Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1887, p. 8

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hm*S, iMAD 1 *r s f y W ' f *;,"' f ^ % ,v£ 2h" ' "" W*m: * "Jfr ^WEEK* Kf ENTIRE NEW STOCK •.• • : MATCH. m ifigrpt is Indeed a and toe first one the astonishes him very much, la the procession march ^ of the blind and a nmafcer of men, who proceed f6k Wtep»sing'ing a most jubilant SltillG sw!n|fing themselves from to left. Behind them comes the ,1-car, or rather a sort of bier, a great red shawl, in which ly is deposited. At the extrem- of the bier, on a perch, is placed tfie turban or the Urbouche of the defunct _ ^ , 1 Two men carry this bier. They fol­ low with such high spirits the move- jn? * • tiient of the head of the cortege that P f the corpse, rocked in every direction, |§|.. iseems to jump under the shawl which V surrounds it. The women bring up the ^ rear, some on asses, some on foot. The Lv first row is formed of weepers or rather f'y jscreamers, who send forth toward • heaven the shrillest notes at each step, f v, • *The weepers hold in their hand a gi/> • handkerchief, with which they are not • (solicitous of wiping their eyes pei> /*• V tfectly dry, but which they pull by the two ends behind their head with a ' gesture that would be desperate if it tu were not droll. J On arrival at the cemetery they take i ^the corpse from the bier to cast it, ||£i#puch as it is, into the grave. The great j ^ ifunerals, however, take place with ; ' iiiuch more solemnity. An important personage is hardly dead in Egypt **" * l>efore his friends and acquaintances !rftisWt»urry to the house. During one or „ two days they eat and drink at the ex- C pense of the dead, or rather his heirs, p Indulging in the noisiest demonstra­ te- '$ions. When the hour of interment arrives a scene of the wildest charac- iter is produced. The slaves and wo- I^Oinen of the household throw them- gSK jBelves on the corpse and feign a deter- ^ urination to hinder it from passing the I " threshold. This lugubrious tragedy ia 1#-,"* flayed conscientiously. They snatch »way the coffin, they belay each other with blows, and the most violent and * frightful clamor is heard, j^-' - At last the procession leaves the ' house and repairs to the cemetery, . |»reeeded by camels loaded with vict- br f , «ial>. which are distributed to the poor tl - hurrying in crowds along the road. |t: ' All along the road the mourners and r •* friends of the family fight for the I ; honor of bearing the bier for an in- slant. and thus it passes or rather $ -- 'Ibounds from hand to hand amid the ty anost frightful disorder. The inter­ im ,• 'Snent ended, everyone returns to the W;,; house of the dead to recommence the ;j; v festivities, dancing and the mortuary £$ t demonstrations.--Brooklyn Magazine. Didn't Want the Pills in Shell*. "Gi'me a postage-stamp and wrap it up soze I won't lose it," said a little girl to a Camden drug clerks yesterday afternoon. "An' say, can't you gi'me some Easter cams and a liquorish drop? An' mother wants to kn,ow what's good for a swellin' in the ear?" . "Oh, that's an everyday occurrence .'here," said the drug clerk, sadly. "Last week that child's mother came here with a prescription for forty quinine • pills, one grain each. I put 'em up in ' capsules, and it isn't, a nice job for a busy man either. Two days ago she came back here with the capsules in a little box anil wanted me to renew the i prescription. ,fv-, v " 'Don't put the pills in these little shells,' she said, "cause it's an awful Syfei bother to get 'em out when I want to swallow em.' She wanted me to throw off five cents for returning the cap­ sules.--Philadelphia News. The New German Rifle. y -* * • - * He 73,000 German reserves have returned to their homes after a twelve- days drill, and it appears, says a Ber­ lin ̂ correspondent, that the new rifle which has been introduced into the army has greatly impressed the Land- wehr men. First of all it should be stated that the moral effect of the new rifle is very powerful. It is, indeed, the greatest advantage of the gun. All the reserves declare that they con­ sider themselves better armed than with the old Mauser rifle. Meanwhile they acknowledge that the rifle range %4 • Is much more irregular. It was chiefly 5«C: ', in order to rectify the rifle range that "3 -v:!;1 the reserves were called out, but in- '5 * », stead of applying themselves to this ],;J> " task nearly all the time has been