Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Aug 1887, p. 5

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J||ê eiry piiiilealer. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 34, 1S8T. Railroad Time Table. Taking effect June%)th, train* will pass McHenry Station daily, except Sundays, aa follows: OOINQ SOUTH. Lake Geneva Passenger 7:25 A. V Lake Geneva Express ......... .8:28 " Lake Geneva Freight ... 2:00 p. M Lake Geneva Passenger.. 8:88 " Lake Geneva Passenger. 8:29 " Lake Geneva Sunday Passenger......»S:38 *' OOIKO NORTH. Lake Geneva Freight t 'll i. M Lake Seneva Passenger 9:62 " Lake Geneya Passenger *10:10 •« Lake Seneva Express 4:85r. M Lake Geneva Passenirer. A :S7 " uss, Agent. McHenrt, 111 • Stops only to leave Paa«gn|erB, MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor lially invited. MASONIC. MCHBXBT LODGE, No. 158 A.|F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. STOHT, W. M. Millinery • .Nichols. Goods at Cost, it Mrs. H. REMEMBEU the grand double Excur­ sion to Twin Lakes and Lake Geneva. Bound Trip only One Dollar. H. B WIGBTMAN last week added - a handsome new double carriage to Ills livery. WEDNESDAY, August 31st. One Dollar the round trip to Lakes and Lake Geneva. Only Twia HAUPERISCH has been patting a I new veranda on the south and east I sides of his residence, and otherwise \ improving Its appearance.* REMEMBER the Harvest Party at the Riverside House, Old Settlers* Day, Sept. 1st. Muslo, Slocum's full orches­ tra. THE celebrated Queen's Reclining/ Chair Is sold at H. V. Shepard's hard -J ware. Hammocks are nowher^ com-J pared with these for ease and comfort! THERE was nothing but a plain slab at the bead of the mound, but the simple inscription upon It tells its own sad story: "He was umpire in a close came." • A FASHION journal, announces that * undressed kids" go with a bridal out­ fit. We bad always supposed they ' came afterwards--some time after­ wards.* CNAS. WILLIAMS, of the Llbertyrille Call, was a caller on Saturday last. BOBT. HOWARD spent Saturday and Sunday with friends In Elgin. F. G. MATES and wife were In at* tendance at the Desplalns Camp Meet­ ing all last week. MRS. H. W. BRANDT and Miss Emma Holbeck, of Chicago, are visiting with friends west of this village. GUSSIE COWLIN and Frank Sterba of READ the card of j&weler, In another col Smith, tasos |n England of Historic Interest. mn* Mysterious disappearances hare been "DAD" HOLMES lefteaT^Tdes'k yes- * more nun,erous than ha8t-v readers irday, a bean pod that measured 24 nagine--some permanent, some tem- •orary. I do not allude to modern ones nches In length. How Is Skat for a rithin living men's memories, but to ry season? ome past ones of thrilling interest, _ -----: ------ nd about which very many people do PERSONS having Pie Plates and Bean OT know much, except those who Pans belonging to Locke's Home Bak- tody and read ephemeral literature. the same ?be story of the "Man with the Iron ery, are requested to return and oblige the proprietor. THOS. THOMPSON IT Is reported that the boys are again stealing grapes from the gardens in this village. 'Thirty days in the county jail might prove a wholesome lesson for such lawlessness. A juveslle base ball club came over from Wauconda oi Saturday, last, and tackled our "infants," and got done to the tune of 28 to 22. McHenry youngs­ ters are a bad crowd to tackle with ball and bat. AN artlole sent us for the Soldiers' Department, from the pen of Comrade M. F. Ellsworth^ which appeared In the last Woodstock Sentinel, came to hand too late for this week, but will appear In our next. THE Red Jaoket Liniment, made by 'Mrs. Harriet Holmes, can be found at Louke's Bakery McHenry. Is the best Liniment known for cuts, bruises, sprains, bunions, rheumatism, eta- Good for man and beast. /^~$HERB will be a dance at the Mc / Henry House on Thursday, Aug, 25th, for the benefit of Mrs, Karges. E. B. Perkins' Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion.} Refreshments of all iTnds will be served. Tickets, 50 cents. A general Invitation is extended to all. OUR readers should not fail to notice the slight change in our railroad time table at the head of this oolumn. The passenger train that formerly passed this station going south at 5:36 p. M., now leaves at 5:29, seven minutes ear Her, Travelers should make a note. the past week. GEO. W. GORDON, special Agent for the Home Life Insurance Company, was a caller one day last week. J. J. POWERS, of Chicago, was visit­ ing with his uncle. Rev, Father O Neil, in this village, last week. GEO. VAN YELZER and wife, of Del- avan. Wis., were the guests of C. A. Walsh and family a few days last week. MATHRW L. SMITH, of