wUl designate the kind ot Appllanc • Sf eh case to effect a cure. Bendy< •Be _Jfew ^JJ^^ure in Medical Treatment. Wlth- ppllances required in Bend your address (or „t "epical Treatment Wit *lth thousands of testimonials. •IS w body I ietic Garments are adapted to all am ... over the underclothes (not nezttothc ^^aU ̂ wof the ye^.W'Ji " ^ dbyt throii|-h your Druggist, Physician, ueewaiatere Dealer, or through the publisher of this •Hmm MAGNETIC APPLIANCE OO. PearWns ii, Cklaa--. IB. L. Having recently rolitteil my Restaurant, nenr the Depot, in first claes stylo, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold WHEAT WANTED. Tbe Highest Market Price ID oash will be paid for good milling wheat, at tbe Ftp Stow Valley Mills, lio- fbuj. R, BISHOP. At all hnurs of the day or eveniBK. Coffee or Tea on live minutes notice. A FULL STOCK OF I hot Baker's Supplied! ALWAYS OK HAND. ice Fruits, of All KMs, f a r m OF ALL KIND*, At the Warehouse of We sell the Celebrated and Minneapolis IN the in SEASON. Made every tiny, by the Quart or Disb. Knowlton, Standard, Manny, .Crawford. Piano. Minneapolis, A1«o the Choicest Brands of Cigars and- .,,,,1 i/i „_1* Tobacco to be found in tin* market. i HIHl JMirGK With everything in lirst cl:is8 order, and promptness to wait upon customers we solicit a share of public pxtronsige „ „ „ L . D . L I N C O L N . West Mcllenry, May 31st, 1&S7. D. NIEDHAM'8 SONS 116-11' DcarlKirn Street (HiiCAOW Red Glover Blossoms, OIB AMD SOLID itm-rli.S 't Rheum, m at ism, Dyspepsia, Sick in auuche, C'onsti pution.Illea, Whooping Couch, and all 8L00D DISEASES. Send for cir­ cular. ̂ Meauon paper. , FOR SALE fit IT. V. 3tore, Mcllenry. SHBFAHD'8 Hardware ^11 warranted to give $25,000.00 IX GOLD! WILL BE PAID FOB ARBDCKLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS. . 1 Premium, • •1,000.00 2 Premiums, • $500.00 eaeh 6 Premiums, - $250.00 II * 25 Premiums, * SEOO.OO « 100 Premiums, • $50.00 II 200 Premiums, 820.00 II 1,000 Premiums, • $10,00 it For full particulars and directions see Circu­ lar in every pound ot ARDUOKLBB* Coma. \ v^HNEy'« ^ satisfac­ tion, and our prices are the lowT est. * We also keep the celebrated n\si . fc; ft*'A . ih ' i i ;mv TO CURE RHEUMATISM. This ri'niMlj- hac a specific action upon the fluids Of the hotly, tiupplyiiix nxtiKture to the MHSU«S and lubrlcatiw the joints affected by the disease. No •MST ®r_ul«toru*d I^liult* remain after a cure by tola specific. Atrial of a. Kini/le hnttlo will convince THE mostaeeptloal that we have not told half Its vir- , Price Stl.OO per bottle. For sale by ail drngjnsM. Manufactured only by LENNKY MEDICINE CO.t (.,• CHBNOA. ILLINOIS. They have pot a world-wide reputation and beat them all. The Cortland Spiral Spring Cart is the easiest riding cart made. Absolutely free from horse mo­ tion. We also have a large line of Phaetons, Platform Vapki .MILK WAGONS, •--AND-- ' LUMBER WAGONS. , \Vej1l8O have a very large line of Rakes, Bay Carriers, FORKS, PULLEYS, Rope, Etc.. Eto. And guarantee prices as low as the Idwest. We sell only fiyst class ma­ chines and none but we can thoroughly warrant. Always look through out stock before buying. YOU MS VERY TRULY f ' "E. M, OWEN 6 SON! •ttifmr--' '?• •/ t i i . J - Nearly 100 different styles of fancy Plaids and Stripes, Nain- , \ sook ChecKs and Victoria Lawns. Embroidered Kobes in all the. '! I newest designs and colors. Sun Umbre'Ias and Parasols in all , » I n e w e s t d e s i g n s . T h e f i n e s t s t o c k e v e r b i o u g h t t o M c H e n r y i J Look them over. In Shawls, Scarfs, Jackets and Wraps, w<rlvr j have the most complete and Cheapest assortment ever shown ii| | this section. In this Department can be found one of the laigost stocks o| Ready Made Clothing in McHenry Gounty, which for style, finiali^v and general make-up cannot be excelled. Our prices are verjr f ^ moderate and we are confident we can please you. (xftfoais a trial. I BOOTS AND SHORS.1 Tne coming season will find us supplied with onr usual complet* line of PILDRSSS, KISSES, AHS LADI1S ill the latest styles and novelties, also a fine line 1-> Mens and Which will be found up to their usual standard of excelence if one of the choicest stocks ot Groceries, etc., in McHenry. C R O C K E R Y Just recei^^A and see it* , 4 site iliKI;-*- Stock complete, including a very large line of standard Pate Medicines. We study to please and guarantee every article we sel to be as represented. Thankful for past favors, we hope by liberal fair dealing to merit a generous share of your appreci»ted patronage HENRY COLBY. RICHARD BISHOP. mt DEA.LEtH>f;VLL1KISD3 0F To the Farmd-s of NhHanry Csu.ity ani V'ciaityj:^--v^'| I am now prepared to show a now aud clean assortment Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and a|f pricey that I am confident will pay you to investigate before maki ing your If yon want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unex­ celled. Do you want a wagon? If so examine t ie iiishop before m o w e r s I I.ookatlbe McCormlck steel Mower, McCormiek No. l and No. 2; tlic Ued, Willie and Bine; the N. O. Tlioinpsonn, Crown; anil don't forgot tliat BUYA a. Xlioiu|>4on. R A K E S J Ishll^o lheoW tellable Bolliiusworth, that never fails to please. The Star, ® Veteran, which IS the beat self-dump • rake on the market, and to examine Is only convinced. ' p tor D beeome The MeCormick Steel Harvester still stands at the head in all lield conteafefc j«0»ar - • L'Wk ut one ijetore you buy.^ daila to cut and tangled ««"> J. PEKOVSKY, estaurant Two doors South of the Post Olllc*, noarly opposite Bishop's Mill, McHenry. ICB By th« Quart or Dish Always on hand and guaranteed to be tli* best. Warm or Cold Heals, At all hours. Choice line of Confectionary, r Canned Goods, Etc. Call and see us. June tftn, mt. R. BISHOP. p=s?^sssap Practical Painter and Ilecorato HEBRON, IU.. Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMISma, Q&AININQ, 6i Done OB short notice and satisfaction guaraM teed. Call on or address, 11. FISH. ' . Hebron, 111., May S3d, 1SS7. ||^ :m -- -- - -- v m ' J 1 ii£: Bealey's Famous Waukega% Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslein, A, Xwi flen'a and Joba m

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