Paper geo. p A W.'S Newspaper Advertising I^SffEV YORK- ban Lament bas tried to keep i« point of Clev«l*»d's pen away m the jugular vein of the Demo cratic party until he is sick of the job and weary with the exercise. It is «ow talii that he will leave Washing- ion and return to the editorial chair of the Albany, N, Y., Argus. M^An Indianapolis colored barber i»credited with eating at one sitting, Mveo pounds of roast beef, forty-five jwtradt of vegetable, a pone ot corn bread, a loaf of wheat bread, four pies and six glasses of iced tea. As a rule, the IodlaoopHs reporter is an able- bodied liar. ' f9»PenBion Commissioner Black, toho gets $1200 a year for being a com plete wreck, and three times that for doing department work, will be at the 'lit. Louis Encampment to pull the lanyard of his boom. Intense silence Will enable the old soldiers to hear the ^discharge. The thing will go ofi like an over-ripe June bug when stepped On by the small boy. 1 v lp§ t iST'lt was a mistake for the G. A. R to appoint St Louis for its annual en* campraent. That sleepy old town is full of pestiferous copperheads and rebel sympathizers, and many of them ifcre refusing to pay the amounts they have subscribed to entertain the vet erans. It Is likely the last time that *ny State that funished regiments of ?%raitors to fight against the flag will :||M chosen as a place of meeting for the ©. A. IL--Frceport Journal. 6fetV.. ISrAn exchange says; "It Is grati• fylng to every citizen of this State to Witness the spontaneous utterance of Other States. North, South, - East and West, testifying to the ability, integ rity and merit of Robert T. Lincoln, and suggesting the presentation of his name, by Illinois, to the next Repub lican National convention for the Presidential nomination. It is admit ted that the business of the next Be publican convention could be con cluded in an hour If the Illinois dele* gation should, as one man, present the name of Lincoln for the nomination. i IVWm. J. McGarigle, one of the Convicted Chicago "boodlers," escaped fftMft the custody of the sheriff on Sat urday night, and at this writing he is still at large, and though he is being industriously hunted for the impres slon prevails that he will not be cap tured, or even heard from, until he stands where he can defy arrest. In eompany with Sheriff Matson he went to the residence of bis wife, where he vu to get some clean clothing, and by . a bold endeavor succeeded in eluding the vigilance of the officer, and is now in hiding, safe from the hordes of de tectives, State, city and Drlvate, l9*The action of the' Dakota con vention looking to the division of that Territory and admission to the Union as two States, will meet the approba tion of all right thinking people, it is absurd that a Territory containing over 600,000 people, and equivalent in size to three States as large as Illinois, should be compelled to remain as a territory, year after year, simply to accomodate the wild and desperate purpose of a political party. The statement of such absurdity is enough to settle the public mind in regacd to It. If the people of Dakota now vote for division and admission, they cannot longer be kept out of the Union. WtAktm, III., July95,l«7. attotfttrbftft on change Monday was up to the average Both buyers <nd sellers were loaded with activity. There were 4S7 tubs of butter sold on the call; no eheeae eotd The market firm at 22X cent*. The total transactions for the six months ending Jane 27 were 4V1S54 pounds of cheese, 8088706 pounds of butter, all of which brought #MM6S.83.K.-- The following is the official report of sales made on the call.--Private aid outside mar. k.ets. Seller. Old Kitey J C Riley. M. Munger K G Smith ... Mr. Church...., Kanevilie Wayne-- Bartholomew-- Geneva.. Chuioh RO Hoyt C. Busche South Kiley O S McAllester Winfleld Priv. Sales--Butter.. 986871 " Cheese.. 335781 OFFICIAL. Amount. 