Waukegan, spent a few davs last week with bis parents in this village* MRS. DODGE, of Maple wfl|»d, was visiting with her parents. Mi. and Mrs. J. Munson, In this village, the first of the week. JOHN BARZEN, N. Barzen, J. Wag­ ner and Henry Kleifcen, of Chieage, spent Sunday with John Klelfgen and family. In this village, MRS. H. KLEIFGEN and children, Mrs. John Barzen, (nee Miss Lizzie Kleifgen.) and Miss Barbara Barzen, of Chicago, spent the past week with John Kleifgen and wife. In this village. MRS. M. HOREN and her son Charles, of Waukegan, mother and brother of Mrs. P. H. Smith, and Miss Hattle Maxwell, Of Chioago. a niece, are visit­ ing with Mis. Smith and friends in this village. ^ ED. W. OWEN started on Monday, traveling on the road for the Belle City Manufacturing Co., of Racine, Wis. He will visit the wate and prin­ cipal {jf&unty ^airs In Wisconsin and Illinois, in the interest of the com­ pany. Miss BESSIE KNIGAT, daughter of C. rA. Knight, of Chicago, aged aboqt 4 yearn, is the boss fisherman of the Lakes for her age. One day last week she caught a four and a half pound .Bass, while aut with her father on Pie* It aqua Bay. * VALLEY CAMP, NO. 97. M. of McHenry, will hold a regular meeting at Parker House Hall, on Tuesday evening next, Aug. 30, commencing at 8 o'clock sharp, . Every member is ear­ nestly requested to attend. Business of importance. FOUND, between the depot and the residence of A. O. Whiting, on the Woodstock road, a pocket-book con­ taining a small amount of money. The owner can have the same by oall- ing on Mr. Whiting, proving property and paying for this nottcc. ' w 8TAR LODGE, NO. 61, I, O. G. T., of McHenryv wtll hold Its next regular meeting on Thursday (to-morrow) evening at the Unlversaliot church All members are earnestly requested to be present as business of impor­ tance will be transacted. SEC. f t u lot had the .tune to break his leg while loading idual was Mattheole, Woodstock, rusticated in this village |fee^ the Depot, on Tuesday after- [arma» there is very strong evidence lask" most have heard of, but what is iot so well known is that though a Isfer- eneral notion exists that this indi- Minister of noon. Both bones of the right leg ere broken just above the ankle joint. Black lat he was really the Due de Beau- >rt, with whose mysterious disappear- ice, in the latter half of the seven- enth century, we will commence our st. He was the grandson of Henry V. of France and the fair Gabrielle, ucliess of Beaufort He was a most iventurous man, and ever keeping bustles. underwear, etc., at Ladies' salesrooms. MRS. H. S. GREGORY. Spanish skirting, pure silk, #1.75 per yard. A full line of Jerseys, Sat lues, Seersuckers, dark colors- Fancy collars with culls, antique and Oriental tidies, fine handkerchiefs, ,ouis xIV.'e ministers in "hot water.® fancy rucblng, white aprons, corsets, 6 .was.'k® favorite of the fiery ' raris mob, always an important factor a French government. Kidnaping •olitical enemies was a common strata- THE Ladies Willing Workers Socle- ^m ^en on the Continent. Beaufort . . . IT . .. »*ent to Canada with the French troops ty, connected with the Universallst,en£ there on an expedition, and was Churfeh, will moot at tho residenoe lever seen publicly again, having been, of Mrs. E. J. Hanly, on Thursday it was said, killed. But a rumor grew afternoon, Aug. 25, at 1:30 sharp.stronger and stronger that he was the " •u"a"~ »-si8Xu^vu«.Teinfcl;g quested. ^ silver dish out, which was picked up by Mas. W. A CaisTT, President, the fisherman who owed his life to Miss JPLy. A. SToaT\Secretary. lever having been taught to read. TWIN LAKES and Lake Geneva, on What made these, ruI»?rB stronger was Wednesday, August 3tst. Round trip £e .k"°*1®dK®t«at \he P"s°ner was i ^ reated with all the honor and defer- only One Dollar. Leave Crystal Lake 8:10 A. M.* TerraCotta 8:15, McHenry 8:25. Arrive at Twin Lakes at 9:10. Leave Twin Lakes at 1130 A, M. Reach Lake Geneva at 12. Leave Lake Geneva at 7:46 p. M. This will be the cheapest and best Excursion ol the year. HIPPOPOTAMUSES are down as low as •5,000 apiece; but until they come dovn to 95.50 they will be claceed among the luxuries in poor families, who will try to worry along with two or three dogs, with an occasional cat thrown in. MANY bodily ills result from habit­ ual constipation, and a fine constitu­ tion may be weakened and. ruined by simple neglect. There is no medicine, for regulating tho bowels and restor­ ing a natural action to the digestive organs, equal to Ayer's Pills. F WE are to have a new series of pos­ tage stamps, on which the vignette will not be changed, but the eolors will The Champion Flag. Marshals will be on every read load­ ing into