oc- "... , cupied to explain to them the me- It ' chanism ot the repeating rifle, which L< '*.» is very difficulty to understand. They sf: - have also been instructed in the hana- ling of the ^un, which, it appears, is somewhat difficult. Not more than twenty-five cartridges have been fired per soldier during the exercises. The rifle appears very heavy, because of the difficulty with which it is main­ tained resting against the shoulder. In fact, according to the view of the soldiers themselves, it is far from be- ing perfect, but the moral effect, as I said before, is considerable, and suf­ fices to prove that at the present mo­ ment the German army rifle is the best in Europe. It is less important to be well armed than to believe that one is better armed than others. mi" jM'„ ; Ifo friend, "what other Including all the Latest Styles, Shades, and Textures, in DhresS Goods, Silks Surahs, Satins, Novelties, Velvets, plain striped and brocaded. Nearly 100 different styles ot fancy Plaids and Stripes, Nain­ sook Chectts and Victoria Lawns. Embroidered Robes in all the newest designs and colors. Suu JJmbre'las and Parasols in all newest designs. The finest stock ever brought to McHenry. Look them over. In Shawls, Scarfs, Jackets and Wraps, we have the most complete and Cheapest assortment ever shown in this section. * * Jn this Department can be found one of the largest stocks of Beady Made Clothing in McHenry County, which for style, finish and general make-up cannot be excelled. Our prices are very moderate and we are confident we can please you. Give us a trial. i BOOTS AND SHOES. I The comingseason will find us supplied with onr usual complete line of IHJLSREIS, MISSIS, AHD LASIXS SSOXS. tn all the latest styles and novelties, also a fine line of Mens and Which will be found up to their usual standard of excelence We have one of the choicest stocks ot' Groceries, Canned Goodfe . etc., in McHenry. C R O C K E R Y , Just received a beautiful assortment of Decorated C^ici^igr, calif and see it. ' . u - R Stock complete, including a very large line of standard Patent Medicines. We study to please and guarantee every article we sell to be as represent*d. Thankful for past favors, we hope by liberal, fair dealing to merit a generous share of your appreciated patronage. HENRY COLBY. y DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Tolthe Farmers of McHenry CountyiandgVicinity: I am now prepared to show a new and clean assortment vf Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at prices that I am confident will pay you to investigate before ^mak­ ing your purchaalii Walking Easier Than Spelling. President Lincoln's Commissioner of Agriculture, Newton of Philadelphia, is the peg on which all bad spelling stories are hung in Washington. He wrote English as she's spoke, without regard to the arbitrary rules of ortho- graphy, and the result was often amus- ing. One day Gen. Sickles, then lying m a hospital here badly wounded^ craved fruit, grapes particularly. A friend, not being able to find them elsewhere, went down to the Depart­ ment of Agriculture and asked Com­ missioner Newton for some. "I k&ven't any grapes," replied Newton; '1 d give them to you in a minute for Gen. Sickles if I had; but I'll give you anything else we've got." "Well," said the friend. fruit have you?" "Why," said Newton, "I think we nave some nectarines, and you're wel­ come to some of them." • - ."3?ey'f!T very well," said the mend. Just write me an order to the gardener for some, will you?" Newton said he would, drew a sheet ot paper toward him, and began to write. The elate line was all right, for that was printed; but after that his trouble, began. "Give bearer," he wrote, "as many » and then he stopped, for he couldn't spell necta­ rines, and he knew it. fife thought over it for a full minute. Then he threw down his pen, picked up his hat, and said: "Come, I'll go over with you my- Thomas Keene, the first white born in Montana, died recently, aged twenty years and three months. «u miner rWrlnsr , Ihtlfl'kltlmMlll unset If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unex­ celled. Do you want a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy, X ^ W B R S I Look at the McCormlck Steel Mower, McCormick No. 1 Inner Blue; the K. C. Ttiompaonn, I Crown; and don't forget that $35 buys a o. 2; the Red, Thompson. Whtte and R A H E s i I have the old tellable BoUlnnworth. that never fails to plea«e. a*5ee<l '* b*,t ^ ump rake 01 th* market, au<i to» The closest competition in this, rner Goods still on hand, and whicl _ other towu, on all Sum- must and will be sold to fnake room for fall goods. White Robes, K £ > White Skirts, .