270 00 406 0(1 );»o (JO 270 00 :«7 so 180 00 :«7 50 31(7 50 1012 M 24200 >42 00 271 50 302 50 180 00 9 #870 «0 8M98 03 Total trans'ns. 72887S OUTBIDS MARKETS. BaUitnort.--Butter market quiet; 91M73S47 Extra Cheese--Western western, Mc 1st 18 to 19. Cheddars, !VV to MJf. Boston.-- uarket firm. Extra Western creamery butter, 20 to 2L Cheese--Western goods nos quoted. Philadelphia.--Choice butter in demand at 30 to 21 lsts 17 to 19. Western cheese uot quoted. St. Loiii*.-- Butter market healthy. Elgin butter sells above the market which is 20 to 22. Cheese in demand. F. C. Wisconsin, 9#, Illinois, 8; Y A 9>c' ; skims 2 te 5. 2,'eu- Fork.--Butter market Arm on fancy. Other grades steady. Prices quoted--west-* ern, IS to 9u. Cheese firm; N T Cheddars, 10)* to 10>t; western flats, 7; skims 2 to 5. ASM- Orleans --Market active; butter mov ing rapidly at 22 to 23. F C cheese, Y A, 10; skuas 2 to 4; part skims, 5 to 5*. CHOP PROSPECTS. No change in the weather in the valley; cool nignts but no rain; corn doing much bat ter than expected, but pastures are gene and meadows a thing ot the past, A. W. HU TCHINS. Sec. E. B. T. Fort Hill Proclnct, Lak* Couhty. EDITOR PLAINDBALER: -- Wo have had a few showers lately but are Mill suffering from drought. Our farmers are engaged in their harvest but find their crop very light. On Sunday night, July 17th. about midnight, a barn belonging to Thomas Wilmington, residing some three miles north of Halnesvllle, was struck by lightning and was with its contents destroyed by fire. • span of horses perished in the flames. Most of his hay crop for the present year, about ten tons of old bay, 160 bushels of oats, 350 bushels corn in crib, about 600 pounds of wool, his harnesses and va rious farm tools, and other articles were burned. It was with difficulty that his dwelling house, standing near, was saved from the fire. The loss is estimated at over two thousand dol lars. Insurance in the Mllburn Co.* twelve hundred dollars. Fiaak Smith, of Avon, has leased the farm occupied by him to J. W. Bene- han for a term of five years from the first of March next. Mr. Smith in* tends to start for Nebraska on Mon day, July 25th, where he has a new farm. Our 3ray'a Lake citizens are expect ing to soon have a new merchant with large stock of goods, a warehouse and a creamery. Mr, and Mrs. George Thomson have young son. Congratulations in or der. SfiFA letter from Mrs. General Logan's physician is to the effect that his patient's injuries are very serious. She is recovering, however, and was turned on her right side yesterday for the first time since the accident. JflFThe Texas Court of Appeals hv decided that the State law imposing a tax on commercial travelers from other States is constitutional, the United States Supreme Court to the contrary notwithstanding. The Texas court finds the decision in the Bobbins case by the United States Supreme Court wan unwarranted assumption of constitutional authority--an innova tion of Federal power." Evidently the Texan jurists have Ibeen reading the .President's letter advising the youth of the country to study the doc trines of Calhoun. Texas proposes to carry out those doctrines and to follow her own sweet will in taxing drummers. Irrespective of the Federal constitution. Under an influence of a Democratic administration the coun try Is making rapid progress back ward. •^President Cleveland has the faculty of putting his foot in it equal to any man in American politics. First he makes the order for the re turn of the rebel flags, that stirred the oountry to the extent that he hastened to revoke the order. And now because this order provoked caustic remark from the men who were so grossly Insulted by it, he declines an invita tion to be present at St. Louis, and bases his declination upon such re marks and fear for his personal safety In the language of another, this ••too thin to wash." The