Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1887, p. 4

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flteDAY. AUG. 10. 1887. SLYKE. Editor. DAIRY 1**1 " May bo found on ES PAPERm«-.t GBO..P ,fT A CO.'S Newspaper Advertising (1®Spruce Street), where advertising T K NEW YORK-•or saw MT*The majority oi^uckner (Dem.) In Kentucky is now estimated at $17,- 600. *Nio«ty-nIne counties liev been beard from. #' S0rTbe W. O. Tayler Paper Com- Jfauy, of No. 169 East Monroe street, Chicago, made an alignment to Jaires L. Ruble, on Monday, with liabilities running up to $350,000, r «TAo effort was made to throw -1 train on tUe Chicago, Bock Ielknd •nd Pacific Boad Into tho Iowa River, near Iowa City. Several spikes had taen taken from tbe rails, but the en­ gineer taw the danger In time to |ve«it. pi ^ §®* Twelve miles north of Macon, --0a., Captain Richard Woojlalk, a farm­ er, his wife, four children, and an aunt , «f Mra. Woolfalk were found dead In I the house Saturday morning with ^ their throats cut. Tom VVoolfalk, a too of tho Captain by a former wife, f' V Is under arrest on sospieion of being the assassin. ' People do no: care to settle the Question just now as to who shall be the nominees ef the Republican party In 1888. But next year they will be beard from aud have their way. The aominee for president and vice-presi­ dent must be men who will unite the party. It is fortunate that tbe party |M8 just such men and several of them, <V^v; 8@^Thk jury in the boodlers' case iisturned a verdict Friday night, find­ ing all the defendants guilty, and fix- log the punishment of McCiaughry. Oehs, Leyden. Yarnell, Yaa Pelt. Wren and Wassermac. at two years1 imprisonment in the penitentiary, and that of McCarthy, Oliver, Casselman and Geila at a fine of tlOOO. Now sen- fence Sheriff Matsen to serve the term ff McGarlgle and then send them aU down before they escape. Let them Jj£ »11 take their next bath in Joliet. £ i®"Grover Cleveland's Mugwump ?, contingent, headed by Harper's Week- || and the New York Times, are . - greatly exercised about the "perni­ cious activity" and ill-concealed con­ tempt of the civil service rules die- ' played by Eugene Higgins and othwr Federal officials of bis type in the recent Democratic primary elections fit Baltimore, and these high-toned political pen lets are wondering what "jg. Iheir patron saint will do about it. | 4 Like that other great machine Demo- ~ ' #rat, Wn, W. Tweed, the offenders In ^ fuestlon will soon triumphantly say ? \ to their accusers, "What are you going to do about It?" I have not the re taotest idea that any henchman of | ' Senator Oorman will be either dis- r-f turbed or rebnked, for does not this erowd carry In (he hollow of its band £ the vote of tbe ring-ridden State of !/ Maryland, whose support of Cleveland • And Democracy are indispensable to the success of both? So the Mug-;r :' » wumps may as well stifle their disap- pointment and fall in at the rear of §pto:tl»e Democratic procession. The May Famine. #, The hay famine, says the Sycamore ^ i v Weekly, Is perhaps fully as great as ^ bny anticipated, an occasional meadow ' only yielding anything like an ordina- <jrf, ryjjcrop. The average throughout this section will scarcely be over half a ton C| per acre. Were farmers compelled to ^ rely as much on the bay crop as in ^ < *eme years past, more particularly ^ those years when there had been a i|*. failure of the corn crop, they might I? well despair ef getting their stock g^;* comfortably through the winter, es­ pecially should tbe coming winter turn out to be severe and long dura­ tion. As it is, however, tbe Immense growth ef corn will largely supply the deficiency in the grass crop, and the