Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1887, p. 5

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^IHjH * f * • * ' - ' •yswo mmmm iTv » ' * ", \*\>? $1 ••• • vtMHWfUv*' »\t. ••• gH'.K-tf' mrnmmmtmmmmm , -V-f jt' --*fc ..J ,,. ,»i - , * • ? ' - " V . ; SsS WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1887, •4 •"* •- Railroad Time Table. taking effect June 20th, trains will pass McHenry station daily, except Snndays, as follows: OOIKQ SOUTH. Lake GanevaPassopger ':™ A.* Lake Genera Expfai „.8:2"2 Lake Geneva Freight 2:<*J r. * Lake Geneva Passenrer 8:26 Lake Geneva P&ssenger .... ...5:3s Lake Genera Sunday Passenger.......oa® * OOINO WORTH. _ _ Lake Geneva Frel*ht ........B'll A. M Lake Geneva Passenger .;®:Ss " Lake Geneva Passenger •W:W Lake Geneva Express .4^55 P. M Lake Geneva Passenger 8:67 - * Stops only to leave Passengers. B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry, 111 MASONIC. MCHKKBY LODGE, SOI 158 A.|F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays ia each month. JOHN 1. 3TOUT, W. M. MObttRft WOODMEN OF AMERICA. . '.:§i*et at Parker House Hall, every Second :Oid Last Tuesday evening of each month, neighbors cor iially invited- Ho, tor the Lotus Beds. These Beds are now in full bloom, ; |$d the Steamer "Mary Grlswold" Is the only steamer that can run right Into the beds. Wind and weather permitting* the Mary Orisweld will leave her dock at McHenry, on Friday next. July 22J, at 9 A. u. sharp, return­ ing about 6 p. M. Pare to the Lotus 9»ds and return, 60 cents. 'Come one, come all, and see thi» glorious sight. "Not even Solomon, in all his glory, was arrayed like one <* these/* ' F IF ALTKRHILL, Captain. I On SUNDAY, JULT 24, the Steamer Mary Orisweld will leave MoHenry at 10 A, M., sharp, for the Lotus Beds, re­ turning at 6 p. if. Fare, 50 oents the round trip. Bring your loach baskets and have a good time. WALTER HILL, Captain. COMB out and see the Egyptian Lotus in all its glory, O. W. OWEN has sold his summer a residence and lot, at Pi9taqua Bay to a 1 Chicago party. Consideration, $500. THE Parker House, is being treated to a coat of paint on the outside. Morrison is doing the work. WIGHT KENNEDY has purchased the ^Barber Shop formerly oceupied by H. 1L. Rounds, In Blake's Block. * Will sell entire stock and rent Shop, to parties wishing to start business. Cill on Mrs. H. H. Nichols. . READ the new advertisement of Borslett & Stofiel, to be found In an­ other column. / THE Universali8t church, in this I tillage, will be closed for the summer I vacation until the first Sunday lo Se*-4^tTrtrtr{m of tttrfcowels, but 18 nOw 1 tember. On and after that time regu \ar services will be held. H. L, BOUNDS will open his Barber Ufeoplntbe building one door North of Perry ft Owen's, store, to-morrow, Thursday, where he will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new ones as may see fit to call. ED SUTTON came up town on Sun­ day morning with a broad smile on his countenance, and when Inquired of as to the causey he said It w^ts a girl and weighed 11 pounds, "Ed" is cor- tspoodingly happy. NEW goods in styles not usually found in country markets. Children'* clothing, Iufants shoes, and all kinds of Ladies furnishings at Mrs. H. S. Gregory's Orders promptly attended to. THERE were three funerals at Johns- 'biirgh on Tuesday of,this week, viz: Barbara Cout, mother of Mrs J.-J. Oilles. Zimber Wiedemann. brother of .John Wiedetumn. and. Mr?. Mat Wag­ oner. ' ANOTE from Captain Walter HiilJ dated at Fox Lake, July 18,1:45 A. M.| says: "A heavy thunder shower hal just passed over and a large fire is ragJ ing within a tew miles uf Lehman's! LDdck. pmmoaau RAY OWEN IS spending week with friends in Chicago. MRS. 12. J. HANLY spent last weik rusticating at Fox Lake. MRS. SALISBURY, of Elgin 1s, the guest of Mrs. E. J. Hanly this week. CHAS. GRANGER and Robt. Grlci, of Anliech, spent Sund ty in this village. BERT SMITH, of Richmond, was on our streets on Sunday. FRANK MARTIN, of Harvard* was oa our streets on Saturday last. MRS. PRATT, of New York, was the j guest of Mrs E. J. Hanly last week. JACOB BLAKE of Rich Prairie, Mian, is visiting with friends In this village and vicinity. MRS. H. COVEY.,of Chicago, is visit­ ing with Mn$4feuA. Clark, In this village. 