< ^ ; Summer ShawifB, v Straw Hats, > U loves and Mitts, - \ '.lilces1! ; White Goods, Parasols, .. ; Fans, • . Lawns, \ r- . Seersuckeii,"" Swiss Embroideries, Lawns Reduced from 8c. to 0c.---7c- to 9c, i . ! ~ h * M . - - . . ' • > ' Good Values! No Humbug! We are in a position and have the Ooods to offer our patrons some goods deals in ' C L O T H I l f a i The celebrated all'wool Deal, Suit, only $10.00. Fancy Scotch Cheviots, all wool, only 18.50* Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, • v-: •• _ ; •' Ow^tf^^^fM^Stock of rfbtftG got>ds ha^ii^i#«(1. & large assortment of styles, <izes, grades and widths, and fully warrant all gjoods stiimped Prices the lowest considering quility. . L. Candee Rubbers, best on earth. >, Shirts, Jackets, Trunks, Valises, Bags etc;; CttOCKERi* GLASSWARE, Choicest 1887 Teas. No. 1 Rockford Flour, $1;05, Reaching for Part of Vour TracHN Bonslett Sc Stoffel. g^*One Poor West of the Riverside House, -0 DEAI.BR IN Also the Celebrated tV'V " y \ f < -- 'VO. AM BAH0IS. Gasolene and Oil Stoves aid Ranges. And in short, everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin Line. JOBBING promptly Attended Te, The Star, Taylor and examineJji only to become The MeCormlek Steel Harvester still sunds (at the head In all flelrl contest*, and never toils to cut and pick up down and tangled grain. Look at one kefore you buy. R. BISHOP. Practical Painter aid Decorator, . HEBRON, McHenry, ill.,-May 18th, 1887. -DEALEE TO CURE RHEUMATISM. Ibis remedr has a naciflc action upon the fluids of the body, supplylnsgnptetiire to the tissues and lubricating the Joints Wected by the dlwase. No Mff »r Dtotsrtcd Ltatbt remain afusr a cure by this specific. A trial of a single bottle will aonvlrtet the most sceptical that we have not told balf it* Tir- tues. Price Vl.M per bottle. For «ale by all drugRist*. Manufactured only by Decorating, Paper-Hanging, VALCIMINING, ORAINING, &e ion abort notice and satisfaction guaran­ teed. Call on or address, H. FISH. Hebron, 11L, May S3d, 1W7. Bedey's Famous Wankegan Ale and Porter On draught ai J. Bonelett'f. A. Jbg^, ften*« and Jobo IXtlmer's, . Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, Nails, etc. Building Hardware a specialty. Fishing Tackle and Oun Materials, etc. F ancy Groceries, Flour, and everything belonging to a First Class Grocery. Cigars and Tobacco, Pipes, etc. Jk?ST> SEE ... L'uSnt*'... A. *Vr:. ':xA:Ja You run no risk. 1 guarantee my prices to average lower than any other house in the county. I guarantee everything that goes out oi my Store or monei* returned. What risk do you run? M. ENGELN. |P Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, tUpf ^l ':'L . * W'M . • ' Fine Parasols Reduced, REDUCED, ave a big induce­ ment in Table Linen and Towels at very low prices. attractive line of Sum­ mer Robes and fine Dress Good; fail to see our Tine Kid $2 Shoe, warraned. We carry the best line ol Men's Fine Shoes. PERRY & OWEN. 4* SPECIAL ;|Km recently pat ia a full new stock SHELF AND Which he such prices as will make it aa object for every person, wlioutn McJIenry, to call if la want of any Goods in hie Unc. mil LOTS OF For both Coal and Wood, of the best makes, always on hand. J O B B I N G A N D R E P A I R I N G , Promptly attended to. A share of Public Fatronage respectfully solicited. 49~Store opposite Bishop's Mill, - McHenry, June 20th, 1887, H. V. SHEPARD' * West -DEALER IN- and tar Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron War| --A FULL STOCK Of THE CELEBRATED- • PENINSULAR GASOLINE STOVES, Come and see onr Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that wil hold a barrel. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings. Floor Hooks and Pulleys, the best iu the market. Call and see it. FTJLXi X.X231& OF STOVES. For both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand. . In, short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want ot anything in my line and see what can be done. I have employed a first class Tinner, and all t JOBBING AND Will be done on short notice aitf specialty ofHutter Factory work* respectfully solicited. Saii^i^ction Guaranteed. A j( share of puhlio patronage STEYEXS, '.A. . Ll '^1^1, fejfc ^ .

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