New York IVofldt a staunch Democratic organ says of his letter: "There Is a sort of whining tone about the president' letter, withdrawing his acceptance of tb« Invitation to St. Loots, In Septem bor, that creates the impression tha perhaps he is trying to create a little political sympathy. Another break down. Perhaps Brinski, Grover Cleve la&de's army substitute, would willing to represent fttw * consideration,1' Constipation la a universal and most troublesome dis order. It causes Headache, Mental De pression, impairs the Sight and Hearing, destroys the Appetite, and, when long continued, causes Enlargement of the Liver, Inflammation of the Bowels, and Piles. Constipation it speedily cured by Ayer's Pills. For a number of months I was troubled with Costiveness, in conse quence of which I suffered from Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, and a disordered liver. My eyes also troubled me. I was compelled to wear a shade over them, and, at times, was unable to bear ex posure to the light. 1 was entirely CURED BY USING three boxes of Ayer's Pills. I have no hesitation in pronouncing this medicine to be the best cathartic ever made.-- James Eccles, Poland, Ohio. I suffered from Conntipation, and, con sequently, from HeallMDie, Indigestion, and Piles, for years. Ayer's Pills, which I took at the suggestion of a friend, have given me effectual relief. I commenced taking this remedy two months ago, and am now free from Constipation, the re moval of which has caused my other troubles to disappear, and greatly im proved my general health. -- W. Keeier, Amherst. Mass. ' I suffered from Constipation, which assumed such an obstinate form that I feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. Two boxes of Ayers Pills cured me, completely. -- D. Burke, Saco, Me. Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, ' Cola by all Druggists and Dealers in IMMm, BRAN, per Ton. »o ..#12.75 SHORTS. pcrToii«.»*.,.t3 25 MIDDLINGS, per Tcwr.*. 13.50 CORN, per 15 00 Or good Notes at 8 per cent. No tuore time sales. CARLOADS Quoted upon application. And remember that I charge you ho bonus oi three dollars car for buying. ^ . - . - W , t J K l S T f , ; At the Pickle Factoryj McHenry. Sheriffs Sale. BY virtue of an execution issued out of the Clerk'* office of the Circuit Court of Mc Henry County and State of Illinois, and to me directed,' whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against William Block, in favor oi' O. W. Owen, out of the lands, tenements, ;oods and chattels of the said William Block, have levied on the following property to- wit: the west halt of Lot No. 8, In Block No. 8, in the village of West McHenry, situated in the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, Therefore, according to said command, 1 shall expose for sale at public auction, all the right, title, and interest of the above named William Block in and to the above described property, on Saturday, the l.'Uh day of August 1887; at -2 o'clock, r. M., at the east door of the Court House, in Woodstock, McHenry County. Illinois. Hated at Woodstock this 19th day of July, 1887. GEO. ECKEIiT, Sheriff of McHenry County,- HI. (In A n A f l %P D V i U l ? W . i ' - * -- ̂ ; . > • •r -Cw,. ' If •• "• <•. ' PRICES, WILL BE ^^TP;*,;lWATClti,, . The closest competition in this, or any other .town, on a l l Sum mer Goods still on hand, and which must and will be sold to make room ibjrfall goods. Vi : . H: 1 <. * , White Robes, 1 < White Skirt f, ^SUMMER SHAWLS^ • Straw Hats, , ^ : ;i| loves and Mitt^ ^ Locos ! Laced ! White Goods, . ' : 1 4 • ' , * • ^ '• i .rWr'-- tans, \ l4i|vfna, ^ v^f^bersuckers, ' _• ; , Swiss Embroideries^ Lawns Reduced from 8c. to 6c.