1 MRS. J. P. SMITH and daughter, start this week for a visit with friends ln>New York State. CHAUNCEY BECK WITH, who has been sick for the past year, Is reported quite low at this writing. MISS MOTTIE SCIIIESSLE. of Chicago* is visiting with the femlly of Robt. Schiessie, in this village. J. PEKOVSKY was called "te Chicago, on Monday by the sudden death of a relative. Miss MABEL THAYER, of Oak Park, is visiting with Miss May Wlghtman, in this village. ASA W. SMITH ESQ., and Joel H. Johnson, of Woodstock, were eallers on Saturday. THE youugest child of E. W. Howe Is reported quite sick this Tuesday morning. MRS. WM. WALSH has been quite sick the past week, but is now better and dally Improving. MRS.G. A. CANFIRLD, of Rockfortf is visiting with her mother, Mrs Stoddard. In this village. MR. AND MRS. SNOW have been visit- Ing with their daughter, Mrs. Jos. FltzsimmoDS, In this village. N, M. FREUND, of 2040 Archer Ave., Chiuago, was a caller at our sanctum on Monday. MRS. C.LOBDELL,'of Volo, And her daughter, from Michigan, were callers one day last week, JOHN I. STORY started on Tuesday for a trip through Iowa. He expects to be gone two or three weeks. JOHM EDDY, and June Shelleck. of Chicago, were the guests of Lew Owen over Sunday. ', ' HENRY COLBY started on Tuesday for Hoxie Kansas, where, iu company with C. H, Beers, he has been running a buslnessUbe past year. H. L. ROUNDS returned from New York State on Saturday last. Mrs. Rounds will be back as soon as the sickness ef,frt?nds will permit. A son of Locke has been dan gerously sioklhe past week with in- * 1 THE Ladies Witling Workers Socie­ ty, connected withthe Universallst Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs. 8. Cevell, on Thursday afternoon, July 21, at 1:30 sharp. General attendance is earnestly re­ quested. Mas. W. A. CKISTT, President. Mas. JORH I. STOUT, Secretary. •a mllii They Busli tor It. mid the women swum after Movie ^e Food with a perfect furor, it ia known keestomaiyferyoneg«w tosMiaii [to eatido.e theeffectaef a debsucli, whioh s within an boor -ee e*ee(usliy, tfcere ia if felt after to remind them thattbey halonei Done of our moit eminent ticiaaa any it ia the only nerve food of an' i all ethers are aettudly only mild effect*, while fiat, as uUnts, and •re aetttall; lose their common food It N Sunday afternoon last a myster- ^ ̂'thirteen months oa the market, ous fire occurred on the farm of Thos the druggurta say hs sale ia the uoetex<- Carr, west of Ringwood, which burned rdinar' *Ter *nowu- two barns, containing hay, grain, farm ing tools, wagons, carriages, etc., and ishop Fowler's Excellent ftteries. Reported better. CHAS. S. OWEN, who Is with Patter­ son Bros.. Union Stock Yards, Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents, In this village. Miss CLARA B. OWEN, of New York, arrived at tbe home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Owen, in this vil­ lage, on Monday evening, and depart­ ed this Wednesday morning for Kan several staoks of grain adjoining. The ̂ ?vfr Rn7th|n<? agaitist tLe man A Jt „ . * 3 is to come after vou, faid Bishop fire was discovered between four and JL Fowler when dismissing a . con- five o'clock in the afternoon, and Bounce. "A minister who didn't bear rapidly did, it ppread that nothing I in mind was asked by his parish- could be saved. The cause of the fire®*8 '*h*t kind of a man his sao- is unknown, -but Is supposed to have^ . , been spor.tanflout eombastlon. " abeut 83,000. Insured for 91 20^) Tbe *Bnt what? If there's anything tons of barniTnfi<rcrnp at ttlTJ time of »ng, that is just what we want to year Is doubly lamentable aad Mr. No• tell us what's the matter.' Carr has the sympathy of all. ^fot]ier - is a good man, 'the fact is, brethren, he parts his THE ice cream festival in tbe publicp in the middle.' square by tbe ladies of tbe Willing *on't h*v0 Win. We don't Workers' Society, on Saturday erenlng Jadude- Conferencemnstnt send drew out a large crowd, and was a very ̂ appointed Sunday arrived and pleasant and enjoyable aflair, as all, h it the dude minister. As he walked gatherings are that are gotteu up by the aisle a broad grin overspread the ladles. The park was decoratedfaces 111 the rear seatB- By the with flags, Chinese lanterns, etc.. an(J? hf reacbed the pnljftt the con«re- * _ . , , , ntion broke out into a roar of laughter, presented a very handsome'and cheery minister wa8 ̂ ^ ful appearance, and the music by tbefAnd don't keep tellii^ about your McHenry Military Band was excellent.^ appointment," continued * the and did much towards the enjoy men t^op- "/ knew a minister who was of the eocaslon. There was ice cr«am ^'fl"'ng how the people treated ^ „ ja at Brownsville. It was Browns- cake, and lemonade In abundance, ancjg here aQd Brownsvj]le there-- all enjoyed themselves to tbe fulles%rjthing was Brownsvi^.