tho village, from half past nine to half past ten o'clook. for the purpese of taking count of processions competing for the Champion Flag on Sept. 1st, Old Settlers' Day. Let It be distinctly understood that no teams will be counted exoept those actually In the procession. Get your procession together and you will be properly counted. • Grand Army Muster In MoHenry. „ Wears requested to announce that fa lirani Army Poet will be mustered in this village on Monday evening next, Aug. 29th, the mustering officer having signified his Intention of being here on that date. All old' s6ldiers who have signed their names, and all other honorably discharged soldiers In this vicinity are requested to be pres­ ent.) All neighboring ^osts are oor- dTaTly Invited to be present on that oc­ casion. - WE would call particular attention to the notice of the Elgin Academy, which can be found In another column. As we understand quito a number of scholars In this vicinity will go away to attend school we take pleasure In recommending the Elgin Academy as one of the best In this section. They have a scholars' rate of one oent a mile on the railroad, which "will make it very cheap for scholars traveling that way. S««e their notice, terms, etc., in another column. It is a lamentable fact that McHenry I* obliged to send her advanced scholars away to school, but such being the fact. It bebooyes them to take advantage of the best advantages offered. THE Ladles or the Methodist Society will hold an entertalnmeut In River­ side Hall, Friday evening August 26th, for the benefit of the pastor. The evening's entertainment will open with a programme consisting of Music by the Band. Duet Mrs. T.J. Walsh and Mrs. Bishop Recitation Lovina Grimolby Tableau Duet Mrs. (Bishop and Frank Colby Recitation.... Dora Whiting Solo Mrs. Bishop Duet. . .Mary Wentworth and Dora Whiting Tableau I conform to those embossed on the THE Congregational Sunday Scbeol| stamped envelopes now used. The of Woodstock^ had a picric to Foi most notable change will be in the Lake via the steamer "Mary Griswold'l twc cent stamp, whlah will be green •n Friday last. There were some-1 in8tead of reddish brown, as at pres- thing ever fifty aboard, men, women, 4|nd children) who reported a pleasant and enjoyable time. A LADY who was,, resorting at Fox Lake, put phosphorus on her bunion the other night anA retired. In the night tbe husbapdspied the thing and sizing it up for a fire-fly, banged it with a boot-jack. She never speaks to him now without punching him with the crutch she has been obliged to wear ever si ace. »nt. A NEIGHBORING Journal says that all Its town lacks of being one of the most prosperous and enterprising In tbe state Is a few manufacturing estab­ lishments. The same may be said of all the other towns in Illinois. If you can only add population and prosper­ ity enough to tho small towns they will become cities, overy one of them. ON Saturday next August 27th, there will be a match race on the Liberfey- vllle track, between "Gray Jim," owned by Silas Robertson, and "Flora L," owned by Geo. W. Eidredge, of Richmond. The stakes are flOO a side, tbe winner ttf take the entire gate re oelpts. As these horses are pretty evenly matched, an exciting race, nay bo expected. ^ E T B . P E R K I N S ' Orchestra, which Is advertised to play at Heimer's Hall Old Settlers' night, Sept. 1st, Is com­ posed of six pieces and is certainly a credit to McHenry. They have been organized but a few months, but are i now furnisbsng music that wqpld be a \jcredlt to older organized banded If In want of music for public or private parties, picnics, etc., etc., eall on tbe loader, E. B. Perkins, who will furnish you good music at a reasonable rate. SOUND PHILOSOPHY:--A doctor said to his patient on bis first visit: "You are a very sick man. If you have any business to do, anything to put in or­ der, It will be well for you to do It at once." "Doctor, you don't think I am going to die?" "Yes. then Is little hope for you." The man had sense enough not to be frightened to death, and said: "Well, I've had a great daal of troeble In my life, and most of 11 never happened;* He defeated the fetter's prediction*--Jfc, fI»ora Whiting I Mrs. Besley 1 Frank Colby \ Will Weal worth Quartette Song by the Flow era in their native tongue. Arter the programme refreshments wUl|be served, consisting 6f Ice Cream and Cake, home-made Candy of all kinds, and fresh roasted Peanuts will sold during the evening. A gallery of tbe finest collection of plotures and a large cabinet of ancient and antique curiosities have been most artistically arranged, and none presentrshould fall to pass through this room of beauty and curiosity. Among the