prospect Is that out west, in mest places at least, there will be a large 8urplu4 of grass, and this will unques­ tionably be gathered closely, balled in large quantities and shipped eastward, where it can be purchased at a reasonable price. There is, therefore, •o need of becoming despondent over the shortage of tbe hay crop. There is no better feed for out deer stock : than corn that has been cut up at the proper time and shockcd and cured in the field. In addition to tbe corn, all tbe straw will be carefully saved, and should tbe fall pasturage be good, and the winter prove a mild one, stock will get through with plenty. The nan who has hay te sell and holds it for a big price in tbe spring will probably get disappointed. Wide Awake for August has an Il­ lustrated article oh Summer Sports that all young people will be glad to •ee; another on Concord for patriots; ctories by Charles Egbert Craddock, Mid several others; many minor papers of serious value; an exquisite bit of a mother-poem--here it is: AS I WOULD HAVE IT. i§r|, ; ET GEETRUMJ HALL. 3£'-;.^>WI»erever there's a little child * That hasn't any mother, Tt»e sun shall beam more mother.mild On that child than another, ™ To him each little bird shal 1 sing, - "I am thy litxle brother;" OP THE SV .,, McHenry Co. Fair, Sept 20*te 23,1887. WOODSTOCK, ILL* F 1 Franfclin MoVeaph AO.,of ChlcatfO, t>*0. prielors of the famous Buck cigar, offers t^S tor stake speed purse. 2 Cornish Curtiss and Green, F* Atchisen, Wis., oft'er to the prettiest girl under tw eaty years of *ago who shall make with her own hamis, tile best tub or pall of butter: Xo 2 Rectangular churn, 7 00 No A butter worker.......... ........... 810 No 5 butter tray ............ 2 60 Batter ladle K> Dairy thermometer ou Total 115 25 The President, Secretary and Vice Presi­ dent to be judges of the beauty and the reg­ ular judges on butter to judge the quality of the butter, 3 Peter Van Schaack ft Sons, wholesale druggist*. 1SS Lake St., 1 celluloid toilet case to the couple getting married on the ground# during the fair. 4 liurbank, the artist of Woodstock, one dozen cabinet photos to the wedding couple. 5 V W Lake, of Harvard, one riding bridle for best carriage horse to be shewn upon the track. S A C McClurg ft Co, Chicago booksellers, 1 handsome album to wedding couple. 7 Bradley ft Vroman, wholesale paints and oils, 247 South Wster Street. Chioago, $5 worth of paints to the one showing the best lot of grade calves, not less than five. 8 A n Abbott ft Co, dealers in artists' ma­ terials, frames, etc., Madison street, Chicage, one gilt frame for the best show of oil paint­ ings--the work of one person. 9 S Cantrofitz & Sons, wholesale tobacco dealers, 165 Adams Street, Chicago, 111, free transportation to Chicago and return, to the couple getting married on the fair grounds during the Fair. 10 JH McV icker, proprietor of the famous McVicker's Theater, of Chicago, complimen­ tary tickets to the couple getting married en the McHedry County Fair grounds Septem­ ber 21. 11 A P Peck. Bidgefleld, 111, 10 pounds real nice honey te the bride and groom. 13 Hanly ft Son*, of McHenry, one sack of their choice flour to bride and groom, 13 Ira Mallory of Nunda, proprietor of the Herald, one year's subscription foi his paper to bride and groom. 14 Jay Van Slyke, McMenry Plaindealer to bride and groom one year. 16 H C Faber, Richmond fiazette to bride and groom one year. 18 Otis Eastman, Harvard Independent to bride and groom eue year. 17 J B Babcock, Marengo Republican to bride and groom one year. 18 John Dufield, Woodstock Democrat ene year to bride and groom. 19 ti S Sonthworth, Woodstock Sentinel ene ye%r to bride and groom. 