©. This •went extent. Tbe receipts of the evening until everybody got thoroughly were #40.65, ed of hearing of Brownsville. One ?ht a good old lady arose in the ON Friday evening last our aelgk -- ring village of Johnsburgh present- d a lively appearance, tbe occasion ing the observance of the Names Day of Rev. Father Mehrlng. Our German friends were out in full force. and together with their American friends, presented one of the largest gatherings ever seen in Johnsburgh The McHeiry Military Band wen prese nt' and discoursed some excel lent music for the occasion, aad ice ream and other refreshments were ervad, During the evening Father plehring was presented with several resents, speeches were made, and an njoyable and happy time was had by ill. and the occasion will long be re- e in be red with pleasure by all who rticipated. AN editor of an exchange took a boy to learn the printer's trade. He was careful to Impress "upon bis mind tbe necessity of obedience and of doing everything thoroughly. After prelim- Remember there will testi-excursions Hebron Department . LODGE DIRECTORY. , MASONIC.--X. V. and A. M. meet at Masonic keep* Hail on every 1st >nd 3d Wednesday even- Dr. lil ,o-*s of each month. °f. MODHUN WOODMEN or AMBKTCA.--Meet at all, . Masonic Hall every 3d and 4th Monday even- pose, inf?s of each month. Neighbors cordially in- Chroi rlted. wom< SONS OF TEMPERANCE.--Moot at Unlon'Hall uterii on Tuesday evening of each week. and v ' iv cu| -------- EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Miss Annie anftt fl A profi nnm stain Ad Asfic prev mart Of teati mor< done ache ever to these famous beds, by the Steame' "Mary Griswold" on Friday and Suu- day next, and no one should miss going. ' Old Settlors' Meeting. ^A meeting of the citizens, lor the purpose of making arrangements for the Old Settlers' Meeting, to be held in this villsge August 13th, was held at the Riverside House on Satur­ day afternoon last. ^meeting was called to order and on motion Hon. R. Bishop was called jto the chair and J. V*n Slyke chosen Secretary. ' The bifblness of the meeting being the appointment of the necessary com­ mittees to make arrangements for the coming Reueion, on motion the fol­ lowing were appointed: inated with bile, and uie secretion s proper channel, to re-establish the regu- y or the bowels, biuilsli bilious headache, remove impediment to eomplcte digestion, jiing can approach in othoacy thlapeerlens rative And tonic. Malarial oawpl&ints. is so^ *oodsell is taking charge of the Mill­ inery Store. Grain in this section is nearly all cut and proves to be better than many expected. Dr. and Mrs. Mansfield have returned to their home In ChiUicotlie, after a TJ pleasant visit here of six weeks. Charlie Brown went to LaCrosse last week to take the responsible posi­ tion as offloe clerk in a large buggy manufactory. The sick list of late numbered Mr, ^ John Reynolds, Mrs, Frank Woodbury, and Miss Olive Steven?. All were very sick for a time but reported bet­ ter at this writing. Hebron thermometers stand from 100, to 110 in the shade most of the time. Mrs. Joseph Chtpman left here last week to meet her husband in Nebraska Cn when (hey start Immediately for an •J™] extended trip through California, of j six months duration. your Mrs* Doc Prou*y started Wednesday oat.' morning for Cheshire, Mass. to see her parents, both of whom were sick, - The Thoj same day newa was received here of _ ' the death and burial of her mother a few days previous. The new school house will soon pre­ sent a flue appearance. The building wi!l be heated by steam. There is to be four large commodious rooms, one to be used at preseut for town pur­ poses. Tbe board of directors have acted to the best of their knowledge in hiring teachers, and it is hoped and exQected there will be a largo attend­ ance of foreign pupils at the com­ mencement of ttie fall term, in Sep­ tember, Mr. Canant, although a stranger, comes to us highly recom­ mended, The qualifications of Miss Etta Torrence and Miss Laura Masou, need no comment, for the success they have attained as teachers in graded and district schools Is well known to all. Any one wishing to attend a good school will do well to come to Hebron. inary instructions, the lad was ffiven a ays involving the liver and kidney and blad- . . , , inactivity, are remedied by it. It is a capital stick and rule, and was taken to a case etizer. Tbe Fencing Again Fashionable. to wrestle with a piece of copy, editor went off to a political oonven- ... . . . ,. . _i. " , . -a ! encing is coming into fashion again, tlon. The other boys In the office pra8 qUite popular once, in the de- pald but little attention to the new [e just before the civil war, when it recruit, and when the editor returned >ears to have been introduced by half a day later, he found the bov ie«cana who had been abroad, and down upon hit knra. ...robin* for re bystudeDts who 1,»<1 something upon tK. floor. ,8,!i * 0<mrM ^ the matter, Johnny f'? said lie. MWh.v, I dropped a type before I got the first line set," replied the bey, 'and you told me before I went to work, that whenever I dropped a type to pick It up before I did anything else. I've been looking for that darned type all day, and I can't find it." Need we Bay that boy succeeded in business P He grew up, went West, and was hanged in Nevada for horse stealing. sas City, Mo., where she goes by spe- f RAT THOMPSON, only son of Richard cial request to do some portrait paint- Thompson, aged three years, died on -.