attractions will be the Great American Skeleton, tbe Twins from the Sandwich Islands, Scenes from China. Pictures of Art by such men as Dent, Prlspln, Tlnne and Renologee. An admission of 10 cents will be charged at tbe door for adults. Children 5 cents. Let eyeryene oome and spend an evontiigef mlrtlf and pleasure. PRINTERS' ink can out-taik any sales­ man. out-argue any obstinate buyer. It can't be talked backed to, and when its opponent has expended every ar­ gument against the subject, comes up smiling every t'me with, the same eld /ON Friday morning last Chas. Huff- statement, and finally leads him In /man. who lives five miles east of tow and willing to be convinced./Nunda, reported that a horse had been That's why eyery business man ebouldl stolen fro advertise. THE prospects for tat stock, big squashes and pumpkins, etc., for our coming county fair are not tho best yet every one should try to do some­ thing. The fair can be ohly what you make it. The officers are putting forth extra efiort, and ask that every farmer join with them and de what they can. If each one will but try tbe fair of 1887 can be made as great i success as those of past years. WILL BEAR REPEATING.--A fine o from 920 to 940 will be imposed oi anyone who kills a prairie chicken partridge or quail, during the next iw years, except that quail may be sh during November and Decembe Seventy-five per cent of the fine goe s to tbe school lund, twenty-flve to th informer. It Is made tbe duty or al officers to prosecute where there I probable cause. Let tbe pot bunte from town and among tbe farmere b watched, - Pumps, all kinds. Iron aod wood, to aaj length at K. M. Owen A Son's. bis premises the night be­ fore, and that at tbe same time a boggy and harness had been taken from the barn of H. Bryant, a neigh­ bor. Detective Bentbusen Immediate­ ly took the matter In hand and by three o'clock tbe sanie afternoon had captured the tbiet with the property in his possession. It proved to be one Adolf Welse, alias Carl Weidinger, who bad been at work the past month or two for a farmer near Rldgefield. After capturing the thief and while on bis way back to Nunda with b!m« Bentbusen, by adroit questioning drew out the faot, (whieh he Ibofore suspected) that be bad also stolen a horse some time ago In Chioago, and disposed of it somewhere in thisseo- tlori. From what he drew out of the thief he was enabled to trace tbe lost property and on Saturday found the horse, buggy and harness In this vil­ lage. where they had been sold to Robs. Schiessle of the West Side. Thus inside of twenty-four hours Detective Bentbusen had found two stolen horses, captured the thief and had him safely lodged In Woodstock Jail. When Ben- thusen gets afters thief he can sake up his mind he has get to tho and of hlsropo. Hebron Department «™l LODGE DIRECTORY. MASONrc.--A. FoamtiA, M. meet at Masonic M Hall on every 1st'and 3d Wednesday even. nti tnirs of each month. del MODERN WOODMEN OP AMEKTCA.--Meet at •oi Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Monday even. „ ings of each month. .Neighbors cordially in- vited. SONS OF TBMPBRANCE --Meet at Unioa*HatI ^ on Tuesday, evening of each week. chi -i -- mi th< EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--A wedding is an- ^ nounced fer next week, the 31st. In Charlie Chapman Is gathering cream for Big Foot. Qnite a number from Richn^pnd attended the dance Friday night. Also several from English Prairie. Frank Bills' father came Saturday, from the east for a short visit, ^ George Erckenbrack Is working for Jem Wickham in the meat market, Miss Lora Arnold, from Sharon, was the gnest of Mrs. Ellen Pierce last week. Sanford Rowe. started Monday to drive through to Iowa with a team and wagon pur­ chased here. D. L. Rowe, Era Hyde, Norm Brown and Frank Rotnour are camping at Geneva Lake this week. We have a new meat market situated in the' back part of Kane's grocery. Jack Spice and Hiram Houston are the proprietors. Hamlin Fenner lost a valuable horse from lockjaw, last week, caused by a rusty nail in the foot, Mr. Dunklnson, from Delavan, Wis., IS vis. iting friends and viewing old scenes. He was one of the earliest settlers of thl* township, bi*. His daughter, Mrs. Jackson, accompanied him Lil for a few days. tn ini on " At this writing large posters are up adver- nee shown to royalty. Louis XIV. Dolt Cf"*" 1 *"«»*' * ~ ̂ AAV). It INC WOOD. EDITOR PLAIKDBALER:--Rain at last. After weary weeks of waiting--that "hope Referred that make th the heart sick"--the blessing came, Our hearts were filled with gratitude for tills gra­ cious gift to man and beast. Somehow we never realize the value of the oom- mon blessings of life 'til they are with