20 The McHenry County Agricultural Board icives the wedded couple, from J. J. Stafford's furniture store, one extension table, bed. mattress, Springs, com node, set chairs, mir­ ror and sofa, valued at $50. 21 J Irving Pierce, proprietor ef Sherman House, Chicago, one of the finest hotels on tbe continent, and most conveniently located, offers board and room for one day te the wed­ ded counle, on showing certificate from Sec­ retary they were so married. !2 Thos McD Richards, president, offers $5 te the scholar frem any school or McHenry county, under 21 years of age, who will fur­ nish, with pen and ink, the most concise and completo solution to this problem A owes B $1000 at 6 per cent annual interest, to be paid in five annual installments of $200 and accrued interest. C buys the obligation of B with the condition that C's money ad­ vanced to B for said obligation shall net C 8 per cent annual interest. What must C pay B? Solution may be sent to me at any time pre- •ious to the fair of 1837 and 1 will place them in the hands of three competent mathema­ ticians for their decision. 23 Frank Upham, proprietor of tbe Briggs House, Chicago, the finest and most accommo dating $2 and $2.50 house in Chicago, writes: "Send the newly wedded couple along and we will treat tnem royally and no charge. 24 W A Baker, the acknowledged breeder of pure bred Chester White swine, Greenwood, 111. offers one eight weeks old pig. viSue $10 to the couple married September 21. 25 Chas Sanford, the boss chicken fancier, offers one pair White Cochin China fowls, from Geo w Mitchell, Conn, for best variety ot bantams. 26 Hunt Bros, the well known breeders ef Poland China swine, pure bred sheep, cattle and poultry. Greenwood, 111, offer for the largest and best displav of poultry, one set­ ting White Wyanddott eggs In season, val­ ued at $5. 27 J H Sanders ft Co, publishers of the Breeder's Gazette, of Chicago, the best stock journal in America, will give one copy for one year to the wedded couple. 23 Marvin Sherman. Woodstock's dealer in jewelry, sewing machines, etc, offers one ulock to the person showing the best display of sewing dene on the St John sewing ma­ chines. 29 AS Woight, Secretary and proprietor of the old Red Front drug store, will give the wedding ring to the wedded couple in remem­ brance of the greatest fair of 1887. 30 Col Wm Avery, the popular county clerk, will donate tbe marriage license to tbe wed­ ded couple. SI Rev £ B Boggess, pastor ef tbe Congrega­ tional church, will perform tbe marriagt cer­ emony free. Burton Wright, Gen'l Supt fair offers $5 for the best fat steer ever two and under four years. 33 W H Dwight, tbe pioneer boot and shoe man offers for the handsomest baby undei eighteen months one pair kid shoes.--Its mother the same. Geo Eokert, Col Avery and ladies are to be the Judges. 34 C I' Thorne the pelite proprietor of tbe Paiaco Shoe Emporium of Woodstock, one pair kid shoes to the handsomest young lady under twenty years of age. Cnas Donnelly, Ed Whitson and James Casey to be the judges. 35 A F McGbee, proprietor of tbe bazaar on Main street, Woodstock, a real bargain store, offers a large oil painting. $5, to tbe one dis­ playing largest selection of fancy work. 36 E A Murphy A Co, the great dry goods merchants of McHenry county, will give tbe person displaying the greatest number of ex- hibitsall kinds, in floral ball, one $9 dress pattern. 37 J H Ettleston, proprietor Boston Store, Woodstock, offers to the ene showing largest and best exhibit in textile fabrics, Class K. one all wool dress pattern. 35 A Dryer proprietor Main street harness shop, Woodstock, a workman worthy of the trade, offers one whalebone whip, valued at $2.50 for the best carriage horse. 