-THERE are a number of people in this world who claim that they can get nothing W» do, except whittle store boxes, and at the same time there are weeds and grass growing knee high all around thorn. IN the historic Infernal regions of ' brimstone there should be a seperate Ifepartment set aside for the man who Is mean enough to tie a horse to a hitching post aid alow It to remain «|anding in the scorching hot son nearly all day. "BUTTERMILK for babies," is the fettle of a paper by Dr. Otterson, in a Massachusetts medical journal, com- , meutitig upon which a St. Louis med- Ical journal remarks that "If the baby »»s tbe right kind of a mother ft *111 not want any but her milk." ; WHEN the younger generation lis­ ten to the stories told by the older Ones, as to tbe amount of wheat they «ould cradle or grass they could mow 1« a day, they wonder why reaping «nd mowing machines were ever in­ vented, and dl'o wonder if ever they trill ..become as great liars as their ancestors. IT jeems like a waste of time and attention oa tbe part of the newspa­ pers to be constantly warning farmers Against the schemes of a lot of sharks and swindlers that roam over the country. Strange as it may seem there are many intelligent farmers who will lead these warnings, yet ge out and fall into tbe trap of the first Bohemian oats, lightning rod, tool sharpener maohlne, or ^agricultural 1m plainest shark that comes along, • '§1 ys. ing. Miss ROSE SKILLINGS. of Chicago, is visiting McHenry for the first time] and is a guest at tbe Wheeler farm. Miss S. is a niece of Hon. Leonard Swett. and Tor the past year has bad sole charge of his elegant home ou Ashland Avenue, which position she has filled very gracefully and accept- ably. /AlAtOK Roc us, of Chicago, with his family, and a party of thirty-two, vis Ited c lie Lotus Beds at Fox Lake, on Sunday, via the Steamer "Mary Gris­ wold. This steamer can get right Into the beds, and the fragrant perfume of the flowers alone repaid the visitors, to say nothing of the beautiful collec­ tion of buds obtained. The beds seem larger and more beautiful than ever ^his season. DON'T forget to visit the Lotus Beds on Friday and Sunday next. DIED --In Rensselaer Falls, fit. Lawrence Countv. N. Y., July 4th, 1887, after a long and painful illness. Carrie A-, wife of John Harier, Jr., and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ttountlf, aged 23 years and 82 days. Mrs. Parier was the only sister of H. L. Rounds, of this village, and a niece ef the editor of this paper. THE arrangements for the War Con­ cert by the ladies of the Universallst Society, are progressing favorably and It is expected the Concert will be given in about two weeks, the exact date and other particulars of which will be given In these columns next week. It is expected that it will be one of tbe finest entertainments ever given In this village. JOSTICB PERRY'S Court WM th*> • scene of quite an exciting law cas? on Monday, it being the examination of M. A. Howell for an alleged attempt to shoot landlord Ford, of tbe River­ side House. The difficulty commenced, we understand, in relation to a boat, and the evidence showed that Howell, in attempting to make his argument stronger by the use of a revolver got badly bandied, was then arrested, for an assault with a deadly weapon, and Justice Perry bound hits over t^ the circuit Court, uuder Bonis of #300. F. K. Granger appeared for the People, and Mr. Gribler, ef Cbioago, for tbe defence. f FOR SALE . I offer for sale my house and lot, Gleasautly located in the village of [cHenry. If applied for an once will be sold cheap. House almost new, and a very desirable place. Inquire on the Qt ERNEST WBHDELL. Friday last; after a long and painful illness. He fell, while playing in the barn, about a year ago, and it is thought that the injury then sustained Anally caused his death. He was tbe idle of bis parents and his loss falls heavily upon them. They'have the ^mpathy of all. A Card. We would hereby retarn our- heart­ felt thanks to neighbors and friends whoso cheerfully assisted us during the sickness and after the death of our beloved son. May an all wise. Provi­ dence guard and keep yon, one and all, from a tike bereavement. Is our sincere wish. MB. AND MRS, RICHARD THOMPSON. ZIMRER WIEDEMANN, who