held. We have food and ralnment sufficient for UB--the earth is beautiful under our feet and the sky overhead, but wo seldom stop to be grateful for these good gt?t. If they are with- drawn-we know how dependent we are Now that the terrible drouth is ouer] it seems like a fearful dream. No rata for weeks, very little for months, with the mercury at a frightful heigth and tbe wind blowing ' straight from the desert of Sshara. May we never see the like again. It seems now almost like a second spring, so rapidly arc the bare fields being covereJwith green. As wo listen to tho softly falling rain drops, nature's own lullaby for ber tired children, we think of the old song of "Rain on the Roof." Cvery tinkle on the shingle Has an echo in the heart; And a thousand dreamy fancies Into busy being start; And a thousand recollections Weave their liright hues Into weot; AS we listen to the patter Of the sott raiu oa the roof. The Cemetery Aid Society has fin­ ished the sidewalk from Main street to tbe Cemetery. The committee having the work in charge are deserving of great credit. They should be remem­ bered with thanks by the many who will be benefitted by tho sidewalk. It adds much to the appearance of that part M tmi vlttijffc ittfl the s^lety has reason to be proud of it. Miss Z. £. Page and Mr. O. C. Clark, of Boston, Mass. who have been visit­ ing relatives in this vicinity, left last Tuesday morning. Thoy will spend a few weeks In Grand Rapids, Mich., be­ fore returning to their eastern homo. They made many friends hero who re­ gret their departure. Several of our people are attending Camp Meeting at Desplalns. We bave mado up our mind tbat Riegwood has reason to be proud of Its children. In the several exhibitions gotten up by Mr. Nickle during the last year, they have taken a prominent part-and hsye always done remarkably well, showing natural talent and ex­ cellent training. Our DramaticXlub must look well to its laurels or the lit­ tle folks wlU come out ahead. The Coroelt Band has be oome an es­ tablished tfeftng In our village. Organ­ ized about three scars ago. It has passed through the ups and downs peculiar to bands of tbU kind, makine many changes of members and teachers and sufierirg mtny discouragements. But it has been steadily Improving all the while. It has taken a deserted and dilapidated old cburch and con­ verted It into a spacious and pleasant hall, with a handsome stage fer dra­ matic entertainments. Under its aus­ pices, a Dramatic Club has been form­ ed which has already won for itself an enviable reputation. It has also gain­ ed the good will of out citizens who bave generously aided them In raising funds. It has just purchased a new Band Wagon and is out of debt. Though this is a small village, we claim to have one of the best brass bands In the county, and anyone needing its services will find tbat, while our boys are good musicians, they are gentle- men. Privilege- Parties wishing booths or space of any kind, also boxed stalls, will please notify tbe undersigned. A. S. WEIGHT, Sec'y. If you aae tn need of a first class Feed Cutter, look at tbe Ross Upward cut Machine before buying. Sold by R. Biahop. Bishop sells tbe oomblned band and power Ross Cutters. Call and see them at Bishop's Warehouse. Fall Millinery. MRS. E. W. HOWE has Just return­ ed from tbe city with a full stock of the latest styles in Fall Millinery, to which she Invite* the attention of tbe Ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Hav­ ing selected everything with the great­ est care, she is confident she can please all who may give her a call, both in style of goods and price. The Ladies are invited to c«ll and inspect my goeds whether they wish to purchase or not. MRS. E. W. HOWE. See tbe Belle City Feed Cutters and Down powers at E. M. Owen A Son's. Best hand feed cutters on earth at lS,K.Owm ASon'a. ising Helmer A Mann's great pavilion show tor Tuesday evening of this wsek. Doubtless 'Hebron will be there en masse. David Young started Monday to drive through to Sturgees, Michigan, where his parents will move soon. They have many friends here who will regret that they have decided to leave Hebron tor a home else..' where. Miss Delia Crewe has a large painting,: framed in gilt, on exhibition at Frank Howe's store. Tickets to the number of one hundred and eighty-five are for sale at ten cents each and the person drawing the lucky number nan have his choice of the painting or a life, size crayon portrait of himself, Call and see the dogs taking a bath and secure one er more tickets before they are gone. The M. W. A, picnic, at Orystal Lake, was a grand success, thera being present about 2000 from the following camps: Boxwood, of Har­ vard, Lone