39 J J Stafford, the popular furniture dealer, of Woodstock, offers oae chair to the wedded couple. 40 Misees Donnelly, milliners, Woodstock, will give the bride one ot their fashionable hats. 41 John J Murphy, ef the First National Bank aad a warm supporter of the McHenry county fair on all occasions, offers $10 for the best carriage team to be shown upon the track. Said team to be owned outside of Woodstock, also fo show one mile test of speed. 42 Elmer Bagley tbe feed man, will as usua 1 present tbe wedded couple with some of bis choice flour. 43 Bunker Broe, the old south side dealers in hardware and groceries, Woodstook, gives the wedded couple one Japanned toilet set, valued at $5. 44 S Trott, the popular agent for L Dentch Chicago tobacco emnorium, and a married man himself, g>ves the groom one box of ci gars to treat the boys with. 45 Blakeslee & Son, the popular north side grocerymen, ot Woodstock, will present the person some article out of their store, for the best bread made from their flour, 46 J Zimpleman ft Co, the attentive grocery firm on the east side of Woodstock, will pre­ sent the person something from their store for the best c*ke made from their sugars, etc 47 W H Stoddard, of tbe firm of Hibbard, Hpencer, Bartlett ft Co, of Chicago, one set kuives and forks to the wedded couple. 48 Prof L Ga'.itzkl, the optician, will £iv the wedded couple kitchen utensils worth $2,J As other specials come in they will be announeed in tbe several county papers. Remember Hon. 8amael Randall speaks Sept 22; Wedding and concert September 21; Soldiers1 Day, Sept. 22, T. McD. RICHARDS, Pres. A. S. WRIGHT, Sec. Reported Expressly for the PumDitLiB by A W. Hutohlns, Secretary of the Elglu Board ot Trade. • Onl KLOnr, I1L, Aug. $, 1S87. 259 tubs Of butter sold The attendance good. Bidding brisk but y 26£ on tbe call at 27 cents. No cheese sold. Fol- offerings light. on tbe call at 2 lowing report ot sales and outside markets: OFFICIAL. Setter. itoumis. Amount. Turner -- •oe 182 00 St. Oharles...» .. . •no •< t43 00 Joslyn 1«40 «• B88 80 Bartholomew....... 7» 40 "iouth Riley 9U0 t'i:i)» Kancville. 900 s U :•' i 1248 00 os McAllester ... .. 780 s U :•' tiooo llonner .. 720 ii m 40 Old Riley UOO «<;. $'i4 00 J C Kiley .. 1800 it #24 00 iVolverton ....... . .. 790 n l»4 40 Geneva.. ....... . 1800 M *24 00 Winfleld...... 990 •I *59 '20 Wavne IMu it 82100 A If Boehmer .. aieo « StS7«0 Priv. sales--Butter. " Obeese. Total trans'ns. 15540 305171 38733 "419443 $ 419S 80 79M6 5H 2G07 39 f 86389 75 OUTBIDS MABKRTS. Boston.-- Butter active at 24 to 25. Cheese, fair demand for eastern goods. Baltimore.-- Butter scarce; western 24 c. cheese, F C. 9,^ to 10; skima; 3 to 4. SL Louis --Butter active; Elgin goods, 27 to 28. Obeese, F C. 10 to 11; Y A, II; skims, 2 to 5 JVetc York.--Butter, fancy, firm at 27; F C cheese, 9,¥ to 10)4 New Or lean t --Firm at 25 to 26 for butter; no cheese quoted. A. W. HUTOHINS, See. E. B. T. rS* M (Successors to 3mitht Son A Near the Co.) '."-r < la •MMBBi ,'Sblnri Vttl* . McHenry, Illinois. m Having purchased the Lumber Yard and stock of Lumber of Smith. Son & Co., West McHenry III., and replenished the same with FULL STOCK OF LUMBER Of all k|nds, we are now par€M^|##ffer to the public, the best quality of Lumber at LOWEST LIVING PRICES- ' pre- Some Goods must be sold 3>t ft A CHANGE - ( A T I - west Mchenry. Having sold out their Lumber Yard id Wilbur T.nnUfr Company, will now devote their entire attention to the sale of HARD AND SOFT COAL, BRAN, SHORTS, OATS, Lime, Stucco, Etc. And by keeping a full stock always on hand will, in the future as in the past, do all in their power to please all who may favor thcin with their patronage. Prion ss Lev as tlu Lowest