was hur­ ried at Johnsbnrgh on Tuesday, died in Chicago on Saturday from the effects ef a sun stroke. He was one of the many victims of the extreme heat in the city the past week. He was 28 years of age and a stngl6 mac. His remains were brought to this village and hurried in the Johnsburgh Ceme­ tery on Tuesday. A CARD. To those who aided, assisted and sympathised with us in our sad he­ re ave me ut, caused by the sudden and unexpected death of our brother, we return our heartfelt thanks, with tbe wish that when you are called upon to bear a like sorrow, as willing hands may be stretched forth to help you bear the burden. JOHN WIEDEMANN, ANNA JUNOEB. Post Offloe Notice- We are requested to give notice that Sunday./ All persons who heretofore liavA "been in the habit ef getting their mail on Sundays will take due notice and attend to the same en Saturday night, as this notice means just what it says' • . : TAKE NOTICE. As I am about closing my business for the present It becomes absolutely necessary that all moneys owing me be paid at once. Therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call fand pay tbe same on or before Aug. lOtb, and by doing so save themselves costs and trouble. I mean business as my accounts must all be collected. Remember and do not delsja MB*. H. H. NICHOLS. i dtr UF) hai tlo **• an<| Pie On motion wai"appoint ed Marshal of the Day, with power tb selectjiis own assistants. On (notion adjourned subject to tbe call of the' Comqoittee of Arrange- menc8. R. BISHOP, Chairman. J. VAN SLYKE. Secretary. v If you wsnt plenty ot fall feed, water, etc., be sure an 1 take some In­ terest in the coming McHenry County Fair. It would have been a glorious thing te have had It ere this, as the saying is rain is sure to come on soon after the fair. However true it may bo, nothing will be left undone toward making It the best. Consequently we desire your assistance. A, S. WRIGHT. A higher than market price will be paid for good Milling Wneat at the Wauconda Mill. J. SPENCER, Proprietor. Fair Premium Lint. It is impossible to reach all by mall with a premium list, hence partiee de­ siring one will lind them with Geo, Owen and C. V. Stevens, McHenry; J. V. Aldrlcti, Richmond; Frank Rowe, Hebron; E. S. Smith, Aldeo; C. E. Cook. Huntley; Marshall Bros., Har­ vard; Mansfield's Store, Greenwood; W. A. Nason,,Algonquin; Fred Pat­ rick's, Marengo, or notifying the secretary, A. S. Wright. Take Notice! All persons having empty Kegs, be­ longing to the McHenry Brewery, are hereby requested to return tbe same at once as we must have them to use. All persons not complying with this notice at once will be made costs. 52-3W GOTTLEIB BOLKT. WHEA T WANTED. . The Highest Market Price In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat at tbe Fox River Valley Mills. Mc­ Henry. K. BISHOP. My slock of Millinery Goods must be closed on or before Sept. 1st. Call now and secure big bargains at Mrs. H. H. Nichols. McHenry Laundry. Tbe undersigned, having had ex­ perience In the 0u8iness, has decided ALGONQUIN. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and Vicin­ ity, knowing iliumselvei indebted tor the PhAiNDBALKR can loam of ihe amount by calling on John ;llelm, who is authorized to receive money uixl for trie same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at his store. Call on ihiui and get a sample cu py.] EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--A fourteen year old boy of C, Patchle, living east of town, met with quite a serious ac­ cident on Thursday of last week. He was drawing feed to the stock when \ the horses became frightened and ran jaway, causing a cotnpouud fracture of •both bones of the „right arm, and severe bruises and contusions of head and race, Dr. Nason dressed the wounds. Ho it doing as well as could be expected. The Kerbeck Family's Pavilion Show gave two entertainments here on Thursday and Friday evenings of last week. The entertainments were well attended and as far as we can learn gave good satisfaction. Geo. Mansfield, of Elgin, was in town on Friday last. He was looking as hale and hearty as ever. Jas* Philp Jr. has a Well company from Barrington sinking him a flowing well. They have got down about 45 feet. They have had considerable trouble In getting through the gravel. J. Van Slyke, of the PLAINDEALER, waa a caller In Algonquin on Saturday last. C. E. Chapell started north on Satur­ day laBt to buy miljh cows, D. W. Thomas started out on Satur­ day last to buy tnllch cows. Mr. A. Doig has now got his mill in good repair and is ready to d) grind­ ing in first class style. Our Btse Bill Club played the Nunda club, at Nunda, on Saturday last. The score stood 12 to 14 in favor of Algonqnlo. -• .. r ' BORN, Sunday, Jnly 17, to the wife of Frank Threadgold, a l6 pound son. There was a fair attendance at the platforoa dance on Saturday evening last. The people of this section are thank­ ful to the Divine Providence for once moro having the privilege pf breath­ ing a cool and refreshing air after a week's intense heat, the thermometer Btauding from 80 to 110 In the sliado iiight and day. We bad a very fine and refreshing rain on Sunday night last, which was much needed In this section for both man and beast. Mrs. John Gardner, of Garnet. Kan­ sas, is here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chandler, who have been quite sick for the past few weeks. ^."fterTS; MiB.prf .nd Henry PostOffices will net be open on/clalty, but waehle« of all kinds will be done for persons or families, All washing will be called for and returned In the shortest time possible and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders can be left ar. residence, one door west of Catholic Parsonage. Pri­ ces reasonable. FRED CURTIS. FOR SALE. Fifteen horses, mares and colts, all grades, from #40 to #200. Among them is a 3-year-old Hayes colt, a 2- year-old Star Stallion colt, and a 2- year-old Prince colt, all from fine bred mares. Also* a fine fnll blood Jersey bull. Persons desiring any of tbe above would do well to call and see them at the Lake Villa Hotel Stables, Lake Villa, Lake County, 111. Road Cart with a twenty-four spring at I. M. Owen & Son's. foot WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--"Who shall decide when Doctors disagree? In the case of Peck vs. Powers, as outsiders understand it, the suit grew out of a misunderstanding, as to the location of a line fence, Surveyor Brink locating it on one line, and Surveyor Willis on another, and Surveyor Prickett, while ia the main agreeing with Mr. Willis, did not exactly agres with either. So the parties in order that the court might hare all necessary testimony agreed to a continuance for further opportunity to establish the true line if pos­ sible. Some said the variation might be at­ tributed to the chain carriers, and ethers charged to the surveyors. So, a new light having sprung up, with a species ef sponta-, neity. in the science of civil engineering. In the person of Capt. O. H. Tryon he was en. gaged to m&ke still another survey. On Tues­ day, the 5th inst., aided by Thos. McD. Rich, aids, Esq., a practical surveyor, as cbatn ear- rier, Mr. Ttyon ran the lines. With whom he agreed or where he established the lines the writer is uninformed, but tne result of his survey seemed to satisfy both parties, as the case was promptly settled and costs divided. Moral--As blood tells on the race course, so science tells on disputed liaes, and Charley has the scieiice and the instruments. Em­ ploy him and avoid litigation. On Monday, the llth, at noon, F. M. Bunker was startled by a smoke rushing np the stair­ way from the basement of his store. The fire was promptly extinguished by his little son Tracy, who, while the rest were hunting for buckets caught np the sprinkler, and dashed its contents on, and thus » lively blaze was quenchedv4t was a clear case of spontan«. ous conibustioh. Mr. Bunker had received a large invoice of goods packed in excelsior which had been stored in large quantity in a deep dry gosda box, paaked solidly in the hex. The excelsior was stored just before the Fourth. He was saving it for cushioning crockery. Frank says he has no farther use for the stuff about his store. Had it waited twelve or even ten hours, another mysterious (Ire would have remained unsolved and as just as honest man have burned and been charged with incendiarism, so he in addition to his loss might have heard the dark insinu­ ation from the lips of envy. Moral, search your waste baskets and boxes, your nooks and out of tbe way places and destroy ma; terial subject to spontaneous combustion. Another incipient fire under the cross walk near corner of Hoy's block extinguished by the prompt action of Colonel Tower, Tnea- <lay, the 12th. Wo enj >yed a hob-Vnob of Lemonade with Landlord Ford, of the Riverside, Monday, the llth. V Had you passed down jsetith Street oa Thursday evening last you would have wit- nessed a social circle comprised of the aged, middle aged and young of both sexes, gath­ ered on the lawn and in the well ordered par­ lors of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McD. Richards, all welt lighted and seated for the comfort of the guests. Vonns, begirt with her magic girdle, seated in her chariot, was drawn toward the western horizon by her graceful swans, nor did she withhold the goddess' smiles from the charmed circle . Jupiter, too, the model of dignity and majesty of mien, his countenance