--7c. to |e« We are In a p6sition and some goods deals in No Humbu the Goods to offer tftir Aim Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of an execution issued out of the Clerk's ofllce of the Circuit Court of Mc Henry County anil .State ot Illinois, and to nw directed, whereby 1 am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against Fred Wilkening in favor of Henry Toepel, out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said Fred Wilkcn- ing 1 have levied on the following property, to-wit: Lots Nos. One (1) and Two (2) in Block No Nine (9) in the V'llage of Algon quin, in the county of McHenry and State of Illinois. Therefore accontiug to said com mand, I shall expose for sale at public auc tion, all the right, title and interest of the above named Fred Wilkening iu and to the above described property, on Saturday, the -20th day of August, 1887, at 2 o'clock, F. M , at the east door of the court house In Woodstock McHenrv Co., III. Oatwkat Woodstock this 20th day of July, 1887. GEO. ECKERT. {Sheriff of McHenry County, III. Executor's Notice, lASTATE of BerdihalStelling, deceased. I2i The undersigned having been appointed executor of the last will and testament of Berdina Stellinp, late of the county of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the county court of McHenry county, at the court house in Woodstock, at the Oct. term, on the tlret Mondiy in Oct. next, at which time all persons havingclaimsagainst aiid es tate are notified and requested to attend lor the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested „o make immediate payment to the under ?igned. Dated this 19th day of July, A. D. 1887. JACOB STOCK, Executor. ALBERT B. BOURNE. ATTORNET, SOLICITOR AND COUN WOODSTOCK. ILL, Businees attended to promptly, with care. Skill and integrity. Office at the Court House. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker Jeweler NO. 58 FIFTH AVE,, (Briggs House), Chicago, III. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line Administrator's Notice. ESTATE ot John A. Ward, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix ot the estate of John A. Ward, deceased, late of the county of McHenrv and State of Illinois, herebv gives notice that she will appeal before the county court of Mc Henry county, at the Court House in Wood stock, at the August term on the third Mon day in August next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend tor the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under signed. Dated this 18th day of June. A. D. 1887. LORETTA J. WARD, Administratrix be WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price In CMh will be paid fei good milling wheat, president, I at the Fox Hirer Valley Mill*, lio- »Henry. B, BISHOP. for cold feet and bad •1 per pair by mail. for circulars. Di» M Vlont Medicine. JL MARVELOUS INVENTION FOB HXALDre THE SICK AKD CONQUER- 1N« PAIN. WWWIB far Tplyl"* liiMtin to the ha. iWtrWt; ItfaeUia DI1IM a* hw B*fen far H«i«ll«g tk* glek. We mure no warfare against physicians or the ssdlcsl fraternity generally. Their sphere of use- lalneaa ii lanre ana we desire to aid them in fnr- lUhing auxiliary moans for curing-the sick. The lonest phyBlcian occupies a high place in pabllc esteem and deservedly BO, too. While our Appli ances are not a panacea for every ill. they are what we claim for them and will afford a speedy cure oft entimes after medicines have failed to give relief. ENUINE MAGNETIC APPLIANCES CLASSIFIED. MAGNETIC 'cteSaKFo?. end aise of iho* worn. Bend MAGNETIC 2 per pair. Bend measure of wrist. Send for circular. MAGNETIC of ankle. Send for circulars. HlfllFTIfi SLEEPING CAP for nervous MtWIk IIW headache, neuralgia, sleepleu- neas, Catarrh, ste. Price f2 by maiL Sena for circular. WBIIETIC aaiMaS«t!BHSRSSeg; hip disease, etc. frlce $6. Send sise of waist sua lejf at hip. Send for circulars. MAGNETIC CT^wiR^L&a^ neuralsrla or catarrh, will give relief immediately. Price $6 each, ik-na size of hat worn. Send for circular*. H1AMFTIP KNEE CAP for rheumatism in KIMHUE I IW tne knee is a positive cure. It will