All persons knowing themselves i ndebted to nt are requested to call and settle the same without delay, as our old books must beclos ed. Delays are dangerous. Smith, Son & Co. West McHenry, Aug 9th, J1887. Din Cured Without Medicine. A MARVELOUS INVENTION FOB HEALINf} TlfE SICK AND OOSQCHt UfO PAIN. A TdaHiWiNWTbrm|l^i| ligMtln to tt»ha* •Me ijlttoa. Electricity aad Iijaettaa DUUnd •s Meier Bafor* far Haallaf tha Sldb Wewage no warfare i medical frat i no warfare againstphTsiclans or aternity generally. Their sphere of' arge ana we desire to aid them In the use­ fulness la laive and~we desire to aid "thorn In fur- iliary means for coring the sick. The honest physician occnpies a high place In pnblio esteem and deservedly so, too. While our Appli­ ances are not a panacea for every ill, they are what we claim for them and will afford a speedy cure oft­ entimes alter medicines have failed to give relief. GOME (MBHETIC MTUAHCES CLASSIFIED. MBIETI6 Bend siseot shoo worn. Bend for circulars. MMNETIG per pair. 8end measure of wrist. Send for circular. MAGNETIC ftlkfelr'S^pSe' tSeach. *&>adsJM of ankle. Send for circulars. MAGNETIC ness, Catarrh, etc. Price 9» by mail. Sena Cor circular. MAGNETIC 8Ja?X!S«KIK-e!USlSSS: hip disease, etc. Price *6. Send siae of waist and leg at hip. Send for circulars. MAGNETIC go^wi&^SS.!SSK neuralgia or catarrh, will give relief immediately. Price 96 each. Send size of bat worn. Bend Cor circulars. MAGNETIC eKe^Stf^M reduce the swelling and restore to natural slse Immediately. Price 98 each by miil Beodriitof knee. Bena for circulars. MAGNETIC tffiU lungs. They prevent and cure cold, rheumatism, neuralgia* pneumonia, throat troubles and ca- tarrh. Price It, Send for circular* with tsstl momials. -- MAGNETIC benefit to elocutionists, public speakers and sing­ ers. They strengthen the vocal cords and prevent hoarseness. Send for circular. Prloetl each by mail. Bend size of neck. MAGNETIC varicose veins. These legglns nave acquired uni­ versal praise for their medical qualities, and for the ease with which they are worn, nice H each by mall. Send size of leg around tuul ankle. Bend for circular. MAGNETIC nation, kidney and liver trouble. Quickly removes back ache a peculiar to ladies, and imparts wonder­ ful vigor to the whole body. Persons of sedentary wgr will And them each by mail post- habits and impaired nervous power will And them a valuable companion. Price<2 paid Send for.circulars. MAGNETIC £!?".!!' sciatica, '.llseawes of the kidneys, torpid liver, in a I emissions, impotency, heart disease, dyspep­ sia, indigestion, hernia or rupture, piles, etc* Con­ sultation free. Price of Belt, with Magnetic In­ soles, 810. Send measure of waist fc&dliieot ibo# worn. Send for circulars. MAGNETIC rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous exhaustion, dys­ pepsia or with diseases of the 11 ver, kidneys, head­ ache or cold feet, lame back, falling of the womb, leucorrlioea, chronic inflammation of the womb, an abdominal belt and a pair of Magnetic Foot Batt«v- les ha ve no superiors in the relief and cure of all these complaints. They carry a powerful maa? netic force to the seat of the disease. Price of Mt with Magnetic Foot Batteries, 910. Sent by exnreaa C. O. D.. and examination allowed, or by mall on receipt of price. In ordering, send measura at waist and size of shoe. MAGNETIC chronic rheumatism, gout, lumbago, paralysis bronchitis, lung disease, and other complaints, which baffle the skill of our best physicians. Price spo each with insole. Send measure of chest or •ust and waist. Persons living at a distance who . t ui vucii uiuicuivies oy letter, ana we will designate the kind of Appliances required in .i lrase to a