grave but mild, with the eagle by his side and his sceptre in his hand. looked upon the scene with complacent smiles. And to add to the enjoyment of the occasion, the festive mosquito deigned not to disturb the gayety and merry-making. The occasion was a "reception" given by Mr. and Mrs. Richsrds in old fashioned parlance, the infalr of Mr. and Mrs. Streot, on their return from their wedding trip. The host and hostess, the latter the mother of the groom, Mr. and Jfrs. Ohoate, the parents of the fair, accomplished and happy bride, were at their best and spared no pAins to make every guest glad of the coining. Of course ]the bride and groom were the attractive centre and none failed to greet them with a bonediction and an <nspir ing taith in a happy futute tor so promising a young couplo. Congratulations, merry mak­ ing anil repartee engaged the company until the yotmg people Were called to the tajles, In one of the cakes a ring and some three beans were found. The ring was typical of an early marriage to the Under, but alas! the oeans typified celibacy, and therefore It nouidbeout of place to mention names ot Anders. Then camo supper for the older ones. The refreshments consisted of so extensive and excellent a variety of cakes and fruits that my nomenclature fails me. Not soon will so enjoyable an occasion be fotgotten by any who participated, and the happy couple will mark it on the map of their married life in juxtaposition to their wedding day. At about half past ten the adieus were spoken and ihe company to the number of about one hundred, separated well pleased that they wore numbered among the honored guests. Flour and Feed! SAVE MONEY By laying in a season's supply of Feed while prices ara low and miii- stnfi» are to be had, as the great Drouth is bound to force prices much higher before long, and feed will be very scarce. We name unusually lib­ eral terms on car loads or large lots for ready cash, and sell good Middlings in small lots at lowest possible prices. Try the "Honest AbeM Rock ford Flour, only 91,06 per sack and fully warranted, uone better. Flour, Feed, Salt Oil Meal, always on haud. , ! > Bona LETT & STOPJFEL. ttr*. M. Schumachor. Wishes to Inform the Ladles of Mc* Henry and surrounding country that *he lias now a large and well selected stock of the most stylish Summer Millinery ever brought to this town, to which she invites their careful in­ spection. Hats. Bonnets, Plumes. Ribbons, etc., in eudless variety and at prices to suit. We do not pretend to eeii at cost, or below, but will give you the best goods at tbe lowest living prices. Call and see us. Store on the West side, near the Depot. MRS, M. SCHUMACHER. Walking ahoes at icss than half price t:> close at H. Colby's. FOR SALE. A good farm consisting of 117 acres, situated rbree miles east of Spring Grove ar.d known as the "Iianey place." For particulars apply on the premises or address Jos. Gerbracht, Spring Groye, Ills. ijpp Evauson's Mule. ?¥'< THE BALR. The time has arrived for each one tonjjo; settle on something which you can and^leepondency. v. Pierce's Favorite pieeeiiptloa leiltlBate medicine, carefully unded by an experienced and skillful your part In making the fair of 1887, ^ greater success thau in the past, programme far excels all others, and it is necessary to have a large exhibit in all departments. As we have often stated the fair is yours, and no one is more benefitted by it than tbe farmer. It makes a market for your etock. It gives you new Ideas for the coming year which are of more value than money. You know these are racts. Now do your share.. 2w A. S. WRIGHT. Sec. ° We have lust received an extraordi­ nary fine article of Japan tea known as the ,lOo Gi" Brand (1887 pick). We recommend it to lovers of fine teas, and guarantee them to be the finest ever brought to our county. Price 60 cents. Call for sample. JOHN EVANSON & Co. mm Evstnttm's Mute. „ Haadkerafctaffc, all styles and at AKboftBw. Now stylo Gatiiifes at figaro* at E. M, Owen Sb Son's. A)1 tbe latest styles la Straw at Althoft Bros, Call at Bealey*s for tit Ml Fly Paper In the aaarkot. If yon want to bar m Mnor chsap, call at Bishop1* warehaax. Oo G1 is the oaae of tbe Mwost teas at Branson's. Bay the famous Oo Ot ored Japan teas at T Just received 4 Carload of tfco oft Reliable Lyman Barb till, at John C* Story's. Wire Cloth, all width, and flraiMa to match, at W. P. Steven's. Look at the Thompaon Mower, thai I will sell for $35. R, BISHOP. Two seated Carriages at B, If, Owaa A Son's, very low. Bargains to Silk Mitts and QtarM this week at Perry A Owen's. Milk and Lumber Wagons at X. OwenA Son's atloweatprlosa. » very low Harness Son's. Flno Carriage Lap Kobe* at Fin?Hi Owen's. Great variety of plain