reduce the swelling' and restore to natural size immediately. Prico S3 each by mail. Send sis* of knee. Sendfor circulars. MAGNETIC JiSfflS. lung** They prevent and cure cold, rheumatism, neuralgia, pneumonia, throat troubles and ca tarrh. PrJce Send for circulars with testi- moaials. ETIC TH*£AT ^«SLDiV»r. benefit to elocutionists, public speakers and sing ers. They Ntrengthera t he vocal cords and prevent hoarseness. Send for circular, trice fl each by mall. Send aize of nock. A Handsome Line of •4 b Jl i$!r The celebrated all wool Deat. Suit, only $10.00. Fancy Scotch Cheviot?, all wool, only $8.50. 1 -X f : > 5 Rubber! Our new Fall Stock of above goods has arrived." We carry a large gooiK^^ s". C. Hi JFargo Ac Co. Prices the lowest considering quility. L. Candee Kiifibers, besl on earth. Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Trunks, Valises, Bags etc. * % B E S H C R O O K R I E S , CROCKERY, GLASSWARE,. Teas. No. 1 Rockford Flour, $1.95. Heaohing fbr Part of Your Tradif̂ Bonslett <fe Stoffel. HAfiHFTIfi Ir^CCINS for gout, rheums.-mHUnia I VIP rism, lame lew, fever sores and Tarlcohe veins. These Icgrinn nave acquired uni versal praise for their medical qualities, and for the ease with which they are worn. Price $3 each by mail. Send size of leg around calf and ankl*. Send for circular. MAGNETIC pation, kidney and liver trouble. Quickly removes backaches peculiar to ladiew, and imparts wonder ful vigor to the whole body. Persons of sedentary habita and impaired nervous power will find them a valuable companion. Price 92 each by mail post paid Send for.circulars, KMMETIC S!SW,aS!-Jff^SfE?8S: lowing diseases without medicine: Pain in the back, h'ad or limbs, nervous debility, lumbago, general debility, rheuma tism, paralysis, neuralgia, Bciatica. diseases of the kidneys, torpid liver, sem inal emissions, impotenry, heart disease, dyspep sia, indigestion, hernia or rupture, piles, etc. Con sultation free. Price of Belt, with Magnetic In soles, $10. Send measure of waist and fixe of shoe worn. Send for circulars. MAGNETIC rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous exhaustion,dys pepsia or with diseases of the liver, kidneys, head ache or cold feet, lame back, falling of the womb, leurorrhcrta. chronic inflammation of the womb, an abdominal belt and a usirof Magnetic Foot Bat'cV- ies have* no Kunerior* in the relief and cure of^Jl the»e complaints. They cany a powerful matt- netic f«-rce to the Keat tithe disease. Price of Belt with Magnetic Foot Batierles. ®10. Bent by G.O.I)., and examination allowed, or by mail or receipt of mv-* in ordering, send measure oi waist and t>(ze of shoe. MAGNETIC chronic rliciiinatiHiii, gout, lumbago, panklyala. bronchitis, lung* fl)Ma. t', and other complaints, which b»(ne the skill of our b«»t physician*. Price M0 fiaeh with indole. Send measure of cheat or b«»t»nd waist. Persons living at adUtanca who can not cuiiitult us in person should girm a clear •tatepjent t.» tni-ir (lirtlculties by letter, and.we will each caw the inired In remfi enror Wittk- slKnat« fi.« itinij tit Appliance* . _ , ^ a (jil'i-. "your . 'Kew, Vefniv^turc, in-MedU «l WJ) >nt Medicine/' with thoanandH of leaxlmomala, the Magnetic (iavmenta are adapted to all ana, worn over the underclothes (not. next tout the many wUvanlc and electric htmtbvsa fcxUsnajveW) and should be taken o IBM maKBTIO APPUAHOB OOl, IN SI LK AND LISLft A Bargain in Cashmere We hare Hosiery at any price, from 5 cents to $1 a pair. Summer clearing sale 4bU w««k at Evansta'*. ooaxoanoe « 1 MJ f , ' ; „ rWi M IIBIfitY, ILL, TO HORSEMEN I CHANCELLOR, JIL Having recently purchased a Terv fine imported Clydesdale Stallion, Chancellor Jr , for our own use, will breed a limited number of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is 7 years old this Spring; is a Cherry Bay with black points; hand high and weighs about 1700 pounds;, strong, clean