Tree, of Hebron, Richmond, Val­ ley, of Mcilenry, Pebble, of Nunda, Union, Huntley, Marengo and Progress, of Wood, stock. The day turned out to be a grand day It rained in the morning until about 8 o'clock, and then the «Ioutl9 broke away, the sun came out and the people caiuo flocking in by railroad, buggies, busses, two and four horses until the grounds at eleven o'clock presented A lively appearauce. After a picnic dinner the exercises commenced at 1:30 o'clock.' Music by Nunda Juvenile Band; prayer bj Rev. F. Smith, of Marengo; address of wel­ come by Hev. Wright of Orystal Lake, wa* listened to, after which the Huntley Quar­ tette rendered one of their fine selections. A response to the address of welcome, by Rev. Frank Smith, a song by the Hebron Quartette, after whloh the Wilmot band rendered one of their fine selections. J. C. Root, Head Consul and founder of yie Order, gave a brief history of the order from the commencement, when he held policy No. 1, after which speaking by Oasey, Spitzer, and musio by Hebron, Wood­ stock and Nunda bands. A business meeting was called after the exercises and Woods took was the place chosen to boid the next annual picnic. C. Irwin, of Nunda, was chosen president, and Frank Rowe, secretary. Weare sorry that one of tho Woodmen of Lone Tree Camp was not well enough ac­ quainted in Ulchraond to know when the trains start for the south, but made a grand rush for the ten o'clock train, and found him- self at Geneva Lake, Instead of Orystal Lake. How--den--do you suppose ho could stretch his imagination enough to come home and tell the boys of the grand time he had at the picnic. But then mistakoa will occur, Ac WOODSTOCK. KDITOB PLAINDEAI-KU:--The refreshing rains have done much good, but much more is needed to start the pastures equal to the de­ mand. who keep a butter dairy are losing a great deal of money because they cannot supply the demand. The new county building is receiving a coating of stucco, and the building already stands as an ornament to county and city, criticisms to the contrary notwithstanding. Mr. Whipple, one of McHenry county's old settlers, was on our streets Friday. He shows falling health. Profeseors Hursh, Hall, and Kneipperare the principal drill masters at the Institute. The attendaAce is good, numbering some­ thing over a hundred. In the programme of exercises the absence of grammar is a notice­ able feature. .Why? is it to be numbered among the lost arts? The towering wind mill at the head of Cal­ houn street indicates tbat some pumping is to be done. Daoy expects to repair the sole and prepare the soul, as he has rented for a shoe store on the first, and to the Free Methodist ehureh on the second, floors. The blessed showers continue. Capt. C. H. Tryon gave us a call to-day, Monday. Also members of the executive committee of tbe McHenry county Agricul­ tural Board. O. how we enjoy to watch the falling tat^i ALGONQUIN. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquih and vicin­ ity, knowing themselves indebted for tbe PLAINDEALKB can learn of the amount by calling on John Helm, who is authorized to receive money and receipt for tne same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at his store. Call on him and get a sample co py.J , EDITOR PLAIN DEALEB:--The operation per. formed by Doctors Zahn and:Nason,on Frank Pingry's arm, on Monday oflaet week, prem­ ises to prove a lasting benefit. Several bul> bous growths or tumors on tbe ends of the nerves were succesfully removed. They had for many years rendered the stump very sen­ sitive. but since their removal ^J)re has been no nervous irritation or sensitiveness noticed. Robert Shufeldt has treated his residence' on the east side, toa new coat of shingles. Dr. Nason has had an unusual run of busi­ ness the past week, but his patients are all on the gain, Miss Anare Philp Is visiting friend* la VI gin. Born, on Thursday, August ISih, to the wife of Rev. W. von Scbenck, a 10 pound son- Mother and child are doing well. C. W. Hart, principal of our Public School, attended the Teachers Institute at Woodstock last week. Miss May Ad-imek also attended. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler, of Chicago, were he guests of C. R. C^apall ovetSunday. •- -- C. E. Chapel! started North on Friday ot last week to buy milch cows. Mrs. Sinnett and children returnee home on ,Saturdav last from a visit with her mother at Hock ford. Miss Janie Nical, of Chicago, U the guSst ef Mrs. J. J. Johnston. The Ladies Aid Society of the Congregation­ al Church will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 31st> at Mrs. Helm's. John N lcolas, of Chicago, is spending a week herewith his parents. Those interested in the Algonquin Ceme tery be sure and turn out to the meeting Satnrday evening of this week, Aug. 27th. OLD SETTLERS' MEETING. Business Notice* ffiirhdkerchlefB, all stylos and SrfMt iri at Althotl Bros/ ¥ ^ All the latest styles in Straw Halt J at Althoft Bros, 51 Call at Besley's for Paper In tbe market. the bost Fly Annual Re - Union • urn BASKET PIOlpTv; or THR Old Settlers' Association Of MoHonry and Lake Counties AT HIcHENRY, ILL, teiaj, 4g_lst, The following speakers will address the meeting: Col. J. S. Wilcox, Frank Crosby, Esq., AND OTHERS. Chaplain, : : Rev U K Todd* Marshal, : H. C Head. The Ro-Unlon will be of tbe Picnic order, and will be held on the public square, where ample accommodation will be furnished for all. In tbe afternoon there will bo boat raoes, tub races, foot races, sack and wheelbarrow races, for prizes. The Old Settlers1 Champion Flag will be contested for this year, A suf­ ficient number of marshals will be ap­ pointed to have charge of every road leading into the village of Mcilenry, and tbe towu britigiag in the largest procession of teaqi* on the day of the reunion #will be awarded the Oham- plon Flag. Let every town in Mc- Benry and Lake counties make an ef­ fort to carry, home the ilag, Appoint your marshals, organize, and arrange­ ments will be made to meet and oount your delegation at a certain hour, that no delays may occur. A good brass band, a martial band and a choice choir will furnish musle for the occasion. A general invitation is extended to all to coine out. meet the old settlers and have a day of real enjoyment. ASA W. SMITH, President. J. VAN 9LYKE, Secretary. Two good Row Boats for sale cheap if applied for soon. Jou^L STOUU OLD SETTLERS' DANCE. Yourself and lady are cordially in­ vited to attend an Old Settlers' Dance at Heimer's Hall. Mcilenry, 111., Thurs­ day evening, September 1st. Muslo, G. B. Perkins1 Orchestra, consisting ol the following: E. B. Perkins, 1st vio­ lin; F.J. Bartflan, 2ud violin; Robt. Madden,clarionet; H. Wells, 1st cor­ net; C. Curtis, 2nd cornet; A, Barbian, bass and prompter. Tickets, 50 cents. JOHN HEIMEK, Prop. Hotel Property For Sale. The Riverside Hotel property, In the village of McHenry, 111., with furniture all complete, is tittered for sale at less than one-half of Us real value. For prices and terms addres* the owner, O. C. Petersen, Brltt, Iowa, or call up­ on or &ddress S. RAYMOND, I West McHenry, 111. FEED CUTTERS. The Ross, the Star, the Standard (Silver A Darning), the Belle City, the Baldwin, the Smalley. All sizes for salo by E. M. Owen A Son. Flour and Feed I SAVE MONEY By laying in a season's supply ef Feed while prices ara low and mill- stnfts are to be had, as the great Drouth Is bound to force prices much higher before long, and feed will be very scarce. We name unusually lib­ eral terms on car loads or large lots for ready cash, and sell good Middlings in small lots at lowest possible prices. Try the "Honest Abe" Rockford Flour, only 91,05 per sack and fully warranted, none better. Flour, Feed, Salt Oil Meal, always on band. BONSLKTT IS STOFFEL. YAWL rfo)LT for sale; 18 feet long, mast, sails, etc., complete ; fast sailer; dirt cheap. J. K. MILNE, Fox Lake. FOR SALE. Fourteen acres of good laid, situat­ ed within a mile ol the village ot Mc­ Henry. There is a good house, btrn and other outbuildings. Also a .good well of water. Terms reasonable. Apply at this office. Call for the "Winning Stroke", a new Brand of Ave cent Cigars, manufactur­ ed by Barbian Bros. It beatE them all. • FOR SALE I ofler (or sale my housa and lot pleasantly located in the village of McHenry, If applied for an once will be sold cheap. House almost new, and a very, desirable place* Inquire on tho premises of ERNEST WENDELL. A higher than market price will bo paid for good Milling Wheat at tho Wauconda Mill. J. SPENCER, Proprietor. A&DEN, III, February 4, 1SS6. C. DICKINSON & Sox, £arrington% IU, Dear Sir,--Please send me by ex­ press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try it on a cow tbat was almost dead with milk fever, aiid It cured her. It Is a good thing. ** E.S. SMITH. Tbe Metropolitan is the Boss carpet sweeper, and no housewife should buy one before seeing it. It is cheaper and better than all others. For sale by John I. Story. Examine Goods and learn prices al Bishop's. will pay fou. Ifyon bay a Mower cheap. 