cure. Bend your address for tee New Departure in Medical Treatment With- %.ilc*ne' witii thousands of testimonials. The Magnetic Garments are adapted to all am. are worn over the underclothes 7not nexttothe boay like the many gralvanic and electrichumtr advertijud so extensively) and should be taken at night. They hold their power lore YST fywl worn at all Beacons ot the year* HTOrker direct through your Druggist, Physician, General btore Dealer, or through the publisher of paper. THE MAGNETIC APPLIANCE Oft, 184 PWGTWS St, CkUsgs. IHi .'IMS Casing, Door and Winflomr Frames-Ready Made-always OD Hand. We shall keep our stook complete at all times and spare no pains to accommodate all wh ) may favor us with their patronage. Our yard at this place will be under tne charge of Charles H. Qranoek, who wili b® ready at ail times to make you prices on arge or small lots 1 Call and see us . J< Y WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY. West Mgl^nTry, Ill.» ^ug. 8th, 1887. ^ Great Bargain Sale -O F-- -AT- - W OODSTt >CK, ILL. In order to mlike room for one of the largest stocks of Fall and Winter Goods Others are offered at Cost. Still others a small advance above cos%- Lawns 2 1-2 Jts. per yard, former price 5 t© 7. Lawns 8 " " " 12 cts. Ever brought to VVoodstock or into McHenry County, we will for the next thirty days sell our spring and summer goods at GKEATLY REDUCED , PRICES. CONSISTINC Off Ladiis and Seats liu Shass, Low SIiom, . . . .Walk ing Shoes and f in tKfpns . an extra laf'ge %tocfer of Misses'and Children's Fine Shoes, Walking hoes and Toe Uppers, and Bo>'s and Youth's Lace, Con­ gress and Button cjhoes»in all the.latest styles. N. B.--House Established Lawns 11 Satines 1 dhawls $ Shawls $1.90 each, •m each, former price $1.00. $2.50. 15 cts. 15 to 20 c|S» f CLOTHING! I mm. -tft 11111 HEADQUARTERS GOOD BARGAINS. We have just received a new and complete Stock of all kinds of New and Seasonable Goods such as Boots and Shots, Hats, Caps, Clothing!. Which we offer at very popular prices. Don't wait for a second invitation, but come at once and see how we deal, and leain our prices. Butter, Eggs, etc. taken in esichango for Goods, allowing highest market price. B ALTHOHF McHenry,111., March 28th, 1887. Of w hich a few suits are left and marked down as follows. . .' '• 'V* ens and Youths all wool, $ 7.75 fbrmer ptlce $12.^0, ^ Mens and Youths all wool, 10.00 former price 15.00^'^ Mensand Youths all wool chk 7.50 former price 12.001" Mens and Youths navy blue 6 90 former price 10.00. Mensand Youths gray wool 8.00 former price 12.50. Also a few suits left for Boys from 15 to 18 years old marked down to $5, former price $9, Seersucker Coats and Vests $1 25 former price $ f$f<. Also 57 single Coats at halt price. * ; isidias Muslin Underwear. ufacturing;, to close out. Also a few Ladies White Embroidered Robes below Sheriff's Sale* BY virtue of an execution issued out of the O ierk's office of tbe Circuit Court of Mc­ Henry County aud State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby 1 am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against Fred Wilkening in favor of ,jHenry Toepel, out of the lands, tenements, goods an t chattels of the said Fred AVilken- ing 1 have lev ied on the following property, to-wit: Lots Nos. One (1) and Two (2) in Block No N ine (ft) in the Village of Algon- ?uin, in the county of McHenry and State of llinois. Therefore according to said com mand, I shall expose for sale at public auc­ tion, all the right, title and interest of the above named Fred Wilkening in and to the above described property, on Saturday, the 20th day of August, 1887, at 2 o'clock, p. w., at the east door of the court house in Woodstock