limbs, line action, mild disuosition. He was sired by Chancellor (1310), he by Drew l'rince of Wales. (073). Dam by Ijofty. (4<>0;; grand clam by Duke ot Well ington, (1543); great grand dam by Sir William Wallace, (8.14). He combines in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever had, and ha« proven his ability to get uniform Colts, of great size, fine form, strong and rugged. We also have CHAMPION; JR. The Percheron Morgan Horse, fl# ll|f proven himself a fine stock getler for gen eral purposes, and cannot be beaten in the Northwest. Parties who Intend breeding, the comine season, will find it to their advantage to call and see onr stock and get our terms which will be reasonable. Mares from a distance will be well Mre<) for, at owners risk, at Moderate rates. Call and see us SB tf. HANLY BROS. J, r. CASEY, ATTOTTNBY and Counseloi*at Law. Offlce over Zltnpleman's *tore. All business entrusted to my cure will receive prompt at tention. Woodstock, 111. JOHN KLEIFCEN. OUSE Painter, Gralner, Calciminor and Paper Hanger. Resldonce one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable ternta. - • • ; • H WEST SIDE R E S T A U R A N T . L D. LINCOLN, Prop. Having recently refitted my Restaurant, near the Depot, in first class style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold Meals, At all hours ef the day or evening. Coffee or Tea on five minutes notlflp. A FULL STOCK,OP. Baker's Supplies, ALWAYS ON HAND. Choice Fruits, of ill Ms, IN THEIR SEASON. XCB cxra&M. Made every day, by the Quart or Dish. Also the Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tobaeco to be found in the market. With everything in first class order, and promptness to wait upon customers we solicit a share of public patronage. L. D. LINCOLN. West McHenry, May SIst, 1887- * 81 for 13 Weeks. The POT-ICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the UnlteifStales for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. < Liberal discount allowed to postmaster!^ agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed froe Address all orders to RICHARD K. POX, •'••WFE FKANKLIN SQUARE, New York. .v^TTENTION ! Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay thosn looking for J CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springlrs, to eall ai^Wy' premises before purchasing. I can furntea such by the car load or single cow. PORTER II. WOLFBUM, CHRMUVO. Farm al oat four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. $25,000.00 IN GOLD! WILL BE PAID FOR " £ ARBDCKLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS. 1 Premium, • 2 Premium% 6 Premium^ ' 25 Premiymsi 100 Premiumsi 200 Premiums! 1,000 Premiums, S1.000.00 $500.00 each S250.00 11 SI00.00 S50.00 S 20.00 $10.00 For full particulars and directions see CiltM* lar in every pound of ARBCCEI.ES1 COFFEE. -BREEDERS D. NEKDHAM'S SONS ll<-ll) Dearborn Street, OHIGAOO lit ChnrHuHK And fUM AM 1^ an. Send tor dr- FOR %ALE at H. v. SHBFABD'S Hardware Store, McHenry. MORGAN HORSES, Skort Bii PolM Angw, And Jersey Cattle. Hillside West McHenry, 111.' Our Morgan Stock Is all pure bred, and >riginated from the best Morgan atoik In the United States. Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head >f our Stock, is one ot the best breed Morgan uoraes in the country, and can show more and •tetter Nil purpose colts than any other horte i the West. »Ve Invite the inspection of our stock; •oreeuien and all lovors oi fine animals. , «' A tew full binod Morgan Oolt* an't yonng torses for sale, Alsaone matohed team, full - 4ooUc. In Cattle we have the full blood Short Horn •vim h we are crossing with the Ued Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing ofl'jthe lorns we are brooding them oS and with (ood suceess. A tew Heifers and Bulla, both pare bred Short llorus and the cross above mentioned tor sale. 0. R. t.ylor* S.n«, WeHe«ry, 111,, Dee, 90th, lWt,