aad ifnrod Lawns at Perry ft Owen's. Fruit Cans, Fruit Cans at Perry 4k Owen's. Call and see oar stack Shears. W. P. SteToaa. lUrt si*. Plum-ba-go-lao, the flaMt Wafts Grease ever need, a aew thlaff, at Besley's, ; . Carriages, OettMned glesand WagoaB.bOth' Wagons at E. M. Owen Our • 2 Kid Shoe gives the best of satisfaction. Every pair w< at Perry & Owen's. LaCroas, Cortland, Staver aad six other makes of carriages at S. M. Owen & Son's. » EUw.)0(Ts Veteran self the best on tho market. Bishop. lamn Bake. Sold tyft. PARASOLS. v The best assortmeat of Parasols a|% Perry ft Owen's. School Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Besley'e Drug Store West ^ 8lde. Two styles of Carts at 1« X. Own ft ?"! Sons, that are the host ever brotight to * this city. The Badger State ladostruottfeia i Pantaloon Overalls only 80 oeats for the best made at Perry ft Owaav, THE Gennlne Novelty aad Uatvenal Clothee Wringer at bottom prteee at John I Story's. Beware of Issltatttf. The reliable Watertewn can always be found at Bishop's house McHenry. Gasoli ne Stoves, two three and towr. holes, at as low price asanr other K*°d« stove ean be bought. At 1v.P.8Wt«Ai ~ West McHenry. SPECIAL. The Crown Mower. We Invito at- , * tendon to our changeable Mtad ^ mower.saffordlag TWO SPEK08 for the knife. R.Btsaor. Bishop sells the Bed Whtte aad mm Mower with new rocking catting bar. The latest improvement out. BoMrir and examine carefully. In Mowers, I have McCermlok Steel No. 1 and S. Crown. Red Whtte aad -* Blue, and N. C. Thompson. B. BISHOP. & Fine Dress Ooods, la Mask aad ' colors, and a fall Uee of TrlasaklMP aad Buttons to match at Perryft % Owen's. i The Peninsular, one of the Gasoline Stoves on tho market, oaa bo found at the Hardware store of f, P. Stevens, West McHenry. Call aad eoo it, ' c t O T H l N O . - : • . We wtW give you a big bargain Nt Mens and Boys Suits boforo Joly 4th. Be sure and call at Perry ft Owen's. MOWERS AT E. M. OWENft SON'S Standad. Manny, Improved Craw­ ford, Eureka, Minneapolis, (Llkfrt* Crown) Knowlton. Piano, (Llko tho Warrior,) and others. WHEAT WANTED. Tbe Highest Market prloe, In cash, will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at tbe Fox Blver Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. B. BISHOP. Tbe Church Swivel Bay Qtidaft Track Hanging. Floor Hoaha :mm Pulley. And the beet Manilla Bope, all sixes, at W. P. stevea's, West Mo* Henry. Prices to meet anybody. Evanson's Mule. vM :;«! . :• :,'"5# LADIES SHOULD 8KB. M Dr. Scbellings world renowned Health preserving Corset at Perry ft Oweat agents for MoHenry. Tho only porta! health corset made. WHEAT WANTBDi. ^ The Highest Market Price, In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat, at tbe Fox River Valley Mllla, Mc­ Henry. B. BISHOP. Stand Straight. , Men's, womeu's, and children's ;r braces. No more round shoulders. by an experienced and skillf . Hi clan, and adapted to woman's delicate (So tmisatlon. It is purely vegetable In its ipositlon and perfectly harmless in its eta in any condition or the system. 'X Jie 'ftTorltoJPreicHittaa » is a poal- WAUCONDA. Ili.. Sept. 6, J884 C. Di<*kins<m & Son, Hurrmgi >n, III Gentlemen.--I find your Russian Liniment tbe best medicine I ever used. I am on the road most all the time and always carry a bottle of your iltiiment with me. I use it for bruise*, pain in the stomach and bowels, diar­ rhoea aud cholera Morbus; one dose al­ ways cures me. I use It also for my horses. N. B. DUERS. {Little 1 DriW9* ^u uivrv Bladder No more fiat breasts, remove oeroua removes supporter. """ McHenry, I1L medio* t breasts. A perfect skirt Sold by B. Lawtas, Tailor, tii Evanson's Mule. scSWea in TBS E. M. Owen & Son's rei past week some fine Mewers, of the John P. Manny improved, consisting ot a chain gear, which makes It simple easy running and the most durable mower made, and they will warrant them as to draft with any mower lo the world, and sold as low as the lowest. BUREKA! EUREKA! The celebrated froat oat Eureka Mower, that will cut 6 foot aad ma lighter than any side odt Mower cat- tine 4 feet, and leaves the oat grass untrampled. Call aad aaa thfliM!k!k~' M. Owen ft Soae.' - Saved Nla Life. Mr. D. I. Wllcoxsoa, of Horse Oave Kjr„ says he was. tor many years, badly afflicted with phthlale, also diabetes; the pains wore ahaeoet uaeadarahle aad would eometlmea aloseet throw Mm into ooayoMoaa. Be tried Bleetrte Bitters and got relief from irst bottle aad after taking six bottle* waft en­ tirely cored aaa bad galaed la taafc eighteen pounds. Says he believes he would have dM, tad ft not been for the relief atorded I* Electric Bitters. Sold at l«ty oaalt * bottle by Hoaif Colby*

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