McHenry Co., 111. Dated at Woodstock this 26th day of July, Administrator's Notice. ESTATE ot John A. Ward, deceased. The undersigned having been a Administratrix of the estate of John A. Ward, deceased, late of the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appeal before the county court of Mc­ Henry county, at t'ae Court House in Wood stock, at the August term on the third Mon­ day in August next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified I and requested to attend for the purpose of MA get a specimen copy by tending >be adjusted, ah persons in- - | debted to said estate are requested to make cents te D. Lothrop Compaoy, 1 immediate payment to the undersigned 1 Dated jthU 18th 4ajolJune. A. D. 1881 The wind shall kiss tbe little thins •s if ii were his mother. Wide Awake is too good te be pop­ ular. Isn't It queer tbat really geod things are apt to get neglected? You 1897. GKO. ECKERT. Sheriff of McHenry County, 111. This would be a comparatively i nippy world if everybody knew the virtues of SMITH'S IifLE IJEAKS as a family medicine, and acted upon that know­ ledge. One half the misery of the world comes from ailmeuts which arise from a bad stomach or a bad liver. Chiefest imqng these are dyspepsia, biliousness, «clc headache and Jseuralcia. 131LE BEANS will cure all of these, .(-sides all miasmatic diseases. Dose: & & HEALING POWDER. CURES ALL OPEN SORES ON ANIMALS FROM ANY CAUSE, SORE SHOULDERS, CUTS, KICKS, ROPE BURNS, SORE BACKS. SCRATCHES, CUTS FROM BARB WIRE FENCES, ETC. NO SMELL TO ATTRACT FLIES; DOES NOT BURN A SORE LIKE LINIMENTS; EASILYAP* frLIED AND ALWAYS READY. FOR BURNS,CHAFING, SORES OR CUTS ON PERSONS, IT HAS NO EQUAL. ^ 15 and 50 Cents a Box. <£v AT DRUQ OR HARNESS ^ ^ STORES. , N? Executor's Notice* ESTATE of BerdinalStelling, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed executor of the last will and testament of Berdina Stellinp, late of the county of He. Hen'y and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the county court of McHenry county, at the courthouse in Woodstock, at the Oct. term, on the first Mondiy in Oct. next, at which time all persons having claims against si id es­ tate are notified and requested to attend tor the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persona indebted to said estate are requcstef io make Immediate payment to the under' signed. Dated this 18th day of July, A. D. 1887. JACOB STOCK, Executor. #• ars and Jugs 9 cents! per gallea .at QUOTATIONS. BRAN} p®rITon• • i»(12.75 S H O R T S , p e r T o f t , . 1 3 . 2 5 MIDDLINGS, per Ton... 13.50 CORN, per Ton 15.00 Terms, Net Cash, Or good Notes at 8 per cent. No more time sales. CARLOADS! Quoted upon application. And remember that I charge you no bonus ot three dollars a car for buying. :m":#, • €Risot* At the Pickle Factory in West MEN'S BELOW COST, Ladies' Misses' and Children's light weight Underwear at half price. Muslin Embroideries extremely cheap. Linen and Victoria Lawns and white good* of all descriptions. Must a^ve aad prioet* will and must more them, .Fans at half price. 50 black Jerseys at great bargains. We sell the best Bustle made' in the world at 40 cents, 100 childs Suits, 4 th 12 great cut prices. 20C Mens and Boys Hats reduced one-thir4* ers reduced one third, $5 dozen Suapend- Wejhave Shoes for Men, Boyt; Ladies and Misses Slippers, perhaps in all 200 pair, and half of regular price is all we expect to get for them. Sizes of Slippers are mostly small, 3, 4 and 5. STOCK 0F Are always very complete and you may always depend on highest grade of goods, and prices the lowest. VERY RESPECTFULLY, ' • • - '• • JOHN BVANSOIT * €0» ".>v, .,j. "r;./

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