3 call at BishoiJa warehouse. % Just received a Car load of tho ol4 Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at John I. Story's. * Look at tbe Thompson MoWer, that I will sell for 936. R. BISHOP. Walking ihoes at less than half prloo • t» close at H. Colby's. • n City residences for sale, A*plykt§~ •' Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, IU. \ " The finest line of Bird Cages town, at John I. Story's. Just received, a full line of StTSW * Hats at Althofl Bros, When In search of a good Bat of a#' kind, go to Althofl Bros. The finest 60 oont tea In the market ' : %t Althofl Bros, ) ; Flum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagea Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's, * Ell wood's Veteran self damp Bain, the best on the market. Sold bj B. Bishop. School Books and Statleaery, all kinds, at Besley's Drag Store Woat Side. THC Genuine Novelty an'd Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prloes at John I Story's. Beware or lmitationa. The Rockford Cutlery Company's fine Scissors and Shears, at W. P. Stevens', West McHenry. If tn want of a Cook Stove oall and. see our Peninsular and Loudon and Paris Ranges. W, P. 8tevens. Weftt McHenry. When you are prepared to buy feed come to me for prices. I can make It an object fer you. And bear in mind that I charge you but one profit , There Is no three dollar bonus bere. ,4" W. A. Csisrrj# The M, D. Barrows Dundee Milk Can warranted four cross; tin all through, at W. P. Stevens', West McHenry. SPECIAL. The Crown Mower. We Invite atf tention to our changeable a peed mower, affording TWO SPEEDS for tbe knife. R. BISHOP. Bishop sells the Red White aod Bine Mower with new rocking cutting bar. The latest improvement eat. Be stare and examine carefully. In Mowers, I have McCormlck Steel No. I and 2, Crown. Red White aid Blue, iand N. C. Thompson. R. BISHOP. „ Clothing! Clothing! The finest line of Clothing, In ShN» gle Garments or Full Suits to bo found in the County, and at prices that can- aot fall to please, at Althofl Bros. Money to Loan. * Hfonoy loaned on McHenry ObantjF farms on time and in amounts to salt borrower. Write or apply to j. w. KUITUIK Booms 1 and 2, Borden Block, Klein I1L KSaa ' Stand Straight. Men's, women's, and children^ braces. No more round shoulder*. No more flat breasts. A perfect skirt supporter. Sold by E. Lawlus, Taller McHenry, 111. Bouses and .Lots For Ball In Ringwood. I offer for Sale or Rent, two Houses and Lots, situated in the village of Ringwood. Also a building suitable for Shoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and other partlo- " ""t I ulars inquire of SS-SM, WBSLKT LADOI. It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The "Garland Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that is 4best in that line. They have the reputation of being the best made. Though Imitated by many they are equalled by none. For sale In MeUeury by John I. Notice,.^ . To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks, and any thins in my line of busi­ ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of La*» (us'Store, F. A. HKBABDb ((oHeary, Aug. 10,188R. 11-4-ly Buoklen'e Arnica Salve. . The best Salve in the world for cult oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and poe- tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. PrioeSB cents per box. For sale by Henry Colby, The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Blppus, Ind. testifies: "I can recommend Electrie Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was enred of JRbeum&tiam of 10 years' standing.'* Abraham Hare, druggist. Beilville, Ohio, Qadirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled In my 20 years' experience. Is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others bave added their testimony, so tbat the verdict is unanimous that Electrlo Bitters do cure all diseases of tbe Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only half a dollar a bottle at Heary Colby's Drag Store, FOR SALE. My new House In Wauconda for sale veryeheap. Want the money to use, aad bav) no use for tbe building. Inquire of S. A. Ford, of Wauconda. or W. H. Ford, of McHenry. W. H. FoMfc -• ' i'-h- Besley's celebrated Ale on dranght at John Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Engeln's. The most healthy drink for warm weather. Greatly Exolteda , Not a few of tbe citliens of McleaiP- have recently become greatly excited over the astounding facts, ^that several of their friends who bad been pro­ nounced by their physicians as Incura­ ble aad beyond all hope--suffering with that dreaded monster Consump­ tion--bave been completely eared by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, the only remedy that does postively cure all throat aod lung die- eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma aad Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Osnif Colby's Drug Store, large bottles tL ars and Jugs 9 osits per gallon 1ft K* 1

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